Civil aviation aircraft. Types of private aircraft and their characteristics

The aviation industry is developing every year. Today, civil and military pilots use model liners of all configurations and varieties. Falling devices are affected by variety and variations of destination. Briefly study the types of aircraft and their names to classify this type of technology.

There are several separate criteria in the world, according to which aviation experts classify various board. One of the important aspects of systematization of technology becomes the function that the aircraft carries. Today use military and civilian courts. Moreover, each category is divided into special groups.

In addition, it is also known separation by speed characteristics of liner. Here, aviators lists the groups of subsonic, transzonic, supersonic and hyper-sound models. This classification section is based on determining the acceleration of the liner relative to the sound speed. Aircraft that is used today in scientific and military purposes, although earlier such models worked for passenger traffic.

If we talk about the control method, it will be possible to allocate two main types - manned board and drones. The second group received the use of military and scientists. Such machines are widely used to study space.

Considering the types and purpose of aircraft, aviator will call and classification of constructive features of the device. Here we will list the differences in the aerodynamic model, the number and type of the wing, the form of the tail of the tail part, the fuselage device. The latter subgroup includes varieties that concern the types and attachment of the chassis.

Finally consider and differences in view, quantity and method of installation of engines. It allocate muscular, steam, air-jet, rocket, nuclear, electric motors. In addition, the courts are equipped with internal combustion engines (piston modifications of power plants) or combine several variations. Of course, in one review, it is difficult to consider in detail the full classification of aircraft, so we will stop on brief description major categories.

Functionality of technology

As indicated above, airliners are divided into two main groups: board for civil and military aviation. In addition, experimental devices are distinguished separately here. Each category here implies division on variations in the type of appointment and functionality of the liner. Let's start with the study of aircraft that use in "peaceful" purposes.

Civilian boards

We define in more detail what aircraft are, names and subspecies of air modifications. Here, aviators speak of four models. Let us list the category by this list:

  • passenger liners;
  • cargo board;
  • training airbuses;
  • special aircraft.

Note that modifications for passenger traffic separately divided into groups that determine the range of flights. There are called trunk vessels and local carriage airliners.

Classification of aircraft

  • middle, which overcome the distance to 2,000 km;
  • medium capable of flying 4,000 km;
  • far flights flying distance to 11,000 km.

In addition, the maximum capacity indicator determines such criteria for local lines airliners:

  • heavy aircraft where 100 and lower seats are provided;
  • middle modifications that raise up to 50 people;
  • light liners carrying a maximum of 20 passengers.

Among examples aircraft of local lines List modifications Saab. , ERJ. , DASH-8. , ATR . Interestingly, on individual types of liners of the local category, the power settings of different class are equipped. There are models with jet engines and aircraft with turboprop types of motor.

Considering trunk airplaneslet's call familiar court passengers Boeing. and Airbus. . Boeing aircraft designs an American corporation, and the Aerobus Court is European Holding. Both companies compete with each other, constantly developing and upgrading liners. So, today, the most heavy aircraft is considered to be Airbus A380, although the American developments were leading up to the issue of such a modification 747 800 .

Models 747 - first aircrafts wide-body class, which operate today. In addition, such aircraft uses the best carriers of Russia and the world.

However, Europeans do not lag behind the main competitor. Popularity and recognition of pilots won modifications , Aerobus A300 and A350 XWB.. Model A300 - The world's first wide-body board, which is equipped with two engines. As you can see, the likely variations of the classification of liners are not amenable to description in one review. But knowing what aircraft are and who created them, the reader will determine with personal preferences and find out the basics of aviation business.

Military aviation

Now briefly study the typology of the courts used by force structures. Among these aircraft there are manifested liners and drones, modifications with various types of motor, including rocket subspecies of the engine. However, we will consider the division of these species by profile criteria.

Military Transport Board IL-76

Here, as in the civil classification, there is transport linerscarrying out the transport of personnel. it IL-76., An-12, 26 and 124 . In the US, these functions carry models Boeing C-17, 97 and DOUGLAS YC-15. In addition, the military also use auxiliary technique - Sanitary aircraft, liners for communication, adjustments. However, military development of boards use several categories of machines that are found only here. The list is as follows:

As you can see, the category of military boards is quite extensive and deserves a serious study. We only briefly described the main criteria to systematize such a group. However, aviation experts prefer to classify board using a comprehensive study that includes full description Side structures. Let us dwell on this issue.

About constructive features

Belonging to a specific category of liner define five signs. Here, designers speak of the number and method of fastening the wings, the varieties of the fuselage, the location of the plumage and the form of the chassis. In addition, the value has a quantity, location of fixation and types of motor. We find out the famous variations of the design of the sides.

Differences on constructive features - an important criterion for systematizing airliners

If we consider the classification of the wing, the liners are divided into polyplanes, biplans and monoplas. Moreover, in the last category there are three more subspecies: lowlast, medium-shut-off and high-span onboard. This criterion determines the mutual position and fixation of the fuselage and wings. As for the fuselage typology, the aviators allocate single-sable and two-bang modifications. There are also such varieties: a gondola, a boat carrying the fuselage and combinations of these types.

Aerodynamic indicators are an important classification criterion, since they affect. Here the designers call the types of normal scheme, "duck", "non-descent" and "flying wing". In addition, the "tandem", "longitudinal triplan" and a convertible scheme.

The airliner chassis is systematized by design and method for fixing supports. These elements are divided into roller, float, tracked, combined types and chassis on the air support. Engines are equipped with a wing or in the fuselage. Moreover, the liners are equipped with one engine or large number of engines. In addition, the type of power plant plays a decisive role when systematizing the class of board.

Unmanned aerial vehicles found use in scientific and military sphere

Modern aircraft has several types of liners that are classified on various features.
By appointment, the aircraft are divided into civil, military and experimental boards
Classification of aircraft
Airbus A380 - Gigant in the world of passenger liners
Boeing aircraft - the main competitor in the field of passenger transport of the European Holding, which issues airbuses

How to explain the irrepressible man's desire to heaven? Simply desire to know something new or natural gusts of the soul. But every time the heart spishes when the handsome passenger liner flies above the head.

Impetus to development civil aviationhow it is not paradoxical, gave the second world WarWhen there was a need to quickly mix at long distances not only by military, but also civilians during evacuation.

And now, together with the site, we will look at the largest passenger aircraft in the world in more detail.

This model is not among the large aircraft, but it was the first reactive passenger airliner, which was conceived and was created to transport passengers, and went into mass production. The era of passenger aircraft began. This first aircraft simply deserved the right to open a list of large aircraft.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a liner appeared in 1942, and the first flight "Comet" made January 9, 1951. The route ran out of London to Johannesburg with landings in Rome, Beirut, Khartoum, Entebbe and Livingstone. The crew consisted of 4 people, on board the plane could take 36 passengers.

After 5 a plane crash, the first project de Hevillend DH.106 "Comet" was closed. All subsequent modifications of "comets" repeated the first option with minor improvements.

On the last day of 1968, the first test flight was the first Soviet supersonic passenger aircraft KB Tupolev.

The Soviet airliner was radically different from Concord aircraft. An important difference is a shape and a wing profile. On the wings there was no magnitude and liner. The reduction in speed occurred using the deflected front of the fuselage and the front wing extension. At that time, the Tu-144 stood a modern navigation system. The system of catapulized seats for the crew was envisaged.

As it turned out later, the plane was although it was super-modern for his time, but had a number of shortcomings. The most resonant Tu-144 catastrophe occurred on June 3, 1973 in French La Bourget. After the catastrophe series, the airliner was removed from production.

In 1997, one of the modifications of Tu-144 used NASA as a flying laboratory in order to create a fundamentally new supersonic aircraft Similar design. After the test, the model Tu-144 was dismantled.

One of the two supersonic aircraft in the world, created jointly by the British and the French. In 1969, the Concorde plane rose into the sky. But only after 7 years of test flights, on January 21, 1976, the plane took on board passengers and made his first commercial flight.

Seven aircraft used leading airlines British Airways and Air France. For all the time of operation, and this is without a small 27 years, a supersonic liner was transported by 3 million passengers. What makes this type of aircraft in a number of record holders.

In the early 2000s due to problems in the fuel system and due to external influences, there were 2 concordic aircraft disasters. Air France has completely abandoned aircraft. Over time and British Airways ceased to use this supersonic aircraft in commercial transport. Concordvo has been withdrawn by the Passenger Flight License.

The last flight Concorder made on November 26, 2003. This ended the era of supersonic passenger transport.

The very first heavy, roomy and truly large liner Boeing 747. On February 9, 1969, the plane made the first test flight.
Boeing 747 was created with two decks. The upper passenger deck is shorter than the main fuselage, which makes the plane is the most recognizable in the world. Capacity of the cabin when divided into classes: at the 3rd division - 366 passengers, at 2 - 452 passengers.

On the basis of this Boeing created military modifications. One of these transported the space shuttle "Space Shttl" in the outside, from the place of its assembly on the Cape Cape Canaveral space.

36 years old Boeing 747 was the largest passenger aircraft. In 2005, leadership passed to Airbus A380. But Boeing 747 firmly holds the first position in the prevalence and popularity in the world. To date, 1556 copies of this model have been released.

In the mid-80s, the Soviet Union began to develop a project to create big Airplane For medium and distant flights. The result of the work was the release of a new modification of the KB Ilyushin aircraft IL-96. The first flight was performed in 1988, and in 1993 the mass production of IL-96 began. The liner was the first in Russia (but still Soviet development) with a wide-body long-haul aircraft.

Assembling the liner is a wholesaletallic, four-meter and wide-body lowland. Has swallowing wings and vertical plumage.
IL-86 can take on board 300 passengers. Flight distance without refueling is 9,000 kilometers.

Many IL-96 models have their own names, including the famous pilots: Valery Chkalov, Mikhail Vodopyanov.

One of the modifications of Ilyushin, namely IL-96-300PU, for a long time was a presidential board No. 1. But in 2004, after the abolition of the flight, due to collisions with birds at Lisbon Airport, the aircraft was removed this honorary mission.

And this aircraft in the family of the largest passenger airliners has the most sad statistics. For all the time the A330 was written off 8 aircraft. The plane was mainly used in the Asian region and Africa. 4 Airbus A330 aircraft were destroyed as a result of hostilities in India and Libya. 2 The crash and 2 were written off due to improper operation.

Airbus A330 test flight took place on November 1, 1992. In 1997, the plane made his first flight with passengers on board. Today with some modifications this model is used by airlines under the A330NEO code.

The plane performs both medium and distant flights. The maximum range without refueling the aircraft is 13,000 km. The manufacturer, fulfilling the wishes of customers, created a very comfortable interior.

The aircraft is equipped with two turbofer engines, which allows you to develop in the air speed up to 913 km per hour.

According to the date of the flight range, Boeing 777-300ER comes out in the world. Without refueling, this plane is able to fly 21,601 km.

Started the operation of this aircraft in 1995. Among the class of passenger liners with two-door jet engines, the aircraft is the largest, as it can be placed in its salon from three hundred to five hundred and fifty people.

With quite a large mass, almost 250 tons in complete equipment, Boeing-777-300ER develops the speed of 965 km per hour. Another constructive feature of this aircraft is the economy of the engines.

On the base this aircraft Created both Boeing-777F and many other modifications, the basis of which remains Boeing-777.

Airbus A340-600 is among the top five largest passenger aircraft and belongs to the family of long-haul liners. Without refueling Airbus A340-600 can overcome 14 thousand 800 km.

On international and intercontinental airlines, the plane began flights in 2002. With the width of the cabin at 5, 5 meters the plane can take on board 380 passengers. Liner length is 75 meters, and the wingspan of 63 and a half meters.

For all the time of operation, 97 models of this liner were collected. In 2011, Airbus A340-600 was removed from mass production.

By the way, the Airbus A340 model is one of the safest in a special, published site.

In 2005, Boeing released the Boeing 747-8 aircraft.

Prospective differences from previous models have become an elongated fuselage and considerable efficiency. Manufacturers have improved aerodynamics by changing the sweatshirt of the wing and making it thinner and wider. The shape of the wing allows to reduce air resistance, which naturally affects the reduction of fuel consumption.

The governments of the 19 countries of the world, which use Boeing 747-8 for flights of the first persons of the state, trust this model.

Plane Boeing 747-8 is the largest commercial aircraft that is built in the United States. And his length of 76.25 m brings it to the first place in the world as the longest aircraft.

Boeing 747-8 keeps the first place in the world for orders of VIP versions of an aircraft intended for government leaders and well-known global politicians.

Airbus A380

Airbas A380, which made his first flight in 2005, can rightly be attributed to the "liner-giant" nomination.

To date, this is the largest passenger class aircraft. World airlines began to use it for passenger flights in 2007. What does the plane displays? Four jet engines located on the wings, the length of the aircraft 72 m 70 cm, the span of the wings of the airliner is almost 80 meters, the maximum range with full loading of 15400 km. Causes the surprise and weight of the aircraft. Without passengers and cargo, it weighs 277 tons. The aerodynamics of the liner with this weight is designed as optimal that it is quite maneuverable and freely feels in airspace.

The flight quality of the aircraft is improved due to the articles used in the production of articles. The graphite creates wings and fuselage of the passenger liner.

The plane provides 853 passenger seats at a single-class configuration, when dividing the cabin on Enon, business and first class - 555 passengers can be asleep. For a more convenient location of passengers, the plane has 2 decks, so its height is 24 meters.

The development of the A380 project took almost 10 years. And on the creation of the aircraft itself, the manufacturer spent 12 billion euros. More expensive in the world only Boeing aircraft.

Today Airbus A380 is actively used on intercontinental airlines.

The history of aviation open the veil and on its pages is recorded that from the first passenger, which was taken aboard in 1908, and before the emergence of multi-family airliners, was 60 years old, and today passenger aircraft affect us as flight characteristics of height, speed and range of flights, but And its size. Today is no longer an amazing transcontinental flight or a crowded journey on the airliner.

Much attention in the creation of large intercontinental liners is given safety flights. In this regard, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project and to the first passenger flight takes quite a long time.

In pursuit of profit, by increasing the number of passenger seats and ranges of flights, manufacturing companies attract specialists from different industries that develop the safety and survivability of the aircraft when entering extreme situations in the air, during takeoff and landing.

Large passenger aircraft can be found at almost all airports in the world. Today for them rebuilt taketon strips, improved navigation system and control over flights.

It is underway to develop an increase in the speed of large passenger aircraft, due to the introduction of new discoveries in the aerodynamics of the wing and increasing the power of the engines. But recently, the changes concern only, so to speak, meaningful changes, such as improving the comfort of salons, the quality of passenger service. Leading airlines, airliners manufacturers pay great attention to the introduction of anti-terror systems into passenger aircraft.

August 15 in Russia celebrate the aircraft man. The composition of the aviation industry of Russia is now about 250 enterprises. Russia is one of the largest aircraft manufacturers and ranks third in the world in terms of release after the United States and the European Union.

Alfers different countries Today, we produce a wide range of aircraft - from superhigh aircraft to heavy and super heavy aircraft capable of transporting more than 500 passengers or 150-250 tons of cargo.

What is the plane and what are the types of aircraft, see in infographics AIF.RU.

Device and types of aircraft. Infographics: AIF

How many aircraft are built in Russia?

This year, the Russian aircraft manufacturing industry intends to build about 150 military and civilian aircraft. The production of SSJ-100 should grow from 24 to 40 cars. Four such aircraft will receive Aeroflot, which became the first carrier that began commercial operation SSJ-100. Another 11 cars will receive the Mexican company Interjet, which began to fly on this aircraft last year. It is assumed that six more aircraft will receive Gazprom Avia, who already has one SSJ-100 in the park, and the same airline "UTair". The rest of the SSJ-100 will be sent to state transportations, in particular, one of them will receive the Ministry of Industry. In 2013, about 100 military aircraft and 32 civilians were built in Russia, of which 24 are Sukhoi Superjet.

More about what aircraft produce in Russia,

About whether Russia will be able to replace foreign aircraft with their own,

Project "Ryswing"

From next year, Russia plans to establish the mass production of the new Russian regional aircraft "Ryssachka". This is a light twin-engine turboprop aircraft, designed by LLC scientific and commercial firm "Technoavia". Produced at the Samara company TsSKB-Progress.

Rysac will be required by local airlines that will use small aviation aircraft capable of sitting on low-equipped airfields.

Walter Czech engines and American avionics are installed on the aircraft. Since 2016, the production of domestic engines will be established.

The plane is presented in two versions - for ten and sixteen passengers. His range is 2000 km, cruising speed - 250-400 km / h.

At a decent level, the Soviet passenger aviation industry was also presented. Most models are Aeroflot airplanes. The names of the main brands: Tue, Il, An and Yak.

The first domestic reactive airliner is Tu-104 released in 1955. Tu-154, the first takeoff of which was performed in 1972, is considered the most massive Soviet passenger aircraft. The Tu-144 1968 of the release gained the legendary status, as it is the first airliner in the world, which managed to break through the sound barrier. He could develop speed up to 2.5 thousand km / h, and this record does not break to our time. On the this moment The latest acting model of the airliner, developed by the Tupolev design bureau, is the Tu-204 of 1990 of the release, as well as its modification of Tu-214.

Naturally, in addition to those, there are other Aeroflot airplanes. The names of the most popular: IL-18, IL-114, IL-103, An-24, An-28, Yak-40 and Yak-42.

Tu-154 speed. Dimensions. Weight. Capacity. Fuel consumption. History

Work on the new passenger aircraft Tu-154 began in OKB A.N. Tupolev in 1963. The first jet passenger aircraft of this OKB was designed on the basis of combat aircraft: Tu-104 on the basis of Tu-16, Tu-114 based on Tu-95. Unlike them, the new third generation machine has become for the OKB, the first passenger aircraft that did not have a military prototype. At that time, three types of passenger aircraft flew on the Aeroflot lines: Tu-104, IL-18 and An-10. This led to difficulties in ensuring the normal process of technical operation of three constructively different machines.

Local passenger aircraft

Air vessels of this type have compact dimensions and salon, the maximum capacity of which is twenty people. The maximum distance that is able to overcome such aircraft does not exceed 1000 kilometers. These aircraftAs a rule, it is completed with piston or turboprop motors, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of operation.

What speed by the aircraft directly depends on its species, as well as on the design features. Aircraft flying over long distances usually have a higher speed, which makes it possible to be less than the time on the way.

Other types of classification

By the number of engines from airplanes there is ranking from one to twelve-block.

By type of engine, aircraft are divided into the following categories: with an electric motor, piston, turboprop, jet, rocket, as well as devices with a combined engine.

By type of chassis, the classification of amolets is as follows: Wheel, ski, on an air cushion, tracked, float, amphibians. Naturally, airplanes with a wheel chassis have the greatest distribution.

By mass, aircraft are divided into super heavy, light devices, medium mass airplanes, heavy and heavyweight.

In terms of the number of wings, towards reducing their quantity, aircraft are divided into polyplanes, triples, biplans, one and a half boards and monoplas.

There is also a classification for the size of the fuselage: narrow-body and wide-body.

According to the classification of the type of control, aircraft are divided into manned and drone.

In the form of take-off, all aircraft can be divided into the following categories: with a vertical takeoff, horizontal and short.


The main task of these devices is the destruction of aircraft and other objects that are in the air.

The names of fighter aircraft expert on military affairs will also say many. The most famous Soviet models of the period of World War II - Lagg-3, and-15 bis, MiG-3, I-16, I-153, Yak-1. In the same era, global fame won German aircraft BF.109, BF.110 and FW 190, as well as reactive ME.262, ME.163 KOMET and HE 162 Volksjager.

Among the Soviet fighters later, MiG-31, Su-27 and MiG-29 should be allocated. Currently, the sky fills modern russian airplanes. Their names are perfectly known to the specialists of aircraft. These are 4 ++ SU-35 generation fighters and MiG-35.

Of the modern American models, the world's first generation fighter number five Boeing F-22 is allocated, as well as earlier models F-4 and F-15 Eagle.

Domestic aircraft

Models of passenger aircraft in the history of the Russian and soviet aviation Numerous and diverse. The design of the first domestic aircraft began with the emperor Nicolae II, quite successful aircraft "Russian Vityaz" and "Ilya Muromets" were created, which showed themselves as excellent bombers at the fronts of the First World War. For the name of Russian aircraft, epic heroes were specially chosen to support martial spirit in regular army parts.

After the October Revolution, many private commercial aircraft manufacturing companies have abolished, instead of them, the design bureau with a clearly verified plan appeared: to work only on the military-industrial complex.

With the onset of peacetime, the types of passenger aircraft began to develop with special zeal, and air transport They gained increasing popularity. Now the Russian air industry depends largely on Western partners, but there are also their developments, and the number of models produced per year is gradually growing.

Additional Information. An interesting tradition was born at the dawn of the Soviet airmail: any model of the aircraft is called the name of the design office that it created.


KB Antonov was engaged in the development of the aircraft, for 17 years of release, approximately 1,200 models were produced. In the Soviet period, the airliner was used on domestic flights And coped well with various weather conditions. Some air transporters in the Russian Federation still exploit this model capable of transporting up to 52 passengers at a time. The aircraft has in stock

Knows very a large number of Flying equipment of various types and species. All the names of the aircraft is unlikely to be able to even list. However, the main models to embrace quite real. Let's find out how the classification of aircraft is made, their types, types, also consider the names.


Let's take a look at the list of the names of the main foreign manufacturers of aircraft by alphabet. The list includes both existing companies and abolished:

  • AĆ©rospatiale (France).
  • Airbus (EU).
  • Boeing (USA).
  • British Aerospace (United Kingdom).
  • British Aircraft (United Kingdom).
  • Heinkel (Germany).
  • Junkers (Germany).
  • McDonnell Douglas (USA).
  • Messerschmitt (Germany).

The names of the aircraft according to the alphabet, produced in the USSR and the countries of the post-Soviet space, are shown below:

  • An (Antonov).
  • And (polycarpov).
  • La (Lavochkin).
  • LAGG (Loveochkin, Gorbunov, Gudkov).
  • Lee (Lisunov).
  • MiG (Mikoyan and Gurevich).
  • Software (polycarpov).
  • Su (dry).
  • TU (Tupolev).
  • Yak (Yakovlev).

How do you classify airplanes?

First of all, we learn what aircraft are. The names of aircraft can tell about many ways, but the classification will tell us even more. How are aircraft classified? Do it in the following parameters:

  • by appointment;
  • speed;
  • motor number;
  • type of engines;
  • type of chassis;
  • mass;
  • the number of wings;
  • size of the fuselage;
  • control type;
  • the form of take-off.

On some of the above moments, we will now stop more.

Classification by appointment

It is considered the most common. In this indicator, all aircraft acting into two major types: military and civilian. In addition, each of the listed groups has its own division into smaller categories.

In accordance with the specific functional, military aircraft are classified at the following specialized categories: bombers, interceptor aircraft, aviation fighters, attack aircraft, military transport ships, bomber fighters, and scouts.

In civil aviation, flight apparatus are divided into the following categories: passenger, agricultural purposes, transport, postal, experimental, etc.


The task of the bomber includes defeat the objectives on Earth. They make it with the help of bombs and rockets.

Now let's find out the names of the military aircraft. Among the bombers, such models of domestic production can be distinguished: Su-24, Tu-160, Su-34. Domestic bomber PE-2 was especially fame. But the very first can be called the famous "Ilya Muromets" - the creation of the Great Designer of Igor Sikorsky. This apparatus took off for the first time in the air back in 1913. In the era of the First World War, he was converted to a bomber. Airplanes "Ilya Muromets" were also used during the Civil War.

Among the foreign apparatuses, modern American strategic bombers Northrop B-2 Spirit, XB-70 Valkyrie, Rockwell B-1 Lancer, B-2, B-52 Stratofortress, United States Aircraft of the 30s Boeing B-17 and Martin B- 10, German bombers of the World War II Junkers JU 86 and Heinkel He 111.


The main task of these devices is the destruction of aircraft and other objects that are in the air.

The names of fighter aircraft expert on military affairs will also say many. The most famous Soviet models of the period of World War II - Lagg-3, and-15 bis, MiG-3, I-16, I-153, Yak-1. In the same era, global fame won German aircraft BF.109, BF.110 and FW 190, as well as reactive ME.262, ME.163 KOMET and HE 162 Volksjager.

Among the Soviet fighters later, MiG-31, Su-27 and MiG-29 should be allocated. Currently, the sky fills modern Russian aircraft. Their names are perfectly known to the specialists of aircraft. These are 4 ++ SU-35 generation fighters and MiG-35.

Of the modern American models, the world's first generation fighter number five Boeing F-22 is allocated, as well as earlier models F-4 and F-15 Eagle.


They combine the functions of the first two categories of aircraft. That is, destroy both air and ground targets.

The first bomber fighters are considered German ME.262, a modified model of the British Supermarine Spitfire fighter, de Havilland Mosquito, as well as Soviet Yak-9.

The first of the above models was released in 1968, and today is the most mass of all passenger aircraft. Boeing 747, produced a year later, is a pioneer among wide-body airliners. Boeing 747-8 is a passenger aircraft with the biggest length. He was released in 2010. Today on the market passenger aviation The greatest mass gained Boeing 777, manufactured since 1994. The newest model of the corporation is currently - Boeing 787 2009 creation.


As mentioned earlier, the main competitor of Boeing in the world market is the European company Airbus, the central office of which is located in France. It was founded much later than his American opponent - in 1970. The most famous names of the aircraft of this company are A300, A320, A380 and A350 XWB.

Released in 1972, the A300 is the most first wide-body aircraft on two engines. At the A320 1988, the manufacturer of the world was applied to the world. The A380 aircraft, which first shot down in the sky in 2005, is the largest in the world. He is able to take on its board up to 480 passengers. The latest development of the company is A350 XWB. Its main task was to compete with the previously released Boeing 787. And with this task, this airliner successfully copes, running his rival in economy.

At a decent level, the Soviet passenger aviation industry was also presented. Most models are Aeroflot airplanes. The names of the main brands: Tue, Il, An and Yak.

The first domestic reactive airliner is Tu-104 released in 1955. Tu-154, the first takeoff of which was performed in 1972, is considered the most massive Soviet passenger aircraft. The Tu-144 1968 of the release gained the legendary status, as it is the first airliner in the world, which managed to break through the sound barrier. He could develop speed up to 2.5 thousand km / h, and this record does not break to our time. At the moment, the last active model of the airliner developed by the Tupolev design bureau is the aircraft of the Tu-204 of 1990, as well as its modification of Tu-214.

Naturally, in addition to those, there are other Aeroflot airplanes. The names of the most popular: An-24, An-28, Yak-40 and Yak-42.

Airliners of other countries of the world

In addition to the above, there are worthy of attention of the model and other manufacturers of passenger aircraft.

British airliner De Havilland Comet, released in 1949, is the first in world history with a reactive airliner. The French-British airliner CONCORDE, designed in 1969, acquired wide fame. He entered the story due to the fact that is the second successful attempt (after Tu-144) of the creation of a supersonic passenger aircraft. Moreover, these two airliners are unique in this plan, since no one else can release a passenger aircraft that is suitable for mass exploitation capable of moving faster sound.


The main purpose of transport aircraft is the transportation of goods over long distances.

Among the devices of this type you need to designate the Western models of passenger aircraft modified by transport needs: Douglas MD-11F, and Boeing 747-8F.

But the Soviet, and now the Ukrainian Design Bureau named after Antonov, is now famous in the production of transport aircraft. It produces aircraft that are constantly hit by world records for carrying capacity: An-22 1965 (load capacity - 60 tons), An-124 1984 (load capacity - 120 tons), An-225 1988 (takes on board 253, 8 t). The last model is still not a broken record for carrying capacity. In addition, it was planned to be used for the transportation of Soviet shuttles "Buran", but with the collapse of the USSR, the project remained unrealized.

IN Russian Federation With transport aviation, everything is not so rosy. The names of the aircraft of Russia are as follows: IL-76, IL-112 and IL-214. But the problem is that the IL-76 produced now was developed in Soviet times, in 1971, and the rest are planning to launch only in 2017.

Agricultural aircraft

There are aircraft, in the tasks of which the treatment of fields pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals. This type of aviation technology is called agricultural.

From the Soviet samples of these devices, U-2 and AN-2 are known, which, due to the specifics of the use of the people, were called "corn."

Speed \u200b\u200bdivision

In addition to the classification of aircraft for the intended purpose, which we studied in detail above, there are other types of ranking. These include the classification of flight speed. On this basis, aircraft are divided into the following categories: subsonic, transvance aircraft, supersonic aircraft and hypersonic.

It is not difficult to figure out that the subsonic aircraft moves slower sound. Sleep airplanes fly at speeds approximate to sound, supersonic overcomes and hypersonic exceed this figure more than five times.

At the moment, the most high-speed is considered experimental hypersonic apparatus From the USA X-43A 2001. It can dial the speed of 11 200 km / h. In second place, his compatriot X-15, released back in 1959. The speed is 7273 km / h. If we say not about the experimental devices, but about those aircraft that perform specific tasks, then the championship of the American SR-71 is capable of developing speed up to 3530 km / h. Among domestic devices should be highlighted with supersonic MiG-25. Its maximum speed indicator can reach 3000 km / h.

In passenger aviation, business at speed is much worse. To date, only two supersonic airliners have been released: domestic Tu-144 (1968) and Franco-English Concorde (1969). The first of them can develop high-speed indicators to 2.5 thousand km / h, which is a record of civil aviation, but from all the appointments of all the appointments is only the tenth place. It should also be noted that at the moment there is not a single supersonic airliner, which is in operation, since the use of Tu-144 refused back in 1978, and the use of Concorde was stopped in 2003.

Hypersonic passenger aircraft never existed at all. True, there are several projects as domestic and foreign design bureaus for the production of a hypersonic airliner. Among them, European Zehst enjoys greatest fame. This aircraft will be able to develop speed up to 5.0 thousand km / h, but its deadlines are unclear. In Russia, there are two similar projects - TU-244 and TU-444, but at the moment they are both frozen.

Other types of classification

By the number of engines from airplanes there is ranking from one to twelve-block.

By type of engine, aircraft are divided into the following categories: with an electric motor, piston, turboprop, jet, rocket, as well as devices with a combined engine.

By type of chassis, the classification of airplanes is as follows: wheel, ski, on an air cushion, tracked, float, amphibians. Naturally, airplanes with a wheel chassis have the greatest distribution.

By mass, aircraft are divided into super heavy, light devices, medium mass airplanes, heavy and heavyweight.

In terms of the number of wings, towards reducing their quantity, aircraft are divided into polyplanes, triples, biplans, one and a half boards and monoplas.

There is also a classification for the size of the fuselage: narrow-body and wide-body.

According to the classification of the type of control, aircraft are divided into manned and drone.

In the form of take-off, all aircraft can be divided into the following categories: with a vertical takeoff, horizontal and short.


We learned that it is a classification of aircraft, their types, types, the names also considered. As you can see, a very large number of models are presented performing various functions that have very different specifications. The world of aviation is really multifaceted, and in one review it will not be possible to describe absolutely all of it.

Nevertheless, we can give a general presentation on this issue by describing the most famous airplanes in the history. Types and titles, despite their numerous, still really systematize in a certain way to make clarity in the essence of this topic.

See also: