Where is it better to relax in Sochi. Where is the best place to relax in Sochi

Is it worth resting in Sochi, and if so, what time of the year is it better to go, what kind of transport to prefer, where is it better to stay, what to do, what to see and what to buy as a souvenir? In this small guide, I will try to answer these questions so that you can successfully plan your vacation in Sochi.

Panorama of Sochi from the observation deck of the Sochi arboretum

Sochi is the longest city in Russia. Its length along the coast is about 145 km. The total area is 3502 sq. Km, but 81% of the territory is occupied by specially protected natural areas. Urban development occupies only about 8.1% of the city's territory. The rest is occupied by industrial and agricultural enterprises, transport infrastructure and energy facilities, forestry, etc.

There are four districts in Greater Sochi: Lazarevsky, Khostinsky, Adlersky and Central. The Lazarevsky District is the northernmost, and the Adler District is the southernmost. Further south is the border with Abkhazia.

History of Sochi: from the All-Union health resort to the Olympic Games

Sochi is a fashionable seaside resort. Some love him for his beauty and elitism, others hate him, considering him to be the focus of vice. But this city does not leave anyone indifferent.

The first people appeared here about 350-400 thousand years ago. In many caves, tools of ancient man's labor, sites of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were found. Later, different tribes settled here, in the VI-V centuries. BC. this region was colonized by the Greeks in the 1st-5th centuries. AD - by the Romans. In 562, these lands passed to Byzantium, from that time to the present day the ruins of Christian temples and fortresses, some of which were laid down in the Roman era, have survived. In the XIII-XIV centuries, the Genoese appeared here. Later, the region came under the influence of the Ottoman Empire.

This region became part of Russia during the Caucasian War (1817-1864). April 21, 1838 was founded Fort Alexandria(not far from the Sochi lighthouse and the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel), renamed a year later in Navaginsky fort... However, during the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Russian garrison was forced to leave it and go to Novorossiysk. In 1864, at the mouth of the Sochi River was built Dakhovsky post, renamed ten years later in Dakhovsky Posad... In 1896 it was renamed Sochi, along the river on which it stood. It became the city of Sochi in 1917.

Back at the beginning of the 20th century, people came here to be treated with the healing "fiery waters" of Matsesta, discovered in 1902, to take sun baths, enjoy the sea and beautiful landscapes. During the First World War, due to the impossibility of vacationing in Europe, Sochi became a popular destination. Many famous people have been here.

"Caucasian Riviera" is one of the first hotels in Sochi. It was built in 1909, giving rise to Sochi as a resort. Demolished in 2010, now in its place long-term construction

In the 30s, Sochi turned into an all-Union health resort, numerous sanatoriums were built both for ordinary citizens and for the party nomenclature. Here Stalin and other high officials of the Soviet state often rested for a long time. During the war years, Sochi became a hospital city, where people were put on their feet and returned to service even after the most severe wounds.

The Ordzhonikidze sanatorium is one of the most famous and beautiful not only in Sochi. Built in 1934-1937 in Italian style. Here, in particular, an episode of the film "Old Man Hottabych" was filmed

In the postwar years, Sochi continued to develop as an all-Union resort. The 90s of the XX century were rather gloomy for the entire region, as well as for the country as a whole. Many previously successful enterprises became unprofitable, some of them were closed. Sanatoriums and boarding houses, previously owned by trade unions, passed into private hands, often in a not entirely legal way. Many historical buildings were emptied, which led to their further loss. From the former Soviet republics of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, caught in the flames of military conflicts, a stream of refugees poured here.

The Marine Terminal is the "calling card" of Sochi. Opened in 1955

A new stage in the development of Sochi began in the late 2000s, when preparations began for the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. The city turned into a huge construction site, which, of course, caused a lot of inconvenience to local residents. The work was accompanied by numerous conflicts and scandals. Many famous architectural monuments were lost, such as the "Caucasian Riviera" boarding house, Khludov's dacha in the Riviera park. Although many other monuments of nature, history and culture were, on the contrary, put in order.

Those who have been to Sochi in previous years will surely note the emptiness of this place: behind the beach of the Zvezdny hotel rises an abandoned building structure on the site of the demolished Caucasian Riviera

V Imereti lowland(coastal cluster) and in Krasnaya Polyana(mountain cluster) magnificent Olympic facilities have been erected. New modern buildings of the railway station and airport appeared in Adler, designed to receive a large number of passengers. New high-speed roads were laid, tunnels were dug, and many of the Sochi serpentines remained in the past.

Expressways and tunnels in Sochi

Contrary to fears, after the end of the Games, the Olympic facilities were not abandoned. Today, training and performances of athletes, Formula 1 competitions are held here. The Olympic Park has become one of the most popular leisure destinations. In 2018, Sochi will become one of the venues for the FIFA World Cup.

Today the Olympic Park is one of the most visited places in Sochi

Sochi is located in the belt of humid subtropics. In summer, the sea brings humid air and softens the heat; in winter, the Caucasus Mountains protect the coast from cold winds. Due to this, there is no climatic winter here. Although in some years snow falls and lays for several days. In the mountains, snow falls already in October and lasts until May.

The warmest months in Sochi are July and August. In June, the weather is very warm, but the water temperature is only about 20 ° C. In September, the average water temperature is about 23.5 ° C, and the air temperature is lower than in the hot months. From about mid-September it is established the Velvet season when daytime temperatures do not exceed + 20-26 ° С. This is the most comfortable time to relax in Sochi.

Sochi is dominated by lush subtropical vegetation. In the photo: blooming oleander in the Primorsky Park of Sochi

During the winter months and early spring, cloudy days and rains are common. In some years, there are frosts, and thermophilic vegetation may die. Even in April, the weather is unstable, with the return of cold weather. However, in general, during the winter months, the temperature on the coast is around + 5-7 ° C.

In winter, in the mountains, the height of the snow cover can reach several meters in the alpine zone (1001-1700 meters above sea level), up to 10-15 meters in the alpine zone (above 1701 meters above sea level). There are glaciers and snowfields at the height.

In Sochi, there are catastrophic floods, when mountain rivers overflow their banks, carrying tree trunks and huge stones uprooted in a stormy stream. The formation of tornadoes is possible over the sea.

The Sochi River seems calm. But during floods, it turns into a roaring stream and often overflows the banks, flooding nearby streets.

When and why to go to Sochi

If you want to swim and have a sunbath then the best time to visit Sochi is July, August and September. However, in summer, the city and its environs will be very crowded, and prices in hotels and air tickets are much higher than at other times of the year.

If you want to swim and see the sights then choose the Velvet season - September and the very beginning of October. There are already fewer people at the resort.

If you want, first of all, see the sights, do not want to swim or you will be satisfied with the pool at the hotel, then you can come to Sochi at any time of the year. From my own experience and the experience of my friends, I can say that in the summer, due to the heat and the large influx of tourists, it is almost impossible to combine a classic beach vacation with sightseeing.

if you love skiing, it is best to go to the ski resorts of Krasnaya Polyana in February-March, when you can catch light and soft snow there - Krasnaya Polyana powder... Skiing is also possible in April.

If you want to admire flowering plants, to breathe in the aromas of spring, come to Sochi in March-April. At this time, you will see the flowering of mimosa, sakura, magnolia and other beautiful plants. However, at any other time of the year there are many exotic flowers in Sochi.

if you love mountains and mountain hikes, then it is worth going to Sochi from May to October.

If you are going to be treated on the waters of Matsesta or Kudepsta, it is better not to go during the beach season: when receiving procedures, the sea and the beach are not recommended.

In August in Sochi, oleander blooms everywhere - a poisonous but very beautiful plant

Beach vacation in Sochi

The resorts of Greater Sochi are suitable for a beach holiday. These are Adler, Vardane, Vishnevka, Volkonka, Glubokaya Shchel, Golovinka, Golubaya Dacha, Dagomys, Kudepsta, Lazarevskoye, Loo, Magri, Makopse, Soviet-Kvadzhe, Soloniki, Sochi, Hosta, Chemitokvadzhe, Yakornaya Shchel.

Good beaches have been made in the Olympic village in the Imereti lowland. The most popular are Lazarevskoye, Vardane, Loo, Dagomys, Sochi, Matsesta, Khosta, Kudepsta, Imeretinsky, Adler.

Almost all beaches in Greater Sochi are pebbly. There are areas with silvery-gray sand. In total, there are more than 130 beaches on the coast of Sochi, most of which belong to sanatoriums, boarding houses and hotels. There are also public city beaches. For a small fee, you can usually visit closed beaches and use their entire infrastructure.

In addition, there are wild beaches along the coast, and there are also nudist ones. As a rule, they are located at a sufficient distance from settlements.

Many hotels in Krasnaya Polyana have their own beaches on the coast, where buses leave several times a day.

The water on the pebble beaches is very clean. But going into and out of the sea is torment. Only bathing slippers save

Cons of a beach holiday in Sochi

The disadvantage of the Sochi beaches is the railway that runs along the entire coast. Passages are laid through it. It is forbidden to walk on the paths, however, many walk, shortening the road.

Another significant disadvantage of a beach holiday in Sochi is that when the water temperature is above + 24-26 ° C, it begins to develop rotavirus (intestinal) infection , which is especially difficult for children. Therefore, at this time, it is better to prefer swimming in the pool or in shallow mountain springs, where the water is warming up. And observe the rules of personal hygiene.

There are four beaches in Dagomys: a paid health complex "Dagomys", a paid boarding house "Olympic Dagomys", a free city beach and a wild beach. A railway runs along the coast

Sights of Sochi

There are many interesting sights in Sochi. Here you will find picturesque rocks, waterfalls, relict groves. There are countless architectural monuments - dolmens, ancient churches and monasteries, medieval fortresses, picturesque dachas of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, luxurious buildings in the “Stalinist Empire” style, interesting sculptures. Unfortunately, some of them are in disrepair, while others have been lost and, at best, a remake copy has been built in their place.

Khludov's dacha and sculpture "Fallow deer with a cub" in the Riviera park. This is not quite an exact copy of the old Khludov dacha, demolished in 2009, which was built in 1896 by the famous architect Lev Kekushev.

Dolmens, ancient fortresses and ruins of temples

  • Dolmens Solonik- single and groups of dolmens located in the vicinity of the village of Soloniki.
  • Volkonsky dolmen(Soloniki settlement) - the world's only preserved monolithic dolmen, carved into a stone boulder with an imitation of an entrance portal. The height of the inner domed chamber is about 1.5 meters. Located in the Lazarevskoye forestry of the Sochi National Park.
  • Tract "Three oaks", located a few kilometers from the village of Solokh-aul. More than a dozen dolmens. The road there after winter is difficult.
  • Bagu fortress(Godlik, settlement Soloniki). Located on the left bank of the Godlik River, the perimeter of the walls is about 700 meters. It was built up to the 5th century, when it was first mentioned in written sources. Until the 10th century, it was owned by the Byzantines, then until the 15th century by the Genoese. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, it was a large shopping center. The walls and six towers have been preserved.
  • Solokhaulskaya fortress- a small fortress at an altitude of 388 meters above the village of Solokh-aul. Apparently, it had a guard value, guarding the ancient caravan route along the Shakhe River.
  • Khosta fortress(Khostinsky district). Located in a hard-to-reach place yew-boxwood grove on the eastern slope of Mount Bolshoy Akhun. The exact time of construction has not been established. The remains of limestone walls and four towers have survived to this day.
  • Ruins of a Byzantine temple in the village of Loo. Loo temple was built in the X-XII centuries, in the XIV century it was restored, in the XV-XVI centuries it was rebuilt into a fortress. It is located on the top of a mountain 308 meters high, 1.5 km from the coast.
  • Ruins of the temple of Agua(Svanidze river). Presumably the temple was built in the XIV century. Walls up to 1 meter high have been preserved. They believe that untold treasures are buried here.

Monasteries and temples

  • (Solohaul village, Koshmana str., 10) is a Serbian monastery with a strict Athonite charter, built in the early 2000s. Nearby in a picturesque gorge is the Holy Spring of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
  • Cathedral of the Holy Archangel Michael the Archangel(Moskvina St., 12) - the main Orthodox church in Sochi. Built to commemorate the end of the Caucasian War (1817-1864), consecrated in 1891. Partially built from the remains of the fortress walls.
  • Temple of the Apostles Simon and Thaddeus(Parallelnaya street, 11) - Roman Catholic church, built in 1995-1997. According to the Catholic tradition, the apostles Simon and Thaddeus preached in the Caucasus. Most of the parishioners are Catholic Armenians.

Cross and icons near the Holy Spring of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon near the Holy Cross Hermitage

Manors and summer cottages

  • v Riviera park(st.Egorova, 1). It was built in 1896 in the pseudo-Russian style with Art Nouveau elements by the architect Lev Kekushev. Belonged to the founder of the park Vasily Alekseevich Khludov. In Soviet times, the building housed a polyclinic, in 2009 it was demolished. The existing building is a remake that differs from the original.
  • v Sochi arboretum... Built in 1899 by Sergei Nikolaevich Khudekov for his wife. The building was renovated in 2014 and now houses a museum.
  • (Kurortny prospect 32a / 1) was built in the Art Nouveau style with elements of eclecticism in 1910 by the Sochi city mayor Nikolai Anatolyevich Kostarev. Currently - the Sochi city center for extracurricular activities.
  • Colonel A. V. Kvitko's summer residence(Novorossiysk highway, 11a). Built in 1916 for Gendarmerie Colonel Andrei Kvitko. After the revolution, a children's labor colony was located here, then a sanatorium, then a rest house for NKVD employees. The building is surrounded by dark secrets, ghosts are found. It is currently empty and is gradually being destroyed.
  • Trapeznikov's dacha(Pirogova st., 10/1 building 3). Built in the Moorish style for the famous St. Petersburg doctor Fyodor Trapeznikov. After the revolution, the sanatorium No. 6, owned by the NKVD, was located. Yagoda and Beria rested here. In the 1960s, the Zapolyarye boarding house was located. At present, the exterior of the building has been restored, but the interiors have been lost, only two fireplaces have survived.
  • Sanatorium named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze(Prospect Kurortny, 96). Located on the slope of the Bytkha mountain, from where a beautiful view of the sea opens. Built in 1934-1937 in Italian style. Many will remember Old Man Hottabych, who took this building for a luxurious palace of the padishah, and Volka, who explained that this palace was built for the rest of ordinary people.
  • (Hosta, 120, Kurortny ave.) Is a two-storey green building on the territory of the Green Grove sanatorium. You can go inside only with an excursion, which is organized on the spot, as the group gathers.

Villa "Hope" in the Sochi Arboretum


  • Sochi Art Museum(Prospect Kurortny, 51). Built according to the project of the architect I.V. Zholtovsky in 1936 as an administrative building. Sections: painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts, art crafts. More than 6,000 exhibits, the oldest dating back to the 1st century. BC.
  • Museum of the history of the resort town of Sochi(Vorovskogo street, 54/11). It was founded in 1920 and is one of the oldest cultural institutions in the city. It is based on the collection of the Sochi branch of the Caucasian Mountain Club (1902-1917). 14 halls, more than 4000 unique exhibits reflecting the history of Sochi and the entire region from antiquity to the present day.
  • Ostrovsky Literary Memorial Museum(Pavla Korchagin street, 4). Includes the Memorial House of the Soviet writer Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky (1904-1936) and the Literary Museum. An exposition dedicated to the literary history of Sochi, exhibitions of fine art from the collections of Russia's central museums and private collections.
  • House-Museum "Dacha V. Barsova"(Chernomorskaya st., 8) - a museum of the Russian opera singer Valeria Barsova, since 1920 she has been a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. She had a lyric-coloratura soprano. The house was built by the architect N. Trishkin.

Streets, squares, interesting places

  • - in the past, Stalin Avenue, the main highway of Sochi, where the most magnificent buildings and sanatoriums are located.
  • Vereshchagin viaduct- a picturesque road bridge on Kurortny Prospekt over the Vereshchaginka River. Built in 1935. The bridge is 220 meters long and 27 meters high.
  • Sochi Embankment (Promenade)... It stretches for about 2 km from Seaport to Pushkin Avenue. One of the most popular walks. One of the episodes of the film "The Diamond Arm" was filmed here, on the square near the building Seaport monuments to Gesha Kazadoev and Lelik, and Semyon Semyonich with his family were installed.
  • Arts Square(Kurortny prospect, 51). Located next to Sochi Art Museum and Kurortny prospect... A small open-air museum: sculptures, fountains framed by subtropical vegetation and flower beds.
  • - pedestrian street going from Railway station to the side Seaport... Subtropical plants, sculptures, a fountain, many shops and cafes.
  • - a huge coastal cluster in the Imereti Lowland. It includes the Fisht stadium, the Bolshoi, Puck, Iceberg ice rinks, the Adler-Arena indoor skating center, the Ice Cube curling center. In the center of the Main Ceremonial Square of the Medal-Plaza is the Cup of the Olympic Flame, now a light and music fountain. Nearby - the Main Olympic Village and the "Russian Disneyland".
  • ... You can go there at any time of the year to admire the beautiful landscapes, interesting buildings, climb the cable car to Rosa Khutor at an altitude of 2320 meters above sea level. There are several interesting museums in Krasnaya Polyana and the village of Esto-Sadok.

Buildings, observation decks

  • ... From a 700-meter height, magnificent panoramas of Sochi, the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains open. Near the tower there are stalls with souvenirs and cafes. Delicious Krasnodar tea with pastries is served.
  • ... The beautiful building of the Marine Station in the Stalinist Empire style built in 1955 somewhat resembles the Admiralty in St. Petersburg. The marina moors luxury yachts, large ships and ships. You can order a boat trip.
  • Sochi lighthouse(Primorskaya embankment). Built in 1880 from the remains Navaginsky Fort... Its light was visible at a distance of up to 32 km. In the past, depending on the time of year and day, it shone in different colors, now the light of the lighthouse is green.
  • Pushkin library v Seaside park(Primorskaya st., 1). One of the oldest libraries on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Founded in 1899. In 1912, a new building in the Art Nouveau style was built by the architect A.Ya.Butkin. The volume of the library fund is currently about 70 thousand copies of books and magazines. Book exhibitions, literary and musical evenings are held, subscription and reading room services are provided.
  • Railway station Sochi(Gorky street, 56) was opened in 1952. A three-storey building with three courtyards and a 55-meter-high tower. Included in the UNESCO Red Book and recognized as the most beautiful railway station building in Europe.

From the observation tower on Mount Bolshoy Akhun, built in 1936-1937 on the site of the ruins of an ancient Turkish fortress, a magnificent view of the surroundings opens, and even Abkhazia is visible in clear weather


  • (Chernomorskaya st., 11). Built in 1937 by architect V.S. Krolevets. Accommodates 800 spectators. Located on the territory Frunze Park.
  • Winter theater(Teatralnaya st., 2). Built in 1934-1937. Surrounded by 88 columns of the Corinthian order. The pediment is decorated with three sculptures by V. I. Mukhina, personifying painting, architecture and sculpture. The hall can accommodate 946 spectators. Near the theater are located Seaside park and garden "Fitofantasia".

Summer theater in the evening


  • Monument "Anchor and Cannon" v Seaside park... It was created in 1913 in memory of the end of the Caucasian War and in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. The anchor was cast in 1779 at the Votkinsk (Botkinsk) plant in Udmurtia, and the ship's cannon - in 1807 at the South Ural Aleksandrovsk plant.

Unusual forged sculptures by Hakob Khalafyan can be found in many parts of Sochi. In the photo: sculptures in the courtyard of the restaurant "Old Bazaar" (Nessebrskaya st., 4)

Tea attractions

Sochi is the homeland Krasnodar tea... Tea plantations are located along the coast. They buy tea for themselves as a gift: black, green, with herbs (mint, thyme, berries, etc.).

  • (settlement Solokh-aul, street Koshman, 29). The place where Judah Koshman was able to successfully grow the northernmost tea at that time for the first time. The tea plantations planted by Koshman, the grave of Koshman and his wife, the house where the museum is now located have survived. Tasting and sale of Krasnodar tea from the plantations of Solokh-aul.
  • Tea houses in Uch-Dera(settlement Uch-Dere, street Zaporozhskaya, 302). Built in the Russian style in the 1970s to host foreign delegations. Wine tasting and sale of Krasnodar tea. The museum houses a collection of Russian decorative and applied art. Performances of the ensemble of Russian song and dance "Rus".

Tea plantation and graves of Judas Koshman and his wife in the Koshman estate in Solohaul

Parks and squares of Greater Sochi

In Sochi, there are many beautiful parks and squares where exotic plants grow, amazing flowers bloom. Many of them were brought from distant countries even before the revolution. In Sochi, eucalyptus trees are planted, which perfectly absorb moisture from the ground and thereby contribute to the drainage of swamps - in the past, malaria was a real scourge in these places.

On the streets and in gardens, you can see palms, bananas, eucalyptus, ginkgo, figs, ivy, yucca, cycads, agaves and other plants that we usually grow as indoor plants.

  • (Avenue Kurortny, 74). A large collection of plants from different parts of the world, themed gardens. The territory is located villa "Hope", various sculptures, fountains and pavilions of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet times. Consists of two parts: Upper and Lower park. By cable car you can climb to the very top, from where from observation deck a beautiful view of Sochi, mountains and the sea opens.
  • (st.Egorova, 1). It was founded in 1883. Initially, the dacha of the owner, V.A. Khludov, was located here. Numerous exotic plants were planted. Since 1902 it has been a public city park. Currently, there are numerous attractions on the territory, oceanarium... Restored Khludov's dacha.
  • Park "Southern Cultures"(Adler, Tsvetochnaya St., 13) - was founded in 1910 on the initiative of the owner of the "Random" estate D.V. Drachevsky according to the project of the gardener-decorator A.E. Regel. A beautifully landscaped park with elements of regular gardens. Exotic conifers and deciduous plants. Currently, the park is undergoing large-scale work to recreate it.
  • Garden of Russian-Japanese friendship(Marine lane, 9). Founded in 1891 in the style of Japanese gardens. The author of the project is landscape architect S.I. Venchagov. The garden is especially beautiful in spring.
  • ... Founded in the 1930s on the site of an old boulevard. Many exotic plants and beautiful panoramas of the Black Sea. At the bottom - Sochi embankment... Interesting objects: hotel "Primorskaya" Built in the 1930s, Pushkin library, composition "Anchor and Cannon" other. Nearby Winter theater, temple of Michael the Archangel, concert hall "Festival", old Sochi lighthouse.
  • Frunze Park(st.Chernomorskaya, 11). Founded in 1899, at that time it was called Vereshchagin Park. Later, in honor of the Russian philanthropist A.S. Ermolov, it was named Ermolovsky, and after the revolution it was named Frunze. Located in the park.
  • Yew-boxwood grove(settlement Khosta, st. Samshitovaya). Located on the eastern slope of the Bolshoi Akhun mountain. Relic vegetation grows: berry yew, Colchis boxwood, oak, beech, hornbeam, linden, holly, rhododendron and others. On the northern border of the grove there is a medieval Khosta fortress... Currently, the yew-boxwood grove is endangered due to boxwood moth, accidentally brought from Italy during the preparation for the Olympic Games.
  • Park "Berendeevo kingdom"(Lazarevsky district, valley of the Kuapse river). Picturesque rocks, mountain streams, waterfalls, fonts. The fairy tale by Alexander Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden" was filmed here, so all the waterfalls bear names from this fairy tale. Above waterfall "Beard Berendey" equipped with an observation deck.
  • Botanical Garden "Fitofantaziya"(Teatralnaya st., 2). Park of "continuous flowering", created by SI Venchagov. Collected about 260 species of exotic trees and shrubs and more than 100 types of flowers. Located next to Winter theater.
  • Bird park in Imeretinka(Lenin street, 96). Located on the territory Olympic Park in the Imereti lowland. Thanks to the activity of ecologists, during the preparations for the Olympic Games, it was possible to preserve this unique corner, where more than 40 species of birds live in natural conditions, many birds stop during their migrations.
  • Plane alley(113 Kurortny ave.) was planted in 1913 as a monument to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. During the construction of Stalin Avenue (now) it was under the threat of extinction, but it was managed to be defended. Singing fountains were installed here in 1970.
  • Park named after Bestuzhev-Marlinsky(Adler, street Democratic). It was founded in 1910 at the initiative of local residents and with the support of General Drachevsky, the founder of the Southern Cultures Park. In 1957, a monument with a bas-relief of the poet was erected at the grave of the Decembrist Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (1797-1837).
  • Sochi National Park(Sochi, street Moskovskaya, 21). One of the first national parks in our country, created in 1983 in order to preserve the unique natural complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. A program is underway to restore the population of the Central Asian leopard in the wild.

Sochi's parks are an amazing harmony of nature and man, lush flowering and exotic plants. In the photo: a bed with agave in the Sochi arboretum

Farms and farms

  • (Adler district, Kazachy Brod village, Forelevaya street, 45A). Interesting excursions are held, you can see how trout and other fish species are grown. Nearby there is a fish shop and a tasting room.

Trout farm "Adler" breeds gold and rainbow trout, as well as other types of fish

Natural beauty and active recreation in Sochi

Around Sochi - the most beautiful nature: mountains, mountain rivers and streams, waterfalls, picturesque rocks. Some places can be easily reached, while others will have a lot of difficulties to get to. The outskirts of Sochi are an ideal place for hiking, both independent and organized, of various categories of difficulty. There are hiking, horseback riding, river rafting, rock climbing. Jeep trips are organized to many locations. In the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana and in Rosa Khutor, there are special trekking trails.

Registration of a permit to visit the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve and the border zone

Some of the natural attractions of Greater Sochi are located on the territory Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve... To get there, you need to get a pass to visit the reserve (issued on the spot), the cost is 300 rubles per day per adult, 100 rubles per child.

You can only walk along special paths (now 11 routes are open), tents are allowed to be set up only in specially designated places, you need to take garbage with you. Usually the reserve is open to tourists from mid-June to mid-October. In spring and autumn, the reserve is closed for registration of animals.

Some natural attractions are located in border zone... To visit her, permission from the border guards is required (the Sochi border guard detachment of the FSB).

Documents for issuing a pass can be handed over in Sochi (Teatralnaya st., 5, FSB reception) or on the State Services website in the "Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)" section. The term for preparation of documents is 1 month. If the exact travel dates are not known, you can apply for a permit for the entire season. Passing into the border zone without permission is punishable by a fine and expulsion from the zone.

  • For information on obtaining passes to the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, places where permission from border guards is required and addresses where you can get a pass, see the site of the reserve.
  • What documents are required to obtain a pass to the border zone, see the website of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

Picturesque places of Greater Sochi

  • The outskirts of the village of Solokhaul... One of the most picturesque places in Greater Sochi. Sights: , tract "Three oaks" with dolmens, valley of the Shahe river, Solohaul canyon... It is planned to create a safari park.
  • Mount Fisht(2867.7 m). A mountain peak in the western part of the Main Caucasian Range. Translated from Adyghe - "white head". Climbing routes of complexity from 1B to 6A, horseback riding to the mountain. Named after her Fisht stadium v Olympic Park.

The Caucasus Mountains are extremely picturesque. In the photo: a view towards the Main Caucasian ridge from the Observation Tower on Mount Bolshoy Akhun


  • Agursky waterfalls- a cascade of waterfalls on Agura river in a picturesque Agursky gorge... The water slope is 3 meters high, the Devil's Font lake, the Devil's hole cave, the Lower Agurskiy two-stage waterfall (18 and 12 meters), the Middle Agurskiy waterfall (23 meters), the Upper Agurskiy waterfall (21 meters). Nearby - Eagle rocks... One of the most popular places in Sochi, access to the falls is paid. Located between Matsesta and mountain Big Akhun.
  • Thirty three waterfalls(Lazarevsky district, Dzhegosh tract, in the Shakhe river valley, 4 km north of the village of Bolshoi Kichmai). Mountain gorge with a cascade of waterfalls up to 12 meters high on the Dzhegosh River. Relic vegetation. Natural monument. Included in the composition.
  • Bzogu waterfall(settlement Dagomys). A two-stage waterfall with clear water, relict vegetation, a picturesque gorge. About an hour's walk from the village of Solohaul.
  • Polikarya waterfall(settlement Krasnaya Polyana). The height of the waterfall is about 70 meters, it is the highest waterfall in the Krasnodar Territory and one of the highest in Europe. It is located a few kilometers from at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, in the area of ​​alpine meadows. There is a glacier next to the waterfall. You can get to it on foot or by SUV.
  • ... Picturesque baths in a deep canyon created by sloping rock layers across the riverbed. Popular vacation spot: beach, cafe. Excursions often stop on the way back from Solohaul. Nearby are tea plantations.
  • Makopse waterfalls(settlement Vishnevka). A group of waterfalls on the Makops River and its tributaries. The most picturesque are "Laura's Tears" and "Serenade of Love".
  • Boxwood waterfalls(village Dagomys) - picturesque waterfalls in the gorge on the river East Dagomys. Located upstream of the river from the village of Baranovka.
  • Hadjipse River Valley Waterfalls(settlement Yakornaya Shchel). Small picturesque waterfalls 1.5 km from the village. Anchor Slit. An equestrian route passes by them.
  • Svanidze waterfalls- a cascade of 2-3 meter waterfalls on the Svanidze stream, the left tributary of the Agva river. Few tourists.
  • Waterfalls Psydakh and Shapsug(Lazarevsky district, Ashe, aul Kalezh). Two- and three-stage waterfalls, one of the most beautiful in the Caucasus. Next to the Shapsug waterfall is the Stone of Desires. The place around the waterfalls is landscaped for a comfortable stay, there are observation platforms.
  • Zmeikovsky waterfalls(Khostinsky district, settlement Izmailovka). A group of waterfalls on the Dikarka River, a tributary of the Matsesta. The area around is landscaped, a visit fee is charged.
  • Maiden's Tears Waterfall(Krasnopolyanskoe forestry). A 13-meter waterfall that flows into the Mzymta River. Represents unhappy love. The exit to the waterfall is located behind the village of Chvizhepse, 2 km before reaching Krasnaya Polyana.
  • Waterfall "Paradise Delight"(settlement Verkhne-Armenian Loo). The waterfall in the Loo river valley, near the village, is easy to walk. Nearby there is an old Armenian village, which has preserved its traditional way of life, and a trout farm.
  • Achipsi waterfalls... The waterfalls are located on the Achipsa River on the southern slope of the Achishkho ridge. It takes a certain amount of physical preparation to get here.
  • Orekhovsky waterfall(the village of Orekhovka). A two-stage waterfall, the second highest in Sochi. It is located in the Khostinsky district on the Bezumenka River at its confluence with the Sochi River. The height of the most picturesque part of the waterfall is 27.5 meters. Picturesque gorge. The territory is landscaped, a toll is charged. There is a cafe.

It is nice to swim in Koryty on the Western Dagomys river on a hot day


  • Akhshtyrskaya cave(Adler district, settlement Kazachiy Brod). Located on the starboard side Akhshtyr gorge over the Mzymta river. The cave entrance is located 120 meters above the river level. The site of a primitive man - Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons. The first people settled here about 70 thousand years ago and lived until the early Middle Ages. The thickness of the cultural layer is about 5 meters. A unique monument of primitive architecture. The entrance to the cave is paid.
  • Vorontsovskaya cave(Khostinsky district, Vorontsovka village). Located in the upper reaches of the Kudepsta River. More than 10 entrances in the sides of the Kudepsta river valley at an altitude of 419-720 meters above sea level. Landfall chambers in Upper Cretaceous layered limestones, stalactites, stalagmites, columns. The sites of the ancient man of the Upper Paleolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic times, the bones of a cave bear. Excursion route through the cave.
  • Cave of witches... Other names - House of Spirits, Salvation Cave. Located on the right bank of the Ashe River. To get to it, you need to walk along a long suspension bridge over the Ashe River. The cave is half-flooded, part of the way passes through water. Excursions are organized.
  • Tiger cave(settlement Lazarevskoe, aul Tkhagapsh). The cave is divided into three arms. The length of the cave is about 145 meters, but due to the low height of the vaults, it is impossible to walk all of it. On the way to the cave, you need to go along the suspension bridge over the Psezuapse river. Multi-colored layers of rocks compose the walls of the cave, for which it got its name.

Gorges, canyons, rocks

  • Dzykhrinskoe gorge... A small picturesque gorge near the top of Mount Dzykhra (1277 meters above sea level). Formed by the Dzykhrinka stream - the left tributary of the Mzymta river. The depth of the gorge is 60-100 meters, the width in the lower part does not exceed 10 meters, and the length is 1.3 km. The stream forms cascading waterfalls with a total length of 20 meters, the height of the largest waterfall is about 6 meters.
  • Volkonskoe gorge and rocks Two brothers... A picturesque gorge, along which the rapids Godlik river flows. Volkonsky dolmen... Hydrogen sulfide mineral spring, rich in sodium and chlorine. "Glade of roots". Rocks Two Brothers connected by a natural tunnel. Located in the Lazarevsky district near the village of Volkonka.
  • Psakho river canyons... One of the most beautiful routes in Sochi. Takes place in the area of ​​the village of Golitsyno in the Adler district, across the territory Sochi National Park... Jeeping. The standard tourist route includes a visit to two canyons of Psakho - "dry" and "wet", Ivanovsky waterfall, Trinity-Georgievsky women's monastery. Entry to the territory of the Sochi National Park is paid.
  • ... A picturesque gorge on the road to Krasnaya Polyana, flows below Mzymta river. Akhshtyrskaya cave where people lived from the Middle Paleolithic era to the early Middle Ages. Skypark A.J. Hackett Sochi with the world's longest suspension bridge Skybridge (439 m long, at an altitude of 207 m), bungee jump, Sochi swing swing and other extreme entertainment.
  • Agur gorge... Hydrogen sulfide sources, Agursky waterfalls, the Devil's font pond and the Devil's hole cave. From here there are routes to Eagle rocks and .
  • Eagle rocks and statue of Prometheus... Rocks 125 meters high on the right bank of the Agura River. Territory Sochi National Park... The statue of Prometheus on the top of the rocks was installed in 1998. The Lower Agursky waterfall is visible. Routes to Agursky waterfalls and Mount Big Akhun... Can be combined with a trip to.
  • Svir gorge(settlement Lazarevskoe). Svirsky waterfall, Slava dolmen, Adam and Eve waterfalls, Mother-in-law's tears. Moonstone, Wish tree. Walking route.
  • Mamedovo gorge(valley of the Kuapse river). Walking trail about 7 km. Waterfalls Happiness (12 m), Health and Youth (10 m), cascade of waterfalls Love (13 m). Water cascade Boroda Mamed and reservoir Vanna Mamed. If you return along the upper road, you can see dolmens, the most popular is dolmen healer.

Akhshtyr gorge attracts with its beauty and sights

Rivers and lakes

  • Svanidze Stream,
  • Valley of the Ashe River,
  • Khmelevskie lakes.

The rivers in Sochi are picturesque and treacherous. Photo: river Matsesta

Children's rest in Sochi

Children will be delighted with the trip to Sochi. In Greater Sochi, there are several aquariums, dolphinariums, numerous water parks, and animal farms.

Dolphinarium, aquariums, zoos

  • Sochi Discovery World Aquarium(Sochi, Adler district, Kurortny gorodok, Lenin street 219a / 4) - the largest oceanarium in Sochi. There is a tunnel.
  • Big Sochi Dolphinarium v Riviera park(Egorova street, 1). Dolphins and marine mammals performances.
  • - a small aquarium with an interesting collection of fish, marine animals and corals. Show.
  • Matsesta aquarium(Khostinsky district, Cheltenham Alley, 4). It is home to fish, reptiles, amphibians and marine mammals. Circus shows, you can watch the feeding.
  • Zoo "White Kangaroo"(Plekhanov st., 42-44). A small zoo on the territory of the Oktyabrsky sanatorium. Among the most interesting animals is the liger, a hybrid of a tiger and a lion.

The Sochi Dolphinarium is considered the largest in Eastern Europe. Shows with dolphins and other marine mammals are regularly held here

Water parks and other entertainment

  • Luna Park (Ordzhonikidze str., 6),
  • Marine Park "Aquatoria" (Lenin st., 219, building 2),
  • Water park "Mayak" (Primorskaya nab., 3/7),
  • Aquapark "Amfibius" (Adler, Lenin st., 219a),
  • Aquapark "Sea Star" (Lazarevskoe settlement, Lazarev st., 108a),
  • Aquapark "Nautilus" (Lazarevskoe settlement, Pobedy st., 2/1),
  • Year-round water park "Aqualoo" (Sochi, Dekabristov st., 78-b).

Entertainment for children in the Olympic Park

Be sure to visit (Adler district, Imeretinskaya lowland, Olympic prospect, 21) with children - this is a Russian Disneyland. It is better to go here for the whole day. Some rides, such as the Quantum Leap, are some of the most extreme in the world, but at the same time they are absolutely safe for children and adults.

In the very Olympic Park children will certainly be interested in the Automobile Museum, the Nikola Tesla Electric Museum, the Dinosaur Museum, and the Leonardo da Vinci Mechanical Museum.

In Sochi Park, you can spend the whole day with children. All conditions are created here for young visitors: attractions, entertainment programs

Danger to children: rotavirus infection in warm water

The sea is good for children, but be aware of rotavirus in warm water. Many complain that children often catch it in the summer and get seriously ill. The rest is ruined. Judging by the numerous reviews on the Internet, in children's hospitals at this time there are usually a lot of small patients, there are not enough places and beds are even in the corridors.

Perhaps in July-August, when the water warms up best, it is better to opt for another kids' resort or go swimming in the pool. Be sure to have a first aid kit with you and practice good hygiene. And at the first sign of illness, take your child to the hospital.

Many hotels have swimming pools where children can safely frolic and swim. In the photo: the pools of the health-improving complex "Dagomys"

Ski holidays in Krasnaya Polyana

Snow usually falls in the mountains in October. However, the snow cover can then come off several more times and lie down again. At the beginning of the ski season, which usually falls in mid-December, and during the New Year holidays, Krasnaya Polyana, Esto-Sadok and Rosa Khutor are very crowded. The prices for hotels and ski passes are the highest at this time. There are many who come to the mountains just to have a good time, sit in a cafe and ride the cable cars.

The best snow is in February-March. Prices for hotels and ski passes are lower. At this time, mostly literate people come to the ski resorts, sincerely in love with skiing. The ski season lasts until the end of April. Some fans manage to end the ski season in May.

It is not necessary to bring ski equipment with you from home, you can rent it.

In the summer, life in Krasnaya Polyana also does not stop. You can walk in the mountains, ride horses or mountain bikes, climb the summits by cable cars. Many hotels have their own beaches on the Black Sea coast, and a special bus runs there several times a day. It's colder in the mountains than below, so take warm clothes with you even in the hottest weather.

You can get from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana by car, taxi or bus along the high-speed highway, as well as by the comfortable Lastochka train.

Mountain Olympic village at an altitude of 1170 meters above sea level in Rosa Khutor. You can live here both in winter and in summer

Treatment on the waters

If you want to be treated on the waters of Matsesta and Kudepsta, then it is better to avoid the temptation not to go during the height of the beach season: the procedures are not recommended to be combined with sun exposure and swimming in the sea. Before the trip, you need to undergo an examination, since treatment with hydrogen sulfide waters has a number of contraindications. Kudepsta waters are considered more gentle for the body than Matsesta waters.

In the pauses between procedures, you can get acquainted with the sights. Or just lead a healthy lifestyle and relax while walking around the neighborhood.

Hotels and accommodation in Sochi

Hotel prices in Greater Sochi strongly depend on the season, the difference in prices for a room can differ by two or more times! Of course, in the summer season, prices will be higher than in the low season. On New Year's holidays, prices will also be higher than at other times of the year. You can buy a ticket to a sanatorium or health center.

Hotels in Sochi - for every taste and budget. There are expensive luxury hotels with their own beaches, closed to outsiders. The price for such a room during the season can exceed 10-15 thousand rubles per day.

Primorskaya Hotel and Hyatt Regency Sochi Hotel

There are small hotels, the price of a room in them is 2-4 thousand rubles per day, but breakfast is not necessarily included in this price. There is no private beach, you will have to go to the sea through the city territory. Some of them may have a small pool, which is very convenient.

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It is also possible to rent a room or apartment. Housing prices start at about 500 rubles per day per season. In the off-season, prices can drop to 200 rubles and below. You can book accommodation in advance, for example, through, or on the spot (although this option is not the best). At train stations and airports there are special services for booking accommodation; at the exit from the building, they may come up to you with an offer to rent an inexpensive room. Rental announcements can also be seen on houses.

Ellings along the Dagomys river. For 500 rubles you can rent a room here

How to get to Sochi: by car, plane or train?

One of the toughest questions for a traveler is how to get to your destination. Of course, everything here depends on the time of year, the availability of free time, the state of the personal vehicle, and cash.

In general, there are four possibilities: car, long-distance train, plane and bus.

In Sochi by car

The car is very convenient for travel. You do not need to depend on public transport, you can get to almost anywhere. However, there are also quite a few downsides. First of all, it's a long road.

For example, the distance from Moscow to Sochi by car is 1622 km. From St. Petersburg to Sochi - 2334 km. The last section is especially difficult: in summer, traffic jams accumulate on the roads, there are many serpentines that exhaust both the driver and passengers.

In addition, driving on serpentines requires certain skills from the driver. Several times I saw terrible accidents: on descents, drivers constantly slowed down with the brake pedal, which caused the brakes to overheat and fail.

You can read about the state of the road, toll sections and places to stay in the article Although only part of the journey is described there, I think the tips will be useful when traveling by car to Sochi.

It is very pleasant to travel around Sochi by car

To Sochi by long-distance train

You can get to Sochi by long-distance train. Travel time from Moscow to Sochi will be 23 hours 20 minutes by train "Dvukhelezhniy" 104, and by train "Premium" 102M - 23 hours 20 minutes. However, the ticket prices are higher than those on other trains. On average, passenger trains run from Moscow to Sochi for more than a day or a half.

From St. Petersburg to Sochi there is a branded train "Severnaya Palmira" 035A, travel time is 37 hours. Other trains take longer.

Train timetable Moscow -

The city of Sochi received this name for its subtropical humid climate (it is located in the same climatic zone as Nice, Cannes), for a huge number of hotels, beaches, for the widest entertainment infrastructure, including water parks, amusement parks, water sports entertainment, cultural and archaeological objects. For lush exotic vegetation: magnolias, yews, palms, eucalyptus. For ripe fruits rare for Russians: feijoa and figs, medlar and kiwi, pomegranate and persimmon.

And mountain ranges and lakes, families of unique waterfalls, mysterious structures-dolmens, ruins of Byzantine temples, healing mineral springs and muddy mud, useful for weakened immunity, skin and joints, give Sochi a bright personality.

Sochi is a city stretching along the Black Sea coast as one single luxury resort with a length of almost 150 km.

Its beaches are covered with clean sand, small and large pebbles, and in some places are landscapes of large boulders and waves beating against them.

A variety of natural zones, a wonderful climate, in which the warm beach season lasts from April to October, attracts people from all over the country to Sochi; of different ages and with different ideas about the rest.

View from the sea to the Olympic sports facilities in Sochi. Fisht Stadium and Bolshoi Ice Palace.

How to get to Sochi from Moscow:

  • plane: from 6000 rubles. There and back again. Basically, they fly to Sochi from Domodedovo;
  • train: a regular train runs 37 hours, the cost of a reserved seat one way is from 2400 rubles, a compartment from 3500 rubles. A high-speed train runs 24 hours, the cost of a reserved seat is from 3500 rubles, a compartment is 4000 rubles;
  • bus: runs twice a week in the summer, a little more than a day on the way, the cost is 2500 rubles;
  • car: 1600 kilometers. At the rate of 7 liters per 100 kilometers, 4,700 rubles are obtained. one way. The travel time is about a day.

How to get to Sochi from St. Petersburg:

  • plane: from 9000 rubles. There and back again;
  • train: regular on the way 46 hours, reserved seat ~ 3100 rubles, compartment ~ 3700 rubles. A fast train runs every other day, on the way 38 hours, reserved seat ~ 4500 rubles.

We will tell you how to relax in Sochi and its resorts in a varied and economical way!

  • Adler
  • Krasnaya Polyana
  • Dagomys
  • Hosta


Sochi Park is the first theme park in Russia (Adler District).

This is the central, most beautiful and inexpensive resort of Sochi for vacationers of any age. The entertainment infrastructure works around the clock, which attracts young people here. For sports fans, there are tennis courts, volleyball courts, outdoor gyms.

The beaches in Adler are pebbly, in July and June they are filled with vacationers, so the best time to relax in Adler is the velvet season, which lasts until mid-October and August.

Rest in Adler has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, endocrine system, heals diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The natural springs of Matsesta are especially famous for their healing properties.

For those who did not come to be treated, but to be surprised at something new, Adler offers the famous oceanarium, where marine inhabitants live their mysterious life in more than five million liters of water.

Vibrant nightclubs, bowling alleys, billiard rooms and cinemas will add to your beach holiday.

How to get from Sochi to Adler

Electric train: the cost is 51 rubles, 34 minutes on the way.
Bus - 124 p.

Almost all hotels and hotels in Adler are located on the very coastline: no more than 800 meters from the sea. Guest houses offer accommodation for two adults from 700 rubles. per day:

  • "Sunset";
  • "Mirage";
  • Nargiz.

In the high season, when inexpensive guest houses are already occupied, you can use the services of the large FREEDOM hostel, where a double room costs 800 rubles. per day.

Hotels and mini-hotels in Adler set a wide price range, and the cheapest and most comfortable of them are:

  • "Simon" (1000 rubles for two);
  • "Adler-Caravel" (900 rubles for two);
  • "Ark" (1200 rubles for two);
  • "Karin" (1300 rubles for two).

Krasnaya Polyana

In the 19th century, the Greeks found this mountain valley, overgrown with red ferns, and founded the first settlement here. Now it is the most famous ski resort, which in 2011 thundered with the opening of the Olympic ski resort "Rosa Khutor".

Krasnaya Polyana has two tourist seasons. The first is open from April to October and belongs to mountain tourists and climbers exploring the slopes and peaks of two mountains: Achishkho and Aibga. With snowfall, in early December, skiers and snowboarders come here.

In addition to the expensive (with almost European prices) resort "Rosa Khutor", in Krasnaya Polyana there is a large resort, more modest, the ski complex "Gornaya Karusel".

The slopes are open to all categories of skiers, including training ones. Off-piste skiing is practiced for experienced risky riders: with trips into the forest, huge departures and rocks.

During the season, there are good discounts for students (15-30%), prices in a cafe are also affordable for them - from 300 rubles. per person.

You can get from Sochi to Krasnaya Polyana by train to the Rosa Khutor stop. The cost is 119 rubles, on the way 1 h. 10 min.

In the private sector you can stay for 1000 rubles. for two per day:

  • "Spring";
  • "In Krasnaya Polyana".

You can find quite affordable hotels:

  • "Burnt by the Sun" (from 1000 rubles for two);
  • "Minions" (from 1300 rubles for two);
  • "Flamingo" (from 1000 rubles for two).

If you want to save on food, choose guest houses where they serve delicious homemade food three times a day, and from cafes choose those that offer Caucasian cuisine - barbecue, pilaf and other Caucasian dishes in Krasnaya Polyana are cheaper than others.

We also recommend reading the article. From it you will find out what the cheapest ski resorts are in Eastern Europe and Russia, including: Harrakhov, Kopaonik, Abzakovo, Elbrus region and others. The article provides an overview of the cheapest places in Eastern Europe, where prices are 2-3 times cheaper than in the West.


The former estate of Nicholas II and the first tea plantation in Russia, Dagomys lies on the pebbly shores of the warm gentle sea. In the rhythm of his life, one can feel the royal gravity, in the landscapes - aristocratic grandeur, in the running of the waters of magnificent waterfalls - the flow of time.

In Dagomys, it is always a little fresher than in the rest of Sochi, this is the influence of the air from the nearby mountains. There is no hectic nightlife here, but contemplative excursions.

This resort is popular with older and elderly people: here they can not worry about their health, not suffocate from the heat, swim in the clean and always very warm sea, admire the beauty without noise and fuss.

Excursions to waterfalls, tea plantations and a park of exotic plants will pleasantly diversify your vacation.

In Dagomys, prices are much lower than in Sochi, although it is only half an hour's drive from the center.

The Dagomys health complex is one of the business cards of Sochi.

The private sector will accommodate two people per day from 150 rubles. in the velvet season (September) and up to 600 rubles. per person during the high beach season (June-July). These are guest houses:

  • "Baltic";
  • "On Armavirskaya";
  • "Alice".

Mini-hotels offer rooms from 500 rubles. per person:

  • "Watercolor";
  • "Henry";
  • "Saten".

How to get from Sochi to Dagomys

Train: cost 17 rubles, 16 minutes on the way.


This place is twenty kilometers away from Sochi, therefore it is considered the most inexpensive resort in Big Sochi. There are really low prices for accommodation and very cheap - for local fruits, which grow in abundance in the subtropical humid climate of Loo.

There is a lot of greenery in Loo without fruit trees: a variety of palms, magnolias, bright flowers and creepers adorn the small-pebble coastline, lined with the white surf of the cleanest Loo beach.

People come here in search of paradise on earth, and find it in the singing of the waves, the aromas of flowering, picturesque landscapes.

Loo offers its miraculous mineral springs and muddy mud as a means of curing many diseases and strengthening the body, maintaining beauty.

Among the excursions, the excursion-trip to the remains of the Abkhaz-Alan temple of the 8-9 centuries stands out.

As elsewhere in the resorts of Sochi, there is a lot of entertainment on the water: boats, jet skis, catamarans. But if you are interested in diving, then it is better to go here for it: the cleanest sea makes it possible to reveal its secrets by going on an underwater journey.

How to get from Sochi to Loo

Train: fare 17 rubles. The journey takes 27 minutes. Walks 10 times a day.

Bus - 155 B, minibus - 155 to from the railway station. Duration ~ 50 min.

The prices in Loo are surprising: you can spend only 250 rubles for accommodation in guest houses and mini-hotels. per person per day, or 2500 rubles. per person for 10 days!

Such prices are offered by guest houses:

  • Anaida;
  • "Louise";
  • "Anise";
  • 9th Avenue.

And mini hotels:

  • Galina;
  • "Victoria";
  • Angelica Albatross.


Khosta is located in a bay surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the terrain here, unlike the terrain of the other listed resorts, is mountainous. This adds exoticism to the rest, because the constantly changing mountainous landscapes are lavishly decorated with greenery and make up amazingly beautiful landscapes. However, on a walk in Khost, small children and elderly people get tired quite quickly, so tourists flock here, mainly those who are looking for activity.

Excursions to mountain waterfalls and other mountain attractions are popular here: these are the Vorontsov caves and the Navalishchensky canyon, the Agursky waterfalls and the viewing platform of Mount Akhun, Kalinovo Lake and Eagle Rocks.

Observation tower on Mount Akhun.

Among the exotic spectacles: one of the best arboretums in the country, where Japanese, English, South American traditions of landscape design are collected. The collection of subtropical plants forms an expressive backdrop for resort photos.

The flora of Khosta is amazing: cork oaks have taken root here, cypresses, magnolias and yews grow, a relict yew-boxwood grove has survived, which has become a reserve of world importance.

The climate here is mild, the beaches are always refreshed by the breeze, and the temperature is always higher than in Sochi. Pebble beaches, pebble fraction is average. Walking along such beaches is good for the nervous system, and children like the variety of beautiful pebbles.

How to get from Sochi to Khosta

Train: cost 34 rubles, on the way 21 minutes.

Buses - 105, 105 k, 125.

You can live in guest houses in Khost, paying from 300 rubles. per day per person:

Arboretum Park (Sochi). Central fountain "Cupids".
  • "On Glazunov";
  • "Eden";
  • "Boxwood";
  • "Slavic Corner".

Hotels and mini-hotels will cost from 800 rubles. per person per day:

  • "Luck";
  • "Stork";
  • Dakar.
  1. Start by buying tickets: by buying them online and in advance, you can buy the cheapest tickets.

  2. Guest house "Sunset" (Adler).

    Do not seek to rent accommodation "on the spot", getting off the train and seeing a cardboard with the words "For Rent!" these are usually the most expensive options. If you have arrived in Sochi, and you have not booked your accommodation, take a walk along the nearest railway station streets, there you will meet people offering accommodation much cheaper than those who knocked out an advertising spot at the station itself.

  3. A large company always rests cheaper!
  4. Pay attention to the length of the rental period: the longer you plan to stay at the resort, the cheaper it will cost.
  5. Keep in mind: the velvety season brings down prices for accommodation. Warm and sunny September and early October will halve rental prices.
  6. For ecological tourism in most resorts of Sochi, some mini-hotels are open all year round, and the cost of a room in winter can be in the region of 150-300 rubles. per person.
  7. If you are not too lazy to walk to the sea on foot for about a kilometer or one and a half, then be sure: accommodation will cost you 30% cheaper. The closer the hotel is to the beaches, the more expensive it is.
  8. Self-catering not only a chance to taste dishes from local exotic products, fresh seafood and dietary fruits, but also an opportunity to save money!
  9. Shopping for souvenirs from vendors on the beach will cost you a third more than in local shops.
  10. Use bank cards with accumulative bonus systems, which you can then usefully spend.
  11. Before the trip, arm yourself with a minimum first aid kit, be sure to check all the chargers from gadgets, take towels, napkins, a thermos, and umbrellas with you. These little things will definitely come in handy, and buy them at the resort additional expenses.
  12. When traveling to a ski resort, bring your own equipment or borrow it from a friend renting can be expensive.

Enjoy your stay in Sochi!

Sochi is the brightest, most modern and more comfortable city in the Black Sea South of Russia. Big Sochi is really big. The village of Magri is a symbolic gateway to Sochi. The resort of Sochi stretches for 170 km to the Adler region, the Psou River and even 4 resorts in the mountains under the general name "Krasnaya Polyana". Geographically, Sochi covers 4 large resort areas: Lazarevsky, Central, Khostinsky and. Even without traffic jams, the road along the Sochi highway will take three hours. Lazarevsky is the largest and longest district of Sochi. Central is the historical center of Sochi. It is the smallest, but here there is one square meter of entertainment, beaches and greenery. Choosing an area for recreation in Sochi, the main task is to understand: where and what the beach will be, how long to go to it and in what area, will it be free or paid.

Hosta endowed with mountainous terrain, so be careful when choosing housing. The Black Sea in Sochi is always unique: at dawn and calm in the morning it beckons with clear water, at noon - light coolness, in the evening haze - the reflection of a moonlit path on the calm surface of the sea. Even in a storm, it is impossible to take your eyes off the uncontrollably roaring elements of the Black Sea. In Sochi, everyone will find a place to rest according to their mood and soul. The value of the beach in Sochi must be!

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- the most modern part of the Sochi resort. The Olympics have contributed to a very impressive construction of real estate and transport interchanges in Sochi. For the kids, you need to choose the sand - the Adler Center. The free Mandarin beach with a gentle entrance to the sea and covered sun loungers is ideal for children from 3 to 7 years old. It is best to rest in Adler in the area of ​​the "Knowledge" boarding house and Alleynaya street. There is a lot of greenery here, and the Dolphin Hotel (11A Alleynaya Street) and Pribrezhny Lane have tunnels under the railway to the Chkalovsky pebble beach. Pension "Knowledge" 3 * is a worthy rest on the I beach line. ... Choose "Kurortny Gorodok" for recreation in Adler, namely, that area of ​​it, which is on the right side of the highway (if you go from the Center towards Adler). The top of the Kurortny town is mainly dominated by sanatoriums and boarding houses. For vacationers in the private sector within the limits of Izvestinskaya and Orbitovskaya streets, there is little greenery, far from the beach area and you need to go through an overpass. The Amfibius Water Park is the largest water park (2 hectares) in the Adler District of Sochi in Kurortny Gorodok. In the open-air water amusement park on the Black Sea coast you will find a wonderful vacation for the whole family: 5 swimming pools, 15 attractions, three Komikadze slides, 15 meters high each, and Taboga water slalom. The Amfibius water park is open in summer from 10:00 to 22:30 at the address: Sochi, Adler, Lenin street 219A. A ticket to the show at the Sochi Dolphinarium 800 rubles. You can swim with a dolphin individually for 5,000 rubles 10 minutes.

Imeretinskaya lowland- a new resting place after the Sochi Olympics. Imeretinka is a view of the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains and the Abkhaz Mountains. Imeretinskaya Embankment is loved because the Olympic Park is located nearby and there is not a single breakwater. There are still few trees in Imeretinka, but the best beach with lifeguards and civilization. Imereti beach is a canopy and one 7.5 km long pebble beach made in pieces. From to the border with Abkhazia - the cleanest sea. Dolphins can be seen here. The ecological component of the Mzymta River is also at an altitude. It is not entirely comfortable for children in Imeretinka - the depth begins immediately.

Imeretinskaya Bay Olympic Park, Adler:

Private sector
Guest houses
Turnkey houses
Recreation centers


Guest houses
Private sector
Turnkey houses
Recreation centers
Boarding houses
Guest houses
Private sector
Turnkey houses
Guest houses
Private sector
Boarding houses
Turnkey house


Private sector
Recreation centers
Turnkey houses
Guest houses
Private sector
Houses and Cottages
Recreation centers

Anchor slot:

Guest houses
Recreation centers
Turnkey houses


Private sector

Rosa Khutor:



Private sector

Choose a vacation in Sochi 2019 without intermediaries. The city of Sochi - all on one site. There are prices, reviews, photos and phone numbers for booking.

They say about this city that it was born by the sea and the mountains, and it is also called the "pearl" of the Russian Black Sea coast ...

The fact that the city of Sochi is special and worth seeing with your own eyes has been heard by many, and probably more than once. This is true, and this city differs from many other Russian cities in several ways. Firstly, it is recognized as the longest city not only in Russia, but throughout Europe (the total length along the old road is 145 km!). Secondly, Sochi has a special climate created by the Caucasian mountains and the azure sea. Here you can relax all year round, enjoying the pleasant air and incredible beauty, always clean and inviting with its azure sea and mountain landscapes.

The city of Sochi is known as a popular among tourists (and not only from Russia) balneological and climatic seaside resort. The city is located on the Black Sea coast, at the same latitude as such famous cities as Nice and Toronto. On the one hand, the city is washed by the sea, on the other, it is reliably protected from the cold air currents by majestic mountains, on the third, it borders on Abkhazia.

In Sochi 2019, about 400 thousand residents live on a permanent basis, while more than 3 million tourists manage to relax here during the year. Sochi is the official "summer house" where the head of state meets at the highest level, which made it possible to give the city the unofficial name of the "summer capital of Russia". Someone is just enjoying their vacation, someone is being treated, and someone is successfully combining business with pleasure. The Sochi website invites all tourists and people who are simply interested in this magical city to get acquainted with the most relevant information related to rest and visiting Sochi.

How beautiful and unique this city is, so interesting and rich is its history. Both the name of the city itself and its history are rooted in the depths of centuries, touching upon the Soviet period, the Middle Ages, and antiquity. Today Sochi is an official resort city, and one of the most important in the country. It is of great importance in the popularization of domestic tourism, helps to create a proper impression of the country in the eyes of a huge number of foreign tourists and simply pleases every person with its uniqueness and originality.

The site created by people, a piece of whose soul has always remained to live in this magical corner of our homeland, will help to get to know the city of Sochi better. Welcome to Sochi 2019, a truly magical and unforgettable vacation awaits you here!

Sochi has always attracted tourists and was a topical vacation spot, because the unique conditions presented to this city by nature itself were appreciated by many of our compatriots. Holidays in Sochi 2019 opens up a huge number of opportunities for every person, since today Sochi is a civilized resort city. It attracts the attention of tourists not only with its clean streets and always gentle and warm sea, but also with a huge number of opportunities for recreation. Here, everyone can easily find for themselves something that is interesting and relevant to him? Treatment, recovery, sightseeing, entertainment or just a beach holiday - all this can be combined with each other, getting the most out of your own vacation. In Sochi, vacation 2019 promises you will be remembered for a long time, after such a pastime you will want to return to this magical city more than once!

If you want to combine quality rest with affordable prices, then you have two ways of solving this issue. The first of them is to choose a vacation option where you need to save on everything and thoroughly calculate your budget, which means putting a "tick" in the list of resorts where you just visited, but did not rest at all in the full sense of the word. Or the second is to choose a quality vacation in Sochi without intermediaries, where you will be offered all the necessary conditions for a full-fledged vacation of your own, and at the same time, the most affordable and reasonable prices for all types of services. This is exactly what our website offers you, which specializes in organizing quality vacations for each client.

Holidays in Sochi 2019 will become for you truly unforgettable and full of positive impressions, you can personally make sure that this is a special city that deserves your attention and is ready to give you a sunny mood and a sea of ​​amazing opportunities for relaxation and entertainment in return.

Do you think that vacation in Sochi in 2019 will be boring and monotonous and will not be able to give you any new impressions? You are mistaken, since modern recreation in Sochi is not only the sea and beaches, restaurants and discos, but also a huge variety of options for outdoor activities - jeeping and rafting, water attractions and a cultural program, hiking in the mountains and even flying in a hot air balloon!

With us, a quality vacation in Sochi without intermediaries will become for you not a dream or a fairy tale, but a reality that brings maximum pleasure!

Accommodation in Sochi

Vacation accommodation is one of the most pressing issues for a huge number of people. Which option to choose to combine maximum convenience and comfort with an affordable price? Each of the methods of settlement offered today has its own pros and cons, whether it is hotel accommodation, renting a private apartment, a room in a boarding house, or any other option.

Housing in Sochi for tourists and vacationers today has become of high quality and, most importantly, affordable. Today, every vacationer can easily choose the best accommodation option for himself, combining all the parameters that are important for him. It is important for someone that everything is at the highest level, someone prefers that housing is inexpensive and simply convenient, others choose the proximity to the beaches and the sea ...

We are happy to help you find accommodation in Sochi for the duration of your vacation. You can choose the best option from a huge variety of proposed options for rooms, boarding houses, sanatoriums or hotels. Such settlement options as private apartments, guest houses, mini-hotels are also becoming more and more popular today. Among the offered assortment, you will certainly choose the most convenient option for yourself!

Accommodation in Sochi at affordable prices and without intermediaries is one of the main parameters of quality rest, which many tourists pay attention to.

Things to do in Sochi

It is hard to imagine a vacation without entertainment, since at this time everyone is trying to relax to the maximum - both mentally and physically. However, for each person, entertainment that brings true pleasure can be completely different things. Someone loves outdoor activities and for him a real pleasure can be a trip to an amusement park or a water park, climbing the mountains with real adventures along the road, or, on the contrary, going down a boat on a mountain river, which makes the adrenaline in the body go off scale from the usual indicators.

For other people, a real pleasure is a quiet and measured rest - just bask in the sun for hours, alternating between swimming in the sea and sunbathing. Another category of tourists is happy to go on excursions, visiting local museums, art galleries, theaters, etc. no matter what you choose, to which category of vacationers you do not belong, the city of Sochi is ready to offer you a lot of entertainment for every taste.

Active rafting on a mountain river or riding on water attractions, a trip to the water park, where you will descend the incredibly high water slides or a hot air balloon flight, which offers an amazing view of the city from a bird's eye view - all this can be found in the beautiful city by the sea.

Many museums, a huge number of concerts with your favorite artists and theatrical performances, nightclubs and excursions to local attractions - all this is also available for you in Sochi!

How to get to Sochi

If you want to spend your vacation in Sochi, then the question of how you can get to this wonderful resort town is relevant for you. Today, there are many options, and everyone can choose the most convenient and acceptable way and route of travel to the place of their vacation.

Air, rail, road transport is at your disposal in this case. A flight to Sochi is the fastest, but at the same time the most expensive way to travel. It is important to note here that the airport in Sochi is located quite far from the central part of the resort (in the Adler area), therefore, it is also necessary to provide for the possibility of travel from the airport directly to the place of your stop (sanatorium, rented apartment or boarding house). This can be a taxi, minibus or private transfer.

Railway travel to Sochi is one of the most common ways to get to this city, and it is used not only by our compatriots, but also by tourists from neighboring Ukraine and Belarus. Depending on the distance you are from Sochi, the trip can take from several hours to several days, so many, as a rule, combine rail travel with other types (with air travel, bus tour, etc.).

Road transport - there are two options here. The first is to drive your own car and be independent of the general travel schedule, or to go by bus (the second option).

Sochi (Krasnodar Territory)

Vardane Map
In the Lazarevsky district of Greater Sochi, there is a large resort that is suitable for an inexpensive vacation with a family and it bears the beautiful name of Vardane.
Lazarevskoe is a village ideal for a family vacation. It is located on the Black Sea coast in the northern part of Sochi. This place is famous for its unique climatic conditions,

Rest in Lazarevskoye in summer 2018

Thinking about where to go on vacation in the summer, many consider the Black Sea coast. There are many good resorts with a developed infrastructure and reasonable prices for rest, but any experienced tourist will advise you to go to Lazarevskoye. This resort village, belonging to the Greater Sochi, will appeal to representatives of any age category.

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