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Giant Ancient Greece. How the myths were born.

In the mythology of ancient Greece there are stories about giants (giants and cyclops) and heroes who have inhuman power (herakl, cadm, perseus). According to the historian and the oscillator of Folklore Adrin Meyer (Adrienne Mayor), Greek myths may have had real foundations. About the hypothesis Meyer tells the article by the magazine "National Geographic".

Greek authors, including historian Herodotus in the V century BC. er, as well as a writer and traveler of PAsaniy in the second century N. er, mentioned the mysterious finds of the remains belonging to the giants. Huge, chaotic scattered skeletons came across blurred by sea waves of the shores, and the soil of hills and rocks, subjected to weathering, exposed gigantic scattered bones.

"Since the XIX century," she claims, "Paleontologists found large clusters of the giant bone remains of extinct mammals in the very places where the ancient Greeks found the bones of the giants' heroes." As Meyer believes, in fact, the Greeks found individual fossil bones of such animals, such as the South Elephant, who was a mammoth ancestor, not knowing how to explain the origin of these bones, the Greeks, apparently found them skeletons of giants.

Compared to the creature of such incredible sizes, any resident of ancient Greece would seem dwarf. In many places, the Mediterranean found parts of the petrified eases of mammoths, elephants and other animals that lived here for tens of thousands of years before the Greeks. The relatively fragile parts of the skeleton, such as the bones of the skulls, are mainly not preserved, in contrast to more massive, such as blades and femur, resembling human.

"In the ground, they also found the eve of the extinct Mammoths," says Meyer, "and it seemed to them that these were natural education, such as precious stones and minerals. Ancient Greeks gave them the name "Elephla". With this word, they began to call the elephants when they saw them for the first time. " And this probably happened no earlier than in the IV century BC. E. When the warriors of Alexander Macedonsky made a campaign against Babylon and were met by the phalanxes of Perov's combat elephants. By that time, the myths about the giants and giants were firmly rooted in the consciousness of the Greeks.

Perhaps the findings of huge bone remains, exciting fantasy, became the basis for the legends of the giants, especially since no other explanation was. Or, maybe, at first there were myths, and then when the dice fell to the eyes of the Greeks, they presented their mythical heroes and villains in the flesh.

Source: Magazine "National Geographic Russia" August / 2004

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The further fate of the finds was no less mysterious than the very fact of their detection and largely reminded the story with the skull of Neoantroph - "Human Dawn", which turned out to be a very skillful handicraft. After the find "Adam and Eve" were carefully photographed and described, and Gilliem himself made a scientific report on this, they were shipped to Melbourne to one of the private museums, where they were subjected to, as stated by the most thorough scientific tests. And all these tests confirmed the correctness of the preliminary dating of Gilliem (however, all this - according to the Gilliem group).

"Father" of finds did not allow them large number Strying, although she was preparing to put them on scientific review. The skeletons were guarded by the Gilliem danish and Noskovo, but at night on October 9, 2000 ... they suddenly disappeared.
The disappearance was furnished with many mystical events: the guards argued that at some point they felt bad, they were absolutely disoriented, they spoke their head, and when they came to themselves, there were no unique remains! On the site, only the bones of the left leg "Eve", and strange traces, resembling the "trail of the split hoof," as the theologies of detectives were installed. Naturally, the speech immediately went about the "Devil's Koznyh", about the abduction of the remains of the devil, the guards were remembered that at the time of the disappearance there was a gray in the air, in one word, there was a whole set, who became familiar to every mystical horror film.
The famous French archaeologist Marseille delena gave a more rational explanation: the Horiliem's \u200b\u200bmystery came too far and could reveal with an independent examination, so the skeletons remained the mystifier, as the very same mystical way. However, the Gilliem itself about Satan said nothing, hinting that the kidnappers could simply imitate a set of devilish signs. In any case, today these finds should be deleted from the arsenal of scientific research.

Where did the daughter disappeared?

It is noteworthy that Adam and Eve perform in the biblical plot or as adults, or as already aged people. They have no whole stage of childhood and adolescence. Thus, they appear on the light by adults, truly repeating the "similarity and the image" of her father.
A pair of Adam and Eve should have been on the light enough children, with both children who then their descendants could point out the land. However, the Bible speaks only about the male line (Abel, Cain, Sif) and first it is not mentioned by the birth of daughters, although the passage is constantly meeting. Maybe this is a tradition of a generic story, in which only descendants of the men's line are mentioned?
This seems unlikely, at least for two reasons, first of all, the genus of the ancient Israelis was matrilineen, i.e. Determined by feminine, not by the male line, and therefore the mention of women was extremely important. Secondly, the birth of daughters is still coming, but only in the 5th chapter; For example, this chapter says that the daughters were in Sif, and that Iared, a descendant of Sif, "Born the sons and daughters"(Gen. 5, 19). Also speaks about the father of Jared - Malleil, as well as about his son Enha. Adam itself also "Born the sons and daughters"(Gen. 5, 4). Thus, the birth of daughters is missing only in the early stages of the genesis of the genus of Adam, described in the 4th chapter, but it was this early stage that could not allow to give continuation of mankind.
So where did you disappear from the story "Daughter"? Naturally, they had to exist - it is difficult to assume that only boys were born from biblical forefathers. It seems the reason here in another: the daughters are not mentioned because to present the plot about the transfer of the genus they are not important. And this is why: members of the genus Adam took to themselves girls from another tribe. Who lived in parallel with adamites.

(approx. A. Koltypina)Read my selection of materials about love hobbies and marriages of different types of reasonable beings in the section "Descendants from mixed marriages"

In fact, two parallel presentation of the plot about Adam is found in the Bible. The first is set out in the 3-4th chapters of Being, the second - in the 5th chapter. This chapter, as if again, begins to describe the moment of creating a person, but does not contain any mention of anything about Cain, or, at first glance, is a kind of "short summary" of the two previous chapters, but without many key details. The fifth chapter is, in essence, the description is only a kind of sif, and perhaps it is later. Chapter 4 contains a description of the genus of Cain and partially Sif, in particular, the genus of Cain is built as follows: Adam - Cain - Enoch - Mexiakel-Mafusail - Lamech. The sif is continued only to the second knee: Adam - Sif - ENOS. The fifth chapter gives the genus of Sif almost completely: Adam - Sif - Enos - Cainan - Malleil - Jared - Eneok - Mafusail - Lamech - Noah.
It is easy to see that the bunch of ENOH - Mafusail - lames is present in both lines (i.e. and Cain, and Sif) only with a small variation. In chapter of the 4th, which describes the Cain line, between Eneokh and Mafusail, there is mexiakel, in the second case in chapter 5, where there is already talking about the kind of Sif, they are connected directly. All this allows us to assume that it is still about the same people. However, these plots were included in the Holy Scriptures at different times when real relationship was already unclear.
Mention of the birth of daughters is only in the 5th chapter of "Genesis" and is not entirely absent in the 4th, for example. In the 4th chapter, we are talking about the fact that Sif was born the son of ENOS (Gen. 4, 26), and in the 5th chapter it was already expanded that he was "born sons and daughters" (Gen. 5, 7).

Thus, in the first chapters of the Book of Genesis, we meet a description of some parallel groups of people who lived close to each other, but not former relatives. Obviously, these were close individuals, as they could have a common offspring. It is the topic of common offspring between "The Sons of God and Dwarm Human" In fact, it becomes the cause of the flood .


People giants. How do you think this is a myth or reality? In the article, we will analyze the finds and comparable to the facts that will help to reveal this mystery or very close to the result.

The existence of giants testify the finds of bones of unusual sizes around the world, as well as myths and legends living, mainly among the American Indians. Scientists, however, have never paid due attention to the collection and analysis of these evidence. Probably because the existence of giants impossible was considered.

Book of Being (Chapter 6, Verse 4) reads: "At that time, they were gigid on Earth, especially since the Sons of God began to enter the daughters of God, and they began to give birth to them. These are strong, sincerely nice people. "

Giant people in history


The most famous among the giants described in the Bible is the warrior Goliath from Gef. Samuel's book says Goliath was defeated by shepherd Sheep David, who subsequently became the king of Israel. Goliath, according to the biblical description, had a height of more than six elbows, that is, three meters.

His military equipment had a weight about 420 kg, and the mass of the metal spear reached 50 kg. There are many stories about the giants who were afraid of rulers and leaders. Greek mythology tells about Entselades - Giant, who fought Zeus, and was amazed with lightning, and covered with a volcano ethna.

In the fourteenth century in Trapani (Sicily), the skeleton of the intended polyfem, one-eyed king of cyclops, 9 meters long was discovered.

The Indians from Delaware say that in the old times, people-giant people lived to the east of Mississippi, who did not allow them to go through their lands. Announced the war and, after all, forced to leave the terrain.

In the Indians, Siu's tribe had a similar legend. In Minnesota, where they lived, Race giants appeared, which, according to the told, they destroyed. The bones of giants are likely to still be in this land.

Trail Giant

On Mount Sri Pad in Sri Lanka, there is a deep imprint of the male foot of the giant sizes: it has 168 cm long and 75 cm in width! The legend says that this is a trace of our ancestor - Adam.

This Nakhodka speaks in the 16th century the famous Chinese navigator Zheng He:

"On the island is the mountain. It is so high that her peak pulls out the clouds and it seems the only imprint of the male leg. The deepening in the rock is adjacent to two chi, and the length of the foot is more than 8 chi. Here they say that this trace left the Holy A-Tan, the forefather of mankind. "

Giants of different countries

In 1577, huge human bones were found in Lucerne. The authorities quickly convened scientists who, working under the guidance of the famous Anatoma of Dr. Felix Place from Basel, found that these are a man's remains in 5.8 meters!

36 years later, France found her own giant. His remains were found in the grotto near the castle of Schomon. This man had an increase of 7.6 meters! In the cave was found gothic inscription "Tentobochtus rex", as well as coins and medals that allow you to believe that I managed to detect the skeleton King Kimvrov.

Europeansstarted to study southern America, also told about people of huge growth. The southern part of Argentina and Chile was named by Magellan Patagonia from the Spanish "PATA" - hoof, because there were traces that resemble big hooves.

In 1520, the Magellan Expedition Faced into the port of San Julian with a giant, the appearance of which was recorded in the journal: "This man was so high that we took him only to the belt, and his voice sounded like a roar of a bull." People Magellan, probably even managed to catch two giants that were caught in chains on the deck did not survive the journey. But because their bodies were terribly stuck, they were thrown overboard.

British researcher Francis Drake argued that in 1578 he in South America He fell into a fight with giants whose growth was 2.8 meters. Drake lost two people in this battle.

More and more researchers met in their giants and the number of documents on that theme grew.

In 1592, Anthony Quiet summarized that the growth of famous giants is, on average, 3-3.5 meters.

Man-giant - myth or reality?

When, however, Charles Darwin He arrived in the 19th century to Patagonia, did not find from the giants and a trace. Early information was dropped, as they considered it greatly exaggerated. But the giants' stories continued to flow from other regions.

Incas claimed, what people Giant After regular intervals, the clouds are descended to live with their women.

It is very often difficult to determine the difference between a very high person and giant. For a pigment man with an increase in 180cm, probably, is a giant. Nevertheless, everyone who has an increase in more than two meters must be counted for the categories of giants.

That was the same irendian Patrick Cutter. He was born in 1760, and died in 1806. He was known thanks to his height and earned a living, speaking in circus and fairs. Its growth was 2 meters 56 centimeters.

At the same time, in the USA lived Paul Banyan - Lesorbwhich there are many legends. According to them, he kept the moose as pets, and when one day was attacked by a buffalo, it was easily turned her neck. Contemporaries argued that Banyan's growth is 2.8 meters.

In English archives, there is also a very interesting document, namely, the "History and Antiquity of Allergel". This work is a collection of folk songs, legends and stories about Cumberland and tells, in particular, about opening in the Middle Ages the remains of huge sizes:

"The giant was buried at a depth of 4 meters in a place where agricultural land are now, and the grave was marked by a vertically installed stone. The skeleton was 4.5 meters long, and it had complete weapons. The sword and the ax was dead near him. The sword was more than 2 meters long and 45 centimeters width. "

IN Northern Ireland There are 40000 closely arranged conical pillars with convex and concave ends, which are considered natural formations. Old legends say, however, that these are the remnants of a colossal bridge, which connected Ireland and Scotland.

In the spring of 1969, excavations were carried out in Italy and in nine kilometers south of Rome were discovered 50 lined coffins bricks. They did not have any names or other inscriptions. They all contained skeletons of men in 200 to 230 cm. Very high, especially for Italy.

Archaeologist, Dr. Luigi Kabalucci said that people died at the age of 25-40. Their teeth were in amazingly good condition. Unfortunately, the burial date and the circumstances under which it happened was not established.

Where are the giants come from

So, the number of finds increased, and in different countries. But the most intriguing question "where appear people Giant"It remains unanswered.

French writer Denis Sora formulated a fascinating version. Reflecting on what could happen if any other heavenly body began to approach Earth, he concluded that the effect of such an event would be a sharp increase in the gravity of our planet.

Entry would be stronger, and this means flooding of lands. Another, less well-known consequence of such a state of affairs would be giantism of plants, animals and people. The latter would reach 5 meters. According to this theory, the size of living organisms increases together with increasing radiation, in this case, the cosmic.

"Raising radiation, including cosmic, probably gives two effects: causes mutations and damages or transform fabrics. Some illustration of the theory and impact of radiation on growth can be the events of 1902 on Martinique, where there was an eruption of a volcano Mount Pele, killing 20,000 people in St. Pier.

Immediately before the start of eruptions above the volcanic crater, a lilac cloud consisting of a dense gas and a water vapor was formed. It has grown to an unprecedented size and spread throughout the island, whose residents have not yet known about the threat.

Suddenly from the volcano shot a fiery post of 1300 feet height. The cloud, which was burned at temperatures above 1000 degrees from the fire. All residents of St. Pierre died, with the exception of one, which was sitting in a prison chamber protected by thick walls.

The destroyed city has never been restored, but the biological life on the island has been reborn faster than expected. Plants returned and, but they were now much more. Dogs, cats, turtles, lizards and insects were more than ever before, and every next generation was higher than the previous one. "

The French authorities have placed at the foot of the scientific station and soon found that mutations in animals and plants were the result of radiation of minerals discharged during volcanic eruptions.

This radiation also influenced people: Dr. Jul Gravis, head of the Research Center, grew by 12.5 cm, and his assistant Dr. Pouen was 10 cm. It was found that the irradiated plants grew three times faster and after six months reached the level of development, For which in normal conditions two years was required.

A lizard, called the Cop, which before this reached 20 cm long, turned into a small dragon 50 cm long, and its bite, previously harmless, became more dangerous than poison cobra.

The strange phenomenon of anomalous increase disappeared when these plants and animals were transported from Martinique. On the very island of Appoge radiation, it was reached within 6 months after the explosion, and then its intensity slowly began to return to the normal level.

Is it possible that something like (maybe still on a larger scale) happened once in the past? Increased doses of radiation could contribute to the formation of abnormally large organisms. This theory finds certain support in the fact that huge animals existed on Earth for a long time after the extinction of dinosaurs.

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This is confirmed by the findings of archaeologists - ancient written evidence that have come down to our time of construction of amazingly huge sizes, cyclopic ruins around the world and colossal boulders. These buildings and processed stones of incredible size are simply incompatible with the physical possibilities of a person of our time.

Science does not give us a clear and intelligible explanation, how such enormous structures could be built. Probably, this phenomenon is the easiest way to explain that in deep antiquity there were gigantic creatures that prevail statues in accordance with their growth. Otherwise, how could such giant sculptures and architectural structures appear? Where did the grand carnac, famous Stonehenge and the so-called "hanging" stones in Solisburi come from? And who created seids and cyclopic ruins on the Kola Peninsula, huge statues of pharaohs, mysterious Sphinx, incredible Egyptian and South American pyramids? Such examples can be given very and very much.

For example, at the very basis of the Baalbec terrace, which is located in Lebanon, lies 3 blocks, weighing 800 tons each. These blocks are adjacent to each other with incredible accuracy, to a negligible small fraction of a millimeter, and this is just an impossible task even for modern building technologies. And only one such unit just move a little, it would be necessary to attract forty thousand people for simultaneous effort.

In the 19th century, it was mentioned about finding archaeologists and simple inhabitants of human remains of huge sizes. And nowadays we are often reported on finds in different parts globe Skeletons of abnormal growth.

So, in 1821, in the state of Tennessee, the ruins of the ancient stone wall were found in the USA, under which there were two skeletons of a person; Their growth reached 2.15 meters. And in Wisconsin, in 1879, during the construction of granaries, workers found a huge size of the bone of the skull and vertebrae.

In 1877, in Nevada, near the town of Europe, in a hilly and deserted district, the prospectors who mined gold accidentally saw the darkened eldest, who brought the bones of the legs and feet of man in the rock. The remains were delivered to the city, where paleontologists measured the bone length from the foot to the knee. It turned out to be about 97 centimeters, and this suggests that a person with the limbs of this size had a height of 3 meters! And the age of quartzite, where the bone was found is about 185 million years.
Similar finds were also made on other continents, in a variety of planet corners. In Egypt, in 1890, archaeologists found stone sarcophag. It was a clay coffin with a two-meter mummy woman with a small child.

In Australia in 1930, near the Basarst on the development of Jasper, the prospectors quite often found petrified prints of giant human legs. Anthropologists called the race of gigantic people whose remains were found in Australia, Megantropus. The growth of people of this race ranges from 2.1 to 3.65 meters.

In Central Africa in 1936, anthropologist and paleontologist from Germany Larson Kohl discovered skeletons of people of giant growth near Lake Elaisi. A dozen men were buried in the general grave. The growth of these men reached 3.75 meters.

When studying in 1985, the same area, the anthropological expedition led the excavation at a depth of about 3 meters from the surface of the Earth. Researchers from Australia among a variety of remains found fossil native tooth. Its height accounted for 6.7, and the width is 4.2 centimeters. The holder of the tooth of this size had an increase in at least 7.5 meters and weight - 370 kilograms. The age of fossils amounted to 9 million years.

In some areas of Armenia, eyewitnesses still live, who claim that the ancient human remains were found quite often the usual population, which were several times the most familiar dimensions of man.

A very interesting find was made by archaeologists in Georgia, in the mountains of the Borjom Gorge. Huge bones of man were discovered here, their age was 25 thousand years old. In all parameters, it can be argued that the growth of these giants could reach 2.5-3 meters.

In the mountains of Eastern Georgia, in 2000, two travelers found a cave in which skeletons of up to four meters discovered. About one of the skeletons was an unusual huge stylet made of an unknown metal.

There is also evidence that during the Second World War in Poland, a petroded skull was found in the burial, whose height was 55 centimeters, and this is almost three times the size of a modern man's skull. The giant to which the found skull belonged, possessed very proportional features and a rise of at least 3.5 meters.

In early 2007, almost the whole world was shocked by the fact that British Paleontologists found in the Gobi desert. A man's skeleton was discovered here, whose growth was approximately 15 m (!). The breed in which scientists have found fossil remains, has 45 million years old.

Of all the above facts, it seems that traces of giant people are not fiction, because evidence of their existence is available in almost all parts of the world. Naturally, if we consider each find or a message separately, they will seem fiction, a mystery or miracle. However, if all the facts and information are collected together, a completely different picture opens. Perhaps it is worth studying all this information, to make scientific conclusions and generalizations?

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