He lived in the Vorontsov Palace. Vorontsov Palace in Alupka: history of creation, photos, description, architect

Rest in Crimea can turn into an interesting adventure that will remain in memory forever. The main thing is to properly plan a visit to the most interesting and exciting attractions. One of them is the noble Vorontsov Palace who exactly deserves attention. The building is located in picturesque place By the sea and the foot of Ai-Petri. It is surrounded by a magnificent park that complements harmoniously amazing view. A visit to the palace will give truly unforgettable emotions and the opportunity to feel himself a guest of the famous prince.

Vorontsov Palace in Crimea: History

The exquisite Vorontsov Palace combines the severity of the English architecture and luxury of Indian palaces. The building is harmonized with a local landscape and a mountainous panorama. Also it has an interesting storywhich originates back in 1828.

The construction of the palace began by order of Count Mikhail Vorontsov, known for his courage and participation in many military events. He personally chose the perfect place for his estate and invited Anglicin as an architect - Edward Blora. The architect led the process remotely and the construction site never came. The process of erection of the palace itself was rather long and took a long 20 years - from 1828 to 1848.

The estate of the graph was built of a very strong stone with which it is necessary to contact and skillfully diabase. It was he who perfectly decorated the exterior of the building. The stone was treated by manually by Kamnezes, which were caused from Central Russia. The cost of building the palace reached the round sum of 9 million rubles with silver.

Vorontsov himself lived in a palace for a very long time, as he had to go to the appointment in the Caucasus. However, it settled his daughter with his children. Then, after the death of the count, the estate was inherited by his son. After the revolution and the change of power, the palace together with the lands were nationalized. In 1945, Vorontsov's estate became the residence of the English delegation for a while. In the front dining room there were chapters union states - Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt.

Later, the palace also performed as state officials of the NKVD, and in the role of a sanatorium. Only in 1956 he became a museum. Nowadays it is very popular among tourists who come even from abroad. Here you can see various works of painting, applied art, sculpture. Also ancient documents, lithographs, drawings.

What else is the Vorontsov Palace in Yalta?

The overall impression of the greatness and sophistication of the palace complements the unique Vorontsov Park, which causes the same interest of tourists as the self-estate itself. It allows you to enjoy unique plants that were carefully chosen, taking into account local climate and relief. They were delivered to the Crimea from different parts of the world, in the park there are about 200 different types of vegetation.

Created the park German gardener - Karl Kebach, who was happy to go for work. He planned the territory on the principle of amphitheater with a clear structure. The park itself was supposed to save a connection with the palace and complement the selected style in architecture. Karl Kabakh managed to achieve the task, because the park perfectly fits into the overall concept.

The park is conditionally divided into the bottom and top. Its lower territory is decorated in the style of the Renaissance Era. Elegant fountains, stone benches, Byzantine columns, beautiful vases, marble sculptures are placed here. Also here is envisaged to enter the beach.

The upper territory was created in the English-style romanticism, which was inherent in naturalness and naturalness. Here are a shady ponds, a well-thought-out system of lakes, picturesque glads, sections of the Crimean forest, rocky fragments, grottoes, small waterfalls. This part of the park was conceived as an impeccable place to contempted mountains and the sea.

The park almost always remains green, since pines, spruce, cypresses, cedars, fir grow here. In the warm season, gentle magnolias, amazing cersis, various exotic shrubs bloom here. The territory of the park captures its beauty and elegance, many guests of the peninsula are often visited only by the park and enjoy the exterior of the palace. The photo of the Vorontsov Palace in the Crimea and its original park will become excellent souvenir, which will remind an unforgettable vacation.

How to get to Vorontsovsky Palace in Yalta?

Accurate address where the Vorontsov Palace is located in Crimea: Alupka, Palace Highway 18. You can get there in several ways:

  1. Take advantage public transport. If you get from the bus station Yalta, you should use buses No. 107 or No. 115. The stop at which it will be necessary to go out is called "bus station" and is located in Alupka. Then you need to go to the Western gate and through them to enter the territory of the palace. You can also get to the complex from the city center. To do this, it should be used by bus No. 132, which will take to the final stop called "Vorontsov Palace". Then you need to go to the northern front entrance to the building.
  2. Getting through the car. This travel option is the most comfortable and fast. From Yalta, you should go on the Highway "Yalta Sevastopol" and move to the Alupka pointer. Time on the way can take 15-20 minutes.
  3. Take advantage of taxi services. In Yalta, you can order a taxi directly to your hotel and get to the palace from there. Such a journey will be most comfortable as possible, but its cost is more expensive than other options.
  4. Ride on the flight boat. The journey begins from the marine station in Yalta, from which the boat goes every 2 hours. Time in the way will take about 35 minutes. The ticket costs 100 rubles, the price is quite democratic. From the boat will need to go away in Alupka and climb a little up, in the direction of the Vorontsov Park.

The price of a ticket for a visit to the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea is 350 rubles for adults and 200 for children. This cost is included sightseeing tour. Visiting thematic exhibitions in the palace is paid separately, if there is a desire to see them. The tour of the complex is also paid separately. There is a souvenir shop in the palace, where you can buy little things for memory.

Where to relax after visiting the sights of Yalta?

The best choice for impeccable rest will be a unique Villa Elena Hotel & Residences. Here, guests can enjoy the atmosphere of luxury, which gives an incredible homemade comfort. You can stay in a magnificent historical building, which has its unusual history since 1912. Available I. modern buildingwhich will delight numbers with an exquisite interior. On the territory of Villa Elena, you can visit the restaurant, relax near the pool, spend time at the spa.

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka is a stunning palace on the beauty, surrounded by a charming park, located at the foot of Mount Ai Petri. On the south coast of Crimea a huge number of attractions, but in Alupka is always full tourist groups. Something is special and attractive in this place. The English castle of Count Vorontsov, drowning in the greenery in the Crimea, does not leave anyone indifferent, and forces it again and come back there.

The palace in Alupka is the former cottage, the summer residence of the prominent political figure of the 19th century, the former governor of Novorossia Mikhail Vorontsov. The love of Russian policy to all English was clear - the father of Count Vorontsov was the ambassador of the Russian Empire in England, so all the childhood Mikhail has passed in London. After the nationalization, the former residence became a museum.

On excursions in the Crimean Vorontsov Palace, I was twice: the first time in April, the second time in August. At every time of the year, the palace and the territory that fit to it looked amazingly. To visit the palace, it is best to choose April or September, the season is not to push it here.

In order to approach the main entrance to the palace, you need to go through the narrow corridor of the palace walls (Shuvalovsky passage). In the summer it is rather cool here, since the shadow is almost always here. When you come here for the first time, you do not expect to see a real English lock in the Crimea. Passing along the narrow harsh pass, the heart freezes waiting for something unusual. And very soon curiosity will be rewarded with interest.

After the path through the corridor from powerful walls passed, tourists fall on a small area in front of the palace. Before giving the castle, built in English style, and the same architect Edward Blair, who was the author of the Buckingham Palace in London.

The first thing you pay attention is the unusual material of the wall of the castle and walls. Later, with the words of the guide, we learned that this is a very solid and rare stone of volcanic origin - diabases. The palace was built by more than 6 thousand fortress peasants Vorontsov, as well as craftsmen-bricklayers specially brought from the Moscow and Vladimir regions. To create an unusual surface, each stone was processed manually! Work must be said skillful and very painstaking. Vorontsov built this castle on his own money, for himself, for conscience.

In the yard, we waited until the excursion group was formed and, looking upwards, seeded by the sun-cores of Ai-Petri teeth illuminated by the solar rays - peculiar pointed rocks, located at the very top of the mountain. This is one of the best landscapes of the Crimea!

On an excursion to the Vorontsov Palace, you can get freely, they are held daily. Each group is accompanied by a guide, the excursion takes place in Russian. Listening to the guide was very interesting, from her mouth heard many curious information about the history of the palace.

A few minutes later we crossed the threshold and felt like in an old English castle. The palace has many architectural features: on the one hand (Northern), the building reminds English Castle, and from the southern facade - the Moorish mosque. In addition, the castle is so skillfully inscribed in the mountain landscape that the impression is created as if the nature itself created and placed here.

There are more than 150 rooms in the castle, but for the excursion there are about 9 parade chambers.

This palace belonged to three generations of Vorontsov, so the elements of the interior changed a little, because every owner wanted to make something his own, modern.

At the beginning we fell into the front desk. Special attention attracted a small bowl, which reminded something of a miniature fountain. As it turned out, this bowl served to cool the drinks.

Each room of the Vorontsov Palace has its own unique style and flavor. It was very nice to be in the blue room, she liked the most. Here the walls are blue, there are flowers from modeling and golden furniture.

Very interesting dining room decorated in English style.

In the office

By visiting several other rooms, we went out in a winter garden, where we saw the variety of types of tropical plants and elegant figurines.

Winter Garden

From the winter garden leads to a terrace overlooking the sea. When we pleased there, you saw a beautiful sunset of the sun, which on the background of the sea horizon looked very romantic.

View of the sea from the terrace of Alupkinsky Palace

On the way to the sea there is a staircase, on both sides of which the sculptures of Lviv from Carrarsky marble work of the Italian master are installed. There are also features here. At the very top of the terraces, lions are awake, at the bottom of the terraces of sleeping lions.

Lions, Palace Terrace in Alupka

Sleeping lions, Alupka

The Vorontsov Palace is surrounded by a magnificent park with a multitude of unusual plants from subtropics and not only. Going around him in the summer, when everything blooms and pleases the eye - one pleasure.

Alupkinsky Park is divided into two parts: upper and lower. The top of the park is more "wild", while the lower part is well-groomed classic Park in English style.

In the park you can see a copy of the Bakhchisarai fountain.

Copy of Bakhchisarai fountain

In the "wild" part of the park hide numerous waterfalls, lakes, swan, trees of an unusual form.

In Alupkinsky Park, there are both attractions, such as "Big" and "Small Chaos". - Huge journey of rocks diabases.

Big Chaos

Swan Lake in Alupkinsky Park.

I recommend that after the excursion, take a walk on this garden, relax in the shade of the summer heat and, of course, make a lot of beautiful photos. This park is also called Alupkinsky Park, it can be seen about 200 species of various plants: exotic plants, various shrubs, acclimatized plants from other continents.

View from Vorontsov Park

Vorontsov Park

The park landscape is presented in the form of an amphitheater, at the bottom of which there is an exhibition park pavilion "Tea House". We failed to visit it, because it was closed on the restoration.

Prices for visiting the palace

The cost of an adult ticket is 70 hryvnia (8.75 dollars), for children - 35 hryvnia (4.38 dollars), a photodemaker - 10 hryvnia (1.25 dollars).

How to get to Vorontsov Palace

You can visit the Vorontsov Palace, coming to Alupka at the following address: ul. Palace Highway, 10. On the car, you can get along the South Coast Highway, this track passes along the sea through the entire South Coast of the Crimea. If you go through this highway to the Vorontsov Palace on the part of Sevastopol, then there will be a turn right in Alupka, and if from the side of Yalta, then to the left.

From Yalta from the bus station you can get chapter 27, 26, 107, 42.

A passing buses are coming from Sevastopol: "Sevastopol - Mishor", "Sevastopol - Yalta".

From simphoropol: Buses "Simferopol - Simeiz", "Simferopol - Castropol".

All articles in the direction Crimea

Crimea Hotels: Reviews, Booking

Hotels Yalta

Hotels Alupup

Address: Russia, Republic of Crimea, Alupka, Sh. Palace, 18.
Date of construction: 1840
Architect: Furats PI
Coordinates: 57 ° 19 "07.5" N 43 ° 06 "40.4" E


Short story

The chic palace called Vorontsov in honor of Count Vorontsova M.S. is a unique structure that has become an embodiment of the era of romanticism. It is located on the Peninsula of the Crimea in the city of Alupka.

The beginning of his construction dates back to 1828, when the Governor General of the Vorontsov, responsible for the Novorossiysk Territory, chose the construction site of the future of the main building and drove the pegs on it. However, the palace appeared not quickly - on his construction took as many as 20 years.

Initially, the project of the future Vorontsov Palace was developed in the style of a strict classic, and the famous Italian architect named Francesco Bobo and his colleague from England Thomas Harrison worked on him.

1829 became the beginning of their embodiment joint project In life, and as all the preparatory work ended, the foundation immediately was laid and the first masonry was made. However, a unpleasant surprise was happening soon - the architect Harrison was died in the midst of the preparation of work drawings.

In order for the construction to go to your guy, Boffo needed a new partner. Eduard Blor became them - a young architect working on the romantic direction of English architecture.

Stone Staircase with Whiteramor Sculptures Lviv

Why did Count Vorontsov chose him and decided to make changes to the project of the future palace in the Crimean Alupka? The fact is that in those years he was in England, and his local architecture and new fashion trends for the construction of buildings were impressed. Therefore, the Count revised the previously developed project and entrusted the new architect to adjust it so that the result of the work was a real castle, combining the rigor of the English architecture and the luxury inherent in the Indian palaces.

And since 1832, construction work on the construction of the Vorontsov Palace in Crimea is already under the updated project, but without distortion of previously traveled stages. The fulfillment of all works was entrusted to the best craftsmen - Kamenotesov, layouts, stone carvers and wood, artists, furniture makers and other workers, with all the responsibility of the orders trusted. As a result, the construction of the palace cost Vorontsov at 9 million rubles.

From left to right: front dining room, winter garden

Layout of the Vorontsov Palace

The entire palace complex, erected by order of Vorontsov, is represented by several solid corps designated as:

  • central;
  • table;
  • guest;
  • library;
  • economic.

The body designed to receive guests was subsequently called Shuvalovsky, since in his right part there was a room of the daughter Vorontsov, which became after the marriage of Countess Shuvalova.

North facade of the main building

Oddly enough, the construction of the palace began with the construction of a table corps, and for these works I left for 4 years (from 1830 to 1834). For the construction of the central corps, 6 years left - 1831 - 1837 years. From 1841 to 1842, work was carried out on the construction of a billiard room, complemented the building of the dining room. On the construction of a guest building, all towers, household buildings, outbreaks, and the design of the front courtyard also took a lot of time (these were 1838 - 1844). And finally, the library building was joined to the palace complex, built from 1842 to 1846.

The decoration of the central staircase was the sculpture of Lviv, the manufacture of which was entrusted to the Italian master Giovanni Bonnani. And the entire luxurious palace ensemble with a lion terrace was completed, that is, many figures of Lviv.

Right - Clock Tower

Features of the architecture of the Vorontsov Palace

The Vorontsov Palace, who became the decoration of Alupka in the middle of the XIX century, was a kind of innovation, which violated some architectural and construction principles. The buildings of the Palace Ensembles in those days were taken to be located in a strict geometric group, but the architect Blorie retreated from this rule and all the facilities included in the Vorontsov Palace, distributed on the ground so that they stood in the direction from West to the East, as if in accordance With the movement of the mountains. Such an approach allowed all buildings to harmoniously fit into the local landscape - Vorontsovsky Palace Complex found its place in the Crimean expanses.

Moving from the housing to the body, you can visually track the stages of the development of the architecture of the Middle Ages, starting with its earliest forms and ending with the traditions of the XVI century.

Shuvalovsky corps

However, emphasis in the development of projects of all structures was still done in English style. What is so attractive Vorontsovsky Castle in Crimea? Its feature is appearance, resembling a castle-fortress from the ancients VIII - XI centuries. Finding into the courtyard of economic buildings, they involuntarily bump into the deaf walls and get into closed spaces, and when trying to get to the central body, it is surrounded by guard towers of a round form. Further overall impression Incomplication complement the narrow coarse windows and high walls of rough masonry. But unexpectedly appears an openwork suspension bridge made of cast iron, and makes a festive note in this harsh composition. And so, as the architecture of the next eras is eliminated from the architecture of the Western entrance.

Towers of western entrance

After moving around the openwork bridge and getting rid of the feeling of closetness, it is possible to be in the front courtyard, which overlooks the mountain of Ai-Petri. But this is not just a kind - this is a kind of picture, because the landscape is limited to the architectural frame, submitted by the clock tower, the East Flygel and the retaining wall with the fountain.

The architecture of the main building of the Vorontsov Palace in the Crimea is interesting. Its walls are nominated from the plane at different levels, as required by the English style of Tordor. The central portion is decorated with a parade entrance and is decorated with protrusions of erkers and side risals. The roofs of the towers are the bulbous dome. The northern facade of the building is decorated with narrow semi-colonels-polyhedra, whose crowns are Pinakli (decorative tops).


Graceful pinakli and teeth, dome and flue pipes, decorated with imparting floral shapes, smooth the rudeness of the stone texture of the walls and their massive bag.

Considering the carved decorations from the stone, which is decorated by the Vorontsov Palace, it is worth noting their pronounced similarity with some elements of Western and Eastern architecture. Thus, the real connoisseurs of architecture immediately notice the Gothic smoke pipes and minarets of the mosque, and it is such a compatible incompatibility that makes the palace complex special. Especially acute this similarity is felt as it moves to the southern facade of the housing, called the main thing. In the rays of the Sun, its outlines seem unusual, bizarre.

From left to right: Parade dining room, winter garden, main case

But the main motive for the design of the palace is the arches of the most diverse form - they are also gentle, and calemen, and horseshoe, and fit. And you can see them everywhere, ranging from balconies balcony and ending with the decoration of the portal of the southern entrance to the Vorontsov Palace. Moreover, architectural ensembleErected by the order of the Governor's General has its own "highlight" - this is 6 identical lines in Arabic, indicating that the winner is only Allah. You can see the inscription in a niche decorated with a Tudor flower and an Indian lotus.

Description of the park surrounding the Vorontsov Palace

During the years of construction, the palace was conducted on the bookmark of the surrounding park. But if two dozen years left for the construction of the Vorontsov Palace, then work on the creation of the park does not cease to this day. In the area of \u200b\u200b40 hectares, a wide variety of plants, fresh from all over the world, are harmonious.

Shuvalovsky passage overlooking the openwork bridge

In general, the court park is divided into the upper and lower. The upper park is decorated with several glades - chestnut, contrasting, sunny. And each of them is notable for its trees (Italian pine, East Platan, Tis Berry, Cedar Himalayan, Araucaria Chilean, or Monkey Wood, etc.). In addition, on the territory of the upper park there is a swan lake, on which these beautiful birds really live, top and mirror lake and a waterfall.

In the lower park, surrounded by the beautiful and rarest representatives of the flora stands a small tea house, which at one time enjoyed the Vorontsov family for holidays on the seafront. Then this place was often covered with salutes and fireworks.

Shuvalovsky passage overlooking the Western Gate

Being here, you can really feel the atmosphere of the holiday, because the architect has chosen a place for the construction of a house here. Surrounded by many unique plants, it creates sensations of stay in a fairy tale, since the entire territory of the lower park has an enchanting mood. And the lower part of the Vorontsov Park in the Crimea in the Italian style of the regular park is decorated.

Using a complex of the Vorontsov Palace in different years

Since 1990, the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka became a palace-park museum-reserve. Several interesting expositions are located in nine parade halls. Thanks to their content, everyone can familiarize themselves with the text of the county family living in the palace until the October Revolution, and the nature of the interiors of the Palace.

Exit from the yard

But in 1990, the opening of the Vorontsov Palace as a museum was secondary - for the first time its building was used as a museum in 1921.

But with the beginning of the Great patriotic War 1941 Valuable Museum Exhibits failed to save, and the building itself was repeatedly subjected to the threat of destruction. However, thanks to the efforts of one of the employees of the Museum of Schekoldina S.G. Vorontsov Palace Museum Still survived. Of course, many artistic values \u200b\u200bwere lost during the war years, but after her ending, some paintings still managed to find and return to the museum.

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