What part of the country is Chengdu located in? Chengdu City (People's Republic of China)

Chengdu is located on the territory of the state (country) China, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Asia.

Population of Chengdu city.

The population of Chengdu city is 7,123,000.

What time zone is Chengdu in?

Chengdu city is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+8. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Chengdu, relative to the time zone in your city.

Phone code for Chengdu

Chengdu city phone code: +57 28. To call Chengdu city from mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +57 28 and then directly the subscriber's number.

Official website of the city of Chengdu.

Website of the city of Chengdu, official website of the city of Chengdu, or as it is also called "Official website of the city of Chengdu": http://www.chengdu.gov.cn/.

Coat of arms of the city of Chengdu.

In the description of the city of Chengdu, the coat of arms of the city of Chengdu is presented, which is the hallmark of the city.

Subway in Chengdu city.

The subway in Chengdu city is called Chengdu Metropolitan and is a means of public transportation.

The passenger traffic of the Chengdu Metro (Chengdu metro occupancy) is 103.00 million per year.

The number of subway lines in Chengdu is 2 lines. The total number of subway stations in Chengdu is 37. The length of subway lines or subway tracks is: 40.97 km.

Metro map (metro map) of Chengdu city.

Chengduadministrative center Sichuan province, rightfully named "Paradise Abode". A land of abundance and the most populous province in China. Chengdu has been known since the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), the city is often referred to as Little Beijing. “A city in one year, a metropolis in three!” proclaimed the Prince of Shu, setting his capital at Chengdu during the Warring States era (453–221 BC).

It is located in the western part of the Sichuan depression. Chengdu is the scientific, technological, commercial, financial and transportation center of southwestern China. total area- 12.4 thousand square meters. km, population - 9.6 million people.

Chengdu has a historical name "Celestial wealthy capital". Here the rich Natural resources and favorable climate. Attractions are found everywhere. Chengdu is famous for local handicrafts, unique customs and traditions. Three characteristics are appropriate for Chengdu: the native land of bamboo bears, the famous historical cultural city, a beautiful landscape of a fertile region.

Chengdu has a convenient geographical position. international Airport Shuangliu is one of the six largest airports in China. Train Station the city is the largest in Southwest China. Connect here railways Baoji - Chengdu, Chengdu - Chongqing, Chengdu - Kunming. From here it is convenient to get to Three Gorges "Sanxia" in the east, Tibet, Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, Huanglong Temple in the west, in a northerly direction, the road leads to Xi'an, where you can visit the Museum of the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. Moving south, one can reach Emeishan Mountains and Leshan City where the largest seated Buddha statue is located.

Chengdu, a monument city with 3,000 years of history, the uniqueness of the city lies in the fact that throughout the long history of the city's borders and its name has not changed. Chengdu city is one of the best tourist cities China with a rich history.

Chengdu - capital of Sichuan- one of the most important central cities of the country. Chengdu is a secondary provincial level city and is also historical cultural center China. By definition of the State Council, Chengdu is scientific and technical, trade, financial center, as well as the main communication and communications hub, an important air hub in the western part of China, one of the four air towns in China is located on the territory of Chengdu. State Administration for Tourism and World tourism organization recognized the city Chengdu best tourist city China, The United Nations World Tourism Organization has listed Chengdu as one of the cities providing big influence for the development of tourism in China. Tourists now have the opportunity stays in the city for 72 hours without a transit visa for transit flights from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Chengdu is divided into 9 districts, 4 towns and 6 counties, with a total area of ​​12,400 square kilometers, and a resident population of 14,070,000, of which 11,630,000 are residents and 7,680,000 are urban residents.

Today's Chengdu impresses with its scale and level of development. Chengdu is regarded as modern city , in which the investments of the entire mainland China are invested, today it is the main engine economic development of western China. This economic environment stimulates the surrounding areas of the city to develop, and also attracts more and more investment from outside. October 8th, 2010 famous American Forbes financial magazine published a research report on the fastest growing cities of the past decade, in which Chengdu located at the first place in the list. At present, there are representative offices of Intel, IBM, Dell and more than 200 other well-known enterprises in the world in Chengdu. Chengdu ranks first among the cities of the western part of China in terms of the number of large manufacturing enterprises. Chengdu ranks first in the number of foreign banks and foreign consulates among the cities of the western part of China. The venue for the Global Fortune Forum 2013 was Chengdu, the fourth city after Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong to host the forum.

Chengdu is rich in tourism resources, on the territory of the city there are famous Qingchenshan mountains, ancient dujiangyan irrigation system, bamboo bear (panda) sanctuary and other cultural and natural heritage such as, Temple Uhoutsy(in honor of Zhuge Liang), hut "Tsaotan"- the hermitage of the poet Dufu, Jinsha ruins, snowy Mountain peaks Silin and other scenic areas of the state level category AAAA.

As one of the country's historical and cultural cities, Chengdu is famous for unique monuments ancient architecture . The beauty of the city was sung by such famous poets of Chinese literature Li Bo and Du Fu. During three kingdoms, the city was the capital State Shy, later it was here that culture began to flourish.

Chengdu is known for its food culture and dishes Sichuan cuisine, which has a sharp, spicy and fresh taste. Sichuan cuisine has about 6,000 main dishes. There is a saying: "The most delicious food is Sichuan cuisine, the best food culture is Chengdu". The UNESCO International Organization recognized the city of Chengdu as "Gastronomic Capital of the World" in Asia. From the abundance of dishes during banquets, ripples before your eyes, and the aroma and spicy taste do not leave anyone indifferent.

Chengdu is extraordinarily beautiful during blossoming peach trees. Nice, mild climate, greenery and flowering peach trees everywhere, give tourists sense of harmony and togetherness. Chengdu is not only a large, rapidly developing modern city, but also a cozy, green corner in the western part of China, which will leave unforgettable memories in the memory of tourists.

Chengdu perfect vacation spot, Here you can enjoy the solitude and beauty of nature, architectural and other attractions, having a large historical value, learn about the history and culture ancient city or just stroll through the modern, beautiful city. Chengdu is the city of wealth, the capital of success.

The largest museum of its kind in South-East Asia. Located 9 kilometers from the town of Zigong (Sichuan), in the area of ​​Dashanpu. This is one of the world's largest dinosaur finds.

Today, the museum, opened in 1987, is a large 3-storey building of a bizarre shape. The total area of ​​museum expositions exceeds 65 thousand square meters.

The museum presents three large thematic exhibitions. The first tells about the history of the evolution of dinosaurs and gives a general idea of ​​​​the life and development of giants on our planet.

The second part is the restored dinosaur skeletons found in Dashanpu. Some of them are very well preserved. The most interesting exhibit is the fully preserved skeleton of a dinosaur that lived about 175 million years ago. His height exceeded 10 meters, and his weight was 4 tons.

The third exposition is located directly at the place where dinosaur bones were found. Here you can see how search operations are being carried out and even touch the remains of ancient pangolins.

Big Buddha

The main attraction of Leshan is the world's largest Buddha statue, carved into the rock. The Big Buddha is located in the Lingyunshan Mountains. The height of the statue is 71 meters - only the index finger is 8 meters long. Its construction began in 713 and the work lasted 90 years.

The head of the sitting Buddha is at the level of the top of the mountain, and the legs touch the river. All the proportions of the human body are skillfully conveyed and even the face of the Buddha was able to give an expression of calmness and kindness. Next to the statue - on the southern and northern walls - more than 90 stone images of bodhisattvas are hollowed out.

In 1996, Leshan Big Buddha was listed in the Catalog of World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO.

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turquoise lake

Located in the east of China in Sichuan province national park Jiuzhaigou. Its name translates as "Valley of the Nine Villages". This park is famous for its over a hundred lakes and the water in them is crystal clear green, blue and turquoise, as all these lakes were formed as a result of the melting of glaciers. In 1992, the park was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, and since 1997 it has been declared a biosphere reserve.

Jiuzhaigou is located in the highlands, and due to the abundance of water and hills, many not only lakes, but also waterfalls form on its territory, which amaze tourists with their views.

More than a hundred species of animals live on the shores of these lakes and throughout the park. The forests here are mostly of mixed type, they are especially beautiful in autumn, when they turn yellow, orange and red. Among the plants here you can find numerous bamboos, rhododendrons and others.

Mount Emeishan is considered the place of eternal residence of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. This mountain, along with the other three, is sacred mountain Chinese Buddhists.

First Buddhist temple built on the mountain in the 1st century. It was called "The Temple of Ten Thousand Years". The most valuable monument of the temple is the statue of the sacred Bodhisattva Samantabhadra on an elephant, made in the 9th-10th centuries. By the twentieth century, there were already more than 100 temples on the mountain, but most of them suffered during " cultural revolution". To this day, about 20 temples have survived, which can be reached by cable car and two paths. Hiking to the top will take 2-3 days.

Now Mount Emeishan is very popular among Chinese pilgrims. Their number is so great that for tourists special rooms are allocated and rented in temples for spending the night.

Near the mountain is the tallest statue in the world - Leshan Big Buddha, which is a monument world heritage UNESCO.

Jiuzhaigou Valley

The Jiuzhaigou Valley is known for its mesmerizing mountain scenery and flowering meadows. Except natural beauties on the territory of the valley there are several cleanest mountain lakes and ancient villages that have become popular tourist destinations.

The valley is located in the north of Sichuan province in the territory of the amazing beauty of the national park-reserve. The length of the valley is fifteen kilometers.

Since ancient times, there are nine villages in the valley, and the most touristic of them are Heye, Shuzheng and Dzechawa.

Local residents of these villages offer to see how various handicrafts, dishes and much more are made. You can buy your favorite decor items in souvenir shops, and in small cafes you will be offered to try traditional Chinese dishes.

Jiuzhaigou National Park

Not far from the Chinese province of Sichuan there is one place of indescribable beauty. Such colors, such paintings, such views can only be seen in well-processed photographs. But Jiuzhaigou National Park is a very real place where people from all over the world come to see the incredible wonders of Asian nature with their own eyes.

This place is called the Valley of the Nine Villages, because there are nine Tibetan settlements here. The park is famous for its multi-level waterfalls, valleys and lakes. The most popular places here are Panda Falls, Swan and Grass Lakes, as well as the Ancient Forest.

This national park looks most amazing in the fall, because the local forests put on a yellow-red color, which, combined with the bright blue and green waters of the local lakes, is a stunning picture. Here it is - a corner of harmony with nature and with oneself.

Panda Breeding Research Center

You can watch the leisurely panda bears by visiting the Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center. Pandas live in spacious enclosures, where natural conditions are recreated for them, there are rooms for feeding, sleeping, and treatment. Grown up bears are released into the wild.

Due to the fact that these animals reproduce slowly, they are in danger of extinction - which is why Chinese scientists have taken them under their protection. It is believed that in natural conditions lives no more than 1000 individuals. A large panda reserve is located 150 km from Chengdu.

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Baogo monastery

Baogo Temple (Bauguo Si) is located in sacred mountains Eme. Despite the fact that other Buddhist temples are located in these mountains, Baogo is considered the most striking example of local Emei architecture.

Baoguo was formed during the Ming Dynasty. It began to be built in 1573, but the construction was delayed - the gates of the monastery were opened only in 1620. In the middle of the eighteenth century, it underwent reconstruction, the result of which has survived to this day.

Baogo Temple boasts attractions with a rich history. One of them is a statue of a sitting porcelain Buddha, whose age exceeds 600 years. Another attraction is the seven-meter bronze tower, which is engraved with thousands of Buddha images and ancient sutras.

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More attractions in Sichuan

Chengdu is a city in southwestern China, the capital of Sichuan Province. The population of the urban agglomeration is 11,000,670 people (2002).

For rich natural resources, mild climate and an abundance of cultural and historical attractions, Chengdu is called the "heavenly abode". The city itself has an extensive green zone, many new western-style buildings in the city center and a rich nightlife.

Several important railway lines of the country intersect in Chengdu: Baoji - Chengdu, Chengdu - Chongqing and Chengdu - Kunming. Excursion trains run to the cities of Kunming, Emei, Yibin, Jiangyu. All trains receive two stations in Chengdu: North and South.

The most convenient urban transport is buses (1 RMB, air-conditioned 2 RMB). A rickshaw costs about the same as a taxi. Within the city limits, the starting price of a taxi is 5 RMB for the first kilometer, then for each kilometer - 1.4 RMB.

Last changes: 18.11.2009


Chengdu Zoo- here you can see all the typical animals you would expect in a zoo: elephants, tigers, giraffes, monkeys and pandas. A good place to visit with family.

Ancient Jinli Street(Jinli) - a street in the old part of the city, where there are hotels and small shops in the old fashioned style. Antiques are sold in many different shops. It is very popular with both tourists and locals, especially at night, with many bars, restaurants and nightclubs.

Wenshu Temple(Wenshu) - This Tang Dynasty Buddhist temple is the most impressive and one of the most visited in Chengdu. It is dedicated to the Buddhist presentation of wisdom, and contains more than 450 Buddha statues and other precious relics. In addition to the halls and gardens, the temple has a charming tea house, frequented local residents who play chess, read, knit or just chat in it.

Happy Valley(Huanlegu) - a large amusement park, popular with vacationers with children.

Panda Research Base(Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding) is the world's largest and most important research and breeding center for pandas. 86 pandas out of 239 available in captivity now live here, which is an absolutely incredible number, you can see 4-6 pandas in an enclosure at once. You have to go here in the morning, to feed. After eating, pandas sleep, so if you want to see something other than a sleeping carcass, then you need to go by 9 in the morning. The base is outside the city, you can get here either by taxi or minibus. This unique place recommended for both adults and children.

Other sights of the city: Wuhouci Temple Complex, Qingyangong Palace (“Black Goat Palace”), Baoguangsi Monastery, House Museum of the Poet Du Fu, Sichuan Provincial Museum.

63 km from the city is mountain qingchenshan covered with evergreen trees and shrubs. Entrance 60 RMB, direct bus from Chadianzi stop.

Dujiangyan Dam, which is 49 km from Chengdu, the world-famous ancient hydraulic structure. Built during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), this structure, which has survived to this day, is called one of the wonders of the world. In 2000, Dujiangyan was listed by UNESCO as a World cultural heritage.

Jinsha hillfort is located near the Qingyang Highway in the Western Suburb of Chengdu. Here you can learn about the brilliant culture of the ancient kingdom of Chu, which existed 3,000 years ago. Archaeologists have unearthed more than 3,000 objects of those times: gold and jade jewelry, burial ceramic vessels, ivory items, tortoise shells and deer antlers.

Chengdu is located in a valley river Min and is the capital Sichuan Province.

In ancient times, Chengdu was known as an important political, commercial and economic center. In the first centuries of our era, it was famous for its brocade, which was considered the best in the East. At that time the city was called: Jincheng- "city of brocade". During the Song era, it was in Chengdu that the world's first paper money was printed. In addition, the city was for some time the capital of China.

Nowadays, Chengdu bears the title of the capital of Chinese traditional medicine: local healers use thousand-year-old recipes to treat hundreds of ailments. One of the notable features of the city is the unhurried way of life of its inhabitants, which you especially pay attention to after visiting Hong Kong or Shanghai. Although in reality Chengdu is a very modern metropolis with a developed industry and excellent infrastructure. In addition, the weather is wonderful here most of the year. It is equally possible both sightseeing and educational recreation, and active sports entertainment. And visiting Chengdu with the whole family is generally an ideal option: the kids will be delighted with the funny pandas, which you can watch in the local nature reserve.

Climate and weather

Chengdu has a subtropical monsoon climate. Usually in this region the whole year, except for the winter months, is warm and humid. The average annual temperature is +16 °C. Another feature of the city is the constant fog. There are not many sunny days in a year.

Summers are very warm, the temperature rarely exceeds +30 °C, but it can be difficult to breathe in the city due to high humidity. It should be borne in mind that in July the rainy season begins, which lasts until the end of August.

In winter, the mercury column at night does not fall below +3 ° C. But, again, high humidity reduces the level of comfort. weather conditions, and at this time it is easy to catch a cold.

It is best to plan a trip to Chengdu from March to June or from September to November, when the city is warm and there is relatively little rain.


The natural riches of Chengdu attract travelers no less than the historical sights. Although the city itself is located on a plain, 63 kilometers from it is located ora qingchenshan, and 160 kilometers - Mount Emeishan. The mountains are famous for sheer cliffs, roaring waterfalls, steep cliffs, evergreen forests, exotic flowers and bamboo thickets. Scenic views surround chaoyang lake in the suburbs of Chengdu. But the main natural gift is undoubtedly the giant pandas, which can be seen at close range in several reserves in the region.


The main attractions of Chengdu, for which, in fact, travelers come here, include: qingyangong palace("The Palace of the Black Goat"), House Museum of the Poet Du Fu, Wuhouci Temple, Sichuan Provincial Museum, monasteries of Wenshu, Qingyanggong, Baoguangsi and the largest in the world buddha statue.

It is impossible not to visit the ancient irrigation system Dujiangyan, which was built during the Qin dynasty, in the 3rd century BC. This man-made miracle is still active and plays an important role in local agriculture. Dujiangyan Dam was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 2000.

If you want to know Interesting Facts about the culture of the ancient kingdom of Chu, visit Jinsha ancient settlement in the Western suburb of Chengdu. Here, archaeologists have found more than 3 thousand artifacts of that era: items made of tortoiseshell and ivory, gold and jade jewelry, burial ceramic vessels and much more. Also impressive Sanxingdui graves 20 kilometers from the city. In the places of ancient burials of this mysterious civilization, amazing masks and sculptures were found, whose age exceeds five thousand years!

On south coast Jinjiang River is the old wanjianglou park, which is included in the list of attractions that the people of Chengdu have the right to be proud of. This park is dedicated to Xue Tao, a Chinese poet from the Tang era. Several types of bamboo, so beloved by the poetess, grow in the park. And the main building of the park is an elegant pagoda in the style of the Ming era.


Of all the regional cuisines in China, Sichuan cuisine is perhaps the most popular in the country and in the world. It has received international acclaim for its deep aroma, pungency and savory seasonings. Chili peppers are just as popular in Sichuan as rice. But "flaming" dishes are far from the only difference between local cuisine.

The most celebrated local dishes are the everyday smoky hot pot, an extremely popular legume throughout the country cottage cheese Ma Po, Gong Bao Ji Ding(spicy chicken with peanuts), Ma La Tang(“soup of the numb tongue”) and a simple but delicious dish Ji Si Liang Mian("cold noodles").

Sichuan gastronomic delights can be appreciated in numerous local restaurants. For example, a great hot pot is served by Huangcheng Laoma on Kintai Road. Shizilou and Tanyutou restaurants are also known for their good local menu. However, Western cuisine in Chengdu is by no means a taboo. The city has numerous European-style restaurants, including fast food establishments. KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut. In short, no one will go hungry in Chengdu: even if you can’t get used to the spiciness of local dishes, there will always be an alternative more familiar to Europeans.


Chengdu is a city offering a wide range of hotels of various levels and price ranges. Here it is absolutely not necessary to spend huge amounts of money to live comfortably. Even youth hostels and guest houses guarantee their guests decent living conditions. Depending on location and amenities, hostel prices range from $10 to $25 per person. Hostels with a good reputation Chengdu Sam's Hostel and Guesthouse, Nature BC Hostel And Mr. Panda Hostel.

It will cost a little more to stay in a 3 * hotel. The price for a double room starts from $45-50. From $ 80-90 per day you will need to rent a room in an excellent 4 * hotel with a beautiful view from the window, a swimming pool, a fitness center, restaurants and nightlife on the territory of the complex. The atmosphere of luxury will be presented by 5 * hotels. In fairness, it should be noted that the prices for accommodation here are not as high as they usually are in five-star hotels in Shanghai, Hong Kong or Beijing. For example, a standard room in the Millennium Hotel 5 * will make the guest fork out $ 120 per day.

Entertainment and recreation

Chengdo knows how to have fun, with travelers finding entertainment for all tastes, from traditional tea houses to cutting-edge nightclubs.

Many people go to Chengdu to see giant pandas up close. These cute hulking animals are kept at the Giant Panda Research Nursery, just 10 kilometers northeast of the city center. The center is open every day from 8:00 to 18:00, but it is better to come in the morning when the pandas have breakfast. After the animals are fed, they become completely lazy and it is almost impossible to see them in motion. For a fee, you can even take a picture with the panda, but this pleasure is not cheap - a little more than $ 100.

Among the connoisseurs of the tea ceremony, Sichuan tea houses are considered to be the first in the world, and Chengdu tea houses, respectively, are the best in Sichuan. Tea houses are places for relaxation and socializing. They play an important role in the life of the local population. Therefore, we advise you to definitely visit an institution of this type at least once in order to join the thousand-year-old traditions.

Lovers of high art will appreciate the Sichuan Opera. This is a syncretic genre, involving a spectacular action in which "chhou" - clowns play a large role. Such plots of the opera as "rolling lamps", "changing faces", "spitting fire" are very interesting.

Nightlife is bustling outside jingli(Jinli). There are countless tea houses, bars and pubs here, making this street one of the most popular places for fun. The street is especially beautiful at sunset, when the sun slowly goes below the horizon and red lights begin to light up.

Nightlife is also concentrated on busy streets such as Renmin South Road, Lihua Street And Yangshi Street. It has everything for a connoisseur of entertainment: discos, karaoke, bowling alleys, VIP clubs. Popular establishments include Kakadu Club & Disco, Hongse Niandai Club, Meigaomei International Recreational Club.


Chengdu is a great place to buy original souvenirs, clothes, shoes and accessories. Moreover, the prices here are very affordable, and some products are interesting just for inspection. Shopping in Chengdu is fun, even if you don't plan on shopping.

A great example of a gift with local flair is the famous Shu brocade(Shu is one of the names of Sichuan province). It boasts a 2,000-year history: only empresses once wore brocade. Bamboo products are no less popular: coasters, chairs, vases, mats and so on. With the help of special equipment, local craftsmen weave bamboo and porcelain, creating unique products. In the shops of the city you can find the widest range of tea.

The most popular shops and markets are concentrated around the streets Zongfu Road, Chunxi Road And Luomashi. Very cheap souvenirs and products can be bought at night markets near the hotels Minshan And Jinjiang. Just do not forget to bargain - and the prices will pleasantly surprise you!

A lot of modern shopping centers, supermarkets, small shops are located in the area of ​​Chunxi Pedestrian Street. This shopping street is more than a hundred years old, and shopping here will leave the most pleasant memories.

You will have to pay in the markets only in cash, while in stores they also accept bank cards. ATMs are ubiquitous, so withdrawing money will not be a problem.


Today, Chengdu has a well-established public transport system. Travelers can travel by bus, including sightseeing buses, metro, taxis and, of course, rickshaws.

Perhaps this fact will seem strange, but the subway in the huge and modern Chengdu was built only in 2010. Now the subway consists of two lines, one of which opened in September 2012. It is planned that 4 more lines will be built.

City buses follow more than 400 routes in all directions and allow you to get to most attractions. A regular bus fare is about $0.15, while an air-conditioned bus costs twice as much. We recommend stocking up with change for payment, as there are no conductors on the buses and change is not issued.

In order to comfortably drive around the city center and see the sights, you can use the two-story sightseeing bus. The price for a city tour is about $1.3. Such buses run every half an hour, while you can transfer from one flight to another five times. For $ 0.4 you can buy a ticket with the possibility of only one landing.

Taxi in Chengdu is a very popular mode of transport among tourists. Basically, taxi cars are Citroens, equipped with everything you need: modern meters, several cameras, and even digital television. Passengers must wear their seat belts, even in the back seat.

Cycle rickshaws here, as elsewhere in China, are a traditional form of transport aimed at tourists. The fare starts from $ 1, and, by the way, you can bargain with the driver.


Internet access is available in all 3* hotels and above, and even in some hostels. True, in the latter it is not always free. Internet cafes are common in all areas of the city, but you will need a passport to access the network. mobile connection available and works great. Optionally, you can use roaming or purchase a local SIM card. The main operators are China Mobile and China Telecom.

It is advantageous to make local calls from pay phones that accept magnetic cards. You can buy them at newsstands, gas stations, and hotels.

But it is better to call abroad from postal or telegraph offices. You can also call from a hotel room, but the cost of such a call will be several times higher.


Chengdu can rightfully be considered a safe city. Nothing threatens the life of travelers on the streets even at night. However, during the day you need to be vigilant in crowded places - parks, shopping malls, markets, public transport: dexterous pickpockets are operating there. The only way to avoid trouble is to keep an eye on your belongings and store all valuables in a hotel safe.

It is not recommended to drink raw tap water. Hotels usually have electric kettles or thermoses with boiled water. Also, be careful with local food: spicy dishes can cause digestive problems, so we advise you to bring basic medicines for indigestion with you.

When vacationing in Chengdu, try to follow the Chinese code of conduct and respect the local culture and traditions. It is customary for the Chinese to restrain their emotions. On the other hand, loud conversations are not considered something shameful. It is not customary to joke about political topics.

When visiting the temples, remember that you can not step on high thresholds and photograph the interior. It is forbidden to smoke in public places (the violator will face an impressive fine).

When buying antiques and art, do not forget to get a permit from the seller to export the product from the country.

It is very useful to always have a business card with you with your name and the address where you are staying in Chinese: English is almost not spoken here, and with a business card there are chances of getting lost in big city small.

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