What is happening on the Black Sea coast. The Black Sea turned turquoise

We go where we want. We thought about it and decided that we still want to go to the sea. And not because it's a "stereotype" recent years". And why the last - if you think about it, this stereotype is decently old, remember at least about Soviet health resorts, sanatoriums, pioneer camps on the shores of the Black Sea. We suggest not to think about stereotypes - health is more important. We found as many as five reasons to be on the coast, listen to the sound of the waves, look at the crimson sunset over the sea and admire the horizon line. Straight line: only sky and water.

1. At the resort, you can make up for vitamin D deficiency


Vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays - it is not surprising that the inhabitants of the North are categorically lacking it, especially in winter. “Vitamin D deficiency is typical for 95-98% of the inhabitants of the northern latitudes and the central part of Russia,” says a psychotherapist, Ph.D., author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss. Recently, a deficiency of this vitamin has also been noted among residents of southern latitudes. This is due to the fact that people use too strong sunscreen and are less outdoors.

And this lack affects literally all aspects of life. “The role of vitamin D is wider than participation in phosphorus-potassium metabolism and prevention of osteoporosis and rickets,” says Ekaterina Pushkova, pediatrician, allergist-immunologist at the Atlas Medical Center. “It is involved in immune responses, in cell differentiation, and reduces inflammation.” It is necessary to replenish the level of the substance with the help of vitamins with therapeutic doses (and they are much higher than preventive doses, as Mikhail Gavrilov explains).

To prevent vitamin D deficiency, you need to spend 20 minutes a day in the sun with your hands and face open.

Without washing - so that there is a fatty film on the face. Can you do it right now? You can find out by looking out the window.

Theoretically, you can stock up on this vitamin by going on vacation to a seaside resort: “Vitamin D belongs to the category of fat-soluble and will be stored in the fat depot for some time, three to four months,” recalls Mikhail Gavrilov.

2. Sea sand is good for feet, sea water is good for skin


The benefits are primarily cosmetic. romantic walk along the surf can replace a trip to a pedicure specialist. The fact is that wet sand is an excellent exfoliant, it helps the skin of the feet (and not only the feet) get rid of dead cells and renew itself, which makes rough limbs soften and take on a decent look.

It is desirable that the sand be very fine at the same time - beaches Seychelles, Dominican Republic, the islands of Bali or Cambodia are ideal.

In addition, walking on the sand is also a kind of foot massage, which is considered useful by followers of alternative medicine: they claim that foot massage helps relieve stress, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system.

As for sea water, options are possible. For example, with eczema and atopic dermatitis, it should be avoided. With psoriasis - on the contrary, splash in it more often. And for those who suffer from acne, doctors advise sunbathing (in moderation, of course): vitamin D is also known for its antibacterial properties.

3. At the resort we move more and eat better


The debaters will surely find something to answer this statement: yes, exercising with a shovel in the country is also great fitness. But not now! In winter, many summer residents, even wealthy ones, prefer not to break through the snowdrifts to the site, but to calmly wait for the snow to melt. Yes, and there is nothing to weed. In apartments, summer residents, of course, do not have enough opportunity to warm up. Seaside resorts are another matter.

For 10 minutes of swimming in the sea, a person weighing 70 kg burns 70 calories. For half an hour of walking on the sand, he spends 158 calories, and even protects the joints, for which walking and running on soft surfaces are very useful.

At the same time, it also strengthens the muscles of the legs (when walking), shoulders, back and arms (when swimming). But he, perhaps, also decides to play beach volleyball, go on a mountain walk or ride a bike!

Dining at the resort is a different story. If you have traveled to one of the Mediterranean countries or to South East Asia, for sure you will eat more fish and seafood (and consume more omega-3 fatty acids, which you probably lack) and vegetables (vitamins and fiber) than at home. Additional benefits for the heart, blood vessels and mood. A person who has just had a good dinner is always in a good mood, isn't it?

4. Sea air is good for the lungs


And our ancestors knew this very well - to remember at least the one who suffered from tuberculosis, whom we presumptuously rank among our ancestors. “Sea air contains almost all known mineral elements,” says Ekaterina Pushkova. - In composition, it is close to human blood plasma: this is a very physiological composition, and negative ionization helps trace elements comfortably for mucous membranes to penetrate human tissues and saturate them.

Inhalation with ionized air in a seaside resort occurs without discomfort, it is not perceived as a medical procedure.”

“The therapeutic effect is moisturizing, relieving inflammation,” continues Ekaterina Pushkova. - Breathing the fresh air of the sea is useful for those who suffer from tuberculosis and obstructive pulmonary disease (it would be nice to have fewer of them, of course), recovering from pneumonia or bronchitis. But, of course, it is useful not only for lung diseases. Residents of megacities breathe polluted air with a high concentration of tar and exhaust gases, it maintains inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and susceptibility to infections increases. Sea air suppresses inflammation, restores the mucosa.

The second explanation is offered by the American oceanologist, science popularizer Wallace J. Nichols, author of the book Blue Mind: he claims that the seascape has a calming effect on the psyche in itself.

The third scientific explanation sounds the most understandable, connected with vitamin D familiar to us. “This substance takes part in the synthesis of dopamine, which has a stimulating effect,” explains Mikhail Gavrilov. - Low dopamine levels are associated with low motivation, lack of energy, problems with emotion control. It is no coincidence that seasonal spleen covers many in autumn and winter, when daylight hours are shortened and it is impossible to get a sufficient dose of vitamin D in the sun. Vitamin D deficiency in adults can lead to seasonal affective disorder, depression, obesity, and reduced immunity.” So away doubts - it's time to go to sea.

Black Sea. It would seem so familiar and absolutely safe. Nothing like this. In its waters, not only poisonous marine life awaits you, but there is a more serious threat - suffocating poisonous fumes.

Dead zone

Not everyone knows that 90% of the Black Sea waters are saturated with hydrogen sulfide. This discovery was made back in 1890 by the Russian geologist Nikolai Andrusov. In some places, the hydrogen sulfide layer is located at a distance of 50 meters from the sea surface, and it constantly continues to strive upward. Periodically, a liquid lens of "dead" water approaches very close to the surface layers, which has a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the underwater world.

However, there is still life in the hydrogen sulfide cloud, although in the absence of oxygen, only certain types of marine worms and anaerobic bacteria can exist here, which are involved in the decomposition of the remains of living organisms.

Hydrogen sulfide in water is not a unique phenomenon; it is also found in other seas and oceans. But given that the Black Sea is actually isolated from the World Ocean by the shallow Bosphorus and there is practically no normal water exchange, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide here is off scale.

Sometimes, as a result of storms, hydrogen sulfide vapors break out, and then in the gas outlet zone there is a specific smell of rotten eggs. This is extremely dangerous. On contact a large number hydrogen sulfide with air can explode. According to experts, the explosion of all hydrogen sulfide contained in the Black Sea can be compared with the consequences of the fall of an asteroid weighing half the mass of the moon.

But something like that already happened. Late at night on September 12, 1927, the Crimean peninsula experienced the full power of an 8-magnitude earthquake. The epicenter lay 25 kilometers away south of Yalta, giant landslides were recorded, almost the entire crop died, many buildings were destroyed.

As eyewitnesses testified, the vibrations of the earth's surface were accompanied by a disgusting stench and flashes that soared from the surface of the sea to the sky. Pillars of fire, shrouded in smoke, reached several hundred meters in height. So the Black Sea burned. Most scientists have no doubt that hydrogen sulfide was to blame.

Experts are seriously puzzled by the problem of hydrogen sulfide accumulating in the surface layers of the Black Sea. Any tectonic shift can lead to the release of a huge amount of toxic substances, and then the consequences can be much more serious than during the Crimean earthquake.

Oceanologist Alexander Gorodnitsky is convinced that such a threat is quite real: "The Black Sea is a seismically active region, there are earthquakes that provoke the release of gas hydrates - accumulations of methane and other combustible gases compressed under high pressure."

In an unfavorable scenario, tons of concentrated sulfuric acid will enter the atmosphere: thousands of people will die from suffocation, millions will have to move away from the coast, but even there they will be overtaken by hydrogen sulfide, spilling acid rain.

A few years ago, a hydrogen sulfide release was recorded at the Koblevo resort in the Nikolaev region (Ukraine). At that time, more than 100 tons of dead fish turned out to be on the shore. Engineer Gennady Bugrin, who participated in the aftermath of the disaster, warns that such an emergency could happen again at any time and on a larger scale.

Toxic water

The situation with the ecological situation in the waters of the Black Sea is no better, primarily because of the constantly incoming waste from the Danube, Prut and Dnieper. Industrial enterprises and public utilities without a twinge of conscience pour tons of production and human waste into rivers, which leads to the gradual extinction of many species of flora and fauna of the Black Sea coastal waters. In Russia, the most polluted maritime zone is located in the area of ​​the ports of Novorossiysk and Taman.

Together with river water, pesticides, heavy metals, phosphorus, nitrogen enter the Black Sea, as a result of which phytoplankton rapidly reproduces and the water begins to bloom. And this leads to the destruction of bottom microorganisms, which in turn causes hypoxia and the subsequent death of many inhabitants. seabed- squid, mussels, oysters, young sturgeons, crabs. According to environmentalists, the kill area sometimes exceeds 40 thousand square meters. km.

Of course, all this does not pass without a trace for a person. Head of the department of extreme natural phenomena and man-made disasters Oleg Stepanyan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Oleg Stepanyan warns and reminds that the Black Sea is not a pool with filtered water and you need to choose the right places for swimming, because often even on city beaches you can see how sewage from nearby cafes and eateries is poured into the sea.

And although, according to Stepanyan, special services monitor the cleanliness of the beaches, the bacterial situation on them, it is important to be vigilant. Especially dangerous in such cases are sandy and pebbly beaches of large resort towns, where the process of self-purification of water is slowed down.

Deputy coordinator of the public organization "Environmental Watch for North Caucasus» Dmitry Shevchenko notes that there are so polluted areas in the Black Sea, for example, in the Gelendzhik or Anapa bays that it is simply risky for health to enter the water.

Today, the massive development of green filamentous and lamellar algae, including the so-called sea lettuce (Ulva), has become a constant problem for the Black Sea. Eating such algae is fraught with serious poisoning, since they grow in places overflowing with organic substances coming through sewage.

Doctors also warn about the possible harm to the body of mussels and rapans caught in the large port waters of Novorossiysk, Tuapse, and Sevastopol. Mussels actively filter poisoned sea water, and rapans are predators that eat them. But if, nevertheless, someone decides to feast on Black Sea delicacies, then one should pay attention to the color of their meat. Light yellow or pinkish indicates, most likely, its suitability for eating, but blue, black or just very bright indicates that the molluscs have accumulated heavy metals, oil hydrocarbons and other toxicants.

Dangerous inhabitants

In the waters of the Black Sea, of course, there are not as many poisonous inhabitants as in tropical seas, but still, extreme caution must be exercised here. First of all, we are talking about large jellyfish with a diameter exceeding 30 centimeters. In no case should they be touched, as you can get burned from stinging cells. A "kiss" of such a jellyfish in the throat or chest area can cause respiratory paralysis or heart failure.

In the sandy shallow waters of the Anapa bank, in the area from the village of Volna to the village of Blagoveshchensky, a stingray is often found, the poisonous spike of which can pierce even a thick rubber coating and inflict a very sensitive wound, followed by swelling of the damaged part of the body.

A small scorpion fish, or, as it is also called, sea ruff, is also a serious danger. She mainly hunts among the rocks, and hypothetically, she can be stepped on. A prick of its poisonous thorns will be very painful and it will take several weeks to heal the wound.

The sea dragon, although it does not look intimidating, carries no less of a threat than a stingray or scorpionfish. Poison glands are located on its first dorsal fin. Fishermen or divers sometimes inadvertently grab a thorn, and as a result, excruciating sharp pains in the wound area and a feverish state, accompanied by a rise in temperature. In this case, it will not be possible to do without a doctor.

Currently, the water in the Black Sea is very, very cold. You can only wash your feet, and then, a hardened person. However, experts believe that after a few days the water will become much warmer, so you can fully relax.

So, weather forecasters assure that the sea will become warmer after the twelfth day of the current month.

AT given time there are a lot of people at Russian resorts. Everyone goes only to get to the sea, because on the territory Russian Federation there are no resorts where you can swim in the sea all year round.

However, now luck has turned away from tourists, so for now you can only enjoy the sea views, and the most courageous can wash their feet in the sea. Now the sea temperature is very low to dive and enjoy the summer. Experts note that the water will begin to warm up only after the twelfth of July.

So, the resorts located in Sochi and Novorossiysk are not very relevant. In the past few days, the water temperature in Sochi has been at thirteen degrees, and in Novorossiysk - twenty.

You can swim in the Black Sea only in Anapa and Gelendzhik, because here the temperature reaches twenty-six degrees.
In addition, upwelling can be seen in Sochi. This is a phenomenon during which the wind pulls back warm water, instead of which cold waves wash up on the shore. In the Black Sea, the difference can reach up to sixteen degrees.

Why is the water in the Black Sea so cold?

Well, in fact, why in mid-July, doctors and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Anapa give recommendations on limiting swimming for organized groups of children due to the low temperature of the water in the sea. And adults, to be honest, having plunged into far from gentle waters, run back. Not comfortable!

The first simplest explanation of the situation is given by experts involved in the study of sea water quality: The cold spring and the summer that does not begin for a long time could not warm up the deep waters in time. And even now the weather in the Central region does not indulge us, and here on the Black Sea coast the nights are still cool and, despite the fact that the heat has set in throughout the day, it will not be able to save the situation at once. The Black Sea is not a bath or a font; it will not work to warm up a colossus with a volume of 555 thousand km³ at once.

The second version Other experts talk about the influence of the surge phenomenon, which is more typical for winter, but more and more often it began to manifest itself in summer. As a result of it, the water level in the sea, its temperature changes. The cause of the phenomenon may be poor ecology. The same is a constantly observed bloom of water caused by an excess of algae, that is, eutrophication. Plants devour oxygen, soluble in water, which leads to life problems in animals and fish, and therefore to their death. On satellite images you can see how the color of the Black Sea water differs from others. There is simply no one to purify the water, because the microorganisms living here that cope with this have been exhausted.

Forecasters explained why it is forbidden to swim in the waters of Anapa

Kuban weather forecasters said that the water temperature at the height of the swimming season decreased along the entire northern part of the coast Krasnodar Territory. The cold center is located in Novorossiysk, where the sea "froze" to 13 degrees, in Tuapse the water is 16 degrees, the same in Anapa.

The decrease in temperature in the Black Sea in summer is usually caused by cold currents that come close to the coast. The movement of air masses also plays a role.

According to the employees of the hydrometeorological center of the Krasnodar Territory, tourists in Anapa and other cities will soon be able to pamper themselves again sea ​​bathing. “In general, warm water is returning, and it is enough for us that the wind changes, and everything will be fine for vacationers. Literally two or three days and everything will change, ”the weather service noted.

However, periods of cooling may repeat several more times during the summer.

“Literally in a few days, the surge (of water temperature) may begin again, and it cannot be said that cold water will go away, only warm water will remain. Everything depends on small synoptic processes,” the hydrometeorological center said.

The Black Sea is a reservoir of contrasts, stories and legends. Like any huge water resource, it has hundreds of secrets. Particularly interesting is the Black Sea at the junction with the Sea of ​​Azov - there you can appreciate the beauty of their differences and scale. If the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov is more like a huge lake with a shallow depth, then the Black Sea is a real abyss. An ominous, beautiful and breathtaking abyss.

Paleontologists believe that in the Black Sea region since the formation of the Earth there were salty reservoirs: the Pontic, and then the Meotic Sea. In other periods, the region dried up, and fresh springs-lakes formed here. The modern boundaries, depth and type of water, the sea acquired a little more than 8000 years ago. The reason for these changes was a devastating earthquake that formed the Bosphorus. Due to him, the Mediterranean Sea was connected with water source nearby and began to give water to the “newborn”.

The area of ​​the Black Sea is equal to more than 422 square kilometers. Its length is 580 km from north to south, while the maximum depth is 2210 m. The reservoir connects southern Europe and Asia Minor.

Facts, mysteries and wonders of the Black Sea

More than one long story or legend can be told about the Black Sea. Here are just 15 small but interesting facts about him:

  1. According to ancient legend, Jason set off along the Black Sea with the Argonauts in search of the golden fleece. Their path ran through land and water to Colchis.
  2. The first references to the sea source are in the documents of the 5th century BC, they are associated with the expansion of the lands of the ancient civilization.
Black Sea, view from space
  1. Only the Black Sea has many names that are still used by different peoples and countries. Some names have disappeared over time. The ancient Greeks, for example, called it the Inhospitable Sea, or Pont Aksinsky. It was renamed Hospitable because the Greeks mastered the shores and found them attractive for winemaking, agriculture, and trade. In ancient Greek, the name began to sound Pont Euxinus. Much later, in the times of Ancient Russia, the sea was called Scythian, somewhat less often - Russian. Other names are mentioned in historical documents found in European countries and in Asia. So, it corresponds to: Temarun, Holy Sea, Ocean, Akhshaena, Blue Sea, Cimmerian, Tauride. There is no exact information why it began to be called Black. Some historians believe that it is called so because of the color of the designation. Previously, the North was designated black, and this sea belonged to it. The second theory indicates that the sea got its name because of the large amount of hydrogen sulfide in the water. If any metal fell to the bottom, it turned black. However, thanks to the same hydrogen sulfide, sunken ships at the bottom remain several times longer than in the waters of other seas.
  2. Only 2,500 species of animals live in the waters, perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of their composition. Usually 2-3 times more representatives live in the seas. In the Mediterranean - 9000.
  3. No less important in a small number of inhabitants is the same hydrogen sulfide. Its concentration at a depth of more than 200 meters is so great that not a single living creature is able to survive there.
  4. In August, at night, the waters of the sea begin to glow due to the migration of plankton populations, which are phosphorescent.

Glowing plankton in the Black Sea
  1. Unlike many seas and oceans, the name of the Black different countries has different inscriptions and pronunciations.
  2. Due to its young age, the Black Sea may increase in size. The same goes for the mountains located around it. You can also notice this in the ancient cities of the Crimea, which go under water for tens of meters. Oceanologists believe that every 100 years the size of the reservoir increases by an average of 20 cm.
  3. sea ​​dragon- the most predatory and deadly fish that lives in the Black Sea waters. Its thorns contain poison that can kill an adult.
  4. The seal is a creature of a cold climate, but it finds refuge in the waters of the Black Sea.
  5. The main biomass is represented jellyfish- only 10% is given to other creatures.
  6. The Black Sea has one large peninsula - Crimea - and only 10 islands. If compared with the Caribbean or the Mediterranean, then this number is ten times less.
  7. The Black Sea is a source of oil and gas. But they lie so deep that no country has yet reached the extraction.
  8. Far from the coast, the sea surface is cut by huge whirlpools, the wavelength of which reaches 400 km.
  9. In winter, the waters of the sea freeze only partially; there is an icy area near Odessa. Byzantine documents indicate that in 401 and 762 BC, the shackles of ice completely covered the sea surface.

The Black Sea has sheltered on its shores thousands of resorts and sanatoriums, which are visited by millions of tourists every year. However, few people think how much power and danger is hidden in these hospitable waters.

The number of passengers traveling by plane to the Black Sea resorts has already increased by 1.5 times compared to last year, calculated at Vnukovo airport. Another news - the Black Sea has become turquoise due to algae blooms. Ecologists say that this is an indicator good quality water. "AiF" checked what is happening on the beaches of the Krasnodar Territory.

Sochi: where to eat and swim?

Sochi keeps the brand luxury resort. True, in June the weather was not encouraging. But the city hosts Confederations Cup matches, and the atmosphere is festive. The further summer program is also rich: you can visit performances of the Du Soleil Circus, ice shows, and music festivals.

Yes, holidays in Sochi remain expensive. However, places have appeared where you don’t have to pay 1000 rubles for lunch - many inexpensive canteens have opened in the city. In restaurants, chefs offer dishes prepared from local products: Cossack lamb ribs, borscht with donuts and bacon, dumplings.

Double-deckers roam the streets sightseeing buses open top. “There were no such people in the city before,” he says. localV. Mikhailenko. “I myself recently took a ride from Sochi to the Olympic Park and listened to an overview lecture.”

“I came to Sochi for the first time,” says Tatiana Babchinskaya. - I settled with my husband and a small child in the Imeretinskaya lowland - near the Olympic Park, Sochi Park. We also visited Rosa Khutor. Everything is very beautiful, European-impressive. But Adler was unpleasantly struck: chaotic tent trade does not paint the resort at all.

The beaches of Sochi, while there are few tourists, remain quite clean. However, locals recommend going to the Olympic Park for swimming. “There is an open sea, and even before the Olympic construction, when there were wild beaches, the locals preferred to swim and sunbathe in this very place, advises V. Mikhailenko. “Now everything is landscaped, and the quality of the water has not deteriorated.”

Accommodation (cost per day):

Bed (hostel)

from 500 rub.

1-room flat

from 1.5 thousand rubles

Hotel room 3*

from 4.2 thousand rubles

5* hotel room with breakfast

from 42 thousand rubles


100 g barbecue

from 200 rub.

100 ml dry red wine

from 180 rub.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 350 rub.


is free

Chaise lounge + umbrella

from 150 rub. in hour

Water park ticket

1.5 thousand rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Ticket to the Dolphinarium



children under 5 years old

is free

Sochi park

Anapa: warm sea, algae, low prices

shallow sea, sandy beaches: Anapa is a resort for families with children. And the city was filled with tourists from the very beginning summer holidays. Among the new entertainments: the Bora Bora aqua complex, the Sukko Valley park, the Zip Line extreme attraction.

“We are 100% loaded,” says the hotel owner Edward Bedrosov. - But early booking almost none now. Although 7-8 years ago, when the economic situation was more stable, the numbers were sold already in January. We haven't raised prices for years."

“In my opinion, holidays in Anapa are a little cheaper than in other resorts in the region,” says the tourist Elena Vdovichenko. “But there are few places that accept bank cards, so I advise you to take more cash with you.”

At the end of July - in August, algae appear in the Anapa Sea. Their scientific name is "stray cladophora", and colloquially - damask. When the water temperature rises to 23 degrees (and last year it reached 27-28 degrees), the damask begins to multiply rapidly - it grows up to 120 meters per day. These algae are filamentous, and it is almost impossible to get them out of the water. Local authorities are trying to solve the problem: they are negotiating the purchase of equipment for harvesting algae from abroad. By the way, they are also common on other beaches in the world, for example in Italy.

Accommodation (cost per day):

Bed (hostel)

from 500 rub.

1-room flat

from 1.8 thousand rubles

Hotel room 3*

from 4 thousand rubles

Hotel room 5*, all inclusive

21.3 thousand rubles


100 g barbecue

from 160 rub.

100 ml dry red wine

from 150 rub.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 350 rub.


is free

Chaise lounge + umbrella

from 100 rub. in hour

Water park ticket

1200 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Ticket to the Dolphinarium

800 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Gelendzhik: embankment, mountains, pines

This year, Gelendzhik has renovated its embankment (by the way, the longest in Europe - 12 km) - built new plot with sea views. There are also bike paths and exercise equipment. Around the flowers. In general, everything is like the best resorts peace.

“I love Gelendzhik for the mountains, the sea and the pines,” admits Anna Zubova from Khabarovsk. - This year I was pleasantly surprised that all the stalls led to a single style. All are located on one side and do not spoil the view. New entertainments appeared at the resort. This is the Roman Park, where you can see performances from the life of the ancient Romans, and the largest fountain in the region. In mid-July there will be a big gastronomic festival: the most famous chefs of Russia will compete in their art and hold master classes.

Accommodation (cost per day):

Bed (hostel)

from 500 rub.

1-room flat

from 2 thousand rubles

Hotel room 3*

from 4 thousand rubles

5* hotel room with breakfast

12.5 thousand rubles


100 g barbecue

from 150 rub.

100 ml dry red wine

from 160 rub.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 180 rub.


is free

Chaise lounge + umbrella

150 rub. in hour

Water park ticket

1400 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Ticket to the Dolphinarium

adult 900 rubles, children 600 rubles, children under 5 free of charge

Dolmens, waterfalls, caves

What are the must-sees in Sochi and its environs?

A. Staroverov, Murmansk

Among the most popular excursions in Sochi is, of course, a trip to the sites of the 2014 Winter Olympics and Krasnaya Polyana. But in the vicinity of the "summer" Russian capital there are many other completely unique sights.

So, in Skypark you need to walk along one of the longest in the world pedestrian bridges. Its length is 439 m, height is 207 m. The bridge is supported by 8 cables.

Do not forget to visit the Matsesta Valley - its healing hydrogen sulfide springs. In her clinic, everyone can visit a doctor and get a referral for a bath course.

Another point of attraction is the Eagle Rocks, where, having climbed to a height of 379 m, you will see the sculpture of Prometheus.

Agur waterfalls are cascades of water falling into Blue Lake where you can swim. However, in the Sochi region there are waterfalls on almost every river, and for tourists they even created a route called "33 waterfalls". It is interesting to visit the Vorontsov caves, which have 10 entrances, and the Volkonsky dolmen - the only monolithic stone house in the world. He is at least 5 thousand years old! Scientists are still wondering who and why it was built. In total, there are 200 dolmens in the Sochi region.

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