The village of Marine Gypsy to Panya. Panier (Koh Panyee) - National Gypsy Village Phuket Floating Village

Located in the Gulf Phang NGA , not far from Phuket. It is built at the foot of the giant limestone cliff, right on the water.

We visited this village by a group, within one of the excursions in 2013. Almost the entire village is located on stilts.

When we approach her (on water), the guide said that residents of this village - Muslim Therefore, it is impossible to visit it in highly open clothing (for example, a swimsuit and pareo), you need to wear at least shorts and shirts. That day was cloudy weather, so the photos were not very bright and juicy.

The purpose of our visit was to see how marine gypsies live, as well as dine

About 1600-1800 people live in this village. Marine Gypsy is different called The people of Chao Le. Since childhood, they find a common language with the sea - they study the breath for a long time, to dive very deeply and see well in seawater (and she is sooo salt) - they become excellent swimmers. Primary occupation Sea Gypsy is, of course, fishing, collection of mollusks and crayfish. Recently there are quite a few tourists visit them. Also Chao Le. machine various decorations and souvenirs from pearls and seashells which can be purchased while visiting the floating village. Goods with essentials, the village is supplied from the mainland.

When visiting this village on the piles, we noticed that there are many cats and cats (as well as everywhere in Thailand), walked around the streets, lunch and met the life of marine gypsies. It was an unusual and cognitive excursion.

In this way, visiting the village of Marine Gypsy - an interesting opportunity to get acquainted with the national flavor of this nationHowever, you should not forget that we are only guests, and should behave like a fit.

I offer you attention

The floating village of Panya is located in an amazing and famous for the whole world of Bay of Phang Nga. In the village constantly lives about 1485 people in 315 families. All these people are the descendants of the same family, the Baboo (Toh Baboo), settled on the island about 200 years ago.

Family that Babu and their friends left their homes in Indonesia and sailed here on the boat in search of a new place to live. Three families gave each other promise that the one who finds a place where many fish lives and where all three families could live, give a signal with a raising flag, so high as possible, the rest of the two families.

The Babu found this island with a large number of fish floating from his shores and kept the promise, hanging the flag on a high, hanging over the sea rock. So the name of this island appeared - Pan means "Island with the flag."

In terms of panya, a small island, most of which make up huge vertical karst rocks. Hundreds of shacks and horses are built on piles in shallow water. Nobody, even the oldest local fishermen, does not know how this unusual village is held on the number of piles, but it can be called a unique model of alternative construction.

At the beginning, everything that marine gypsies lived was fishing. Now this ancient occupation has moved into the background, more than half of the villagers earn a living by tourism.

The village has its own school, mosque, medical center, many little souvenir shops and several large restaurants overlooking the sea. Tourists who bought a day-to-day tour to James Bond is lunch in one of these restaurants. Usually lunch consists of a large amount of seafood. Recently, bungalows built on the island of Pan, where you can stay for the night. One night in such exotic place It is worth only 300 baht.

At first glance amazes how friendly people of this small village are. Children and adults are the same time to overtake tourists, trying to know how to tell and show their lives and life. Ten years ago there was no electricity and fresh water in the village, which is now delivered to the village with the mainland. In the spring, children do not go to school, and they are released a large number of Free-time to play football, wander around, help parents deal in a shop or restaurant and play computer games. No matter how surprisingly, but this village also has internet.

About 200 children study at school, and only 13 teachers work. In addition to teaching, teachers are engaged in environmental projects. Together with the children, they collect bottles and iron banks, sell them, and thereby earn money for school. And above all, it allows you to contain the village itself and its coastal waters clean and increases the environmental awareness of local residents. In addition, teachers, together with students, grow vegetables on hydroponics and then sell in the local market. Prices in young merchants are more than acceptable - about 40 baht per kilogram.

Like all children, they dream of who will be when they grow. Someone wants to be a guide, someone's doctor, and someone wants to become a famous football player. And it is not so important what will be engaged in the future, the main thing is that now they look very happy on their little island with the flag.

  • On the island of Panya, only one policeman who has practically no work that he cannot but rejoice.
  • Electricity on the island of Panya costs 6 times more than in Phuket Town.
  • When tourists leave, the restaurant and the store are closed, and the village from the tourist parking turns into a quiet fishing settlement.

How to get

You can rent a long-tailed wooden boat on the pier of the Surakul (Surakul Pier), which will cost about 1700 baht for 3 hours. A boat can fit up to 10 people.

Or simply buy a tour of the islands of the Phang Nga Bay, which includes a transfer to the hotel. One-day tours to the Bay of Phang Nga enters lunch in this village. There is also a souvenir tray nearby.

The village of Marine Gypsies, or to Panier, is a unique settlement in the Gulf of Phang Nga. It is located at the foot of the limestone cliff near Phuket Island.

Sea Gypsies (Sea Gypsies) are among the first inhabitants in Phuket. In Thai, they are called Chao Le, which is translated as "Sea People".

This place is quite known among travelers as a floating village, which is notable for the fact that it was built on the water by Indonesian fishermen.

The base period by the nomadic Malay Fisherman of the village near stone Island To the Pania, the end of the 18th century is considered.

In those days, the law limited foreigners to own land plot and allowed land ownership exclusively to Thai, and many consider it the main reason for choosing accommodation with the construction in these places the village is not on Earth, but on the water.

The construction of the village on the piles in the water was justified by the objectives of protecting the island by the water of the bay, with the provision of easy access to maintain the usual lifestyle of the fisherman.

The age of floating village exceeds 200 years.

Also on land there is a small cemetery

The rest of the buildings in this settlement are kept on the piles, which makes it not like almost no village in the world.

A police station, a small medical institution, school and other facilities of local infrastructure towers above the water.

In unusual settlement Muslim school, in which local children learn in mixed classes (boys + girls).

Due to the fact that the school with its system did not receive approval from some conservative orthodox Muslims, many boys are sent to studying in schools that are quite far from their home - in Phang-Nge or Phuket.

The village founded a football team and even a unique football field was created: this is a wooden platform on the water.

Inspired by the world championship in 1986, then still children "clamped the field" from old wood waste and fishing rafts.

Since 2011, the local team of FC Panyee is one of the most successful in Thailand

The resettlement with a floating village, the so-called - internal migration, local and government authorities are more likely encouraged. Thus, the number of population and its safety is controlled: in the rainy season at home and the life of the inhabitants are in danger.

In the late 90s, the community faced financial difficulties, as it could not exist solely on the income from fishing.

The local postman offered to invite tourists to the village to give the opportunity to earn residents of the floating village.

Nowadays it is one of the main attractions with a stop for lunch, in the programs of most maritime tours of the Bay of Phang-Nga and around Phuket


In the village also thrives the sale of souvenirs from seashells and pearls.

For this, numerous fish restaurants and souvenir kiosks were opened on the island and in the village of Pani.

The name "Mokena" The inhabitants of the village were formed from "Owls" -sole water and "MO" - " Moque real amphibians. The Swedish researcher Anna Gislen found out that the vision of marine gypsies under water is sharper several times than Europeans. For centuries of dive, their pupils acquired the ability to narrow and change the focus. This quality and trained lungs allow mochens to track and catch fish at a depth of 23 meters. They are slightly dive to pearls. Crab and very well swim.

They have their own ancient language, but there is no writing. They are fragile material goods and take into their boats only the most necessary. Until recently, they are their prey of seafood, pearls exchanged on tools and clothing.

Despite the flowering of tourism in the country, life on the pan is still concentrated around fishing, because the bulk of tourists come to see the rickened village only during the dry season.

About the village of marine gypsy can be viewed in a short video

Gypsy has a house? Yes Yes! The most popular sea gypsy village in Phang-Nga Bay, near Phuket.What kind of money do local people live, how are houses are built, and who became the founder of the village of Tsygan?

Sea Gypsy village - Panier (Koh.Panyee) - What is it from yourself?

The village of Marine Gypsies - to Panya, which is located in the Bay of Phang-Nga, next to about. Phuket is an amazing place-town, standing completely on the water. Despite the complete absence of sushi, more than 400 gypsy families live on a permanent basis. This is exactly the rare and amazing caseWhen you can see a gypsy that do not roam, but live and "earn" in one place.

Navigan village from a bird's eye view

What is the marine gypsy village near Phuket

The area of \u200b\u200bthe village is only about 5 kmĀ². It is located at the foot of a huge cliff, in the Gulf of Phang-Nga, which is part of the same name national Park. All houses, except the mosque, stand on stilts, driven into the bottom of the Andaman Sea. Schools, shops and, even, police plots are "built on the water." Local life does not differ from the usual, ground. Instead of roads - small bridges, cars - boats. Business card Island - Mosque. It is a symbol of a village and an honorary place among those living Muslims. It takes the meetings of elders, religious holidays, major events.

The photo shows a mosque in the village of Nautical Gypsy

Surprisingly, in the day (working) time in the village there are only women, children and old men. All men at this point are engaged in fishing fishery.

School "On Water" in the village of Marine Gypsy. Street with local transport

History of the village of Marine Gypsy

His story of the village began at the end of the 18th century. Unfortunately, the village on the water was "forced" to build "from the opposite". In those days in Thailand, the law banned foreigners on the land of the kingdom. About the construction of permanent housing - and speeches did not go. Nims from Burma and Malaysia, namely, they first claimed to accommodate in Thai lands - not confused and built housing on the water. After all, the law did not prohibit the law! Over time, marine gypsies were tightly founded on a water island, supporting and systemically improving the internal infrastructure.

On the this moment Residents of the village are difficult to attribute to any racial affiliation. In the village "walks" his language, external signs of "mixed". In the village there is no his writing, which makes it difficult to withdraw the original roots.

Typical day local resident in the village of marine gypsy

Due to what the village lives - how marine nomads earn

  • Fishing and pearl mining

Sea Gypsies - Marine Gypsies - magnificent fishermen. From the Father to the Son, they pass their skills in fishing. In addition, residents mined pearls, which will continue to cross the mainland.

  • Tourist activity

A few years ago, the elders of the village were decided to "launch" tourists, because they understood that their water expanses would be interested in foreigners from around the world.

In the history of development to Panya, a certain postman is mentioned, which constantly underwent between the mainland and the village of marine gypsies. It was he who "threw a hook" to the elders and offered to "earn" in tourists who have already actively visited the neighboring mainland and Thai islands.

At the moment, many fish restaurants, stalls and shops open their doors in the village. As it should be, Gypsy children actively "hit" souvenirs, cutely clinging to the hand.

Souvenir shop in the "floating" village of Gypsy

Despite the modern realities - the main income of the village - there remains fisheries. The authorities of Thailand "call" the local people migrate to the mainland, as permanent residence in the village is not safe.

Required food products on the panny deliver from sushi. As with all over the world, the money earned - marine nomads exchanged on the necessary things.

How to get to the village of Tsygan

As a rule, a visit to the village of Marine Gypsy is included in the excursion "James Bond Island". This is the fastest and most profitable way to be in this place.

If you are planning a self-journey, stick to the plan " independent travel on Phang-Nga "- this is written in the article -

The famous Bay of Phang Nga is famous, first of all, the beauty of its nature, but besides the bays, caves, lagoon and rock sticking from the sea, there are cultural attractions here. One of them is the village of Marine Gypsy to Panye (Koh Panyee). This settlement, fully built on the piles, is now included in tourist routes And attracts many tourists daily during the high season.

The history of this place is interesting and unusual. At the end of the XVIII century, several families of the nomadic people Chao Le left the native Island of Java and went in search better place for life. Since they were all fishermen, then the place was looking for fish. Travelers agreed that the one who would find a suitable island would raise the flag, convening the rest. I discovered a place where the village is now, a man on the estate, he, he hoisted his banner to the island, giving the Rocky Utus the name to Panya - the island of the flag. The fish here was a lot, the comfortable bay was protected from the waves, so fishermen decided to stay.
According to the laws, not being citizens of Thailand, they did not have the right to own Thai earthly, but the exit still found: they built their homes on the water around the island. Now the village spread out half aalkometer from the edge to the edge; More than 300 families live in it, which is about 1,800 people.

Nowadays, residents of Panya received the right to ownership of land, which did not slow down to take advantage of tiny island They first built a mosque. She is not the only one in the village, there are others, however, not so large. Also there is a private medical center, an elementary school in which more than 300 students walks, and even a police station in which the only policeman misses.

Residents of the Panya still continue to engage in fishing, because she brought them income for many years, but now they combine it with the service of tourists. The idea of \u200b\u200bshowing foreigners your amazing life has filed a local postman, and it turned out to be very successful. Now there have been a lot of shops, shops, as well as for visitors, opened a cafe and several restaurants, in which seafood are served, of course. Those who will especially like here may remain to spend the night in the bungalows who perform the role of the hotel.

Local residents The constant flow of tourists seems to not at all distract. At school there are lessons, and after classes, children go to help parents, collect and sort garbage or play football. Surprisingly, there is not only a real football field, but also your own football team, by the way, one of the best in Thailand. The first field was built here once out of old boards and fishing rafts, but now it is a full-fledged stadium, also on stilts. Multiple people are engaged in familiar fishing, because all other products have to be brought from the mainland, which is why they cost more. And the funny and amazing thing in this sea village is the cats living here, which completely calmly feel in the middle of the open sea.

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