S7 Changing the date of departure of the non-return ticket. If the card is irrevocated, can I change the departure date

You will be removed from you to reservation within a few minutes, but there is no need to expect a momentous receipt of money: such a procedure usually takes several weeks. After that, the person you wanted to re-refline the ticket will be able to buy it. From each rule there is an exception, in this case, this is the budget airline "Victory". Any adjustments make a fee: 2000 rubles for changing the date of departure and 4000 rubles for registration on another person. At the same time, the operation with the ticket is possible no later than 4 hours before departure in the call center of the airline or at least 40 minutes before departure at the airport ticket office. It must be said that the victory's airline positions itself as a budget carrier, where prices begin from 999 rubles during special shares. It is worth it to change the ticket acquired for 1000 rubles, while paying 4,000, is a question that everyone decides for himself.

Questions and answers

But there is a category of non-return tickets that can be changed if for some reason you have transferred the date of departure. About how they can be handed over or exchanged, more detailed information below. Situations in which a non-reflective air ticket law prescribes a number of exceptions, allowing to pass non-return tickets:

  • return of the cost of air ticket is carried out in case of a passenger disease.
  • in case of illness of the member of his family (spouse, parent or child) with a joint flight.
  • in case of death of a member of his family or a close relative (grandparents, grandmothers and grandchildren, brothers and sisters).
  • when delay, cancel or transfer the flight.

To return the cost of the flight, you must report a refusal 24 hours before departure.

When notified less than a day (but until the end of registration on the flight), the cost is returned with a deduction of 25%.

Non-returning flights to Russia

Many foreign airlines allow you to make changes in the date of flight right on your site, in your personal account. Conditions for the return and exchange of tickets you will need

  • The document on which the ticket was bought (abroad or civil passport), the reservation number, the bank card with which the ticket was paid.

Instruction 1 When buying a ticket in the office of the airline or the tourist operator, it is easier to contact the seller directly and faster. To do this, you need to bring with you the documents (civil or foreign passport), the number of armor and money to pay for the transfer of the date or the ticket exchange to another date.

Changing the date of tickets when buying tourist vouchevki (package) entirely, can only produce travel CompanySince in this case the flight is made by charter, and not a regular flight.


Download for viewing and printing the following regulatory acts: ✈ Article 108 of the BBC. Termination on the initiative of the passenger's action of the passenger air transportation contract ✈ Air Code Russian Federation from 19.03.1997 N 60-ФЗ (ed. from 12/31/2017) ✈ Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 28.06.2007 N 82 (ed. from 05.10.20 On approval of federal aviation rules "General rules air transport Passengers, luggage, cargo and requirements for the maintenance of passengers, shippers, consignees »When returning the landing coup, the airline can apply the following to the passenger:

  • remove the Commission for Return;
  • apply penalties;
  • to recover a certain amount of the penalty.

According to the rules, the amount of deduction should not exceed 25% of the cost of a ticket. Is it possible to pass the ticket to the plane, which was acquired in a foreign company? Yes.

How to pass or exchange non-refundable ticket

At the same time, the air carrier also charges an additional commission. As a rule, this amount is insignificant. To return the boarding pass, you need to warn the airline in advance. It is necessary to do this no later than a day before the departure of the aircraft.
This gives a guarantee that the carrier will only remove 25% commission. Otherwise, the passenger can refuse, and no one will return the money. Tickets purchased at reduced cost are considered non-returnable.
Their sale is carried out both Russian and foreign companies. They allow saving cash On flights. Despite the fact that such landing coupons are considered non-returnable, they still can be returned.

To do this, you need to warn the air carrier in advance. He will return a certain fee for a ticket: Commission for reservation, airport taxes. The main cost of the landing coupon will be written off.
The return amount will be small.

How to change or return a ticket for a plane in 2018

Some air transporters require the personal presence of a passenger in the office when returning the document. To do this, you must come to the company, issue a written statement. This method is considered to be the most efficient. The refund of the landing coupon will not be offered without writing off commissions.

Amounts hold in accordance with the installed carrier rules. How much money can return the return of money for a ticket for a plane is carried out in accordance with the airspace code (Article 108). At the same time, the passenger must obtain the full cost of the landing coupon.

The exception is service fees. Important! The carrier will hold a fee of 25% of the total cost of landing coupons. This rule is written not only in the Code, but also in the regulations of the airline. If a ticket was bought through the agency, difficulties may arise with his refund.

Is it possible to transfer the date of departure if the ticket is non-returnable

Tariffs and conditions

  • "Russia" - Flights with Numbering SU6000-6999 - Conditions Similar to Aeroflot, reference above; - Flights with Numbering FV5501 - FV5900 are served in conjunction with the Bibliology company and information about the possibility of changing data in the flight to the flight you need to look for at HTTP: //www.bgoperator.ru/
  • "Ural Airlines". New travel tariffs in Russia
  • "Utair". New tariff system
  • "Victory". Return and Ticket exchange

If there is a ticket for another airline, you need to search for information on the official website of a particular carrier.

"Non-returnable" tickets are cheap, but angrily as already mentioned above, this question is somewhat more complicated. When a change in the air Code of Russia, which allowed airlines to sell "non-return" air tickets, most of the carriers transferred the cheapest tariffs to this category.

Looking for cheap flights? Looking for cheap flights?

Not preferential rates, as a rule, allow you to freely change both the time and date of departure and the route. What to do if you were issued e-ticketwhether it is possible to return the full or partial cost when the ticket is made through the airline site you will not have to do anyself - customer support officers can change these dates online. Everything is very convenient. The value of the collection for changes in the date of departure depends on the airline tariff.

If the ticket is expensive, you will change the date for free if at this time there will be free spaces. Changing the date change can be removed from your bank card if the airline allows you to change the date directly in your account online. As a rule, if you buy "burning" tickets, they cannot be returned.

Moreover, nor for free or charge. Your ticket will just disappear. Therefore, always try to think over the force majeure in advance.

How to change the ticket. Answers to all questions


With a simultaneous change in internal and international sites, a collection of 1000 rubles is charged. Details on the official website S7 Airlines *** Non-return flights Uteir

  • L, H - Economic Class Tariffs

The most affordable flights UTair are almost completely non-returnable. With a voluntary return of the airfort the cost of the tariff, fuel collection (YQ) and the collection of ticket registration (YR) are not returned, but airports and fees for unused sites can be returned.

Are there any changes possible? Yes, with the payment of additional collection in the amount of 1000 rubles for each internal flight segment in Russia or 20 EUR for the international flight.

How to change a ticket to Aeroflot plane to another date

Changes were made to the Air Code of the Russian Federation. It was assumed that this would create the opportunity to reduce the cost of air tickets purchased by non-return tariffs, according to various estimates from 10 to 25%. Is it possible to return a non-return air ticket? Return a non-return ticket with the return of the entire amount spent on the purchase of air ticket is possible only in exceptional cases. Articles "Non-returning flights" and "Returning conditions for a ticket".


How to buy a ticket for internet? Articles for study: "How to buy a ticket online" and "buy a ticket by phone" in the ticket is written one place of baggage, and hand luggage how much? Usually this is one place up to 10 kg. With dimensions over the sum of three dimensions not exceeding 115 cm. Additionally allowed to take some more things. The list is given in the article "Rules of Luggage and Hand Luggage". More accurate information can be obtained on the airline's website.

Buying online tickets has a number of advantages, such as saving time, lack of commission fees, the choice of optimal cost, the ability to take a ticket not only on yourself, but also to relatives and friends, as well as a number of other advantages. However, in some cases, the S7 tickets are required. This can be caused by personal reasons or the fault of the carrier.

Rules and Return Terms

The ticket can be returned in the following cases:

  • cancel or transfer of the scheduled departure;
  • a shift of the route in which the aircraft was originally flying;
  • lack of places according to the class;
  • returning the aircraft back to the airport, if for some reason it was not allowed in air space a certain country;
  • there was no transportation from the docking airport;
  • a landing was made at the airport, not indicated in original route.

Note! If the flight was carried out in part, the amount for the ticket will also be returned completely.

The rules of return of the ticket depends on what class passenger flies in. The company offers several tariff plans.

Ticket airline S7.

Tariff "Business Flexible"

The passenger can return the ticket or exchange it to another date, if late for the flight, without losing money. Returns the taxes of YR norms, YQ dachshund is not refundable or exchanged.

Tariff "Business Basic"

If the passenger appealed to the carrier in advance with a request to return or exchange the ticket, it is required to pay. When late, the traveler is also required to pay the collection to change the date of departure. In fact, tickets in this tariff plan is irrevocable, there is no possibility to pass the ticket and make a refund.

Tariff "Economy Flexible"

The passenger on this tariff plan has the ability to change the date of departure or return the ticket, without paying fees. The only thing is required to pay for a ticket if it costs more than the previous one. If the passenger is late for a flight, did not fly out and wants to change the departure date, it is necessary to pay the amount of the collection.

Tariff "Economy Basic"

If the passenger did not fly around the economy rate, it can change the date and route subject to payment of cash charges. Also, the traveler can pay extra amount of money to purchase tickets on the Tariffs "Business Basic" and "Economy Flexible" company S7. It is not possible to pass the ticket, since the ticket on this tariff plan is irrevocable.

Note! In all cases, if the ticket is a returnable, the total amount of money traveler can only be obtained if it refuses the flight no later than 24 hours.

According to Art. 108 Air Code, the ability of the passenger to abandon the flight and establishes the rules for the return of the funds paid for the ticket. In accordance with this Law, the amount laid on the return depends on how much time to departure:

  • if no later than 24 hours before the end of registration, it is returned to the cost of a ticket less expenses incurred by the company for the provision of services;
  • if later the specified period - less the cost of air carrier and 25% of the cost as a commission;
  • if, after the registration - refund is not possible.

Air Code

Cases when you can return funds for the ticket

If the passenger wants to return the ticket due to the carrier-related, there is a list of cases under which this can be done approved by S7. You can return the ticket if you happened:

  • Cancel or delay of the flight of the airline after registration. Appeal for reimbursement of funds is carried out after registration. You also need to take the employee flight coupons of the Ticket. If this is not done, the ticket will be considered used, despite the fact that the flight was detained or canceled.
  • Passenger disease, members of his family or the death of close relatives. Close relatives - husband or wife, mother or father, grandparents, brothers and sisters. In this case, it is necessary to document the disease or death.
  • Returns from the company S7 is carried out, if there is a change in the route by the carrier. The airline must warn passenger by all available methods. Next, he decides, to make a flight or not. If the traveler refuses, the money amount returns completely.
  • Incorrect registration of airfall. If the passenger noticed a typo in filling out documents, it needs to be consulted to the carrier to coordinate further actions.
  • The impossibility of the airline to provide a place to the passenger. If a ticket was purchased to the economy class, and there were no places in it, the passenger should be attached to the business class. If a ticket to the business class was acquired and it also did not turn out to be places, the passenger transplant to the economy class and return the difference in the cost of the Ticket. Return of tickets to C7 can also be implemented.
  • Departure moved to an earlier or late term. The passenger needs to submit documents confirming losses. The company must compensate.

How to return ticket

In this case, you need to call the operator personal data, the first and last two digits of the card, with which the payment was made, as well as the reason that forced to pass the ticket. The call is free. Contact center S7: Phone 8 800 700-0707.

If the passenger is interested in how to return the ticket of the company S7, bought via the Internet, you need to go to the user's personal account, select the ticket and click "Cancel your reservation".

Bonus card with mile accrual from S7

Can be contacted by support by form feedbackwhich is located on the official website of the S7 organization. So you can pass tickets and electronic. Communication is made via user email, information regarding the progress stage will also be sent to the address.

Return of funds, in accordance with legislative acts, must be implemented no later than 20 days from the moment of submission of an application at S7 Airline.

Note! With the personal contact of the aviation office of ticket sales, where the ticket was purchased, it should be remembered that employees from 9-00 to 13-00 are engaged in these questions. If the ticket did not buy the branch, but his friend or relative, it is necessary to present the power of attorney.

In what cases does not return the ticket

Cash for the category is not returned by the carrier if:

  • a non-return ticket was bought;
  • there is no sufficient grounds for return.

The amount for the non-return ticket can be obtained back only in two cases:

  • a serious illness that is confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • the death of the passenger - relatives may apply for refund.

If the company refuses to return funds, it is possible to solve the issue in pre-trial or judicial order. To begin with, you need to send a claim to the carrier's address, if no measures have been taken, the statement of claim is delivered to the judicial authorities. In any case, it is required to hire a good lawyer who will hold talks and protect the interests of the passenger. In most cases, the court falls on the side of the traveler.

Note! If the passenger decided to buy a ticket for miles, they should also return to the account.

Rules for the return of air tickets S7 are similar to the regulation of other air carriers. The main thing is to turn as early as possible to the company for recovering. If the carrier refused, and the documents confirming the impossibility of departure from the passenger are present, one can make a statement of claim.

Usually, tourists are planning in advance the flight date. With advance booking of places in the hotel, as well as buying a plane, you can significantly save a family budget. Travelers who took care of vacation in a few months, are quietly prepared for the upcoming rest and are not worried about the lack of rooms in the selected hotel or inability to the appointed date.

But unpredictable situations can be shifted to the upcoming holiday for several days or weeks. Buying flight tickets is cheap pleasure, and if you completely abandon the trip, it turns out a huge monetary loss. Therefore, tourists seek to postpone the next day. Not all passengers of aircraft know about the possibility of making the exchange of travel documents with minimal financial losses.

To safely change the plane ticket to another date, you must act without panic and promptly. To do this, you can come to the airport or make the necessary actions via the Internet or by phone.

To do this, you must prepare the following documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or passport (depending on the destination);
  • Acquited air ticket (in electronic or paper version).
  • To exchange an e-ticket, you need access to the Internet from a mobile or stationary device;
  • If you are the owner of an ordinary paper ticket by the plane, you can call or contact the air carrier office personally.

Change departure date you can in any airline. But for this you will need to supplement the set amount, and its size depends on certain factors. Each carrier establishes its own rules of flights, and also matters the tariff for which a travel document was purchased.

Find out the exact amount of surcharges for changing the date of the air travel date on the official website of the airline or by the telephone hotline. But the exchange in any case will be advantageous in comparison with the purchase of a new ticket to the aircraft on the desired date.

If you decide a plane ticket within a few minutes or hours after his payment, while being on the territory of the airport, refer to any employee of the airline. The exchange procedure will take a little time. Even if the aircraft crashes in the near future, the situation will quickly be resolved in your favor with minimal financial losses.

Purchase electronic plane tickets

Purchase a ticket with the help of the Internet is easy and cost-effective. You will not waste time on the road to the airport or aircraft to purchase a ticket for a plane. In online, there is a possibility of searching for air tickets, the cost of which can be reduced by 2 times. If after the acquisition electronic air ticketYou needed to change the departure date, you need to visit the seller's website again.

The rules will indicate whether the flight service purchased on this resource is possible. Therefore, in advance, learn the rules for the return and exchange of an electronic document before payment.

Usually change the date of departure online easy. You need to find a special form in which all the required fields are filled. Enter personal and passport details correctly not to spend time to correct errors. Be sure to specify contact numberwhere employees of the service will contact you.

If you did not find such a form, find the phone in the help desk of the seller of the electronic ticket and call. Also worth contacting the airport, if the departure time is approaching, and change the plane ticket, you decided at night. Not always the support service works around the clock.

The size of the fine for changing the departure date will depend on some factors. But the difference between the date of departure and the solution to make an exchange is of great importance. The closer the date of airflow, the greater the amount of the fine. But in certain situations, the airline go to the passengers and change the date of departure without additional fees. These situations do not depend on the person.

These include:

  • the death of a close relative;
  • serious Passenger Disease;
  • replacement of the aircraft class on more expensive;
  • cancellation of the flight of the air carrier or due to the deterioration of the weather.

If you cannot perform the flight for the first two reasons, you need to document a documentary confirmation in the form of a reference of the death of a relative or certificate from the hospital or clinic.

A situation may happen when the passenger on which the air ticket is made cannot perform the airfare, but wants to give his travel document to another person. In such cases, air carriers rarely agree to exchange without making additional charges.

A ticket refers to official documents confirming the deal between the company and the individual. Therefore, to give your flight to another traveler will not work. But in certain airlines such services are practiced, but it is necessary to pay a fine.

Remember that the smaller you paid for a passenger seat on board the aircraft, the difficulty will make an exchange or refund. Air transporters do not want to look for a replacement to the passenger, who gathered to fly in economy class with minimal service service. Therefore, sometimes a fine for changing the date of departure can be more than you paid for booking a place in the plane.

You can not check the flight ticket if you want to use the services of another airline. All exchange procedures are possible within the same airline.

Try to plan your vacation in advance, but if you need to change the departure date, do not delay the appeal to the air carrier. The earlier you contact the airline, the less loss of cash.

Video: How to return the money for air ticket

Video: Return of electronic air tickets:

How to transfer the date of departure: what to do, where to turn, do you need to pay a fine

Circumstances are different. Someone got sick of loved ones, and you can no longer fly on this day, or at work some kind of force majeure. In the end, you just can't leave on this day - there is no mood, a vacation transfer occurred. It is impossible to foresee everything. How if you need to change the departure date in the already purchased ticket?

The possibility is so really there. But it is worth considering - most preferential tariffs are not allowed to change the departure date and route. If you use the services of a travel agency, before the trip, it is worthwhile in advance that in such a situation to do. Some rates allow the change in the dates only by correspondence to a higher tariff. Not preferential rates, as a rule, allow you to freely change both the time and date of departure and the route.

What if you decorated the electronic ticket, is it possible to return the full or partial cost

When placing a ticket through the airline site, you do not have to do anything - customer support staff can change these dates online. Everything is very convenient. The value of the collection for changes in the date of departure depends on the airline tariff. If the ticket is expensive, you will change the date for free if at this time there will be free spaces.

Changing the date change can be removed from your bank card if the airline allows you to change the date directly in your account online. As a rule, if you buy "burning" tickets, they cannot be returned. Moreover, nor for free or charge. Your ticket will just disappear. Therefore, always try to think over the force majeure in advance. Before booking a ticket, discuss how to change the date. Calculate how profitable you will change the date in the ticket. It may turn out that cheaper to buy a new one. This is especially true of economy-class tickets.

If the refund is possible, a sticker with a new date is pasted on the ticket. If you are charged a penalty for changing the date, you must pay it and present a receipt to the tourist agent or employee of the airline. As a rule, when the business class is a business class, there are no return problems, the fines are minimal there.

Change the departure dates is usually no later than 36 hours. Do not be late - in case of refinement, you will not exchange the ticket, you will also not be able to return it. If the flight is transferred by the airline's fault, it can pay you several phone calls and meals if the delay occurred for several hours. And free water is given an hour after the flight was detained. You must provide for this time a sufficient level of comfort.

23.10.2017, 15:34 26135

It happens that in a person's life changes are changing. Sometimes he is forced to postpone the long-awaited trip or bring her start. At such a moment, the question becomes the question - is it possible to change the air ticket to another date, and how to do it?

In order to understand whether it is possible to change the air ticket to another date, you should clarify whether it makes any changes.

There are air tickets, in the tariffs of which, any changes are unacceptable at all, and if allowed, some airlines for the exchange of the ticket to another date charge the fixed amount of the fine.

The lower in the flight, the more it contains restrictions on the possibility of data replacement, departure dates, exchange.

Information on how your tariff is related to, can be found on the document in the "Changes - Exchange" column. For example, the phrase Charge USD (or EUR) -30.00. This means that the changes in the flight will need to pay a fine of $ 30 or euro.

Change the date of the air ticket with several ways

  • Through the site of the airline.
  • Through the site of the mediator company.
  • If you purchased a ticket on our site, you can change the date of departure in three ways: by calling by phone by sending an application by email or in your account.
  • By visiting the cashier or the office of that airline, whose air ticket you purchased. In this case, you will need: a ticket and a passport for which you bought it.

When exchanging a ticket to another date, you should take into account

  • The change in the date is possible only in the airline or on the site where the air ticket was purchased.
  • If there is no no, the exchange will not take place on the desired number of tickets.
  • The flight service to another date can be carried out only on the ticket of the same class of booking or higher class. The exchange rate for the lower booking class is impossible. When changing the class of booking, in addition to the fine for exchange, it is still necessary to pay the difference in tariffs.

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