Where beautiful for the new year. Beautiful cities where you can meet the new year

11 ideas, how to celebrate Christmas and New Year - 2020 in Europe. Cities and countries where you can find holidays interesting!

New Year is a fabulous time, and even if you since childhood, do not believe in Santa Claus, with the onset of December 31, something freezes inside on the eve of the miracle. If you are a romantic and pre-holiday, you inspire you, we advise you to celebrate the New Year in Europe - in the atmosphere of antiquity and magic.

It is not easy to choose where exactly go for Christmas and the New Year - 2020. We offer 11 countries where you can be superb new Year's vacation.

How to save: If you want to spend a new year, holidays and catholic christmas in Europe, we advise you to fly out 22, 23 or 24 December, and return back in the first days of January. Book everything a few months before the trip.

About prices in the article. Hotels in Double Room on New Year's Eve. Tours - for two people. Flights - one person in both directions. We consider departures from Moscow. Prices for flights and tours We pointed to New Year's dates (flying on December 29-30 and return on January 3-6), since these days the tourists fly to rest.

Finland - Helsinki and Lapland

Where to celebrate the New Year - 2020 and Christmas in Europe, how not to the homeland of Santa Claus? At the end of December, on Frosno Street, to -15 ° C, the snow drops a lot. Finland is going for solitude and winter fairy tale. Rent a cottage and dedicate the New Year holidays active recreation - skiing and snowmobile, for example. Admire, read local cuisine And visit the Julupukka residence in Lapland.

Tours From Moscow for 4-5 nights cost from 65 thousand rubles.

Flight tickets From Moscow to Helsinki and back from 11 thousand rubles. Petersburgers can drive by train or bus.

(Photo: Visit Finland / Flickr.com / CC BY-NC 2.0 License)

Czech Republic, Prague

Czech Republic is another country in Europe, where to meet the New Year - 2020 can be nice. In Prague, the main Christmas tree is installed in Prague in the Old Town Silent. Fair, tourists and local walk are walking, eating fried in spices almonds, delicious charms and drink Mulled wine and Medovina. Read: and.

Weather in Prague at the end of December good: a day can be slightly higher than 0 ° C, at night - up to -5 ° C. Snow cover is not always.

Toursin Prague, 7 nights for the new year can be purchased from 65 thousand rubles.

Flights. Flight on New Year's holidays from Moscow to Prague and back costs from 16 thousand rubles.

Hotels. Remove the hotel room for two in the center - from 90 € per night and above. New Year's dinner in the restaurant will cost 100-170 € per person.

(Photo: ELPADAWAN / Flickr.com / License CC BY-SA 2.0)

If you want to cheat to celebrate the New Year - 2020 in Europe, go to Cyprus. In winter, there is warm, approximately +15 ... + 20 ° C. And look at the whole island until it is hot and there are no tourists.

New Year holidays on the island last on December 23 to January 6. IN major cities Pursuit of presentation, dances, dress up the Christmas tree. However, for the most part of the new year and Christmas - family holidays, and after two nights on the streets are already quiet.

Tours Cyprus on New Year's holidays in 2020 is worth 7 nights from 60 thousand rubles.

Flight tickets Moscow - Larnaca and back cost from 13 thousand rubles and higher.

(Photo: unsplash.com / @matt__feeney)

Germany - Berlin and Munich

The best new year in Europe, in our opinion, in Germany. Want to plunge into a real christmas fairy tale? We advise you to go to, Munich, Cologne, Nuremberg or other cities. Visit the fun fairs with all the gastronomic attributes of Christmas and New Year: caramel apples, gingerbread beds and hearts, lvins and fragrant hot mulled wine. Weather at this time of the year in Germany usually costs pleasant, from 0 to -4 ° C, the snow is not always falling.

Tourson 4 nights there are from 60 thousand rubles for two.

Flights. Flight Moscow - Berlin and back costs from 16 thousand rubles (direct flights), to Munich - about the same.

Hotels In the center of Berlin - from 120 € per night for two. New Year's dinner in the restaurant costs about 100-200 € per person. Learn what.

(Photo: Visitberlin / Flickr.com / CC License BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Montenegro, Budva

Where inexpensively meet New Year - 2020 and Christmas? Tourists recommend to go to Montenegro (namely in Budva or Podgorica). Ski resorts are popular and Zhablyak.

Midnight, local residents usually meet in a circle of families or friends, and then go outside. Traditionally, the cities and concerts and concerts are held in the center of cities. Weather changeable, come rain. In the mountains, snow and cold, and on the coast of approximately + 10 ° C.

Toursin Montenegro, on vacation cost from 60 thousand rubles (Tivat, 7 nights).

Flights. Flight from Moscow to Tivat and back to New Year's dates costs from 15 thousand rubles.

(Photo: Casal Partiuissyal / Flickr.com / CC License BY-SA 2.0)

Greece, Athens

The New Year's traditions of Greece are close to Cyprus, and the celebrations of the New Year and Christmas in both countries are almost identical. In the cities, residents gather in the center for a concert and fireworks, and the youth after the official meeting of the holiday goes into clubs. Tourists prefer to relax in Thessaloniki, Chalkidiki or Athens. As in Montenegro, the weather is changeable, but heat, about +12 ... + 15 ° C.

Tours On Christmas and New Year's holidays stand from 50 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights.

Flight tickets From Moscow to Athens and back cost from 15 thousand rubles.

Hotels. The double room in Athens is from 14 €, in Chalkidiki (for example, Sarti) - from 24 €. Learn what.

(PAUL D "AMBRA / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Italy Rome

To have fun to meet the new 2020, you need to go to Italy. Local residents Very love New Year and Christmas and meet them with a scope. Everything else can relatively be resting in the country.

Popular city tourists for meeting holiday -, and. How to celebrate? Choose original ways: in terms and spa, in medieval castles and villas, cruise. Good idea - go on.

Toursfor the new year and Christmas in Italy inexpensive. For example, in Rimini for 7-8 nights - only from 56 thousand rubles. And vouchers in Rome on 4 nights can be purchased from 60 thousand.

Flight tickets Moscow - Rome stand from 18 thousand rubles in both directions, in Milan and Venice - from 16.5 thousand rubles.

Hotels. Night in the double room in the hotel 3 * in Rome - from 50 € and above in the city center. Dinner on New Year's Eve will cost 50-250 € per person.

(Photo: Trishhhh / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

France Paris

Where to go for the new year - 2020, how not to the most romantic city of Europe? Everywhere illumination, Christmas fairs (the best - on the Champs Elysees and the Defense quarter). The scents of hot wine and fried chestnuts are spreading across the streets. Try fua-grams, Shukrut, Maron-Gles and Fondue. True, the weather is not impressive: the snow falls rarely, the temperature is up to + 5 ° C, rather rain and can rain drizzle.

Tours. Vouches for 5 nights in Paris and the Cote d'Azur stand from 80 thousand rubles for two.

Flights. Flight Moscow - Paris and back costs about 16 thousand rubles.

(Photo: Colorsoftimeless / Flickr.com / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Turkey, Istanbul

In Istanbul for winter holidays, many are sent: there is a good service and a variety of opportunities for relax. New Year as such is not celebrated - this is a holiday for tourists. Nevertheless, the city is beautifully decorated, and hotels, clubs and restaurants offer an entertainment program.

You can meet New Year's Eve on the Galat Bridge, Ostiklal Street, in the hotel, in the club, on the ship, and so on. But dedicate the sights to the sights - read our big.

Tours. In addition to Istanbul, you can fly to the New Year to the resorts: Antalya, Alanya, Side, Kemer and others. Vouchers for 5 nights stand from 58 thousand rubles.

Flights. Flight Moscow - Istanbul in both directions costs from 10 thousand rubles.

(Photo: Tim Moffatt / Flickr.com)

Latvia, Riga

New Year holidays in Riga Long: Christmas is celebrated and Catholic, and Orthodox. Good reason to go to the capital of Latvia! As in other European countries, it is starting to prepare for Christmas and the new year, approximately from the end of November - the beginning of December. The city gradually "coats" garlands and decorations, on main Square The Christmas tree is put, the fair starts the work. Directly the New Year - 2020 can be held at the hotel, a restaurant or just walking around the city - concerts and ideas are arranged.

Weather in Riga at the end of December usually pleases: medieval city Shelters white peel, there may be a light frost.

Tours. New Year's tourists in Riga for 4-5 nights stand from 56 thousand rubles.

Flights. To fly to Riga from Moscow during the winter holidays, it will have to pay from 13 thousand rubles and higher.

Hotels. A budget hotel in the city center is located from 30 € per night for two. On average, New Year's dinner in the restaurant will cost 50-100 € per person, but you can search the place in cheaper.

(Photo: Janitors / Flickr.com / License CC BY 2.0)

Great Britain, London

At Christmas and New Year in London fabulously: beautifully decorated with showcases, garlands have risked, the fairings with souvenirs and delicacies are open, Christmas choralas come. Over the Thames, the fireworks are allowed, the Kurats of Big Ben beat twelve times at midnight.

In London, in late December, there is a relatively heat - on average + 7 ° C, but due to moisture, the temperature is felt differently. At night freezing. May be rain, so take the umbrella. In rainy weather you can visit museums - find out which ones

Not long to wait for the new year's onset and we all prepared to celebrate it in different ways - someone at home in a family circle, someone with friends somewhere far from home ... from this selection you will learn about the most unusual places to celebrate the New Year!

So, we will begin to celebrate a new year in which there is not enough of what is unusual, but also absolutely illogical, although there are people who are interested to celebrate NG that is this) We are talking about a new year's meeting in the caravan, crossing the Sahara desert! What is needed for this? Only to buy a budget tour of the desert in Morocco (10 days - about $ 400) and rental of a camel, and the rest will take care of the rest. Spend some time in reflections about the past year, and then use the new year so loud as you can, not be afraid to prevent anyone, because around - only the sand ...

If the meeting of the New Year in a noisy company is not for you - you can get into the house ... This is where the inhabitants of the Scottish Edinburgh are engaged in every Christmas tree. What for? It turns out that such a "celebration" is dictated by a long-standing Scottish tradition to enter the new year "Fresh", delivered from all unnecessary, who worried last year, with the hope that the coming year will be better than the outgoing

That is why the Scots first are thoroughly closed at home, and then sent to the city of boys with sheep skins. They go from home to home, kill traditional gaelle motifs and beat sheepskin stick. Fortunately, if all this traditional beating is bored - there are many parties related to the streets of Scotland, first of all, with annual removal only on this night of a public ban of drinking alcoholic beverages) Thus, the new year you can "celebrate" until 6 o'clock in the morning

An even more strange new year is met in Venezuela ... How do you usually prepare for the new year? Standing with products and drink, buy gifts, you may receive shower, etc. Venezuelan at that time put on their best yellow underwear - it is due to the fact that in Venezuela, yellow is considered the color of wealth and local residents are sincerely believe that such a tradition will certainly bring them good luck in the coming year)

Want to meet the new year in some kind of magical place? In this case, you can approach Goa - the smallest state of India, washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea. The climate here is half a year wet, dirty and generally disgusting, but about October everything eats and plants grow very quickly to incredible sizes, which makes Goa look like some fabulous garden until April, when the next "rainy" period begins. It is not surprising that at this time the hippie flows here and just tourists in search of a "New Year's" fairy tales

The hottest place to celebrate the New Year is definitely a small island Guam in Pacific Ocean. January temperatures in this distant corner of our planet reach 80 degrees of heat, so the main "New Year's" classes here are diving and swimming, and melting / shorts or swimsuit are quite suitable as a festive suit)

Do you like to meet a new year loud? Then you have a straight road to Japan! If you immediately imagined the crowds of the Japanese, counting the last seconds of the outgoing year with champagne in hand, then you are a little wrong) In fact, in Japan there is a tradition to meet new Year The ringing of bells, and not small bells, namely huge temple bells. For the new year, every Japanese temple calls a bell 108 times! Imagine what kind of ringing rises when in one moment thousands of scattered in the islands of temples begin to beat the bells ...

Lack of time to fully celebrate the New Year? Go to China) Although it is worth recalling that the New Year Celebrations in China begin only on February 14 (and not December 31, as we used to) and last 15 days! During this period, all China is covered with red lanterns, and colorful demonstrations rolled through the streets. The day before the celebrations of the celebration, Chinese families are going for a massive food banquet, after which everyone chooses for themselves any red thing that all 15 days of celebration should be worn ...

Another Asian country, popular with tourists in late December, is Thailand, in the capital of which, bankoke, you can meet the new year at once three traditions - western, Chinese and Thai!

The world's largest New Year's party is held in Brazil, on the 4-kilometer beach of Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro) and in size is inferior only to the Brazilian annual carnival) Last year, Madonna was the main guest of the New Year's celebrations of Brazil - this event was collected in one place more 2 million people dressed in all white and this is not the limit!

Imagine moving in tact music real living white sea with burning lighters and screens mobile phonesWith which there is no end and edges, add to this mass of fagers, continuous dancing and the atmosphere of the carnival - as a result, it will turn out the most spectacular New Year party in the world!

Another one famous locally To celebrate the New Year is the New York Times Square, which has gained worldwide fame with massiness and entertainment festive events

The traditional descent of the crystal ball, which is accompanied by fireworks, announced about the beginning of the new year, comes to see more than a million people!

If you like fireworks (and they don't like little), the celebration of the New Year in Australia is just for you! After all, Australians are the first on our planet meet the coming year, and not to hit the face in the dirt, the Sydney fell on the background of the Sydney Opera and such a firework show that is equal to scale and beauty no more anywhere in the world! More beautiful photos of festive salutes you will find in the photography New Year's fireworks

It starts all December 31 at 13.00 with a shot installed in the Bay of Cannons, and does not subside until the morning January 1

Last year, Sydney's New Year's Firework Show spent more than $ 5 million, and almost a million local residents and tourists took part in the celebration of the New Year - we will see what it will be this year)

The best place To meet the New Year in the UK, it is, of course, the Embankment of the Thames in the area of \u200b\u200bthe London eye, where last year about a million people also gathered for a fascinating firework show

Some fireworks run directly from the Cabsle Ferris Capsules

In fact, there are still quite a few places that collect such huge crowds of people for the new year, such as the Berlin Brandenburg Gate, and more precisely, the street on June 17 is right behind them, on which all night of December 31, the fun celebrations with fireworks do not subscribe Light show, dancing and beer)

Fireworks on the background of a sculptural group, crowned Brandenburg Gate

The most romantic place to celebrate the New Year is the Paris Champs Elysees overlooking the Eiffel Tower on the festive "robe" (during the holiday, the lighting of the tower changes dramatically, which contributes to modern luminescence installed on it) and thousands of fireworks take off over it ...

Well, the most brightest New Year parties are held of course in Las Vegas on the semikilometer Boulevard Streep, where hundreds of thousands of people are going to stand on December 31 in the evening with the aim of spending the old year and meet a new one as possible!

In addition to the above, there is still full-fully interesting places For the meeting of the New Year - no one forbids meeting him, for example, in a secluded house somewhere deep in the mountains, or somewhere else in nature. Where to celebrate the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 - to solve you, we wish this event to remember something good, unforgettable, and the next year embodied your most intimate dreams! Happy New Year!

Avoid travelers prefer to spend the new year abroad. Foreign countries Charge positive energy, give a lot of emotions and impressions. Below are the most beautiful cities in which it is worth meeting the new 2020.


In Tbilisi, the new year is worth meeting near the Fortress of Narikal, with which tourists admire a wonderful look. Then you can visit the Freedom Square, where everyone is admired by the New Year tree. Georgia shines appetizing dishes, so no one will walk hungry here. 100 kilometers from Tbilisi is the village of Gudauri, where there is an opportunity to ride skiing or snowboarding.


The most beautiful city of Istanbul will give its guests an unforgettable New Year's holiday. Be sure to stroll through the street Chakmakchilar, and then get to the building of Valid Han, offering a wonderful urban look. Centers festive festivities Are the Kadyki district, a quarter quarter, Sultanahmed Square and Taxim.


In different areas of Riga on the eve of the new year, many fairs are open, selling amazing gifts, souvenirs, handmade products. Tourists are advised to book festive tables in cafes and restaurants in advance, since Riga dishes attract many. The new 2020 in the Latvian capital is worth noting a solemn firework, joy and fun reigns on the streets of the city until the morning.


A significant part of the festive events occurs on the main square of the most beautiful city of Zagreb (Croatia), on the square of Bana Elachic. On the eve of the New Year, popular Croatian singers speak here, and at midnight the city shows a delightful firework. Near the capital of Croatia there is a lot ski resortswhere you can have a gorgeous time. The most famous resorts are laying, swap and Belolac.


Budapest is the most beautiful city with a rich history and an amazing architecture. Experienced tourists advise to meet the new 2020 in the city park, located close to the Heroes Square. The park has a large hourglass, which turn over at 12 o'clock in the morning. There are a lot of luxury bridges in the city with which travelers may watch the grandiose atmosphere of Budapest.


In the capital of Slovakia, from mid-November, festive fairs are beginning to be organized, where you can enjoy a delicious soup from cabbage, potato dantroids, and also to buy souvenir products. On December 31, concerts of folk music are buzzing, Christmas choirs are playing. Tourists must visit the most famous castle Countries - Bratislavsky Grad and find many urban sculptures.


The most beautiful city of Prague for the new year is becoming sophisticated and refinement. The rest is worth a visit that it takes annually on the Old Town Square. Here travelers can buy souvenirs, try Czech delicacies and delicacies. There is a tradition to make a desire on the Karlovy Bridge, as it always comes true. In Prague, it is worth trying the most juicy in the world of Baigly, which is sold at the Bohemia Bagel cafe.


Poland is considered one of the most beautiful and inexpensive places to meet the new 2020. A fascinating walk through Warsaw can be started with Krakow suburb and a castle area, which establishes the most important Christmas tree of the country.

Original entertainment programs And Folk Gulyanya pass on the Constitution Square and near the Palace of Science and Culture. Tourists can stroll through the old town, where restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops are located. The Polish capital is famous for the Pedestrian Street of the Royal Hat, on which there is a lot of magnificent cathedrals, palaces and chubs.



Until the new year, there is quite a bit of time, and there is still no festive mood? We have made a guide for you on 20 best sites of the city, where you can find the magical feeling of the approaching holiday.

To participate in the carnival, buy gifts, make your own hands a New Year's toy, see the most beautiful Christmas trees, drink hot mulled wine, see the ballet on ice or listen to jazz - everyone will find a lesson in the shower.

Gift shop

At the time of the festival "Journey to Christmas", Novopushkinsky Square will turn into the Royal Square.

She will decorate the two-meter figures of Queen of various eras and crops, with whom guests can make the "royal" selfie. Immediately put an art object in the form of a famous cake "Moscow" - the dessert symbol of the Russian capital. Here it will also be possible to see the outbreak of the Christmas tree and become a Catcharier Conductor: Laser interactive-cat installations perform a concert for classical music and react to movement and touch, changing color and sound accompaniment. For children installed wooden rocking horses.

For those who have not yet found gifts, a fair will be to work, where woolen socks, knitted mittens, caps, scarves and socks, and still Christmas decorations from felt.

Where: Novopushkinsky Square

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Royal Square

Novopushkinsky Square, Moscow

Rink, gift shop, theater

In Pushkin Square, you can admire the magic forest, which "grows" around the fountain. The actors of the street theater will play several ideas and show the performances, to participate in which the audience will be invited. On weekends and on holidays there will be a special Christmas program from circus and dance groups.

Also here can be free to rent skates. Children who are only mastering skating skills will help experienced instructors.

In the fair houses will be offered to try traditional Russian dishes and choose Christmas decorations.

Where: Pushkin Square

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Gift shop

Big Fair will unfold in the Museon. Here you can choose a fluffy Christmas tree and gifts: festive decorations, designer clothes, warm boots, mittens, sweaters from Scandinavia and much more. In addition, a unique gift can be made with your own hands on numerous master classes: for example, come up with and blind your own snowman-christmas toy.

Every day, during the work of the Fair of all wishing to be learning to play unusual games: Giantobol, Brumball, felt shooter, slingshot with plush toys, boxing hockey, freezbi-golf and aggregate.

Musicians and DJs are responsible for the festive atmosphere. Food court will join the creation of a festive mood, which will delight gingerbread, hot tea, burgers and pancakes.

Where: Park "Museum"

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Museum, galleries and exhibitions

Under the curtain of the year of literature in the Borodino Battle Museum, an exhibition dedicated to the story of Nikolay Gogol "night before Christmas" will open.

Edition will be presented here different years: From the very first, published back in 1832, ending with modern publications with colorful illustrations. Suits of that era in combination with the objects of life and the views of St. Petersburg began the beginning of the XIX century will allow visitors to plunge at the time when Nikolai Vasilyevich created his story.

Cinema XX century could not get around the colorful, colorful and complete adventure of Gogol work. Cartoons and film adaptations appeared. Visitors will get acquainted with the preparatory materials for the 1960s filmmaking, as well as see fragments of the film and the eponymous cartoon on the screen of the reconstructed Soviet cinema.

Where: Museum Panorama "Borodino Battle"

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The Soviet era on a variety of Christmas tree toys is not inferior to the era of the Imperial Russia. The State Darwin Museum will tell about what topics and images in the design of the Christmas decor were popular in Soviet times. The exposition presents more than a hundred Christmas decorations of the 1930-1960s, New Year cards and carnival masks.

Traditional five-pointed stars can be seen, and who have become popular after the flight of Gagarin, toys on cosmic subjects. Also here is a collection of toys based on Pushkin's fairy tales, released in 1955 to the 120th anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich. Remember the song about five minutes left before the new year? The clock counting this time from the movie "Carnival Night" can also be seen in the exposure. And, of course, a variety of wool products, glass and foam.

Where: State Darwin Museum

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Concert hall

V Moscow International Festival Christmas Fest will be held at the Moscow International House of Music from December 17 to January 10. One of the most popular festivals every year pleases its guests with the best musical teams.

Opens the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra program with Cerizer Dmitry Yurovsky. This evening will be performed by two options for the famous ODD "to joy" Friedrich Schiller: Symphony No. 9 of Ludwig Van Beethoven with a concluding chorus on ODU and Cantata Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky for the words of the same ODD for four solts, choir and orchestra.

On January 8, it will be possible to hear a concert of one of the most famous jazz pianists - Daniel Kramer. He will play with his jazz trio.

And on December 22, children's ballet "12 months" on the music of PI Tchaikovsky in the formulation of the state ensemble of classical ballet "Russian seasons"

Where: Moscow International House of Music

Gift shop

Festive Fair On the Manezh Square will be divided into 11 hour belts, and each fair house will present products from the best manufacturers of one of the country's regions.

There will also be an interactive exhibition where you can travel to history and compare your New Year's gifts with those who received residents of Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. Or get congratulations on the New Year, for example, from Ekaterina the Great or Head of the State of the Soviet era.

If you do not know what to cook for the New Year's table, come to the fair for the recipes of festive dishes from the XIX or the beginning of the twentieth century.

Where: Manege Square

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"Enchanted Forest Island" is a large rink on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution - one of the main sites of the festival "Travel to Christmas". From December 18 to January 10, twice a day they will show ballet on ice in the formulation of the figure of Peter Chernyshev.

The atmosphere of the holiday, as it is impossible, the ballets of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" and "Swan Lake" are possible. The first can be seen in the afternoon, and in the evening. Russian and foreign stars of figure skating are involved in the productions, and the stands can accommodate up to 3000 spectators.

In the morning and in the intervals between the performances, the guests of the festival will be able to ride ice. There they also organize a warm dressing room and hire of skates.

In the "enchanted forest", the actors of the street theater will also arrange interactive performances with the participation of all those wishing. As in many other sites, the New Year's decorations and souvenirs can be purchased on the Revolution Square.

Where: Revolution Square

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Island of enchanted forest

Revolution Square, Moscow

At the Festival "Island of Machihood" will be delivered twelve houses. In each of them you can see the work of any wizard. Blacksmith whisching horseshoe for happiness, potter with you caress a pot or plate. All these amazing things made by hand, it will be possible to purchase here.

If you have long wanted to try to create something with your own hands, then come to the thematic "alphabetic" master classes. Each letter of the alphabet is a master class on a specific craft. Daily masters conduct classes, the name of which begins on a certain letter: a - applique, b - beading, in - knitting, g - pottery and so on.

For those who believe in signs, put the main art object of the fair - a huge horseshoe, from which you can take a picture.

Where: ul. Nikolskaya

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Island of Mastery

Nikolskaya, Moscow

Gift shop

At the site, a real Italian courtyard will be divided in front of the large theater, where it will be possible not only to see the performances, but also become actors in musical productions of fairy tales. Museum named after M.I. Glinka will also open its branch on the square. This exposition will show visitors how musical instruments work from China, Africa and many other countries.

Fair on this "island" is also thematic. Here you can buy a variety of notes or even pick up musical instrument taste. If you prefer to enjoy music in the performance of musicians, and not to play yourself, then you will definitely purchase vinyl records. Great gift will be books on the history of music or unusual music boxes.

Where: Theater Square

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Gift Shop, Workshop

Carnival Fair and Mask Manufacturing Master Classes will be held in a chamber meter. Here you can buy theatrical and national costumes, masks and other carnival attributes.

On the author's master classes, guests will be taught to manage puppets, masked theatrical dolls and masks, and will also reveal the secrets of creating the most unusual festive outfits and makeup. Original and spectacular photos can be done with tantaimarskins of well-known theater performances - at the stands for photography with a hole for the face.

Where: Camechargers Lane

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Gift Shop, Workshop

This platform is devoted to the chief symbol of the New Year and Christmas - the Christmas tree. On the "Island of the Festive Christmas Tree" of their whole seven, and the capital designers compete in the art of decor.

Your vision of the perfect festive tree will present embassies different countries And fashion brands. Guests of the festival will tell, how unusual and tastefully decorate a homely festive tree.

Here you can choose the Christmas decorations and items of the festive decor, the original gifts for the whole family that can be packed here: the packaging center works on the site.

In addition, everyone will be able to make a gift for themselves and loved ones, master classes in the manufacture of New Year's toys and souvenirs will help them.

Where: Kuznetsky Bridge, 6/3, Area in front of the Central Committee

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Island of festive tree

Kuznetsky Bridge, 6/3, Moscow

Gift shop

On the "island of sweet tech" you can try sweets from around the world.

Visitors are waiting for this Russian chocolate, and Italian cannols, and Japanese sweets from algae, and Eastern Pakhlava. At the site will reign the aroma of home baking: every day in a real Russian furnace there will be a stove of pies and homemade bread and conduct master classes from bakers and confectioners.

And the "Island of Oriental Sweets" will sell oriental delicacies, exotic spices, pastries and souvenirs. There you can see a fire show and even ride a camel. In addition, the island will operate a Christmas market, a photobudka "Pakhlava" and an exhibition of paintings.

Where: "Sweets Island" in the climax lane, "Island of Oriental Sweets" on Semenovskaya Square

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The island of sweethek

Island of oriental sweets

Semenovskaya Square, Moscow

The island of sweethek

Cleelence Pereulok, Moscow


During new Year holidays Street actors will present more than 10 unique programs. Theatrical teams will entertain guests at the Festival of Festival "Journey to Christmas". On the opening day they will gather in Pushkin Square.

The main participants in the festival will be the street theaters of Svetlitsa, Paranorma and Pololo, and Hedliner - "Fire People". The artists of this team try on the images of fjets - residents of the snow-covered New Year Islands.

Fiyuki is circling among the audience, mysteriously shine and look like huge live brushes. They suddenly explode flappers and arrange a hurricane from confetti, "says the co-founder of the" Firey People "theater, Gera Spikekin.

The team of Paranorma will perform with the play "Snegro-Gentle Blizzard". Its participants are united in the show choreography, acrobatics and vocals using designer images. Artists from the Pololo Theater together with the orchestra of santa frosts will be held a parade procession from Novopushkinsky Square to Pushkin Square.

Where: Pushkin Square, Novopushkin Square

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Christmas Verpets is a small theater from the volume figures dedicated to the topic of Christmas. The festival will collect the many unusual embodiments of the same scene.

You can also see such ideas live, all shows will be free.

Where: Vadkovsky per, d.3

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Festival of Vertilov "Old New Year"

Vadkovsky Pereulok, 3, Moscow

Gift shop

If every new year you met at the festive table in a circle of your family and relatives, then surely you at least once thought about a more interesting and new version of the celebration of New Year holidays.

We invite you to consider the list of cities in the world who will give such a meeting of the New Year that you will remember all your life and tell grandchildren about the adventures that will undoubtedly give these fabulous places.

New York, USA

Many New Year's American films demonstrate to us events that happen in New York. And this is not good, because this megapolis becomes the village of Santa Claus on holidays. Here, many people who dressed in different walks everywhere. fabulous charactersMusic plays on the streets, beautiful illumination highlights the building of Manhattan, and all the shops are decorated with hundreds of lights.

Directly on New Year's Eve can go to Times Square and look at the amazing snowfall from colorful confetti, show programs of popular celebrities, a laser show, as well as a crystal ball that descends from the skyscraper and symbolizes the beginning of the new year. To get on this action you will have to buy a ticket for 350 dollars. In addition, you can go to Gotham Hall, where for the entry pay about $ 200-300 dollars and visit the heroes of Disney cartoons.

The best nightclubs of this city represent new Year's programs For your guests. By the way, we can say that the entrance to the party will cost only about $ 130. And, of course, you can always celebrate New Year in a chic restaurant overlooking central Park or manhattan.

Rome, Italy

Since Rome is the capital of the Catholic world, this status obliges to prepare in Rome for New Year holidays in a few months. The Cathedral of St. Paul especially attracts residents of the city and tourists, because there is a Christmas Mass, where, of course, it is not easy to get, but it does not take the opportunity to participate in traditional street religious processions. On New Year's holidays, this city is famous for all sorts of Christmas fairs, where you can buy wonderful gifts to your family and friends. In stores at this time are excellent Christmas stocks and discounts.

As a rule, after the family New Year's feast, residents of the city continue to celebrate in the local restaurant or until the morning walk through the streets of Rome. Actually, K. central Squares And we recommend going to meet the New Year. It sounds a variety of music: both jazz, and classics, and rock and much more. The most popular area among guests and local residents called "Piazza del Popolo". By the way, do not worry about the fact that you will be cold outside at night - in the winter in Rome average temperature This is +9 degrees Celsius.

Prague, Czech Republic

According to many tourists, Prague is interesting at any holidays and time of year. But in the New Year holidays this city acquires a special atmosphere and is even more transformed. In the Czech Republic on the eve of the new year there is another significant holiday - the day of St. Sylvester. Therefore, the Czechs simultaneously have several reasons from the soul to have fun. In the New Year, you can easily go to the restaurant and join an absolutely unfamiliar company.

You spend such a fun about 100 euros per person, but the drinks and food will be more than enough. And the most desired dish in the Czechs on the festive table - lentils and baked carp with apples. It is these dishes that symbolize attracting happiness in the coming year. And remember, if you feed the bird on the table, it will fly quickly, taking good luck with you!

There is also another unique place: Old Town Square, which is visited a large number of People to listen to the fight of the chimes. This night combines all people and makes them friends, so get ready for hugs, songs and dances. If you want a more relaxed atmosphere, then go to Wenceslas Square. And more: finally, at the end new Year's night Do not forget to touch the statue of Yana Nepomnotsky and, of course, make a desire. Local residents assure that in this way it will definitely come true. Come here and you will have a pleasant and fantastic memories of the celebration of the New Year.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Lovers of real summer fun and those who lack the sun, we recommend this option. Rio de Janeiro is a city of festivals, permanent movement and carnavalov. The celebration of the New Year is no exception. After all, about 700,000 tourists come here on this period, and the city authorities allocate huge funding to surprise them. Rio also arrange a carnival, which is accompanied by loud music and fireworks. The Christmas tree also dwells in motion: it is descended to the water on a special raft under the stunning salute.

One of the most incendiary shows in the world is a 20-minute firework on Copacabana (famous beach South America). Come here with your family, relatives and loved ones or even, with friends, fun guaranteed!

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This country combines centuries-old traditions, high level of service, modernity and Arab culture. United Arab Emirates They consider the World Center for Tourism and Trade. And in the city of Dubai is so beautiful that you can spend time and celebrate holidays round year. The Velvet season Here begins in December, the heat goes and the weather appears with a pleasant temperature below +30 degrees Celsius. And in the New Year and Christmas shops are truly surprised by crazy discounts and excellent offers.

New Year's Eve you can spend in one of numerous clubs or restaurants, go on a sandy quarry and go skiing, go to the Bedouins, go to the emerald oasis, or just take a walk on festive city. And if you are a snow amateur, we recommend going to the center of Dubai, where you have a large indoor ski center.

Sydney, Australia

In this country, the new year begins earlier than on other points globe. This continent seems to start to celebrate everyone else. Surprisingly, such a "winter" holiday here is held in the midst of summer. All Australia is a big number various events: Sports, concerts, chants, fun outdoors.

A huge highlight is undoubtedly the most huge firework on the planet. It launches in the Harbor Sydney. Tourists argue that there is no equal on earth such a spectacle. Therefore, no one is frustrated because of the New Year traffic jams, noise, high pricesA crowd of people who in the amount of 1.5 million people come to Sydney for the sake of such salute. Every year, the fireworks is dedicated to different topics.

Finland, Rovaniemi

Everyone knows that Finland is considered the New Year country in the world. Here everything around snapped with snow, you can ride the days and nights to ride the sleigh, which are harnessed by a couple of reindeer or visit the winter fishing. But the main attraction is the presence of Santa Claus's colleagues here - passage Santa Claus.

We recommend that it is necessary to go to his residence. Such pleasure will cost you about 60 euros per person. And when you come back, look at the farm where there are many rapes. They are located near every tourist town. The price of this is 75 euros and if there is a desire you can even buy a dog.

Georgia, Tbilisi

In Georgia, tourists fall in love with literally immediately. Everything is surprising and unique here. And most importantly, you do not need a visa. For several days you can spend unforgettable: ride through snow-covered ski vertices, collect spring primroses, hide in an old castle or a monastery from the rain, arrange a picnic on the grass and stroll along hot sand Black Sea coast Colchids.

There, even in December, it is possible to sunbathe and collect ripe tangerines and lemons. In addition, there are hospitable beautiful people here, who will tell about their country, will be treated with goodies in the most comfortable and friendly restaurants, will give you the best of home wines and make a lot of effort so that everyone felt like a welcome guest.

Vietnam, fantiet

Vietnam is the complete opposite of the usual idea of \u200b\u200bthe New Year holidays. But this option will also have to do, if you are a lover of diversity or exotic. Here you will find them. After all, the whole story of this amazing country is built on stories and legends, landscapes of incredible beauty, the kitchen is quite peculiar, as in all asian countriesAnd the beauty of the underwater world captures the spirit even at the most avid diver. It is possible to celebrate the new year at the resort on the white beach.

Austria Vienna

Although Vienna is a small city, but the diversity here is abused. If you come here a little earlier, you can see the Christmas fairs, buy all sorts of handmade toys, taste gingerbread and drink hot mulled wine. And you can meet the new year in some coffee shop or restaurant, Which are unique here and have the best culinary.

This city is very cozy and compact, in just a couple of hours you can walk along the snow-covered parks, see the Gothic of the Cathedral of St. Stephen, as well as baroque local churches, and just see all the luxury and greatness of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. You can also see the palaces and get warm in a small restaurant. And even if you stay a little, you can get to the Vienna Ball, where you can dance from the soul. If your choice stay on this country to celebrate New Year's holidays, here you will spend some of the most memorable and wonderful days in your life. Here reigns the atmosphere of fairy tales and magic, happiness and tremendous fun! At least once in life you need to visit such beautiful countryAnd in the New Year here is especially warm, cozy and colorfully.

In this article, we have demonstrated you that the new year and Christmas can be found in different parts of the world and with any budget. If you choose a place to celebrate, pay attention to such cities like Nuremberg, Hong Kong, Reykjavik, Salzburg and London. At the same time, almost all cities of the world are transformed into a new year and Christmas in different ways.

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