Inhabitants of South East Asia fly to 140. The best flyings from the world of animals

In the numerous and diverse world of mammals fauna, which are able to "fly", or rather plan, units. The most famous - fly-flying proteins, sickness, silent flying and helm. That's the latter and will be discussed. Kaguang (Cynocephalus Volns), Flying Maki, or Philippine Shelocryl, or just helm.

This unusual animal belongs to wood mammals that live in the tropics South-East Asia. In the squad, there are only 2 modern genus and 6 fossil clans. From now living, except Filipino known Malay (Lat. Cynocephalus Variegatus) helpr.

It is not difficult to guess the range of their habitat. The first chose the Philippines, or rather - Leite Islands, Bochol, Mindao, Samar and Basilan. Second - Thailand and Islands of the Indonesian archipelago.

It is difficult to say who is more like this animal - someone cat, someone. Its dimensions are small - up to 65 cm together with the tail, weight of about 2 kg. On a small pretty muzzle big round dark eyes and rounded small ears.

Small limbs were equipped with sharp claws so that it was more convenient to climb on the trees and hang on the branches. But a dense aircraft connecting between the trees helps him, connecting all limbs, tail and animal neck. There are also small membranes between the fingers on the paws.

By the way, the aircraft's aircraft is the largest among other "flying" mammals. From above, she, like all his body, is covered with a small, soft and thick fur, because they called this animal with a helpr. Caguang's wool varies from a brown-red to grayish-brown, stand out only on a general background of light abdomen and the same light spots on the sides.

Caguans - Night Animals, conducting the main part of life on the trees. On Earth, they can be found very rarely, as they are going to be crawled and can easily become predatory prey. The days of the helms are spent in the dupes, choosing from them after sunset. It is at this time that you can see their flights. In the jump, they argue their paws in different directions and pull the tail, thanks to this, the membrane is stretched as much as possible.

The range of sprouts is up to 140 m, with a loss of a height of just 10 m. Lower distances (20-30 m) they fly actually in a straight line. But that's not all. By changing the refill tension, Kaguang can control the direction of flight. They land as well as, for example, flying proteins or. Taking a vertical position at some distance to the target, they land on a tree by all 4 limbs.

The diet of these flying animals is purely vegetarian: kidneys, leaves, flowers and fruits of various trees. What is interesting, the peculiarities of the reproduction of the helmet is similar to representatives of the sample animals, so they are sometimes related to them. The female brings, as a rule, one (less often two) small, bare and blind baby. The first 5-6 months he lives, tightly clinging to Mamino's abdomen. Having hovering on the branch or simply sitting on the tree, the female sweeps the tail to the abdomen and creates a peculiar protective bag for a young. The young life will be ready for independent life only in 2-3 years.

N. Domrina

Be able to fly! Man breastfucked the century dreamed of being free, subordinate to himself air space. But, striving for flights, I managed to create for myself only the "fir-hand" mechanisms. Directly to climb into the air it has not yet been possible. Birds Yes, even insects are predetermined to be skilled invents, as they rely on the lifting force of the wings and lightweight skeleton. But it turns out that there are other inhabitants of the animal world, not specially equipped for flights, but they can lift themselves into the air and there is some time there. A strange community of various animal forms, including fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. The ability to actively fly to them, of course, is not peculiar. But they can soar, slide through the air, and then gently land. And do it boldly, purposefully or, on the contrary, slowly, as if enjoying his magnificent skill. From the jump to the planning flight - the range of air exercises, which make these unusual and mostly not very well-known ground beings. Probably, this is exactly how they started their flights and birds once, in the end, winning the heavenly space. But now it will be about animals living in the forests, on trees. Jumping or, if you want, flying from one tree to another in search of food and asylum, these "intelligent" creatures simply save for themselves asking and descent. In the same locations where the trees are growing not too closely, ordinary jumps from the branch branch were not to do. And I had to master planning flights - for life, and for survival.

With the help of your fluffy tail of the protein "taxis" in the air.

Being in the air, flying protein stretches its leathery membrane between the front and rear legs, which gives the fur coat of the soaring animal a very elegant look.

Flowing dragon - rarity among reptiles.

The three-phase flying flight allows you to identify multiple exposure.

Despite the big growth and lack of special devices for flights, Sifaka from the island of Madagascar became the best air acrobat among his relatives - semoresis.

Streeting the membrane between the fingers of the hands and legs, the bat of the Borneo island makes flights to short distances.

In flight - a folded gecko from South Asia.

Flying Dragon. This small lizard of the kind of Agamov has received its name for unusual for reptiles to the planning flight. As a special device for moving through the air, volatile dragons there is something that partly resembles a bird wings - two wide skin folds. These folds are located on the sides of the body and are supported by the highly elongated five-seven false ribs that ensure the mobility of dragon "wings". In the usual state of "wings" are folded and adjacent to the body, only the flying dragon spreads them as if the brake parachute. Another pair of flat skin grows is on the sides of the neck.

Volatile dragons live in rainforests, their main spreads: Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sumatra, Borneo, South India. Most of the life of the dragons spend on the trees. It is descended to land only for laying eggs or if a flight from a tree failed to tree, which, however, it happens extremely rarely. As a rule, dragons are climbing trees. From there they jump down, then at a fairly high speed transition to an adjustable planning flight, sometimes changing the direction both in the vertical and horizontal plane, and after the braking phase exactly lands "in a given area". In the open area, the volatile dragons are able to overcome 60 meters over the air and more, although, as a rule, their flight range still does not exceed 50 meters.

After landing, the volatile dragons are immediately climbed upstairs on the trunks of the trees, along the way the insects living there.

Volatile dragons rarely come across to people on the eyes, because they remarkably adapted to the environment and can remain invisible.

Proteins. For the outstanding achievements of volatile dragons on batting in the air, proteins cannot be sophisticated. They have no "sails", the most special device on the body, which most good flyers have. But the proteins have learned to do without this kind of special devices.

Jumping from a tree on a tree for protein is vital: so it finds food and saves from enemies. Fallen, power leaps of the protein does not make it, and choosing a goal, reduces to a minimum distance between the start and "promotion". For skid jumps, the exterior area of \u200b\u200bthe crown uses, jumping from the finest branches, barely withstand their weight. Therefore, it is quite possible that the proteins travel the air purposefully. The power steering is tail. Fucking it, the squirrel slows down the free fall while holding back in a given direction. However, despite this, squirrels jumping always pass with a significant loss of height.

Flying. In relation to the living space and need for food inhabitants in Asia, Europe and North America Self-flying proteins are almost different from ordinary protein. They also live in the forests, the same nutcrackers and fruit lovers, are as curious, playful and good by themselves. But here is the ability to fly, there are significant differences. Despite all its acrobatic walks along the tops of the trees, ordinary proteins do not stand any comparison with the flying.

The advantage of heating is the presence of a lean membrane. It is located between the front and rear legs and at rest surrounds the hull of the animal, like a coat. Preparing for flight, flying hops special cartilages or sickle bones on wrists, stretching the membrane.

In the weightless planning flight, the dwarf protein (the length of its body is a maximum of 15 centimeters, weight 70 grams) flies 50 meters. The height of the flight, its direction and speed of the flying rodent adjusts, lifting and lowering "hands", as well as using a long fluffy tail.

The largest among fly - giant flying, or Taguan.

The length of her body is more than 60 centimeters, the same tail length. In the flight of the animal resembles a small air boat. As all flying, it is active mainly at night. Four prefers foliage. Taguan is often arranged at housing near the person: in the gardens, in bird houses or on the roofs of houses. But behaves so hidden that almost no one notices.

Gecko. These lizards with tenacious legs are widely known for their climbing attractions down heads along the sheer slopes, which can be managed thanks to the microscopic bristles located on the fingers. Such bristles are half a million on each foot, and each bristle is also covered with tiny hairs. Geckons are found everywhere in the tropics and subtropics.

Of course, a born crawling cannot fly. And most of the 670 types of gecko of this rule holds. Only Madagascar plane thawed gecko, as well as a vopastehydrated gecko from South Asia risk going to planning flights for short distances. The ability to fly to them provide broad skin folds, fading torso and legs, and flat leathery fringe on the sides of the tail.

Frogs. Speaking about frogs, think about their ability to swim and jump, but it is hardly about the ability to fly. Nevertheless, a flying frog from Borneo island and akin to her woody frog can. Both between your fingers and legs have highly developed membranes, which are spreading in the air and significantly reduce the rate of fall. Wood frog, the body length of which is about 7 centimeters, can overcome in the planning flight a distance of several meters.

Snakes. A lot of adventure stories are folded about reptiles, but there are not many pages to the share of flying snakes. Only decorated wood snake and an ordinary decorated snake from South Asia can fly. These snakes rush down from the height of 15-20-meter coconut palm trees. During the jump, the snake flattens the body in the horizontal plane, strongly pulling the belly. At the same time, abdominal and tail shields, equipped on the sides of an acute longitudinal keel, form a small airbag, which slows down the free drop so that fragile animals when hitting the obstacle do not receive damage.

The decorated wood snake makes his airborne exercise when she eats all lizards and gecko on that palm where it sits. Moving to another tree, the snake again rushes into the depths of the branches.

Temple flying. Looping Australias of three different shapes rose into the air: Dwarf Flying Couscous, a silent flying and a giant volatile couscous (he is a large flying possess).

Australian dwarf flying cascus among all capable of flying silence even in their homeland - perfect crumb, because this acrobatics barely reaches the size of the mouse. Despite the fact that it is not frightened by the proximity to a person, no one knows who is there in the midst of the night hunts in the garden behind the insects.

Significant letters are significantly more visible, as well as all volatile with a typical membrane on the sides of the body. As on an inflatable pillow, these are by no means rare silence with a cat plan to a distance of up to 50 meters. And it happens that the mother is flying with children on his back or babies in the bag.

Even more than the silent flying, impressive giant volatile couscous, the length of his body reaches 50 centimeters. True, he belongs not to the shortly squirrel, but to the coal family. At the silent squirrels, the membrane - on the outer fingers, and the "giants" - only on the elbows. It determines a different trajectory of flights: it's rather rectangular at the heating, gigantic couscons are closer to triangular.

Semobesian . Among the lemurs, the most diverse family of semi-esshynes in Madagascar, Siphaki (or Crested Indri) - Absolute Masters of Jumps and Flights. By performing air travel, they rely not on an inflatable pillow or sailing products, but only for the power of their feet. Head forward Sifaka rapidly flies from the barrel to the trunk and from the branch on the branch. Jumping 10 meters and more for him is not uncommon.

Worse.These animals living in Southeast Asia are isolated from all mammals. Their "activation" consists of a dense, coated with a membrane, which connects the neck, front and rear limbs and tail.

The helmstela live on trees in tropical and equatorial forests. Having climbed into the top of the crown, they rush into the air and soaring silently, almost without losing height. With ease, flying between trees, growing one from the other at a distance of 70 meters. And the maximum flight range of worstocrokes is 130-140 meters, while loss of height is only 10-12 meters.

The story of unusual flyers will continue the next time.

According to the materials of the magazine "DAS TIER" (Germany).

With a set of groups in the subnet, recently, it was not particularly good, and God himself ordered to advance further to the south and east in my study of the Asian part of the world.

Route I chose the following:

Novosibirsk - Vladivostok - Singapore - Manila - Palavan Island (Philippines) - Hong Kong - Macao - Novosibirsk.

He (route) began to look exactly the way numerous sales of air tickets.

For example, a plot of Vladivostok - Singapore, with a change in Hong Kong, I went through only 10,000 rubles. Well, how to resist? Other flights also pinched low cost. Inside Asia is cheaply flying. You only need to catch one of the sales on local lawsters, and for this, in turn, it is necessary to constantly monitor the sites of several airlines for a long time.


In my opinion, everything is written about this miracle. I publish your opinion on a three-day stay in this city.

I did not make a visa, since for citizens of the Russian Federation there is a 96-hour visa-free transit. In principle, this time is enough to inspect the main attractions of Singapore.

I would like to celebrate the airline " Singapore Airlines"Flight Hong Kong - Singapore I was caught on the Big Airbas A-380. To fly on it with solid pleasure. The level of comfort in the local" economy class "is much superior to our domestic" business class "in everything.

In my opinion, the statement that Singapore is a very pure city, a little overpriced. The city center is licked, but it is worth visiting the Indian quarter - and everything will become clear. Dirt and stench.

Smoking everything only in the places. These places can be detected by the presence of urns in them. Someone unusual and wild!

Prices in Singapore are very high on everything. After China, I was very unpleasant to pay 15-20 Singadollars (1 dollar - 27 rubles), for lunch or dinner. And this is in the usual eatery. Beer, I did not drink at all, for 250 rubles per jar of this drink - the price is crazy !!!

Where I visited ...

Sightseeing tour by the bus in the city, rolled on the local ferris wheel, " Magic gardens"Bay Marina Bay, the beaches of the island of Satozez, where he got on cablewayAnd, of course, Casino Singapore!

Casino at the hotel "Marina Bay" left the most pleasant impressions. This is the situation, and the result of the poker game. I will not win the amount of winnings, but Singapore cost me for free ...

By the way ... a good travel option. He came, loved by sights, rested, played in the casino, won - with his left. But for this option, the main thing is the last ... here as lucky.

Also got under local view Rain! This is of course something ... a solid wall of water falling from the sky! In Singapore every evening - shower!

Well, a couple of photos for Plezair.

Twenty-seventh game "The Second Command Tournament".


Alexander Altshuler

Alexey Paevsky

  • Yakov Farm, Pediatrician from Carmiel (Israel)
  • Alexander Altshuler, economist from Kaliningrad
  • Alexey Passsky, Scientific journalist from Odessa (Ukraine)

Stroke Game

First round


  • ABC
  • Men and women
  • Flowers
  • Musical instruments
  • Islands
  • …tooth…

Alphabet (300)

In 1895, Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov developed for the Russian fleet exactly this.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Semaphore ABC

ABC (400)

Stories from its 4-languid "Azbuchi" have been taken by 140 years in Krestomatia and Buvwari.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

ABC (500)

On them he studied the alphabet of the Bulgakov Ball. Mayakovsky was recognized in the same.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Signs

Men and women (500)

According to the results of a recent survey in British families, the word Babe - "Baby" took the first place in this list.

Correct answer: The most unloved appeals to the wives

Flowers (400)

Peruvian Moyobamba is nusted by the city of these colors: there are up to 3,500 species in the district.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Orchids

Flowers (500)

The national holiday of Saury-Lola dedicated to these colors in Tajikistan is celebrated at the beginning of summer.

Correct answer: Tulips

Musical Instruments (500)

General Evgraf Zhivago Surprisely learned that his found niece Tonya virtuoso plays on this tool - just like a native grandmother, not known tone.

Replies yaks.
Player's answer: Piano.
Correct answer: Balalaika

Islands (400)

In this novel, it is perhaps the largest of vehicles born fantasy Jules Verne.

Replies yaks.
Player's answer: "Flying island".
Correct answer: "Floating Island"

Islands (500)

With shipyard, built by Peter I on this island, 500 ships left for the three centuries; Now Island became the area of \u200b\u200bArkhangelsk.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Sollabala

... tooth ... (500)

The eighth and ninth models "Zhiguli" received this nickname for the form of the body.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: "Chisel"

Musical Instruments (300)

Auction. In the fall of 1941, according to the Defense People's Commissariat, 60,000 of these instruments were sent to the front to raise the spirit of soldiers.

Plays yaks. Bet - 900.
Player's answer: Drums.
Correct answer: Harmoshki

Musical Instruments (400)

Musical Instruments (400)

Initially, they were made from extension cow or goat ribs. Nowadays, they are mainly produced from solid tree.

Correct answer: Bones

... tooth ... (400)

Crater shaft of this acting volcano Three rocks form in the Kuril Island.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Trident

... tooth ... (300)

If the actor learned the text of the role exactly, then no fear of the scene will not.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Nazubok

Men and women (400)

In this film, Francois Ozone, the only man does not utter a word; Even the face of the audience is almost not seen.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: "Eight women"

Men and women (300)

According to the legend, she penetrated Caesar secretly from his own brother, ordered to wrap itself in a precious carpet. Plutarch clarifies: not in the carpet, but in a modest bedding bag.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Cleopatra

Islands (300)

Sculptures (500)

Cat in a bag.. Subject: Sculpture. Sculpture "Russia", created in 1896 - the masterpiece of Castinsky casting. What 3 subjects are under the shield?

Playing Alexander. Rate - 500.
The player does not give a response.
Correct answer: Crown, Skiptere and Power

Alphabet (200)

At the end of 1917, a secret organization "ABC" was created in Kiev to combat Bolshevism. The letters of the alphabet served as agents in this capacity.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Underground Klikek

... tooth ... (200)

... tooth ... (200)

In Miocene, this is a silent animal, or Tilochasmin, dwell on North America.

Correct answer: Saber-toothed tiger

... tooth ... (100)

The Moscow Kremlin has 1045 of these "swallow tails".

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Teeth Wall

Flowers (300)

In the USA I. Western EuropeUnlike Russia, it is believed that such a bouquet brings happiness.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: With aware of the colors

Men and women (200)

Suvorov ordered to carry this "gift", bought for his own fortress, "How to carry chickens, but very preserved."

Correct answer: Bride

Musical Instruments (200)

In 1712, he made Cello for the Great Duke of Tuscan; Today, American Yo-Yo Ma is played on the instrument.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Stradivaria

Musical Instruments (100)

Poets consider it their attribute, even if nothing in music does not make sense.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: LIRA

Alphabet (100)

Letter codes, that is, actually the alphabet, invented his colleague Vail, that the inventor himself denied.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Morse

Flowers (200)

This popular song performed by Nina Sazonova actress first sounded in the television film "My Street".

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: "Chamomile hid"

Islands (200)

Croatian island Ganeleshnyak in shape similar to that; Not in vain noin the "island of loved".

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: A heart

Flowers (100)

Auction. In the song about Gayavate, the sorts of southern wind Shawandase threw this flower.

Playing Alexey. Bet - 1,000.
Correct answer: Dandelion

Men and women (100)

At the beginning of the play, he was unrequited in love with the beauty of Rosalin, but the new love turned out to be stronger.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Romeo

Islands (100)

The name of this island is jokingly deciphered as "communism off the coast of America."

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Cuba

Round outcome

  • Yakov - 1 100
  • Alexander - 700
  • Alexei - 2 500

Second round


  • Bridges
  • Fly hunting
  • Questions from ...
  • Spiritual business
  • solar system
  • Length

Length (600)

This Russian measure was approximately equal to the length of the human step.

Correct answer: Arshin

Length (800)

Its length should be known to calculate the circumference length.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Radius

Solar System (600)

This year asteroid number 274301 received a name in honor of this Internet encyclopedia.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Wikipedia

Bridges (800)

Bridges (800)

The rope bridge of Kesva Chuck over the River Apurimak is the last preserved bridge, built by the residents of this empire.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Incov

Solar System (800)

On this planet, you can find the land of the Lada, the Snow Maiden plains and even the canyon of Baba Yaga.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Venus

Length (1 000)

Question auction. This modern competitive discipline was included in the antique Olympiad program. Now the record for Mike Powl.

Plays yaks. Bet - 1 700.
Correct answer: Long jump

Spiritual business (800)

Peter Mesh, who ruled this country at the beginning of the XIX century, was canonized by the Orthodox Church as Peter Cetsy.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Montenegro

Spiritual cases (1,000)

The temple "Blood" is not only in St. Petersburg, but also in this Russian regional center.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Yekaterinburg

Fly hunting (800)

Maestro Titarenko removed him from the flights, and he, with the nails of the Germans without a team, flew on the plane of the Komek and hit the Messer.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Grasshopper

Fly hunting (1 000)

Fly hunting (1 000)

These inhabitants of Southeast Asia fly to 140 meters thanks to fur membrane Between paws, tail and neck.

Answers Alexey.
Player's answer: Belka-Lethagi.
Correct answer: Shingle

Bridges (1,000)

To remember (1,000)

Cat in a bag.. Subject: To remember. The project of Turkish architects gave preference, and for the years for 60 years in Ankara attending millions of people, and not only the Turks. What is ankabir?

Playing Alexander. Bet - 1,000.
Player's answer: National Museum.
Correct answer: Mausoleum Ataturk

Solar System (1,000)

This cosmic telescope, addressed around the Sun, in 4 years of work managed to "explore" more than a hundred planets outside the solar system.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: "Keppler"

Solar System (400)

In the photo made by Voyager, with a distance of 6 billion kilometers, it looks like a pale blue dot.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Land

Solar System (200)

After Pluto from the planets were excluded, the title of the smallest planet of the solar system passed to it.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Mercury

Spiritual business (600)

Filipinos three times a year in the capital, the Savior Statue of the Savior; According to the legend, on the ship, brought the statue in Manila four centuries ago, it was exactly that.

Correct answer: Fire

Bridges (600)

This event was first held in 1982, although I did not go to the ether. From the Soviet side, 200 students hastily assembled in Ostankino participated.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Telemost with USA

Questions from ... (200)

Questions from artist on makeup

Questions asks Murra Artist Natalia. Checking the makeup Josephine and Daphne, the director of the film "In Jazz only girls", made the actors go to this institution and only then began to shoot.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Female toilet

Questions from ... (600)

If the lower eyelid of the actor is slightly lubricate with a special pencil, looks like lipstick, then the actor will do it.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Pay

Questions from ... (800)

In the film "Spring" Rin green in the role of Grimør film studio commands: "Average plump, sequel number four!". What is it about?

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Lubs

Questions from ... (400)

Special black lacquer helps to create an illusion of the absence of this from the actor.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Tuba

Questions from ... (1 000)

Take starch, add talc, zinc oxide, chalk. What happens?

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Powder

Fly hunting (600)

Fly hunting (600)

Who takes off over the water meter for two and immediately flutters back?

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Skat

Bridges (200)

This is a khimki microdistrict, and a flipping bridge to enter the ship.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Gangway

Fly hunting (400)

If you believe Joan Rowling, the Ministry of Magic forbade these " vehicles" Not otherwise, the competition was frightened.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Carpets-aircraft

Length (400)

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Noev Ark

Spiritual business (200)

This archangel was accompanied by Mohammed with his wonderful ascension to heaven.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Jabrail

Bridges (400)

Bridges (400)

Rotterdamians nicknamed this elegant bridge "Swan". Official name Bridge to wear in honor of this famous native of the city.

Correct answer: Erasmus Rotterdamsky

Spiritual business (400)

According to TEFFI, these ancient steps could not stand without blasphemia: then the sacred cat will give up, they will get rid of a sacred dog, they will eat the holy flies in the war ...

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Egyptians

Round outcome

  • Yakov - 8 000
  • Alexander - 1 100
  • Alexei - 7 900

Third Round


  • Factories
  • I sit behind bars
  • Spicy
  • That of what
  • The Bears
  • Stairs

What of which (900)

What of which (900)

British artist Susan Stock Beda collected the world map from this. The work took the year, you can admire at the University of Berkfordshire.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Microcircuits

What of what (600)

African fugged, Romanian Mamalyga, Italian Polenta ... All three cereals are made from this flour.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Corn

I sit behind bars (1,200)

Even during the Cold War, this prison of Western Berlin was jointly managed by four allied powers.

Replies yaks.
Player's answer: Muabit.
Correct answer: Shpandau

I sit behind bars (1,500)

These "innovations" introduced in Bastille and other prisons to aggravate the flour of prisoners, King Louis Xi gently called "daughters".

Correct answer: Iron cells

Factory (1,200)

In 1922, the Petrograd Knitted Breaker Factory, founded by the merchant Natus, received the Order and with him this new name.

Correct answer: Red flag

Factory (1,500)

Soups (1,500)

Cat in a bag.. Subject: Soups. Before you French Buyabes, Finnish Lochikeito, Spanish Gaspachcho and German Bread Soup. Only this soup should be prepared in the cast iron and insist a day.

Playing Alexander. Bet - 1,500.
Player's answer: Gaspachcho.
Correct answer: Lochikeito

Bears (900)

This Pushkin Hero, having occurred to the gypsies, began "settled by the bear", which was extremely outraged by Romantic Ryleva.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Aleco

Bears (1,200)

Created by him "Bear Circus" was filmed in the films "Arena Brewy", "Michelle and Mishutka", "not all bears are sleeping in winter."

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Valentin Filatov

Bears (1,500)

Bears (1,500)

These bears from the island near Alaska are taken under the protection of the state - their number has declined sharply.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Kodiak

Stairs (1,500)

Stairs (1,500)

Six denominations agreed without general consent, nothing in this temple is not changed. Here is the staircase, there is no bit from the eaves, two centuries do not touch.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Temple of the coffin of the Lord

Spices (1,200)

Correct answer: Cardamom

What of what (1,200)

Auction. For the manufacture of this in Venice, the purest sand from the PO River, and that was imported from Istria.

Plays yaks. Rate - 8 800.
Player's answer: Yarn.
Correct answer: Glass

What of what (1,500)

From the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts annually sent a steamer with a dirty rag into England, and this was exactly what it was.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Paper for drawing

Stairs (900)

In the last century, the first in the world appeared in the New York Park on the island of Koni Island on the public. The modern species acquired 27 years later. What are we talking about?

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Escalator

I sit behind bars (900)

Spices (900)

Portuguese exported Pepper Miligetti from the coast of the current Liberia. On the vintage cards The region is called this way.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Pepper shore

Bears (600)

In the Norwegian Village, the Bear Fitness and three bear broke into the house in the absence of owners, destroying honey and chocolate and driving sweets from the cans with these contents.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: Beer.

I sit behind bars (600)

In the year before last, this Ministry of Russia sent an academician architecture of Anthony Tomishko abroad. For studying imprisonment.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: MVD.

Stairs (600)

On the third Odessa Film Festival "Lights big City"Chaplin showed exactly there under the live music of the Philharmonic Orchestra.

Replies yaks.
Correct answer: On Potemkin's stairs

Factory (600)

The Romans called the word Fabrica such a small enterprise.

Correct answer: Workshops

Spices (600)

This spice is the dried cortex strips.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Cinnamon

Spices (300)

Farmers growing "Organic Food" spray with the infusion of sharp peppers.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: To protect against pests instead of ordinary insecticides

Bears (300)

This species separated from the brown bear is now the most "young."

Replies yaks.
Player's answer: Grizzly.
Correct answer: Polar bear

I sit behind bars (300)

The son of Marina Tsvetaeva Georgy Efron in the diary calls this institution where the father and the sister "bottles" were also.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Butyrsa prison

What of which (300)

At the Winter Smile Festival in the Arkhangelsk region, the local team not only folded out of this furnace, but also to flood.

Answers Alexey.
Correct answer: Snow

Stairs (300)

The image of the student is just such a staircase found in one of the caves of Valencia. Figure about 100 centuries.

Alexander answers.
Correct answer: Ladder

Round outcome

  • Yakov - 1 800
  • Alexander - 2 000
  • Alexei - 11 200

Final Round

Subject: Around music

Tchaikovsky dedicated his memory trio for piano, violin and cello. And in the Great Hall of the Conservatory, his portrait occupies a central position above the scene. About what speech?

Yakov's answer: Nikolay Rubinstein
Bet - 600.

Alexander's answer: Cui
Bet - 2,000.

Alexey's answer: Beethoven
Bet - 1,000.

Correct answer: Nikolay Rubinstein

The result of the game

  • Yakov - 2 400
  • Alexander - 0
  • Alexei - 10 200

Alexey Paevsky is announced by the winner of the game. The team of Ukraine goes to the final games.

If you hear a satisfied grunt in the Philippine forest, then it will not necessarily mean that the fibrous piglet hides in the foliage. A very similar sound is published by Binturong - a rare inhabitant of Asian forests. He doesn't always grunt, but only when something pleased. If the bear is not pleased, then it makes anxious screaming. Medvedkaot leads a night lifestyle and moves over the branches using a long tail. Food with bear with eggs, leaves and other vegetation. Sometimes it can dine small chicks. In captivity lives for about 20 years. On the island of Palawan in the zoo not far from Puerto Princess you can see these funny little bites.

Flying lemurs live in the Philippines - Some of the most amazing animals on the planet

Flying Lemur is a very original animal living in the countries of Southeast Asia. He has no wings, however, he can fly up to 100 meters per jump. Like ordinary lemurs, flying lemur engaged in flights and other active livelihoods at night, and in the afternoon he sleeps, hugging gently some tree. The head of flying lemur is like a dog, but the body is very similar to the flying Canadian protein. On Mindao flying lemurs called "Kagvangami". Representatives of this rare family of animals inhabit Malaysia.

Ordinary kagvang weighs from a kilogram to two. He has little ears and huge eyes to see better at night. His membrane reaches from the front paws to the tail. She helps a flying lemur to escape from any predators, including the Philippine Eagle.
Flying Lemur lives in Basilana, Leite, Samara, Bochola and Mindanao. The cougvagon population in our time is not counting, nevertheless, the Government of the Philippines included a flying lemur in the list of disappearing animals on the planet and forbade its commercial use.

Filipino Dongle, or Momag

Lifetime-ghost (Tarsius Spectrum) is a tiny animal living on several islands in the southern part of the Philippine Archipelago, this is an endemic and endangered the type of primates.

Disclaimers live on Earth at least 45 million years, this is one of the oldest species of animals in the Philippines. Once widely distributed were widespread in Europe, Asia and North America, now they can be found only in remote corners of the planet. The dimensions of the adult long adoption are comparable to a man's finger

The size of the Philippine long distance is small, the body of an adult animal (if not counting the tail) is not a large width of the human palm, about 100 mm. The tail is longer than the body. The average weight of males - about 134 g, females - 117

The first thing that attracts attention in the guise of long profits is disproportionately huge eyes adapted for hunting in the night forest. The rounded head of long-range head can be rotated by more than 180 degrees in both directions, i.e., he can easily look after his back. Also very moving ears, almost always in motion. Dolghitat on the "face" there are Mimic muscles, he can change the expression of his cute face, which makes the animal of very "humane."

Fur long adhesive and silky, from grayish to dark brown. Long bare tail is used for balance. Fingers both on the front and the hind limbs are developed, very long. The ends of the fingers are flattened, form pads intended for climbing on the branches of trees. On all fingers, with the exception of the second and third flat nails, on the second and third are sharp claws used by the animal when combing fur. The fingers in the brush are really not opposed, but when Lazania has long covered the branch, retarding the thumb.

The hind limbs are stronger, the ankle "legs" is extended. Lifetime can sharply jump both in danger and when moving from a tree on a tree. The length of the jump can be several meters (and this is for such a crumb)!

If you are very dissatisfied with something, it makes a thin squeak. With the help of voice, long-life can communicate, report the boundaries of their territories and call upon partners, but it is generally noted that long-frequently use a lot of votes in comparison with other primates. The maximum fixed life expectancy of the Philippine long distance is 13.5 years (in captivity).

Yavansky Macak

Yavansky Macak - Macaca Fascicularis - Middle Size Monkey. Body length from 40 to 60-65 cm. Mass of the adult male 4 - 8.5 kg, females 2.5 - 3.7 kg. The tail is long about half a meter, the limb is short. Gray wool with a greenish tide, there is a dark horsechlorian on his head, a bright mustache and bundlebards are characteristic. We breed round year. This species is famous for the fact that the individuals living near the sea coasts are able to dive in rivers and lagunins in search of crabs and other edible maritime livestock, they are often referred to as searmaries. Some individuals can even kill the larger stones on land. The monkeys of this species are well developed grazed bags in which feed is transferred. The base of the ration is made up of leaves, grass, insects, young shoots, flowers. In search of food Macaki make raids on rice plantation. Javans are not so aggressive as other macales.

Pylandok, Palavan Mouse Deer

Pyndok, Palavan Mouse Deer - Tragalus Nigricans - Adult Weighs only 2 kg, about 40 centimeters in the withers, this is the smallest hoof. His other name Kanchil. Contrary to its name, this deer is not a member of the family of deer. Males do not have horns. For self-defense, it uses fangs on the upper jaw.

The body looks like a snag, a brown fur with white. The dark line goes from each ear by eye to the nose. The legs are slender, the size of the pencil, at the end of a small empty. The most remarkable feature is the conic pigs fruit.

Pyndok is a lonely night animal, which feeds at night with leaves, fruits, flowers, branches, shrubs and other vegetation in the forests or near the marshes of mangrove forests. During the day, he remains in the forest, often spends a long time fixed, sometimes resting in the branches of low trees. Extremely territorial animal. Metit territory urine, feces, as well as discharge from the gland under the chin.

Philippine Zambar

Philippine deer, or philippine Zambar - Cervus Philippinus or Rusa Marianna is larger than Filippine spotted, and the fur of it is dark, black and brown, without any stains.

Philippine spotted deer

Philippine spotted deer -cervus Alfredi is a close relative of Gasbara. Its wool saturated dark brown color with yellowish white spots. Height in the withers 71 cm. It is found at most of the Islands of the Philippine Archipelago.

The biggest wild animal in the Philippines - Bull Tamoro.

Bulls type Tamoro - rare animals found only on Mindoro Island. Externally, they are similar to Karabao living in other countries of Southeast Asia. This bull weighs about 300 kilograms. His distinctive feature is the ability to climb upwards almost vertical Mountains. Once such a bull was discovered at an altitude of 2 kilometers above sea level. Most often, Tamoro loves to graze somewhere in the vicinity of the water source.

Buffalo Karabao

In the Philippines, the Water Buvolov festival (Karabao) is held. At this time, residents are carefully cleaning buffaloes, shave, cut, make a massage with aromatic oils and put on the crowns of flowers. Then each family proudly leads the buffalo buffaloes to the square in front of the church, which is poured into a colorful procession, decorated with flowers, fruits and plants of a wide variety of colors. The priests are blessing buffaloes, wishing them good health next year. See how buffaloes again "take mud", also interesting.

Eastern unbalanced otter

Oriental ceiling otter (aonyx cinerea - in length (with tail) It is a bit less than 1 m, weighing up to 5.5 kg. It is usually dark brown. The otter of this kind is extremely reduced claws on both pairs of limbs. They look like nails. The front paws are similar to the brush and partially webbeds. Fingers serve to catch prey, which is not inherent in other types of outer.

Bearded Pig

Bearded Pig - SUS Barbatus - the same size as a boar, or a little smaller (body length 100-160 cm, a lot of about 100 kg), but relatively higher. It received its name for an extended light bristle, framing the muzzle from the corners of the mouth to almost an ears. The body is covered with rare bristles, through which is shifted with a gray or grayish pink body.

Caguang, or Soft

SHOLTOKLY - DERMOPTERA - Mammals capable of flight (or rather, planning) to a distance of up to 140 m. Planning is carried out at the expense of the "wing" - coated with a membrane of the membrane connecting the limbs, tail and animal neck. In the Philippines, the endemic species lives - the Philippine helpring, also known as Kaguang or "Flying Lemur". Body length (no tail) up to 42 cm, weight - 1.7 kg.

Weldows (volatile foxes)

Weldows (volatile foxes) - PTeropodidae - reach large sizes: body lengths up to 42 cm and wings springs up to 1.7 m (volatile foxes). However, there are also small nectar and dust-molds with a size of only 5-6 cm, with a scope of the wings 24 cm. The mass changes from 15 to 900. The tail is short, underdeveloped or absent; Only in long-tailed weldows (notopteris) is relatively long. Weldows are active at night and at dusk. The day is carried out in the crowns of trees, under the cornices of the roofs, in the caves, less often in large vapors. Permanent refuge may not be, since the wings are walked in search of food. From the seats of the twilight to the places of feeds, they can fly to 15 km long, and a total of overnight to fly to 90-100 km. Small species are single; Large usually accumulate on the twists in large groups. So, the palm wings (Eidolon) sometimes form noisy settlements up to 10,000 individuals even in major cities. Some species are active and day. During the rest, the koplan usually hangs down his head, clinging to sharp claws per branch or for irregularities on the cave ceiling; Sometimes hanging on one leg. The body bursts into wide leathery wings, like a blanket; In hot weather, the fan is fed as a fan. In the hibernate wing, as a rule, do not fall.

Digo, sea cow

Dougur - Dugong Dugong - water mammal, body length up to 4 m, weight up to 600 kg. The name "Digo" comes from the Malay Duyung, meaning "mermaid", "Sea Virgo". A small low-alignment head goes into a massive spindle-like torso, which ends with a tailing fin located horizontally. The head is small, rounded, on a short neck. There are no shells. Little eyes, deeply planted. Nostrils shifted upstairs more than that of other sirens; Supplied with valves that close under water. The muzzle looks hard; Ends with fleshy lips hanging down. Two blades of its tail are separated by a wide middle notch and pointed at the ends. Located on the verge of extinction, listed in the International Red Book. You can meet in the Philippines (more often in the province of Palawan).

Africa in miniature

Extinct animals

With the opening of fossil animals in the last century, scientists believe that elephants, rhinos and worshios (dwarf elephants) lived in the Philippines. Two types of elephants and one type of rhino, namely, Elaphas Beyeri, Elaphas Namadicus and Rhinoceros Philippinensis were identified. Four types of wages are found in the Philippines: Stegodon Trigonocephalus, Stegodon Luzonensis, Stegodon Sinensis and Stegodon Mindanensis.

See also: