For what tourists in different cities of the world spend money.

The MasterCard International Payment System is a rating of the most visited cities of the world. The basis of the study, which in 2017 was conducted already in the 9th time - data on overnights of international tourists, their trips and expenses in 2016. Based on this data, a forecast is based on which cities will occupy leadership positions in 2017. The rating is verified all year and, as a rule, it turns out very accurate.

So, the top 15 cities, popular with tourists, looks like this.

15. Osaka, Japan - 7.9 million foreign tourists

14. Milan, Italy - 8.4 million foreign tourists

13. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 8.7 million foreign tourists

12. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain - 8.9 million foreign tourists

11. Istanbul, Turkey - 9.24 million foreign tourists

10. Hong Kong - 9.25 million foreign tourists

9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 12.1 million foreign tourists

8. New York, USA - 12.4 million foreign tourists

7. Seoul, South Korea - 12.44 million foreign tourists

6. Tokyo, Japan - 12.5 million foreign tourists

5. Singapore - 13.45 million foreign tourists

4. Dubai, UAE - 16 million foreign tourists

3. Paris, France - 16.1 million foreign tourists

2. London, United Kingdom - 20 million foreign tourists

one . Bangkok, Thailand - 20.2 million foreign tourists

A little paradoxical, but our school knowledge on demographics is obsolete in years. The world is developing so quickly that many city leaders of the eighties and even nineties today do not even enter into the first ten in terms of population!

But on the first positions confidently, dynamically developing cities located in South and East Asia. However, about everything in order.

10. Dhaka, Capital Bangladesh

The tenth position in the ranking of the city's cities in the population is occupied by Dhaka, which is the capital of Bangladesh. A little more than 12 million people live in the metropolis, and they focus on a fairly small area of \u200b\u200b815 square meters. km, which roughly corresponds to Volgograd or Tyumen Square. Just imagine that 12 million lives in Russian Tyumen! How will they live there!? And if you add poverty to the terrible recurrence, reigning in Bangladesh, becomes no surprising that the standard of living in Dhaka is extremely low and often people are forced to live in unsanitary conditions.

However, in Dhaka, as in any metropolis, there is a respectable business center and numerous historical sights, since Dhaka is quite an ancient city, founded in the seventh century. It is here that the Hindu temple is the largest in Bangladesh, which is called Dakeshvari. 90% of the Dakka population are confessing Islam, so beautiful mosques and minarets are already enough here. Instead of automotive taxis in Dhaka, velaiks are used - up to four hundred thousand such cabidors come to work every day.

9. Moscow, the capital of Russia

The population of this city today is 12 million 450 thousand people and continues to grow steadily. Refuting the classic thesis that she is unresolved, Moscow will grow annually in a hundred, and even two hundreds of thousands of new residents. She has long come out beyond the limits of the Moscow Ring Road, and in the new part of the agglomeration - new Moscow will quite fit another 2-3 million. Today, our capital is no less inferior to the leading megalopolis of the world. Relatively recently, a Russian Manhattan even appeared here - a complex of business buildings of Moscow-City. His largest building is the "Federation" tower, is the greatest skyscraper in Europe, having 95 floors and 374 meters in height.

City serve 5 airports, 9 railway stations And of course, the most beautiful metropolitan in the world, which includes more than two hundred stations. Unlike oriental megacities, Moscow is clean, spacious and comfortable city. Material attractions such as Red Square, the Kremlin, the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya and the Cathedral of Vasily bliss easily recognizable by residents of all countries of the world. At least Moscow and is only on the ninth place in the population, you still love her a hundred times stronger than any other megalopolis!

8. Mumbai, India

The population of Indian Mumba is only a little more Moscow and amounts to 12 million 480 thousand people. The area of \u200b\u200bthis megapolis is very small - only 600 square meters. km, which corresponds to the Square of Voronezh or Kazan. Accordingly, the population density in Mumbai is the highest among the cities of this rating. It is very difficult to live in such bored conditions, however, people go to this city from all over India, because there is work and entertainment. The symbol of Mumba is a set of film studios, which by analogy with Hollywood received the name of the Bolivat. It produces the famous Indian films of A la Zece and Gita with music and of course dancing. Mumbai is a water gate of India, through which about half of the entire seaside passenger traffic of India passes.

Also developed here railway transport and traditional for Asia Motoriks. Mumbai is a city of contrasts: the skyscrapers here are adjacent to the slums neighborhoods and the standard of living of local residents may also differ strongly. In the metropolis, many buildings built in the European style, because in the colonial era, the city was a reference point of the British. Until recently, he was called the English Manner - Bombay, and only in the mid-1990s he was officially appropriated by the Indian name - Mumbai.

7. Guangzhou, China

In this megalopolis there are 13 million 80 thousand people. In Europe, he is known as the canton, and the locals call their megalpolis is Janchen, which means the "city of Kozlov". They don't see anything shameling in this - the Chinese because. In the Middle Ages in Guangzhou, the Silk Road began, and today it is one of the leading centers of world trade. It is here that the famous Cantonese Fair is held annually, on which up to 150 thousand products from around the world are exposed. The local Cincine market is huge even by Chinese standards.

Along with traditional goods, here you can buy exotic animals, fish and even insects for gastronomic purposes. Guangzhou - Tourist Mecca, annually visited by at least 4 million tourists, which roughly corresponds to the traffic of the whole Crimea. In the metropolis combines ancient history and ultra-modern urban medium. In Guangzhou, the largest park Yuezu park is located in China, revered in China.

6. Istanbul, Turkey

13 million, 855 thousand people live in this city. It is distinguished by rapid growth - the population of the metropolis is increased annually by 300-400 thousand. This is due to the fact that the standard of living in Istanbul is about 70% higher than in Turkey as a whole. Istanbul attracts high salary residents to himself and of course interesting life. The megapolis is located on both shores of the Bosphorus Strait connecting the Black and Marmara Sea. Interestingly, he was founded and originally developed in the Asian coast, but today - the lion's share of the population focuses in the European part.

Megapolis is very popular Moz Tourists, occupying the third line of attendance among the cities of the whole world. His symbol is considered to be the Cathedral of Saint Sophia, built in the VI century. No less popular tourist facilities are the Palace of Beelebey, architectural complex Suleymania and of course the famous Istanbul Grand Bazaar. There is in the city and a business multi-storey center, and the Istanbul skyscrapers have a special east flavor, however, as the entire great city.

5. Lagos, Capital Nigeria

In the African city of Lagos, 15 million 119 thousand people live, and the population density - beats all records, reaching 17 thousand inhabitants per square kilometer. You can only wonder how people manage to live in such a cramped. The city is divided into 16 regions, and he does not manage the mayor, as everywhere, but a whole governor, as the population of the metropolis pulls on small country. Nigerians consider happiness to live in the capital, because there is at least some job. But from the point of view of Europeans, Lagos is hard to call an attractive for life.

In many of his places, white is better not to appear, as well as there are areas only for whites or only for rich black. The lion's share of Lagos population lives in slums, in a terrible poverty, the locals eat very poorly and suffer from infectious diseases. There is still a common malaria, transferred by the famous Ferry CE-CE. There is a rich dustown with skyscrapers and road junctions in the city. It is the multi-storey center that appears on advertising prospects of this greatest metropolis of modern Africa.

4. Delhi, the capital of India

16 million 315 thousand people live in Delhi. It is very old city Among the megalopolises of this rating - its age exceeds 5 thousand years. It is divided into 9 administrative districts. In the most prosperous of them, New Delhi is a government quarter and a business center skyscrapers. Here nothing is reminded that you are in pretty poor asian country. Meanwhile, the largest part of the population is concentrated in the southern and western parts of the metropolis, where people are in miserable shacks. Deli slums are terribly overcooles and are often devoid of amenities.

Suffice it to say that one toilet here falls on 27 families, and the wells, from where residents of Delhi take water - even less. In the capital of India, the wretched slums, modern skyscrapers and the majestic buildings of the departed eras are surprisingly combined. Ancient Hindu temples, huge mosques, fortresses and citadel of the ancient kings, lively markets, where you can buy exotic food and goods ... What to say, the tourist here is on what to see, but it is most likely to live in this overcooked place - it is likely to live.

3. Beijing, the capital of China

The population of the city is 21 million 516 thousand people. This city is very ancient - presumably it is founded in the V century BC and always played a crucial role in the life of the Middle Kingdom. Nowadays, it is from here that a huge China is managed and the city is fully consistent with its status of the capital of the greatest state of the world. Beijing is developing rapidly - every year new quarters for ordinary Chinese and huge business skyscrapers are erected here. The highest in the city of the building is the Chinese World Trade Center in the 74th floor, but the Maganbosomb "Chain Jun" is already being built with a height of 106 floors, which promises to become a real pearl architecture.

Beijing is modern and at the same time ancient. Every year, millions of tourists visit the famous Tiananmen Square, forbidden City, Summer imperial palace and hundreds of other attractions. Despite the Asian location, Beijing is a city of wide avenues and extensive parks. There are practically no traditional slums traditional for Asia, and the lion's share of the population lives in the usual Russians.

2. Karachi, Pakistan

23 million 520 thousand people live in this city. This is one of the fastest growing megalopolises of the world - over the past 20 years its population has doubled. The full age of Karachi is a little more than two hundred years, for which from the fishing village he grew into one of major cities World. This is an impressive, if not to say phenomenal growth. A feature of the megalpolis is its multinational composition, which largely determines the variety of styles of life. Here they live Pashtuns, Punjabs, Urdu, Bengalts, Afghans and even Jews, which gives the city a special flavor.

The standard of living in Karachi cannot be called high, and the criminal situation is quite difficult - in some areas, Europeans appear categorically not recommended. Since the city is young enough, the local attractions are mostly Novodel. Local residents are proud of a giant fountain emitting a jet to a height of about two hundred meters, zoroastrian tals of silence and a huge pool of crocodiles. Along with the poor quarters in Karachi, there are fashionable areas and a business center, so it is perhaps the classic Asian city of contrasts.

1. Shanghai, China

And the greatest city of modernity is Chinese Shanghai, in which 24 million 150 thousand people live. Megapolis amazes with his futuristic - the highest level of 632 meters high in China in China is dominated above it in China, which is called "Shanghai Tower." In general, by the number of skyscrapers, the Shanghai district Pudong has long survived Manhattan and continues to develop dynamically. The story of Shanghai has more than seven centuries, so there is enough impressive historical buildings here. Thousands of believers annually attend the local temple of Confucius, from the construction of which this great city began. And the Shashan Mountain with her ancient pagodas - as if it came to modernity from the ancient Chinese fairy tales. In the very center of Shanghai Mountain looks completely incredible! Megapolis is a trade, scientific, financial and economic center of China, as well as its sea gate. Local residents Live, if not rich, then quite worthy - the average salary here is $ 700-750, which is very good for Asian standards. Shanghai has a special status in China, so the considerable part of the tax collected in the city remains here. That is why municipal authorities have funds for capital construction, the development of housing and communal infrastructure. As a result, the city is developing rapidly, its population is growing and today hits global records. Thus, if you are asked, and what city on the ground is the biggest? You can safely answer - this is Shanghai, in which more than 24 million people live!

Named thirty and the top 10 most visited cities in the world of 2017. "Herald Attor" brings this rating. You will also learn what of which tourists spend the most money, and what exactly.

The international payment system MasterCard presented the Annual Index Global Destination Cities, which includes 132 most visited cities in the world. The basis of the study conducted by 9 times - the number of overnight stays of international visitors, their trips and expenses in 2016. Based on this data, a forecast is built about which countries and cities will be the most visited in 2017.

MasterCard announced the estimated data on 30 cities in the world. Russian representatives in the top 30 did not turn out.

Top 30 - from 30 to 11th place

So, the most visited cities in 2017 according to MasterCard:

30. Johannesburg, South Africa - 4.8 million foreign tourists

29. Berlin, Germany - 5.1 million foreign tourists

28. Toronto, Canada - 5.3 million foreign tourists.

27. Mumbai, India - 5.35 million foreign tourists.

26. Munich, Germany - 5.4 million foreign tourists.

25. Madrid, Spain - 5.5 million foreign tourists

24. Dublin, Ireland - 5.59 million foreign tourists.

23. Chennai, India - 5.7 million foreign tourists.

22. Los Angeles, USA - 5.8 million foreign tourists.

20. Prague, Czech Republic - 6.4 million foreign tourists.

19. Vienna, Austria - 6.63 million foreign tourists.

18. Shanghai, China - 6.65 million foreign tourists.

17. Rome, Italy - 7.3 million foreign tourists.

16. Taipei, Taiwan - 7.8 million foreign tourists.

15. Osaka, Japan - 7.9 million foreign tourists.

14. Milan, Italy - 8.4 million foreign tourists.

13. Amsterdam, the Netherlands - 8.7 million foreign tourists.

12. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain - 8.9 million foreign tourists

11. Istanbul, Turkey - 9.24 million foreign tourists.

Top 10 most visited city cities

Well, finally, we reached the top 10 of this year. Seven out of ten cities in it are cities of Asia countries. What, in general, not surprising, considering how the population and tourist flows in this region are growing and tourist flows. So, the top 10 most visited cities in the world in 2017 is:

10. Hong Kong - 9.25 million foreign tourists.

9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 12.1 million foreign tourists.

8. New York, USA - 12.4 million foreign tourists.

7. Seoul, South Korea - 12.44 million foreign tourists.

6. Tokyo, Japan - 12.5 million foreign tourists.

5. Singapore - 13.45 million foreign tourists.

4. Dubai, UAE - 16 million foreign tourists.

3. Paris, France - 16.1 million foreign tourists.

2. London, United Kingdom - 20 million foreign tourists.

one . Bangkok, Thailand - 20.2 million.strange tourists.

As noted in the study, the capital of Thailand, where the growth of the tourist flow in 2017 will be at least 4%, will retain the status of the city itself of the city. London plus at 5% will remain the second this year.

Experts do not doubt the status of the popular destination of Paris (+ 4.4%). But the presence in the top 5 of Dubai, where the dynamics of arrivals are expected to 7.7%, as analysts believe, is a consequence of the global promotion of this metropolis, which is interesting to tourists at the expense of new unique tourist facilities, such as thematic amusement parks.

Among the others tourist destinationsAttracting for international travelers, Tokyo is marked with an increase in arrivals this year at 12% this year.

The only minus among the most visited cities of the first dozen will show New York (6th place, -2.4%), which is associated with the inflection of the Visa Policy of the Trump administration. Even Istanbul, who loses tourists since 2015 due to safety issues, this year will still add in the number of international visitor (+ 0.9%).

Top 10 cities with the largest income from tourists

It is also curious that not all cities of the first dozen are as "commercially successful." Not all megalopolis tourists bring as big income to be in the top 10 cities with the greatest level of expenses of international travelers.

In the top 10 most earns in the tourism of the city of the world entered:

  1. Dubai (in 2016, tourist expenses amounted to 28.50 billion US dollars, growth in 2017 + 10.2%);
  2. New York (US $ 17.02 billion, + 1.5%);
  3. London (16.09 billion US dollars, - 4.6%);
  4. Singapore (15.69 billion US dollars, + 0.3%);
  5. Bangkok (14.08 billion US dollars, + 10.9%);
  6. Paris ($ 12.03 billion, + 4.9%);
  7. Tokyo (US $ 11.28 billion, + 3.7%);
  8. Taipei (US $ 9.91 billion, + 6.9%);
  9. Seoul (9.38 billion US dollars, + 1.8%);
  10. Barcelona (+8.90 billion US dollars, + 6.9%).

Top 10 cities in the world with the greatest increase in tourists

As noted in the study, on a global scale, the number of international visitors for all the time of staying for all 132 areas, which is calculated by Index Global Destination Cities, increased by 55.2% since 2009, which is significantly ahead of the growth of real GDP over the same period. The fastest growing directions are located in the Asia-Pacific region and the Middle East.

So, in the number of megacols, which showed the largest growth of foreign arrivals from 2009-2016, entered:

  1. Osaka, Japan (+ 24%)
  2. Chengdu, China (+ 22.7%)
  3. Colombo, Sri Lanka (+ 20.3%)
  4. Abu Dhabi, UAE (+ 18.9%)
  5. Jakarta, Indonesia (+ 18.2%)
  6. Tokyo, Japan (+ 17.7%)
  7. Hanoi, Vietnam (+ 16.4%)
  8. ER Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (+15,9%)
  9. Lima, Peru (+ 15.2%)
  10. Taipei, Taiwan (+ 14.5%).

What tourists in different cities of the world spend money

Curious and a few more digits and calculations. So in the top 30 cities most of the trips are related to rest, with the exception of Shanghai, where almost half (48.4%) visitors travel through business. On the contrary, Kuala Lumpur has the greatest percentage of visitors who are going to the capital of Malaysia for the sake of recreation (92.2%).

As for the cost, then the most advantageous tourists spend money on food in Istanbul (33.6%) and in Prague (29.3%). Most of all on purchases in Seoul (56.5%), London (46.7%), Osaka (43.4%) and Tokyo (43.1%),

Accommodation may be the most expensive way of travel spending when visiting Paris (44.8%), Milan (40.4%) and Rome (40.4%)

Finally, due to the presence of effective transport systems Relatively little money from travelers is spent on transport in cities such as London (4.3%), Singapore (4.6%) and Hong Kong (4.6%).

Moscow, December 4 - "Testa. Economic". Hong Kong retains its leading positions in the ranking of the most visited cities in the world, despite the decline in the number of guests, reports Bloomberg with reference to the Euromonitor International Report of Top 100 City Destinations 2019.

Below we will tell about the most visited cities of the world.

1. Hong Kong

: 26.7 million

According to the document, tourists will make about 1.5 billion trips in 2019. The rating was calculated using the arrival data for incomplete 12 months. So, the role of Hong Kong as the global capital of travelers can change.

Hong Kong is often described as a place where the east is found with the West, which is expressed in its economic infrastructure, architecture, education and urban culture. On the same street, you can find traditional Chinese shops selling Chinese medicines, Buddhist incenses or soup from shark fin. But immediately around the corner you can see the cinema in which the last Hollywood blockbuster goes, the English Pub, the Catholic Church or McDonalds.

2. Bangkok

Number of foreign travelers: 25.8 million

The historic center of Bangkok is located on the Rattanakosin Island River, which is translated from Thai "Higher Jewelry". It is surrounded by canals on all sides, towers and walls built for the defense of the capital.

The center of the island is the former royal residence - a magnificent big palace, surrounded from four sides by a protective wall of 1900 meters long.

On the territory of the Palace there is a temple of Wat Phra Keo (the temple of the Emerald Buddha), considered the most sacred Moz In Thailand and one of the most beautiful temples.

3. Macau

Number of foreign travelers: 20.6 million

Macau - open port, a large financial center, known for its casino, gambling houses, hippodrome, nightclubs.

On the territory of autonomous administrative area There are 33 casinos, the most famous among which are The Venetian, Grand Lisboa and Galaxy. Since 2010, the gambling business brings more than 70% of income by the Macau budget.

Today, Macau is actually the world capital of Azart. High-speed vessels on the underwater wings are transporting tourists from Hong Kong to Macau, where they are waiting for bars, restaurants, casinos, hotels.

4. Singapore

Number of foreign travelers: 19.8 million

Futuristic skyscrapers, the design of which is approved by Fengshui specialists, the world's highest ferris wheel and more entertainment is waiting for visitors to Singapore.

Mostly here travel tourists who already visited many exotic countries, in search of something new, as well as businessmen - on business exhibitions.

5. London

Number of foreign travelers: 19.6 million

London is expected to cast the first five. Previously, he ranked third, but Brexit potentially leads to more stringent visa restrictions for EU citizens.

The historic center of the city, formed by Westminster and City, was formed in the Victorian era. Among the few buildings survived here after the fire of 1666, the medieval Tower Citadel.

London refers to the global cities of the highest rank and leading global financial centers. Its economy is the fifth part of the country's economy.

6. Paris

Number of foreign travelers: 19.1 million

The main political, economic and cultural Center France. Refers to global cities, global financial centers. UNESCO headquarters and other international organizations.

The historic center formed by the Isle of the Sieve and both shores of the hay was formed over the centuries. In the second half of the XIX century, the root reconstruction has undergone. In the suburbs there is a palace-park ensemble Versailles.

7. Dubai.

Number of foreign travelers: 16.3 million

Dubai is the largest shopping, financial and tourist centre Middle East.

Deep-water sea \u200b\u200bport Dubai thanks to low duties occupies a leading place in the region on the re-export of various goods, including gold.

Significant value in business in Dubai is presented by FEZ - free economic zones. Offshore area is located in Jebel Ali.

8. Delhi

Number of foreign travelers: 15.2 million

Finding at the junction of different civilization zones - Hindu and Islamic - made it a conglomerate of cultural traditions and numerous peoples inhabiting the Indian subcontinent.

The metropolitan functions of the New Delhi district raise the value of holidays and events in the city to the national level. Public holidays, such as the Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi-Jayanti (Mahatma Gandhi's birthday) are celebrated here with great enthusiasm.

Historically, Delhi has always been important shopping center Northern India. In Stary Delhi, there were many traces of his Mogolsky past, which manifests itself not only in the maze of narrow streets and numerous residences of the court imperial yard, but also in the ancient bazaars (markets).

These markets offer a variety of goods, from mango to bottles with folk medicines and silver jewelry, marriage dress and fabrics

9. Istanbul

Number of foreign travelers: 14.7 million

Istanbul - the largest city Turkey, the main trade, industrial and cultural center, the main port of the country. Located on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, dividing it into European (basic) and Asian parts, connected by bridges and tunnels.

Istanbul is extreme popular area tourism.

The main tourist facilities are located in the European part of the city. It contains about 90% of hotels.

The city has seventy museums, of which only the Palace of Topkappa and Ayia Sofia are brought by $ 30 million dollars of pure income per year.

There are 17 palaces here, 64 mosques and 49 historical churches, as well as many other ancient attractions (columns, fortresses, underground tanks, etc.)

10. Kuala Lumpur

Number of foreign travelers: 14.1 million

Kuala Lumpur is one of the most dynamically developing cities of Southeast Asia.

Tourism is an important article of the city's income. In Kuala Lumpur there are many tourism facilities: National Museum, National Mosque, 5 Natural Parks of various focus, religious facilities (pagodas, mosques, temples, churches).

Not so long ago, the facilities of the modern period were successfully fit in the appearance of the city, such as the television tower and the famous twin towers Petronas Twin Towers.

Text: News. Economic

See also: