What are the highest mountains in the world? The highest mountain in the world The two highest mountains in the world.

Among mountaineers, the highest mountains in the world are called "Seven Summits". This list includes:

  1. Everest - 8848 m.
  2. Aconcagua - 6959 m.
  3. McKinley - 6194 m.
  4. Kilimanjaro - 5895 m.
  5. Elbrus - 5642 m.
  6. Vinson - 4892 m.
  7. Punchak Jaya - 4884 m.

Major mountain peaks

Very often you can hear the question: which mountains are the highest? This is Everest. The mountain is considered the highest on the entire planet. Thousands of climbers strive to get here. Basically, if you climb the worked route, there are never any technical difficulties. But these beautiful mountains are not for everyone. Climbers face different challenges:

  • strong winds;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • unpredictable weather;
  • various diseases.

By the way, Lhotse - this mountain, exceeding 8000 m, ranks fourth among the highest peaks in the world. It is she who is closest to Everest. However, climbers are in no hurry to conquer its peak, there were very few ascents.

The highest mountains in the world are mostly in the Andes. Among them, Aconcagua is considered the highest. This mountain is known for several glaciers, the most famous being the Polish Glacier. The mountains in the Andes are perhaps the most beautiful in the world.

The highest mountains are in Alaska. A prominent representative was Mount McKinley, reaching 6194 m. Which mountains are the highest? It can be considered that this mountain, having such a height, is one of the highest points on the whole Earth.

Features of highly elevated areas

The highest mountains in Africa are Kilimanjaro. It is located in Tanzania and is of volcanic origin.

It includes several volcanic formations:

  • Kiba;
  • Mawenzi;
  • Shira.

The mountain is over a million years old. This is the oldest mountain on the planet. Its formation is associated with a volcanic eruption and the ingress of lava into a beautiful rift valley. Beautiful mountains have always interested climbers. Every year, tens of thousands of people try to conquer this height.

Elbrus is considered the highest mountain in Europe and Russia. This is a long-extinct volcano, but molten magma is raging under it at great depths.

The most beautiful hills are the Caucasus Mountains, among which Elbrus stands out. If you translate the word "Elbrus" into Russian, you get "high mountain". Elbrus glaciers feed several rivers:

  • Kuban;
  • Malka;
  • Baksan.

Another beautiful place is Antarctica. It is here that the Wisson massif is located, reaching a height of 4892 m.

You can meet Mount Punchak Jaya if you visit Australia. For the first time, two Austrian climbers were able to conquer this height. This happened in the early 60s of the last century. Today, to conquer the rock, you must obtain government permission. Only specialized travel agencies can obtain such permission.

Annapurna - this mountain in Tibet, which is considered the most difficult on Earth to climb. In the middle of the 20th century, French climbers managed to climb its peak. This ascent is considered the most outstanding in the world for the entire existence of mountaineering.

The ascent did not use oxygen. This can be called a feat, because at an altitude of more than 8000 m, the air contains only 30% oxygen. A person can be in such conditions for only a short period of time. Exactly two weeks climbers descended from this mountain. The mountain in Tibet is one of the most dangerous peaks in the world, more than 40% of climbers die while climbing.

The second highest peak (Chogori) is located in the Karakorum. The peak is located at an altitude of more than 8611 m. This is the most difficult mountain to climb. Moving along the easiest route, climbers have to go through difficult glaciers. On their way there are rocks with steep sections. You have to overcome the often encountered seracs, which are ice-covered blocks, barely holding on, which can suddenly collapse. Since climbing this mountain is very difficult, it is considered the most dangerous on the planet. Almost 24% of people who dare to conquer it die during the ascent.

Kanchenjunga is also a very dangerous peak, which reaches 8586 m and is located in the Himalayas. This mountain also received another name in the world, namely the "Peak of Five Treasures". Climbing Kanchenjunga is associated with the death of so many climbers.

In recent years, the percentage of accidents has increased significantly and amounted to 22%. The main reasons were various difficulties (avalanches, atmospheric conditions and technical difficulties).

Other mountain peaks

The most famous on Earth are the following elevated areas:

  1. Nanga Parbat.

The height of the mountain reaches 8126 m. The rock is located in the north of the Himalayas and is considered their northern end.

To get to such a height, you need to go through a narrow mountain climb. The southern part of this ridge, exceeding 4600 m, is considered to be the largest mountain slope on the planet. Since the difficulty of climbing the mountain has a very high coefficient, this mountain received the second name "Killer Mountain".

In the west of Europe, right in the Alps, this high peak is located, reaching 4810 m. This name is also given to a mountain range stretching for 50 km.

A huge area is hidden under the ice. Almost 200 km² is covered with a powerful ice crust. The name means "white mountain".

Near the top there are famous ski resorts:

  • Chamonix - France;
  • Courmayeur - Italy.

For the first time Mont Blanc was conquered in 1786 by two French climbers Balma and Paccard. Locals call this massif "cursed mountains" because of the high mortality.

In general, for modern mountaineering, climbing this rock is not considered a particularly difficult task. However, accidents are recorded here almost every year. The main reasons are considered to be poor preparedness, poor organization, climatic conditions and avalanches.

This most beautiful mountain on Earth is located in the Alps. It shares Italy with Switzerland. Its peak reaches 4478 m. The mountain is unique in its shape, which looks like a horn that begins to grow right from the numerous valleys surrounding the massif. The highest mortality is recorded among climbers trying to conquer this mountain.

There are 14 mountain peaks in the world with a height of more than 8,000 meters. Climbing mountains like this is not for cowards. Currently, only 30 experienced climbers have managed to climb all 14 peaks. Why do people dream of conquering these mountains, if such an ascent can turn into a fatal outcome? Probably, in order to prove something to oneself ... No one will argue with the fact that these giants cannot but bewitch. And today we have prepared for you a selection of the most incredible mountains in the world.

Located in Nepal

Height: 8848 meters

It has 2 peaks: southern (8760 meters) and northern (8848 meters).

The mountain is very beautiful, has the shape of a trihedral pyramid.

Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world, part of the Mahalangur-Himal mountain range.

More than 250 people have died during attempts to climb Mount Everest. Most of the deaths were related to falls from heights, avalanches, ice falls, and various health problems due to being in a high altitude environment. Today, climbing the main route is no longer such a problem as it was in the last century. However, at high altitude climbers expect a lack of oxygen, heavy wind and low temperatures (below 60 degrees). In order to conquer Everest, you need to be not only brave, hardy, but also a wealthy person. You need to spend at least $ 8,000 on this business.

Located in the Himalayas, on the border of China and Pakistan

Height: 8614 meters

The second highest mountain in the world. Chogori is considered one of the most difficult mountain peaks to climb; it was first conquered in 1954. The mortality rate is 25%.

Located in the Himalayas, on the border between China and Nepal, 3 km from Everest

Height: 8516 meters

This mountain was conquered in 1956.

Lhotse has 3 peaks, each of them reaches a height of over 8 kilometers.

Located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China, 12 kilometers from Everest

Height: 8485 meters

The second name is the Black Giant.

This mountain is very difficult to climb, its slopes are too steep. Only a third of the expeditions were usually successful. Several dozen people died.

Located on the border of Nepal and China

Height: 8201 meters

It is considered not the most difficult to climb, but, nevertheless, 39 climbers died.

Located in the Nepalese Himalayas

Height: 8167 meters

From the local language "dhaulagiri" is translated as "white mountain".

Almost its entire area is covered with glaciers and snow. It is considered one of the most difficult mountain peaks to climb.

They were able to conquer it for the first time in 1960. More than 60 climbers died on it.

Located in Nepal, part of the Mansiri-Himal mountain range

Height: 8156 meters

It was first conquered by a Japanese expedition in 1956.

Located in Pakistan

Height: 8125 meters

Second name: Nanga Parbata - Diamir (in translation - "Mountain of the Gods").

It was first conquered in 1953.

In terms of mortality among climbers, it ranks third after Everest and K-2. This mountain is also called the "killer".

Located in Nepal

Height: 8091 meters

The first Himalayan eight-thousander, which was conquered in 1950.

The mountain has 9 peaks, one of which is Machapuchare. No one has been able to climb it yet.

Locals consider this peak to be the abode of Lord Shiva. Therefore, climbing it is prohibited.

The highest of the 9 peaks is called "Annapurna". About 40% of climbers who tried to climb it remain lying on its slopes.

Height: 8080 meters

First ascent: 1958

The highest peak of the Gasherbrum massif, the second highest in the Karakorum and the eleventh highest among the world's eight-thousanders.

On July 5, 1958, members of the American expedition Peter Schoening and Andrew Kaufman made the first ascent to the summit along the southeast ridge.

Located in Kashmir, in the Pakistani-controlled Northern Territories on the border with China, Baltoro Muztag, Karakorum, 8 km from Mount Chogori

Height: 8051 meters

The peak belongs to the Baltoro Muztag mountain range and the multi-peak Gasherbrum mountain range. It includes 2 peaks, the height of which exceeds 8 km.

In 1957 an Austrian expedition made its first ascent.

Located in the Pakistani-controlled Northern Territories on the border with China, Baltoro Muztag, Karakorum

Height: 8035 meters

The gracefully outlined peak, with sheer cliffs and eternal snow, belongs to the Baltoro Muztag mountain range. Included in the mountainous multi-peaked massif Gasherbrum. The first ascent was made by Australians in 1956.

Located in China, Langtang, Himalayas

Height: 8027 meters

Included in the Langtang mountain range. It consists of three peaks, two of which are more than 8 km. The first ascent took place in 1964. For 50 years, 21 people have died while trying to climb, although among the eight-thousanders it is considered the easiest.

What is the biggest mountain in the world, you ask? If the world is our planet, then two mountains claim this place: Mount Everest in the Himalayas and Mauna Kea in the Hawaiian Islands. Let's look at each of them, and you decide for yourself which is the largest mountain in the world.

Mount Everest - the largest mountain in the world or the highest?

(Mount Everest Photo #1)

Mount Everest is named after Sir George Everest, Surveyor General of British India from 1830-1843. and is located in the Himalayas on the Mahalangur-Himal ridge.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in Asia and the highest point on the earth's surface. Its main northern peak is located in China and is equal to 8848 m above sea level. Its southern highest point is located on the border of the Republic of Nepal and Tibet and is 8760 m above sea level.

(Mount Everest Photo #2)

In another way, Mount Everest is called "Chomolungma" in the local Tibetan language, which means "Goddess Mother of the World", or there is another name for "Sagarmatha" in the ancient language of India - "Mother Ocean."

Who decided that Everest is the largest mountain in the world? This important discovery was made by the Indian scientist - mathematician and topographer Radhanat Sikdar, who calculated the height of Chomolungma using trigonometry in 1852.

The largest mountain in the world resembles a trihedral pyramid in shape, with a very steep bare slope on the south side. Giant glaciers start from its top, descend down the mountain and end at an altitude of 5000 m. The Arun River flows southward near Mount Everest through a special through valley for more than 6 km.

Many climbers dream of conquering this peak of the world, but for some, this risky climb turns out to be deadly. Until our time, about 260 people died on the slopes of Mount Chomolungma. What is the climate on the largest mountain in the world? For the human body, there is very rarefied air, low in oxygen, add hurricane winds of 55 m / s, and very low air temperature - 50-60 degrees (and it feels like 100-120 degrees), intense solar radiation also plays a role, as well as the usual hazards for mountains are avalanches, falls into gorges or from slopes. It is impossible to climb Everest without guides and special expensive equipment. But there were daredevils who were the first to conquer this largest mountain in the world - this is Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary, they climbed to the top through the South Col in 1953. This is briefly about the beautiful majestic mountain that has broken all records for the height above sea level on land. Who is her rival on our planet? Is there really another biggest mountain in the world?

Mauna Kea volcano - the largest mountain in the world

(Photo of Mauna Kea No. 1)

The largest mountain in the world, Mauna Kea is an extinct shield volcano, which, with its mega base, is submerged in the depths of the Pacific Ocean by as much as 6 thousand meters. The visible part of the mountain to the top is 4200 m above sea level (in total, the height of the mountain is about 10203 m from the foot to the top) and is located on the Hawaiian Islands, which have a number of active and extinct volcanoes. Opinions about its formation differed. Some believe that this extinct volcano is millions of years old, while others believe that this mountain, like other mountains, is quite young and was formed due to a global earthly catastrophe - the water Flood.

Everyone knows that the highest mountain is Everest. Can you name the second tallest? Or at least three more from the TOP-10 list? How many eight-thousanders do you know in the world? Answers under the cut...

No. 10. Annapurna I (Himalayas) - 8091 meters

Annapurna I is the highest peak of the Annapurna mountain range. The height of the mountain is 8091 meters. It ranks tenth among all the peaks in the world. Also, this peak is considered the most dangerous - the mortality rate of climbers for all the years of ascents is 32%, however, in the period from 1990 to the present, the mortality rate has decreased to 17%.

The name Annapurna is translated from Sanskrit as "Goddess of Fertility".

The summit was conquered for the first time in 1950 by French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. Initially, they wanted to conquer Dhaulagiri, but found it impregnable and went to Annapurna.

No. 9. Nanga Parbat (Himalayas) - 8125 meters.

Nanga Parbat is one of the most dangerous mountains for climbing among the eight-thousanders. The height of the peak of Nanga Parbat is 8125 meters.

Of the Europeans, Adolf Schlagintveit first noticed the peak in the 19th century during his trip to Asia and made the first sketches.

In 1895, the first attempt to conquer the summit was made by British climber Albert Frederick Mummery. But he died along with his guides.

Then several more attempts were made to conquer in 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1950. But the first successful conquest occurred in 1953, when Hermann Buhl, a member of the German-Austrian expedition led by K. Herligkoffer, climbed Nangaparbat.
Nanga Parbat has a climber death rate of 21%.

No. 8. Manaslu (Himalayas) - 8156 meters.

Manaslu (Kutang) is a mountain that is part of the Mansiri-Himal mountain range in Nepal.
In 1950, Tilman made the first reconnaissance of the mountain and noted that it was possible to climb it from the northeast side. And only 34 years later, after several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the summit, on January 12, 1984, Polish climbers Ryszard Gajewski and Maciej Berbeka first ascended the main peak of Manaslu, conquering it.
The mortality rate among climbers on Manaslu is 16%.

No. 7. Dhaulagiri I (Himalayas) - 8167 meters.

Dhaulagiri I is the highest point of the Dhaulagiri mountain range in the Himalayas. The height of the peak is 8167 meters.

From 1808 to 1832, Dhaulagiri I was considered the highest peak in the world. Climbers paid attention to it only in the 50s of the 20th century, and only the eighth expedition was able to conquer the summit. The team of the best climbers in Europe, led by Max Eiselin, conquered the summit on May 13, 1960.

In Sanskrit, dhavala or dala means "white" and giri means "mountain".

No. 6. Cho Oyu (Himalayas) - 8201 meters.

Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain peak in the world. The height of Cho Oyu is 8201 m.

The first successful ascent was made in 1954 by an Austrian expedition consisting of Herbert Tichy, Josef Jehler and Pazang Dawa Lama. For the first time, an attempt was made to conquer such a peak without oxygen masks and cylinders, and it was a success. With its success, the expedition opened a new page in the history of mountaineering.

To date, 15 different routes have been laid to the top of Cho Oyu.

No. 5. Makalu (Himalayas) - 8485 meters.

Makalu is the fifth highest peak in the world. Located in the central Himalayas, on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region).

The first attempts to climb began in the mid-50s of the 20th century. This can be explained by the fact that most of the expeditions wanted to conquer Chomolungma and Lhotse, while Makalu and other lesser known neighboring peaks remained in the shadows.

The first successful expedition happened in 1955. French climbers led by Lionel Terray and Jean Cozy reached the summit on May 15, 1955.

Makalu is one of the most difficult peaks to climb. Less than 30% of expeditions achieve success.

To date, 17 different routes have been laid to the top of Makalu.

No. 4. Lhotse (Himalayas) - 8516 meters.

Lhotse is the fourth highest peak in the world, at 8516 meters. Located in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The first successful ascent was made on May 18, 1956 by a Swiss expedition consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Of all attempts to climb Lhotse, only 25% were successful.

No. 3. Kanchenjunga (Himalayas) - 8586 meters.

Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after calculations based on the data of the 1849 expedition, it was proved that the highest mountain is Everest.

At all peaks in the world, there is a tendency for mortality to decrease over time, but Kangchenjunga is an exception. In recent years, the death rate while climbing to the top has reached 23% and is only growing. There is a legend in Nepal that Kanchenjunga is a mountain woman who kills all women who try to climb to its top.

No. 2. Chogori (Karakorum) - 8614 meters.

Chogori is the second highest peak in the world. Chogori was first discovered by a European expedition in 1856 and was designated as Mount K2, that is, the second peak of the Karakorum.
The first attempt to climb was made in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein and Aleister Crowley, but ended in failure.

The summit was conquered in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.

To date, 10 different routes have been laid to the top of K2.
Climbing Chogori is technically much more difficult than climbing Everest. In terms of danger, the mountain ranks second among the eight-thousanders after Annapurna, the mortality rate is 24%. None of the attempts to climb Chogori in winter were successful.

No. 1. Chomolungma (Himalayas) - 8848 meters.

Chomolungma (Everest) - the highest peak of the Earth.

Translated from the Tibetan "Chomolungma" - "Divine (jomo) Mother (ma) of vital energy (lung)". The mountain is named after the Bon goddess Sherab Chzhamma.

The English name "Everest" was given in honor of Sir George Everest, the head of the Survey of British India in 1830-1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh after the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanath Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it was the highest in the region and probably in the whole world.

Until the moment of the first successful ascent to the peak, which took place in 1953, there were about 50 expeditions to the Himalayas and Karakorum (to Chomolungma, Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Nangaparbat and other peaks).

On May 29, 1953, New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay conquered Everest.

In subsequent years, the highest peak in the world was conquered by climbers from different countries of the world - the USSR, China, the USA, India, Japan, and other countries.

For all the time, when trying to climb Mount Everest, more than 260 people died on it. Nevertheless, more than 400 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year.

The answer to the question about eight-thousanders is that there are 14 of them in the world, 10 of them are in the Himalayas, and the remaining 4 are in the Karakorum.

What do you know about the highest peak in the world? What is it called Everest. Some will also remember an alternative name - Chomolungma. Can you name the height? At least approximately. And where is it? Also no? Then once again we will talk about the highest mountains of the Earth.

The undisputed leader in terms of height, this mountain, like a magnet, attracts professional climbers, beginners and people just thirsty for extreme sports from all over the world. Climbing it is the cherished dream of everyone who has made at least one ascent to any other peak. And today, thousands of people every year turn this dream into reality.

Everest with routes and key points

Brief information. Chomolungma, aka Everest, aka Sagarmatha, is the highest peak in the world. Its peak reaches a height of 8848 meters. Belongs to the Himalayas, divided between China and Nepal. Most of the ascents are from Nepal. It takes about two hours for an ordinary person to walk 7 kilometers 200 meters. Here you need to climb up the rocky slopes in cold, and even rarefied air. The test is something else, but every year thousands of people decide on it. Not all of them reach the top. Not everyone returns home. Many die in the process.

Despite this, the organization of the ascent of Everest has now turned into a profitable business. Solo climbs are now rare, most often people turn to special companies that assign guides, guides, instructors, doctors to them, select equipment, purchase licenses for climbing, provisions, and medicines. In this case, the rise can take up to two months. This time is necessary for acclimatization, which is carried out at critical points. Pleasure is not cheap. On average, a tourist leaves 65 thousand dollars for the rise. But on the other hand, he changes them into unforgettable impressions.

The second highest mountain peak, Chogori, is inferior to Everest, but not to say very much - 8611 meters. Belongs to the Karakorum mountain system and is located on the border of China and Pakistan. This is the northernmost eight-thousander and the most inhospitable. Climbing it is much more difficult than almost habitable Everest, surrounded by a well-established service. Despite the fact that the mountain is the second highest, climbing it is much less common, and the risk is much higher. For example, no one has yet managed to conquer it in the winter. Mortality among climbers is striking: about 30%. True, it is calculated not from the total number of tourists, but in comparison with the number of people who have reached the top.

The third highest mountain has a height of 8586 meters. It was divided between Nepal and India, and it belongs to the same Himalayas as Everest, but is located a little further south. Kanchenjunga translated into Russian means "five treasures of the great snows", and this is not just an artistic image: it is divided into five independent peaks, of which only one is lower than 8000 meters, and then only 100. This mountain is especially well known to lovers of Nikolai's work Roerich, because she was one of his main sources of inspiration and was repeatedly depicted on his canvases.

Another eight-thousander, and again from the Himalayas. It is also divided into two states already familiar to us - Nepal and China. The name of this mountain is "South Peak", which makes some sense. It is, indeed, located a little south of the famous Everest. It is connected to it by the famous South Col Pass. The other side - the South Wall - is sheer. By the way, she was conquered only once. The Soviet Union in 1990 assembled a powerful expedition of 17 climbers. Only two of them reached the summit, the rest provided them with a safe climb, but an unprecedented result could only be achieved by a common team effort. The mountain is divided into three peaks with a height of 8516, 8414 and 8383 meters, respectively.

Again the border of China and Nepal, again the same massif. The Himalayas are leaders in the number of high peaks and Makalu is another confirmation. The height of this mountain is 8485 meters. It is believed that of all eight-thousanders, this one is the heaviest. Only less than a third of all expeditions reach the summit, while most have to turn off halfway. The “Black Giant” (this is how the name of the mountain is translated) does not particularly favor climbers.

This is the sixth highest eight-thousander. You can guess the rest yourself: Nepal-China, Himalayas, height - 8201 meters. Accordingly, you can climb it from one side or the other. But, if from the side of Nepal one has to face a very difficult wall, which not everyone can overcome, then from the side of Tibet there is a convenient pass, which makes Cho-oyu one of the most convenient eight-thousanders for climbing.

Reading the name of this mountain from the first time is already a task, and only a few manage to climb it. "White Mountain" is one of the most massive. It is divided into 11 peaks, however, only one, Dhaulagiri I, could overcome the eight-thousandth line. By the way, for some time it was Dhaulagiri that was considered the highest peak in the world. True, it was a long time ago, from 1808 to 1832.

Already the eighth eight-thousander, and we have everything the same: the Himalayas, but, for a change, it belongs entirely to Nepal. "Mountain of Spirits" - this is how its name is translated. This is a sacred place. Perhaps that is why climbing it is considered quite dangerous, and the death rate reaches 18% even today. There are three peaks near the mountain, the highest of which rises to 8156 meters.

For a change, the mountain is located on the territory of Pakistan, although it belongs to the already well-known Himalayas. It is divided into 4 peaks, of which the highest is 8125 meters. “Naked Mountain”, “Mountain of the Gods” – this is all about the ninth eight-thousander. It is considered one of the most difficult to climb because of the climatic conditions and bare sheer peaks. Complicating the situation is the unsettled situation in the country. So, in 2013, a real tragedy occurred when militants attacked the climbers' camp. 10 people died, including three Kharkiv residents. Not surprisingly, the mortality rate is 22%.

Closes our list is another eight-thousander, the most dangerous. The mortality rate is 41%. The name of the mountain is translated as "Goddess of Fertility", but apparently, this goddess requires human sacrifices. However, the number of climbers who want to climb its 8091-meter peak is enough.

These are the ten highest mountains and the first of 14 eight-thousanders. Several people have already managed to conquer them all, and thousands more dream about it. Perhaps you are one of them.

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