Cave swallows. What is inside a swallow nest

Deep in the jungle islands Borneo It is cleft in a huge limestone breed. This is the entrance to the complex cave system. And visiting these caves, I must say, not for the faint of heart. Under the array of permeating raw cold, the caves found their house millions of bats, and the ground and the walls flooded cockroaches, beetles of a terrible look and rat. And of course snakes, where without them, which feeds with rats and cockroaches.

Let's look at the place where Asian delicacies are mined - swallow sockets?
The air in the caves there is no sensation, as it is permeated with ammonia due to bird litter. Guano depth on Earth reaches about 3 meters. All this beauty can be overcome only thanks to the wooden bridges for which visitors are walking, who wanted to explore all the wonders of the horror cave.

The largest caves of Homanthong in the Malaysian state of Sabah are located in the protected forest in the Reserve of the Forestry Department. The greatest fame of the cave acquired thanks to the centuries-old nesting of Salangani swallows, whose nests are just used to prepare soup.

Salangani build their nests from the threads of their saliva, which freezes as soon as it comes into contact with the air. Soup from these nests is considered expensive delicacy in Chinese cuisine not only because of its rarity, but also due to allegedly high calorie and high health benefits. True, some nests contain another material - feathers and twigs, and are called black nests. But more "clean" option is valued more.

In the same cave with swallows, another running delicacy, but today we will not talk about his taste.

Now harvesting nests is strictly regulated to avoid extinct birds. Twice a year from February to April and from July to September, local, having permission, climb the caves on the roof and collect nests, using only a rathant staircase, rope and bamboo poles.

Harvesting in the first period occurs at the beginning of the season of breeding swallows, before the birds postponed eggs. Swallows just come with other nests. And the second collection occurs during the first flight of chicks when they leave their homes.

Most of the collected nests goes to Hong Kong, where they make soup, drinks and medicines. Surprisingly, the United States is the second largest importer of bird nests. Portion soup B. good restaurant costs about 100 dollars. And the price per kilogram of a white nest can reach up to 2 thousand dollars.

Despite such demand and high price., Puzzles soup practically does not have taste, and some describe it as "Banana Milk Cocktail with a swoing noodle."


Ask Russians to call the symbol of Crimea - and 9 out of 10 will remember the swallowing nest. Gray, Gothic castle with elegant turrets perfectly fits into the Crimean landscape. It boil over the waves, and it seems to below that his spiers can reach the clouds. Swallow's nest is located in the village of Gaspra on the south coast of Crimea: If you relax nearby, spend a few hours at visit this attraction Big Yalta, you will not regret it!

Where did the name "Swallow Nest" come from? Such a name was one of the owners, Kupchikh Rakhmanin. It seemed to be symbolic to call the swallow nest the building, hung over the sea on the edge of the rock. True, at that time the palace even remotely reminded the modern majestic castle: it was a two-storey wooden house.

The address of the swallow nest is the village of Gaspra, Alupkinskoye Highway, 9a. Gaspra is small resort village. At the very sea. It is located 12 km from Yalta. To get here, you need to go along the route of Yalta-Sevastopol.

Here is a card that will help navigate the area:

You can get to the swallow socket in Crimea in several ways:

  1. On your own car: You need to drive around the highway to turn to Gaspra and enter the village. As soon as you see a large cluster of souvenir shops, you can search for parking space.
  2. By bus from Yalta. Any, traveling in the direction of Alupka or Simeiza: for example, No. 102,132,115. Go out at the stop "Swallow Nest".
  3. On the boat from Yalta. They depart with an interval in half an hour of the marine station. In addition, private boats and yachts are offered their services: but the cost of tickets will be significantly higher.

Here is the schedule of boats and boats to the Swallow nest from Yalta for 2020:

History of the castle of Swallow's nest in Crimea

The rock of the modern village of Gaspra, according to historians, was also chosen by primitive people: so, now the cave is hidden under the palace, in which they allegedly lived. At the time of antiquity at Cape Ai-Todor, the Fortress was built. In the middle of the XIX century there was a lighthouse.

The history of the castle of the Swallow's nest begins in the 1980s of the XIX century. Then, on an Avrory Rock, a house was built for the general who took part in the Crimean War. Unfortunately, there are no more details about this historical personality. You can make an opinion on the canvases of artists - so, a small house on the rock captured I.K. Ayvazovsky IA.P. Bogolyubov.

The next period of the history of the swallow nest in the Crimea begins with the transfer of the wooden structure by Kupovich Rachmanina. It was she who gave the name of the famous Crimean attractions and built on the rock the first semblance of the Palace - True, Wooden and Non-Funny Architectural Solutions.

Its modern appearance of a swallowed nest found by 1912. By that time, its owner became a rich oil industry P.L. Steingel, connoisseur of Crimean beauty. He wished to build a building in the Gothic style on a picturesque rock, resembling medieval palaces around Rhine. His idea embodied Architect L.V. Sherwood.

The palace has changed more from hand to hand. So, after the First World War, its owner became P.G. Shelaputin, who opened a restaurant in the palace. However, the times were unsuccessful, and soon forgotten about the non-profit palace. After the early death of Schalaputin, he moved to Kupchikh Rokmanova, and then, after Civil War, transferred to the main management of the state farms of the Crimea.

The black band in the history of swallow nest in Yalta continued in the 20s. Because of the earthquake in the rock, a crack was formed. A large piece broke off from her (there was a beautiful garden on it). The castle itself was not injured, but it is dangerous thanks over the sea. For a short time, there was a reading room of the local holiday home "Pearl", but it was closed for security reasons.

Restoration of the swallow nest

The first work on the preservation of the unique castle began in the 60s. Employees of the Yalta branch of the institution of design of cities managed almost impossible. In order to protect the building, they set a monolithic reinforced concrete base under it. I had to not only manually raise all building materials for a large height, but also literally disassemble the swallow the nest on bricks (each of them was numbered!) And to gather it again in the same form.

From the 70s to 2011, a restaurant was opened in the castle. In 2012, the building was once again closed on reconstruction, but organized the museum on the territory. Today is a cultural monument. Work on the reconstruction of the swallow nest continues. So, the balcony is closed - the most beautiful viewing place of the castle (the reason for displeased comments of tourists). In addition, only a limited number of tourists is allowed to the territory - no more than 15 people. We hope that the work will be crowned with success and one of the main attractions of the Crimea will be able to preserve in pristine!

What is inside a swallow nest?

If you study the history of the swallow socket and see photos from the inside, it will become obvious: no interesting historical interiors have not survived here. Partly this is the wines of the first owners: according to historians, the first owner gothic castle, Steingel, simply did not have time to furnish it in accordance with the exterior, and the last pre-revolutionary owner issued an interior in the Old Russian style, absolutely not combined with gothic architecture. Then for many years there was a restaurant. To make a visit to the museum interesting, there are regularly arranged exhibitions.

Prices for tickets to Lastochka nest in 2020

Since the restaurant was removed from the palace, entrance to the territory of the castle itself is free. You can see the exterior of the building, admire the view from the sheer Aurry Rock.

Excursions inside the palace paid. For 2020, the cost is:


The schedule of the swallow nest varies depending on the season:

  • November - May: from 10.00 to 16.00. Weekend - Monday.
  • May - October: from 10.00 to 19.00. Seven days a week.

Legends of the swallow nest

In Crimea, almost every cliff has its own story: the peninsula was populated from time immemorial and beautiful legends were transmitted from the people to the people. Around the swallow nest there was a mythology, and to make a visit to the castle more interesting (well, what kind of sin - get from tourists more money), legends come up with and in our time.

SAMI beautiful story It relates related to the name of the cliff. At this place, he loved to meet the dawn of the goddess of the morning Dawn Aurora. Poseidon fell in love with her, but Aurora rejected his feelings. The God of the Seas agreed with Eol, the commanding winds, and he filled the sky with clouds that do not let the sun rays. When Aurora, the next time came to the rock to meet dawn, the sun did not seem. The girl was waiting for a long time, tired and fell asleep. Poseidon wanted to sneak and grab her, but Aurora was more prompt - she managed to escape. Diadem fell from the head of the upset Poseidon, the magic has lost its strength and the sun rose again.

Interesting stories envelop the castle itself. Mostly the reason is that no one does not know anyone who built a swallow nest, who were subsequent owners, and even about the identity of the architect are disputes. According to one of the legends, the first owner of the swallow nest was Gigit General, who entertained people by jumped from the cliff in the sea on the horse, previating her eyes. The horses did not survive, and the general himself was surprisingly surprisingly survived. Such stories about the grasses diving from the castle site are telling a great set: most often they are associated with people suffering from unrequited love.

The most modern legend of the swallow socket appeared along with the happiness tree and the chest, which is set next to him. Allegedly, the merchant Shalaputin put money in the chest, and in the morning the magic tree grown next to him. The man was guessing the castle appeared on the rock, and a few years later, a swallow nest was built there. Now everyone is offered to tie a ribbon to the tree of happiness (they are sold near 150 r) and throw coins in the chest to return to this place.

Interesting facts about swallow nest

  • This is one of the most "cinematic" places of Crimea: about a dozen films and TV shows were filmed here, the most famous - "10 Negreat".
  • Today the palace is still in disrepair. In the rock, on which he stands, a large crack was found, and until a way to strengthen it, without increasing weight and without raising the risk of splitting.
  • There is a cave under the palace that is flooded today. Scientists believe that ancient people could dwell. The walls of one of the cave rooms are completely black.
  • It makes sense to visit the swirl nest in the evening. First, due to the amazing illumination, secondly, due to interesting cultural events - for example, concerts of the Symphony Orchestra in the open sky.
  • From afar, the castle looks like a toy, but even near it is the miniature in the Crimea. Its height is 12 m, and the area is 120 m square.
  • You can send a letter directly from the swallow socket - there is a mailbox where you can throw a postcard with a "business card" of the Crimea.

  1. From the gaspra to the swallow jack leads the road with 1200 steps. At the edges of the road, benches are placed, however, if you believe the reviews of tourists, the path to the palace will still be difficult, especially in the summer heat. We advise you to choose to visit a cloud day or go on a tour early in the morning or evening.
  2. If you plan to sail on the boat from Yalta, take tickets immediately in both directions: it will cost cheaper - 600 rubles there and back against 400 rubles one way. True, the landing usually lasts 50 minutes - barely enough to reach the palace, take a few pictures and return back.
  3. People who arrived in Gaspra with their own way or by car, will have to try to find out where the swallow nest is. Unfortunately, there are no pointers. If you arrived in broad time and you can not follow the excursion groups, ask the road at the local.
  4. Want beautiful frames with a swallow nest in the Crimea? Dress comfortable shoes. The most spectacular views are opening with the rocks surrounding the path to the castle.
  5. As an independent object for an excursion, the castle is boring. Due to small sizes and poorly reliable, the stories of the swallow jack can boast an interesting exposure inside. Typically, tourists are offered to visit a small historical excursion (remember that the interior of the XIXVEK is practically not preserved!) And the artistic, archaeological or local lore exhibition (they change for about once every 2 months).

Tours recommend a more complex route: for example, combine the trip to the swallow jack with a tour of the Vorontsov Palace (it is located very close to the car - less than 15 minutes) or a walk on Yalta. By the way, the city where the swallow nest is located in the Crimea, also has other objects. It is possible to look at the famous Sail, Ai-Todorsky Lighthouse, the ruins of ancient strengthening Gaspra-Isar, Panina Palace.

"Swallow nest" built 100 years ago. Photo of Sergey Titova.



Without the image of the famous palace on a sheer cliff, neither the Crimean tourist calendar is not accounted for. But even far from all Crimeans know what this national monument is so famous.

1. Jackie Chan struck panoramic view

A quarter of a century ago on the territory of the "swallow socket" Famous director Stanislav Govorukhin removed the Soviet thriller based on the novel of the English writer Agaty Christi "Ten Negreat". Also, the famous palace entered the frame of the children's films "Academy of Pana Klyaksi" (1983) of the Polish director of Kshyshtof Gradovsky, "Blue Bird" (1976) - American George Kickor and Mio, My Mio (1987) Vladimir Grammatikova . Few people know that even the most famous comedy actor Jackie Chan starred against the background of "swallow nest". The popular hero of militants, famous for its acrobatic combat style, was filmed in the Crimea in one of the episodes of the film "Police Story-4: the first blow," which went to the rental in 1996. Crimean filmmakers remember that Jackie was amazed unusually beautiful viewopening with "swallow socket".

2. Extremes from around the world Sigali from the cliffs in the sea

A year ago, a very spectacular and exciting final of the world series Cliff-Dive was held in Gaspre - acrobatic jump into the water from the cliffs. At the foot of the Rock of Aurora, which is crowned with a "swallow nest", gathered about 15 thousand spectators from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, countries western Europe And America. People came to look at the speeches of 12 athletes who found out who is better cigated in the sea from the platform fixed at an altitude of 27 meters. The Ukrainians showed their skills and the Gemini Brothers Sasha and the Kutsenko gene, who are engaged in this sport for more than 20 years - from seven years. Athletes were included in the water at a speed of almost 100 kilometers per hour. From such a spectacle, he fell as heart!

Due to the direct broadcast of the competition, the audience saw more than one hundred countries of the world. The jumpers spent a master class for journalists and everyone even joined the cliff diving on the Sive Rock.

Despite all the statements that such a scale competition may damage famous Castle, fears were not confirmed. The four-hundred thousand hopping platform was installed by climbers in two days without prejudice to the object of cultural heritage.

3. under water is the cave of the same name

Few people know that under the cliff of Aurora is the underwater cave "Swallow Nest". This is a small, but very beautiful system of underwater grottoes with a maximum depth of 10 meters, connected by passages between the chill dilutions. One of the halls is distinguished by black, similar to smoking the color of the ceiling and walls. Some scientists have a hypothesis that the cave was used as a parking lot of the Neolithic era, when the sea level was much lower. The cave has an entrance from the cliff, but it is hard to access. The main entrance is located at a depth of eight meters to the left of the "swallow socket", if you look from the sea. Despite the not too complex dive conditions (the sunlight is visible from almost all the cave places) and good visibility, in the cave it is easily rummaged and visibility can seriously worsen. And there is still a real danger to get stuck in one of the cave beds, so the presence of lanterns and good immersion skills in the grotto are a prerequisite.

4. Palace became a museum and earned the first 60 thousand hryvnia

Last summer, "Swallow's nest" officially received the status of the museum. Instead of a restaurant there now work exhibition halls. The first exposition in the palace-castle on a sheer cliff was the exhibition of the painting "Night on the Dnieper" of the famous painter artist Archka Quinji. It was demonstrated in the castle itself in a gentlemotion - according to the principle that the landscape itself was used. Working at one time over creation and knowing that the effect of lunar radiance will fully manifest with artificial lighting, the artist ordered to drag the windows in the hall and illuminate the picture focused on it with a beam of electric light. After visitors entered the hall and, fascinated, stopped before the cold radiance of the lunar light.

By the way, a picture, which in the "swallow socket", admired 170 people a day, for an incomplete month, brought good income: about 60 thousand hryvnia (for a tour took 10 hryvnia per person). Money went to the development of the palace.

5. The castle wanted to disassemble the pebbles and transfer to another place.

In 1927, when a strong earthquake happened to the Crimea, "Swallow Nest" almost died. A part of the rock was collapsed from under the founding of the building, decorative teeth and spiers fell, cracked appeared. For many years, the sight of the Crimea was in emergency and access to it was closed. Architects and sculptors even offered to disassemble the castle on pebbles and transfer it to more safe place, Numbering stones, and then collect them in the form in which it was originally. But the concept was lost, that flight over the sea.

In 1968, restoration work was performed here, the rock was strengthened, and the fashionable road restaurant earned here soon.


Palace Castle "Swallow Nest" - a peculiar symbol of the Crimea on the western round of the rocky cape Ai-Todor, a monument of national importance and one of the seven wonders of Ukraine. Here once the Roman legionnaires founded the fortress. Perhaps, so one of the rocks received the name of Aurora - the Roman goddess of the morning dawn. Here in the XIX century, a retired general built a wooden house. The name of him was given by the Moscow checkpoint of Rakhmanin, who bought this site and called the rebuilt building with a swallow nest. In 1911, the ownership of the castle passed to the Baku oil industry Baron Steingeel. By his order, the wooden building broke and built on this place the stone palace. The project carried out the famous Russian engineer A.V. Sherwood. Already a year later, the nearest Gothic castle was standing on the closest platform of the sort of monastery-Burun. The 12-meter height building was located on the foundation 10 meters wide and 20 meters long. The "bird" volumes responded internal device: an entrance hall, living room, steps and two bedrooms were consistently located in a 2-storey tower, which rose above the rock.

Swallow nest is one of the most beautiful and romantic places of the Crimean Peninsula. Representing Yalta, most tourists recall the swallow nest, although from Yalta to the castle 11 km, for example, the Livadia Palace is only 4.5 km away.

Geographic coordinates of a swallow socket on the map of the Crimea GPS N 44.430467 E 34.128399

Swallow socket is located south Yalta, in the village of Gaspra, on the sheer 40 meter rock, which is called Aurora. The rock most likely received its name from the ancient Greeks, settled on this land in the 1st century of our era and built a fortress near the Aurry Rock near the Aurihina. Aurora B. ancient Greece It was considered the goddess of Morning Zori. If you try to meet the dawn on the swallow nest, you will certainly understand the ancient Greeks that gave this rock such a name.

The first building on an aurry rock Appeared in 1895. The name of the estate was given by Love Castle. We reached us several paintings and photos of that time. Despite such a complex object, construction moved very quickly. Part of the engineering decisions on the construction of structures on the rock was already worked out on the construction of the Foros Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Glory about the castle of love quickly scattered through Tsarist Russia and thousands of tourists from all over the Crimea went to admire this wonder. The famous Marinists of Aivazovsky and Bogolyubov also turned out to be among the curious.
The castle of love belonged to the retired military, but the surname and the reasons for such a romantic name, unfortunately, did not reach this day.
After the death of the retired military castle, Love changed several owners and got into his hands to the oil baron of the Steingeel, who, too, as can not, turned out to be a big romantic and decided to rebuild the castle of love in a new castle - Swallow's nest.

Lastlock Castle Nest. Designed in a neo-style style, according to the analogue of the locks of Germany, with loopholes, spiers, but in a miniature and fabulous manner. Therefore, instead of a gray gothic structure, an easy, magic castle appeared, harmoniously fitted in the Crimean coast.
In 1912, the swallow jack is put into operation and immediately becomes the attraction of the Crimea. From Yalta daily organized marine excursions to Aurrhina Rocks with a walk in the village of Gaspra.
After the revolution, the swallow jack makes a restaurant. A little later, throwing out of extremes to extremes, give the library for the needs and the reading room opens there.

In 1927, one of the most powerful earthquakes in a few centuries, a magnitude of up to 7 balls with the epicenter in the southern part of the peninsula, took place in Crimea. The earthquake destroyed a part of the supporting foundation, several turrets and a part of the balcony. The building came to emergency condition and closed it to a visit for almost 40 years, until 1971. In 1971, they strengthen the foundation and reconstruct the lost parts of the building. Swallow's nest is open again for the guests of the Crimea and reception of visitors.

IN last years in Swallow nest opened the museum And the exhibition of paintings. Finding inside, you can see the exhibits, the old fireplace with the generic coat of arms, climb the wooden stairs to the second floor, admire the views from the windows.
Getting to the swallow socket is quite simple: or on the bottom road - by Sevastopol highway to the village of Gaspra, and from there on the signs to the swallow jack, there are parked in the parking lot and go to the castle on foot; Or along the top highway - on the South Coast Highway, turn on the Gaspra pointer and move to the sea to the pointer of the swallow socket.

Directly to the castle itself, too, you can also drive up to eliminate the hiking route, but only to park the car will be nowhere. There is no place for parking there, so you have to upload passengers and return to the beginning of the route.
Not far from the beginning hiking route From May to October, there are climbs that for a certain fee are ready to take you to the castle. Prices are usually such as the provision will not be 1 km away, but sightseeing tour by South Bank Crimea.
Hiking route to the swallow jack consists of 1200 steps, small descent and lifting. The lock is neped you can get in 10-15 minutes. Climbing to the castle, usually walking along the balcony, visit several species platforms, plenty of photographed, go to the museum. After the museum, it is necessary to get to the tree of desires with their workpiece. After performing the whole ritual, you can enjoy the beauty of the panoramic view of the sea, pay attention to the rock of the sail and on the eagle that is above it.

From the castle of the swallow the nest, you can return to the parking lot or descend to the foot of the castle, on the Pier, and from there on the ship go to Vorontsov Palace or Yalta. The journey will be very entertaining and interesting.
The cost of visiting a swallow nest: free of charge; Visiting the exhibition of paintings - 200 rub. In whatever time you visited the swallow nest, it will definitely leave you indifferent.

Amazing Facts about Swallow Nest
1. Under the swirl nest there is a small cave, which is also called a swallow socket. You can get to the cave you can flood. The cave form a small grotty chain depth to 10-12 meters. One of the halls of a black cave. Scientists suggest that in the Neolithic era, when the sea level was below 20-30 meters, an ancient people could dwell in this cave. So diving lovers worth paying attention to the cave of the swallow socket.
2. In 1927, after the earthquake and partial destruction of the swallow nest, the question of the transfer of the castle on the stones was discussed seriously in the depths of Gaspra, 30-50 meters from the cliff, and re-recreate it. Discussions proceeded for about 5 years, but further the theory, fortunately, the case did not come.
3. In 1996, when filming the film "Police History 4" with Jackie Chanom, the shooting group arrived in the Crimea for setting several episodes, but by visiting the nest, Jackie Chan decided to change the script slightly and remove several frames against the backdrop of the castle.
Also, the swallow of the nest fell under the sights of objectives in such tapes as: "Ten Negreat", "Academy of Pan of Panks", "Blue Bird" and "Mio, My Mio".
4. Swallow the nest is the most recognizable lock in the post-Soviet space and more than 72% of respondents exactly indicated where it is located.

Swallow nest on the map of Crimea

See also: