What a cathedral is near the Tavrichesky Park. Tavrichesky Garden: Familiar and Unusual

Built in 1783-1789. This ensemble became one of the monuments of Russia's victory in the wars of the late XVIII century. His owner was the participant of the victorious wars G. A. Potemkin. The Palace with a garden was built on Potemkin's personal funds, bought out the treasury and returned to Catherine II as an imperial gift together with the gift of the title of the bright prince Taurisual.

One of the contemporaries of the creation of the Tauride Garden wrote:

"One-minded area of \u200b\u200bthe plot is quickly transformed. The smooth terrain of the korozdili channels; the land, taken out of the ponds formed, was located along the shores around the picturesque hills. Ponds and channels were drawn up with a stone, and the hills were covered with a turden. The winding tracks crossed the terrain.

An English gardener William Guld was engaged in the initial layout and breakdown of the Tauride Garden. There were two ponds connected by ducts in the southern part of the Saber's river in the southern part of the Tauride Garden. Ponds were filled with water from the Ligovsky Canal, the reservoirs were launched. From the soil, removed during the structure of the ponds, the species slides were embanked.

Two islands were created in the southern part of the Big Pond, one of them planted with trees. In the northern part of the big island, a high hill was poured, from which it became a view of the palace. Big Island He became connected to the shore two bridges, one of which was created by the mechanic Ivan Kulibin. This bridge was performed in 1793 according to the model of a not constructed wooden bridge over the Neva at 1/10 of the genuine value.

The Tauride Garden was surrounded by a bars and moat with a river through which wood bridges. Most trees were planted at the edges of the site, thus burning it off from urban development.

In the Tauride Garden in 1793-1794, two pedestrian metal bridges established the first crossings with metal spans in St. Petersburg. They were manufactured at the Sestroretsky weapon plant under the leadership of the architect K. Shpecl. A spit one of them has a length of 10.6 meters, the second is 13 meters.

In 1794, on the project F. I. Volkov in the Tauride garden, a garden master house was built (Potetkinskaya st., 2), other service buildings, fence and stone access bridge. Also architect here were erected by greenhouse and greenhouses, garden bridges and benches. Watermelons, melons, peaches, apricots and pineapples were grown in the greenhouse. A gazebo called "Admiralty" was built on the banks of the big pond. This gazebo was kept boats for water trips.

At the end of the XVIII century, the tile and korch streets connected the streets of Potemkinskaya and the Tauride, which limited the Tavrichesky Garden from the East and the West. The northern part of the estate has become limited to a warm street. At the beginning of the 1800s, the southern part of the garden was limited to the barracks of the Preobrazhensky regiment with a prolonged korchny street.

Immediately after the creation, the Tauride garden was closed to public visits. Since he was carried out in the maintenance of the imperial yard, it was contained in excellent condition. In the ponds of the Tauride Garden floated swans, peacocks walked on lawns. Foreign guests arrived in St. Petersburg often drove here for a walk. The Persian Prince of Hoshrov-Mirza in 1829 presented the naval seal garden, which was released into a large pond.

In 1804, the poet Alexander Izmailov wrote:

Garden Tauride beautiful!
As I love in you I be
Although my worst
And you can't exterminate.
Only one nature
You have beauty,
Just all in you: and water,
And trees, and flowers.

In 1815, the first steamer "Elizabeth" in Russia was tested in the Tavrician Garden. This steamer was constructed by installing a steam engine on an ordinary boat. In 1816, the Kulibin Bridge was disassembled. In 1822, a fence with a stone gate was built by architect L. Charmander along the Tavrician street. She separated the site adjacent to the apartment owners, called the "sovereign courtyard". In 1861, the newspaper "Northern Bee" wrote:

"According to the highest command from the 24th of this year, the Tauride Garden, with the exception of a greenhouse and a fruit garden, is open to public festivities ... the entrance to the garden is appointed from the Tavrichesky Street, through the so-called courtyard sores."

Thus, the Tavrichesky Garden has become publicly available. In the gazebo "Admiralty" merchants Solvyuv and Makarov, a restaurant was organized. In 1875, a two-story pavilion was built instead of the burnt gazebo. In the winter in the Tauride Garden, Petersburgers skating and ice mountains.

Various public organizations worked in the Tauride Garden. Among them: Society for the physical development of children, Ladies' charitable society, Cavalry school. At the corner of Potemkinskaya and korch, the society of the guardianship of folk sobriety is located. They built the theater here, one of the most popular garden institutions. In 1910-1914, an exhibition pavilion was built in the northeastern part of the garden for the Imperial Russian Russian Society of Gardening. After 1917, this pavilion was rebuilt into a two-storey garage.

The active social use of the Tauride Garden led him to a deplorable state. The newspaper "People's Time" in 1914 wrote:

"It began with the fact that a significant part of his territory took a guardianship about folk sobriety. Then it was necessary to cut the old shady trees for some reason ... Society of laun-tennis players, not satisfied with a few years ago, now burned some ridiculous platform ... Then another society appeared - Horticulture, an enormous brick building erected on the edge of the garden ... "

Since 1932, the Tauride Garden has become called a park of culture and rest of the name of the first five-year plan. In the park built attractions, pop, cinema, club. Alley received names: drummers, youth ... Despite renaming, the park among Leningrads was called a Tavrichesky garden.

During the blockade of Leningrad on the Tauride Garden, 43 fugasar bombs were reset, many incendiary bombs. There was a training of recruits before sending them to the front. In the garden was organized repair of cars returned from life of life. On November 5, 1941, an air battle occurred over the Tavrician garden. The pilot Alexei Sevastyanov rammed a German plane, whose fragments fell into the territory of the garden. The pilot of the enemy aircraft managed to catapult, it was caught on Mayakovsky Street.

Immediately after the end of the blockade in the Tauride Garden there were gardens of children's hospitals of Smolninsky district of Leningrad. Then, under the direction of the architect D. S. Goldgora, work began on its recovery. Rollers, a boat station, a new stage and a summer pavilion were built. In the 1950s, a two-story garage was rebuilt into the first Panoramic cinema in Leningrad. Outdoor November 7, 1958, the cinema called "Leningrad Panorama". Later he became known called "Leningrad".

In 1956, the garden began to be called a city children's fleet, he was submitted to the city department of public education. In 1957, a monument of V. I. Lenin was installed at the entrance to the park.

On November 10, 1962, a monument to the "Young Heroes of the Defense of Leningrad" was opened here. His authors were A. I. Alimov, F. A. Hepner, I. N. Kostyuhina and V. S. Novikova. This monument became the first monument in Leningrad dedicated to the kids in Leningrad.

Since the 1960s, the Tauride Garden began to be actively used as a place for children leisure and rest. The stadium was built here, organized a figure skating school, a club of young cosmonauts. In the summer, the pioneer camps worked here. As a result, the garden again had to restore.

For restoration works, the garden in 1985 was transferred to the urban trust of exploitation of green plantings. He returned the historical name - the Tavrichesky Garden. However, there were no money for the necessary work. Ponds continued to fill the garbage, and the lawns are pulled out. The Tauride Garden has significantly suffered from mass divisions of dogs by residents of nearby houses.

In 1990, the bust of the composer P. I. Tchaikovsky was installed in the southwestern part of the Tauride Garden, in 1995 - Monument to Poet S. A. Yesenin. Since 1999, restoration work began. The bridges and dam were restored to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, new trees were planted. Lawns and tracks were updated. In the Tauride Garden settled six swans.

Last time became very popular pedestrian excursions in the city. Travel agency "Silver Ring" is also not lagging behind and launched a series of interesting urban walks. I could not miss this and decided to lie in the city organized. Chose a tour of the "Tavrichesky Garden - the Purchase and Sobiless". I had my interest in it. The fact is that my sister lives next to Tavriche. The difference in the age of us is big, so in our school years I often hung in Tavric with her daughters :))) This is how many people call the Tavrician garden. In the garden I was not many years, and I really wanted to refresh the memories.

Well what do you say. The Tauride Garden has not changed almost. All the same alleys and even benches! (Maybe new, but these were there before), shady trees and green lawns. Previously, try to go on the lawn, now please.

However, we'll start in order. We met with our guide Natalia near the metro station Chernyshevskaya. Got acquainted. Learn an interesting thing. It turns out on one of the pre-revolutionary metro projects, the station "Tavrichesky Garden" was faced. But the project remained on paper, and we went on foot towards the Potemkinskaya Street of the Korch, which for me remained the street Saltykov - Shchedrin.

Crocodile from Moidodyra, Major Kovaleva's nose, the first steamer in Russia, the same Kulibin and the first landscape park of St. Petersburg, and still Sherlock Holmes and Musketeers. Do you think I played fantasy? No! All of this you will learn if you go for a walk with Natalia in the Tauride Garden. I do not want to describe everything in detail, but I still want to tell a little interesting :)))

The Tauride Garden met us with an open gate, a green fence and crowds of walking people.

In the plan, the Tauride Garden is the exact square with a side of about 550 m. The garden appeared at the Tauride Palace built in 1783-1789, created on the personal funds of Grigory Potemkin. An English gardener William Guld was planning and broken down the garden.

At the place of a small river, the samoretum was pulled out two ponds and joined them with ducts, which were filled with water from the Ligoval Canal. In the ponds dwells the sterling and beluga running there, swans swam. At one time there lived a seal who was presented by the Persian Prince. From the soil, removed during the structure of the ponds, the species slides were embanked. Also created two islands, one of them planted with trees. In the northern part of the big island, a high hill was poured, from which it became a view of the palace. The big island became connected to the shore of two bridges, one of which was created by the mechanic Ivan Kulibin. This bridge was performed in 1793 according to the model of a not constructed wooden bridge over the Neva at 1/10 of the genuine value. The bridge is not preserved.

The Tauride Garden was surrounded by a barisade from Brön and RV, through which wooden bridges. Most trees were planted at the edges of the site, thus burning it off from urban development. Few of these trees have survived to this day.

Benjan Pateren. View of the Tauride Palace from the garden. 1797 year

Another decoration of the park was a greenhouse, over the construction of which I first worked for William Guld, and then Fedor Volkov, who became the successor to his English colleague. Watermelons and pineapples, peaches and melons, wonder flowers and trees were grown in the greenhouse. Under the leadership of Fedor Volkov also built a house of a garden master, office buildings and "Admiralty" - a small pavilion in which boats were kept for walking along the stools of ponds.

The story of the orangeneie is closely connected with the fate of the Tauride Palace, part of the garden of which she was for a long time.

According to Plan, Catherine II to the palace was to lay down "Palm" greenhouse. The building of the Orangeneie on Potemkinskaya Street was laid in 1784 almost simultaneously with the beginning of the construction of the palace.

For various reasons, during the construction of a greenhouse, many difficulties arose, the greenhouse was subjected to permanent restructuring. In 1889, a full-fledged greenhouse for palm trees, oleandrov and laurels was arranged here. In 1928-1930, the greenhouse came to the emergency condition, was dismantled and translated into Botanical Gardenwhere and is currently. The current building of the Orangene was brought from Pushkin.

During the years, the building suffered a lot. Only in 1977 it was reconstructed, and in the greenhouse opened Showroom "Flowers". Additional fame she acquired thanks to the movie. Here were the episodes of more than twenty-five paintings, among which "the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", "Musketeers 20 years later" and "Mr. Desuctor". Now in the Oranges there are palm trees, many other colors and plants. You can purchase in the store at the entrance of bouquets and buy indoor plants. Trade shows. Paid entrance.

Immediately after the creation, the Tauride garden was closed to public visits. Since he was carried out in the maintenance of the imperial yard, it was contained in excellent condition. In the ponds of the Tauride Garden floated swans, Pavlin walked on lawns. Foreign guests often drove here for a walk, apparently for love with beauty. The first landscape park of St. Petersburg was the Tavrichesky Garden, which was considered the most beautiful in the city for a long time. Pavlins are no longer there, but the clarification is very much.

In 1815, in the Tavrician garden, the first steamer "Elizabeth" took place in Russia. This steamer was constructed by installing a steam engine on an ordinary boat. Who would have thought that a steamer went on this pond. Now here only ducks swim, and fishermen are sitting on babe with rods.

In 1861, the Nordic Bee newspaper wrote: "According to the highest command from the 24th of this year, the Tavrichesky Garden, with the exception of a greenhouse and a fruit garden, is open to public festivities. The entrance to the garden is appointed from the Tavricheskaya Street, through the so-called courtyard sores. " Thus, the Tavrichesky Garden has become publicly available.

In the territory of the Tavrichesky Garden, various public organizations worked. Among them: Society for the physical development of children, Ladies' charitable society, Cavalry school. At the corner of Potemkinskaya and korch, the society of the guardianship of folk sobriety is located. They built the theater here, one of the most popular garden institutions. In 1910-1914, an exhibition pavilion was built in the northeastern part of the garden for the Imperial Russian Russian Society of Gardening. After 1917, this pavilion was rebuilt into a two-story garage. The active social use of the Tauride Garden led him to a deplorable state. The "People's Time" newspaper writes: "It began with the fact that a significant part of its territory took the guardianship about folk sobriety. Then I needed to cut the old shady trees. "

Guardianship about folk sobriety.

Walking through the Avenues of the Park, we are listening to amazing stories :)))

In the Tauroidal Garden seen the nose of Major Kovaleva. "Then the rumor that was not on Nevsky Prospect, and the nose of Major Kovalev walks in the Tauride Garden, as if he had long been there; That when Hozrem Mirza lived there, he was very surprised at this strange nature game. Some of the students of the surgical academy went there. One noble, respectable lady asked for a special letter of the caretaker behind the garden to show her children this rare phenomenon and, if possible, with an explanation of the instructional and edifying for the young men. " Nikolay Gogol, "Nose", 1836

We listen to the ears, we admire the eyes.

The garden has a wonderful fountain "Boy with Duck". The sculpture "Boy with Duck" was made in 1910. The author of the project is the architect A. Bruni. In 2008, the fountain sculpture made from bronze was abducted by unknown. In 2009, an accurate copy of the sculpture was opened.

Historical reference.

2) During the blockade of Leningrad on the Tauride garden, 43 fuhas bombs were reset, many incendiary bombs. There was a training of recruits before sending them to the front. In the garden was organized repair of cars returned from life of life. Immediately after the end of the blockade in the Tauride Garden there were gardens of children's hospitals of Smolninsky district of Leningrad. During the Great Body, the garden suffered greatly from the fallen German aircraft, but in 1962 it was fully restored.

Under the leadership of the architect D. S. Goldgore began restoration work: rollers, boat station, new stage and summer pavilion appeared.

3) A monument to S. A. Yesenin was opened in the Tauride Park in 1955. Sculptor A. S. Charkin, Architects F. K. Romanovsky, S. L. Mikhailov. The marble sculpture of Yesenin is near the main entrance to the park on the lawn.

4) In 1956, the garden began to be called a city fleet and in the late 1960s. It became an active child leisure and leisure site: a stadium, a school of figure skating, a club of young cosmonauts appeared. Attractions appeared in the garden in the late 1960s. Attractions in Soviet times - the busiest corner of the garden. They were demolished during the construction of Gazprom rink. On these attractions I had a chance to ride first, and then with my children.

5) On November 7, 1958, the first Panoramic Cinema - "Leningrad Panorama" was opened in the rebuilt building of the garage - "Leningrad Panorama", later he became known as "Leningrad." The cinema "Leningrad" was closed for a long time. Resumed its work in 2017. Now there is a show-space "Leningrad Center".

6) In 1957, a monument V. I. Lenin was installed in the park. On November 10, 1962, the first monument was opened in the city, dedicated to the kids in the blockade, "Young Heroes of the Defense of Leningrad" (Authors A. I. Alimov, F. A. Hepner, I. N. Kostyuhina and V. S. Novikova) . It is made of bright limestone.

7) In 1985, the park returned the historical name - Tavrichesky.

8) May 14, 1990 Oda by 150 years, a monument to Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky was opened (SC. Boris Alekseevich Plenkin, Arch. Jean Matveyevich Verzhbitsky).

9) The bridges and dams were renovated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the lawns and tracks were renovated, six swans were settled on the ponds. Swans we for some reason have not met ((((

Since 2004, a new building has begun on the territory of the Tauride Garden - a skating rink "Tavrichesky Garden" has been built.

This is so intertwined the past and real Tauride garden. It was - became. Everyone has their own memories of this place. With us on the excursion there was a woman who lived near the garden for a long time. They even gathered money at school to create a monument to young heroes of the Blocade Leningrad.

But we walked not only in the garden. We went around him and around. Saw a lot interesting places. Heard many interesting facts.


The museum is adjacent to the park across the road. In Soviet times, children and adults ran there to warm up and simply lay on another time. Fortunately, the entrance to the museum was free)))) And we heard interesting story About Mikhail Zoshchenko. It turns out his father participated in the set of mosaic panel. Misha's boy went with a dad to work and even helped him in a mosaic set. He posted a small twig of the Christmas tree, which in the lower left corner along the bottom of the panel. The twig came out a little krivaenka, but it left the author in the story about the author known in the future :)))

The monument to Suvorov on the background of the museum was completely lost. If I hadn't picked up, I did not notice.

Kaluga Square and Kaluga Lane. At home from different eras and different buildings gathered in Kaluga Lane.

Very surprised Tower Ivanova.

From 1905 to 1912, a poet-symbolist Vyacheslav Ivanov lived on the attic floor under the corner tower. Since then, the house is called the Tower. In the apartment of the poet we visited all the well-known poets-decadents of different flows of that time - A. Block, A. Boyj, V. Brisov, Anna Akhmatova, Balmont, Z.Gippiius, N.Gumilev and many more, many names can be listed. Guests gathered late in the evening on Wednesdays and diverge when the "thick sun paled over the roofs" (A. Boyay).

"We live together at the top of the round tower over the Tauride Park with his swan lake. For the Neva - the fantastic sketch of the entire St. Petersburg to the extreme horses on the horizon. In the twilight hour, the guns are rising, the arrangement of water lifting in the Neva, and the wind from the sea, turning the swirl yellow leaves of the park, moans and knocks on my tower. " wrote Vyacheslav Ivanov.

Evenings on the tower continued until Ivanov's departure from Russia in 1912. Now on the first floor of a kindergarten. They say when the garden works, then you can quietly go and explore the lobby.

Pomeranian Znamenskaya Old Believer Churchon Tverskaya Street near the Tauride Garden. You can see only outside. Old Believers keep their secrets and do not like extraneous eyes and ears, and so I would like to look inside ...

We finished our walk next to the Tavrichesky garden near the center of Leningrad. The chronological order of the excursion is broken. It is specifically to confuse everyone - screen. I want to add from myself. If you do not like to walk alone if you need good company For walking, if you do not want to sit at night or sit at home, if you like to learn a new and interesting about the city, then such a trip format for you. And that a lot is important - no night moves, but only two hours of solid pleasure :))))

Excursion duration 2 hours. It has passed about 4 km.

Near the wonderful architectural ensembleEreated at the end of the 18th century by Russian masters under the leadership of Ivan Egorovich Starov and Fedor Ivanovich Volkova, by order of Prince Gregory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, laid and brought by the famous English master of the landscape William Guld into the state of genuine horticultural art Park, who received the name of the Tavrichesky Garden.

History of the Tauride Garden

Initially, the estate with a magnificent palace and the park belonged to the famous Favorita of Queen Catherine - Gregory Potemkin. Under the patronage of influential persons, in the presence of large financial, material funds, technical resources, unique objects were built here:

  • Ivan Kulibin Mechanic Bridges and architect Karl Johann Shpecl with spans more than 10 meters.
  • House of the Garden Master, Driving Bridge from Stone.
  • In the constructed greenhouses were grown exotic for northern latitudes melons, peaches, watermelons.
  • Near the palace ensemble on the project of its founders, two magnificent ponds are constructed. Water there with the help of a unique hydraulic system comes from the Ligoval Channel. The land released after the digging of ponds was used to build beautiful landscaped designs, pedestrian walkways, ravines. In the middle of the pond left two mysterious Islands For romantic meetings.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first Russian steamer "Elizabeth" was experienced on the water bodies of the park.

Since 1824, most of the park area, with the exception of the palace ensemble with the adjacent territory, acquired by a beautiful curly fence, has become open to massive festivities of citizens.

Since 1932, an excellent place of rest has become a genuine property of the people, and was renamed the "Park of Culture and Recreation of the First Five-Year Plan". Here appeared: club, cinema, rides, dance sites.

After the restoration carried out in 1985, the park returned the initial name.

Location of objects and territory

The total territory located in the central part of the Northern Palmyra Park exceeds 21 hectares. Favorite place Visits to many citizens, guests of St. Petersburg is located near the metro station "Chernyshevskaya", near the streets of Tavricheskaya, Potemkinskaya, Tchalet at: St. Petersburg, Potemkinskaya Street, 2. One of the entrances to the park is located on the side of the Tavrichesky street.

Under the leadership of Gulda Gardener in the Tauride Botanical Garden, a greenhouse with a winter garden, filled with exotic flowers, rare trees. Entrance to the exhibition hall of the Orangeneie from the streets of Topler.

Mode of operation of the institution - every day from 11 days to 10 pm, on Monday from 2 pm to 10 pm. The price of a ticket for an adult visitor - 80 rubles, schoolchildren - 70 rubles, pensioners, children from 4 to 7 years old - 50 rubles. Disabled, large families attend flower exhibitions for free. It is allowed to make photos by any devices or mobile phones. At the request of customers you can make a beautiful photo session to commemorate memorable events.

Above the greenhouses are located a time cafe "Lemonade" and a luxurious panoramic restaurant. It offers impressive reviews of the main palace facilities, a pond with erected bridges, dams, well-groomed parks alleys, lawns.

On the territory of the park built unique monuments:

After patriotic War In the USSR, the direction of activity in the Tauride Garden was reoriented to the younger generation. Here appeared:

  • children's cinema;
  • "Gorki" with children's cafes;
  • children's, sports grounds, running tracks;
  • football field;
  • camels;
  • the game, above which is functioning a cozy cheerful restaurant "Playtka";
  • summer stage, comfortable places To play chess, checkers, backgammon, billiards, tennis.

In the Park, youth festivals are held, events dedicated to environmental protection, concerts of artists with "lively" music, performances by circus artists. In winter, skating rollers work on the park ponds, ice slings for children's fun are being erected.

Live world

After the construction of ponds in their water was launched for breeding a sterlet, Beluga. On lawns, dismissed the tails, the peacocks were gone. Now the reservoirs are decorated with flocks of white swans, wild ducks, pigeons. Around the pond landed more than twenty thousand varieties of park trees with traditional oak, maple, jews.

In the greenhouse, an exhibition of rare tropical butterflies, birds, original palm trees was presented. In the evening, in different parts of the Tauride Garden, wonderful nightingale trills are heard.

Work schedule

Park in the central part of St. Petersburg is open to visitors from 7 am to 10 pm. The entrance is free, free. From March 20 to May 1, 2017, the Tauride Garden was planned closed on the spring drying. During this period, utilities were engaged in its update, improvement:

  • leveled, sidewalks, pedestrian, cycling paths were added;
  • restored, repaired, painted gazebos, urns, benches, benches;
  • updated landscape design, made a trimming of green plantings;
  • gently triggered lawns.

Entertainment center

At the exit of the garden there is a huge modern complex "Tavrichesky Garden", open to visitors in the spring of 2007. Here will find entertainment, classes for the soul of representatives of any age categories, social groups, directions:

  • On the excellent ice arena with bright lighting regularly in winter, in the spring, mass rides and amateur hockey matches are held. The choice of visitors is offered prepared sharpened skates. You can use your personal inventory. At the request of the service ice roller Conduct service, repair of skates. In the allotted hours, workouts of young skaters are held. According to the schedule, the rink function functions cozy cafe With a varied menu. The hall holds simultaneously up to 100 guests.
  • Equipped with modern sports shells, other tools, equipment Comfortable gyms.
  • A chic restaurant with a banquet hall, unforgettable types of the Tauride Garden - a good place for wedding celebrations, graduation balls, new year meetings, solid corporate evenings.

The complex serves experienced organizers of merry mass events of any directions with original scenarios, musical accompaniment. Holidays held here forever remain in memory of guests with excellent impressions, fresh air, warm atmosphere, delicious feedstock.

For lovers of quiet romantic meetings, children's walks Park in the center of St. Petersburg - the usual place of a pleasant healthy rest.

St. Petersburg and his suburbs are enlarged with garden-park complexes. Their history, as a rule, is rooted in the depths of centuries. Many attractions are available for visiting. In the heart of the megalpolis, the Tauride Garden has gained the refuge - a delightful place with picturesque landscapes, receiving guests yearly.

History of the face of a beautiful garden

In the estate G. A. Potemkin, the participant of the victorious battles of the XVIII century, beside the Connogvardeysky house, erected in 1783-1789, broke a wonderful garden. He was built on finances allocated by the graph. Subsequently, the complex at the state level is recognized as a monument in honor of Russia's victories in wars, which have walked at sunset of the eighteenth century.

The treasures will buy a magnificent ensemble. And immediately, Catherine II assigns G. A. Potemkin, the title of the bright prince Taurisual and gives him the imperial gift - the garden, which became part of his estate. So wonderfully the complex returned to his owner.

Later, when the owner of the manor died, the house was renamed to the garden assigned the name of the same name. Thanks to the Empress, the second time bought the estate, the memory of the favorite, to whom she presented to the Earth, marking the victory in battles.

Organization of garden complex

The beautiful complex is the Tavrichesky Garden - equipped the skilled hands of Master-Englishman V. Gulda. A talented gardener transformed a monotonous sad landscape prevailing in the manor, in a picturesque place with water bodies, ponds, stone channels and beautiful hillocks, crumpled disintegration, winding paths, alleys, styled benches, and amazing panoramic landscapes.

The ensemble was surrounded by trees, a log palerside and a moat with a wooden bridges over him. In the reservoirs, on the mirror of which swans were swam, they launched a sterlet. Peacocks were walking on the lawns. First on the perimeter of the estate, trees were planted, forming a natural fence from other urban areas. And later the Tauridian garden in St. Petersburg was taken by a fence in which the stone access bridge was mounted.

Oranges and greenhouses, built according to the projects of F. Volkov, planted peaches, apricots, melons, watermelons and even pineapple. The owners of the estate poured themselves and guests with fruits that anticipated in the garden.

Orangery Tavrichesky Park Ensemble

The greenhouse, embedded in an old manor, is rightfully considered the oldest and popular winter garden of St. Petersburg. The grand intention of the architect and Catherine II included the creation of a real palm grove, covered with a glass dome. True, the idea was not incarnated, but the flowers were always bred here in abundance. All plants from the greenhouse located in Pushkino were transported to this place. In 1936, the Tavricic greenhouse is turned into an exhibition hall. Now its main guests are gardeners and marriages.

Family lovers here inspect the magnificent collections, individual samples and acquire the most specimeners for their estates. Exotic plants in the days of sales get to them at similar prices. Often newlyweds are visited in the greenhouse. They create memorable romantic photo shoots. They organize stunning marriage ceremonies. And festive banquets are arranged under palm trees, among lush colors.

Bridge Kulibin

The luxurious Tauride Garden in St. Petersburg is striking by a large pond, in which an island is organized by the coastline with two bridges. Earring them, the masters adhered to the design of the designed, but not constructed wooden bridge on the Neva.

Speed \u200b\u200bGorki

Funny hill - the main species hill - built from the northern side of the Great Island. It overlooks the Tauride Palace with a facade overlooking the pond. In addition to this hill, a few more species swapped in the garden-park complex. The lawns were viewed with the imported peacocks, one or another of the princely palace and other architectural structures.

Little admiralty

The Tauride Garden in St. Petersburg has placed his little admiralty. It was in a gazebo, intended for storing pleasure boats. In 1815, the Test of the vessel "Elizabeth" was arranged here, which is considered the first "steamer" of Russia. In fact, it was an ordinary boat equipped with a steam engine.

Opening General Access to Garden Ensemble

Until 1861, the complex was not related to city-wide objects. It was allowed to walk only important guests. There is a legend of a prince who gave the garden ensemble of the seal, who for some time became the inhabitant of a large pond.

According to the highest command, the complex acquires the status of the Universal Attractions of St. Petersburg. In winter, the ponds turn into solid rollers. In the admiralty merchants, a luxury restaurant is arranged. This place likes all sorts of public organizations.

Here, the ladies of a charitable society, a cavalry school, are collected by adherents of sports activities and interest groups. Access to visitors is closed only in greenhouses, greenhouses and fruit plantings.

Complex in the Epoch of Socialism

In the Soviet period, the Tauride Garden in St. Petersburg is actively used by citizens and guests of the city on the Neva. He played the role of camps, winter rink, pop, cinema, dog walking sites.

The restoration of the garden ensemble was completed by the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Trees were planted in it, the Tchaikovsky bust and a monument to Yesenin were installed, equipped with new lawns and tracks. In the ponds launched swans.

How to get to the Tavrician Garden

On Tchalena Street, 47 is the Tauride Garden in how to get to it? Having descended in the subway, you reach the Chernyshevskaya station. When leaving the subway without a difference where to rotate: to the right or left.

When turning to the right, passing 50 m to the first intersection and making the right turn, go to Furstada Street and follow its end (in the direction of increasing the numbering of buildings). The outlet rests on the Potemkin street, and immediately behind it begins the garden and park complex. When turning left, go the same 50 m, make the left turn, go out on a korch street and move to the southwestern corner of the garden fence.

The route along the quiet furshock street with a square in the middle is preferable. It is built up with beautiful houses raised in the nineteenth century. Noisy Karway Street stretched along a lively urban route.

Time visits

Amazing power placing to active recreation, has a Tavrichesky garden in St. Petersburg. Park opening hours: from 7:00 to 22:00. This ensemble remains the only place where nightingale trills are sounded in St. Petersburg.

Crocodile from Mojdodyra, Major Kovalev's nose, the first steamer in Russia, the same Kulibin and the first landscape park of St. Petersburg. And still Sherlock Holmes and Musketeers. This is not a fantasy or expander consciousness. This is the Tavrichesky Garden and Palace.

The palace was called at the beginning of the Connogvardee home (there were barracks of this shelf). Two years later, Potemkin sold the palace in the treasury for the fabulous in the same time - 450 thousand rubles. Made it was not without intent. In 1791 Pal Izymail. Turkey was broken. For merits in the accession of the Crimea (Taurida) to Russia, after the appointment of Prince Potemkin, the general governor of this region was attached to his last name - the Tauride was attached. Catherine II had the opportunity to return the Palace Palace, named His Tauride.

A month later, Prince Potemkin-Taurishetic gave a grandiose brilliant ball in the palace, struck by his scope and luxury all of Europe. But after five months, Potemkin passed away, and the palace was declared the imperial. Catherine II began to spend his time here. During this period, the Tauride Palace was very popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. High-ranking foreigners who came to St. Petersburg considered their greatest responsibility to visit him. The palace site was landscaped, the garden broke on it, a large greenhouse was built. At the same time, the Neva was cleared from various buildings, built an excellent lattice in front of the palace.

Paul I, shortly after the death of Catherine II, gave the palace who turned it into the barracks, and the Ekaterininsky hall used as a stable. Parquet floor by order of Paul I was transferred to Mikhailovsky Castle. The palace quickly fell. Recovery began under Alexander I.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Tauride Palace turned into arena of large political events.

4. Tauride Palace, 1910-1915

From 1906 to February 1917, the State Duma was held here, in connection with which the winter garden was turned into a meeting room and built up with an amphitheater, the Palace Theater was rebuilt into the library. In 1907, the magazine "Old Madrodies" rightly called this restructuring act of vandalism.

In 1917, the last session of the IV State Duma was held, and in the same year, the Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldier deputies began to act here. From this day, the palace became the center of attraction of revolutionary masses. The Council worked here until August 1917, that is, before his move to the building of the revolution. In the Tauride Palace there was also a temporary government.

6. Session of the Council of Workers and Soldier Deputies in the Tauride Palace, 1917

From the first days of Soviet power, the Palace became a traditional place for holding the most important events and a place for the preparation and retraining of party and Soviet personnel - the Higher Party School and the Peasant University was opened here.

The story of the orangeneie is closely connected with the fate of the Tauride Palace, part of the garden of which she was for a long time.
According to Plan, Catherine II to the palace was to lay down the "palm" greenhouse. The building of the Orangeneie on Potemkinskaya Street was laid in 1784 almost simultaneously with the beginning of the construction of the palace.

For various reasons, during the construction of a greenhouse, many difficulties arose, the greenhouse was subjected to permanent restructuring. In 1889, a full-fledged greenhouse for palm trees, oleandrov and laurels was arranged here. The founder of gardening in Potemkinskaya Street was the famous English garden architect William Guld. In 1928-1930, the greenhouse came to the emergency condition, was dismantled and translated into the Botanical Garden, where it is currently.

During the years, the building suffered a lot. Only in 1977 it was reconstructed, and an exhibition hall "Flowers" opened in the greenhouse. Additional fame she acquired thanks to the movie. Here they filmed episodes for more than twenty-five paintings, among which "the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", "Musketeers 20 years later" and "Mr. Designer".

Two ponds were pulled out, which were filled with water from, put a sterle in the reservoirs. From the soil, removed during the structure of the ponds, the species slides were embanked. Also created two islands, one of them planted with trees. In the northern part of the big island, a high hill was poured, from which it became a view of the palace. The big island became connected to the shore of two bridges, one of which was created by the mechanic Ivan Kulibin. This bridge was performed in 1793 according to the model of a not constructed wooden bridge over the Neva at 1/10 of the genuine value.

The Tauride Garden was surrounded by a barisade from Brön and RV, through which wooden bridges. Most trees were planted at the edges of the site, thus burning it off from urban development.

Immediately after the creation, the Tauride garden was closed to public visits. Since he was carried out in the maintenance of the imperial yard, it was contained in excellent condition. In the ponds of the Tauride Garden floated swans, peacocks walked on lawns. Foreign guests arrived in St. Petersburg often drove here for a walk. The first landscape park of St. Petersburg was the Tavrichesky Garden, which was considered the most beautiful in the city for a long time.

In 1815, the first steamer "Elizabeth" in Russia was tested in the Tavrician Garden. This steamer was constructed by installing a steam engine on an ordinary boat. A year later, the Kulibin Bridge was disassembled. After a few years along the Tavrician street, a fence with a stone gate was built. She separated the site adjacent to the apartment owners, called the "sovereign courtyard". In 1861, the newspaper "Northern Bee" wrote:
"According to the highest command from the 24th of this year, the Tauride Garden, with the exception of a greenhouse and a fruit garden, is open to public walk. Entrance to the garden is appointed from the Tavrichesky street, through the so-called sores of the courtyard".

Thus, the Tavrichesky Garden has become publicly available. In the gazebo "Admiralty" merchants Solvyuv and Makarov, a restaurant was organized. In 1875, a two-story pavilion was built instead of the burnt gazebo. In the winter in the Tauride Garden, Petersburgers skating and ice mountains.

In the Tauroidal Garden seen Nose Major Kovaleva:
"Then rumored rumor, which is not on Nevsky Prospect, and in the Tauride Garden, the nose of Major Kovalev passes, as if he had long been there; that when Hozrev-Mirza still lived there, he was very surprised at this strange nature game. Some of the students of the surgical academy They went there. One noble, respectable lady asked a special letter of the caretaker for the garden to show her this rare phenomenon and, if possible, with an explanation of the instructional and edging for the young men. "
Nikolay Gogol, "Nose", 1836

There were various public organizations. Among them: Society for the physical development of children, Ladies' charitable society, Cavalry school. At the corner of Potemkinskaya and korch, the society of the guardianship of folk sobriety is located. They built the theater here, one of the most popular garden institutions. In 1910-1914, an exhibition pavilion was built in the northeastern part of the garden for the Imperial Russian Russian Society of Gardening. After 1917, this pavilion was rebuilt into a two-story garage.

The active social use of the Tauride Garden led him to a deplorable state. The newspaper "People's Time" writes:
"It began with the fact that a significant part of his territory took the guardianship about folk sobriety. Then it was necessary to cut the old shady trees for some reason. Society of laun-tennis players, not satisfied with the house built a few years ago, now buried some ridiculous land. Later Another society has appeared - Horticulture, an enormous brick building has erected on the edge of the garden ".

In a well-known fairy tale, Kornea Chukovsky "Moydodyr" in the Tauride garden, the urinary was chased and there was a meeting with a crocodile.
"And from mad washcloth
I rushed like from the stick,
And she for me, for me
According to Sadovaya, hanged.

I am to the Tauride Garden,
Jumped over the fence
And she rushes at me
And bites like a wolf.

Suddenly my good meet,
My favorite crocodile. "
Kornei Chukovsky, "Moydodyr", 1921

Since 1932, the Tauride Garden has become called a park of culture and rest of the name of the first five-year plan. In the park built attractions, pop, cinema, club. Alley received names: drummers, youth. Despite renaming, among Leningrads, the park still was called the Tavrichesky garden.

During the blockade of Leningrad on the Tauride Garden, 43 fugasar bombs were reset, many incendiary bombs. There was a training of recruits before sending them to the front. In the garden was organized repair of cars returned from life of life. Immediately after the end of the blockade in the Tauride Garden there were gardens of children's hospitals of Smolninsky district of Leningrad. Then work began on its restoration - rollers, boat station, new stage and summer pavilion were built.

In the 1950s, a two-story garage was rebuilt into the first in Leningrad Panoramic cinema, called "Leningrad Panorama". Later he became known called "Leningrad".

In 1956, the garden began to be called a city children's fleet, he was submitted to the management of the city department of popular education. The year at the entrance to the park was installed a monument in V.I. Lenin, a few years later, a monument to "young heroes of Defense of Leningrad" was opened - the first monument in Leningrad, dedicated to the kids in Leningrad. Since the 1960s, the Tauride Garden began to be actively used as a place for children leisure and rest. The stadium was built here, organized a figure skating school, a club of young cosmonauts. In the summer, the pioneer camps worked here. As a result, the garden again had to restore.
For restoration works, the garden in 1985 was transferred to the urban trust of exploitation of green plantings. He returned the historical name - the Tavrichesky Garden. However, there were no money for the necessary work, and the ponds continued to fill the garbage, and the lawns are pulled out. The Tauride Garden has significantly suffered from mass divisions of dogs by residents of nearby houses.

In 1990, a bust of the composer PI was installed in the southwestern part of the Tauride Garden. Tchaikovsky, in 1995 - Monument to Poet S.A. Yesenin. Since 1999, restoration work began. The bridges and dam were restored to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, new trees were planted. Lawns and tracks were updated.

See also: