How to spend a tour of the city. Business plan for pedestrian excursions

Today it is difficult to surprise people with familiar sights, the ocean shores and palm trees have already remained in the past. Now tourists are interested in all sorts of sizes to which industrial or social tourism can be attributed.

What is the secret of popularity? Many office staff do not represent how the plants work, and some seek to look at production. Moreover, this is a fashionable direction, practically no competition, which is one of the few types of tourist activities for promsion or post-industrial centers.

Industrial excursions have acquired a special popularity in the early 2000s, when many "stopped" industrial facilities disbanded military units appeared. Today, everything is started to change dramatically: people felt the desire to grow, travel. And the start came from there, where many did not expect, the industry "warmed up" the game. "Metro 2033", the cultural series "Fallout 4" and the newly open "stalker" made the main thing, showed the audience the gloomy beauty of the post-industrial world.
If you are from Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk or any industrial city, you can start working on a client base.

Make an interesting, and most importantly, unusual route For industrial excursion, easy. Any city, especially large, except historic attractions, museums and architectural monuments has industrial zones. Especially exciting looks old, abandoned objects, oil and coal mines or operating on the "full" enterprise.

Objects for industrial turcomers

Take a closer look at your city, and you will see many places that will cause interest among the guests. Moreover, it may be the capital or distant, and almost forgotten towns.

Examples for conducting industrial excursions in Russia:

  • Havrinsky Nevostroy (Moscow): The object is in Moscow and attracts the attention of Extreme lovers legends and myths. Today, the ruins are fenced and are protected. Getting into the abandoned hospital building can only be resolved.
  • Blue Crystal (Moscow): Multi-storey, which was erected as a training and business center. The object may be interesting for excursions.
  • Old Nevyansky Plant (Sverdlovsk region): the object of the metallurgical industry. Currently is one of the attractions for guests of the region.
  • "Falling plants" (Baikalsk, Chapaevsk, Asbest): Excursions are held in places of enterprises that have ceased to exist.
  • Metallurgy (Magnitogorsk): Heavy Engineering region, has many objects that cause interest in the world.

How to organize a sightseeing tour in Promompon, where to start

To organize such an excursion, it is necessary to develop a route. Good knowing city, make it quite easy. You just need to highlight a few starting points for auto trains and walking tour. After execution road card The list of routes must be placed on the site.

Website creation. An important point for any tourist activity. Important moment - The site should offer several tours with different routes.

Tours to the territory of factories and inactive industrial "attractions" are significantly distinguished by organizational issues. This is due to the convenience of the entrance, the ability to spend some time directly on the site and safety of tourists. In emergency buildings of old workshops, it is better not to linger and follow the route.

How to organize a tour of the existing enterprise

It is necessary to request permission to plant management for possible visits to the enterprise by a group of tourists. This is due to the need to get the pass. The probability of success will not be 100%, and the time of the excursion chooses an enterprise as a responsible person from his staff.

When planning an excursion, it is necessary to study the history of the development of the plant, which is a sightseeing object. The leading group should understand the equipment and know that each object is, to own accurate information and clearly answer questions.

An important point is the form of property ownership, if this is a state company, it is quite possible to obtain permission to hold tours.

Excursions to Intelligent Objects

Excursions can be assigned to a certain number or individually, so you need to assign a collection date for tourists.

Development of an event plan. The group must be coordinated. Attention should also be given to the arrangement of people, the movement of the group. It is important that all visitors can hear the story of the guide, see everything interesting places and features of the object.

Types of excursions, in detail about the main

There are three types of excursions in Promompon:

  • External: Excursion is held in the city and near the industrial facility. This species refers to the familiarization, as it does not allow to see the work of the industrial company from the inside. Such excursions are interesting to guests of the city, which in a short period of time they seek to see all the sights of the region.
  • Internal: A group of tourists has the opportunity not only to inspect the objects from afar, but also to plunge into the company's atmosphere. It costs to see that a promsion can be visited only after a preliminary agreement with the management of the company. It is also necessary to take into account the possible availability of the bandwidth in the enterprise.
  • Stalker: The group is invited to visit abandoned enterprises, factories, factories, military bases. In Russia, stalker excursions are also held on old "extinct" villages.

Excursions to Promonov - this is the best marketing tool for a certain territory. That is why it is worth considering such a direction not only to private entrepreneurs, but also to local authorities in order to attract investors to a specific object.

How much money needs to start

To organize activities, you will need to invest from 10 thousand rubles. The experience of "experienced" entrepreneurs shows that industrial tourism does not require significant costs. An exception is auto tracks, you need a machine with a full drive and middle level of comfort in the cabin. Costs in this case will be from 700 thousand rubles, the price of the vehicle is included in them. The hardest way to plan the route for "borrowers". Under this word, not only enterprises should be understood, but also empty villages. This is an ideal place and for the organization on the ground. It will take a full camping or campingIf a tour is planned for several days. In this case, costs will exceed 1 million rubles.

The easiest option of urban excursions will require no more than 5 thousand at the start of activity. Low investments must be compensated by the organizational talent of the entrepreneur, since absolutely the whole work will be on it.

Work with tourists (continued)

Always carefully weigh what you are saying. Use respected sources, recheck information several times. Even if the wrong information occurs often, it does not correctly become and not necessary to tell it to tourists. Scientific lectures, specialized museum publications, local lore magazines, books written by historians are preferred as sources of information. Television, newspapers, magazines, the Internet are in last place, because There is unverified or distorted information.

What is becoming a "excursion", created by bikes, inventions, telecasts and modern books, can be found here:
" Night excursions are one of the favorite summer entertainment of the bored citizens and the curious guests of the capital, which was confirmed by anchlage of last night. Your humble could not not stick his nose into this industry, capturing a notebook for Perlovka) Brad allocating italic, Commenting offtopic. Since they drove away from Sukharevskaya, the first was injured from the fantasy guide who had previously stood there, Sukharevsky Tower:

Staging story Do not forget that in the group people who perceive the information in different ways: most, of course, visuals, but there are also kinestics and audies. Therefore, when describing objects, use words that characterize not only the width, the volume of the house, but also a bright color of stained glass windows, the rustle of the leaves near the house, the irregularity of bricks in the masonry. There are people who are enough to look at the monument, and there are those who need to touch it for acquaintance with the subject.

The guide only transmits information taken from proven sources. He does not express his own opinion, especially does not impose it. People travel to relax, learn something new, but not get moral instructions or dedication to any religion. In the tone of the conversation should not be pressure, aggression. People feel and then the trip turns into torture, in imposing opinion.

"I like a professional historian, I know perfectly well how to get into the audience interesting stories on historical topics. For their lectures, dozens of examples were preparing for his lecture that the lecture was not too "dry" and academic, so that the listeners were interested. Here it is not at all necessary to prepare material at the level of lectures. It is enough to know the main facts and to strive the bikes on this topic, the benefit of them more than enough.
Abroad and happens. In addition to the fact that the overall level of knowledge of excursions is an order of magnitude higher than in Moscow travel agencies, no one is trying to teach tourists of life, to preach their religious views and political views. Perhaps this is due to the fact that there is a slightly other contingent on the excursions. Although I can not say that people who have not seen anything in life and have never been abroad run on local routes. But why is the level of excursions "for export" much higher than the level of "home-grown"?
Back we drove without a guide, avoiding a rather boring lecture on his religious views in the afternoon with kvas patriotism. And of the part of the group with which he stayed I do not envy, despite the fact that they had the opportunity to just take a walk through this incredible city .... "

Tell interesting, with an expression, exciting:
"... We were engaged on an excursion in Lomonosov. The guide was so tediously said that I wanted to hang out! It's just torture."
"... During the story of a guide about the defense and delivery of Odessa, men cried (tears were repulsed)"

If you have to lead a tour in the temple, you need to get a permit in advance (blessing) at the priest. If you got it, do not forget that the story needs to be a relatively quiet voice, without interfering with a believer in the temple. A loud voice in the temple is inappropriate. It is also worth remembering that I do not stand back to the altar, do not stand to icons. You can get up to them sideways or slightly away, forming a triangle with a group.

The story should be interesting, comprehensive and not turn into a dry description of the facts. For example, driving past any enterprise, television, Mosfilm, botanical Garden - Tell me what interesting excursions are passing there, how can you get how to get here.

"Yes, this is a matter of many narrator and guides: they do not always understand that the interlocutors may be interested in the reasons for unusual (illogical) technical solutions, and not just the history of creation."

"We were on excursions in Minsk on July 25th. Minsk liked himself very much, but there is no guide to Margarita. The excursion was not cognitive, alone dry historical factsDates. Margarita herself dismissed from the heat and constantly complained that she was bad. "

Speak rather slowly, with an expression. The speech rate and its feed must be such that you want to listen to, so that you can remember and realize the heard. Otherwise it may turn out like this:

"... I was just dumbfounded. My brain is not that he did not have time to digest information, some he simply did not perceive :-) The guide spoke very quickly, very self-confidently, not always connected and such things that contradict school textbooks (in particular - On the formation of St. Petersburg)"

"... tour guide, a young girl, a student very carefully and in the case told about the city and the legends of the city. At the end of the excursion, the bus rang out applause, the guide and the driver were somewhat embarrassed. :) And we didn't even want to leave them"

Generalizing seen, summarize what has been said. It will help tourists better remember and understand what they saw.

"It was convinced that the guide is needed, for it structures seen-heard."

If you are trying to kill the question in the middle of the story, do not pay attention. When you finish the story you can contact a person, ask to repeat his question.

If, during the story there is something sudden, which distracts the attention of people (for example, a wedding procession, dogs, proteins), it is worth enduring a small pause and then continue.

Holding a story, speak from the common to the private. First, tell us where we are, what surrounds us and then proceed to the description of a particular object. It is impossible to start the story at once with some story that happened in a certain house. People simply will not understand what kind of house there is a speech, where to watch and where they are at all.

Use logical transitions. Do not jump from the fact to the fact. No one needs a bunch of information. Excerctory information is learned with difficulty.

When you say important information, let's link to sources. Otherwise, your speech can read with unfounded or fiction.

It is clear that it is difficult after a three hundredth or thousandth time to tell as if for the first time. But still, from your acting talent, enthusiasm depends on the opinion of people and the emotions they received about the walk.

"And most of all remembered guides that are included in the price of tickets, and I listened to lectures already from three. So vividly, with a soul and in the colors tell! The last one, the third guise of the guide I even began to write to the voice recorder"

The guide - the organizer, but not the driversman of people. If you work the group all day, it will be appropriate for the start of the trip all to warn you that at the outputs you first talk interestingly, and then - free time. Because people are often nervous, they look at you - you worry that you will not have time to make photos and buy souvenirs. It is important to give them at this time. Otherwise it may turn out like this:

"Was in Kostroma 1 time, on the excursion. A terrible impression remains - a cold dog, although warmth was kept all the rest of the shift trip. Excursion crumpled, the guide - a loud nervous aunt, a lot commanded, told little."

Do not hold people for a long time in one place. 10 minutes is enough. Then people are distracted, worrying that they will not have time to take a picture, and in the cold time they freeze.

Do not swear meaningless with your hands, track your gestures. You guide the movements of the hands, help them not only look, but also see.

When communicating with people, do not use unnecessarily dark sunglasses. People must see your eyes, this is respect. If the sun interferes very much, the headdress with wide fields will help.

Depending on the position of the Sun, during the story of people, lay down so that the sun does not beat them into the eyes. Fir stands hot weather - Put a group to the shadow, if cold, on the contrary, select the solar closed from the wind, place.

If lunch is scheduled on the route, do not forget that the guide to go to eat the last one. At first, he must check all the tables - as people seeded, whether all the cutlery enough, which was exactly the tourists (compare with the information of travel agency). If you travel by bus, take care that the driver also fed. Guides, drivers, managers lunch at a separate table from tourists.

Let's, then the amount of information that people can learn. No need to overload them with extra facts, distracted topics and specific terms. Make small pauses. They are necessary for awareness and assimilation of information.

How much should the guide? For example, an excursion is designed for 6 hours. If this is a walk around the city, then the guide says 6 astronomical watches. If the city is 6 academic, i.e. Every 45 minutes he has the right to take a break for 15 minutes. On the way back the guide, as a rule, does not say. Tourists are resting at this time, someone sleeps, someone shares their impressions with a neighbor, someone listens to music.

Sometimes there are people on excursions who lack communication. They ask questions to which they do not need answers. They need time and attention. If you have the opportunity, give them it.

If a tourist expresses his point of view to the information provided and says that is not true, do not argue with him. Everyone has the right to be mistaken. Your task is to give knowledge, and to learn them is the personal work of everyone. Maybe there may be no, voluntary business.

If you had a country bus tour And you return back, warning the tourists in advance that the bus should be without intermediate stops to the start point of the excursion. People must be informed about it in advance. Otherwise, during the entrance to the city, the procession will be arranged from "Walking" to the driver and everyone will ask to stop him there. Such situations often serve drivers. After all excursion bus - Not a taxi and driver should not have a group of people to land here, then there, rebuilding, rebuilding and losing time. During the time the trip also follows the guide. He must, at the end of the excursion, documented the bus stop time when the last tourist left him. Otherwise travel Company will be overpaying during the bus rolls.

At the end of the excursion, remind tourists that you can answer their questions. And there are usually many questions.

The guide tries to make a walk interesting, filled with reliable information. Moreover, it gives it so that tourists understand a lot and remember. They get knowledge and opportunity for further reflection and, perhaps, independent reading and walking. It's great when the work of one person encourages finding interesting in new objects.

At the end of the excursion, be sure to sum up - say briefly where we visited what they saw. Thank your colleagues for organizing a walk and tourists for your attention. Usually, after that, applodisments are followed :) Your award for the well done work.

State institution of culture

4. Organizations of inspection

5. Availability of route

TO features Museum excursions should include greater mobility and frequent change of themes and routes due to the continuous development of exposure (introduction of new topics, exhibits, partial re-expositions, etc.). Museum excursion is limited by the space of the exposition room. The guide during the tour can not resort to pauses; It is limited to its possibilities for discharging, the preparation of the group to the perception of a new material. Often, exhibits that appear to excursions in diversity and multiple, scatter the attention of the group, and the guide has to attach a lot of skills and efforts to organize and direct the attention of the audience to the desired exhibit.

All of the above should be taken into account when preparing and conducting a tour of the museum.

Depending on the latitude of the subject, the depth of its disclosure of the excursion is divided into overview and thematic. Also in some cases there are cyclical excursions.

The most common type of excursion - sightseeing tour.

Its goal is to give the visitor to the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe museum, its collections, exposure as a whole.

Thematic excursion- This is an excursion for one particular topic. It puts the task of complete and deep disclosure of the topic when using the maximum of the material related to it presented in the exposure.

Thematic excursions are not possible in all non-state museums. The presence of them depends on the profile of the museum, the nature of its main theme, the exposition area, the number of sections and the fact, and most importantly - from the diversity and wealth of the museum material.

Cyclical excursionsfor non-state museums, the phenomenon is rare, as they need to combine excursions in a single theme, work with the same group of visitors in a certain sequence within a certain time.

II. Preparation museum excursion

1. The beginning of work on the new excursion is definition of the topic, goals, circles of issues that need to highlight.

All of these component initial stages of work depend, first of all, from the profile of the museum, collections, which are presented in the exposition, as well as the demand of visitors.

IV. Methods of conducting an excursion

The main methods and adoption of the excursion are scheduled in the process of developing its content. However, specific forms and the finished character, they receive only after special testing of them on the exposure, in conditions as close as possible to the excursion. The guide should in practice choose the most successful methodical techniques for this exposure.

Distinguish the following general techniques Excursion:

2. Story

In practice, they all act in relationships, forming ultimately a single excursion method. Its main requirement is the organic connection of the show with the story, but, as a rule, in the process of conducting excursions, the show precedes the story. The display of the exhibit is not a simple demonstration of the subject. Each material presented in the exposure carries in itself defined information And plays a certain role. The task of the guide - to convey it to the excursions.

When conducting a specific excursion, the methods of display and stories are implemented by a number of techniques, such as:

1. A verbal or mental reconstruction (recreation of any event according to the exposure materials)

2. Comparison

3. Citation of the exposed documents (the read excerpts should be able to combine with the show of the exhibit itself, to help disclosure)

The conversation is an integral part of any excursion. First of all, it is the introductory and final part of the excursion, which was discussed above. Separate elements of the conversation are introduced into the main part of the excursion, thinking in advance by the questions for excursions.

In addition to showing, stories and conversations that make up the base of the excursion methodology, additional techniques are often used in the museum tour: listening to sound records of memories of participants in the events, which are speaking in excursions, watching movies, diameters, etc. It should be noted that resorting to such Methods follow only in cases where this material is inner, emotional, is saturated with information. The duration of such "inserts" should not exceed 4-5 minutes. Otherwise, the attention of sightseurs will be scattered, the interest in continuing the excursion will decrease.

For a more complete disclosure of the topic with a small amount of exhibits, you can resort to the use of an additional, auxiliary material that is not included in the exhibition: photos, reproductions, copies, schemes, cards, drawings, etc. (the so-called "guide portfolio").

V. Some rules for doing excursion

The success of the excursion depends on many terms. From the guide required:

Knowledge of material

Right speech

Impeccable view

The ability to establish contact with the group, etc.

During an excursion, the guide should be so located a group so that the excursions, all without exception, could see that exposure material with which this moment Work is underway. Place a guide - between the group (1.5 m from her) and a bench. Showing a pointer to one or another material (unless any document is read or indicated by certain features of the exhibit), the guide should be addressed to the group, monitor its reaction. The indifference of the guide to the behavior of the audience, as well as the manifestation of the poor mood they are not allowed. Guide a kind of actor. And on how he will prepare his role and will play it in public, the success and all work on the preparation of the excursion, and conduct it for a particular excursion group.

Vi. Improving excursion

Before leaving the prepared excursion to the group, the guide should present it to listening to a more experienced and knowledgeable employee, and then the excursion is officially adopted by the Commission, which may include representatives of the museum administration, staff members, members of the Museum Council.

But even after receiving the excursion by the Commission, work on it is not considered completed.

It is necessary to continue to study the chosen topic - to get acquainted with new publications, clarify information about the exhibits, listen to excursions from other guides, analyze the reaction of visitors.

It will make it possible to constantly improve the excursion, make it more relevant, attractive for excursants, and, therefore, increase interest in the museum as a whole.

Travels can be called one of the most popular and bright human hobby. Many people love to wander on new places, filling life unforgettable impressions from trips. Not every resident of Russia can afford a rest abroad, but he has excursions for interesting places of their country. Recently, the number of people wishing to discover the amazing corners of the Russian Federation has increased greatly, and this circumstance has served for business people to engage in excursion business.

Each entrepreneur has questions: how to open a tour desk, how much money needs to be investigated at the start, will make a business profit and where to start this process. It turns out that the organization of tourist activities is not relieved, and a person interested in it can easily build such a business and achieve success in it.

Home Business - Planning

Before proceeding with the organization of any case, you need to make a plan. Components will be such items:

  1. Studying the demand market and competitors.
  2. Office selection for the future bureau.
  3. Selection for business required documents.
  4. Development of excursion routes.
  5. Solving transport issues.
  6. Recruitment.
  7. Advertising campaign.

After collecting, learning and analyzing all the necessary information, the dealers should compile a business plan of his future enterprise and calculate the approximate costs of its opening.

And now about all this in more detail.

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Study of tourist legislation, preparation of documents for business

Deciding to organize a business in the field of tourism, the businessman should explore the tourist legislation, and then prepare documents needed to open their own business. The basic law determining the principles of the state policy in the field of tourism and the regulatory rights and obligations of the owners of sightseeing bureaus and their clients is the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Tourist Activities in Russian Federation"Dated November 24, 1996, N 132-FZ.

To better present future activities, experienced Deltsi advise beginners to visit special thematic courses, for example, "traveling a turbule from A to Z". Such firm courses and consulting groups are carried out monthly and even provide their listeners with ready-made sets of all documents necessary in excursion business.

To open a tour desk, a business person in the Russian Federation does not need to acquire a license or other special permission. Everything that is required of it is the registration of IP or a Jurlian. In addition to the registration certificate, it will be necessary to have independently developed contracts for the provision of services, contracts with transport enterprises, museums, public catering points, officers for staff, memos for excursants.

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The demand market, the study of competition and the development of excursion routes

Any beginning to the entrepreneur is clear that his case will be profitable if there is a demand for services. Therefore, to organize a tour desk in hometown, it is necessary to see if this city has its surroundings or settlements located at a short distance from it, a large number of sights and beautiful places. After all, before developing routes to the same Moscow or Suzdal, other distant cities, you must first try to spend the excursions closer to the "house". In Russia, many amazing corners with a rich history and beautiful nature.

If the city already has a tour desk, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the offers and routes of competitors. When installing the cost of excursions, you need to focus on the average salary of the inhabitants of the city and think how much they can give money for the journey. The main criterion is the availability of an excursion for everyone, and although it should be more attractive than that of competitors, it should not be too low.

Working out the plan of routes, you need to consider several factors. First, it is necessary to study the history of his native land, his customs, to get acquainted with the biographies of famous countrymen. To do this, you will need to visit the Local Lore Museum, talk to his employees, view books about your region and chat with old-timers who will be happy to tell about interesting legends and events of the past.

Secondly, the routes should be developed taking into account the age audience. If these are excursions for children, it is necessary to enter in them the elements of the enraged, organize game moments, for example, dress the guide fabule Character, come up with a thematic contest, etc. Children's excursions should not be tightened by time, as the guys quickly lose interest to the same occupation.

Thirdly, you need to carefully work out time spent on each route (from 45 minutes before a day), to provide stops on the way, recommend a cafe for lunch. If the tour takes a few days, it requires overnight stay tourists in a hotel and ensure their nutrition.

Fourthly, a plan for visiting urban attractions should be different from the plan of competitors, for this purpose, for a tour of the city, it is desirable to select other monuments or other programs to include "undeveloped" in it, but interesting places that can be organized for an additional fee. More interesting I. unusual excursion, the more willing to visit it, because "rumors are full of land."

An important circumstance is to conduct an advertising campaign. In addition to ads in the media, handouts, booklets in stores, advertising in social networks Be sure to create a website on the Internet, thanks to which a larger number of people learns about the Bureau, there will be a plan for excursions, get acquainted in detail with their program and prices for them.

Back to the category

Office for the tour desk and his staff

Business at the initial stage implies the minimum consumption money. Therefore, the organizer of the Bureau first is almost the only employee. IN own apartment He can take calls from those who want to go on a tour or he spends it. But over time, the presence of an office becomes a necessity, like an increase in the staff of employees. The room for the Bureau is better to find in a lively place to get into the eyes of many. Bright sign and beautiful showcase are required. The inner decoration of the office should not be too expensive, nor extremely "Sovkov", and cozy and bright, so that the client can feel comfortable in it.

The main employee of the Bureau is a guide. He must be a competent specialist, have a well-supplied, nice voice, place to him. He needs to constantly learn something new about the attractions and famous peopleBy adding interesting facts to the texts of the excursions. In addition to excursions, the company will need an accountant, manager and drivers. The head of the Bureau may agree with the transport enterprise on providing on certain days of the bus for routes, a larger firm has its own transport and chauffeurs.

2.5. Excursion technique

The effectiveness of any excursion largely depends on the technique of its implementation, the relationship between the methodology and technique of reference. A number of requirements are made to the technique of conducting an excursion. These include the acquaintance of the guide with the group, the correct placement of the group with the object, the exit of excursants from the bus and return to the bus (Other vehicle), the use of a guide of a microphone, compliance with the time allotted on a tour of the general and disclosure of individual subtopics, answers to questions of excursions, etc.

Meet the guide with the group. The guide, entering the bus, meets the group. He greets present, calls his name, first name, patronymic, a sightseeing institution that represents excursions with a bus driver, that is, begins a tour of the entry.

It is important that from the very beginning the guide subjugate its actions by the established rules of communication with the group. He does not immediately start talking. There is a pause that lasts ten-twenty seconds. The first acquaintance takes place, the further contacts of the guide with the group are largely dependent. Excursors gradually shut down, disappeared more comfortably, their attention switches to the guide. Excursors pretend to what the guide is capable of what interests them will tell, and the guide thinks about how to interest these people, how to attach their attention to the topic.

With the right organization of excursion work, preparation for it should occur in advance. Do this organizers excursion or travel agents.

The plot of excursions should be a pre-known tour. The excursant should know the topic of excursions. It is extremely important that advertising activities and the purchase of excursion vouchers are separated from an excursion one or two days. This is significantly true that during this period of time there will be a well-known psychological installation of a tour. He will have time to think about and get into the plot of excursions.

Each topic has its own entry. If the composition of the group is different (for example, the local population and visitors tourists, adults and children), the same excursions will have different entries. The guide pays special attention to the preparation and execution of the entry, which gives a specific excursion installation, allows you to establish contact with them.

Exercises of excursions from the bus (trolleybus, tram). To the exit of excursants you need to prepare in advance. In cases where this is not done, a significant part of the group remains to sit on the bus without leaving for observation of monuments on the place of their location. Thus, excursions lose the possibility of personal acquaintance with the object.

At the stops where the exit of the excursion group is provided, the guide comes out first, showing an example group and determining the direction of its movement to the object. In cases where other stops are arranged on excursions, such as sanitary or to purchase souvenirs, the guide reports the exact time (hour and minutes) of the bus departure. It is necessary to require excursions to comply with the rules of the excursion, which affects the bus schedule on the route. If the parking time in a country excursion for some reason is reduced or increasing, the guide reports to all excursions.

Arrangement of the group at the object. When developing a tour, as a rule, several options for placing a group to observe the excursion facility are determined. This is done in the case when the place defined by the methodological development is occupied by another group or when the sun's rays are shined in the eye, preventing the object to inspect the object. There are other reasons that prevent the use of the recommended place. In hot time, opportunities are used to locate groups in the shade. In case of rain, it is envisaged for the placement of excursors under the roof, under the crown of trees. In some cases, the technique requires that several points be selected for an inspection: Far if the object is shown along with the environment or other objects; Middle, if the individual details of the building, structures, terrain, the object of nature are analyzed. These features are reflected in the column "Organized Instructions of Methodical Development". Each guide carefully examines these guidelines and before accessing the route to the route specifies questions related to the arrangement of the group to observe objects. It should also ensure the safety of excursions when examining objects and when moving through the motorway.

With the simultaneous location of several groups, one object between them should be saved such a distance, so that one guide to his story would not interfere with another, so that one group did not block another observation object. Famous difficulties in complying with this condition causes the placement of groups to show the museum exposition.

Movement of excursants From the bus to the object, from the facility to the bus, between objects is carried out by the group. Place a guide - in the center of the group, several people go ahead, somewhat nearby, the rest are behind. It is important that the group will not stretch: the distance between its head and those who are going on, should not exceed 5-7 meters. The guide should seek that when moving the group, the integrity is not disturbed on the route. With the stretching of the group, not everyone will hear the story of the guide, its explanations and logic transitions that are set out on the way. Experienced guides skillfully lead the movement on the route.

The pace of the group's movement depends on the composition of the group (children, young people, the average age, the elderly), from the relief of the area, for example, the rise of the mountain, dysfunction of the road, overcoming the danger of hazardous zones in working shops, etc.

In a pedestrian excursion, the rate of movement of sightseurs slow, leisurely, since the show objects are located next to each other.

It is more difficult to establish the necessary pace of the group's movement in the bus tours. Here, coming out of the bus, the guide starts the movement not immediately, especially if the object is located in the distance. It gives the opportunity to most excursants from the bus and then, not in a hurry, but not too slowly, at the head of the group goes to the goal. Going to the object, he starts his story not immediately, but after the whole group gathered.

The guide leads the movement of excursions and during their independent work on the route. Excursants bypass around the object, so that you yourself read the inscription on it, enter it inside it, see the kind of architecture features. They climb the hill to determine his height, rise to the bell tower, minaret to make sure that the steady stairs are an unusual "step" steps to descend to determine its depth, etc., these movements of excursants enrich them for more information And new impressions, make it possible to experience unique features of objects, features of events that the excursion is devoted.

Return of excursions to the bus. During the movement of the group, she heads the guide. When landing a group on a bus, he stands to the right of the entrance and recounts sightseeners that are included in the salon. This is done unnoticed. Making sure that all the participants of the excursion gathered, he enters the bus last and submits a conditional sign to the driver about the beginning of the movement.

It is necessary to avoid recalculation of excursions that have already taken place on the bus. It contributes unnecessary nervousness, sometimes it causes comic situations, thereby disrupting the course of the excursion.

Place a guide. The guide on the bus should take such a place where he is clearly visible to those objects about which they are talking on excursions, but so that all excursions be in his field. At the same time, excursions should see it. As a rule, it is a specially reserved front seat next to the driver (the driver's seat is intended for another driver). Standing a guide when the bus movement (as well as excursors) is not permitted for security purposes.

On a pedestrian excursion, the guide should be placed in the insertion to the object. The showing of visually perceived objects requires that they are before the eyes of the guide, because it analyzes them on the basis of their visual impressions. This is especially important in country excursions, when the guide during the movement of the bus, sitting in his place with his back to the tourists, looks into the front of the bus and tells about what the excursors are already seeing or are about to see.

Conference time at the excursion. Methodical development indicates the exact time allotted to the disclosure of each sub-minute. Everything is provided here: showing objects, taking a guide, movement on the route to the next and movement of the group near the observed objects. The ability to meet in the allotted time to the guide comes not immediately. This requires a lot of practice, including holding an excursion with a clock in your hands: at home, at a particular object. It is necessary to achieve compliance with the time when conducting a logical transition, the coverage of a separate substraphy and the main issues. Helps a guide timekeeping time spent on separate parts of the excursion. On the basis of such a timekeeping, taking into account the observations of the listening guide makes the appropriate adjustments to your story. From the excursion is removed all too much, which leads to overpowering time. Often, the excursion for reasons that does not depend on the guide is significantly reduced by time. Wine this is the protracted fees of the group, not in time the breakfast-feeding breakfast, late the bus, etc. As a result, the excursion begins with a delay. The guide remains one way out - to reduce the time allotted on the disclosure of the topic. It should be done, keeping all the main thing in the content of the excursion and removing the secondary one. To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance for a possible reduction in the material of the excursion.

Technique of the story when moving the bus. The story during the movement in the bus should be kept the guide through the microphone. If the equipment works poorly or the microphone is generally absent, the guide to keep a story during the movement is useless. The noise of the engine and shaking of the bus limit audibility, so that the explanations will be heard only by excursors sitting near. In this case, materials about the nearest site of the route guide gives prior to the start of movement, and during the movement only the names of objects or terrain. In the presence of important objects or settlements You must stop the bus, turn off the engine and only after that give explanations. It must be agreed in advance with the driver.

Answers to the questions of excursions. In sightseeing practice there was a certain classification of issues. They are divided into four groups: the issues of the guide to which excursants are responsible; Questions set during the story to meet the guide; rhetorical issues that are put to enhance the attention of excursants; Questions asked by participants of excursions on the topic. The first three groups of issues are associated with the methodology for excursions and only the fourth group of issues relating to the technique of excursions. The content of them is different - sometimes they are associated with objects, sometimes - with the life of famous figures, and often with events that are not related to the topic of excursions. The main rule of work with such issues is not to interrupt the story and give an immediate response to them, you do not need to answer questions upon completion of each of the subtopics. This dispels attention and distracts the audience from the perception of the content of the disclosed topic, since not all these questions are worried in the group. Therefore, the guide should be answered for questions not during the excursion, but at its end. The content of the responses should not be a debatable character, that is, to cause a desire to argue from excursants, to continue the topic affected on the issue.

By doing joining the topic, the guide reports to its listeners about this order of answers to questions.

Pauses in the excursion. The guide should not speak continuously. Between individual parts of the story, a story and excursion certificate on the way, a logical transition and a story about the object and events, with it related, there must be small breaks.

Pauses pursue the following tasks:

The first is the meaningful when the break time is used by people to think about what they heard from the guide and saw with their own eyes. To secure the actual material in memory, formulating its conclusions and memorizing seen. It is important that the excursants have a free from displaying and stories from each object for independent inspection, preparation for the perception of what will be shown and told at the next stop;
- The second is to give short rest to excursors. It does not bear any semantic load. This is especially important for those who are not used to such an active form of cultural and educational work as a tour.

Pause in country excursions are combined with recreation, which, in accordance with the existing order, is provided with a guide: 15 min. After each hour of operation (for a guide, the hour of conducting the excursion is 45 minutes). This rest can be summarized and used by the guide at the end of the excursion. In excursions, there may also be pauses - free time used to purchase souvenirs, printed products, thirst quenching, as well as for sanitary stops in long tours.

The technique of using a "guide portfolio". The content of the "guide portfolio", its meaning and role in the use of methodological techniques of show relevant to the method of preparation and conducting a tour. Each exhibit is a photo, drawing, reproduction of paintings, portrait, drawing, a copy of the document - has its own serial number. This determines the sequence of demonstration of this exhibit to excursors.

The exhibit can be shown by the guide from its workplace, transferred to the hands of excursions in the ranks for more detailed familiarization.

Sometimes in accordance with methodical development The guide organizes playback of tape recorders and video records. It is important to test in advance the health of the equipment, the presence of the necessary records, to ensure hearing for all participants in the excursion. The guide should be able to use this equipment.

During excursions, elements of the ritual (ceremonial produced by folk customs) are used. Excursors in the places of burials and memorials honor the memory of the dead a minute of silence, are present when changing the honorary guard, participate in processions and rallies, listen to mourning melodies. Excursion You need to know the order of laying flowers, passing excursions in places location fraternal graves and obeliskov, participation in the honorary guard, per minute of silence, rules of behavior at the perpetual fire and on the burial places of the Heroes of Civil, Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) and other wars. Before starting the excursion, the guide of everything reports, stressing the importance of compliance with the ritual when visiting historical places.


The importance of issues related to the technique of excursions is difficult to overestimate. Neither a fascinating story about objects nor methodological methods of monuments will give the necessary effect if all aspects of it will not be seriously thought out if conditions are not created to observe objects.

Control questions

1. The concept of "technique of excursions".
2. The content of the graph "Organizational instructions".
3. Organization of the work of the guide with the group.
4. Spellite use of equipment holding a tour.
5. Skills of using excursion techniques.
6. The tempo of the group movement, its value.
7. Use the microphone. Work in the absence of a microphone.
8. Setting the required order in the group.
9. Use of free time during an excursion.
10. Answers to the questions of excursants.
11. Technique of using visual benefits.

See also: