Chinese film carriage to which our compatriots will only envy. World of Chinese Film Platifies New Film Wagers in China

Relatively recently in China launched into operation new trainAnd our compatriots remain only to envy passengers that are rolled by reserved cars. Comfortable shelves, designated personal space and most importantly, when moving along the car, one passengers do not hurt the hanging legs of others.

The other day, the "Shanghai Railways" leadership announced the official launch of the high-speed night train, next to Beijing-Shanghai route. Given the huge area of \u200b\u200bChina, there are very popular flights on ultra-dollar routes. The distance along the high-speed highway (SMM) between the two megalopolis is 1318 kilometers, and on the new train, the following time is only 12 hours.

The dimensions of this train has undergone some changes, in particular, the height of the wagons was increased and the bedrooms are modified for passengers. Russian users social networks Already managed to name the cars "placenta", only much more comfortable than domestic analogues.

And indeed, all the shelves are installed in the course of the train movement, unlike the familiar transverse location. Each passenger is clearly indicated by his personal space: regardless of the tier there is a separate window, an adjustable orthopedic back, a table, a lamp and a socket for chargers. But the most convenient thing is that, if desired, any passenger can close from the annoying views of the surrounding tight shirma.

The volume of the new night-distance night train is increased by 37% compared with the size of ordinary passenger compounds. number seating - 880. The developers of this rolling stock reduced vibration and optimized noise reduction. They argue that noise from this moving train is no more than from the car on the track. Given the fact that the composition is on the way at night, its speed is reduced to 250 km / h.

There is such a cool blogger Kim Korshunov, he is a browser program "Miracle of Technology" on NTV, he is the editor-in-chief of the site of the same name and channel onyouTube . He decided to go from Shanghai to Beijing by train.

There were three options: either a super fast train, which is all probably seen in some gears. Or normal reserved seatAs we have, or a luxury option of a placentar (these are the newest trains, they are still about a dozen to all China).

Ticket price

The fastest option passes 1500 km from Shanghai to Beijing for 4.3 hours. But the ticket costs something like a plane. The most budget option is about 2000 rubles. Wagons there almost exactly exactly the same as we. Well, the price, actually, too.

The intermediate option that Kim called the "coolest placentar in the world" stands at about 6,000 rubles. Expensive, but there are several moments. First, this is a suite (about it below), secondly, the ticket was bought on the day of departure, one can say an hour before departure (if you take in advance, it will be cheaper, and if you use any benefits, even cheaper). Third, such the train is coming Just 11 hours. We have for comparison this distance the train would go clock for 16, or even 20.

Separately, I want to say about buying tickets. Railways everything is much more convenient. I went to the app, bought a ticket in 5 clicks and that's it. No paper, no queues, no cash.

A train

Outside the train is very similar to our Sapsan. Well, in speed, in fact, too, the same thing. The usual cruising speed is 120-160 km / h. All the time the path was 3 stops.

From the side of the train seems to be two-storey, because the windows are in two rows, but in size it is about the same as the usual Russian one-storey car. There is no second floor, just at the lower and upper passengers their own small windows. With your individual blinds. And in general, despite the fact that this is a reserved seat, personal space is minimized as possible - about it next.

In the wagon

As such cars in the train there are no. The whole train is a long "gut" without doors and tambouries, like us. On the one hand, it is good, you can move around the ride.

On the other hand smoke nowhere. If someone is loudly snoring or some child will arrange hysterical, it will be heard not only in one car. Also, the entire train will have to listen to the door to the toilet. And they knock. But it is noteworthy that they do not clap and, despite good noise insulation, in the entire train silence.

Conductors and tea

When landing in a train, no one checks no documents, although then the conductor still passes through the train. I do not know how many conductors for the whole train, but it seems that one. That is, one conductor and 2 cleaners (yes, in China, the conductor and a cleaner are different people).

Besides the lack of large number Conductors are a reduction in costs, they are basically not needed. But the other side of the chap is not to order anyone, no one gives the cups for free. Chess also need to carry with you. Nobody crashes cookies and newspapers, souvenirs and lottery tickets also.

The car-restaurant is just a counter where you can buy a local "Dashirak" and some garbage. But tea, by the way, no.

There is free drinking water in the car. But I do not surprise us, we also have it.


Toilet as a toilet. Nothing special. There is no soul if anyone is interested. Toilets are pairing, opposite each other. Toilets, of course, bio. Everything is clean, it smells nice (there is a hanging fragrance of the type "Christmas tree").

A distinctive feature - in addition to small shells in the toilet room, there are still sinks nearby. That is, if you need just a sink to wash or wash something, you do not need to take the toilet.

Organization of space

As I said, the car is a departure, but the places always want to call the coupe, because everyone has its own place. I would even say that this reserved sewage gives much more privacy and convenience than our coupe.

Each place has its own curtain. You can closing and no one will disturb you.

Normal ladies lead to the second floor and no one will attack your bed, on your table and so on. And if the curtain is closed, then you will not notice that someone climbs or descends.

It is very pleased that all the places are located along the car, and not across (hello, Russian Railways), so that no legs stick out in the passage. It's straight giant plus. Moreover, places are arranged so that you can stretch into full, about it next. In general, you go calmly, you are not dumbfounded, other people's socks do not smell, the passage is wide.

Personal space

Your place in the Chinese placenta is not just a place on the bench and bed - it's a straight small room, even with the curtain instead of the door. The curtain, by the way, is very high quality and with magnetics, so as not to be opened. In general, I must say that everything is done qualitatively, reliable, powerfully. At least such an impression.

Everyone has a table (and on the second floor too!), Each personal lighting (German, among other things from Schneider Electric), a point lamp for reading, a universal socket (American connector, European and USB), mesh-pockets and three hooks for clothes.

With hooks, truth, a small confusion. Since all hooks above the bed, hang a long coat or a fur coat will not work - the floors will be ababy how to lie on the bed and interfere.

As I spoke at the beginning, everyone has its own window. And each window has its own personal curtain. This is cool in fact. Such your little corner. No matter how to fight and argue about, open a curtain or close.


Let's start with the fact that all places are already filled (both on top, and below), there are slippers of different colors (apparently the neighbors do not confuse). Bag can be removed under the bed - the half of the half is placed there.

On the bed you can sit at the table. You can sit, stretching my legs on the bed, leaning my head on the wall, on which a soft headrest is prudently made.

There are no mattresses in Chinese trains, instead of them something like a soft blanket, then a sheet, blanket, pillow. Pillow, by the way, buckwheat.

Bed length is about 2.0 meters. And this, by the way, surprises, because the average growth of the Chinese - 165 cm in men and 155 in women (new Russian Railways cars seem to have done just on Chinese standards, because the usual European is not placed there well).

In general, as you can see, there are Chinese new trains as the pros and cons. In some things, Russian Railways I like more, but in terms of organization of personal space chinese wagons Definitely better. Something resemble capsule hotels, only cooler. And more: some amazing way the wagons have a very smooth move. No shocks, pitching, jerks and quiet.

How do you? What cars do you seem better: ours or Chinese?

In our opinion, the train is best tool Movement in China. It is pure and pleasant here in the overwhelming majority. They go every day, for a very rare exception. At the stations, it is quite comfortable, and the railway servants are neatly dressed and friendly, however, like all the Chinese. In addition, the train is a great way to find out the country from the inside, just looking into the window to float past the landscapes, or communicating with people. We were amazed by the society of the Chinese! Chinese trains are different types, places can also be of different comforts. And now more. This information will be useful to you when planning independent travel in the subway.

Categories of Chinese trains

1. Trains type G — 高速 "G" Trains (High-Speed)

The fastest and speed trains with the smallest number of stops, the most expensive. Here are only seating. And the meaning to do lying, if only 5 hours to go?)) They accelerate to 350 km / h and more. For example, the distance Beijing-Shanghai This train flies for 5 and a half hours and is in this message from 550 yuan. The most high-speed train in the world - Shanghai Maglev, accelerated to 486 km / h!

2. Trains of type C and D — 城际"C" Trains (Inter-City)"D" Trains

Train type C.

Also very fast. They have a little more stopping and they ride a little slower than the train type G. There are both lying, and seats. For example, the same distance Beijing-Shanghai train will reach 8-9 hours and costs from 408 yuan.

3. Treet type Z — 直达 "Z" Trains (Direct)

Train type Z

High-speed trains connecting Beijing with others large cities countries. Trains are usually night and go without stopping. There are different places: seating, placentar, coupe. Beijing Xian distance passes in 11 hours and costs from 275 yuan.

4. Trains Type T — 特快 "T" Trains (Express)

Train type T.

Also normal trains. There are all types of places. Xian-Urumchi (2500km) will reach a little more than a day and costs 280 yuan. Such trains go throughout the country.

5. Train type K — 快 "K" Trains (Fast)

Train type K.

It was on such such we went. Go a little slower than T-type T. Usually red cars. There are also all types of places. Xian-Urumchi (2500km) overcomes the day and 10 hours and costs from 273 yuan. Fit, sometimes for 10 minutes, sometimes an hour ...

6. Without a letter prefixNo Prefix (Common)

Trains with numbers without alphabetic prefix

The slowest and, accordingly, the cheapest view of the trains in China. But it is quite possible to go, since there is everything you need for stay.

Types of wagons in chinese trains

There are 4 types (class) of wagons:

1. hard Seat. - Analog russian electric train, that is, ordinary seats. May be shaken by the psyche of unstable to the stress of people. But ... It depends on how to treat it. If you like comfort, then go in the wagon class higher. The chip is that when there are places, the tickets are started to sell tickets without space, i.e. standing. Our friend took such a ticket, and drive him 2 days! But nothing, returned alive, healthy))

Map Scheme of Chinese Railways

And finally, small video about a new high-speed highwayconnecting Beijing and Guangzhou. She is already built!

We hope that this article was helpful! If you have some questions, ask, try to answer.

View in China and not only.

Greetings, dear readers!

How many times have you moved by train? Surely, many went to the resorts of the Black Sea, overcoming thousands of kilometers of railway tracks in a comfortable placental car. And the smell of boiled eggs and fresh cucumber undoubtedly takes you into fabulous memories of the long-awaited rest.

In our case, the rest was the same long-awaited, but the destination was Harbin, but a place of action. But on the way back, we were already waiting for a placenta car, with its unique entourage. About everything in order. Our train goes towards Manchuria Harbin. Tuuuuuuu, let's go!

Let's start with the fact that in the north of China has not yet laid high-speed railway. But all trains following this area are very decent, clean and comfortable.

At the railway station, you are offered three categories of places:

  1. Seating car;
  2. Lying solid car;
  3. Lying soft wagon.

Since the path is not close to about 13 hours, but by arrival not one free minute. We decided to take there to relax and sleep. And on the return journey "was not" the car-reserved car took.

The price depending on the category very varies. A sedentary car is very cheap even on distant directions. Already later we learned that places are soft chairs without a folding back. So if you are used to moving over long distances sitting, this option is for you. I think next trip we test this "economy class."

Chinese coupe

Here we are in place! We go, looking for your coupe. I looked at everything around that I just flew the whole car and did not notice our places. But it is not scary, the tickets are on the hands, so everyone will go to the places. Open the door, places 7 and 5 (lower), come in and .... I do not believe my eyes, everything is very good! Clean linen is already covered, beautiful fresh smell, nor a drop of tobacco smoke (it is unique for China), spacious and sleeping place is much wider than in Russian wagons.

There is a liter thermos on the table until empty. The table is very small, you can't sing in such a chicken! Maximum, which is placed on it, these are two cups of tea and two plates with fast cooking noodles, such a "china-style".

Also in the coupe there are hangers, a bunch of hooks for everything you like, disposable slippers, Wi-Fi and Chinese radio. But this is a pleasure for lovers, we were enough for 2 minutes listening.

Embedding, put on white slippers, we went to explore the wagon spaces. I visited a washroom for three persons. Not a particularly clean room, cold water, but the bonus is a huge mirror. This is noticeable to selfie lovers in unusual places.

The toilet room pleased with the relative purity and lack of smell inherent in this place.

On the contrary, the toilet room is another washbasin in which, in the neighborhood there is a pot with boiling water. By the way, boiling water in China is in all public places. Therefore, they always have a thermos with tea. Such a culture -!

According to the corridor, the wagon coupe near the windows there are comfortable folding seats on which you can sit and think about everything, because time is more than a lot. And of course, there are sockets 220 V.

We drove alone to Highlar, in a romantic setting. But this is China, people are still not so little to enjoy loneliness. In Highlard to us, the highest adult couple of Chinese. Very nice woman and an interesting talkative man.

It started the most interesting! As you already know, we have long been living in Manchuria and this city borders with Russia. Many Chinese know Russian to one degree or another, so it is extremely difficult to apply our knowledge of language in practice. Since, if you start talking in Chinese, and the Chinese do not understand the first time, then it is easier for them to switch to Russian. On this, the entire practice of language ends. But here is another thing, our neighbors on the coupe absolutely do not understand Russian. And this is our hand - a gorgeous opportunity in an emergency to intensify all your knowledge. We were incredibly interesting, because if we were not understood from the first time, we were repeated and even until a complete understanding. Also, we had the opportunity to repeat everything in several interpretations, saying the right tone, observing all the rules of pronunciation of sounds and we understood us. It is amazing to know that your training has not been in vain, and you can talk and understand what we are talking about.

In the course of the conversation, it turned out that our travelers were in Russia and they liked our country (all Chinese like Russian expanses like). This is a wonderful couple of owners of 4 hotels, which are scattered throughout China, ranging from Highlar and Beijing, ending with the Chinese coast. Hotels have the style of such cute cozy villas, with a large number of parks and fountains in oriental style. I regained us the data of the traveler's refuge in all its glory.

Probably, you, like us then, wonder: What makes such secured gentlemen in the train? After all, the plane is a more comfortable way of movement.

Despite the financial well-being and accessibility to all the benefits of civilization, people may have problems that are not so easy to solve. A conversational man has two ailments: height fear (acrofobia) and fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia). Therefore, they overcome thousands of kilometers on the train, as necessary, controlling the work of their hotels. Now we have become clear why a man often went out into the corridor without having a detrimental habit of smoking.

Night has come night. The voices were subsided, the corridor was empty, everyone scattered in his regiments, the light went out. Only the rhythmic knock of the wheels burned me, but interfered with Artem. The stoker melted the train furnace. Dry air with a whistle went into the lungs and with a heavy pressure left them. Waving on a spacious bed as a sea asterisk, covered with a slight synthetic blanket like foam salted waves, I warmly plunged into the deepest sleep.


After a quickly flying journey, we again went to the station. But now we had to spend the evening and night in a spacious six-bed section. Yes Yes, everything is true. In each section, there are three sleeping shelves on each side on each side, and six places. Where in Russian trains there is a luggage shelf, there is a third level here. But a free corridor, the same as in the wagon-compartment. And instead of side shelves, folding sides.

Walking first in the car we found our seats, more precisely, the section number 3 - 4 and were pleasantly surprised by the fact that the section was closed. Now I will explain. Everything looks like in the usual compartment, with the only difference that there is no door, but there are walls, insulating from the corridor. This is brilliant! Moving on the car you do not need to delay the breath passing by the "fragrant" feet of passengers, which are like zombies from horror films pounce on you because of each corner. The same broad sleeping places, covered bed and the same table as in the coupe.

Restroom made in a traditional railway style, it seems to me for public places this is the perfect "hole in the floor." Wash rooms are ascetic and spacious.

The corridor is as spacious and lively, because there are the necessary energy resources in the form of a socket 220 V.

Of course, we are incredibly lucky with the neighbors. It was a young high Asian in aristocratic glasses. A middle-aged woman, who was sitting in the corridor until late at night. And the man, quietly slept all the way.

After the saturated days of stay in Harbin, the trip was not like that of a useless pastime. As soon as the opportunity to lie down, I pulled a mask on the face and instantly turned off. I woke up only the next day in the morning, when we already approached Manchuria. So quickly and intensely I have not had to spend 13 hours.

I can summarize the following, the Chinese-plaskart car a worthy way of movement for the minimum cost.

Travel over a different transport, in different places, try a new food, study the features of the territories visited, always look at the world with a smile and joy.

All good and happiness, your Alena A.

22.04.2019 , 10:30 19877

In the summer of 2017, China's second-class train tickets were launched in China, which are successfully serviced. night route Beijing - Shanghai. These two-storey compounds with comfortable cars and personal spaces for each passenger came to the soul and Chinese, and guests of the Middle Kingdom.

To implement the most courageous plans of Chinese engineers, it was necessary to increase the internal volume of the train by 37% and increase the ceilings.

The first thing amazing in a new Chinese placenta is the absence of any division into cars. Inside the train - a long corridor, by which you can go from the head to the very tail of the composition. The border between the wagons is purely conditional - here are toilets, housewives, automata with free drinking water. And no usual tambouries for us.

Places in the train are conveniently organized, for each passenger there is a personal space. All shelves in a new placenta are located along the train movement, due to this corridor seems more spacious than in the old-type trains with a longitudinally transverse location of the sofas.

Under the bottom shelves there are no rugs for luggage, but there is enough space for the most funny bags and suitcases. Disposable slippers are prepared for each passenger, environmentally friendly pillows with buckwheat filler, a set of fresh bed linen. A soft adjustable orthopedic back is screwed to the wall to which you can lean to view the window or read the book.

Each passenger has its own closed table without boxes and shelves. From the side of the neighboring coupe, your table is a comfortable niche for the legs. Such an innovative organization of space allowed at a consistently high level of comfort to increase the number of places in the train to 880 units.

The passenger can exist from the corridor with a corrugated textile curtain and be in a cozy small room with individual lighting, clothes hangers, USB connector and universal outlets that are suitable for European, American and Chinese forks. If desired, the personal window can be closed with a dense opaque curtain.

In the corridor on the ceiling - ring-shaped LED lamps, from which soft, but rather bright light. At night, the lamps are turned off, leaving only the yellowish night lights built into the bottom shelves. As for personal lamps, their light does not interfere with exchangers, because they are in the "right" place.

Special attention is paid to the ladies for which you can climb on the upper shelf. They consist of two deep metal steps recessed into a partition, and a convenient handrail, thanks to which the upper passenger does not have to step on someone's legs, a dining table or bed linen. Everything is thought out to the smallest and done for the convenience of people.

There is no coupe of the conductor in the visibility zone. But there is a mini-bar with Chinese noodles and drinks. So hungry passengers of the train will not definitely remain. By the way, noodles is a Chinese alternative to fried chicken, so popular in Russian trains.

The train moves smoothly and almost silently. The noise level and vibration in the car is comparable with similar indicators in the car's cabin. The distance between Shanghai and Beijing, equal to 1318 km, it overcomes in just 11 hours. It moves with a maximum speed of 250 km / h.

The cost of tickets for this train is just over 6000 rubles. This is the most expensive reserved seat that you can buy in China. However, if you book tickets in advance, you can buy them cheaper.

And the review of new second-class wagons of Russian Railways can be viewed.

See also: