How do the rooms give the routes of urban transport? City route taxi.

Several years on the Internet walks the picture - meme - the emotional obscene impressions of the provinciality of Moscow. Among them there is a phrase: "Bus 483rd, nor Figa my digit!" The logic of the numbering of urban transport is indeed not always obvious. The Village found out how the principle of the number is assigned buses, trolley buses and trams.

Press service GUP "Mosgortrans"

All routes of urban passenger transport of the capital have unambiguous, two-digit and three-digit rooms. This numbering has developed historically and does not change. In the new directions, transport is assigned new numbers or numbers of previously canceled routes. All numbering is individual, but there are both coincidences: the routes of different types of transport can be equally indicated. So, around the city tram number 3, trolleybus number 3 and bus number 3, but they all follow different routes.

Assign new routes four-digit numbers while there is no need. True, bus routes number 1001, 1002 and 1004, which previously belonged to commercial carriers. In 2013, they were transferred under the control of "Mosgortrans", for the convenience of passengers the number did not change.

Sometimes at numbering the specifics of this or that route is taken into account. For example, in Moscow there are several "social" directions of movement, they cover the institutions of education, medicine, social protection. The numbers of such routes begin with literals from: C1, C2 and so on. There are also night routes of ground urban transport, these are buses No. N1, H2, H3. Letters use both shortened flights: they duplicate the most loaded areas of the path. In order for the passengers to be easier to navigate, when entering such a route to the main number, the letter "K" (short) is added. There are, for example, a bus route number 709, the next from the Metro station "Orekhovo" to the metro station "Kashirskaya", and is No. 709k, which from the Metro "Orekhovo" goes to the Mosmvorette platform.

Konstantin Trophimenko

Director of the Center for Research of Transport Problems of Megapolis HSE

There is no special system for the numbering of transport in Moscow - this is a wild mix between the numbers of the eldest routes, Stalin, Brezhnevsky and the 1990s. They all lay down on each other.

There are also routes, in the designation of which letters use. This may be a consequence of the fact that once the path of transport was divided into two parts. It still happens that the route branches: transport follows the route, and then its option, to the numbering of which the letter A is added to the right. The option without such a letter continues to follow directly. All this, of course, causes confusion. City navigation is absolutely not convenient to the user. If a person does not specialize in this topic, he is unlikely to know about any routes, except for those that he needed.

In Soviet times, regularly carried out work on optimizing the system of urban transport. In the 90s, they stopped engaged in this, and now attempts are renewed. Last year, not only the problem of transport numbering was raised, but also the question of the need for certain routes. It happens that they lose relevance: for example, there was a bus that drove people to the plant. The company was closed, and people stopped ride there, the route continues to function. Does it need a city? But, unfortunately, until these works led to a positive result.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

You can also pave the route manually, armed with a card, pencil and ruler. But if you ended up on the page of the route planner, it is also possible and more often more convenient option - Laying the route online, one of which is offered to you on our site.

Routing the route is two species: Manual and automatic.

  • With a manual laying, you apply a number of points on the map forming an arbitrary route.
  • With automatic preparation, you need to specify the initial and endpoints, and our service itself will pave the optimal route, calculate the shortest path, taking into account the rules of the road and the road situation at the moment.

On the proposed route you will see all the roads and nearby crossroads, which will be very useful for motorists and travelers. Map with a route in the city of Moscow will allow you to plan the route and will not be lost in an unfamiliar place.

What would make a route on the city map Moscow, enter the starting point in the first field of the form below and the end point in the Ole. Then let's indicate which way you will move to the final goal by clicking on the appropriate button - "car", "on foot" by public transport. "After that, click on the" Show route "button.

Look for and make the most optimal routes for public transport from your location and to the desired street or at home, as well as automotive, cycling and hiking routes For walking.

Choose transport:

Public transport by car Bike on foot

Show route on the map

Route on the map of the city.

Ask, what can be reached or how to get to a certain street or at home in Moscow? We answer - very simple find your best way to city With the help of a travel scheduler on our website site. Our service will find for you up to 3 travel options in city Moscow from your address and to the destination. On the scheme with routes, click on the More (beginning of the beginning) button and proceed to a detailed description of travel options. For all routes, travel time will be shown taking into account traffic jams, bus services, minibuses and other public transport.

Popular routes:

  • From: Moscow, Ivan Susanina Street, 10 - to: Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street, 25;
  • From: Moscow, Novovatutinsky Avenue 13 - To: Kursk Direction of Moscow railway, Station Podolsk;
  • From: Moscow, settlement Desunorskoe, Novovatutinsky Avenue, 13 - to: Kursk Direction of the Moscow Railway, Shcherbinka Station;
  • From: Moscow, Metro Oktyabrskoe Field - To: Moscow, 1st Volokolamsky passage 10 Article 1;
  • From: Moscow, Metro Proletarskaya - To: Moscow, 1st Dubovitskaya Street 1 A;

Users of our site are often asked, for example: "How to get from the bus station to the hospital?" etc. We decided to facilitate the search for the optimal route for all needy.

Movement on a predetermined route is a way to eliminate the problems that may arise in an unfamiliar area, and to quickly overcome the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe road. Do not miss the details, specify in advance by the direction of movement on the road and turns.

Using the travel planning service, you just need to enter the start and end of the route, then click the "Show route on the map" button and you will receive several routes options. Choose the most suitable and start moving. Possible four modes of the route is possible - on urban public transport (including route taxis), by car, cycling or walking.

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