What to do on the last day of summer. How unforgettable spend the last month of summer: Tips for every day

When the summer ends and on the calendar on August 31, 2018, the quiet sadness grows in the heart. The last day of the very best time deserves to spend it somehow differently. It seems to be created for bright events that will later become warm memories in long winter evenings. Ideas exactly how to spend this exciting and let the great set with the notes of sadness. The main thing to do it with pleasure.

Fresh air and grass massage, as a way to spend the last day of summer August 31, 2018

Summer is like a holiday that is waiting for a long time, and then it quickly ends. Let us fully fully manage to anyone, even if all 90 days take leave and relax. But sometimes even one is quite a properly organized and well-spent day to feel the completeness and joy of life, and the main thing is worthy of spending the outgoing summer of 2018.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmassage the grass is not new and seems to be something banal and even strange, but the one who at least once in his life did it know what a secret. Remove shoes and feel barefoot on the lawn. Each contact with green grass will not only become an excellent way to relax, but also fill every cell of the body by vital energy.

If the weather is warm on August 31, then beautiful way spend the summer - go to nature. Capture with you plaid and different tacities, and take bread and nuts for the smaller brothers. Located in the park and laying out all the disasters, it is important not to forget to feed his inhabitants. Thus, the holiday will be all: both in a person and in a protein with pigeons.

Spend the last day of summer on August 31, 2018 as in childhood

Everyone in the soul remains a child. And let someone the idea seem stupid, but ride on the swing or make himself to make a tarzanka and afford how in childhood, tear away from the earth and fly to the meeting of the wind. That is, without embarrassment and prejudice, with a sense of victory over himself and with joy in the eyes.

Those who like to spend time with friends will suit such entertainment as water pistols. Having agreed for early, prepared as it should and configured at a great pastime, find deserted place and "shoot." Such a day will be remembered, and charges for a long time.

Not bad idea on the last day of the summer - to run aerial snake. Merry to do it with children or with a friend, but also well. Run forward and do not think about anything. Feel your child, happy and carefree. Even if then the fingers or fatigue in the legs will be cut. Such an idea will give such necessary emissions of the negative and inspire for daily accomplishments.

The last days of summer are typing nostalgia and sadness on the past hot days and for all events related to them. Throw melancholy and spend the summer in a good mood, in the company of friends or loved ones.


Collect your friends and organize a picnic in nature, if the weather allows. If there is a desire, you can go on a hike with overnight, because you need to enjoy the August Star at least once in my life if you have not yet seen it, and to make a lot of desires for the upcoming winter. If you have a big company, in the fresh air you can arrange sports or play movable youth games. Men will gladly take care of the cooking kebabs, women can make salads and simple snacks. Do not forget to take a picture, so you will have photos that resemble the last moments of the summer.

In the last days of summer, you can go for a night date with your loved one. Romance, silence of the night city, kisses under the moon will give your feelings new shades, will give unforgettable emotions and impressions.

If you want not only to enjoy nature, but also have fun in the last days of summer, go with friends to the recreation center. In the afternoon, you can walk in the forest, fry meat, and in the evening dance in the bar, play billiards, sing in karaoke and drink a cocktail or a mug of beer. In the company of friends you are easy and fun spending the outgoing summer.

In the last days of summer, various fun themes dedicated to the outgoing summer are held in nightclubs. Therefore, if you like noisy and crowded night parties, go to the club, dance and have fun until the morning. You will surely forget about any sadness and longing for the past warm.

Another excellent option for shopping amateurs - at the end of the summer you can walk on shopping. At this time, in all stores of clothing we sell a summer range with discounts up to 70%. You can use the opportunity and in the last summer days to stock up good clothes for the next warm season on very favorable prices. Much more cheerful to go shopping with the best friend. After shopping, you can walk together in the park and enjoy the August Sun.

ATTENTION, only today!

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Long walks in sunny weather

Statistically summer is a favorite season for 48% of people. And perhaps, the main reason for such nationwide recognition is a decent weather on the street. Love for the summer is a natural phenomenon, because people love what makes them happy. And this summer does without any tricks - the Sun itself creates ideal conditions for recovery and get rid of stress even at a purely chemical level. While the sun in the sky and gives its warmth, it is impossible to neglect such jewels, and if any opportunity is worth going to the street. Only in the sun, the human body is able to produce and, importantly, absorb vitamin D, without which the human body dies and cares. Nervousness, plasticity, hystericality, excitability, bad skin color - all this is so typical for winter with its lack of sunlight, but is fixed only by staying outside in good weather. Forest vitamin D by all means to do not like a squeezed lemon or neurotic fury by the spring.

Departures on nature

Picnics, hikes for mushrooms, berries, or simply aimless falary in the forest is best organized in summer. In some areas in August there are too many moshcars, but when choosing the right place you can spend the last summer days, enjoying the serene rest on the lap of nature. In August, even relatively warm nights, so you can go to the forest with tents and spend the night under open sky, admiring the stars and the digging of night insects. For large companies, the choice of activity is greater: moving games in the air are always pleasant, useful and help to strengthen friendship.

Romance Summer Nights

August is the last opportunity to go out at night to the street and do not cry in five minutes. You can not waste time on the seat in cafes and restaurants, but just walking around the city, while saving. In winter, it is difficult to get somewhere late in the evening because of the eternal darkness and cold. Where much easier to do it in the summer. Think about places that would like to see the buildings, the facades of which are lit by night lights.

Thematic parties

Because the summer love most people and do it correctly, they also tell about its care too massively and nationwide. Like every decent club considers his duty to organize a party in honor of the end of the summer. Often even with fireworks and other attributes of big holidays. And if the night party (as often happens), then you can combine two items of the mandatory August program at once: walk all night and remember the outgoing summer.

Shopogogolism and reasonable savings

Being a shopaholic in August should every normal woman, as well as anyone who wants to save. The best opportunity will simply not be introduced, and do not think that the New Year sales will be cheaper. No, August is the time of the biggest discounts and the most desperate battle for the last plan of the shoes. At the end of the summer, not only summer is selling, but also last year's autumn collections that take place for three kopecks to clear the place for new seasonal income. In August, you can even buy a down jacket or a fur coat in much more favorable prices than in September, and even more so decay.

Morning last day in the year. The window penetrates the snowy, possible only in winter, bright sunlight. The threshold separating us to step from the new, unknown, complete hope of the new year.

You need to do so much. And do not forget the troubles in the pile, think about the most important thing. Our small cheat sheet will allow to stay at the most important points of the last day of the year:

  1. Waking up, tune in to positive emotions. Remember, as in the transfer of "around laughter", some of the humorists told how to climb in the morning in a good mood? Still in bed, lift up the right leg. And tell her: "Hello, my right knig! You're so beautiful! I love you so much! "... funny, but right. Love yourself and the whole world around. The day will pass easily and easily.
  2. In the morning, look at the festive table menu and the list of products. Surely, not perishable products were purchased in advance. Provide a refrigerator
    missing purchases. It is better to do it early, so that in front of the fighting of the chimes does not send a husband beyond the green onion.
  3. Prepare all the necessary blanks for a festive dinner. You can cut the cheese and sausages, put them in the package and send it to the fridge. Take care of such trifles so as not to occupy everything and immediately on the finish line. In order to properly create a menu for the festive table, we advise to read the article " «.
  4. Squeeze the housing. Surely you have already made a general cleaning. But 20 minutes need to spend to remove creative mess, decompose things in places and make the last touches in the decoration of the house.
  5. Arrange for yourself a couple of hours of real relaxation. Take a warm bath, relax and throw out the brass problems. It's time to clean the feathers. Hair care, face masks, devote time to yourself with your beloved. If you decorated the dwelling with thematic aromatic candles. Put them in the bath. Arrange yourself a real spa salon.
  6. It is time to take care of serving a festive table. Get tissue tablecloth
    and napkins. Even if you do not have a tissue textile in your house daily, today is the day when it is absolutely justified. Sutitate to shine festive glasses. In addition to the dishes and dishes, put small characters on the table New Year's holiday. Top up all dogs that live in your home. Give the best emotions to your best friend if you hold the pet. Soft toys Let's sit near the Christmas tree in a prominent place. Today and the whole next year the dog rules the ball!
  7. Dog - child of nature. She is alien to the dependence on material values. Follow the instinct of freedom. Leave the famous expensive outfits in the closet. Choose comfortable clothing from natural fabrics to celebrate. Let the conventions do not shove you in New Year's Eve. Naturalness and comfort Trend of this season.
  8. Remember the old New Year's song about five minutes from your favorite movie. "The battle battle will soon be sorted soon, make themselves those who are in a quarrel." Raise the handset. Make an important call. Do not carry the load of misunderstandings and conflicts in the new year. This will help you start new life In the new year confidently and calmly.

Is it time to accompany the old year? Friends already on the threshold? Let your house be filled with a crystal laughter and a charming ringing of festive glasses. Happy New Year!

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