Cave city in the Caucasus. Ancient construction (cave) in the North Caucasus

In Russia, a facility was found comparable to the famous Hoeop Pyramid.

Speleologist Arthur Zhemukhova from Kabardino-Balkaria Unusual hobby: he is looking for sacred places scattered in the mountains and gorges, according to its own methodology, taking into account the location of the stars in the constellations and containing mathematical calculations. That is how Arthur discovered the mysterious LAZ mysterious laz in the Baksansky gorge. And under it is an amazing cave, which may be part of the underground city. In September, there for the third time the expedition of the Public Research Association "Cosmopoysk" has been visited.

"Flask" with "Hall"

Without climbing skills, penetrate the cave is almost impossible. First you need to squeeze in a hole of 40 by 120 cm, then descend on the rope along a narrow vertical mine. It forms two parallel stone plates. After 9 meters - the first "knee": LAZ goes away and immediately breaks down. Already here will cover you absolute sishin - Neither sound penetrates outside. Another 23 meters in the depth - and the new "knee". To achieve the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters, and it will take it an hour. But, by passing the "Bottle of Gorry", you will find yourself in a huge room that researchers called "Flag".

"The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the walls in the mine of obviously artificial origin," says Vadim Chernobrov, coordinator of the Association "Cosmopoysk". - They are composed of smooth stone blocks, carefully polished. IN egyptian pyramidsah blocks of about the same sizes. It is easy to calculate that every "pebbles" weighs about 200 tons. And how to spoke with them to carefully fold such a structure, completely incomprehensible. And in the fact that it is man-made, I doubt a little. "

The same opinions are held Victor Kotlyarov, site historian and local history: "When we showed photos of this mine to geologists, including foreign, most of them led to the version of its artificial origin. In any case, all of them were one in the fact that there was never anywhere else and have never seen. There are no analogues in the world! "

In the dungeon, the researchers discovered a "steaming" column: Megalith is attached to the wall with only one edge, which seems to be hanging in the air. Unfortunately, no traces of people or organic remains in the cave found. However, Vadim Chernobrova is not surprising. He is confident that this construction and did not think as a dwelling. He had other tasks.

Dig a resonator

From the moment the public learned about the mysterious mine in the Baksansky Gorge, there was no shortage of versions about her destination. It was assumed that this is a burial ground for the discharge of infectious animals, a bunker for storing food, the dwelling of the Ariyev, the fortifications, a snowman's lair ... Some of the researchers descended into the mine heard there to the upwards, rustles and even whisper, which, if desired, can be adopted for unknown ancient language. But no traces and remains will repeat, it was found. And this refutes all the listed hypotheses. But in the dungeon blows a draft and it is stuck with narrow aisles, which still have to rake from the dawns. Local speleologists have already acquired electrical equipment to continue work in the next summer.

"The stay of a person or other living beings in this construction was not possible in initially - divided by his own guesses of Chernobrov. - You can spend such an analogy: we penetrated not in the dwelling, but on some plant.

Let's say, climbed into the factory pipe, then descended into the combustion chamber and now we are trying to understand: where are people sitting here? And they did not sit there! And should not have been. According to our version, this cave is a technical construction. She served as a certain resonator, converter of waves and radiation unknown to us. Her age is about 5 thousand years. In size and functionality of the Baksan Gorge Cave is comparable to Egyptian Great Pyramidwhich many scientists are also considered a wave transmitter or an energy converter. "

Most likely, researchers believe, this object before was underground. He was located on the surface, being attached to the hillside. So it is possible to explain why one of the walls of the camera is "flasks" is uneven, litter (this is a fragment of a natural cliff), and the other is smooth, polished (unknown builders erected). For several millennia, the giant structure was covered with earth, sand and rocks of rock rocks, trees rose from above. And stone blocks, once located outside the hill, were in him inside. By the way, remember all the same pyramid of Heops. She, together with the lying sphink-som, was brought by sand while the archaeologists did not dig it and did not give the "miracle of the world" the already familiar look.

The Baksan Mine Cave also can also dig, although it is difficult to even imagine what funds will require it. Researchers tend to the version that the construction of an unusual form that has been preserved inside the rock could be part of a more global structure - underground caves, the legends of which in the North Caucasus are transmitted to generation from generation. There are two more inputs in the dungeon are found nearby Laza leading to the 80 meter depth. Calculations show that if they continue to break the ruins, they docile together and lead together the same mysterious cave, where you can hear a whisper similar to an unknown ancient language.

First of all, you need to pay attention to those caves whose visit is possible not independently or with some kind of conductor from the number of local residents, but as part of organized excursions. There are quite a lot of such caves in the Caucasus and one of them is a Asian cave, which is located near the city of Maikop. It is in the forest area and was opened in 1911, but for the general public was opened in 1987. The total length of the cave is 640 meters, but only 220 meters are equipped for excursions. This cave is multi-tiered surround galleries and incredibly beautiful halls. The entrance to the cave is a vertical well, which was formed as a result of the collapse. In the depths of the cave takes up to 37 meters. The plot provided for excursions is completely safe, convenient and well covered. Everywhere there are pedestrian walkways, fences, stairs.

All the halls are impressive with their pristine beauty, which was created exclusively by nature, without the participation of a person. Each room has its name. The Bogatyr Hall received its name because it has a height equal to three human growth. The hall called the altar actually resembles the altar, which causes astounding tourists. Stalactites and wall-mounted floors formed bizarre forms, thanks to which some rooms received the appropriate name: the "Buddha" statue of the "Apostles", "Baba Yaga".

The cave installed a special microclimate, due to which the growth of various formations does not stop over many centuries (scientists believe that this process continues for two million years). If you decide to visit this cave in the warm season, it is necessary to take warm clothes with you, since the year-round temperature inside the cave is kept at 4-7 degrees. You can take warm things in place, but for an additional fee.

Some tourists get to this cave on their own, by car, and some simply buy an excursion in one of Maikop's excursion agencies. If you go to the car, then you need to follow through Hadzokh, and near Dakhovskaya turn on the Lago-Naki plateau and go up the serpentine. On the way there are pointers, so do not get lost.

As I said, you can get into the cave only with a tussing time, you must first buy a ticket. It is best to come on weekdays, as large queues are built on holidays and weekends, in which you can spend several hours and all the pleasure of visiting the cave will be lubricated. Excursions pass every 30 minutes. It is categorically prohibited to touch stalactitams and other formations. The average duration of the excursion is 25 minutes, but there is an opportunity to stay for a longer time. Excursions spend from 9 to 18 hours.

The pricing policy is in such a way that an adult entrance ticket costs 400 rubles, and for children from 7 to 14 years old - two times less. Individual excursions It will cost somewhat more expensive, but there is no particular sense to buy.

This area can be interested in not only the Asian cave, but also located near the rope park, cafe, the ability to purchase different souvenirs. If you go up a bit of the path, then you can go to the chic looking platform Where are the incredible views of the surrounding mountains.

Posted Sat, 10/29/12016 - 10:10 by CEP

Within a speleological area Big Caucasus Three provinces are distinguished: North Caucasian, East Caucasian and Gorno-Kolkhida.
The North Caucasian speleological province is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus between the upper reaches of the Pchachi River (white) and the middle flow of Ardon (the left flow of the Terek). Karst caves dedicated to Jurassic plaster and limestone are quite widespread. Currently, 142 caves are described here, including 38 caves longer than 100 m. It includes Boutkov I (length 7000 m), desoz (473 m), Bugovskaya VI (1900 m), Baghenevskaya I (1800 m), Ammonite (1669 m), Aisch (1280 m) and neuro (1235 m).

Special position is occupied by the cave Boutkova I (total length of about 7000 m), located 7 km south-east of the Novosvobodny station. It was formed in the limestones of Jurassic age. The cave represents a complex labyrinth of narrow and low moves, moving in some places in small grottoes.

Among the Caucasus caves are interesting to the Asian cave (total length of 1280 m), located on the north-western slope of the Asish-Tau Ridge, 12 km from the village of Hamushki. It was formed in Verkhneurous dolomied limestone. The cave consists of several grottoes and connecting their passages. The largest grotes reach 25 m lengths and 25 m of heights. For the bottom of the main turn flows the stream. Extensive studies are widely developed.

Air temperature is 10-12 °. The East Caucasian speleological province is located in the northeastern part of the Big Caucasus east of the Ardon River. 35 caves were investigated here. The largest of them is the local one (length 350 m), Chaldybalskaya (150 m), Kara-Budakhkent (135 m) and Usman-Laurele (100 m). The Cave of the Nizhin-Layage is located on the interflucement of the Phiogdon and Gizeldon rivers, 3 km east of the village of Tagardon, on the northern slope of Szogg Hosh Hararog. The cave was formed in limestone. The entrance reaches 1.8 m of height and 10 m length. The length of the cave is 350 m, the volume is 1500 m3.

Ancient cave

In Adygea, an ancient cave was found near the Holy Mikhailovsky monastery: at the beginning of August, the Russian Geographical Society activists (RGO) were found when they were laid out a tourist route. The entrance opened during the development of a gypsum career. "Builders, apparently, the bucket removed the arch of the cave with stalactites," says the head of the Adygei branch of the RGO Igor Oghai. Already on August 30, specialists from Krasnodar conducted georadiolocarization measurements and concluded that there was not one cave here, but a whole carcass array.

Caucasus B. last years It becomes the center of attraction for lovers to travel through natural underground spaces, so-called "speleotourists". Many caves are concentrated here, the overwhelming majority of them have a karst origin. It is this kind of caves most common in nature.

The mechanism of their education has long been known. The aqueous streams are washed in rocks (limestone, marble, gypsum) cavity, and underground spaces with numerous levels, halls, transitions, lakes and waterfalls are formed. Increased carbon dioxide in water only speeds up this process. It is karst caves that have the greatest length and depth, often stretched on tens of kilometers.

For speleologists, interest is literally everything: the history of the formation of the caves, their structure, the inner world. Often, water forms salt deposits inside the caves, thereby forming famous stalactites and stalagmites that attract curious tourists. Some of the caves were used by ancient people as housing or served as a guy for wild beasts. Therefore, there are often revealing remains of fat or people and their livelihoods (drawings, fires, steps).

North Caucasus (and especially Abkhazia) in the speleologists around the world is at a special account. According to the legend, the founder of speleology Martel, having visited these places at the beginning of the 20th century, predicted that they would find the deepest caves of the world.

Roman Ilf and Petrov "Twelve Chairs" added popularity. It is here that Ostap Bender sold entry ticketsAnd the revenue allegedly went to strengthen the failure - so that it was too afraid.
The writers themselves unilently responded about this lake, calling him a "puddle". In fact, the unusual smell and turquoise color of the lake received due to sulfur, which is contained in water. It is located in an underground cave and appeared due to the effects of mineral waters.

Cave fail

Vintage daches were built around the failure - they form a small town. At home appeared at the end of the 19th century, and look very original. Among them are unusual, similar to the eastern palaces and medieval castles. Today, most of these houses are converted to the sanatorium.
By the way, the locals thanked Ilf and Petrov for the promotion of failure and installed the statue of Bender at the entrance. True, in his hands, tickets are not 5 and 10 kopecks, as indicated in the book, but fifty.

Stavropol region.
Failure - a lake and a natural cave on the southern slope of Mashuk Mountain in Pyatigorsk. The cave is a cone-shaped funnel with a height of 41 m, at the bottom of which is a karst lake mineral water Pure blue color.
Lake depth 11 m, diameter 15 m. Water temperature from 26 ° to 42 ° C. The blue color of water gives hydrogen sulfide and special bacteria. Cave Caucasia


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Anhin G.I. "Small Caucasus". M., "Physical Education and Sport", 1981.
Wikipedia website.


22.10.2015 15.03.2017 - admin

Ancient man-made cave in the Caucasus - an unknown energy generator?

Ancient sign of mystical swastika - a symbol of light, the sun and well-being occurs on the stones ancient Caucasus. Signs and in the Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo are found in the Baksansky Gorge. Circled in stone next to the swastika modern, as they call the Arabic, the numbers clearly make it clear that these signs were not cut down by the ancient arias that inhabited the region.

But here we visited other Aryans, and much later. The Mountain Division of the Nazis "Edelweiss" has not reached these seats. However, according to the testimony of contemporaries, representatives of Anecherb - through a mystical organization built-in, however, in the structure of the SS and Nazism, the part of the Caucasus part occupied by the fascists was actively. Occultists and mystics in champions were looking for confirmations of their nuclear-natal theory about the superiority of the Aryan race and eased the possession of the ancient mighty artifacts. It was rumored that they were looking for a "cup of grail", allegedly hidden in one of the Caucasian caves. Apparently, it is these people who marked their coat of arms most interested in their places. In our days, local enthusiasts of Maria and Victor Kotlyarov drew attention to these symbols. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe location of the Swastik in the Baksansky Gorge and was open, which may be one of the greatest discoveries recently. Getting into the cave is not so easy, for this you need to have good mountaineers skills.

The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of about a thousand meters above sea level, and is a hole-goer opening a hole with a size of approximately forty centimeters per meter twenty. Further, deep into the mountain is a vertical mine, descending into which you can only on the rope. Mine is narrow, and without psychological training, brought up by long-term spelled classes, an attempt to descend may cause psychological breakdowns. At the first stage of the walls of the shaft consist of two monolithic stone plates, standing vertically, the other two walls are lined with small stone. No sounds in the thickness of rocks do not penetrate, and the oppressive silence also powerfully presses the psyche of the researcher.
At the depth of nine meters, the mine has a break - a small horizontal LAZ, reappearing into the abyss. Twenty-three meters a new break and a new vertical descent.
The total depth of the mine reaches eighty meters, and the time of immersion Even at the experienced specialists of the Cosmopoysk organization is at least an hour. Employees of this expedition dubbed the tunnels complex, leading deep into the mountain, "bottle neck". The hall in which the researcher gets, reaching the bottom, they called the Flag. This hall is a large absolutely dark room, in which in the light of the lanterns you can find a huge column, as if soaring in the air. The column does not reach the ceiling of the cave and not and does not rest in her bottom, it is attached to the wall only with his rear face, the connection it seems to be unreliable, nevertheless, as scientists suggest, she "PARI" thus already have about five thousand years.

Multiple tunnels leave the gloomy and majestic hall of this grand cave in the crowd of rocks. All of them are absolutely not suitable for human movement. In the widest possible way, it is possible to stick your head and try to see where they lead, and a hand is trying to a narrow hard one. Scientists "Cosmoposystem" hope to further explore them using the newest, including seismic equipment.
In the meantime, the main discovery is that the cave is ... man-made! The walls are posted by stone blocks, approximately appropriately used in the construction of the famous Egyptian pyramids. The weight of each "pebble" is about two hundred tons.
Five thousand years ago the mysterious people who inhabited these places built this construction. He found it necessary to hold gigantic engineering work. Giant stone blocks were moved and laid in narrow passengers. Why did the ancient residents of the Caucasus engaged in these, is one of the greatest secrets.

However, a number of researchers believe that initially this construction was on the surface. This, in particular, may indicate the walls of "flasks". One of them is uneven and rough, that is, such, what is usually the surface of the rocks. Three other walls are composed of, between which the knife blade is not that the needle does not pass.
Scientists believe that the construction was once attached to the rock. When the builders were abandoned and left, it fell asleep with the Millenniums, and sedimentary rocks fastened these stones with strength superior to the best modern cements. However, even if the construction was carried out on the surface, it is still completely incomprehensible how these huge stone monoliths moved and stacked one on another. The level of development of the ancient technique, known to us, suggests that it is absolutely impossible. Nevertheless, the construction can be seen and swept.

The found cave was immediately surrounded by the "underground city", and the researchers began to seek premises for people living. However, it turned out that the cave in the Baksan Gorge for Human Access is absolutely not adapted.
The researcher "" Vadim Chernobrov believes that it should be so. In his opinion, this is not at all a housing, but an ancient production complex, a certain analogue of modern industrial enterprises, that's just what he could produce is unclear. Chernobrov is confident that this is an oldest generator and a resonator forgotten in our time of energies. Whether this is a question of further thorough and perennial research. The method of analogy in this case is not used to be - anywhere on Earth did not find anything like that.

In the North Caucasus, an ancient construction was discovered, comparable in its scale with the pyramids of Giza.

We are accustomed to believe that the main megaliths of the planet are concentrated in Egypt, South America, China. Our dolmens that are conventionally classified for megalithic structures, on the background of the pyramids and "great walls" look dwarfs. But most recently, the system of mysterious underground structures found in the North Caucasus. Thus, in Kabardino-Balkaria near the village of Zayukovo, mysterious multi-kilometer tunnels are open. Researchers suggest that they joined the ancient settlements that existed on our Millennium planet back. It is curious that all tunnels are concentrated around a huge underground structure in the form of a tipped pyramid ...

Miracle city.

"For many years we have been looking for, went to the places of the alleged dungeons, listened to Olders," says the head of the All-Russian Public Research Association "Cosmopoysk" Vadim Chernobrov. - In the fall of last year, they put forward in place, where, according to the stories of Aksakal, is located Old city. This is not allegory, but a literal translation from a local adverb. Old-timers say that they were built by people who lived here to them. Who lived here, what kind of people, no one knows. "

The object is located at an altitude near a kilometer above sea level. Local residents showed researchers one small hole in the mountain. The entrance is very narrow - about 30 centimeters in diameter. The conductor told that there is a legend's local population: if you get there, then you will get into a huge city, where there are squares, streets and houses, but no people. Indeed, search engines fell into an extensive dungeon, which, gradually expanding, stretches deep into dozens, and possibly hundreds of meters.

When the researchers began to examine the terrain around the Laza, they discovered a wide cleft. Maybe this main entrance In the dungeon, because if you assume the fact of the presence of an underground settlement, it is unlikely that its inhabitants made their way through the narrow slot. Perhaps going on the laza, it will be possible to get to the "main street". Last year, because of the weather, this could not be done, the researchers moved the descent for the next summer. However, there was a second find - near the old town, another LAZ was found. Local Lowers Maria and Viktor Kotlyarov led a climber and speleologist Arthur Zhemukhov, who trained in the mountains and drew attention to a strange recess. From above, stones are damp, the bushes are growing, and it seems that this ordinary Nora, which in the ground is apparently invisible. But Arthur noticed that from the hole hectorates. So, there is a large cavity in the ground. He began to expand the hole and got into a huge mine, which took somewhere in the darkness. One climb did not dare to go there, caused a squad of speleologists. They descended into the mine and realized that the end-edge of the dungeon is not visible. "The first thing that rushed into their eyes is the main walls in the mine of obviously artificial origin," says Vadim Chernobrov. - They are made of smooth stone blocks of approximately the same sizes as in the Egyptian pyramids, and are folded on similar technologies - one to another. Each weighing 50-100 tons, well processed, although the chips and cracks appeared over time. "

What is this mysterious laying? Traces of concrete or other mortar, as in Egyptian pyramids, no. How the ancient builders fastened the blocks between themselves, it is not clear, but it is clear that they have been worth not one thousand years old and even the needle sews in the seam.

When speleologists deepened in the cave, they discovered a strange column. It seems to hang in the air, but at the same time attached to the wall. Apparently, the dungeon has colossal sizes, and people managed to explore only his small part. Inland, they advanced 100 meters. And rested in narrow moves.

Miracle machine.

The fact that the dungeon is not intended to accommodate people, the search engines became obvious when they investigated the entire accessible part of the cave. It turned out that it was stuck with narrow aisles, but even a child will not shock, and tiny holes, where the human hand crashes with difficulty. Each such mini cavity goes far deep into: light from flashlights does not reach the bottom. What is this building? The researchers have the impression that the underground pyramid has a technological, not a sacred purpose. It looks like a kind of car, an engineering structure of an unknown destination. "It looks like a certain resonator, a device for seismological research, intelligence, mining or energy generator," says Chernobrov. - To say for sure while it is impossible - no analogues in the world found. " Many comes to mind an analogy with mysterious cavities inside Egyptian pyramids, also not intended for the movement of people. There is no way there in principle, but the ancient builders made them on conscience. These narrow lazes also go deep into tens of meters, but for what and where is the big question. Sometimes they end in the rows of doors with the handles, behind which the premises of incomprehensible destination are located. Versions about the destination underground strokes Absolutely: "Refrigerator" for food storage, the dwelling of ancient ary, giant air conditioning, air duct. Or, for example, a giant energy generator ... There are information that during World War II in these places seen researchers from Aseneserbe's SS organization, which, as is known, was looking for entry into Shambalu. It is said that Hitler considered the Caucasus along with the Tibet "Middle Power Center" and the Center for World Department. And allegedly rushed to the Caucasus just for this reason.

The researchers, of course, pay attention to the fact that next to the pyramid is the very old town. And suggest that these two objects are somehow connected. After all, for example, in Turkey, a 8-storey city was found in Turkey near the village, designed for permanent and comfortable accommodation 40-50 thousand people. There are houses, household buildings, bazaars, shops, water supply sources, wells and ventilation hatches. In a word, a miracle of engineering technicians, which is at least 4 thousand years old. Now there are about a dozen underground cities in the world, three of them became tourist facilities. It is known that some cities have an underground message with each other. These are huge distances - hundreds of kilometers. According to some scientists, a strange hum, which is recorded by scientists in different parts of the planet, is nothing but an air thrust in the system of man-made underground communications located in the depths of the Earth.
If this summer it turns out that under the village of Zayukovo really existed an underground city, then the pyramid can be considered a certain technical installation that ensures its livelihood. And then the "Zayukovsky Miracle" will be the largest man-made prehistoric structure in the territory of modern Russia.


Vera Davidenko, Head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Geological Exploration Expedition:

- what underground caves They have a man-made origin, the question is controversial. The Tuf of the Zayukovsky site is a cluster of the products of the ejection of the volcano - ash, fragments of lava, volcanic glass and to a small degree of fragments of rocks, the foundation walls of the crater. The emission material during accumulation was hot, and therefore cracks were formed separately, that is, the entire touched array turned out to be as if broken into blocks. Consequently, the deepening found in the village of Zyukovo village is one of these cracks of the gravitational separation, for which the smooth surfaces of contact are characteristic. Another thing is that the natural cavity could also use ancient people.

Alexander Pankrathenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Mining University:

- I examined the sample of the "solution", taken by the speleologists from the stone blocks of the cave. It looks like some kind of firming material. The composition is unknown to me, now nothing of the kind is used. The study of the sample says that inside the cave is the perfect ventilation is sufficient. Photos of the cave also confirm the version of its artificial origin. So or not, there must be future research.

See also: