Saint Paul De Vans on the map of France. Vacation in San Paul-de-Vans

    Quite close to Nice, literally 20 km to west, among green hills covered with thick pine forests, there is one of the most picturesque and charming towns of Provence - San Paul de Vans. In this town, everything pleases the eye, everything admires, everything surprises - and framing the city massive fortress walls, and creating a unique flavor of medieval buildings, isolated from local stone, and located in this old splendor numerous art galleries, representing, seems to be the entire artistic work palette . The city is a fortress, the city of Masters, the city of artists and artists, San Paul is famous outside France as unique place, where, under a shrill blue sky, the generous nature of the south of France, her history and art converge.

    The town originated in the 11th century as a small fortress near the sea coast, then in the 16th century, in the rule of the King of Francis, the first was acquired by a solid fortress wall and turned into a southern outpost of the French kingdom.

    After joining Nice to France in 1860, he lost its strategic importance of the royal fortress and turned into a cute place in the distance from the noise and bustle of the coast, favorite place rest and inspiration in the artistic elite of Europe. At the beginning of the last century, such unique masters like Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Hyam Soutin, George, Huang Miro, Paul Signac, Amedeo Madillaani, Maurice Utrillo, Pierre Bonnar, Fernanda Lya ......

    Among the modern masters, decorated the city, you can call the Teo Tobias, Guliano Mancini, Luke Sinzen, Remy Sand and Michel Folon, His poets like Jacques exceeded and Andre Verde. The world famous writers - Simon de Bovwar, Volett, Andre Jean, Jean Paul Sartre, Paul Valerie and many others lived here, enjoying local hospitality and drawing their inspiration in a pacifying atmosphere.

    In the post-war, the town chose the cinematic elite of France, the narrow medieval streets knew Iwa Montana and Simon Signore, Ariel Housebasl and Bernard Levi, Lino Ventura, Fernandela, Gerard Philippe and many others who came under the charm of this amazing place.

    But among the recognized geniuses of world art there is one, whose life and destiny forever intertwined with the San Poland de Vassath. This is Mark Chagall.

    Chagal loved the Cote d'Azur France in the first of his coast after final emigration to Europe. "Je Remercie Le Destin de M'avoir Conduit Sur Les Bords De La Méditerrané" - "I thank the fate of me to this coast," he wrote. In the post-war time, he was a frequent guest in the south of France, for a long time he lived in Vance and Nice, but in 1966 he finally moved to San Paul de Vans, where he built a villa "La Colline" on a hillside near the entrance to the city. From the villa to the fortress walls of the Spa Field leads a small, paved by a stone path, according to which he walked almost daily in the town, enjoying the stunning panorama and the fortress and the opening sea coast. Often, wanting to capture the landscape that liked, the purity and transparency of the air surrounding his charming atmosphere, he stopped right on the path and painted, painted ... So there was a unique series of paintings, which you can probably call "San Fields".

    Chagal, it is primarily paint, the most incredible, bright, unexpected, real rusty of paints. I love to consider these amazingly colorful paintings, in which, through the captured landscape, the love of the artist to his beloved, charming southern sky, to life ... These pictures are similar to sleep, the dream is fabulous, magical and unique ...

    And the greater pleasure is the walk through this path in search of places, from where the master wrote his masterpieces.

    It is best to walk in the footsteps of the spring in the spring, in April or May, when acacia, wisteria and orange trees are blooming around the buoyano, filling the air with a drinking aroma ... The track will go through the trees and stone walls of vintage provencal houses, loop, going down and climbing the hillside. After the next turn, you suddenly go to the point with which the charming and something familiar look at San Paul is located, "well, of course, it was here who wrote his" lovers over the San Field "!

    The town hall of the town two years ago put in some places of the reproduction of the paintings of the paintings, so now you can even compare the picture and the original.

    All the first floors of this amazing town, the fortress turned into art galleries, boutiques, shops with souvenirs and local gastronomic products. The most interesting thing is that here, along with high art and works of recognized craftsmen, you can see and frank primitive and timid attempts of beginner artists to introduce their work to see. The paintings, oil, watercolor, graphics, sculptures, bronze, glass, crystal, lithographs already known and recognized artists have been exposed behind shop windows, and recognized artists.

    Exposures are constantly updated, old workshops closes, but new and interesting names appear. The level of some galleries is striking - in a small showcase, the sculptural compositions were given Dali, yes, these are original, yes, it is sold, although the price is biting. The mistress with laughter proposes to buy rather, since after a couple of weeks everything will be shattered. One word - crisis ...

    And the street runs further and takes straight to the small municipal cemetery, hidden behind the trunks of impressive in their sizes of centuries-old plane. It was here, having lived in a San Field for almost 20 years, was resting and sleeping for our compatriot, the great artist Mark Chagal. His grave is surprisingly modest, on a marble plate, decorated with barely distinguished wings of angel, dates of life - 1887 -1985. He did not live a little bit to his century, while maintaining stunning creative activity and vitality until the last days. Near him rests his last muse, the second legitimate wife, Valentina Brodskaya, better known as Vava Chagall. This is her image flying over the San Field. The artist captured on his canvases. Or maybe it depicts his first beloved, Balla Chagal, so tragic and sustainingly deceased in 1944 in America? Now this no longer knows ...

    Immediately from the cemetery, a narrow path, looping and rich fortress walls, takes on a small elevation with an abandoned, blackened wooden bench. Silence, no one, only quietly buzzes the bee, flew from a flower on a flower, yes from afar comes bell ringing. Suddenly, hearing cares from these sounds a familiar melody - "Moscow evening".

    Sleep? We imperceptibly fell asleep on this magic bench?

    Singing is becoming louder, it comes from the house standing in the valley surrounded by blooming sweets. A multi-haired chorus diligently removes his favorite song and we, no longer wondering, thoughtlessly, enjoying a light breeze, the smell of irises and acacia, where he is between heaven and land, in the clouds, over there is no comparable enchanting.

    Wishing to walk in the footsteps of the great artists of the Cote d'Azur - Randevo on the site

Saint-Paul-de-vence - one of beautiful seats Provence (France) - was erected on a rocky hill and tightly acquired a fortress wall under Francis I. Natural beauty And romantic spirit medieval fortress attracted famous writers And artists who spread fame about the olive town.

Resting on the azure coast of France, sin does not see the sights in the district.

I want to talk about our trip to Saint-Paul de Vans. This is a tiny city that arrived in the medieval fortress of one of the vertices of the seaside Alps.

Saint-Paul on the map of France - an hour's drive from Nice

Distance from Nice, where we lived, 18 km in a straight line. From the bus station in Saint-Paul-de-Vanz, the bus number 400 walks, making a few stops on the way. Ride by bus for about an hour.

Attractions from Golden Doves to this day

Similar "medieval" towns and fortress states, like, for example, San Marino or Monaco, I was seeing, being in France, a lot to lose interest.

In Saint-Paul-de-Vans, they persuaded to go around the appetites, with whom he spent time on the Cote d'Azur.

I had to agree. On the eve of Monaco, I touched my leg, fell and barely walked. Perspective to chrome alone in Nice or making on the wet pebbles of the beach did not inspire. I decided that to see the sights - not a bad alternative to the seat at the hotel. In addition, the city is small, you do not need to move much. Promised to carry me in turn 🙂

On the advice of "experienced", they moved away from the hotel early in the morning. It is said that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lunch there is an influx of tourists and at the narrow streets do not push through.

Having made the first steps in the Saint-Field de Vassa, I was pleased that I did not stay in Nice.

Narrow vintage streets

From the viewing sites, exquisite views of Provence Valley and the seaside Alps were opened, everything seemed literally impregnated with the spirit of creativity.

Dove Live 😉

From similar "medieval" cities of France, Saint-Paul-de-Vanz was distinguished by monuments, workshops, installations, mosaics and other art objects everywhere.

The horse on which is seductive ride. The inscription prohibits

Cat of Italian origin, Creation of Giuliano Mancini. In the background - restaurant La Petite Chapelle

There is also a popular museum of contemporary art.

Fame city acquired in the 20s. last century - in a local hotel "Golden Dove" La Colombe d'OR) began to spend time Paris artists. They paid for housing they are often their works. Now the hotel holds a rich collection of original of the famous authors.

After the artists, artists of art were massively stretched here - actors, writers, poets.

Famous hotel

From the famous names attending Saint-Paul-de-Vans: Catherine Denovev, Yves Montan, Greta Garbo, Brick Bardo. Simon Signore and Yves Montan arranged a wedding in De Vansa.

He loved this place and lived in it until the death of Mark Chagall. At the local cemetery there is his grave - one more attraction.

Place of burial stamp Shagal

The Russian tourist shocked, photographed against the background of the grave, taking seductive postures. We tried to explain that it is inconspicuous, but after the next wave of women, they humble themselves with failure and left, not to withstand the elements of the elements of Russian tourism.

Olive pancakes

Cafes and restaurants in Saint-Field de Vansa a lot. We were hungry, but all the time found new attractions to see and capture on a memorable photo. The cadence finally went to choose a restaurant. There were many of them near the gate to the city.

Dear came across the institution, where they fry and sold inexpensive pancakes. Especially liked Pancakes (CRêPES) with lemon jam (Citron). Ate them as much as looking for a different cafe already and did not want. I came to order them in French for our entire compash:

Bonjour Madame. S'IL Vous Planît Six (6) CRêPES AU CITRON. Merci Beaucoup.

Meeting immediately "photofolders" from the cemeteries looked at me with envy, a twitch finger in the menu. They did not know that it was almost all of my vocabulary of French, well, in addition to "the same manger Pa Sis Jour."

We did not persuade them, and scraping souvenirs, left back, proud of knowledge of languages \u200b\u200band the defense of the cemetery.

It will be nice if we share with friends:

Saint-Paul-de-Vance (Saint-Paul-de-vence), located 15 minutes from the coast, was once a refuge from Saracin raids. Today, well-preserved urban fortress walls, built on the orders of Francis I in the 16th century, give a pleasant medieval atmosphere.

From there, beautiful views of the sea are opened, on the landscapes of olive and cypress trees and villas with red roofs.

The surrounding countryside and the Mediterranean climate allowed the medieval city-fortress to flourish, thanks to orange, fig trees, olives, grapes. And now tourism leads many visitors to it beautiful place. The town is one of the most famous and still - an excellent fortified city-fortress in French Riviera.

Town for artists and movie stars

Saint-Paul-de-Vance went into decline after the 17th century. He attracted artists here with his magnificent panoramas in the unsurpassed quality of the world. Modigliani, Sutin, Andre Deren, Henri Le Sidda, Paul Signac, Mark Chagall inspired here.

Famous pointers began to visit the city since the 1940s. Large French and international film manufacturers used Saint-Paul-de-Vans as a background for films. For example, a film of 1965 "Moment during the moment" in the main roles of Jean Siberg, Onor Blackman and the film "Big Kiss" 2004 in the lead role of Billy Zayn were removed in some iconic places Saint-Paul-de-Vansa, including Cafe de La Plas and in Place de La Grande Fontaine).

Artistic attractions

Saint-Paul-de-Vans - a fabulous place with many artistic attractions, with more than 30 workshops of artists and art galleries, intermittent along the cobbled streets.

Hotel and Restaurant Golden Pigeon (La Colombe d'OR)

In the 1920s, a hotel, which is called the Golden Dove today in Saint-Paul-de-Vans. When poor artists began to visit the village, they stayed at this hotel and paid for their work for food and accommodation.

Now the hotel is the owner of the works of such famous world famous artists like Utrillo, Vlamp, Dufi, Bonnar, Sutin, Picasso, Modigliani, Cokto, Chagal. As a result, the village itself, and the Golden Pigeon Hotel became a cult destination for fans of fine art.

Today, the hotel's restaurant "Golden Pigeon" is a favorite celebrity. Here you can enjoy traditional dishes and pictures of famous artists.

In the museum local history (Musée d'Historie Locale) There are old photos of movie stars who visited the Golden Dove Hotel-restaurant - Sophie Loren, Catherine Denovev and Greta Garbo. An ordering table in the restaurant should be made in advance, especially in the peak season.

Maght Foundation (Fondation Maeght)

Designed by Spanish architect Josep Lluís Sert (Josep Lluís Sert), the Mago Foundation opened in 1964. The striking building is framed by magnificent landscapes and is surrounded by gardens, ponds and Mediterranean trees.

The Mage Foundation is based on Margarita and Eme Mag. They had an extensive collection of more than 9,000 works of art, and in addition, many priceless works of artists and sculptors, including Bonnar, Dzhacometti, Lying, Miro and Popular Works of Shagal - "Life" ("La Vie" ") And" Lovers "(" Les Amouux ").

The permanent collection of the museum includes garden sculptures, covered galleries, and temporary exhibitions are held in the summer. Art figures that granted their works for the exhibitions of the museum also contributed to the decoration of the building - the Fountain of the Bureau Field, Ceramic Tiles of Miro, Stained-sized Marriage and Yubaka and Mosaic Chagal.

Tip: If you plan to visit many attractions in the French Riviera, buy a Cote D Azur card (Cote D 'Azur), which will save at the cost of entrance fees for events and attractions.

Card can be purchased on the Internet or in regional tourist offices. With this card you will have a free entrance and the best sights of Saint-Paul-de-Vanas, including the Magician Foundation, Foln Chapel and Museum of Local History.

Chapel Folona.

The chapel of the Brotherhood of White Sinners of the XVII century in Saint-Paul de Vansa has walls and ceiling, decorated with the painting of the Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon, and sometimes calling the chapel of Folon. The chapel boasts sculptures and bright pastel mosaic paintings of the Folon. Folon, which has been connected with Saint-Paul-de-Vans for more than 30 years, worked very closely with local artisans.

Cemetery Saint-Paul-de-Vans and Mark Chagal

The artist Mark Chagal (1887-1985) settled in Saint-Paul-de-Vanas in 1966 and built there by Villa "La Colline". He also stayed at the Charming HFTel Le Hameau Hotel near the Saint-Paul de Vans. This is a hotel with ancient Provencal furniture and fabulous views of the city and the surrounding countryside.

Chagall died in 1985, and was buried at the Cemetery of Saint-Paul-de-Vans, which is located at the far end of the city opposite the South Gate (Porte Sud). As in other Jewish graves, there are small stones on his visitors on his grave.

Galleries and artists workshops

Regardless of whether you are looking for modern sculptures, breathtaking landscapes or abstract sketches, you will definitely find something special that you want to buy and take your home with you. You can find craft shops, art galleries and workshops of artists in Saint-Paul-de-Vance, which are open every day per year, including Sundays and holidaysthat rarity on the French Riviera.

Other interesting places

Cafe de la Place is a famous cafe in Saint-Paul-de-Vans, where you can stay in warm months, try to try the glass of pink wine, watch the game in the Petanque, in which they play under shady plane.

Large Fountain Square (Place De La Grande Fontaine)

Located along the Grand Street (La Rue Grande - the main street of Saint-Paul-de-Vans), this area has always been occupied - in the 17th century, the townspeople brought their mules to drink them with water. Nearby, in the stone bowl of the washbasin, local bars washed underwear. Provencal fountain in the form of urn is considered one of the most photographed city objects. Restaurant La Fontaine is a wonderful restaurant with a beautiful terrace overlooking the fountain, and this is the perfect shady space to drink a glass of wine or coffee.

Restaurant Hotel Le Saint-Paul

Restaurant of the five-star Hotel Le Saint Paul is a pleasant escape from tourists, stepping on the Stone Streets of Saint-Paul-de-Vans. Lightweight Mediterranean cuisine serves here. The lunchroom has a fountain of the XVII century. On the south side there is a terrace with flowers, where you can dine outdoors.

Restaurant Malabar

Cozy restaurant, located on the western slopes of Saint-Paul de Vassan. You can choose from the aromatic dishes from the menu, including tapas or ricotta. Open from Thursday to Tuesday. This is one of best places In the Saint-Paul-de-Vance with breathtaking views from the outer terrace, although there is a place only for two outdoor tables.

How to get to Saint-Paul de Vans

By car:

Saint-Paul de Vans is popular Moz Excursions for guests of a leased yacht moored in Cannes, Antibes, Nice or Monaco.

From Cannes or Antibe Follow the motorway A8 - Congress 47 (Villeneuve Loubt, Cagnes Sur Mer, Vence) or Nice / Monaco / Italy, follow the A8 motorway - Congress 48. Follow the signs to "La Colle Sur Loup / Vence": RD436 . Saint-Paul de Vans is located between La Colle Sur Loup and Vence 15 minutes from the motorway.

By public transport:

before Saint-Paul-de-Vança can be reached from Nice by bus number 400, which terches the Saint-Paul-de-Vans, and then goes to the city of Vance (vence), the trip takes about 1 hour.

By train:

near the village there railway Station. The nearest train station of Kan-sur-Mer (Cagnes-sur-Mer), from where you can take bus number 400.

To discuss rental or or Monaco, contact Cofrance specialists.

Saint-Paul-de-Vance - a medieval fortified village, which, thanks to his famous guests and inhabitants, turned into a "live" gallery of art and Mecca art dealers of the azure coast. Walking around the narrow picturesque villas of the village, from the royal to the southern gate along the pedestrian street Grand, you will find the magnificent stone facades of the 16-18 centuries with skillfully decorated window opening portals and doors, private well-groomed kindergartens, miniature medieval areas with old fountains and twisted in the sky , Wood walls chapels. And, of course, discover and many craft shops, artistic studio, in which you can get acquainted with local artists, and the highest level art galleries. The works of the most famous artists and sculptors of the 20th century are sold, one way or another who have tied their lives with Nice and with this secluded corner of the French Riviera.

How to get to Saint-Paul de Vansa

The village is located on the picturesque mountain top 20 km from Nice. You can get here by car or bus from Nice (Gare Routiere, direction to Vance (vence), 3 EUR, 55 min.). Buses walk with a break of 40-60 minutes, so it is better to see the flight schedule in advance. On the way back, you can pay the driver with the driver.

Prices on the page are shown in August 2018.

Search flights to Nice (nearest a / n to Saint-Paul de Vance)

A bit of history

Saint-Paul-de-Vanz appeared at the turn of the 8th century, as a fortified shelter ("stone nest"), fled from Saracinov, the inhabitants of the coast. In 1538, on the orders of Francis I, this outpost was appealed to the fortress wall. The village did not differ much by architecture and the local way of life from a set of neighboring settlements and could only stay with a "cute cozy outpost" near Riviera, but in 20 years old this place is, perhaps thanks to picturesque landscapes and panoramas, painted artists from Paris: Signac, Bonnar, Utrillo, Modigliani and others.

They stayed at the Golden Dove Hotel (La Colombe d'OR), often paying for the table and its work. The owner of the hotel Paul Ruo definitely did not stay at the Slot: Now the hotel is the owner of the impressive collection of works by the artists famous to the world, like Utrillo, Vlamp, Duf, Bonnar, Sutin, Picasso, Modigliani, Coktke and Chagall. These paintings are quietly shackled throughout the hotel, including in the rooms, and are already an integral part of the unique artistic atmosphere of "Golden Doves". So the hotel and the village itself turned into a cult corner of fans of fine art.

In the 50 years, Charm of Artistic Mirka Saint-Paul-de-Vanas attracted here and famous film actors, writers and intellectuals. So in the "Golden Dove" began to be Bridget Bardo, Greta Garbo, Sophie Lauren, Bert Lancaster, Catherine Denovev, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simon de Bovwar. Here met and celebrated their wedding of Yves Montan and Simon Signore, who bought a legendary hotel and a restaurant in a few years. In Saint-Paul-de-Vance spent their last years Life Mark Chagalley and the author of Lady Chatterley's lover David Herbert Lawrence.

In the Saint-Paul-de-Vance, the legendary restaurant of the Golden Dove Hotel is still hosting the guests, but the popularity of this place on the azure coast is so high that the table must be ordered literally a month ahead. But without prior arrangement, you can get into the wonderful Shalmanchik "Cokard". This is a very simple interior. The place confesses the values \u200b\u200bof organic cuisine: dishes are prepared exclusively from bio products of local origin. The menu is short - only one page, but then each dish is if not a poem, then at least white verse. Be sure to try ravioli with a basil and garlic filling, a dozen of a large snail and a bottle of homemade pink wine. Middle check - 30-35 EUR.

Popular hotels in Saint-Paul de Vassan

Capella rosary Henri Matisse

One of the brightest architectural attractions of Saint-Paul-de-Vanas is a snow-shop chapel, built and decorated in the middle of the 20th century on projects and sketches of Henri Matisse.

After a heavy operation, the artist in 1941 in the Lyon clinic, a nun-Dominican woman named Mari-Anja was cared for Matisse. About Matisse, she later said that "never saw a more courageous, even a heroic nor more delicate patient." The artist, in turn, admitted to her that I would like to create a draft chapel as a sign of gratitude. According to the testimony of Mari-Anj, he filled many sheets of large albums with architectural sketches, sketches of painting, stained glass and sculptures and even church closures. The contours of the future church began to appear little on paper, returning vitality and the desire of creativity.

After a while, the artist returned to the hotel "Regina" in Nice, where he settled since 1938, and he began to take care of the nurse Monique Bourgeois, who, after taking a post in the Dominican Monastery in Vansea, introduced Matissa with the priest Pierre Kutyurier, "man Inspired and true reformer of church art. " Thus, a miniature chapel with minimalistly modest decoration and a fairytale and sunlight on stained glass windows and wall mosaics appeared.

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Museum "Mahe"

One of the most famous and beautiful small museums of the world, the temple of the 20th century art, which in 1964 was opened by the Paris Publisher, a collector and a large art dealer Eme Mae in a beautiful Piniyeva grove in a semi-kilometer from Saint-Paul-de-Vance. In the exposition of the Bonnar, Marriage, Matisse, Chagal, Kandinsky, Lying, Sculpture, and Mosaic, Arpa, Klder, Jacometti.

The museum is notable not only to a unique collection of the best works of fine and plastic art of the 20th century, but also a curious architecture for the authorship of Catalan José Luis Certa. In the design of the museum complex took part friends and "Artistic Councilors" of a collector: Glass mosaics restored next door, chapels and fountains in the sculpture garden were created by marriage, furniture design in a small garden cafe developed Jacketti, and Chagall performed a wall mosaic panel for the main building of the Fund .

Special find garden of sculptures steel viewing platformsallowing simultaneously enjoy the surrounding panorama and works of art. And the local library, which has more than 30 thousand volumes devoted to modern art, is open to free visits.

The entrance ticket to the museum will cost at 16 EUR, a preferential ticket for a group visiting (from 10 people), students and adolescents from 10 to 18 years - 11 EUR. 5 EUR will have to add a photographing feature. More detailed information On the site of the museum.

Another present treasure of Saint-Paul-de-Vanas is the chapel of the Brotherhood of White Swinkers (Chapelle Des Pénitiens Blancs), dating from 15-16 centuries. The unique frescoes of Giovanni Canvasios are preserved here, one of the best representatives of the poor school of "Primitivist Nice".

Brotherhood of multicolored sinners - black, white, green, red, brown - originated in Genoa in the 14th century. After century, they appeared on the French coast and in the cities of Provence. Brotherhoods united parishioners-Catholics who took care of the care of patients, the burial of the dead, providing hospitality to pilgrims and homeless people. Brotherhood members recognized each other in color clothes. The brotherhood of black sinners united in the main sailors and fishermen, and white - farmers. The associations of these devotees are preserved on the Cote d'Azur so far, although today they are very few.

Next to St. Paul-de-Vassath, a picturesque Provencal town of La-Kol-sur-Lu (La Colle-sur-Loup) is located, which is known in the French coast with his perfume compositions from the "May Rose" and a quarter of antiques and artists near the streets. Klein.

Held Ekaterina Istomnia

On March 28, 1985, Mark Chagall died in San Paul-de-Vans, who sincerely loved this little town. At the beginning of the 20th century, Lying, Miro, Matisse, Picasso and Marriage lived here. In 2003, an exhibition of the Russian avant-garde was held here, and, as Liberation she wrote, "on it 150 were presented by the largest representatives of the Russian avant-garde from 1908 to 1930. But it is not necessary to think that San Paul de Vans is a kind of luxurious artistic place.

Saint-Paul De Vence town, often called the village, is located in the triangle between Graz, Cannon and Nice, in the depths of the French Riviera, to the sea - 30 minutes by car (15 minutes from Cote D Airport `Azure). This is a true provincial hole, small medieval citywhich, having lived to this day, was very wisely not wished to change - there is a cafe of the XVI century, ceramic workshops and souvenir shops of the XV century, they do not let cars be allowed. San Paul-de-Vans - Authentic Middle Ages like a village of Ez, which is near Monaco.

If you try to calculate all houses in San Paul-de-Vans, it will turn out somewhere about 50 stone buildings - short, with crookedly carved windows, narrow doors. Name their houses in the modern sense of the word is difficult, and it would be wrong to dismember them for individual buildings. They have long come to each other long ago. As in the Middle Ages, there is a distance of non-individual houses here, but by whole streets that in San Paul de Vans have accumulated for all century five. San Paul-de-Vans Something like a shell, overgrown with other shells, younger and small. San Paul-de-Vanz - the town of Old, like a turtle, as low-modular, but alive, like a single organism.

The town is standing on a hill, surrounded by Piniyeva Grobby, burning groove, if the trees blew the sun. The first buildings here are dated the XII century, in other words, by the standards of the village of Semenny Provence San Paul-de-Vans - a very young city, new building. At first there was a tower on the hill, then the tower was surrounded by a fortress wall, it was destroyed, but the holes in the walls were plugged with new stones - and now it can be seen like medieval masonry "dot" combat strengthening. The construction flourishing of San Paul-de-Vans belong to the era of the Board of Francis I, respected in France King, who led in Provence Bloody Wars (including the Gramaldi rulers), and after won, commanded to rebuild the destroyed province again. So, the residential center of San Paul-de-Vans is the work of the hands of Francis Masonic, and since then the house has almost been almost rebuilt. In Francis, they also built a new fortress wall, beyond which the city has not come out since then, that is why San Paul-de-Vans is also called not only the village, but also the city-fortress.

Francis style I - a mixture of rustic Provencal with Genoese. And this is Feng Shui - there is necessarily water in the form of fountains (stone vases, bowls and even lion muzzles), there are flowers and trees - in vases or wooden cadces. More modern buildings erected after Francis I were built under the hill, but they also look ancient antiquity - a small market, two pharmacies, a bank.

Try the day to live in a medieval house - a great adventure. There are two hotels in San Paul-de-Vans, the oldest is called Hotel Le Saint-Paul. It is located on Grande Street, which means central. The fact that it is a big and serious street, one can judge by the fact that there may be no two people in it, but three (on other streets of the fortress city with difficulty will disarm two). In the distant past, Hotel Le Saint-Paul was the usual innovative courtyard with a ceramic shop, and in the XVI century this yard bought a bourgeois rich on the manufacture of olive oil and turned into his own city house. It is difficult to say why this bourgeois did not rebuild him at all - there is no trace from the well-known French bourgeoisity.

Medieval people were lower growth, but at the same time more complete than we. Settling in Hotel Le Saint-Paul, we realized that medieval Europeans were completely tiny: where the family lived, today with difficulty unfolding and one person. Hotel Le Saint-Paul is a stone labyrinth, hive, where instead of cells - hotel rooms With walls, folded from limestone wreckage, and small iron furniture.

The second hotel is known worldwide - "Golden Dove" (Hotel De La Colombe D`or) with a restaurant of the same name. This is one of the most famous hotels On the Cote d'Azur, and the look - simple village of Kharchevnya. In the "Golden Dove" played the wedding of Yves Montan and Simon Signore, and on the walls of the hotel there are many black and white photos confirming this fact: Montan with a cigarette, Signore with a scarf on the neck and a glass of white wine. Opposite the hotel still play balls, or rather, to Petan, as well as Montan played many years ago.

But much earlier, in the 1920s, the Golden Doves had one wonderful owner, his name was Paul. Natura sublime, fonding and in many ways the advanced, this messenie ru was in the most advanced delight from the avant-garde and tried to draw himself - his Pablo Picasso was superimpled to this, for the jokes most likely. Draw as I wanted, the field RU did not work. But failures did not harm him, Paul Ru wanted to see and hear artists in his own house, in his "golden dove", and became a perennial friend for many of them, assistant and interlocutor. Marriage, Matisse, Picasso, Robert and Sophie Delone, were legee there were guests in the house ru. They left the paintings here, just like that, just as a gift to the owner, and so gradually the hotel and Kharchevna turned into a decent art gallery. The linen of the Great Masters calmly decorated the walls of the lobby and restaurant. Unfortunately, the "golden dove" 20 years ago was ruthlessly looted, though, all the pictures later found, but now without pre-order You will not come to the hotel or in the restaurant. Jacques Overvelopment, Francois Treiffo, Brick Bardo, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simon de Bovwar, Romi Schneider - All these people have repeatedly visited the "Golden Golk", leaving for her noisy villas and secular hotels of the brilliant French riviera.

There are in San Paul-de-Vans and real museums. Such is the adorable museum musical instrumentswhich will be more funny of such a museum in Vienna (it is located next to the Golden Blue). But on the other side of the hill, in Piniyeva Grove, in 1964 built a museum of contemporary art, he is the same Foundation of the La Fondation Maeght. It was built by his architect Louis Ser, the interior design was engaged in world and marriage, and Wall Mosaic Panel made Chagall - the Great Artist lived here almost three dozen years. Mark Chagall is buried at the local Cemetery of San P-de Vans, located behind the south gate.

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