Vk a which airport. VKO which airport

Terminal-A has several levels. The third ground level of the terminal is used for check-in of departing passengers; the upper level of the overpass is attached to it. The fourth ground level of the terminal is dedicated to VIP passengers, where VIP lounges and meeting rooms are provided.

Vnukovo terminal - A, arrival level.

The first and second ground levels of the terminal are dedicated to the arrivals area, while the second has a transit office. The baggage claim area is on the ground floor.

Vnukovo Terminal - A, Aeroexpress station.

Lower level (underground) - exit to the Aeroexpress railway station. There are also left-luggage offices, check-in counters for passengers arriving from Kievsky railway station to Vnukovo airport by Aeroexpress.

Special conditions in the new Terminal-A are created for passengers with disabilities. In all the halls, the "smooth floor" system is maximally implemented.

Terminal-A of Vnukovo airport divided into two zones - domestic and international flights. Thus, a passenger arriving at Vnukovo airport on a foreign flight and traveling in transit across the Russian Federation has the advantage of an intra-terminal short connection.

Airport name: Vnukovo... The airport is located in the country: Russia (Russian Federation)... The city location of the airport. Moscow (Moscow)... IATA code of Vnukovo airport: VKO... The IATA Airport Code is a three-letter unique identifier assigned to airports in the world by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). ICAO (ICAO) airport code Vnukovo: UUWW... The ICAO airport code is a four-letter unique identifier assigned to airports in the world by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The geographic coordinates of Vnukovo airport.

The latitude at which the airport is located: 55.603150000000, in turn, the longitude of the airport corresponds to: 37.292100000000. The geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude determine the position of the airport on the earth's surface. To fully determine the position of the airport in three-dimensional space, you also need a third coordinate - the height. The height of the airport above sea level is 209 meters. The airport is located in the time zone: +3.0 GMT. Airplane tickets always indicate the local time of departure and arrival of the airport according to time zones.

Online board of arrival and departure board of Vnukovo airport (VKO).

The most up-to-date information about flight times and possible delays, as a rule, is located on the online arrival board and the online departure board of the official website of Vnukovo airport (VKO):. Also, on the official website of the VKO airport, you can usually find information about the route to the airport, information about parking on site, a diagram of the airport itself, information about services, rules and other reference information for passengers.

VKO airport decryption is, of course, Vnukovo. He is also the closest to Moscow. The oldest in Moscow, VKO (Vnukovo) receives almost 35 million people every year. Latin letters are required for the International Air Transport Association. This is necessary for its classification.

Many foreigners do not know that Moscow VKO is what it is. Along with and, it serves a huge number of passengers. According to the classification of the International Civil Aviation Organization, it has a different designation - UUWW. By the way, it is this airport that serves special flights only for State Duma deputies and other senior officials of the state.

They began to build it even before the start of the war. The reason was congestion of other then operating airports... He immediately had a special assignment.

It is used to receive foreign heads of state, as well as for special flights of the highest echelons of power, first of the USSR, and then of the Russian Federation.

Airport "Vnukovo".

During the Second World War, it was there that the 10th Guards Division was based. Upon its completion, the main Moscow airport, which was then the airfield of them. Frunze, was moved to Vnukovo.

In 2004 the construction of a new international terminal was completed. A little later, the runways were reconstructed.

What is Vnukovo?

One of the largest complexes in Russia and throughout Europe. Nearly 275 thousand m2- this is the area of ​​its territory. It consists from three parts - Vnukovo-1, Vnukovo-2 and Vnukovo-3.

In turn, Vnukovo-1 has 3 terminals:

  • A - accepts international flights;
  • B - for charters, low cost airlines and flights to Asian countries;
  • D - it is practically not used, only for screening some passengers. For example, from the North Caucasian region.

Vnukovo-2 began to receive flights in 1963. Even Barack Obama himself flew there in 2009 for a visit to the Kremlin. Now it serves only government officials, heads of state, etc.

Inside the Vnukovo airport.

Vnukovo-3 also has three terminals:

  • "Cosmos" - for VIP - passengers and business class;
  • "ABT Vnukovo-3" - for serving no more than 15 VIP - passengers;
  • "VIPport Vnukovo-3" - its capacity is 40 passengers per hour.

In general, this part of the complex is used only for special guests of the mayor of Moscow and the government.

How to get from the airport to the city?

VKO - which airport in Moscow is now you can understand by looking carefully at yours. But how to get from Vnukovo to Moscow?

To do this, you can use different types - from “Aeroexpress”, which departs from the Kievsky railway station, to a taxi. The first option is the fastest of all. In just 35 minutes you will be taken to the airport.

Taxi is the most convenient, but it is better to choose it if you have a night or morning flight. Since during the day you run the risk of getting stuck in traffic.

There are also numerous buses and minibuses that leave from different metro stations. More details are written about this.

The largest airports in the world are located in Moscow, and Vnukovo airport is one of them. It is the oldest international transport hub, which is very popular among the townspeople and tourists. From this point, flights within the country are made, as well as flights abroad. There is enough space for the landing of the planes of seventeen operating airlines.

Vnukovo Airport is actively used by the capital for the purpose of business flights. Today, the airport's capacity is amazing: the maximum number of passengers who can use the services of this complex reaches 25,000,000 people, and the occupied area is 27,000 square meters.

Vnukovo airport scheme

A closer look at Vnukovo, its layout represents a number of structures in which visitors are comfortable to stay, saving time before the flight. Constant passenger traffic requires competent placement of terminals, so dividing the building into several sectors turned out to be an excellent solution to the problem.

The layout of Vnukovo airport is simple: passengers can use three main terminals - A, B, D. Together they form the Vnukovo-1 junction. In addition, the building has a terminal for officials (Vnukovo-2) and a separate sector serving VIP clients (Vnukovo-3). It should be noted that terminals B and D are collocated.

If you are at Vnukovo airport for the first time and do not know in which hall it is better to while away the time before landing, special signs and information signs will help you figure it out. All over the territory there are signs with the direction of movement, indicating the way to this or that terminal. Let's take a closer look at each sector.

Vnukovo airport lounges

Node A

For Vnukovo, the branch of Terminal A has become the most important. The area of ​​this terminal is the largest, 80 percent of passengers are served in this location. The building has three floors, which are intended for visitors and those awaiting departure. This division of functions is very thoughtful, because people will not get lost, determining the direction of their path. In this terminal, all the details are thought out to the smallest detail, so it will be difficult to get lost here.
As mentioned earlier, Terminal A at Vnukovo is based on three floors. The first floor provides luggage storage services. In addition to special cameras, there are check-in counters where the visitor can independently check-in for the plane. From this place a passage to the Aeroexpress station was built.

Various cafes and ATMs are located on the territory of the waiting room. At the entrance, you can register for a flight, and on the contrary, you can buy tickets from the cashier. Also in this place, passengers are controlled by customs officers.

On the second floor of the terminal, the luggage of those departing is checked out and sorted, and the security services are checked. On this tier, passengers often relax, dine, buy souvenirs for the trip. Thanks to the cinema area, people can relax while waiting for boarding.

When you get to this terminal, its diagram will be here on the second floor. It describes in detail the plan of all the halls. You can find the location of the departure area, rooms for children, a bathroom, ticket offices, check-in points and all other infrastructure departments. The third floor is usually reached by escalator and elevator. The required route is expected here.

Node B

Terminal Vnukovo, called "B", serves up to seventeen percent of customers. Flights to Asia depart from this sector, as well as charter flights. The terminal administration plans to leave this compartment only for charters, and transfer other routes to department A. There are not many users in this node, but, nevertheless, its territory occupies two levels.

Terminal B is rather intended for the final examination of passengers before departure. The control services carry out final checks and sort things into the luggage compartment. After the inspection, the visitors go to the boarding station.

Node D

Terminal D is practically not used at this airport. Only flights from the North Caucasus region come to this department. The terminal may have to stop functioning soon. There is no access to it, but you can get here through other terminals. In addition, you should be aware that cashiers and other service personnel stop working 40 minutes before the plane takes off. If you arrive in less than 20 minutes, you will not be able to board.

Vnukovo-3 airport vip-zone scheme

The airport called Vnukovo has a special area for special guests. Delegations arrive at the vip terminal to visit the city authorities. In short, the terminal performs an important function for Vnukovo: it serves flights for the capital's municipal government. This complex consists of three zones, where check-in is carried out, after which the passenger will go to the desired terminal.

There is a parking space near Vnukovo-3, and there is also a closed room in which urgent business negotiations and meetings are held. Not everyone gets into this sector, only guests with vip status or participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Directions to the airport

You already know that when you come to Vnukovo, Terminal A will become the most demanded. Therefore, you need to think about your arrival at the terminal in advance. The best option would be to use the services of the Aeroexpress, which leaves from the Kievsky railway station. The first train leaves at 6 am and runs at one hour intervals. You can get to sector A through an underground passage, to sector B - along the street.

In addition to this option, you can choose a taxi or minibus ride. For example, buses run constantly from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. In 25-40 minutes (not including traffic jams), they will deliver passengers to the desired point.

When trying to buy tickets or find out the exact details of a flight, you can often find an airport entry in the form of a cipher of several Latin letters. This is a special IATA code, that is, a set of identifiers that greatly simplify the identification of a civil aviation airport. We can say that this is a kind of international language for flights.

However, the situation becomes more complicated if the city has more than one airport. Then you have to quickly decide and find in which of them the landing will be or where to meet the guests. If the question arises, which airport is VKO, then you need to understand how to deal with encryption. Airport transcript VKO means Vnukovo.

Since this airport is included in the international classification and list, it will be useful to provide information about it, which will be useful for all travelers and tourists. After all, Vnukovo is one of the oldest airports in the Russian Federation and the largest within Europe.

The first part of it began work in 1941. The air harbor did not stop working during the Great Patriotic War. On the contrary, it was a strategic transport artery used for communications by the country's top leadership. When the hostilities ended, a new life began for the institution and another major completion - the airport was united with the Khodynskoye field, where the planes also landed.

Over time, Vnukovo only expanded and became larger. Now its area is almost 300 square meters, and in fact, this is not one airport, but three united air terminals. These include:

  1. Vnukovo-1. There are three terminals here that handle domestic and international flights. The second terminal mainly receives regular flights from large air companies. The third terminal specializes exclusively in flights within Russia.
  2. Vnukovo-2- department with a special status. This is the part of the airport for VIPs, for example, the government of the country and other countries. Unfortunately, ordinary travelers will not be able to get there.
  3. Vnukovo-3- a cross between the two previous branches. Serves special flights, non-regular important flights, official delegations.

If the question arises, VKO is which airport, then you need to understand that the abbreviation refers to all three air terminals.

Vnukovo special terminals

When planning to book a flight or meeting guests, partners in the capital, it will be useful to understand the terminals in order to know in advance where to go in the airport building. There are the following terminals here:

  • the domestic terminal, which is fully dedicated to domestic flights, as well as charter flights and special flights of dignitaries;
  • terminal for international flights and urgent flights of business jets;
  • the Kosmos terminal belongs to the company of the same name and has its own aircraft fleet for urgent cargo deliveries, organizing VIP flights, and so on.

In Vnukovo, all major domestic aircraft models are used, as well as some foreign ones for successful flights over any distance. More than a hundred aircraft can be parked at the same time, including such large ones as the An-124.

Vnukovo airport on the map of Moscow

Other terminals and design features

Different branches of the airport differ in size, and very much. The largest is Vnukovo-1, which houses three terminals at once. The first one is intended for domestic and international flights at the same time. The second is needed only for international flights, including charter ones. The third is practically not used, but if you need to make a flight to the North Caucasus, they use it.

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