Ferries from the mainland on Hiiumaa are limited in terms of capacity. Water transport in Estonia Schedule of ferries in Haapsalu on Heyumaa Island

Everyone is waiting for an exciting journey - sightseeing tour big island Estonia chuma. We will see ancient church and windmills, we will visit the noble estate and on the peasant farm, we will rise to a real lighthouse, we will get acquainted with the culture of local residents and enjoy the humble charm of the Baltic nature. Hiyumaa Island Polon Unique Charm and keeps the legacy of past centuries.

We invite you within our four-day excursion tour In Estonia, visit the picturesque island of Hiium. Hiyum Island (Dago) is the second largest island of Estonia, it has an area of \u200b\u200bjust less than 1000 sq. Km. The island has a rich history story, in 1563-1721 he belonged to Sweden and still is an important center of Swedish culture in Estonia.

Tour program:

Departure from St. Petersburg

  • Departure from Art. "Vosstaniya Square" (Ligovsky Ave., D.30, near the shopping center "Gallery") at 06.20
  • from st.m. Baltiyskaya at 7.00
  • 1 day
  • Moving to Ivangorod.
  • Passing borderline formalities.
  • Moving to Haapsalu.
  • Breakfast.
    (extra charge)
  • City Tour.
    Haapsalu is a wonderful resort town, which certainly fascinates its guests: very small, but very cozy and hospitable. There is a medieval Episcopian castle, a few museums, the town hall of the 18th century, the Lutheran and Orthodox Church, bean, and the Promenade, for which it is necessary to stroll.
  • A visit to the Museum of Coastal Swedes.
    Estonian Swedes live on the north-west coast of Estonia and Islands more than 1,000 years, if you believe in various sources. Many institutions and society are engaged in the preservation of the culture of Estonian Swedes. One of these places is the Rannarotsey Museum in Haapsalu, officially opened in 2002 by the Swedish royal couple. The museum is a 20-meter embroidered manually at which the history and life structure of Estonian Swedes is depicted.
    (extra charge)
  • Hotel accommodation.
  • Free time.
  • 2 day
  • Breakfast in the hotel.
  • Moving to the port of Rohukula.
  • Landing on the ferry, journey to Heyumaa Island.
  • Excursion to Cassari Island.
    We will see the picturesque ruins of the Church of St. Martin, built in the XVI century, and Cassari Chapel - the only acting on the island. Her harsh stone walls and tall tower A wooden roof seems very impressive on Cassari, where so few buildings. It is no coincidence that this temple is considered an object. cultural heritage Estonia. Under its walls, some representatives of the family of soldiers are buried. With this family, a significant period of the history of the island is associated. At the intersection, we will see one of windmill And the monument to the Giant Leugeru, who, according to legend, lived on this island. One of the most beautiful places of the island is also associated with him - Cape Xiaar Tirp, from which a long rocky braid stretches.
  • You will find a walk along the seafront and spit Xiayar Tyrp, which will take about 1.5 hours: the real juniper valley will give the opportunity to get a great aromatherapy session - to reach the end of the braid and take part in one important island tradition - the matter of honor of every guest of Hiyuma Island.
  • Moving to Kardla.
  • Hotel accommodation.
  • 3 day
  • Breakfast in the hotel.
  • Visit to the estate of Suortise.
    The history of the manor is connected with three noble Swedish births, which once belonged to the whole island. A manor house is surrounded by an English park. Nearby we will see the Church of St. Lawrence of the XIII century - this is one of the oldest temples of the island built by German knights. The owners of the estate of Suortise are buried there.
  • Tour of the island.
    With the life of local residents, it will be possible to get acquainted on the present farm of the XIX century, where almost all buildings have been preserved.
    We will also get acquainted with the "the smallest county of the capital" - the only city of Kärdla in the island, remembering even times of Vikings. Thanks to the picturesque nature, beautiful parks And Charming Island Architecture Kärdla has become a great place to relax. The settlement of the Raiga is connected with Swedish history, where people who speak inquiry are still lived. In the same place, the Unern-Sternberg Manor, the ancient Ostsey nobleman, who was in service at first the Swedish, and then Russian monarchs.
  • Museum "Long House" in Kärdla - the main museum of the island,
    which in the people got the name "Long House" (this is the longest wooden building in the city of Kärdla, more than 60 meters long). The building was built in the 1830s as a residential building for the directors of the clunk factory. Along with the history of the development of the city and the factory, the exposition allows you to get acquainted with residential houses of simple work factories. The museum contains the story of not only the factory, but cities and islands.
  • A visit to Lighthouses Kypu and Takhkun.
    A separate item of Hiiumaa program is a visit to the lighthouses. Lighthouses themselves always impress. On the northern tip of the island, on the shore there is a white giant, a lighthouse of tachkun with a height of 39.6m. Lighthouse light is visible for 18 nautical miles. The Lighthouse was acquired by the Russian Government in 1871 at the exhibition in Paris, in 1875 he was commissioned. Next to the lighthouse on the seashore is a monument of grief and sadness, in memory of the dead children from Estonia ferry. This is a bell with children's leacions.
  • Return to the hotel.
  • 4 day
  • Breakfast in the hotel.
  • Moving to the port of Heltermaa.
  • Crossing on the ferry in Rokuukula.
  • Moving to Matsalu Park.
  • Walk through the National Park.
    LääneaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVeidomea, real gates to the islands "is an excellent place of rest. National Park Matsalu is a 48,610 ha-guarded territory, including the Matsali Bay, the Delta of the Kazari River, surrounded by picturesque shorts, coastal meadows, reed thickets and about 50 maritime islands. There are several natural trails on the territory of the park, seven tips are installed to monitor birds; It was Matsalu - one of the most important European nesting territories of waterfowl and stopping during seasonal migration.
  • Moving to St. Petersburg.


  • For participation in this tour It is necessary to have a valid visa and medical insurance.
  • To participate in Tours to the Republic of Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Moldova and Mongolia, the presence of a visa is required.
  • The tour program does not include visiting water parks, shopping complexes and fish stores.
  • Late in the winter, in winter, early spring, due to a short light day, visiting some objects declared in the program can occur in the dark time of the day.
  • The organizer is not responsible for queues at border points, delays in the way related to customs, border and other official formalities, weather conditions, as well as with traffic jams.
  • In case the weather conditions on the route can threaten the safety of tourists (heavy snowfall, low / high air temperatures, villages, livne, floods, forest fires, could, etc.), the organizer reserves the right to unilaterally change the tour program: replace Some objects to others, and if the replacement is impossible to exclude objects from the program.
  • Places on the bus are distributed by the organizer as a group set.

There is something endlessly intriguing in the small islands, some kind of completely different life than on, it would seem, completely unhappy with them mainland lands. And we can not, and not trying to overcome this charm, and we go to the island Baltic Sea Once at once, the benefit, the islands of these many, and you can not even repeat very much. On the Estonian Saaremaa we were a few years ago, young and childless, with good friends. Last year, other good friends opened our favorite Aland Islands to us. This year we returned to Saaremaa and went to another tiny island, Hiyumaa.
Every day two ferries, morning and evening walks on Hiiumaaa, go about an hour, Ferry schedule can be found, tickets were sold directly on the ferry and cost about 10 euros for two adults and the car.
I remember when I came to Estonia for the first time, together with a school friend, we crossed the border on foot, and being in Narva, he said something like "now exhale and go spokeno and not in a rush, we are in a quiet little country." In Narva and even in Tallinn, everything does seem very calm and measured compared to our metropolis. On Saaareaa Tallinn and all the mainland Estonia begins to be perceived by the vulnerable, loud, full of the people. It seems that quieter and unlucky can simply cannot. Well, so can, on Hiyumaa. Ten cars arrived on the ferry, instantly scatter 990 square kilometers of the island, the roads are empty, according to the reaction of locals, it seems that our car is the first one for the week, although it is clear that it is not.
Our first stop - the ruins of the church in the village of Cayna, the Gothic Church of the 15-16th century buildings, burned during World War II. This is the largest church on the island, 600 people were placed in it (and only around 9000 lives on the island!).

The hole in the wall leads to the staircase, which can be climbed onto the choir. Dad with Vladik climbed, I looked at it from below.

And coming out of the church to the surrounding Square, we met Fox! True, she escaped before I managed to take a picture of it. From the post office in Cayna, we sent postcards to friends, some of them reached them, some - the second month on the road.

Then we went to the very northernmost point of the island, Lighthouse Takhkun, built at the Eiffel factory, where the tower is :). The height of it is very small, 50 meters.

The entrance to the lighthouse is conditionally paid, two or the euro, a caretaker - a cheerful old man, happily welcoming visitors and telling candy to children after they overcome the rise and descent. What Vladik, by the way, did completely independently. Prufpika:


Top views on the sea and on the woods of Hiyumaa.

Vladik swings on the swing on the lower floor of the lighthouse.

We wanted to eat lunch taken on pebbles near the lighthouse, but while we went down, it became so.

Watering the rain and I had to eat in the car. After having bought, we went to travel around the island further, in this way:

While I did this frame and sobbed a blueberry, Vladik and Pope went deep into the forest for half an hour and returned with Vladik Bed with full white mushrooms. We then ate them for dinner. And then we reached the Lighthouse Kypu (Kõpu).

Lighthouse Kypu is one of the oldest preserved lighthouses in the world, built in the middle of the 16th century on the initiative of Hanseatic Savior. By itself, the lighthouse is not high, 36 meters, but since it is on the most elevated point of the island, then its light is visible from a distance of 46 km (versus 33 km from a higher tachkun). I was surprised how far he really is from the sea:

Initially, the tower was solid, and upstairs climbed onto a wooden staircase installed along one of the walls! Only in the 19th century in the tower did the staircase that was used to this day. Compared to this lift, the rise in Takhkun was very easy!

Happy from the fact that the staircase finally ended, dad with Vladik objected the lighthouse platform several times.

Inside the tower at the top of the stairs - a very interesting exposure that tells about the history of the construction of the Baltic Sea lighthouses, with photos and the sequence of each of them. Near the lighthouse there is a small cafe (almost the only one on the island), but rather from the series "Drink coffee" than "eat something."
And then we are a bit of a steep road to look at the island, we went back to the ferry. In general, on Hiiumaaa there is something else to see - a pair of beautiful churches, a farm museum, natural trails ... We, honestly, had enough of what we saw, and in lighthouses that shine in the sea and help ships to keep the course, Vladik plays still.

Tallinn, 1 Apr - Sputnik. On Sunday, April 1, restrictions on the capacity for ferries regular reports of Rokhuhala Heltermaa (mainland - Hiiumaa Island), all benefits for transport and the benefits of electronic tickets are canceled, the order of the total queue is valid. This was announced by the Praamid.ee portal informing both about the sea situation in the port area connecting the mainland with the islands of Hiiumaa and Saaremaa, so on ferry fill in and download conditions vehicle and landing passengers.

The introduction of restrictions is due to the fall in the sea level in the ferry crossing area to critical levels. This message is not a primary drawing, since the fall in the sea level and the possible introduction of restrictions was reported from March 31 with reference to the latest data of the Institute of Sea Systems TUT.

The Ferry company TS Liinid brought apologies for inconvenience. It is recommended to avoid problems with downloading to plan departure to the mainland from the island on Monday, April 2, or to ship on the ferries on foot without vehicles.

It is also emphasized that police, ambulances and rescuers, as well as postal service cars, flight buses, cars carrying people with the prior right of the ferry limited features or dead, as well as cars with diplomatic numbers.

In the past few months, the ferry message was repeatedly broken due to the fall of the water level in the handwheat Channel near Haapsalu, through which the courts are held on Hiiumaa. Residents of Hiiumaa are confident that the cause of interruptions in the ferry report was not the weather, but irresponsibility and negligence. According to one of the initiators of the petition, a member of the opposition party of reforms of Peepa Lillemagi, new ferries were ordered for a hundred million euros, and problems remained the same.

In turn, Minister Simson stated that the former minister of the economy was to blame for the crisis situation with ferry report between the island and the mainland, Christen Michal reform, who was refused two years ago from the work on the deepening of the bottom in the handwheat.

In Soviet times, it was possible to get to the island of Saaremaa only on special proceedings issued by the border guard. Now, after 30 years, it is open to everyone. From Tallinn to Kuressaare, the main and sole city of Saaremaa Island 221 kilometers. You can overcome them by four ways.


The bus station of Tallinn is capitally repaired in 2012.

The most sought-after way to get to the island.
The bus service between Tallinn and Islands is excellent and Saaremaa, of course, no exception. Buses S. Central Station Tallinn goes to the island almost every hour.
The station is located at Lastekodu 46 (Lastekodu 46). Getting to him very simple, because next to him passes a large number of public transport. On Yukhkentali Street (Juhkentali, 48), buses no 17, 23, 47, 54 are stopped. At the Tartu Highway (Tartu Maantee 58) stop the trams of NO 2I 4, as well as buses NO 2, 15, 39.
From the airport to the bus station goes the NO 2. with railway Station You need to go to the tram of NO 2. Over the city before it can even walk on foot. From the Viru gate to go minutes 15-20 minutes. More routes can be viewed here. https://routes.one/ru.
The station works from five in the morning to a hour at night. Tickets start selling from 7-00 to 20-00.
Depending on the day of the week, the number of flights on Saaremaa is changing. The most "rich" on the routes is Friday. The bus departs in Kuressaare 14 times.
Time in the way for about four hours. Time depends on the carrier and the number of stops on the way. The first bus is departed at 7.55. Last at 22.15 and arrives at the bus station of the island at 2.10.

Lux Express has only modern buses.

Multiple carriers, therefore the price and level of comfort in buses are different. The price varies within 12-16 euros. For children under 16 and people after 60 years there is a 40% discount. Buy a ticket and find out detailed information On flights you can on this site. The site supports Russian.
Several flights make buses of Lux Express from which sales often occur and the ticket can be bought at all in general, it is possible to buy for 5-6 euros. Therefore, tickets for these buses is better to buy directly on the company's website. They have a system, the earlier you buy a ticket, the smaller the price. You can still save a little if you plan a journey in advance.

The bus goes to the pier in the village of Virtsu, there he climbs on the ferry (about the ferry separately), swimsten the strait and quietly rides itself. You can stay on the bus, and you can stroll along the ferry. From Kuressaare to Tallinn, the first bus is early in the morning in 4.55, and the last at 17.55.
Also on the island can be reached from Tartu (travel time for about six hours, two flights a day) and Pärna (time on the way of three hours, four flights). Information can be viewed on the same site as about buses from Tallinn.


The most convenient way to get to the island.
And if you plan to stay on the island for a few days and get acquainted with it closer, then this method and the only true one. Many attractions are in the countryside, and get to them without a car problematic. The car can be rolled or on the island, or in Tallinn. The price of rent for 2 days 50-70 euros. You can make the delivery of the car to your hotel.

If you are going on a car, then where you would not go, you will still come to the port in the village of Wirtsu. Your route can be viewed and downloaded in Google Maps. or Yandex maps. Distance from Tallinn to Wirtsu 137 kilometers. Further on the ferry, drive up to the port in the village of Kuyvastu. It is not yet Saaremaa, but the island of Mukh. It is a daming connected to the island. Length of three and a half kilometer. It has special places for stopping cars to admire the surroundings.

Ferry »Torle» Ends the loading.

The ferry crossing between the Big Earth and Islands is carried out by Tuule Laevad.
Ferries start walking from 5-35 in the morning and until late evening. The latter departs at 22.15 in the summer interval in the summer in about 35 minutes, in winter, much less often. The cost of transporting a passenger car 8.4 euros. Adult passenger 3 euros, child 1.5 euros. On Friday, after 13-00, the price of travel from the mainland on the island increases by 50%, and on Sunday after 13-00 the price increases on passing from the island to the Great Earth.
The ferry time on the way is 30 minutes, and the whole trip with check-in minutes 50. In good weather You can go to the upper deck where there are seats for seating. Ferries have free toilets and a cafe-diner.
Transportation is carried out by four new ferries built in 2017. Ferries are named after mythological creatures ever living on the islands. "Torle", "Leiger", "Pirch", "Tyna". At the same time, any of them transports 700 passengers and 150 cars, so usually enough spaces to everyone. Farmings four decks are two under parking cars and two for passengers. One closed, for winter and bad weather and open, summer.

"Live" queue of those who want to leave for the mainland.

Tickets are sold both directly on the pier in special terminals or a cashier operator and online in advance. In the preliminary purchase there is one undoubted plus, such passengers and cars are passed through a special passage-passage, do not stand in line. The ticket can be bought. Site on Estonian and English, but everything is clear. If there are no tickets on the Internet (what happens for the holidays), then nothing terrible. Part of the tickets are left for a live queue.

If you have e-ticketAnd you came earlier, if there is a place on the ferry you can leave on it. If you were late on your flight, then your ticket is valid for another 48 hours, but only already in the order of a live queue.
Ticket is better printed and take with you. When buying a ticket, you need to properly indicate the state person of the machine and the Russian letters of the number to enter the Latin.


JetStream-3200 on take-off stripe At Kuressaare Airport.

The fastest way.
What is not strange between Tallinn and Kuressaare there is an air traffic. Flights makes airline TransViaBaltika and do this to at least 31 May 2019. Prior to this period, she won a contest for flights to Saaremaa.
There is a unique opportunity to ride on the 19-seater jetstream-3200 plane. On weekdays from Tallinn, two flights are performed at 08-35 and 18-35, on Saturday at 10-50, on Sunday at 18-35. From Kuressaare at 9-30 and 19-30 and at 11-45 on Saturday and Sunday at 19-30. Time on the way is only 45 minutes. The price is quite acceptable -26 euros. However, this is all the theory. In practice, it is not very clear where to buy a ticket. There are no online sales on the sites of search engines or on the site of the Tallinn airport. Although if there is a desire, you can try to fly to Tallinn from Kuressaare. The airport is located three kilometers from the city, and it will not be difficult to get to it. It is open from 10 to 19 hours. More information on tickets can be obtained by calling +372 6058887, +372 55603687 or on this site.

Buying a sightseeing tour.

The most carefree and easy way to visit the Isaarea Island is to buy in Tallinn or even in St. Petersburg an excursion to the island. And then take a bus, relax and enjoy the road and communicating with the guide. Prices are vary by itself in each company. Alternatively, we offer this excursion. The price may be not the cheapest, but the excursion is individual and for sure you will remember you.

If you decide to come to the island for a few days, see our articles about and if we travel by car.

On the may holidays - Four weekends in a row! - I traveled to the Estonian Island of Hiyumaa. Islands - My old love: I have already visited Gotland, Bornholm, Erio, Saaremaa and a few more tiny islands, but never before I was on Hiyumaa. In this post I will tell you how to get to this estonian island and what to see

In Soviet times, Hiyumaa was closed not only for foreigners, but also for most Estonians. After the departure of the Russian military units, the island, although not immediately, was opened. Now this is a favorite place to lear in Estonia, travels from Sweden, Germany and even China. In a year, the island is visited by about 160 thousand tourists - 20 times more than the number of local residents.

This second largest island in Estonia is known to be untouched by nature, three old beacons and the longest ice dear in Europe - it connects the island with the mainland (from Hiiuma to Rokhulyuly 25-27 km depending on ice conditions and route).

At the end of the post I will give useful phones and sites for booking tickets, I will write that it is important to envisage, and also lay out photos of the trip to chronological order.

By plane to Hiyumaaa

In the end of April The ice road, of course, has long delivered. At this time, you can get to the island by plane (flights 2 times a day) from Tallinn or ferry from Rokhulyuly, which is 12 km from the Estonian city of Haapsaluu. You can also get to the ferry from the island of Saaremaa (Triigi-Sõru), but this option was not suitable for me.

To save time I went to Hiyumaa on the plane of the Lithuanian company TransaviaBaltika from Tallinn. The time on the way is only 30 minutes, the jetstream airplane flies 32 with a capacity of 19 people. Not in season loading rarely happens complete, sometimes one person flies. But even if there are few tickets sold, the flight does not cancel - the line is subsidized by the Estonian state. But because of bad weather delays or cancellation rarely, but happen.

I bought a ticket On the Internet for 25 € (in both ends - 42 €). In Tallinn Airport, registration for flight is announced in 1 hour before departure. At the airline rack received a landing ticket, he is without a place. Control at the airport passed quickly. In anticipation of the landing, Gate 1 managed to recharge the phone (free of charge) and extract the books. 10 minutes before departure declared landing.

That day together 7 people flew with me. The plane is not new and very tiny - in these I never flew. Next to me a teenage girl with a big plush panda. It was seen that the flight for her is the usual thing. I also calmed down and admired the sea, which was visible under the clouds, gilded rays of the spring bright sun.

Kärdla struck!

Half an hour - and i At Kärdla airport. Arrivals waited for the blue Gobus minibus, which in 5 minutes and 1 € brought to the main city of Hiiumaa. As a matter of fact, the town is similar to neat gardening with a lot of solid wooden houses, painted often in yellow or dark red. The area of \u200b\u200bSoviet buildings of low-rise buildings remained. Constantly in Kärdla lives about 3200 people and 8400 on the whole island.

One side, It is difficult to imagine how people spend here long, dark and cold winter days. On the other hand, there is almost everything that needs to live on the island - educational institutions, roads, hospital, transport, post office, banks, etc.

Downtown - Gymnasium: Not every school in Tallinn or St. Petersburg looks like this new and modern. Music school, which is two steps away from it, is located in a renovated historic wooden house.
I struck a tiny puppet theater with mimic dolls in the windows. mobile connection And the Internet work perfectly on the whole part of the island. In the Konsum supermarket, a wide variety of products, including fresh and salty fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, baking and 15 types of cheese.

I bought local Black bread with dried apricots, raisins, nuts, sunflower seeds and something else. Moreover, dried fruits seem to be more than grain. Tasty, although not cheap - 350 g costs 1.5 euros. It is also worth trying local island beer, it is in a supermarket several species.

Clean air here And water, quiet and safe, so it is not surprising that more and more people prefer to relax or even live on the island. Of course, there are also cons in life on the island. For example, for clothing and many things will have to go to the mainland or order via the Internet. In case of serious illness, you will also have to go to Tallinn or Tartu. Young people go to study in Tallinn and abroad.

Where work local residents? In those budget institutions that I listed above. And also in the private sector - in stores, restaurants, hotels or themselves are engaged in business.

And where to spend the night?

Tourist infrastructure constantly developing. Only in Kärdla several dozen hotels, guesthouses and hostels.

6. Often, on arrival in a small gasthaus or hotel you will find that the door is closed, and there is no call nearby. But usually the phone number is large. We will have to call the Estonian number or - to save - send SMS.

7. Outside the season you can book a visit to Kypu in advance by phone: +372 4636080. It costs 20 € at all plus ticket 2 € per each.

8. Car rental - 40 € per day.

9. Taxi from Kärdla to Kypu costs 50 €, with a race for three lighthouse and in Kalan's place - 100-120 €, including waiting. Taxi and car rental services in Kärdla offers Jaanus Jesmin, tel. +372 511 2225, EL. Jaanusjesmin (AT) Hot.ee is well speak Russian.

What else is important to know

High season At Hiyumaa - July-August, book hotels at this time click for 2-4 months.
Better to shoot accommodation with kitchen: Outside the season, many cafes are closed, and in the season food is dear.
The main population of Hiyumaa - Estonians. The youth does not speak RussianBut knows English well. Many residents of older understand Russian.
K. relive places on the coast - On the Peninsula Kypu and on the island of Cessari.
On the island many wild animalsThey can be seen two steps away from hotels and gasthaus. This is moose, roofing, boars, many birds.
Be careful: on chiumaaa There are Gadyuki..
Comerian season - From late May until August.

5 seats that you need to visit on Hiyumaaa

1. Peninsula Kypu considered the most beautiful and and interesting place Not only on Hiiumaa, but also in all Western Estonia. Sandy beaches, huge boulders, pine forest And, of course, two beautiful lighthouse.
Kõpu (1531 g) works from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 to 20 hours, input 2 euros. Ristna (1874) works on the same schedule, but closes an hour earlier, at 19 h. Both lighthouses are open from May 1 to September 15. If you are going at the junction of this time, just in case it is better to clarify the email in advance. mail or by phone whether the lighthouse will be opened.

2. Peninsula Takhkuna 17 km from Kärdla. Here is the beacon Tahkuna (1875 g). Next to him is a monument in memory of the died in the crash of the ferry "Estonia" in 1994. In windy weather, the bell seems to cry. Not far from the lighthouse - Museum of military equipment.

3. Center of Old Kardla. There are three center of attraction in the city. 1) In the old factory district - Hiyuma Museum in Pikk Maja (long-house), before it was the house of the director of the Kiardla Sukonna Factory (1829-1941). There are still a few old wooden houses, one of them is restored. Urban holidays are held here. 2) central square. In the former fire station there is a tourist infocenter. Near several old houses, in them shops and cafes. 3) Harbor. Here you can just stroll, admire the sea or sit and cook kebabs - mangals are installed.

4. Suuremõisa. - Mazz in the baroque style was built in 1755-60. The manor belonging to the Swedish, the Baltic Germans, is surrounded by a park in English style. Nearby - Church of Pühalepa Kirik with a red roof, founded in the 13th century. This is the most old church on Hiyumaa. Now in the estate there are educational institutions. Stop buses next to the estate.

5. Kassari Island (It is connected to Hiiumaa bridges). In the village orjaku. beautiful coast, yacht harbor and one of the largest ornithological steps in Estonia. In the spring and autumn, the tower can be observed for thousands of migratory birds, which stop on vacation in Kyane's bay. The village of Esikülas is Kassari Kabel - a chapel in the Gothic style, built in the XVIII century. This is the only one in the Estonia acting stone chapel with a straw roof. Beautiful place - Sääre Tirp, ridge from gravel with a length of 3 km.

Photochronology travel

Road from Tallinn to Kärdla

The airport is very comfortable in Tallinn.

Where do you advise?

I managed to a little pry the phone.

What is he tiny!

Ears in the plane did not hurt at all.

Three people sat on the minibus at the airport.

Here arrived - the bus station Kärdla.

My hostel next to the city center.

The kitchen these days was in my complete disposal.

In the area - these are such beautiful gardens.

Walk through Kärdla

This is a gymnasium.

And this is a music school.

Central square. Milenko.

Well live among colors.

The tourist center has been closed these days.

On the central square.

Here is the Konsum supermarket.

And this is a puppet theater.

Local food and beer.

There is in the city and Soviet buildings.

Ride on the beacons and on the Kypu peninsula

Lighthouse Takhkun is closest to Kärdla. That morning was fog.

Kypu to go about 30 minutes. The fog dispelled.

At first - a stone staircase.

Then the wooden part.

In 1970, a power line was supplied to the lighthouse.

Around the structure - beautiful forest.

Figure is close to Kypu.

Cafe next to the lighthouse.

Very beautiful coast on the Peninsula Kypu.

Pines, shells, light sand. In the summer there are a lot of holidaymakers.

Kalana, Village on the Sea

Again walk through Kärdla

The Islands Museum is located in the former factory area.

The museum can be viewed on the interiors of the last century.

And this is a layout of a cloth factory, which was here before.

There are in the museum and halls dedicated to the history of the island in the Soviet period.

Postcards sent from the island reached the addressees very quickly.

Another house of the factory district.

And again the center of Kärdla.

In the city park.

In the harbor.

Mangaly. It is also near the harbor.

Beautifully spring, but on the edge of the sea, alas, do not pass.

Walk through the surroundings of Kärdla

It took about 9 km along the sea and in the forest.

House in the forest. There is no fence at all.

And at the next farm fence with a beautiful mailbox.

And these are not just stones, but a geological sight.

Thickets of juniper along the coast.

Road on the mainland

The bus passing by the estate suuremõisa.

These are such buses route Kärdla Tallinn.

There are few people on the open deck.

Passengers are progressing for food and work, play on laptops and tablets.

I spent the night in Gasthaus in Haapsalu.

See also: