Description of the fadal castle in the Middle Ages. Abstract: Feudal castle as a fortress and dwelling feudal

As the seas and rivers provided big Overview For tracking and attacking in foreign invaders.

The supply of water allowed to save the pivans and ditches, which were an indispensable part of the lock protective system. The locks also functioned as administrative centers, and the reservoirs helped facilitate taxation of taxes, because the rivers and the sea were important shopping waterways.

Also, the locks were built on high hills or in rocks rocks, which was difficult to attack.

Stages of construction of the castle

At the beginning of the construction of the castle in the ground around the location of the future building, Rips were digging. Their contents folded inside. It turned out a mound or a hill called Mott. On him later, the castle was built.

Then the walls of the castle were constructed. Often, two rows of walls were often erected. The outer wall was below the internal. It was the towers for the castle defenders, a lifting bridge and a gateway. On the inner wall of the castle, the towers used to be used for. Basement rooms were intended for food storage in case of siege. The platform that the interior wall was surrounded was called "Bailey". On the site was the tower where the feudalled feudal. Castles could be complemented by extensions.

What castles did

The material from which the locks were manufactured, depended on the geology of the area. The first locks were built of wood, but a stone became later as a building material. In construction, sand, limestone, granite were used.

All work on construction was done manually.

Walls of locks rarely completely consisted of a solid stone. Outside the wall was made of cladding from the treated stones, and from its inside the stones of uneven shapes and a different size were laid out. These two layers were combined with a lime solution. The solution was prepared right at the place of the future structure, and with it also blended stones.

Wooden forests were erected at the site of construction site. At the same time, horizontal beams stuck in the pockets done in the walls. From above across them clashed boards. On the walls of the castles of the Epoch of the Middle Ages, you can see square recesses. This is the marks from the scaffolding. At the end of construction, building niches were filled with limestone, but over time he fell off.

The windows in the castles were narrow holes. On the tower of the castle, small openings were made in order for the defenders to let the arrows.

What did locks manage

If it was about the royal residence, experts acted for construction throughout the country. So the King of Medieval Wales Edward first built his ring locks. Masonry cut the stones on the blocks of the right shape and size using hammer, chisel and measuring instruments. This work required high mastery.

Stone locks were expensive. King Edward almost ruined the state treasury, spending 100,000 pounds on their construction. In the construction of one castle, about 3,000 workers were involved.

The construction of castles left three to ten years. Some of them were built in the military zone, and more time was required to fulfill the work. Most castles built by Edward are still standing.


  • How Castles Work, Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D. , How Stuff Works
  • Why Were Many Castles Built Near Bodies of Water? ELIZABETH BURNER, EHOW

Many legends envelops the Castle of Bran - this is the real name of the castle of Dracula. In fact, located in Romania, the castle has a completely real story of its existence, which is not connected with mysticism.

The Bran Castle is located in three tens of kilometers from Brasov on the border of transylvania and mintage.

The construction of the castle began in 1377 and continued for five years, at that time it was a fortress, thanks to which it was possible to control migration and boundaries between the principalities. Later already in 1622-1625, the towers were erected here, the main purpose of which was observing trade routes and travelers, as follows from other states.

Mystical legend about the column of Dracula was invented local residentswho tremble in front of the mystery and the gloom of the castle, which has a lot of secret moves, rooms and labyrinths. This is a kind of image for a castle, which is located on a rocky grief, because the lock itself is made in the Gothic style, which is not better emphasized by the fear and the sacrament of what happened here many years ago.

The owners of the castle for a long time were residents of the surroundings, which built this castle to their funds, for which they were released from paying taxes. After that, the castle belonged to different owners, but the famous vampire of Dracula among them was never listed.

A popular place among tourists and lovers of mysticism brought fear and blissful thrill, which is fed by architecture and interior collected by the queen Maria. It was the leader of Romania that the castle was given in 1920 by residents of Brasov in 1920.

From 1920 to 1927, restoration was held in the castle under the leadership of architect Karel Liman. Near the castle appeared parks and alleys for walking, lake and fountain.

In 1956, this majestic structure became a museum of feudal history. However, by that time the castle was already in the destroyed state. The construction began to restore in 1987. By 1993, all work was completed.

IN modern time The castle belongs to the grandson of Queen Mary Dominic Gabsburg.

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Vlad Chalp, called Dracula, - the famous Romanian Prince of the XV century, which is not without the efforts of Bram Stoker, found a mystical reputation in the people. About the "Devilish" essence of the prince said in his life - most often it could be heard from foreign detractors.

And in our time, the image of Dracula is usually associated with a Bran Castle, which is not far from the Romanian city of Brasov on a high rock. This ominous structure attracts millions of tourists annually, many of whom go here hoping to meet with the Ghost of Blood-Fiction Prince.

Local inhabitants in vain trying to convince the guests that the ghost is found in the castle, and in one of the nearby villages they even show the house in which the prince-vampire allegedly stopped. In fact, the castle of Bran Vlad Chapes never visited. It is only known that he sometimes hunted in the surrounding forests. A common legend that the Turks allegedly tortured in the castle of the prince of the prince, not correspond to reality.

And he was not a vampire of Dracula, and his despotic was combined with love of justice. Prince Surovo Kalars of Bribeers, dishonest merchants, wrong wives and cowardly warriors, and poor and disadvantaged, on the contrary, often provided support.

The nickname "Dracula" he was inherited from the Father - Vlad II, who also wore him; It happened from the Dragon Order, in which Vlad-Senior and the emblem of which had on his relics.

The idea of \u200b\u200bVlad Chareche as a vampire is a modern fairy tale whose task is to attract more tourists. In local markets you can see hundreds of T-shirts, dishes and other souvenirs with a portrait of Vlad Dracula. Such products use endless demand.

The Castle of Bran was founded in the XIV century for the means of the residents of Brasov and was intended, of course, for defense. For this construction, the then ruler freed the residents of the city from taxes. The location of the castle only emphasizes its protective function - it snaps on a sheer cliff, no less terrifying than the construction itself. However, the castle is at the same time beautiful. Inside the lock is a whole labyrinth of corridors and halls.

This architectural monument by itself keeps a lot of mysteries that are not related to the aforementioned Dracula. For example, a well in the courtyard: it is believed that he leads to underground rooms.

The current owner of the castle is Dominic Gabsburg, the descendant of Queen Mary and the medieval Romanian rulers. Queen this castle was presented by residents of Brasov in a sign of special thanks in 1918. The transfer of the castle to the current legal owner took place recently - in 2006.

Life and morals of the feudal

The main occupation of the feudalists, especially during this early period, was the war and the robbery accompanying her. Therefore, the whole life and morals of the feudalists were subordinated to the basic needs of the war.

In the IX-XI centuries. Europe was covered with feudal locks. The castle is the usual dwelling of Feodala - at the same time he was a fortress, his refuge and from external enemies, and from the family-feudalists, and from the rebels of peasants. The castle allowed the feudal police to dominate the entire nearby district and keep all its population in submission. Especially many castles were built in connection with Normanov raids, Arabs and Hungarians. Missed the castle reminded the nest of a bird of prey: it was usually built on a wooded hill or a high bank of the river, from where it would be good to view the neighborhood and where it was easier to defend themselves from the enemy. Up to the end of the city. The locks were built preferably from the tree and were most often a two-story wooden tower, in the upper floor which there was a feudal, and in Nizhny - a squad and servants. Here, or in the annexes there were warehouses of weapons, a province, space for livestock, etc. The castle was surrounded by a shaft and moat filled with water. A lifting bridge was transferred through ditch. Approximately from the beginning of the XI century. Feudals began to build stone locks, surrounded by usually two or even three high stone walls with braces and pediatric towers in the corners. The center has still risen the main multi-storey tower - "DONZHON". The dungeons of such towers often served as a prison, where the enemies of feudal were languished in chains - his captives, recalcitrant vassals and knocked in any peasants. With the then state of military equipment, such a stone castle was difficult to take storm. It usually surrendered only as a result of a multi-month siege.

The castle was surrounded by deep moat. There were several rows of thick stone walls, crowned with round or quadrangular towers with narrow braces around it. You could get into the castle through a lifting bridge that fell on heavy cast iron chains. The attractive tower had oak massive gates hinge. The lifting door was placed behind the tower, the lifting door was placed in the form of a cast-iron lattice. During the assault, she tried to lower the opponent behind his back. At the first wall there was a household courtyard with a mill, blacksmith, weapons and other workshops. For the second round of the walls were placed main Tower Castle, stables and weapons warehouses. The main stronghold of the castle during the siege served the main castle tower. There were also residential rooms in it, and guest rooms and servants. Her lower floor was a hall, the entire length of which the oak table was drawn. In the days of the rainy feasts, carcasses of fried bulls, rams and deer rose on it. A spiral staircase hidden in the thicker of the walls led to the upper residential premises. One floor was isolated from the other. If the enemies broke out into the tower, on their heads through the holes in the ceiling from one floor to the other, a boiling resin and melted lead were poured. Then the hatch was tightly covered with a heavy stone slab. At the very top of the castle tower were kept abundant stocks of food and drink. Thus, the feudal castle was a real fortress that defended the feudal from "external" enemies - other feudalists and from its subjects - serfs if they restrained. However, take a look at the castle in terms of amenities. Here as describes on the basis of historical documents, the castle of the Middle Ages French historian and critic Lucien Fevr: "Take a minute view from the facades in an ancient style, from numerous sculptures, from a great marble. Take a look at these luxury residences simply by the eyes of the employer inspecting housing. All rooms are located on Anfilat, they are huge, monotonous, sliced \u200b\u200bwith squares; A deaf wall in front, a deaf wall behind, windows in the wall on the right, windows in the wall on the left. And if someone wants to go from one end of the floor in another, there is no other way how to Milify one for another all reporting rooms between themselves ... You can not doubt that in winter there it was necessary to tremble from the cold ... in vain the whole army of strokes dragged full bones of twigs and lane from One room, where there was a stove, the same one ... Away from the fire, Merzley people. And if the fire was burned, people under the fireplace canopy were exhausted from the heat. "

Fodal castles XII-XV century

The system of relationships in the feudal tip was based on vassal dependence. To celebrate his outstanding warranty for the faithful service, the king gives him a castle or even a whole domain (feudal possession) along with the population that lived there and makes him his vassal. This not only tied feudal to the king, but also imposed a certain imprint on his way of life. In most cases, having received a castle or domain from King, the feudal veins in close proximity to his subordinates. He often processed the land and led his natural economy along with the male. Therefore, feudal and built his housing and estate in the center of his possessions among the fields. In addition, the right to possession often needed to prove with weapons in their hands from other feudalists. After all, the era of early feudalism filled with endless crossbursts. From the castle, built in close proximity to the subordinate peasants, the feudal could control all the approaches to his possession, here it was defended from the enemies, and he himself was preparing to skills on the ownership of neighbors or merchant caravans. So the feudal castle becomes a symbol of the feudal power over the surrounding lands. Feudal estates built residential and economic structures, as well as dugouts and wooden houses Chelyadi. Up to 12 centuries, a temple remained a single stone structure on such estates. Most often, such estates also had the most elementary fortifications. Strengthening feudal relations brought a certain coup in the class of consciousness of the feudal top, which produces its own characteristic of it, ideology. In countries Western Europe In the last quarter of the 12th century, the highest class appear inheritance rights to land ownership, from the outside reinforced by the appearance of coat of arms, titles. The consciousness of its prevalent situation appears in the feudal tip. So the highest know, and first of all its honorary representatives, become participants in all the outstanding events of the era - both military and political. Significant turn in the development of feudal culture, including construction, steel crusades, acquaintance with the Arab world of sophisticated culture, with Byzantia. Frequent intercourse with foreigners demanded the alignment with them not only in the wealth of clothing and weapons, but also in such an important area as a housing culture. A specific ritual of communication, mutual visits of feudalists, participation in tournaments or hunting is produced. In those conditions, the wooden structure in which there was a feudal from families and where he took the guests, no longer answered his appointment. Therefore, it is quite natural that the feudalles begin to rebuild their housing. A stone comes to replace the tree as a building material. If in the X-XI century, the right to build locks in the Central European kingdoms was exclusively the king and they were built as administrative centers, then with the development of feudal relations, there is gradually the separation of former members of the king, consolidation for them and their heirs for the land of land, and together There is a need to build the feudal castle in close proximity to the subordinate peasants. The feudal builds his stone castle most often in a hard-to-reach, strategically important place - on a steep rock, a lonely hill, which ascended over the flat terrain. So the feudal castle becomes a symbol of the feudal power over the surrounding lands. Castles and kings, both administrative centers and the protection of free (independent local feudal feudal) of the royal cities, which arise in the 12-13 centuries on all significant trading paths and places of production of different ores and salts. As a rule, the castle was built on the mountain, and the city on the plain at some distance from him. It should be noted that these distances that have been preserved for centuries were caused not only and not so much topographic features of the terrain, rather than strategic considerations: the need to create a scope for shelling attackers to the castle and at the same time keep the castle from fires that were frequent In the cities of that time with their wooden buildings. On the other hand, residents of the city also wanted to maintain a distance with a formidable neighbor, because the relationship between them was far from peaceful. At the end of the 12th century, new structures began to appear in the estates - the stone towers - the predecessors of the new type of locks. The sample for the first stone castles gave a more progressive feudalism of Western Europe. There was also designed and established Romanesque architectural stylewhose name comes from the Latin name of the city of Rome. There is already a hint of this that Romanesque architectural style is based on the Roman architectural tradition. But he, at the same time, imagined the elements and traditions of the architecture of Byzantium, and that in turn - the architectures of the Middle East. So, in Romanesque style, the experience of the builders of almost total Mediterranean was reflected. In the 12th century, construction artels from Western Europe were brought to Central Europe, including in our region. A peculiar locks are built in the Romanesque style. First of all, thick fortress walls are built that surround courtyard Castle. In the middle of the yard, on the sublime, the stone donjon tower is being built, which resembles the watchtowers of the ancient Roman fortifications. The tower performed housing and defense functions at the same time. Sometimes there was a chapel in Dujon. Since the beginning of the 13th century, the construction of feudal locks, the dominant of which is the stone tower, is gaining significant scope. The desire for this was the desire of the nobles even more to strengthen its power, to oppose himself to the king, comes with him not only by wealth, but also a way of life. Feodal builds his stone castle, most often, in a hard-to-reach, strategically important place is on a steep rock, a lonely hill that is asked over the flat terrain. These locks performed not only defense and housing functions, but also representative. The castles-towers, as a rule, had several floors, the thickness of their walls reached 3-4 meters, only at the level of the second and third floor of the walls were cut through narrow windows, rarely posted over the entire wall. The dwelling of Feodala was on the second floor where it was possible to get through one narrow passage along the withdrawal wooden staircase or steps, which in case of danger, it was possible to pick up or burn. On the ground floor there were cameras with food reserves for the case of siege, and arsenal. On the third floor there were rooms servants and warriors, and on the top venue was exhibited. The donjon tower, of course, had a dungeon where the prison was located. The defense system of the Romanesque castle was very difficult for his time. The first line was land shafts and deep ditch, which surrounded the entire territory of the castle. The second - the fortress walls, which in the 12th century have already been strengthened with small protective towers. The entrance to the castle, as a rule, led through underground Most.. The donjon cloth tower is at least an integral part of the castle, but it is entirely an autonomous structure that can be protected successfully and in itself. In the 12th century, there is also a house in which the owner of the castle and his seed in peacetime lived in the donjon. Here is the family chapel, a kitchen, a stable and other shopping facilities. The most striking representative of the Romanesque castle of the castles of our region is Seednyansky, as well as the oldest part of Mukachevsky Castle, the so-called "Upper Castle", whose basic structures were built in the days of Prince Fedor Koryatovich at the end of the 14th century - in early 15th century. The late construction of donzhon in the Mukachevsky Castle is due to the significant remoteness of it from political and cultural centers Europe, which led to delays in the perception of new ideas. Of course, the Romanesque castle with the donjon tower was already a significant defense capability. However, in these castles, only passive defense could be held. Therefore, when a new construction equipment appeared at the end of the 13th century, which made it much more complicated and a more flexible castle defense system, the castles-towers are gradually lost its value. It comes to replace gothic castle with a more advanced fortification system. There is no clear chronological line between the Romanesque and Gothic Style. Already in the middle of the 12th century, during the heyday of the Romanesque style, elements of a new Gothic style appear in Northern France. His characteristic features There is a vertical composition of the composition, a rugged arc, a fairly complex frame of the support system and ribbed crypt. From France Gothic already in the late 12th century spread in neighbouring countries , in England, Germany, the countries of the Danube basin. Over time, the gothic architecture becomes a universal pan-European style, under which a peculiar form system was created, a new understanding of the spatial and volume composition was achieved. The name "Gothic" does not reflect the correct essence of this style. During the period of Renaissance, it was a mocking name, invented by Italian architects, for all construction north of the Alps, as if connected with the barbaric German tribes-goths. In his homeland, in France, this style is called "firm". Significant changes in the era of Gothic undergoes the architecture of the feudal castle. The development of production forces allows the feudal to assign a significantly large part of the products of the wiping of the serfs and at their expense to keep a significant amount of artisans, including builders. In Central Europe, including our Territory, the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the middle of the 13th century, and the constant danger of their re-arrival at the Tsiso-Danube lowland, became a significant impetus for the construction of strong feudal fiddles in strategically important places. Therefore, Hungarian kings, in contrast to the time of the Domongolian invasion, directly bind the feudal places to build locks, using the latest achievements of pan-European fortification. In the last quarter of the 12th century, a new element appears in the French cloth architecture, which significantly enhances the defense capability of the locks - the rounded tower with the edge. On the projection from above the tower has the shape of a triangle, angle, the vertex of which is 75-90 degrees. The karts of this triangle are two straight sides - create a sharp edge, which is designed to minimize the effectiveness of direct hit of enemy shells on the walls of the tower. This not only intensified the defense capability of the castle, but also a strong artistic and psychological impression was achieved: from neutral, without any direction of the body of the rounded tower, a dynamic element was created, and a monolithic fortification was conceived, which met the enemy with a strong stone blade directed to the opposite direction from the entrance Castle gate. However, despite all the positive qualities of the new element of the fortification system of the French castle architecture, in the first half of the 13th century did not receive the round tower with a substantial distribution edge in Europe. In the middle of the 13th century, the rounded tower appears in France for the second time, besides in two versions. In the first embodiment, the rib decreases and performs in the form of a small process, artistically emphasizing the neutrality of the cylindrical form of the tower, which remained unchanged. The former function of the edge of this most is canceled and only the artistic meaning remains dynamizing the roundness of the form of the tower. The second option was created by the towers, which were in terms of trigger. They create a rib due to the convexity of the side curve. Castles grow into a large trickling of walls, towers, transitional bridges and galleries, the variety of their plans is endless. The most often architects and builders of the Gothic era, having certain details and guided by the principles of fortification, conducted the construction of the castle in agreement with the relief of the rock or a hill in which the castle was built. The lock plan acquired incorrect forms. Such colorful outlines of the plan gave the castle creative naturalness. The castle walls and towers seemed to continue the cliff, as if nature itself spawned the architectural forms of the castle. And since nature does not like repetitions, the architecture of the locks, closely associated with it becomes individual. At the turn of the 13-14 centuries, a certain leveling of the capabilities of siege techniques and fortifications of locks are noted. This alignment made it possible to pay more attention to the artistic design of the castles, especially their housing part - the Palace. As a result, the Masters of the Gothic Age was created a new type of the chamber, the core of which was the courtyard, surrounded by one or two-story arcade (Uzhgorod, Mukachevsky castles). But the inner device of the halls and the rooms of the ward remains still ascetic, in the foreground still perform the considerations of defense, the focus is still concentrated on the main defense tower. In the statement of Gothic style in the castle architecture, the leading role was played by the royal castles. The king's castle, together with strategic functions, served as a state residence, in which the royal courtyard and numerous protection of the king were located. In this residence, the king accepted foreign ambassadors. In the desire to appear in front of foreigners from the best side and above, ascertaining the subordinates and their surroundings, the King jealously followed all the changes that occurred in the castle architecture. The existing types of locks, so all the time enriched with new elements, that is, the artistic rethinking of the lock architecture constantly occurs. In the 14th century, two new options appear on the basis of the ancient types of locks, which indicate two different ways of searches for new artistic forms in the casting architecture. The first option is a longitudinal axis of the castle - is the artistic rethinking of the old type of locks. The longitudinal axis is emphasized not only visually increased the distance between the tower and the castle palet. The tower itself is put forward forward towards a potential enemy all the time, and the Curve Wall curve is drawn together with it. With excessive exhaustion of the longitudinal axis of the structure, one tower for defense of the entire castle range is already a little. So a new element appears in the casting fortification system - the prism cloth tower. The emergence of new options for castle types indicates that simple repetition of old architectural forms no longer meets the requirements of time. First of all, it is an artistic rethinking of the structure. Variations of old types of locks, which are celebrated in the 14th century, the strengthening of the fortification system did not bring. Two options for castles that appeared in the 14th century on the basis of castle types from 12-13 centuries are shown in two directions in which the search for new artistic forms in the lock architecture. The first option - the longitudinal axis is emphasized - is only a certain improvement of the old type of locks, while the second option shows on the search for its own solution, although on an old basis. That attention that was previously paid to the Castle Tower, is now completely transferred to the fortress wall. In this case, it is not only about mechanical transfer of an accent from one element of the castle complex to another. The meaning of this transformation is much deeper. It shows that the inner space and the wall, which closes it, appear already as autonomous elements. Variations of old types of locks marked in the 14th century turned out to be a significant incentive for the further development of the castle architecture. They proved that a large tower is the basis of the fortification system of the Gothic castle and the symbol of the medieval nobility, not so unshakable. The change in the view on the functional base of the tower caused a change in its cubic shape, which logically floats from the core of the tower from the exclusively defense function. The new era nominates new tasks in front of the tower, expands the framework of its effectiveness. Leaving the tower its defense functions, at the same time it was necessary to deprive it asceticity, it was necessary to create housing premises in its inner part. Experience suggested that for the structure, which would simultaneously play both defense, and housing functions, much more profitable quadro-shaped form, rather than round. This most was broken by the old tradition in the construction of stone castles. The tetrahedral tower together with other structures created a single ensemble. The introduction of the housing tower in the castle complex made it possible to modify the existing castle type. Therefore, the gothic style, especially in its modified form, remained in the castle architecture to the end of the Middle Ages. However, during this period in the ensemble royal Castle And the castle of the highest nobility appears several towers, and the defense, and housing functions at the same time were performed. Such towers indicated not only the enrichment of the existing type of locks by new elements, but also turned out to be a transitional stage on the way to a further artistic change in the castle architecture. The most clearly pronounced features of the gothic architecture among Transcarpathian castles in Nevitsky Castle: Gothic towers of the Mukachevsky Castle were destroyed in 16 - at the beginning of the 17th century. Housing gothic tags are well preserved in Uzhgorod and Mukachevsky castles, although in restructuring later.

Castles of England

Rochester Castle

Rochester Castle (Rochester) in Count County. The construction of the castle in Rochester began in the XI century. This is one of the first stone castles in England. He was in the property of the Church and was the residence of the archbishop. The donjon of the castle has in terms of the shape of a square with the size of the parties 21 m. The height of 34 m. The towers at its corners rise another 4 meters. The thickness of the dongow walls at the base is 4 meters, upstairs - 3.3 m. The entrance to Donta is located in a special extension at the second floor level. Access to the first floor is carried out along the screw staircase from the second floor. The main hall was held by two floors - the third and fourth. On the fifth floor there were personal rest of the archbishop and the chapel. In the XVIII century, the castle almost demolished.

LEDS Castle (Leeds)

The castle is considered as being the most beautiful and most former castle of England. In the IX century, it was the place of the Saxon small castle. He was proposed by Eduard I in 1278. Henry VIII also lived there by many years, as the six kings of England.

Castle Bodiam

In 1385, King Rishar II gave permission to Mr. Eduore Dalkingrigzh Build a castle near the Rother River in order to protect the region against the possible invasion of the French. Mr. Dalingrigzh, who agitated in France for Eduord III during the war of 100 years, undoubtedly inspired by French castles in order to build a Bodiam Castle.

Castles Spain

Castle Avila.

Founded in the XIth century to protect Spanish territories from Maures, Avila - medieval city which is best saved. He has a rectangular shape, the perimeter of which is approximately two and a half kilometers and twelve meters height. Walls are reinforced by large mass towers. Mattles have nine doors.

fortress feudal

Alternative descriptions

Palace and Food Fortress

Device for locking something key

Fortified dwelling feudal

Fudal knight shelter

Roman Kafki (1922)

. "Does not bother, does not bite, but does not let go to the house" (riddle)

. "Bend by Kalach, you can not bite and you can not go through" (Riddle)

Top crumple of the arch or arch

Arc landing stone


Aerial structure

Mortise or hinged

Gubernskaya prison, usually stone, with caasemates

Palace Feodala

Palace, Food Fortress

Detail of an artillery tool

Detail of guns

House for ghosts

House with the ghosts

Iron Watchman

Dwelling of blue beard

Residence graph Dracula

The dwelling of the kings, know where they sometimes settle and bring

Residence of Feodala


And barn and code

And air and sand

And palace and feudal fortress

I also need the key to him

To it - the key

To empty hives ... do not need


Cantata of the French composer Darius Miyo "Fiery ..."

Picture of the French artist Field Cezanna "... Marine Office"

Picture of the French artist Field Cezanna "Black ... Saint Trees"

Wedge-shaped stone in the top of the arch

Code ...

Fortress housing


Swallow nest in Yalta

Tower of London

M. Shell or device for trial or shutting. Pipes of a hanging castle: a box, a handling: a spring, wheels (circles, for which the beard beard a key with cuts), tongue, set; Parts of the nutrone, mortise castle: board, then the same, except for the handle, and sometimes there is a larva; There is a key to another. Screw padlock castle, which has a wrench with a screw; on-up, round box, ball; Swedish, bucket, book wider, etc. Castle with goodfort, with a secret. Good castle reliable friend. Constipation Yes Castle holy case. Castle Yes, the guilt of the girl will not hold. For smart print, for a stupid castle. Hold the language behind the castle (for the teeth). No empty castle is not necessary. We minimize the banner that is unreliable and the castle. Although the broth, but with a zombkin. Threat people to thwart, and good castles are banging. Silnele key lock. Earl from the Barn Castle. Castle of fire weapons, for flips: flint, out of use.; Impact, piston, for shock powder, for firing caps. Parts of it: board, trigger, combat spring, wheel or platoon, descent, dog. Wrists, necklaces and pr. Mock with a key of different device, without a key. The castle is also the church of the two-headed shell; The view and scrap of articulation or joint. The lock in the arch, the top, the middle stone, which closes and ends the arch, derived from the heels; This stone is usually hesitated by a blunt wedge. Forms, covers, for casting large things, lock, place and all device, for a dense connected two halves. Cutting log cabings. In the angle, when the ends are put in closer, with the cutting down of the rounded bed; In the paw (and if the end of the log is launched in the same way in the middle, not at the very end of another silicone), when the end is cut down in the form of a frying pan, a decomposed spike; into the tooth, when one log is instructed to other and cutting down is made by a simple hook, two teeth; In the castle, when it is made by a spike, or besides a simple tooth (hook), the same hook (ledge) is cut in another log (on the end of the ends of the ends). Tooth cut, and drives the castle! Fold hands in the castle, launch all the fingers of one hand between the finger. Hold that under the castle, locked up. Tie the box in the castle, lock, spiked or spikes. Castle, in the bones of animals. and man. Front joint, threw of pelvic bones and the most expanse of the passage of the pelvis. Laundry (bear) is a very close castle, and it gives birth to the cubs very small. Castle, keyboard, to the lock relative. Lock mark. Castle knitting or cutting. Lock wizard or paddle. Lock box, Vyat. Bent, hinge box, genus Starin's chest. Work, with a tyrthy castle. Closer, closer, put the ends with the lock, enter into a circle; Put the lock key or lock that on the lock. The enemy was surrounded and closed. The passage is closed with a wall, shaft. Coupl, lay the castle, middle stone. The lock is spoiled, does not closes. Close house. Take a platoon, military. Be, go in the castle, behind. Closed in yourself, focused or secretive. Oh, suffer. And the abroad. According to speech. Sources closed, dried, do not flow. The sky closed, there is no rain, it's drought, everything dies. Closing cf. Loins. Close one-time. Zamka w. about. Action. by meaning glasses A closure, shell than closed, the key or what to rule his position, the most castle, if it closes without a key; Cape, mark, pad on breakdown, for lock; Lock in the nanos, cover, stroke, valve; Mosk. Custom, habit? (Split?). Nursing to the shortcut. Shiny, prone to the bar, easily closed; About the castle or about the barrier. This trap is narrowing the other. Closedness The state is closed, in portable, meaning. Castle m. Crowdrest, fortified moat, walls, towers building; Palace or an extensive house, built for the form and fun, in the form of a fortified building. Rear platoon. The captain in the head of the company goes, the lieutenant in the castle closes. Air locks, unsinkable dreams or assumptions. Castle, to the castle

Little dog, curled, lies - does not bother, does not bite, but does not let into the house

Small, and the whole house grows

Dreamy air structure

Does not bother, and the house does not allow

Does not bother, does not bite, but does not let

Real estate of the cannibalist, whom the cat crashed in boots

Inaccuable fortress

Resistant for fabulous princes

Opera Polish composer S. Montyushko "Enchanted ..."

Operetta Austrian composer Karl Millelector "Enchanted ..."

Unlocking the key

Password - review, ... - Key

Sandy building

Shortbage structure of the searchlight

Sand beach

The story of the Polish writer S. Lem "High ..."

The story of the Russian writer A. R. Belyaeva "... witches"

Affiliation of each apartment

Device to lock something

The device for the production of a shot in ancient guns consisting of a shelf on which gunpowder is poured, and a chicken ending with phytylene or silicon

Generic Lair Knight

Roman F. Kafki

Roman-Passcha Austrian writer F. Kafki

Collection of american poet Robert Lowell "... Lord Wiri"

Symbol of love and loyalty hanging on the bridge

A layer of waterproof clay that prevents the seepage of water through the body of the dam or the bottom of the pond

Special connection of wooden structures

Method of connecting wooden parts

Steel arms of fighter

Antique fortress

Guardian Shed

Triller Balabanova

Fortified dwelling feudal

Device for connecting moving parts of machines, mechanisms

Movie Vadim Roll "... in Sweden"

Form of protection

Form protection in sports

What opens the key

Firearm element serving to ignite powder charge or capsule

Start torque in hockey

Picture of the French artist Field Cezanna "Black ... Saint Trees"

Collection of american poet Robert Lowell "... Lord Wiri"

Movie Vadim Roll "... in Sweden"

The story of the Russian writer A. R. Belyaeva "... witches"

Operetta Austrian composer Karl Millecher "Enchanted ..."

Cantata of the French composer Darius Miyo "Fiery ..."

Picture of the French Artist Field Cezanna "... Maritime Department"

The story of the Polish writer S. Lem "High ..."

Opera Polish composer S. Montyushko "Enchanted ..."

. "Bend to the Kalach, it is impossible to bite and you can not go through" (riddle)

What opens with a key?

Password - review, ... - Key

. "Does not bother, does not bite, but does not let the house" (mystery)

Less rich feudals were content with a strong house with thick walls, a massive door, sometimes protected by a boomer, with highly cut windows. It is Manoir (from Manere - to live), sudden to reflect a sudden attack. The nobles living in the cities - and there are many other nobles, especially in Italy, Spain and in the south of France, are building strong houses there, similar to the rustic manoirs.

Towers, locks and fortified houses have thick and high walls, twisted stairs, lit by braces, raw and gentlemen, where daylight penetrates only through narrow holes. This is a fortress, and not cozy dwellings. They are gloomy, especially in winter evenings. IN good weather Inhabitants prefer to spend time in the garden, which is behind the fence.

Altenburg Castle. Bamberg, Germany

One scientist, in love with the Middle Ages, tried to draw up a list of pleasures that the seven of the feudal castle could use. They are fifteen, namely: to hunt, catch fish, fencing, fight on a spear, play chess, eat and drink, listen singing jonglers, look at the battle's battle, take guests, talk with the ladies, to arrange the solemn meetings of vassals, walk around the meadows, to warm up, to put the banks and let the blood, look like snow drops. However, these pleasures do not hold the feudal houses at home. With the first opportunity, they leave the castles to the King's Court or Prince and do not stop even before distant journey. As far as the medieval peasant is a household, the same feudal of the huughter before moving. But they retain the connection with the ground: this is their castle or house. They take his name; In the XII century Almost all the names of the noble surnames are the point of the name of the Position (Bushhar de Monmodi, Aerrran de Kushi).

These names have with them, of course, the pretext of DE; Hence the prejudice, as if the "particle", as it is called (DE in Romanesque languages, Von in German), there is a sign of knowledge. This is a double error: even in the XVI century. There are knights wearing only the family name, and, on the contrary, are thousands of non-unvivels who have a name on the estate or village.

Feudal castle as a fortress and dwelling feudal

Life and morals of the feudal

The main occupation of the feudalists, especially during this early period, was the war and the robbery accompanying her. Therefore, the whole life and morals of the feudalists were subordinated to the basic needs of the war.

In the IX-XI centuries. Europe was covered with feudal locks. The castle is the usual dwelling of Feodala - at the same time he was a fortress, his refuge and from external enemies, and from the family-feudalists, and from the rebels of peasants. The castle allowed the feudal police to dominate the entire nearby district and keep all its population in submission. Especially many castles were built in connection with Normanov raids, Arabs and Hungarians. Missed the castle reminded the nest of a bird of prey: it was usually built on a wooded hill or a high bank of the river, from where it would be good to view the neighborhood and where it was easier to defend themselves from the enemy. Up to the end of the city. The locks were built preferably from the tree and were most often a two-story wooden tower, in the upper floor which there was a feudal, and in Nizhny - a squad and servants. Here, or in the annexes there were warehouses of weapons, a province, space for livestock, etc. The castle was surrounded by a shaft and moat filled with water. A lifting bridge was transferred through ditch. Approximately from the beginning of the XI century. Feudals began to build stone locks, surrounded by usually two or even three high stone walls with braces and pediatric towers in the corners. The center has still risen the main multi-storey tower - "DONZHON". The dungeons of such towers often served as a prison, where the enemies of feudal were languished in chains - his captives, recalcitrant vassals and knocked in any peasants. With the then state of military equipment, such a stone castle was difficult to take storm. It usually surrendered only as a result of a multi-month siege.

The castle was surrounded by deep moat. There were several rows of thick stone walls, crowned with round or quadrangular towers with narrow braces around it. You could get into the castle through a lifting bridge that fell on heavy cast iron chains. The attractive tower had oak massive gates hinge. The lifting door was placed behind the tower, the lifting door was placed in the form of a cast-iron lattice. During the assault, she tried to lower the opponent behind his back. At the first wall there was a household courtyard with a mill, blacksmith, weapons and other workshops. The main castle tower, stables and warehouses of weapons were placed on the second round of the walls. The main stronghold of the castle during the siege served the main castle tower. There were also residential rooms in it, and guest rooms and servants. Her lower floor was a hall, the entire length of which the oak table was drawn. In the days of the rainy feasts, carcasses of fried bulls, rams and deer rose on it. A spiral staircase hidden in the thicker of the walls led to the upper residential premises. One floor was isolated from the other. If the enemies broke out into the tower, on their heads through the holes in the ceiling from one floor to the other, a boiling resin and melted lead were poured. Then the hatch was tightly covered with a heavy stone slab. At the very top of the castle tower were kept abundant stocks of food and drink. Thus, the feudal castle was a real fortress that defended the feudal from "external" enemies - other feudalists and from its subjects - serfs if they restrained. However, take a look at the castle in terms of amenities. Here as describes on the basis of historical documents, the castle of the Middle Ages French historian and critic Lucien Fevr: "Take a minute view from the facades in an ancient style, from numerous sculptures, from a great marble. Take a look at these luxury residences simply by the eyes of the employer inspecting housing. All rooms are located on Anfilat, they are huge, monotonous, sliced \u200b\u200bwith squares; A deaf wall in front, a deaf wall behind, windows in the wall on the right, windows in the wall on the left. And if someone wants to go from one end of the floor in another, there is no other way how to Milify one for another all reporting rooms between themselves ... You can not doubt that in winter there it was necessary to tremble from the cold ... in vain the whole army of strokes dragged full bones of twigs and lane from One room, where there was a stove, the same one ... Away from the fire, Merzley people. And if the fire was burned, people under the fireplace canopy were exhausted from the heat. "

Fodal castles XII-XV century

The system of relationships in the feudal tip was based on vassal dependence. To celebrate his outstanding warranty for the faithful service, the king gives him a castle or even a whole domain (feudal possession) along with the population that lived there and makes him his vassal. This not only tied feudal to the king, but also imposed a certain imprint on his way of life. In most cases, having received a castle or domain from King, the feudal veins in close proximity to his subordinates. He often processed the land and led his natural economy along with the male. Therefore, feudal and built his housing and estate in the center of his possessions among the fields. In addition, the right to possession often needed to prove with weapons in their hands from other feudalists. After all, the era of early feudalism filled with endless crossbursts. From the castle, built in close proximity to the subordinate peasants, the feudal could control all the approaches to his possession, here it was defended from the enemies, and he himself was preparing to skills on the ownership of neighbors or merchant caravans. So the feudal castle becomes a symbol of the feudal power over the surrounding lands. Feudal estates built residential and economic structures, as well as dugouts and wooden houses Chelyadi. Up to 12 centuries, a temple remained a single stone structure on such estates. Most often, such estates also had the most elementary fortifications. Strengthening feudal relations brought a certain coup in the class of consciousness of the feudal top, which produces its own characteristic of it, ideology. In the countries of Western Europe, in the last quarter of the 12th century, the highest estate has the hereditary rights to land ownership, from the outside, supported by the appearance of coat of arms, titles. The consciousness of its prevalent situation appears in the feudal tip. So the highest know, and first of all its honorary representatives, become participants in all the outstanding events of the era - both military and political. Significant turn in the development of feudal culture, including construction, steel crusades, acquaintance with the Arab world of sophisticated culture, with Byzantia. Frequent intercourse with foreigners demanded the alignment with them not only in the wealth of clothing and weapons, but also in such an important area as a housing culture. A specific ritual of communication, mutual visits of feudalists, participation in tournaments or hunting is produced. In those conditions, the wooden structure in which there was a feudal from families and where he took the guests, no longer answered his appointment. Therefore, it is quite natural that the feudalles begin to rebuild their housing. A stone comes to replace the tree as a building material. If in the X-XI century, the right to build locks in the Central European kingdoms was exclusively the king and they were built as administrative centers, then with the development of feudal relations, there is gradually the separation of former members of the king, consolidation for them and their heirs for the land of land, and together There is a need to build the feudal castle in close proximity to the subordinate peasants. The feudal builds his stone castle most often in a hard-to-reach, strategically important place - on a steep rock, a lonely hill, which ascended over the flat terrain. So the feudal castle becomes a symbol of the feudal power over the surrounding lands. Castles and kings, both administrative centers and the protection of free (independent local feudal feudal) of the royal cities, which arise in the 12-13 centuries on all significant trading paths and places of production of different ores and salts. As a rule, the castle was built on the mountain, and the city on the plain at some distance from him. It should be noted that these distances that have been preserved for centuries were caused not only and not so much topographic features of the terrain, rather than strategic considerations: the need to create a scope for shelling attackers to the castle and at the same time keep the castle from fires that were frequent In the cities of that time with their wooden buildings. On the other hand, residents of the city also wanted to maintain a distance with a formidable neighbor, because the relationship between them was far from peaceful. At the end of the 12th century, new structures began to appear in the estates - the stone towers - the predecessors of the new type of locks. The sample for the first stone castles gave a more progressive feudalism of Western Europe. There was also designed and established a Romanesque architectural style, whose name comes from the Latin name of the city of Rome. There is already a hint of this that Romanesque architectural style is based on the Roman architectural tradition. But he, at the same time, imagined the elements and traditions of the architecture of Byzantium, and that in turn - the architectures of the Middle East. So, in Romanesque style, the experience of the builders of almost total Mediterranean was reflected. In the 12th century, construction artels from Western Europe were brought to Central Europe, including in our region. A peculiar locks are built in the Romanesque style. First of all, thick fortress walls are built, which surround the courtyard of the castle. In the middle of the yard, on the sublime, the stone donjon tower is being built, which resembles the watchtowers of the ancient Roman fortifications. The tower performed housing and defense functions at the same time. Sometimes there was a chapel in Dujon. Since the beginning of the 13th century, the construction of feudal locks, the dominant of which is the stone tower, is gaining significant scope. The desire for this was the desire of the nobles even more to strengthen its power, to oppose himself to the king, comes with him not only by wealth, but also a way of life. Feodal builds his stone castle, most often, in a hard-to-reach, strategically important place is on a steep rock, a lonely hill that is asked over the flat terrain. These locks performed not only defense and housing functions, but also representative. The castles-towers, as a rule, had several floors, the thickness of their walls reached 3-4 meters, only at the level of the second and third floor of the walls were cut through narrow windows, rarely posted over the entire wall. The dwelling of Feodala was on the second floor where it was possible to get through one narrow passage along the withdrawal wooden staircase or steps, which in case of danger, it was possible to pick up or burn. On the ground floor there were cameras with food reserves for the case of siege, and arsenal. On the third floor there were rooms servants and warriors, and on the top venue was exhibited. The donjon tower, of course, had a dungeon where the prison was located. The defense system of the Romanesque castle was very difficult for its time. The first line was land shafts and deep ditch, which surrounded the entire territory of the castle. The second - the fortress walls, which in the 12th century have already been strengthened with small protective towers. The entrance to the castle, as a rule, led through the underground bridge. The donjon cloth tower is at least an integral part of the castle, but it is entirely an autonomous structure that can be protected successfully and in itself. In the 12th century, there is also a house in which the owner of the castle and his seed in peacetime lived in the donjon. Here is the family chapel, a kitchen, a stable and other shopping facilities. The most striking representative of the Romanesque castle of the castles of our region is Seednyansky, as well as the oldest part of Mukachevsky Castle, the so-called "Upper Castle", whose basic structures were built in the days of Prince Fedor Koryatovich at the end of the 14th century - in early 15th century. The late construction of Denjon in Mukachevsky Castle is due to a significant remoteness of it from the political and cultural centers of Europe, which led to delays in the perception of new ideas. Of course, the Romanesque castle with the donjon tower was already a significant defense capability. However, in these castles, only passive defense could be held. Therefore, when a new construction equipment appeared at the end of the 13th century, which made it much more complicated and a more flexible castle defense system, the castles-towers are gradually lost its value. A gothic lock with a more advanced fortification system comes to replace. There is no clear chronological line between the Romanesque and Gothic Style. Already in the middle of the 12th century, during the heyday of the Romanesque style, elements of a new Gothic style appear in Northern France. Its characteristic features there is the verticality of the composition, the stroke arc, a fairly complex framework of supports and ribbed crypt. From France, Gothic already at the end of the 12th century has spread to neighboring countries, in England, Germany, the Danube basin countries. Over time, the gothic architecture becomes a universal pan-European style, under which a peculiar form system was created, a new understanding of the spatial and volume composition was achieved. The name "Gothic" does not reflect the correct essence of this style. During the period of Renaissance, it was a mocking name, invented by Italian architects, for all construction north of the Alps, as if connected with the barbaric German tribes-goths. In his homeland, in France, this style is called "firm". Significant changes in the era of Gothic undergoes the architecture of the feudal castle. The development of production forces allows the feudal to assign a significantly large part of the products of the wiping of the serfs and at their expense to keep a significant amount of artisans, including builders. In Central Europe, including our Territory, the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the middle of the 13th century, and the constant danger of their re-arrival at the Tsiso-Danube lowland, became a significant impetus for the construction of strong feudal fiddles in strategically important places. Therefore, Hungarian kings, in contrast to the time of the Domongolian invasion, directly bind the feudal places to build locks, using the latest achievements of pan-European fortification. In the last quarter of the 12th century, a new element appears in the French cloth architecture, which significantly enhances the defense capability of the locks - the rounded tower with the edge. On the projection from above the tower has the shape of a triangle, angle, the vertex of which is 75-90 degrees. The karts of this triangle are two straight sides - create a sharp edge, which is designed to minimize the effectiveness of direct hit of enemy shells on the walls of the tower. This not only intensified the defense capability of the castle, but also a strong artistic and psychological impression was achieved: from neutral, without any direction of the body of the rounded tower, a dynamic element was created, and a monolithic fortification was conceived, which met the enemy with a strong stone blade directed to the opposite direction from the entrance Castle gate. However, despite all the positive qualities of the new element of the fortification system of the French castle architecture, in the first half of the 13th century did not receive the round tower with a substantial distribution edge in Europe. In the middle of the 13th century, the rounded tower appears in France for the second time, besides in two versions. In the first embodiment, the rib decreases and performs in the form of a small process, artistically emphasizing the neutrality of the cylindrical form of the tower, which remained unchanged. The former function of the edge of this most is canceled and only the artistic meaning remains dynamizing the roundness of the form of the tower. The second option was created by the towers, which were in terms of trigger. They create a rib due to the convexity of the side curve. Castles grow into a large trickling of walls, towers, transitional bridges and galleries, the variety of their plans is endless. The most often architects and builders of the Gothic era, having certain details and guided by the principles of fortification, conducted the construction of the castle in agreement with the relief of the rock or a hill in which the castle was built. The lock plan acquired incorrect forms. Such colorful outlines of the plan gave the castle creative naturalness. The castle walls and towers seemed to continue the cliff, as if nature itself spawned the architectural forms of the castle. And since nature does not like repetitions, the architecture of the locks, closely associated with it becomes individual. At the turn of the 13-14 centuries, a certain leveling of the capabilities of siege techniques and fortifications of locks are noted. This alignment made it possible to pay more attention to the artistic design of the castles, especially their housing part - the Palace. As a result, the Masters of the Gothic Age was created a new type of the chamber, the core of which was the courtyard, surrounded by one or two-story arcade (Uzhgorod, Mukachevsky castles). But the inner device of the halls and the rooms of the ward remains still ascetic, in the foreground still perform the considerations of defense, the focus is still concentrated on the main defense tower. In the statement of Gothic style in the castle architecture, the leading role was played by the royal castles. The king's castle, together with strategic functions, served as a state residence, in which the royal courtyard and numerous protection of the king were located. In this residence, the king accepted foreign ambassadors. In the desire to appear in front of foreigners from the best side and above, ascertaining the subordinates and their surroundings, the King jealously followed all the changes that occurred in the castle architecture. The existing types of locks, so all the time enriched with new elements, that is, the artistic rethinking of the lock architecture constantly occurs. In the 14th century, two new options appear on the basis of the ancient types of locks, which indicate two different ways of searches for new artistic forms in the casting architecture. The first option is a longitudinal axis of the castle - is the artistic rethinking of the old type of locks. The longitudinal axis is emphasized not only visually increased the distance between the tower and the castle palet. The tower itself is put forward forward towards a potential enemy all the time, and the Curve Wall curve is drawn together with it. With excessive exhaustion of the longitudinal axis of the structure, one tower for defense of the entire castle range is already a little. So a new element appears in the casting fortification system - the prism cloth tower. The emergence of new options for castle types indicates that simple repetition of old architectural forms no longer meets the requirements of time. First of all, it is an artistic rethinking of the structure. Variations of old types of locks, which are celebrated in the 14th century, the strengthening of the fortification system did not bring. Two options for castles that appeared in the 14th century on the basis of castle types from 12-13 centuries are shown in two directions in which the search for new artistic forms in the lock architecture. The first option - the longitudinal axis is emphasized - is only a certain improvement of the old type of locks, while the second option shows on the search for its own solution, although on an old basis. That attention that was previously paid to the Castle Tower, is now completely transferred to the fortress wall. In this case, it is not only about mechanical transfer of an accent from one element of the castle complex to another. The meaning of this transformation is much deeper. It shows that the inner space and the wall, which closes it, appear already as autonomous elements. Variations of old types of locks marked in the 14th century turned out to be a significant incentive for the further development of the castle architecture. They proved that a large tower is the basis of the fortification system of the Gothic castle and the symbol of the medieval nobility, not so unshakable. The change in the view on the functional base of the tower caused a change in its cubic shape, which logically floats from the core of the tower from the exclusively defense function. The new era nominates new tasks in front of the tower, expands the framework of its effectiveness. Leaving the tower its defense functions, at the same time it was necessary to deprive it asceticity, it was necessary to create housing premises in its inner part. Experience suggested that for the structure, which would simultaneously play both defense, and housing functions, much more profitable quadro-shaped form, rather than round. This most was broken by the old tradition in the construction of stone castles. The tetrahedral tower together with other structures created a single ensemble. The introduction of the housing tower in the castle complex made it possible to modify the existing castle type. Therefore, the gothic style, especially in its modified form, remained in the castle architecture to the end of the Middle Ages. However, during this period, several towers appear in the ensemble of the Royal Castle and the castle of the highest nobility, and the defense, and housing functions were also performed at the same time. Such towers indicated not only the enrichment of the existing type of locks by new elements, but also turned out to be a transitional stage on the way to a further artistic change in the castle architecture. The most clearly pronounced features of the gothic architecture among Transcarpathian castles in Nevitsky Castle: Gothic towers of the Mukachevsky Castle were destroyed in 16 - at the beginning of the 17th century. Housing gothic tags are well preserved in Uzhgorod and Mukachevsky castles, although in restructuring later.

Castles of England

Rochester Castle

Rochester Castle (Rochester) in Count County. The construction of the castle in Rochester began in the XI century. This is one of the first stone castles in England. He was in the property of the Church and was the residence of the archbishop. The donjon of the castle has in terms of the shape of a square with the size of the parties 21 m. The height of 34 m. The towers at its corners rise another 4 meters. The thickness of the dongow walls at the base is 4 meters, upstairs - 3.3 m. The entrance to Donta is located in a special extension at the second floor level. Access to the first floor is carried out along the screw staircase from the second floor. The main hall was held by two floors - the third and fourth. On the fifth floor there were personal rest of the archbishop and the chapel. In the XVIII century, the castle almost demolished.

LEDS Castle (Leeds)

The castle is considered as being the most beautiful and most former castle of England. In the IX century, it was the place of the Saxon small castle. He was proposed by Eduard I in 1278. Henry VIII also lived there by many years, as the six kings of England.

Castle Bodiam

In 1385, King Rishar II gave permission to Mr. Eduore Dalkingrigzh Build a castle near the Rother River in order to protect the region against the possible invasion of the French. Mr. Dalingrigzh, who agitated in France for Eduord III during the war of 100 years, undoubtedly inspired by French castles in order to build a Bodiam Castle.

Castles Spain

Castle Avila.

Founded in the XIth century to protect Spanish territories from Maures, Avila is a medieval city that is best saved. He has a rectangular shape, the perimeter of which is approximately two and a half kilometers and twelve meters height. Walls are reinforced by large mass towers. Mattles have nine doors.


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