Salon Salon A321: Best Aeroflot Places. Airbus A321 (AIRBAS A321)

Turkish Airlines is the largest Turkish airline, which is part of the Star Aliance Aviation Association. The carrier was repeatedly recognized best airline Europe, from 2012 to 2015 The company was among the top ten in the world.

The main direction of transportation - international flights To Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The air fleet of the company consists of Airbus and Boeing aircraft. One of the common aircraft Is airbus A321. In stock "Turkish Airlines" 56 such airliners.

Airbus A321 salon scheme of Turkish Airlines

Airbus Industrie A321 is an improved version of the narrow-body A320 with two engines - the cabin is longer, and therefore more places.

Airbus A321 Airline "Turkish Airlines"

Used Two modifications of the aircraft cabin A321 aircraft. They differ in the number of places in the business class and the economy salon. Consider them more detailed to determine best and worst places.

Option 1

In the first version, the layout of the cabin consists of two classes of service: business and economy. In each of them there are more and less comfortable places. Consider the salons more.

Business Class

In business class, three rows of three chairs with both sides. However, the average chair always remains free for the convenience of passengers, tickets for it do not sell. There is plenty of seats. There is a separate bathroom, there is a kitchen nearby. If you are looking for a room for a comfortable flight with top-level service, the places in this row are just for you.

Economy class

In the economic class of the chair are located under the 3: 3 scheme in a row, except 9 and 23 rows - they have no places A, F. Toilet rooms that are intended to this class are placed only at the end of the aircraft.

Economy class begins with 4 rows And 34 ends. The first row after the business class is separated from it by partition. This causes some discomfort, because A sensation of a closed space may be present. But in the way there is more free space for legs.

Location of places in the cabin. Click to enlarge

Places that are accommodated near emergency exits can be occupied not by all passengers. Cannot make flights in these places: children, pregnant women, disabled people and foreigners who do not speak Turkish or english. You need to store luggage during the flight on a special shelf, leave it near the passage is prohibited.

  • 34 rows - Last in the cabin. It is located toilets. This guarantees a pedalization, unpleasant smell and noise. And also the backs of the chairs are not movable. All this makes 34 series most uncomfortable for travel

Best places

  • 1-3 rows - business class;
  • 9 series of space B, C, D, E;
  • 10 row - a and f;
  • 24 row.

Worst places

  • 8 row;
  • 23 series of places B, C, D, E;
  • 34 row.

Option 2.

The second option of placement of seats in the airbus A321 airlobus " Turkish Airlines»Also includes 2 salons: business and economy.

Business Class

In this variation of the arrangement of the aircraft interior seats in the business class of 5 rows, but the chairs are 2 from each side, there is no free space between the seats, so the passengers feel more cramped than in the "business" of the 1st option. In general, the salon has the same characteristics and privileges as the option 1.

Economy class

This class begins with 6 rows and continues up to 32 rows.

Salon layout on the aircraft A321 aircraft. Click to enlarge

6 rows It is immediately after the partition and before an emergency exit. It all gives an additional place for the feet, but also a feeling of a closed space, fixed backs of the chairs.

7 rows Similar to 9 row of option 1, 8 row - 10 row.

20 and 21 rows Similar to 23 and 24 rows of variation 1.

32 rows - the last row. It has the same characteristics as 34 series of the previous option.

Best places

  • 1-5 rows - business class;
  • 7 series of space B, C, D, E;
  • 8 row - a, f;
  • 21 row.

Worst places

  • 6 row;
  • 20 series of space B, C, D, E;
  • 32 row.

To fly to be comfortable and left only positive impressions, before buying tickets, you should familiarize yourself with the plane salon scheme and choose for yourself best places. Pleasant flight to aerobus A321 with Turkish Airlines!

Airbus A321 aircraft is the next generation of A320 airbus, it has a more elongated version. The model A321 is the largest of the entire A320 family. A321 airbus can transport 16 passengers in the first grade and in economy class - 169 people. The total number of passenger seats is 185.

Airbus A321 photo

Budget operators and charter flights transfer only economy-class masses, then the number of passenger seats increases to 220 seats. If you want your flight to be comfortable, it is better to get acquainted in advance with the plane scheme. The aircraft scheme 321 is presented on the Aeroflot website, which simplifies the search for the best places before traveling.

Now it is worth considering the configuration of this airbus in Aeroflot. The most popular airline has 30 A321 aircraft, produces regular domestic, international, charter flights. The figure below shows the airbus A321 salon scheme to easier to navigate passengers. There are places of business class and economic class.

Best places in the aircraft A321

So, we go to the site of the most popular air carrier, we find the section "Reference Information", then "on board", then "Scheme seating", And then choose the A321 airbus (Salon scheme) - the best places of Aeroflot here you can look good here. It is worth stopping in more detail on the best and worst places in the plane, explain why it is better to take or not to take it or another place.

As can be seen from the drawing, the best places The eighth row and places a and f in the "line" 20 are considered. Rows 1-7 are provided for business class passengers, here the distance between the armchairs is wider, more passage. Nevertheless, the first and seventh rows are better not to choose, because the first row is located near the toilet, and the seventh is close to the economy-class, and there, as a rule, no more than in the business class.

Good, standard, bad places in aerobus A321

Considering the A321 aircraft (scheme), the best places seem in eighth row. The fact is that there is an emergency exit, so there is plenty of feet. And getting out of these places, you will not disturb anyone from the neighbors. Also these places are at the beginning of the aircraft, which means that the food will begin to spread from your places. The eighth row is rightfully considered the place of high comfort.

From 9 to 17 rows go standard places, but already Row 18. It is distinguished by the fact that a toilet is located nearby and it is not very comfortable for passengers, almost always will be:

  • turn to the toilet room;
  • often walk people;
  • can hook if you are sitting in the extreme row.

Salon AIRBUS A321

Passengers 19 rows It will be enough free space to put legs, only next to the toilet is located, which can spoil the impression when traveling. But the places 20 of the row are advantageously distinguished and the presence of free space for the feet, and the presence of the porthole, through which you can admire the beauty of the flying countries, the seas, the oceans.

From 21 to 30 rows Standard places are followed again, no particularly distinguished, nor with good or bad side. But the places with and D of the 30th row and the whole 31st are considered bad. The "line" 31 is again, near the toilet, also the backs of the seats of the last row do not fold. Food and drinks will be brought to you in the last place, there will be no way to speed up the process, you will have to wait until Stewartes will serve all passengers sitting in front of you. Take these places only in the most extreme case, if you need to fly, but there are no other options.

On October 30, Airbus 321-231 Kogalymavia Airlines safely completed two flights along the Sharm El Sheikh - Samara - Charm El Sheikh. Dmitry Zhigalkovich Huming Crew and the second pilot Yuri Yushko does not express any comments on Lainera. Already early in the morning on October 31, the aircraft has two more ordinary flights: Sharm El Sheikh - St. Petersburg - Sharm el-Sheikh. The board takes the next crew: an experienced 48-year-old Valery of Nemov, who flew over 12,000 hours, and the 45-year-old pilot Sergey Trukhachyov, in the past, a military pilot, who passed the Chechen campaign.

On board them will be waiting for 217 passengers, most of them are St. Petersburgers, many are returned home by whole families with a long-awaited holiday in Egypt. At 03:50:06 local time (06:50 Moscow time) The flight 7K-9268 departs from Sharm el-Sheikh, after which, following the air corridor along the coast of Aqaba Bay, starts a set of height.

In St. Petersburg, the aircraft, bypassing the Sinai Peninsula, will have to arrive at 12:10 local time, on the usual Sabbath Oktyabrsky noon, among other dozens of domestic and international flights, which are indicated on the Pulkovo table. But neither then, nor after several delays, fired on the scoreboard, the long-awaited flight of 9268 never returned to his homeland.

A few days after the catastrophe in the sky over Egypt Flightradar will publish data on the latest flight of the A321 side over Sinai. According to the summary published on the site, the plane soared safely and began to gain height, moving in parallel coast. Through things, after the liner turned deep into the peninsula, its height begins to fall sharply by 6,000 feet. Communication with the aircraft is lost. The first reports in the media that the Airbus aircraft of the Kogalymavia airline disappeared with radars, begin to appear only at 10:18 in Moscow. In short news notes, data will significantly differ: according to the information contained in them, on board was from 207 to 224 people. Some messages say that the aircraft disappeared in the Larnaca area in Cyprus.

Flight 9268 Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, held at the Airbus 321 Kogalymavia, flew at 6:21 MSK and disappeared from radar screens after 23 minutes, there were 217 passengers and seven crew members on board, they reported in Rosaviatsiya.

The score goes for a moment - two minutes later there are news from Arab media who reported that the Russian aircraft fell in the central part of the Sinai Peninsula. But the data is still scarce and are not supported by official confirmations. Hope is preserved. At 10:42 PM Reuters and Sky News publish the first messages that refute the aircraft wreck. Sources of publications argue that the crew of the missing aircraft has come to contact Turkey. Does not confirm the fall and FlightRadar, specifying that the liner sharply reduced the height before disappeared with radar.

In Rosaviation, they are informed that they are trying to contact the missing raidaries. At 11:44 on the online table Pulkovo, there is also information that the arrival of the side of Sharm el-Sheikh is delayed (from 12:10 to 12:20). But closer to 12, with reference to sources in Rosaviation, most media publish information about the crash of the airliner over Sinai Peninsula. In Pulkovo, where by that time information about the arrival disappears from the scoreboard, starts operational operation of emergency headquarters, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is preparing two boards to send to Egypt. Later, the agency decides to send five specialties to Egypt.

Search detachments discovered the place of disaster among the mountains of the Sinai Peninsula. Liner wreckage turned out to be scattered for 13 kilometers.

The search operation was held in difficult conditions: Northern Sinai is a closed zone, the Egyptian army has been conducting a large-scale operation against the militants of the extremist group associated with ISIL (the activities of the Grouping is prohibited in Russia to decide the Supreme Court. - Approx. ed.). It is the Egyptian military who patrolled territory, the first to find liner wreckage. The plane fell in the Mountain Arrays of En-Agal, Desert, Anhydrous and indulgence. According to the refined and confirmed official information, there were 224 people aboard the aircraft, including seven crew members. According to Rosaviation, among the passengers liner there were 192 adults and 25 children. All of them died.

Dear Amalia, 28 years ago you gave the world of a wonderful boy. Each mother dreams of such a son and a girl dreams of such a reliable and loving man nearby. A year ago, I published photos of all the dead, I immediately remembered the face of Armen, it attracts his good and clean smile with his good and clean smile, this is the face of a targeted and very decent young man. I did not know him, but I'm madly sorry Armen. Such boys had to live and give the world of wonderful children. But, unfortunately, another world, black and evil, took his life from him. Forces you and health. Thank you for such a son. Madly sorry ... Bright memory Armen and with heavenly birthday. (Tatyana Svetlova, St. Petersburg), - such letters a year after the tragedy continue to receive relatives of those killed in terrible plane crash Over Sinai.

October 26, a few days before the plane crash, Armen Vishnev, the native of the city of Pushkin, who served in the federal customs service, was 27 years old. Armen flew to Egypt to relax, in one of the last messages asked the mother to not be bored, because the separation will be short, promised to bring a magnet or - in a joke - even a whole camel.

A year after the tragedy, Amalia carefully stores all the photos and messages of the Son. It is helping to honor the memory and survive the loss of loss to her help her helping those inquinuous residents of other regions of Russia and dozens of other close victims of the aircraft crash. The tragedy combined more than 36 thousand people on the network. The effort of Petersburgers was created by the File 9268 Charitable Foundation, which is now supporting people who have lost their loved ones in a catastrophe.

The main goal, for which we united is perpetuating the memory of our relatives in those cases that we are able to accomplish: the creation of a memorial and the temple, the preservation of memories of our loved ones, helping the families of the victims who need financial, legal and psychological support. Our foundation is not just an attempt to rally around a common cause. This is a protest against terrorism, murder, cruelty and injustice. The big path begins with a small step. And this step we do everything together, - it is such a goal that people put in front of them, the life of which tragedy shared on before and after the catastrophe.

Group Foundation In social networks, it has long been a kind of natural book of memory, where you can find out the latest information on the progress of the tragedy, again see the photo of all those who have not returned home from the ill-fated flight, as well as to provide home and relatives.

And it's not only about money: any support is valuable, because even a year later, practice shows: time does not treat, and a long investigation and heavy bureaucratic procedures related to payment of compensation only exacerbate the already not subsidizing hroptacks.

The tragedy broke the life of entire families: Olga and Yuri Shein and three of their children were killed in the catastrophe. To the depths of the soul, the whole country from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok shocked the love story on board A321 Alexandra Chernova and Evgenia Yavsin: Eugene specially copied the money to bring Sasha to Egypt and there to make her proposal.
And dozens of other stories with long life, so unfair and suddenly broken into that ill-fated October morning. Most passengers of the broken A321 were residents of the North-West of Russia, mainly from St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions. Also on board was four citizens of Ukraine and one citizen of Belarus. Flight 9268 "Irina Zakharova, the remains that are now stored in the crematorium on Shafirovsky Prospekt, are not subject to expertise. However, families still have a hope of obtaining fragments of his dead relatives: in Egypt after the completion of the main stage of the investigation, new remains were discovered.

The report of the International Commission for the Investigation of the Russian A321 catastrophe of the Russian A321 over Sinai: On the preliminary results of its work (and this year after the investigation), according to the source in the ministry civil aviation Egypt, experts will tell "within 60 days."

Certain technical analyzes are now held, after which the preliminary report will be made public, "said the representative of the Ministry of Aviation of Egypt on October 26, representatives.

We will remind, in the investigation of the causes of the catastrophe, representatives of six countries are attended: Egypt, Russia, as well as specialists from France, Germany, Ireland and the United States. His running in accordance with the rules of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) leaders the Aviation authorities of Egypt.
One of the first versions of the catastrophe was the assumption that the Russian aircraft could be hit by a rocket released by the militants acting in the area of \u200b\u200bNorthern Sinai. However, this assumption was practically immediately refuted by experts as untenable. For a long time, experts worked out another likely cause of the Kogalymavia airliner crash - a version of technical problems. About this on the day of the crash, they stated in the operational services of Egypt following the preliminary inspection of the wreckage of the aircraft. To the same version, Russian specialists were inclined at the initial stage of the investigation.

It was the first to refuted representatives of Kogalymavia (trademark Metrojet): Already on November 2, the press secretary of the airline, Alexander Smirnov, excluded the technical malfunction and error of pilots as the causes of the catastrophe and declared the "external influence" on the liner. He stressed that the aircraft that the airline owned on the conditions of leasing was ready for flight by 100% and that his crew was "very experienced." The representative of the company has supported his speech by certificates received by the airline in early 2015. He also stated that the engine of the aircraft was checked on October 26, five days before the catastrophe.

On November 7, Mac reported that before stopping the recording on registrars, the flight was held in regular mode, there were no information about failures and units of the aircraft.

At the meeting in the Kremlin, on November 16, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, for the first time, officially said that the cause of the crash was the terrorist attack. The versions about third-party intervention with reference to different sources were published earlier in foreign and Russian media. - It is clear to say that this is a terrorist act, "said Bortnikov, adding that traces of foreign production explosive on wreckage and things were discovered. - According to our experts, on board the aircraft in the flight, a homemade explosive device with a capacity of up to 1 kg in a T-natal equivalent took place, as a result of which the aircraft was sprinkled in the air, which explains the scatter of the fuselage of the aircraft at a high distance.

Bortnikov explained that the conclusions were made by experts after a thorough study of personal belongings, luggage of passengers and parts of the victim of the liner.

At first it was assumed that the explosive device was laid under the passenger seat 30a or 31a. However, in September 2016, the data of the Commission were made public, according to which the explosion thundered in the tail part in the department for oversized baggage. The timer bomb was hidden among baby strollers. Experts came to this conclusion after analyzing the calculation of the collected Fragments A321 in the hangar of Cairo Airport. Because of the explosion, the plane lost his tail part, after which he moved to uncontrollable dive.

The investigation of the tragedy is progressing very slowly, and all the circumstances have happened unknown so far. Responsibility for wreck russian aircraft Almost immediately assumed the Egyptian cell of the "Islamic State" grouping forbidden in Russia. You can carry an explosive device on board - the airport staff - numerous certificates of the weak level of security in the air harbor immediately after the tragedy flooded the Internet: many tourists were told that for a small bribe quietly carried through all the security cordons of the bags with things, and nobody insisted themselves. However, the Egyptian side insisted for a long time precisely on the version of the technical malfunction, refusing to recognize the possibility of a terrorist attack on board the liner. In December 2015, the Technical Investigation Committee published a statement in which Cairo did not find signs of terrorist involvement of the airbus 321. Only in February 2016, Egypt's President Abdel Fatti Ace Cisi first recognized that the cause of the collapse of the Russian aircraft in the sky over Sinai was the terrorist attack. This was announced by the head of state at the presentation of the report on the development of the country until 2030.

On August 30, 2016, it was announced that Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani was destroyed in Syrian Aleppo, which, presumably, was the organizer of the terrorist attack.

Air communication with Egypt, which was discontinued immediately after the crash A321, has not yet been restored. In accordance with the official comment of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the situation will not change until all comments in aviation security will be eliminated.

The decision on the resumption of air traffic between Russia and Egypt is possible only after eliminating all comments in the field of aviation and transport security. It is worth noting that the Egyptian side has moved significantly in solving these issues and the interaction of the two countries is quite constructive, "the Office noted on October 25.

Garden of memory ", which will be located on the Rumbal Mountain in Vsevolozhsk, will be completed and live flowers will bloom here. The corridor from the plates on which, in accordance with the project of the monument, there will be the names of all those who died in a plane crash A321, as well as metal structures in the form of pipes on which Will play wind, see anyone who will pass on the way of life.

On Monday, October 31, in St. Isaac's Cathedral will be held a memorial in the victims of the A321 crash in the sky over the Sinai Peninsula. In memory of those who never returned home to their relatives and friends, the bell of the cathedral will break 224 times.

A pedestrian crowd of tourists, a bright underwater world, mounted divers from all over the world - all this attracts travelers. The Russians rushed there, as on the second cottage: at least a week to rest from work and fry in the sun. We flew whole families until the airline crash in Egypt October 31, 2015 did not forced to shudder the whole country.

Tragic incident

The tourist group of the company "Brish" returned charter flight From Sharm El Sheikh to St. Petersburg. Despite the early morning (departure in 5.50 local time), passengers were in a great mood. They laid out the pictures of the retired holiday in social networks. It was Saturday, and on Monday, many had to plunge into someone waiting for work, someone - study.

Airbus A321-231 EI-ETJ airliner arrived from Samara, took on board 217 passengers. They and seven crew members for 12 hours of the day were to be in Northern capitalwhere many expected relatives and relatives at the airport. Differenceing in 23 minutes a given height of 9400 meters, at a speed of 520 km / h aircraft suddenly gone from radar. At 6.15 (7.15 of Moscow) the plane collapsed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sinai Peninsula near El Arish airport - the hottest point of Egypt, where the Government troops opposed the Islamists al-Qaida.

Versions of tragedy

Meeting Flight 9268 at the Pulkovo airport with anxiously followed the scoreboard, on which the information was highlighted: "Arrival is delayed." And in the evening, the whole country knew that the wreckage of the missing aircraft was discovered by the Egyptian authorities. 13 kilometers scattered on the length, with a torn part, they were shown on television, which caused many versions of specialists about possible reasons catastrophe. Three were most reliable:

  • Technical problems associated either with engine failure or with "fatigue" of metal. In the tail part, traces of the repair of the skin after the aircraft in 2001, when landing at Cairo airport, hurt the asphalt tail. The resulting microcrack could with a set of height cause the destruction of the aircraft.
  • A plane crash in Egypt is a crew error.
  • Terrorist act.

At the site of the tragedy, the Mc Commission, headed by the representative of Egypt Aiman \u200b\u200bAl-Mukkadam, began to work. It includes representatives of Russia, France, Germany, the USA and Ireland. After studying evidence and decryption, the two first versions were considered untenable.


A321 catastrophe over the Sinai Peninsula has become the largest in the history of Egypt and modern Russia. The airbus belonged to Cogalymavia, which was thoroughly verified. It was found out that after emergency situation 2001 Repair of the aircraft was carried out in France at the factory, after which all the necessary tests were carried out. For 18 years of operation, the liner flew less than 50% of its resource (57428 hours) and was in good condition. This is evidenced by weekly technical checks, the latter of which was carried out 26.10.2015. Side recorders did not find a failure in the work of systems. Until the 23rd minute, the flight passed quite ordinary.


Sorcellaneous crew commander Valery Nemov is a graduate Schaulevsh (Stavropol Military School). He is one of the few who in the difficult 90s reappeared on the "Airbus" from 2008, having 12 thousand hours of the bell, which indicates his colossal experience. The second pilot also came from military aviation, being a veteran of the Chechen campaign. After retirement, Sergey Trukhachyov reincursed to the A321, having passed the preparation in the Czech Republic. Flew on them for more than 2 years. The total tax amounted to 6 thousand hours. Both pilots were in a good invoice in their airline. Nova was even prematurely caused from vacation to send to sad famous flight 9268.

Official version

Two weeks after the tragedy, the version of the terrorist attack officially announced the head of the FSB during a meeting with the President of the Russian Federation. In confirmation of their words, he led the following evidence:

  1. American satellites recorded a thermal outbreak over Sinai during a catastrophe, which speaks about the explosion happened on board the aircraft.
  2. The fragment of the fuselage has a hole with a diameter of about one meter. Her edges will be arched out. This indicates that the source of the explosion was inside.
  3. When deciphering the recorder fixing the negotiations, an extraneous noise of which can be heard before interrupting the recording, the character of which can be attributed to the explosive wave.
  4. A plane crash in Egypt caused a large public resonance. After a while not only recognized responsibility for committing a terrorist attack, but also on the pages of Dabig magazine posted a photo of the homemade explosive device (STU).
  5. Parts of the dead were detected injuries, testifying to the death of the explosion (burns, tissue breaks).
  6. In fragments of fragments, baggage and on the body of the victims found traces of explosives - TNT molecules.

The power of the explosion was estimated at 1 kilogram of the presumptuous location of the airfield - the tail of the aircraft. For the explosive wave moved forward, but the felt of the fuselage prevented its further advancement.

A plane crash in Egypt: Who is to blame?

After the emergence of the Russian version it became known that 17 employees were detained at Egypt's airport. The main question was one thing: "How did the light be on the side of the liner?" The FSB began studying the biographies of 34 passengers (11 men and 23 women), on the body of which turned out to be the molecules of TNT. But official Egypt soon stated that there is no evidence for an unequivocal statement about the terrorist attack on board the aircraft. None of the employees were really arrested. Russian authorities announced a remuneration of $ 50 million for any information about terrorists.

Only in February 2016, official recognition of the terrorist attack sounded from President Egypt. It was found that the bomb was made of a plastic used to create combat shells. It is powered by a clock mechanism. A plane crash in Egypt October 31, 2015 showed that the security system at the airport does not meet international standards. I could get on board with a firm supplying products, through employees who have access to the runway, as well as through manual jack During luggage check. The latest data is such that was in the cabin in close proximity to the site 31a. All these facts led to a ban on selling tours to rest in Egypt.

Passengers of the flight

EI-ETJ - the last digits of the airbus number. According to them, aviators called Bort Juliet, gentle - "Julka". In the tragic morning, she broke three aviation marriage and destroyed the young steward, who came to replace instead of the milled due to scary sleep Colleague. And she took the lives of 217 passengers with him, 25 of whom are children. The died in a plane crash in Egypt are whole families, dozens of destroyed love stories, babies who are never destined to become adults. This flight with parents flew ten-month Darina Gromov. Her mother's photo laid out in social network Before departure. Girl stands at the airport face to bullet band, and below signature: "Main passenger". This picture has become a symbol of a tragic flight, from which no one managed to return.

Almost all passengers are Russians, 4 people - citizens of Ukraine, 1 - Belarus. Most are residents of St. Petersburg, although there are representatives of other areas: Pskov, Novgorod, Ulyanovsk. Died in a plane crash in Egypt - people of different professions. As long as relatives were identified by the bodies, no-indulgered people formed a collective portrait of passengers, collecting information about them. A remarkable gallery was created, where there were many good words about each.

Almost a year later

On July 31, Moscow and St. Petersburg held a campaign in memory of those killed over Sinai. 9 months passed: many relatives received compensation, identified and buried their loved ones, but did not subsaf. 5.08.2016 It was a message that forty-five militants led by Abu Dua Al-Anseari, on whose fault there was a plane crash in Egypt, destroyed during a combat operation near El Arish. So I want to believe that this will never happen again!

Airbus A321 aircraft is a modified model of the famous aircraft for the whole world A 320. But, unlike its "older brother," this model has more powerful engines, more advanced brakes and a large length (increased to 44.5 meters, that is, longer than A 320 is 7 meters and can "take" on board by 24% of passengers more). It is also interesting that this plane was not collected in the usual for A320 France (Toulouse), but in Germany (Hamburg).

Note! The aircraft A321 is narrow-body. It serves on average extension airlines.

Who is the manufacturer

The production of aircraft is engaged in the AIRBUS Industry consortium ("Airbus S.A.S") and companies in it, such as DASA, which developed the model A321-200. Eirbas is one of the world's largest companies for the production of passenger airliners.

The start date of the model and modification

There are two modifications of this aircraft: A321-100 and A321-200. A321-100, in turn, also has two options: with V2500 engines (A321-130) and CFM56 engines (A321-110). The program for the development of aircraft of this model was launched back in 1989. Trial flights of two models were committed in 1993, all the necessary documentation was framed in 1994, and the supply of airlines began at the end of 1994 early 1995. For the first time, airplanes of this type were raised by the German company Lufthansa and the Italian "Alitalia".

A321-100 aircraft could not become worthy competitors of the Boeing 757. That is why the possibility of release of a new modification with an increased take-off mass and a larger flight range was considered. For the first time on the creation of A321-200, they spoke back in 1994. The A321-200 airbus was to serve the extended European routes and highways connecting the US coast.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba more advanced modification, with additional fuel tanks at 2900 liters, I had to do with airlines, and the work on the aircraft began. He performed his first flight in 1996.

Currently, working on A321 Neo. They have new economy engines that are now promoting the airbus company. Fuel economy on such an airplane will be around 16 percent (and when installing such an engine on the old aircraft of the same series 15-14%). Also, this aircraft is designed for greater range (the figure is 950 km) and for greater carrying capacity (the difference with old models in 2 tons), engineers have improved height recruitment speeds, increased cruising speed. In addition, all A321 NEO aircraft will be equipped with the SHARKLETS branded wing (translated - "shark fins"). These are the wings of the Wing type "Winglet" (curved to the top). Such a wing was developed by the airbus company.

Engineers say that it is capable of:

  • improve the overall aerodynamics of the aircraft;
  • reduce inductive resistance (due to the disappearance of the vortex, driving from the sweep wing);
  • reduce fuel consumption at long distances by 3.5%;
  • enlarge Commercial Loading and Flight Distance.

It is clear that airplanes with such characteristics will become commercially promising and they will want to acquire many world airlines.

Capacity, flight range, speed, height

All A321 series aircraft are equipped with EFIS Avionics. They allow you to monitor all the indicators during the flight and track the possible refusals of the on-board systems.

When designing aircraft used a variety of composite materials (especially when creating wings, vertical and horizontal stabilizers).

If speak about specifications, then they are such (using the example A321-200).

Characteristics A321-200

Crew2 people
Length44.51 meters
Wing / Wing Square34.1 meters / 122.6 m / kV
Height11.76 meters
Empty / Blowing / Plane Board48,500 / 93,500 / 77 800 kg
Maximum weight without fuel71,500 kg
Cruising speed828 km / h
Maximum speed890 km / h
Length scattering2180 M.
Length of run1580 M.
Maximum height of flight11900 M.
Fuel reserve30030 L.
Specific fuel consumption18.2 g / Pass - kg
Hourly fuel consumption3,200 kg
Flight range (maximum load)5,600 km
Capacity (in the presence of classes and without)185 (2 classes) / 220 (1 class)
Salon width3.7 M.

Planning Plane Scheme

The standard A321 airbus is an aircraft separated into two classes with a total of 185. 157 seats are located in economy class according to the 3-3 scheme, and 28 seats are located in the business class according to the 2-2 scheme. The width of the cabin is 3.7 meters, the armchairs are soft and comfortable. The undoubted advantages is that the salon is equipped with good sound insulation.

In some aircraft (for example, on those working on charter lines), standard equipment is changed. There are no division into classes in such aircraft. Total seats 220.

There are also such configurations as:

  • 28 places Business class + 142 places Economy class;
  • 16 places Business class + 167 seats economy class.

Note! On the aircraft there are 6 doors and 8 emergency exits. Their location is provided on both sides of the aircraft.

Description of places on blocks of rows

Consider the standard two-year (28-157) configuration of the aircraft A 321 with the salon scheme in the ranks and determine the advantages and cons of all places in the aircraft.

Comparative characteristics of planes

RowsThe best / worst places
1-7 rowThere are places of business class. But this does not mean that they are all comfortable and comfortable. The best places in the aircraft are located in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 rows of business class. The worst places of this class are in 1 and 7 rows. Such a layout is related to the fact that the places of the first row are very close to the partition separating the interior from the toilet and the places of stewards of the aircraft, and the seventh row places are as close as possible to the noisy economy class
8 row (6 seats)It is believed that these are the best places in the economy class. The fact is that there is a small space formed due to the presence in this part of the aircraft emergency exit. You can get up, not disturbed by the neighbors, pull the legs. These places are also convenient because the stewards move with food and drinks from the first rows to the latter. So the passengers who have taken these places will be a large selection
9-17 rowPlaces Standard, not bad, not good, the distance between the seats does not allow comfortable passengers of high growth and large dimensions
18 row (6 seats)Poor places are located close to the economy-class toilets. People always crowd here, very noisy
19 row (4 seats)Controversial places. On the one hand, there is enough space here, you can pull the legs and walk, not interfering with the neighbors. On the other, the place is located close to the toilets, so that the permanent crowd and the noise is provided
20 row (6 seats)Best places in this class are located on both sides of the windows (A and F). The fact is that due to the lack of seats ahead, free space is formed, you can comfortably get comfortable. This is probably the best places in the second part of the economy class.
21-29 rowStandard places, not bad, but not very good
30 rowsVery uncomfortable places near the passage, on both sides. Here close enough to the toilets placed in the tail part, so the noise and the presence of a constant queue of people are guaranteed
31 row (6 seats)The worst economy seats. First, close to the toilets. Secondly, as near the partition, the backs of the chairs do not recline, which creates additional discomfort

Thus, when choosing places you need to be guided by two factors: their proximity to toilets, kitchens, technical premises and the presence of a partition (chairs will not lean). Large people are best placed on the 8th row or 20, here the most comfortable places for those traveling with children (19 row in this case will also suit, as the proximity of the toilets will be a plus, and not a minus, you will not have to go with the child through the whole salon).

Note! Places at the portholes and seats at the passages have their advantages and disadvantages. It is easier to go to the toilet easier from the Passage, at the same time no one distorts a person sitting at the porthole. Choice for the passenger: Hope to sleep or work - choose a place by the window, you think about what you will often go to the toilet, - take a place at the passage.

Entertainment system on board, sockets, WiFi

In the standard configuration, the aircraft has 4 kitchens and 4 restrooms. In business class there is a wardrobe. Also provided 6 places for flight attendants.

Places for women with children with special fasteners for crackers are located in a business class (1 row, 4 places) with a complimentary compartment of the salon 28-142 and in economy class (8 row, 6 seats) with a complimentary compartment of the salon 16-167 and 28-157.

Currently, about 1000 A321 series aircraft were released and, since they are in demand, production continues.

These aircraft are included in Aeroflot's air fleet. A321 Aeroflot - a successful aircraft, which is operated to the maximum on regional lines.


See also: