The history of Bermuda. Registration of visa and rest on Bermudah

Bermuda or Bermuda - the UK overseas Territory, which is located in the northwestern part Atlantic Ocean And represents a large archipelago. It is noteworthy that these land are closer to North America, rather than to the UK. The archipelago includes 157 islands, only 20 of which are inhabited. Tourists from all over the world of Bermuda attract bright colors of local landscapes and purest water. Today we will get acquainted with the history of the Bermuda Islands and will figure it out that they are in terms of geography, economics and tourism from the point of view of geography.


Upon learning who opened the Bermuda Islands, you can understand who they are obliged to their name. The archipelago discovered the Spanish navigator, captain Juande Bermudes. He saw the islands at about 1503-1515, when they were still uninhabited, and the Spaniards did not claim them.

After some time, these Bermuda discovered the British Admiral George Somers. Due to damage to the ship about the reef, he had to go to the land. After studying the terrain, the sailor concluded that it was quite suitable for life. So Bermuda began to belong to the UK.

Despite the fact that the first English settlement appeared here in 1609, they were announced by the official ownership of England only in 1684. Up to 1838, the economic development of Bermud was accompanied by the import of slaves of African American origin. At the end of the XIX century, the main income was the service of tourists.

In 1941, the British government surrendered to America, a plot of Bermud, 6 km², for a period of 100 years. The United States intended to equip a military base on it. But in 1995, the use of the site was terminated early.

In 1968, Bermuda adopted a constitution according to which they have internal self-government.


First of all, it is worth clarifying where the Bermuda islands are located. They are located in the northern part of the Atlantic, 1770 kilometers north-east of Miami (Florida) and 1350 kilometers south of Halifax (New Scotland). The nearest point of the continent (1030 km) is Cape Gatteras (North Carolina). That is why, having learned where the Bermuda islands are located, many attribute them to America.

The islands have volcanic origin and are located in the western part of the middle-Atlantic underwater ridge. To the southwest of them there are two more underwater mountains that support coral reefs. Despite the fact that the archipelago was formed on a volcanic base, limestone caps played an important role in its formation, which appeared as a result of bacteria activities.

The complex of the islands also includes a line of underwater reefs, which extends about 20 kilometers from him to the north. By the way, Bermuda is the only place for the North Atlantic, where corals grow.

Bermuda has a soft subtropical climate, largely due to the influence of the warm current of the Gulf Stream. average temperature During the year here is 20-23 ° C. Humidity on the archipelago is high and approximately the same in all parts of it.

Due to the mild climate, the islands are very picturesque during the flowering of hibiscus or oleander growing on them. And such plants as juniper and Bermuda cedar are on the verge of extinction. The fact is that they do not get along with the insects brought to the region - Moli and Tsicades. Only amphibians were also brought to the islands: all sorts of lizards, wood frogs and giant toads. The only endemic of Bermud is a mountain lizard. She lived here long before the appearance of people.

The main island (Main Island) has mainly hilly relief ( maximum height - 76 m) and a rather rugged coastline, with a large number of sandy beaches and bays. About 35% of the territory is occupied by shrubs that grow on the elevation. In the nizenas, cultural plants are grown on fertile soils. Rivers, streams and lakes on the islands are absent.

During the year, at Bermuda, up to 1000 millimeters of precipitation falls, and as such, there is no rainy season here.

Time on Bermuda is rejected from Greenwich to -4 hours. The local time zone is indicated as follows: UTC / GMT -4 hour.


The population of the Bermuda islands is about 65 thousand people. Local men live an average of 77.2 years, and women are 83.7 years old. Ethno-racial composition of the archipelago: 54% - neurodes, 31% - white, 8% - Mulati, 4% - Asians, 3% - others.

From the point of view of religious preferences, the population is divided as follows: 2 3% - Anglican, 15% - Catholics, 11% - African methodists-bishops, 18% - Other Protestants, 12% - Other cults, 14% - Atheists, 7% - Not determined.

In the history of many residents of the Bermuda islands, pedigree native Americans are traced. Ancestors some came here from Mexico. Someone was sold to slavery or exiled from New England in the XVII century.

The archipelago lives and employs citizens of other states. Most of all, they can be found in the financial sphere and specialized process. These are mostly residents of Great Britain, America, Canada, and West Indies. According to 2005, the full workforce of the islands is 39 thousand people, of which are about 11 thousand - visiting.


Main income (about 60% of foreign exchange earnings) Bermuda is derived from foreign tourism. About 600 thousand people arrive here, 90% of whom are residents of the United States. You can get to the Bermuda islands with a ship or aircraft.

Only 17% of the workable population of Bermud is employed in industry. In the region there are enterprises for the manufacture and repair of ships, as well as the production of pharmaceutical products, building materials and other things. In the agricultural sector, 3% of the worker population was involved. In the Bermuda islands, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, bananas are grown. Fisheries is also developed here (the annual catch is about 800 tons) and flower growing, which is focused on export.

About 80% of food is brought to the archipelago from abroad. Supplied here also fuel, household goods, clothing and building materials.

Bermud's main partner is South Korea (31.7%). Italy (21.7%), America (14.9%), United Kingdom (6.8%) and Singapore (4.4%) are followed. Considering who belongs to the Bermuda islands, such a distribution of foreign policy contacts is paradoxical.

The average income per capita on the islands is higher than in America by about 50%. According to GDP, the region is at all one of the world leaders. Housing prices are very high here, as the archipelago has long already attracted the attention of the global elite.

Low direct taxes on personal and corporate income contributed to the fact that Bermuda became one of the world offshore centers. They have a developed economy and are exported by a wide list of financial services (investment funds, insurance, reinsurance, etc.).


Bermuda dollar (100 cents or coins of the Bermuda) is equal to the US dollar. Both currencies can be paid without any problems in local outlets. Other currencies are not accepted here, but there are a lot of exchange points in the region. You can pay a credit card in almost all hotels, boarding houses, restaurants and shops. The most convenient way to import money to Bermuda is to buy tourist checks in US dollars.

On the Islands of the Archipelago there is no tax on sale, but from everyone who leaves the region, a fee of $ 20 is charged. In most local restaurants, the cost of maintenance (on average, 15% of the total) is automatically included in the account. You do not need to pay tolders of local hotels here, as they are also taken into account when paying the room. Local airport porters are usually given a few dollars, and taxi drivers - up to 15% of the cost of the trip.


The capital of Bermuda is the city of Hamilton. His story began in 1790, when the local government reserved 145 acres under the residence. However, the official capital of the Bermuda Islands Hamilton was only in 1815, when the administrative center was postponed from St. George. At that time, he was already a major trading knot. His full city was recognized even later - in 1897, after the construction of the Anglican Church in it. A little later, a Catholic Cathedral was erected here.

The city refers to Pembrok district. He received its name in honor of Henry Hamilton, who served as the position of Governor Bermud from 1778 to 1794. Today, the capital of the archipelago is its only city and the place of concentration of most institutions, both government and commercial.

The center of Hamilton is located on Front Street Street, which extends along the coast of the Harbor of the Main Island. Bypassing the sights of the city can literally in a couple of hours. With other Isles of the Archipelago, Hamilton connects ferry crossings.

National symbolism

The flag of the Bermuda islands was adopted in 1910 and was somewhat changed in 1967 and 1999. The flags of all overseas territories of Great Britain lies a blue English feed banner. In Bermudah, this practice was not applied. The Bermuda Islands flag is represented by the Red British Marine Trading Banner, in the lower right part of which the local coat of arms is located.

On the coat of arms of the region, a lion was represented, who keeps the shield with the image of the crash of the frigate of the Virginian company "Sea Luck", which occurred in 1609 near Bermud. Passengers of the vessel saved and founded the first settlement on the Islands of the Archipelago.


The culture of Bermud is very rich and diverse, as it was formed from a mixture of cultures of different peoples. The greatest trace in it was left indigenous Americans. Along with their customs there are echoes of the African, Irish, Spanish-Caribbean and Scottish customs, and this is not all. In the XVII century, the prevalence became the Anglo-Saxon culture. And immigration to Bermuda with Portuguese atlantic Islands He led to the fact that a considerable part of the local population speaks Portuguese.

In the XX century The second wave of immigration has occurred with English-speaking islands, which could not not affect the local culture. After World War II, the Western Indians brought the music of Calypso to the archipelago, and in the late 70s, with the influx of Jamaican emigrants, the island embraced the love of reggae music.

Initially, the literature on Bermudah was not very rich and limited to works commenting on the features of the archipelago. Only in the XX century, the books of local authors began to be mastered here, but only a small part of this literature was artistic.

An important role in the culture of Bermud is played by dancing, especially colorful Gombay. Here, in for different years Celebrities lived as: Michael Douglas, Cameron Count, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Diana Dill and others. Pictures of a number of local artists are successfully sold worldwide. So, the Impressionistic landscapes of Alfred Birdsa glorified him far beyond the world.

The popular occupation among local artisans is cutting various sculptures from cedar. Every year, at Easter, the inhabitants of the archipelago are mastered and launch into the sky of paper snakes that symbolize the rise of Christ.


One of the most popular methods of leisure for the population of the Bermuda islands is a sport. For many locals, he became the meaning of life. The archipelago is engaged in cricket, golf, rugby, football, sports fishing, as well as equestrian and sailing sports. In 2007, the Bermud team for the cricket took part in the World Cup.

Special attention on the islands is given to golf. There are often tournaments and championships on this elite sport. The Royal Golf Club Bermud, which has 16 first-class fields at its disposal is enjoying much popularity.

In 2006, a professional football team was formed on the islands, which acts in the Games of the United League.

Bermuda Triangle

Speaking of Bermuda, the famous Bermuda triangle cannot be accessed. This is called the area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, in which sea and aircraft allegedly disappear. The vertices of the conditional triangle are: Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. This area is also called the devilish.

To explain the facts of the disappearance of vessels, a lot of different hypotheses was put forward, starting from specific weather conditions and ending with the activities of aliens. According to skeptics, ships and in the specified area for natural reasons, it happens no more than in other places of the Atlantic and the World Ocean as a whole. This opinion is officially adhered to the major insurance agency Lloyd "s. Anyway, travelers are trendy to the Bermuda triangle. This, however, does not affect Bermud's popularity.


The main attractions of the region are concentrated in Hamilton and Saint George. Of particular interest among tourists are the narrow central streets of the capital, on which there are interesting buildings performed in the Victorian style with hanging verandas and forged fences.

Lovers of wildlife It is recommended to visit Para La Ville Park, in which you can not only stroll through the picturesque shady allys, but also visit the local historical museum. Those who are interested in painting should look at the Bermud National Gallery. Well, the connoisseurs of architecture will gladly examine the Cathedral of the Trinity Bridge Cathedral, Pentagon Fort Hamilton, Fort Schar, Waterville, as well as the building of the Senate and House of Assembly.


Bermuda - as much in this word for the Russian tourist! Many dream of traveling to Bermuda, and some even with great pleasure are resting there. So what is the difference between these islands from others and why the rest here is remembered forever?!

Bermuda islands include more than 150 reefs and islands and are located at a good intersection of sea routes, and very close in nine hundred kilometers from North America. Historically, Bermuda belongs to the so-called overseas territories of Britain, this explains the fact that the first inhabitants were the British back in 1609, although the Islands of the Spaniard opened. The confused story, by the way, the secrets and incredible stories are enough here: the sadly famous Bermuda triangle. A few ways of airlines will pass over the Bermuda Islands and inexplicable catastrophes in the air and on marine expanses often occur. But tourists do not swim in these places, there are enough paradise places for 150 islands.

Weather on Bermuda pleases with its stability and large number of sunny days intended for travelers at any time of the year. The average year-round temperature is + 24c and differs in the winter months greater humidity, and in summer - light winds from the sea. The soft subtropical climate allows tourists all year round to relax actively, engaged in sports, tennis, golf at open natural sites.
The most beautiful sunsets and dawns can be observed from the coastal lines of the Bermuda islands for the reason that all the islands occupy small areas and the heavenly luminaire can be observed from all sides.

The population of all islands is almost 70 thousand people, and guests of guests are ten times more and therefore, almost the entire economy is associated with tourism business, but also the agricultural industry and industry and shipbuilding industry. Of course, local residents Catch fish, dilute livestock, grow flowers and fruits for exporting to other countries. Bermuda attracts not only wanting to warm up on the local sunshine, but also businessmen due to lack of taxes when performing operations by foreign companies.

On the islands, beautiful sandy beaches and many small cozy bays, subtropical nature pleases with bright shrubs, exotic trees and unusual colors. It should be noted that rivers, lakes and other reservoirs on the islands are practically no. Pink sand and turquoise sea is the main thing that remains in the heart of tourists.
Of course, in the Bermuda islands there is something to see, than admiring and thanks to what to learn more about the country and people who have created paradise on Earth.

Bermuda is famous for their national parks and gardens, endless paths for pedestrian and cycling, unusual museums and art galleries, national holidays and carnivals. Stunning excursions for meeting with dolphins are waiting for tourists at any time of the year and will give a charge of cheerfulness and good mood. Local craftsmen create works of applied art and in every city there is a market where artisans sell their crafts in the form of souvenirs and utilitarian things.

Cathedrals, churches, city buildings are stringent and southern beauty, old buildings remind of glorious historical events, which are full of Bermud's history. Many fortresses were built in past centuries and still persist in excellent condition and are the pride of the islanders.

Those tourists who come to Bermuda in March-April will definitely be lucky enough to see whales migrating along the southern shores.

Climate Bermud subtropical: soft sea moderate and warm, thanks to the passing golfranch. The average summer temperature is 26 ° C, winter is about 17 ° C. The rainy season is not observed, there are few precipitation. In the summer, strong hurricane winds are possible. Based on the fact that the islands of coral origin, the endemic fauna is not there and has never been. And in general, animal world Extremely monotony. Moreover, only one animal was found before the development of the islands, the Bermuda Rock Lizard. Later, many agricultural animals, lizards, toads and frogs were imported and acclimatized.
In the water area, Bermud should be fear of poisonous jellyfish - the so-called "Portuguese ships", sharks or other large animals are not found, since coral reefs prevent their settlement. On the territory of Bermud is the only Oll Reserve in his own way. As for the sea fauna, it is much more diverse - about 650 species of fish. In total, marine animals there are up to 5 thousand species. From Ornithofauna, it is necessary to highlight the pigeon-kahu - the disappearing view listed in the Red Book.
Flora Bermuda islands are brighter and rich. There are Pandanus, Pau-Pau, Bermuda Cedar, Yucca, Musmula, Oleander, Kazaarin, Hibiscus, Oliva, Palmetto, Bananas, Bougainvillea and others. Bermuda is a real kingdom of flowers, there are about a thousand species. Before the appearance on the islands of Europeans, Flora was also a lowest possible due to poor, non-fermentation soils and poor hydrodes - no inland waters on Bermudah. It is worth highlighting only one flower endemic - Bermudiana (blue-eyed).
Bermuda always attracted tourists with the most diverse interests. Someone seeks to solve the mystery of the Bermuda triangle, someone wants a wild beach holiday and ecotourism. Bermuda please guests and locals with serene sea, the beauty of the underwater world and the violence of paints of tropical flora.

Beach Southampton

Jobsons-Cove Beach

Jobson Cove Beach is one of the best beaches of one of the resort towns of Bermuda. It is the territory of Jobsons-Cove Beach that recently attracts more and more visitors, and in the peak of the summer season there is no free space. Jobsons-Cove Beach is located in the resort cities of St. George Bermuda Island.

Horschee Beach Beach

Horschee Bay Beach is a unique beach, the territory of the coastline of which has a quiet, peaceful, comfortable holiday. Horschee-Bay Beach is located in one of the resort towns of the Bermuda Islands of St. George. On the beachline of the beach is a cozy hotel in which you can visit a beautiful restaurant.

Beach Southampton

Southampton Beach is one of the most favorite places of diving lovers, as there is a very good seaside and very interesting underwater world. Southampton Beach is located in one of the resort towns of Bermuda Hamilton. On the territory of the beach of the beach you can rent all the most necessary for you.

Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo (BAMZ)

Dedicated to inspire people to admiration, understanding and care of the environment of the islands. Accredited by the Association of Zoo and Aquariums, BAMZ demonstrates more than 300 species of birds, reptiles and mammals of various oceanic islands. Along with the entertainment and educational idea, the organization also has its goal of a programming direction and environmental activities and research work with the support of the charity community - Bermud Zoological Society. The aquarium has become a house for more than 200 species of fish. Here is also a reproduction of live coral reef with its unique ecosystem with northern coast Bermud. Visitors also have the opportunity to learn about the unique Geology of Bermud in the interactive historical Museum of Nature, where the story of the birth of the island has originally existed as an underwater volcano with the help of audio / video demonstrations. Adults and children always come to delight from the zoo, it includes birds and animals, which are part of an international special program for the protection of rare and threatened animal disappearance. The territory includes miniature gardens, secluded paths, exciting views of Harrington Sound (Harrington Sound) and specialized territories for children's games. With the support of Zoological Society, Bermud Bamz organizes three-day educational tours to observe migratory whales. Address: 40 North Shore Rd Flatts Village Phone: 441 293-2727 Web: You can get from Hamilton and St. George buses number 10, 11. Opening hours: daily from 9:00 to 17:00. Christmas - day off.

Botanical gardens

Wherever you have visited Bermuda, it is difficult not to notice many colors and trees framing the edges of the roads. Many blooming trees growing on the islands fill with absolutely unusual aromas. One of the main attractions of Bermud is botanical gardens. 35 acres of well-kept, landscape park contain hundreds of identified colors, shrubs and trees, including a significant collection of subtropical fruit plants, hibiscus, banyan trees. Here are also the valves for exotic and pattering birds and the garden for the blind. Most the best way Acquaintance with the extensive space of gardens is a hiking tour that extends from Point Finger Road and lead to Berry Hill and South Shore Road. These routes organize the Botanical Society of Bermud, who wanted to commit these unforgettable walks on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30. Gardens themselves are open to free visits from 9:30 to 15:30 daily, except holidays. A handful shop is located on the territory, where you can buy absolutely unique souvenirs, as well as a specially designated place where you can have a snack. Botanical gardens are a traditional place where the Bermuda Annual Exhibition-Competition is held. For 3 days at the end of April, local farmers, schoolchildren and just lovers demonstrate their creations here, flowers, various handmade items and even cooked food. This event can really become an excellent entertainment for the whole family.

Royal Naval shipyard Bermud

Royal-Naval-Docyard. Royal Naval shipyard Bermud. Located on the very edge of the island of Airlund (Ireland) and is a majestic reflection of the History of Great Britain, since 1809, when the island was purchased for the construction of Fort. He is the main attraction of the western part of Bermud. It is located on its territory: Bermuda Maritime Museum, Bermuda Center for Arts, traditional pubs, shops and craft market. Bermuda Maritime Museum. The museum includes many buildings in which expositions and information on navigation, whacking, treasure exhibitions mined from a sea day, a variety of coins, etc. Municipal buildings are unique in their structure and design. The first building in this territory is the commission house - the first building in the world of such sizes, which was created from the finished cast cast iron blocks and framed by wrought iron. Located on Samoa high point Airlund islands (Ireland), the commission house offers completely amazing views of its northeastern part. Its numerous rooms are art galleries, exhibitions on the history of emigration of different nationalities and luxurious banquet halls that can be rented for various celebrations.
Crystal caves

Crystal Cave (CRYSTAL Cave) was found in 1884. Amazing in beauty in beauty and stalagmites, framing transparent azure water underground lakes were formed about 30 million years ago. Thanks to Icus lighting, such formations can be seen at the bottom of the lake. One of the first visitors who were distinguished by all this unique beauty, was the famous American writer Mark Twain. Fantasy Cave Cave. The opening of the cave dated 1907. After reconstructing bridges and reinstallation of lighting, it was re-opened in 2001. In Fantasy's cave, you can see rare, similar to the straw balustrades, are soda education hanging from the ceiling. The inner walls are covered with mineral deposits of calcite resembling frozen waterfalls. Underground water channels combine cave lakes with the ocean. These caves are really exciting imagination natural miracle And stand up to visit them. And the fact that they are interconnected, gives an excellent opportunity to do it for one tour. Opening hours: from 9:00 to 17:00 Address: Wilkinson Avenue, Bailey's Bay can be reached: from Hamilton and St. George buses №1, 3, 10, 11.

Hamilton Review Tour

The city has survived the buildings of the Victorian era, as well as later buildings performed in various architectural styles. The main attraction of the city is the Cathedral of Bermud, a pathos building performed in a neo-style style. Fort Hamilton, a majestic structure, built in the middle of the XIX century, deserves attention. The fortress is equipped with 10 inch guns capable of conducting hurricane fire on enemy ships. Very interesting Historical Museum. The exposition presents a rich collection of objects of the high geographical discoveries. The main attractions of the city can also be attributed to the Royal Square, City Town Hall, the most old building of the archipelago - the state residence (1620), as well as the "infant pillar" and the "rotating throne" - the place of public execution of criminals.

Sightseeing tour of St. George

An excursion from Kings Square Square (Kings Square) begins, originally called Market Squarer, which is located on the bay. In his western part of the town hall of the Town Hall, dating back 1782. In this building with beautiful cedar floors and ceilings, you will learn about mayrach of the city and see the signatures of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. The Bermuda National Museum of Trust is located in the northeastern part of Kings Squarer. This is an old building, which was and a hotel in the XIX century, and served as the office of the Confederation during the Civil War in America, finally opened as a museum in 1961. A detailed exposure is presented here, which tells about the role played by Bermuda during the Civil War in America. You can also watch a small video presentation called "Bermuda: the Atlantic Center", which tells about the facts of detecting and developing the island. Walking on the street, you will see a small bridge leading to the island of Ordnance, its sizes are very small, but it has two important monuments related to the origin of the British colony on Bermuda. Another important building is also located here - Bridge House (Bridge House), this is the most ancient residential building on the island. This house, which has the form of English. The letters L got its name in honor of the small wooden bridge, which is located opposite the building, and led once to the port. In the center of Kings Street) is State House, built in 1620, this state house is the oldest stone building on the island. Its walls are specifically designed in such a way as to withstand natural cataclysms. It functioned until 1815, until the capital of Bermud was transferred to St. George to Hamilton. Walking along Water Street, you can gain wonderful shops selling duty-free goods. St. George really looks amazing: modern shops located in ancient buildings. It gives great pleasure - stroll through the pedestrian streets of the city, free from transport and acquire several pretty souvenirs. The Tucker House Museum Bermuda (Tucker House Museum Bermuda) is also located here and on the right side of him the home of Henry Tucker, who was President of the Government Council. The Taurov family was one of the most influential families on Bermuda, the first representative of the family arrived here in the distant 1616. Across the road is the museum of the carriage. Almost every wealthy family in the city had its carriage, until 1940, it was the only type of transport on narrow streets of St. George. In the museum you will find a superbly preserved collection of these carriages. St. Peter's Church is located on Duke of York Street (Duke of York Street). The first time erected in 1612, this is the oldest Anglican Church located in the Western Hemisphere. Walking on the street Duke of Kent (Duke of Kent) from the city center, you can meet several more sights of St. George. One of them is the historic Public Museum of St. George. Furniture, all kinds of clothes and some works of art is just a part of the stunning collection located here. A little lower on the same street is an unfinished church. Stroining this elegant building began in 1870, when the Church of St. Peter was practically destroyed by water elements. But, unfortunately, the construction of an unfinished church has not been completed. Next, driving past golf courses (St George Bermuda Golf Course), you will reach the coast. Here is one of the most wonderful beaches of the Bermuda Islands - Tobaco Bay Beach (Tobacco Bay Weach). The thin strip of the hidden beach is very popular among passengers cruise shipsthat make stops in St. George. This is a great beach for sunbathing and snorkeling. And finally, Fort St. Katerina, located on rocky protracks with sandy beaches, this construction with massive walls, looks absolutely amazing on all sides.

Park Hog Bay

Hog Bay is the third largest (38 acres) Public Park on Bermuda. The western part borders with the ocean, East with the road Middle Road (Middle Road), in the south - with Woodlaw Road (Woodlawn Road). The park is called the name of the bay Hog (now his name Bay Pilchard), which, in turn, was called from wild boars, who were found here, victims of the sailors in 1609 it was assumed that these boars were descendants specially left here by Spanish Lavaders designed to be feeding for survivors after the crash of the sailors. At that time, the Earth was used to grow tobacco to export, which was in those times one of the priority classes in Bermuda. Throughout the XVIII-XX centuries, agriculture and animal husbandry flourished here. Several famous Bermuda families own a part of these lands from the XVII century. The territory that moved to the government is preserved carefully, while maintaining its original appearance, there are also buildings and monuments under sensitive supervision, which undoubtedly have archaeological, historical and aesthetic value. Visitors Hog Bay Park have an excellent opportunity to watch birds. Having risen on the picturesque Chigarloof Hill (Sugarloaf Hill) with attentive observation, here you can find more than 120 species of birds, including tropical orvort, purple chambers and diamond hawks.

Adventure with dolphins

"Imagine - look into the crystal clear depths of the tropical lagoon, as instantly inquisitive dolphins rushed to meet you ... They smoothly slide to you, you immerse yourself in the water next to them, your eyes meet, ... and you gently touch each other ... time spent With our dolphins leave an indelible impression in the heart and in memory, it is absolutely extraordinary experience, he is intimate, refreshing, illuminating and affectionate, facing dizzying impressions of mutual joy, care and learning. " Quest with dolphins on Bermuda offers a lot of various programs, when choosing which guests can spend from 5 minutes with dolphins or turn it into a multi-hour adventure. Every moment spent with the dolphin begins with a smile! Web:

St. George.

For its "outstanding worldwide value," St. George and its relative fortification facilities on November 30, 2000 were marked by the UNESCO World Heritage Site. St. George is one of the oldest towns of New World, British origin. Until today, he retained his charm and a unique character. The 400-year-old history of the city's existence is visible in the architecture of its buildings and numerous military structures. The mission of a special organization St. George is to invest in the development of the future city, providing cultural, educational and entertainment activities, which will be useful for both local residents and guests of the city in the present and generation of the future. One of the most interesting and extensive sights of the city are 3 forts. In ancient times, they defended the entrance to the harbor of St. George. The first, called Burt Point Fort ("The Burnt Point Fort") was built in 1688 to stop the illegal trade of local sailors. Farry Island Fort ("The Ferry Island Fort") is at some distance on a small island, the beginning of its construction is dated 1790, which was completely completed in 80 years. In 1823, Major Thomas Blincärd designed Matello Tower ("Matello Tower"). It is located on a hill a little further than two forts, was intended for guarding the coastline and adjacent lands. Today, Farry Point Park (Ferry Point Park) stretches throughout this territory, gently covering the ruins of these structures. Walking on his forest area is still possible to explore these 3 forts, or if you wish to enjoy the beauty of Lake Lovers ("Lovers Lake"). This is a great place to hold picnics, even on the weekend here quietly and calmly.
Fort St. Katerina
This is the largest of all historic ports on Bermuda, and one of the most exciting attractions. From this place views on the coast and the island itself is really ambitious. Nearby is the beach, where they went ashore after the shipwreck in 1607. The first settlers of the island. This is one of the early strengthening facilities, which served as defense from the Spaniards, French, and much later from the Americans. The fort in his original form, dated 1614, was built by Governor Richard Maur to protect the main bay where colonists lived. In the future, he was even more strengthened and expanded. 1865-1878, it is the year of the massive reconstruction of the fort. At the beginning of 1900., Fort St. Katerina served as a platform for military teachings of the local and British army. A lot of artillery cannons, tunnels, bastions and divergent bridges have been preserved here. The fort was re-opened in February 2000 after reconstruction due to serious damage caused by the 1999 hurricane. Here are the reproductions of the Treasures of the British Crown, the fascinating series of diamers displaying the early history of Bermud, a new 53 inch screen located in the theater. Visitors also have the opportunity to watch the rare exposition of antique weapons, audio / video presentation of other ports of Bermud and their history, as well as records from the history of British regiments who have served on Bermuda. Fort Holy Katerina is also available for group tours, for various celebrations, events and corporate functions. During World War II, an American indicator loop was installed here. This is the first coastal sign visible to tourists on cruise ships. The sea route itself is a bit north, this is the place of the wharf sea transport and cruise ships. Fort is out of reach public transport Bermud, but it can be reached on a local mini bus, taxi or rented moped.

Communication. The necessary phones

Unified Salvation Service (fire service, police and ambulance) - 911.

Salvation Coordination Center - 297-1010.

Central police station - 295-0011.

Dispatch Center for the Memorial Clinic named after the King Eduard - 236-2345.

The telecommunications system of Bermud is estimated as modern and fairly developed. The number of telephone lines here practically coincides with the number of residents of the country. For more than a century, the Bermuda Telephone Company Limited (BTC) company opened its first station on July 18, 1887 serviced on the islands.

Local phone numbers consist of 7 digits. Public telephones having direct access to international linesare almost everywhere. The machines operate on prepayment telephone cards, and on the territory of Bermud, you can use USA, Canada and Great Britain cards, like Prepaid Global Calling Cards (nominal $ 10, $ 25 and $ 50).

International code of the country - + 1-441. Code of access to the international line - 011. Intercity codes are not used - all local settlements and islands refer to one service zone.

National holidays

march-April - Easter.

On June 11-12 - Queen's birthday (unofficial holidays in honor of Queen's birthday are also held on the third Saturday of April).

Culinary traditions of the islands are based on European and American traditions. In view of the deceom of Bermud before the arrival of Europeans, the ancient roots are completely not traced here - almost all the dishes came to the local cuisine from the countries of the old world, only some methods of seafood processing are inherited from the islanders of the Caribbean region.
National food:
Local "sea delicacies" include the seasoned with traditional black Roma from the sea perch or Luziana (Snpepper), seasoned with sherry or roma ear shark meat with pepper, fried cod with pepper and sherry sauce, crucible pies, so-called "Sunday breakfast" - a huge bastard with fried cod, potatoes, eggs, bananas and avocado under the onion-tomato sauce, famous Bermuda lobsters (seasonal dish, can be found in the menu from September to mid-April), the cake with mussels stewed in vegetables and sink sauce all Types, Bifstex from Wahu (Royal Macrel), Fried Cut with vegetables, seafood salads, liver on coals with Bananas of Luciana, delicious "Guinea Chic" (baked solar lobster) and fried Cuban yard.
All sorts of vegetables, "Hoofpin-John" are served to fish dishes - a mixture of boiled black peas and rice, as well as cereal flour cakes with peas and rice, a specific Bermuda bow, rice with sauces and characteristic of all island roasted bananas regions "Toostones ". Another characteristic locally dish is a Pie from Manioki, which is attributed to the salvation of the first settlers from hunger.
All sorts of fruits are usually served for dessert, including local citrus fruits, sweet potato pudding, jelly from grapes and jam from Musmula.
Bermud is considered Rum Golsing "S Bermuda Black Seal and numerous cocktails based on it, including a roma cocktail with lemon juice, bitter tincture and sugar, called" Swisl ", as well as roma cocktails with ginger beer. In all The stores sell a variety of imported beer varieties and other alcoholic beverages.

Stores usually work from Monday to Saturday from 09.00 to 17.00, however, on Thursday, many of them close pretty early - usually about 15.00-16.00.
Stores in Royal-Naval-Dinkyard are usually open on Sundays from 10.00 to 17.00. Not accepted to bargain in local trading establishments.


Most restaurants service costs (about 10-15% of the total) is usually included in the account. In hotels, tip service personnel are not accepted, as they are also usually included in the account. Hotels add a special tax in the amount of 7.5% (included in the rate of residence) and some additional fees. Swiss and porters at the airport and hotels are usually given a few dollars for services, taxi drivers expect tips in the amount of 10-15% of the passage, but it is quite acceptable to round the amount in the big face.

Hotel booking system advises a large selection of funds for the placement of the main administrative centers of the Bermuda Islands.
We offer hotel rooms of different categories not only for business guests of the Bermuda islands, but also for arriving with tourist purposes. The most popular among guests in the Bermuda are traditionally cities: Bermuda O-VA, etc. In each of the following cities, we recommend the wonderful choice of online booking hotels.
In case you need visa support, we recommend contacting the visa department to determine the conditions for obtaining a tourist or business visa of the Bermuda Islands.

Entertainment on the Bermuda Islands

Nowadays, the Bermuda, famous for Somers, only cedar forests and harsh natural conditions, turned into one large resort area, famous for coral reefs, beautiful beaches made of pink sand, beautiful gardens, quiet coves and purest water.

In addition to relaxing on the magnificent beaches, guests of the islands can devote time to diving, snorkelling, horse riding, boats, cricket, rugby; There are numerous tennis courts, 8 professional golf courses, spa centers, centers water species Sports and more. On the islands you can find a wide variety of hotels with all sorts of accommodation options, more than 150 restaurants: from democratic to extremely elegant and sophisticated.


The archipelago is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, east of the United States. It occupies the area of \u200b\u200bonly 53 square kilometers as a result of active volcanic activity and consists of 157 islands. The Bermuda Archipelago was opened in 1503 by the Spanish Maritime Magistan Juan Bermudes, having received the gloomy name of the "Devil Island" subsequently. A lot of ships crashed here in the old days. Until now, lucky treasures are found on sea Dn. Treasures of British shopping ships and Spanish galleons.

Bermuda ( former Islands Somers) are located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, near the shores of North America, at a distance of 1046 km east of Cape Gatteras (North Carolina Coast, USA). The archipelago consists of 7 large and about 131 small coral islands surrounded by reefs (about 230), of which only 12 are inhabited. Eight of the largest islands of the central group are interconnected by a network of bridges and overpasses with a total length of about 40 km, forming the so-called "main island "- Mainic Island, which occupies 95% of the area of \u200b\u200bIsland Sushi (the locals call him just the" island "). The remaining islands are scattered over the surface of the ocean, occupying the territory of almost 1100 square meters. km. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago itself is only 53.3 square meters. km.

Tourist areas of the Bermuda Islands

Beautiful beaches are framed by almost all Bermud's coast. The greatest number The first-class beach hotels are concentrated on the southern coast of the islands, including in the area of \u200b\u200bHorschee Bay Bay, Warwick-Long Bay and Jobsons-Cove.

Honored fame enjoy the beaches of Elbo Beach near Hamilton, Clearwater Beach and Tartl-Bay near St. David, as well as the exotic coastline of the Exotic Gulf of John-Smith-Bay in the Padetsky district. Great swimming and dives are located in the bay of Church-Bay in Southampton County, in Mangrove Bay Bay, Black Bay, Parsons Bay, Shelly Bay, Sommerset-Long Bay, Warwick-Long Bay, Chaplin Bay, Church-Bay, West-Weyl Bay, as well as in the bay of Tobacco Bay north of Cen George and in an isolated Clarence Cove bay.

Bermuda beaches are famous for white sand with an amazing pink shade, extremely rarely found in nature. The most pink sand can be found on the island of Bermuda, on the segment of the coast between the Bay of Vorvik-Long and the Bay of Horsche. On the Bermuda islands there are both public and private beaches owned by hotels. Public beaches are closed in the dark. There are no beaches for nudists on Bermuda.

Best public beaches

Horsche Bay is the most popular beach about. Bermuda, so here is often quite crowded. The beach is located in a bay having a shape of a horseshoe and framed by picturesque rocks. On the beach there are bars with soft drinks and ice cream, equipment rental points for snorkelling; Here you can also find sun beds, umbrellas, souls, changing booths, etc. A secluded plot in the western part of the beach, characterized by calm waters, is particularly suitable for children.

Jobsons-Kav is a beach in a tiny, idyllic bay surrounded by serene cliffs. Only a few beaches of the world can be compared to beauty with Jobsons-Kav. The sea in this place is calm, petty, with a gentle sandy bottom.

Tobacco Bay is the most popular beach about. Saint George. Here you can not only relax, but also engage in stunning snorkelling between impressive rocky formations. Tobacco bay also left his mark in the history of the islands: Local conspirators were loaded on the whale vessel hundreds of tons of gunpowder, drunk in the English store on the island and intended to the Americans as aid in the war with the British. In response, Congress removed the embargo from the Bermuda, imposed on the UK and all her colonies.

Vorvik-Long-Bay - the beach, even in the midst of the summer season remaining a little alive: the length of the beach strip is 8 km. In the windy days, sufficiently strong waves rise here.

West Vale Bay - a small beach on west coast about. Bermuda. In April here you can see whales migrating in search of food. Whees can be observed from the fort located on the hill, or from a boat specifically located to the sea to observe animals. West Vale Bay is an ideal place for contemplating the beautiful sunset sun.

For newlyweds

Bermuda islands are an ideal place for holding a honeymoon and wedding ceremonies. Special island traditions will turn the wedding in the most romantic event in the life of the couple.

Traditional Bermuda Wedding assumes two wedding cakes: one for the bride and one for the bride. Three-core bride fruit cake, covered with silver icing, symbolizes the sweetness of the wedding, and the one-stricken groom cake, covered with gold glaze, is prosperous. Both cake are decorated with tiny cedar trees that a couple can plant anywhere in the island - and the tree for many years will personify their growing love.

The bride and groom should go through one of the stone rings ("Lunar Gate"), adorning the island, make a desire and expect guaranteed prosperity and joy in the future. Kiss in front of the arches - a deposit of long and happy life together.

From the place of marriage to the hotel, a couple delivers a romantic wagon drawn by horses and decorated with flowers and ribbons. The driver of the cart is dressed in a solemn costume with blue bemuda, knee pads and a white hat.

  • Over the Bermuda Islands pass lines of air report from the USA and Canada to Europe, Central and South America. Due to the series of inexplicable disasters of airplanes and vessels in the space between the Bermuda, Antilles and Bahamas, the term Bermuda triangle appeared.
  • From 1941 to 1995 - throughout the 2nd world and cold wars - in the Bermuda waslands there were several naval and military air bases of the United States and the UK, which occupied 11% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands.

Most people have Bermuda islands associated with the famous Bermuda triangle and many fantastic theories that explain the mystical disappearance in this mysterious area. Nevertheless, scientists and analysts of the whole world have long confirmed that these are just speculation, and the number of ships disappeared here is no more than in other places of the planet.

To date, the Bermuda islands are an integral part of the British Commonwealth and one of the most famous resorts of the Atlantic Ocean with a whole scolding of luxury hotels, beautiful beaches and flowering parks. The key to such popularity of the islands are their natural beauty, magnificent climate, crystal clear waters and pink sand. And here you can afford both a serene rest on the beaches and in hammocks and active pastime with horse riding, diving and nightlife.


Number of population

Population density

1275 people / km²



23% - British,

18% - Protestants,

15% - Catholics,

11% - Other denominations

Form of government

a constitutional monarchy

bermuda dollar


UTC-4, UTC-3 (in summer)

International Area Code

Domain zone on the Internet


Climate and weather

The weather conditions of the Bermuda islands forms a moderate marine climate, as well as the flow of Gulf Stream, which maintains a relatively smooth temperature (not higher than +29 ° C). In mid-day, air heats up to +26 ° C and above, and in winter, sometimes the temperature drops to +15 ... + 18 ° C. There is no rainy season on Bermuda, but short-term tropical showers still happen. Basically, comfortable sunny weather prevails on the islands.

The best time for the trip to Bermuda is the period from April to October.


Bermuda is located in the north-west of the Atlantic Ocean, at a distance of 900 km from North America. The archipelago includes 7 major and more than 130 small islands of coral origin, of which only 12 are inhabited. Eight large islands are connected by a network of bridges and overpasses, forming the so-called "Island" Maye Island. Its relief is pretty hilly, and the coastline is cut by a variety of bays with sandy beaches.

The vegetation of all islands is mainly represented by shrubs and exotic trees. Rivers, streams and lakes on the islands are absent.


The main attractions of Bermud are excellent coral reefs, beautiful gardens, pink sand bays and purest water. However, in addition, there are many interesting buildings and historical monuments.

The "heart" of the Bermuda islands is the capital of Hamilton, where most commercial and governmental institutions are concentrated. On his main street, Front Street, there are many old Victorian buildings, which are notable for hanging verandas, apricot gardens and limestone fences.

Among the most popular tourist facilities of the city is worth highlighting cathedral of Bridge Holi Trinity, Fort Hamilton, Senate Building, House of Assembly, Monument Kenotaf, Park Pa La Ville, Victoria Park, Gardens Mary-Jean Mitchell and Bermuda Rose-Sisayeti, Bermuda Historical Museum, Gallery Desmond-Fontaine And the National Gallery.

It is also recommended to visit cave Cave Cave and Aquarium Bermud. In addition, not far from Hamilton are such interesting places as blue How Park with a lot of birds, natural aquarium Daivis How And great botanical gardens.

No less interesting and city of Saint George, who is listed World Heritage UNESCO. Among his numerous attractions it is necessary to name Royal Square, City Town Hall, "Shallow Pillars", State Residence and Somers Garden.

Also notable Island Island Island, which is connected with St. George with a small bridge. It can boast such interesting objects as old Church of Cent-Peters Cherch, Statue of Sir Somers, 85-meter Lighthouse Saint-David, Takcker House Museum, "Unfinished Church", National Trust Museum and Historical Museum of Cent George.

In addition, it is worth a visit Island Island, who is interested in Fort Royal Naval-Docyardon the territory of which there is Center for Arts, Bermuda Maritime Museum, Craft Market And many shops. Also on this island it is recommended to inspect the fortress tower Klok Towerhistorical alley Klok Tower, Michael Svana Gallery and Lagoon Park.

If we talk about the natural attractions of Bermud, numerous national parks and reserves should be noted, for example, Nonsach-Island Island, where it lives kahu (extinct Bermuda dove).

In addition, the Islands created the Reserved Zones of the underwater world:

  • sir Hughes Reserve;
  • Cooper Island;
  • Charlis Island;
  • Dzhilbert Neche Reservation;
  • Hangry Bay;
  • Castle Island.


Bermuda are one of the most popular and visited resorts. of this regionSo here you can find institutions with a variety of menus, from European to Caribbean. If we talk about national culinary traditions, they are based on American and English cuisines. The main product of local chefs are all sorts of seafood, which they are simply prepared by virtuoso.

Therefore, in any restaurant you can try such delicacies like sharp sharp meat soup, famous Bermuda lobsters, ear of sea perch with black rum and roast cod with sherry sauce. Also universally suited to taste " sunday breakfast"(Fried cod with potatoes, bananas, eggs and avocado), cake with mussels, bipfstex from wahu (Royal Macrel), Salads from seafood and fried Cuban yard. As a side dish, most often served "HOOPPIN-JOHN" (a mixture of black pea and rice), cereal flour with rice and peas, fried bananas " toosoness", Bermuda onions, all sorts of vegetables and rice with sauces.

It is also worth trying a local tart from Manioki, who, by the way, saved from the famine of the first settlers Bermud.

For dessert, all sorts of fruits are offered here, Jam from musmulaJelly from grapes and sweet potato pudding. In addition, it is recommended to try local honey. He is quite expensive, but his taste you will remember for a long time.

The main drink of Bermud is Rum Golsing "S Bermuda Black Seal, as well as cocktails based on it, for example, "Swisl" (rum, lemon juice, bitter tincture and sugar). In addition, other alcoholic beverages are also widely represented here, including a variety of imported beer varieties.


Bermuda hotels are able to satisfy the requests of almost any rest. Most of them are resort hotels with excellent services and comfortable rooms. Meals in many of them are organized in a buffet format, however, breakfast in the price is not always included. Moreover, on the territory of the most luxurious hotels there are fitness centers, spa salons, golf courses and tennis courts. In addition, many hotels offer rental scooters. Also, a pleasant feature of some establishments are culinary weekends, within which professional cooks teach guests to cook and read lectures on proper nutrition.

It is worth saying that most of all a variety of hotels and hotels are both luxurious and budget - focused on Maine Island Island. However, other islands also have many accommodation options. In addition, on Bermudah, you can always rent a villa, cottage or apartments.

Entertainment and recreation

Bermuda is an ideal place to relax: the number of types of entertainment on the islands promises excellent pastime even the most demanding. Fans of outdoor activities here are invited to do any species. water sports: diving, yachting, underwater hunting, water skiing and surfing. Also on the Bermuda islands, golf, cricket and tennis, so there are full of clubs and schools dedicated to these sports. In addition, ecotourism is widespread on the islands, offering to observe with rare birds, to explore underground caves And wander around the magnificent reserves and botanical gardens.

The main place of rest on Bermudah is beaches with pale pink sand. And here there are both public and private beaches. Horsche Bay, Jobsons-Kav, Tobacco Bay, West-Weyl Bay and Elboy Beach near Hamilton, were recognized as the best public beaches. Almost all beaches have sun beds, cafes and restrooms work.

But Bermuda is famous not only by the beaches. Popular Luxury Restaurants, Nightclubs and Reggae Beach Parties, which will certainly enjoy fans of a noisy rest and cheerful companies. If we talk about family holidayFor him, there are also many interesting options here. Among them are to highlight races on the rafts, rides on horse crews, swimming with dolphins in Marine Museum, visit the zoo, aquarium and underwater institution, as well as excursions to underground crystalline caves and numerous reserves.

Besides entertainment Bermuda includes many festivals, holidays and carnivals. Among them, the most famous are:

  • Caribbean music festival;
  • Bermuda Reggae Festival;
  • festival "Bermuda Tatu";
  • Spring Student Festival;
  • Bermuda International Film Festival;
  • Song Castle Competition;
  • holiday "Dinkyard-Illormarenichn" and many others.


Bermuda islands are duty-free zone, so the goods from the EU countries are an order of magnitude cheaper than on the continent. Most of all major shopping centers and a variety of stores are concentrated in Hamilton, Devonshireand Saint George. It is there that can buy fashionable clothes of famous brands, a magnificent Scottish cashmere, high-quality italian products From leather and many other excellent goods at affordable prices.

Souvenirs are better to purchase not in shopping centers, but in small specialized shops, since the choice is larger there, and the quality is often better. In such establishments, it is primarily recommended to pay attention to all sorts of tropical crafts from wood, seashells and straws (hats, decorations, baskets, etc.), as well as local rum. In addition, all sorts of T-shirts, magnets, toys and dishes with symbols of the islands are universally sold.

Payment in all stores is made by Bermuda dollars, US dollars and credit cards. Another currency for payment in stores is not accepted, but it can always be exchanged in local banks.

Usually, almost all stores are open from 09:00 to 17:00, but on Thursdays, many of them finish their work early (about 15:00).


Bermuda Airport Wade It is the only one international Airport Bermuda. It is located 16 km from the city of Hamilton and is connected to it a regular bus service. Between all the populated islands, passenger ferries run.

Public transport on Bermuda is represented by buses, taxis, small trains and tourist horsepower. The streets in all cities are narrow, so the maximum speed of movement here is 35 km / h. The main way of movement around the city is a bus service. Buses run from 7:00 to 23:00. Travel tickets are sold from drivers, and travel - in large stores. All buses stop at the first request of passengers.

A good alternative buses are a taxi. Moreover, many of them can conduct a familiarity excursion (cars with a blue flag on the hood). The fare target is $ 4 for landing and first mile and 1.4 $ for subsequent miles.

Car rental on Bermuda is prohibited. The fact is that the workload of the roads on the islands is very high, in connection with which traffic jams and parking problems often happen here. However, in any city you can rent a scooter. It is worth noting that the movement on Bermuda left-sided, which is rather unusual for most tourists.


The telecommunications system of the Bermuda islands can be called quite developed and quite modern. Public telephones with access to international lines are almost everywhere. They work on plastic cards that are sold in any supermarket or street kiosk. In addition, on the territory of Bermud, telephone maps of companies of the United Kingdom, USA and Canada, for example, Prepaid Global Calling Cards are operating.

Mobile communications is carried out in the GSM 1900 standard and covers almost the entire territory of the islands. International roaming is available to subscribers of all major operators. Local Standard Phones can rent in mobile companies (Wireless Ltd and Bermuda & West Indies Ltd) and in specialized kiosks.

Network technologies on the islands are well developed. 24-hour internet access is provided in almost all hotels. In addition to this B. major cities (Hamilton, Saint George, etc.) works many internet cafes. The cost of their services is $ 3-5 per hour.


Bermuda island recognized as one of the most safe seats In the Western Hemisphere of the Earth. Crime is practically absent here, and violent offenses are considered to be something out of a series of outgoing. Therefore, for personal safety, it is recommended to simply comply with general precautions.

It is necessary to take into account that in most institutions, as well as in all public places, smoking is strictly prohibited, and the violation of this ban is punished with a huge fine. A similar measure of punishment is waiting for those who squeeze alcohol in public places.

No special vaccinations for a trip to Bermuda are not needed. The level of medical care is very high here. Water water is safe, however, in the first days of staying on the islands, it is advised to drink bottled water.

Sharks and other dangerous marine animals on most beaches are absent. True, from March to July in the waters of the open ocean around the islands, large clusters are registered " portuguese ships", Which are extremely poisonous. Therefore, with dives and swimming in open Ocean It is necessary to follow precautions.

Business climate

The main source of income of the Bermuda islands is tourism, and the industry is represented mainly by enterprises for the repair of ships and manufacturing boats, as well as for the production of pharmaceuticals and building materials. In this regard, approximately 80% of food consumed on the islands is imported from abroad.

The main economic advantage of the islands is the fact that literally all operations of foreign companies are completely freed from taxes. Thanks to this, Bermuda is the most important financial center where more than 6 thousand large and small foreign companies have been registered.

The property

In June of the current year, the Government of the Bermuda islands made a number of changes in the law on property, thanks to which the purchase of real estate by foreign citizens became more affordable. According to the new provisions of this law, foreign citizens can acquire twice as much more real estate than before. In addition, now residents of Bermud are allowed to sell their property to foreigners without any licenses or permits, however, only in cases where the market value of real estate does not exceed $ 177,000.

Of course, these new provisions aroused increased interest in all Bermuda real estate objects - both residential and commercial. Moreover, analysts suggest that local real estate prices are jumped in the near future, as large foreign investors are very interested in investing their capital here.

Residents of the Bermuda islands are friendly, polite and democratic. However, it is worth keeping in mind that beachwear and swimsuits outside the beaches are unacceptable here. To visit almost all restaurants, evening clothing will need, and in many fashionable institutions there is a strict dress code. Tips in most restaurants and hotels are not accepted, since they are usually incorporated in advance.


To visit the Bermuda islands to citizens of the Russian Federation, who have a valid visa of Canada, Great Britain or the United States, a separate visa is not required. In this case, on the border it is necessary to present a passport with visas of the specified countries and the return tickets (or tickets to the third country).

Citizens of the Russian Federation, who do not have the above visas, it is necessary to contact the Consular Department of the UK Embassy (Moscow, Smolenskaya Nab., \u200b\u200bD.10) or Consulate General (St. Petersburg, ul. Proletarian Dictatorship, D.5).

The maximum stay in the Bermuda is three months.

In the Atlantic Ocean, to Yu. V. from North. America; Colony of Great Britain. Opened at the beginning of the XVI century. Span. The navigator Juan Bermudes and named after you the devil from for difficult navigation conditions. In 1519, the name of the discovere room is assigned about you ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Bermuda - (Bermuda), archipelago consisting of approx. 150 O West in Zap. Parts of the Atlantic, Possession of Great Britain. For the first time, the island populated by the Virginian company had the oldest Parliament in the new world (from 1620). Economy Brit, colonies based on ... ... The World History

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 Country (281) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Bermuda - (Bermuda) Information about the Bermuda, Geography, Nature and Climate Bahamas Islands Information about the Bermuda, Geography, Nature and Climate of the Bahamas, Political Device Content Content 1. History 2. Geography 3. ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

Coordinates: 32 ° 20'00 "p. sh. 64 ° 45'00 "s. d. / 32.333333 ° С. sh. 64.75 ° ... Wikipedia

- (Bermuda), in the Atlantic Ocean, near North America. Possession of Great Britain. Total about 150 islands. 53.3 km2. Population of 61 thousand people (1990). Height up to 79 m. Administrative center Hamilton (Bermuda Island). * * * Bermuda ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (BERMUDA) A group of coral islands (about 300) in the Atlantic Ocean, 900 km to V. from the mainland North America. Colony of Great Britain. Area 53.3 km2. Population of 50 thousand people. (1966), Bermuds. Administrative center Hamilton. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

BERMUDA - the ownership of the United Kingdom in the Northwest part of the Atlantic Ocean, takes over 150 islands; Of these, no more than 20 are inhabited (10 islands are connected by bridges and overpass and form the so-called main island (Ming Ayland). Total area ... ... cities and countries

Also about Va Somers is an isolated group over 300 islets, reefs and rocks in the Atlantic Ocean, which occupies the surface of only 50 square meters. km and component of special English governorate. About VA B. Located at 32 ° 20 SET. shir And ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Bermuda) about Va in North. Zap. Parts of the Atlantic Ocean, the ownership of the UK. The first brands were prepared and vol. Epolester W. B. Pen in 1848. They are an impression of a round stamp with the inscription (eng.) "Hamilton. Bermuda, "year ... ... Big Filatelectric Dictionary


  • Perfect vacation of death, Harris Charlin, Frost Jann, Kelner Tony. The most frightening stories from the masters of the genre! Do you need a beautiful girl to be afraid of the vampire if he is her bodyguard? Having started his work, friends woke up in the bowels of the old town of the ancients ...
  • I want to be a janitor, Mikhail Weller. Edition 1996. Safety is good. The book includes cycles of the stories: "Horse perverse", "But those are those who are", "Randevu with the celebrity", "Bermuda" and "different ...

See also: