Trail blue lakes. Blue Lakes

Natural complex " Blue Lakes»Nariachansky Park - Unique Hilly Lake natural complex: His glacial relief formed tens of thousands of years ago. Flora has more than 500 species of plants, of which about 30 are from the Red Book of Belarus. In 2005, the natural complex received the status of a key botanical territory.

Of particular interest is the Baldkish lake group, which combines more than 10 reservoirs. Lake Balduk is one of the deepest in Belarus (more than 46 m). Also here is the second largest and strength in Belarus, a buttik stenor.

Park of rare plants

On the territory of the Geological Monument of the Nature of the Cherever Peninsula, there is a park of rare plants, in which more than 10 rare species from the Red Book of Belarus and protected in Europe are growing.

Dendrological garden

In 2002, on the shores of the lakes of Naroch and Mistro, the Dendrological Sadmen Sadymen was created. Gom domes, which presents an amazing collection of about 400 trees, shrubs, herbs. Here is the forest museum, where you can watch the life of the tree at different stages of development.

Blue lakes (Belarus) are located on the border of the Pustavsky and Moedell regions. These unique reservoirs are protected by the state and are part of the Narochansky Park. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is more than one and a half thousand square meters. km. In this protected area love to relax as local residentsand tourists. However, catching fish, collect berries or mushrooms here is strictly prohibited, as hundreds of rare species of flora and fauna live in the park.

Unique nature and landscapes

In the park you can find many plants, most of which are listed in the Red Book. The beauty of the local landscapes has long attracted many travelers here. A picturesque forest arrays grow around the lakes. The area of \u200b\u200bthe park "Narossansky" something resembles a washing board: the plains here are intertwined with the hills, which makes tourists, then rise up, then sharply go down.

Many are interested, how did these unique landscapes arose here? With a big role in the formation of this area, it was thanks to him and Belarus can also boast other amazing attractions, but these reservoirs have always caused increased interest in both holidaymakers and various scientific specialists. It should be noted that several reservoirs are represented in the Narlaskan Park, which are generalized called "Blue Lakes":

  • Boulder.
  • Small bolt.
  • Barley
  • Dead lake.
  • Rude.
  • Elgenation.
  • Okunk.
  • Deep.
  • Immedie.
  • Big bolt and others.

Crystal clear water

The most pure reservoir is the lake of Grogry. The bottom here is perfectly visible even at a depth of 4 meters. The fact that the lake is very clean, confirms another circumstance - in its depths there are cradles, and they, as you know, prefer to live only in irreversible reservoirs. The maximum depth of the lake is striking - 26.8 meters! On the lake, the ridge is installed, from which you can jump into the water. Meanwhile, there are strict rules here: to dry fires, it is impossible to put the tents and litter. According to one of the ancient legends, everyone who bots on the lake, younger. Eternal youth, of course, you are unlikely to wander, but the charge of cheerfulness and energy after bathing you will definitely feel.

Belarusians noted that Lake is deep - it the best place For romantic dates. It reminds of his heart, and in the middle of the reservoir is a small island. Deep with a small canal is connected to the deep lake. Through this channel, a small bridge is transferred, you can admire the charming landscapes of both lakes.

There are other blue lakes in the park. Belarus is an amazingly rich and hospitable edge. Lake Boulder is famous for its cool water, its depth is as many as 40 meters. It is near this reservoir, by the way, allowed to dry fires and put tents. On his shore there is a spring with clean and very tasty water. Baltuk on this moment Biologists are actively investigated, but many of his secrets remain still unsolved.

The water of Okundek Lake is very saturated with iodine, so after swimming in it on the body you can see reddish small specks. But in Lake Yachmen, the water is very mineralized and salty taste. Therefore, if you want to strengthen health, come to blue lakes (Belarus). Where these amazing places are located, you now know, and it is completely easy to get to the Nariachansky Park on the car.

Offers for tourists

On the territory of this reserved zone There is a trail on which excursions are carried out. Travelers go to Lake Grogry, you can climb on looking platformWhat is located on a high hill, from here opens a fascinating view of the surroundings. The nature of these places really causes delight. Here is a lot of tourists from Belarus, as well as amateurs comes here. active rest from other countries.

Where to settle down?

Of course, it is very interesting to go to these places with a tent. However, if you are accustomed to comfort and comfort, it is best to rent a house. Manor "Blue Lakes" (Belarus) offers guests a park to stay in comfortable rooms or a separate house located in quiet place Near the picturesque little pond. Near the estate also flows the beautiful Strakka River. At the request of guests, estates can arrange descent on the river on kayaks. You can walk along the "eco-friendly trail", familiarize yourself with the local fauna, see the rarest plants that are listed in the Red Book of Belarus. You can also ride on quad bikes, bike, fry kebab or fish. On the first floor of the estate "Blue Lakes" there is a banquet room.

Believe me, you should see blue lakes (Belarus) with your own eyes at least once. The length of the Park "Narochansky" from north to south - 34 km, from East to West - 59 km. In this region, the greatest elevation reaches 190 meters, there are also hills down.

Lake in Cretaceous Careers

Blue lakes in Belarus are also called reservoirs that were formed in chalk careers. The places where they are located, a few: the village of Krasnoselsky (under Volkovy), under the birch, under Slutsk (in Lyubane and Soligorsk).

When you come to these places, it becomes clear that everything around the quarries is covered with a white bloom (this is chalk). Such fantastic landscapes inspire that they are not on earth, but on some distant planet. Trucks regularly carry out the limestone on very dusty and complex roads.

Soligorsk - Local Maldives?

The local careers are very deep, some of them reach 15 meters. Water in basins due to has excellent, however, local authorities do not advise you to go to these blue lakes (Belarus). Soligorsk does not have the necessary tourist infrastructure. Such careers are industrial facilities, and bathing in the reservoirs formed here can be dangerous. The walls of the career are not fortified, so there is a big risk of collaps. True, many crisp does not stop. In the summer, despite the prohibition signs, they come here not only to admire the water of emerald color, but also to buy. Recently, people even agree to ride limestone reservoirs in advance.

Blue Lakes (Belarus, Volkovysk)

The deepest is the Volkovsky quarry. The length of one quarry reaches from 1 to 4 km. And the depth in some of them reaches 15 meters. Representatives of the Volkovoy authorities noted that it is impossible to swim in these places, since the collapsions often occur here, even the sign of the "dangerous zone" of many tourists does not stop at all, and on the contrary, it encourages breaking the ban. To visit the "Belarusian Maldives" (so local residents call the chalk careers) even foreign tourists are striving. About the utility of chalk deposits is still nothing really known, so it is unlikely that in these places it is worth waiting for the development of tourism. True, people do not stop, they still continue to ride on chalk careers.

in other places

You can also meet a blue-green lake in a birch. More so-called blue lakes (Belarus) also enjoy great popularity. Luban is a settlement where there are also limestone careers, which can be admired by crystal clear turquoise water. Is it worth going to those places to solve only you, but in any case should be very careful. You can admire with such water bodies, but go down to them down and swim there is extremely undesirable. And it is best to prefer to rest on the blue lakes of Belarus, which are in the Narlańan Park. It will be much more comfortable and safer.

So choose the Belarusian lakes of natural, not anthropological origin and rest with pleasure and without health risk.

On the north-western outskirts of Belarus, at the edge of the National Park, Narochansky, hid from massive tourists and "vacationers" a group of small, but deep and crystal clear lakes, called "blue lakes".

Parking is equipped with the entrance to the reserve:

We leave the car in the parking lot, go through the road and get on the territory of the reserve:

The entrance for adults is paid, but the price is symbolic - something about 10 trap (a little less than $ 1).
There are several ecological trail through the reserve. We choose a purple route (4 km), moving along which you can get around and inspect three lakes - dead, deep and deep:

We go along the trail:

The first interesting thing that comes across on the way is the river Stracha:

Small stop on the way:

From the wooden flooring we'll see once again on the fear that flows through the bottom of the ravine:

All significant objects in the reserve are marked by signs or pointers:

Also there are arbors and figures of people and animals, carved from wood:

And we turn to the dead lake:

Lake Dead:

* next picture and some others in the right upper corner Marked sign. This means that under this image is hidden one more - similar or from another angle. To display the second snapshot, click on the first shot, to return the first - click on the second.

The lake is dead - one of the smallest lakes in the reserve. It is the most mysterious. According to some data, under the lake there are accumulations of hydrogen sulfide, so there is practically no life in the lake.

Looking again to the lake dead, we return to the path and soon we arrive at the next lake.
Lake deep:

In this lake we decided to swim. Very nice was a water! Crystal clear, odorless. And impeccable dense bottom. How not to swim?

Deeply left a very pleasant impression and refreshing. Having reroyed, having soldered, again went on the path and after a few minutes they came to the lake deep

Good to walk in the reserve! The air is clean - at least to roll in the jar, open and breathe in Minsk. Mosquitoes in the forest naturally have, but they did not come across large quantities. Not at all strained.
After deep, our trail leads us somewhere further, but in the opposite direction, a steep way.
We climb into a small hill, fall on the viewing platform. It is not even a playground, but a wooden tower of meters 5-7 height. Sway a bit big company To climb on her, I think, unsafe - the design may not withstand and work out. From the tower, apparently, before (30-40 years ago) was great view On the lake and in particular on the lake deep. But now everything overgrown with trees, only a piece of deep down is visible:

Beasts wishing to feed, we did not notice. Probably, they come at night.
And in the meantime, we are approaching the exit from the reserve:

In conclusion, I would like to say that in our view, blue lakes are the pearl of Belarus, a genuine national heritage.
These are not "pop" reservoirs, like a narden, bird or the Minsk Sea, but the real Belarusian lakes. Not everyone will go here - and thank God! It is good that these places are quite removed from the capital and large settlements. And it's good that this is a reserve, in which you can not burn fires, litter, violate silence and order, move on the car. The lack of infrastructure makes this place beautiful. Here is a real pristine Belarusian nature, such as it really is.

Environmental trail "Blue Lakes".

"Blue Lakes" is a unique hilly laxist complex of the Belarusian Pierce. And therefore, it is through these places the most amazing ecological route National Park "Narochansky". There is an ecotrop in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Olshevo and you can visit it either yourself or by purchasing a tour of the tourist department.

The ecological trail route begins with a guarded parking, includes equipped viewing platforms, recreation areas, wooden sculptural compositions. Along the entire trails installed pointers, informational shocks.

There are two route options - 4 km (flight) and 7 km (more complimentary). Vacationers will see three lakes on the route: Lake Deezen, Lake Deep, Lake Dead. Also, such objects are not going to be ignored as: the River Strach, the Overview Playground "Bald Mountain", the executing wishes of the pine "old monk", the glades of the anemia, sleep-grass, lilies, ... and a lot more.

Ecological route "Health Trail".

Health problems? Would spend a bunch of money for vitamins and medicines? What for? After all, our health is in the air, pure and healing. Such as in National Park "Narochansky".

The ecological route "Health Trail" passes through the coast of Naroch's lake in resort settlement Naroch. Total length Route along the coast - 6 km. The route is divided into two parts (Routes No. 1 - West and No. 2 - East), the starting point of which is located in the center of KP Naroch.

Route number 1 - Western:

(coast) K.P. Naroch (at the map-diagram of routes) - panoramic field and San San. "Naroch" - giving writers - CRC "Lake" - the beach-park zone "Urliki" - the current "Naroch" - a boat station San. "Satellite" - d. Stepneevo - a monument of the nature of the Republican importance "The coastal ledge of" Stephenevsky "- d. Stephene-boat station San. "Satellite" - a current "Naroch" (hereinafter referred to as the sidewalk) - meteorological station - "Priozena" juice - the beach-park zone "Urliki" - CRC "Lake" - Cottages of writers - K.P. Naroch

Route number 2 - East:

(by sidewalk) KP Naroch (at the route diagram) - Cutting the shopping area - Panoramic Platform - Stone Arch - Dussa Duss Courtyard and Canoeing - Beach Zone and San. Narochian Beach, Cafe Pink Flamingo, Rescue Post - BGSU Biological Station - Beach Zone and Boat Station San. "Belaya Rus" - the tourist "Antonisberg" - (when moving on a bike - further to the sightseeing site of the village of Simonov, 2 gazebos-roams) - the tourist "Antonisberg" beach zone and a boat station San. "White Rus" - (hereinafter referred to as the shore), the cloudy coast of Lastochka Mountain is a beach area and san. "Narochansky Beach" - Rodnikov K.P. Naroch - K.P. Naroch.

Dendrological garden.

Dendrological garden named after S.A. Gomsa is a scientific and excursion object, popular far beyond Belarus.

Garden has been created in 2002 to preserve natural wealth, assemblies of the collection fund of plants that are not growing in natural conditions of Belarus. The Square of Denndrosada -16 hectares is located between the lakes of Naroch and Meastro. All its territory is divided into five botanic-geographical zones (various continents) - on each site there are plants characteristic of flora of this region. The collection fund consists of about 400 breeds of different plants.

On the territory of the dendrostad is an interesting excursion object - Museum of Forest. The museum's exposition consists of 6 blocks that are devoted to the main forest-forming breeds of Belarus. Each composition reflects the development of a plant from seed to an adult tree, in addition presented typical inhabitants of this ecosystem. There is a dendrostad without days off from 8.00 to 20.00. Forest Museum - from 8.00 to 11.00, from 13.00 to 16.00, weekends - Saturday and Sunday.

Park of rare plants.

The fleet of rare plants is a unique geobotanic facility on the territory of the geological monument of the nature of the Republican significance of the "Cherever Peninsula".

Surrounded by settlements and objects of the resort area, a unique plot has been preserved here, where the variety of relief forms and natural ecosystems has created conditions for growing more than 10 rare and endangered plant species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus and protected in Europe. Therefore, visiting the fleet of rare plants is allowed only with the participation of the guide of the Narochansky National Park. This excursion requires appropriate equipment.

Legends of blue lakes, or a trip to the fairy tale.

No one is aware of the beauty of the journey,

until home comes home and does not apply head to the old familiar pillow.

Lin Yuitan

In fact, my passion for hiking and travel began with these places ( Republic of Belarus, Mohalsky district, National Park "Narochansky", blue lakes). That's just usually, having risen on the next mountain, I know that most likely no longer we will be climbing, and here I strive to come every year. This is my special place of strength, here I spend just an unforgettable time and every time I discover something new for myself. The lake, in which never bathed, the paths for which he had not yet walked, songs, by the fire, who had not yet heard. His young man, I say that if we do not have enough money for a wedding trip, then we can always come to blue lakes and spend your honeymoon here - cheap, beautiful and insanely romantic! In Belarusian, their name sounds like "Blockets of Azeres". On this quite lyrics, go to practical information. Belarus is not called Sinai, because more than 10 thousand lakes are located on a relatively small territory of the state. Nice heritage left us a glacier who had once been visiting us for a long time. Now a piece of Belarus can be compared with Switzerland, scattered along the wood array of stones, deep lakes With crystal water, ridges and oscillations in relief up to 70 meters. On the territory of the reserve there are 14 lakes (the forester said we were that 17): Balduk Deep, deep, Ilgini, Bolder, barley, Ilgérez, Okunyek, deaf, dead, karasik, big large, soap bolt, cylopic, pig.

Where to stay:

Parking with tents is allowed only on the lake Boltol and Balduk. You can rent a house in the village of Olshevo or D. Tubaxy


The cost of minska from Minsk is about 400 -500 Russian rubles.

Parking on lakes in campsite paid: about 110 Russian rubles a day / person. This money is not a pity to give the owner to Uncle, since places are equipped with arbors, fires, on paths there are information stands. But purely theoretically, if there is a pity, you can not pay: to run away in the morning early before the arrival of people from the park administration and wander through the forests.

Infrastructure: The nearest store is located in the village of Komarovo (about 10 km on foot), in Olshevo (about 7 km on foot), Konstantinovo (about 7 km on foot), Gubrubents (about 5 km on foot), foils (you need to twist Lake Balduk on the boat) Food shops come . Some relax families for several weeks, so that neighbors and forester can always find out how to get to settlementshow much the shop will open. But I strongly recommend the products with me.

The nearest hospital is located in the village of Lynuta, by the way, there is a beautiful church, and a local alcohol, and a dilapidated manor.

Drinking water: In the parking lots in step accessibility there are springs.

How to get:

On vehicles. From M. insq Driving along the R-58 highway at Midel, then we are going along the road R-28 along the picturesque and largest lake of Belarus Naroch.

After turning on the r 45 to the left and go to the village of Komarovo, after the direction of the R-95 in the direction of the mosquito, the asphalt goes to the Graveyard and 4 km to the LTP, passing the village of Olshevo turn to the right to the foreigner of the trabutshka village. Here the road is almost killed. Approximately 3-4 km cook to the right to the village of Masters. Next, we are going 3 km towards the village of Tuskun, we look when the field will end on the left side and the forest will begin and turn the left onto the forest road .. As a forest road, we go about 4 km to keep the left and get on the parking lot "Balduk".

On public transport + on foot. From the central bus station of Minsk, minibuses are run daily (Minsk Svir), it is necessary to get to the village of Konstantinovo.

In the village of the attractions there is a church "Ascension of the Virgin Mary" of the 19th century.

As well as very cute elderly:

And just charming Petushka:

Schedule and availability of tickets can be found here: Depending on the day of the week there are flights at 13-30 and 17-30. Ask the driver phone number, it will be useful on the way back to clarify the arrival of the minibus.Next, from Konstantinovo to the north-west on foot to the village of Old (Falevichi),next, there will be a pointer to the village of Yatsyna, we pass the village and move on almost north along the forest road.The map was taped herself, in somegoogle Maps are powerless issues (

We see the pointer to the right of the parking lot "Mill" (Lakes a large bolt and a small bolt), and right parking "Boldon", go straight. If we have time, you can walk and left) there is also interesting. The remnants of the mill of the 19th century. On the bolts I myself was not, but they say it is very beautiful and beat some incredible gold keys - rods with crystal water.

These are the Belarusian mini-waterfalls, you can take a bath.

Landscapes are a little resemble the foothills of the Carpathians.

We collect on the road mushrooms for the future soup and go straight, do not lose my strength! We see ahead of the old pedestrian bridge!

Hooray We almost came, hearing voices, this school tourist camp is located on the top parking lot, for me too noisy, go down and sit if there is a place. I strongly recommend before traveling in a couple of weeks to call the tourism department "National Park" Narochansky "and reserve a place + 3751797 49807. Site:

And here is His Majesty Balduk! And the time of the first legend.

In the oldest times above the ground on the cereal horse, touching the wings of the clouds flew the messenger of God, rider-angel. And his name was Balduk. And somewhere between heaven and earth, he met the wise crow:

Look down, Balduk, what do you see? What is heard?


So do something beautiful!

This can only be done.

Ask him.

Moved Balduk over the words of the crow, but is it worth listening to this brazen bird and disturb the creator? And on the other hand, why not do something beautiful on earth?

While the angel thought, damn the heavenly palace of the Creator and stole a magic crown with precious stones, and even magical. Who dressed with the permission of this crown, he learned all the secrets of the world, and if something without demand, would not exactly happen. They did not want stones with crystals to be in the hands of the thief. Began to fall out of the crown. The first to fall out agate, emerald and their gold rim. When they fell to the ground, the lakes appeared a small bolt and a large bolt and a golden spring with crystal water.

Soon he learned the angel about Bed, caught up with a thief, on his liking horse. It was angry, the sword was taken over the villain, Falked the horse on the spot, feeling a glorious fight, shouted the ground with the hooves - so the terrain in the area became hilly. Scared damn, and then there was also a zipper to shift around and beat him right under the hoof. Formed in this place, the shafts of the scall swamp ". He wanted to jump over him, but stuck along the neck, the crown became heavy, fell and rolled over the hilly terrain, and on the way the stones precious from her fell out. From two aquamarines and turquoise arose barley, deep and deep, they say that these stones and now glow from the bottom, from that water is clean and blue. Tiger eye gave birth to Okunyuk. Jadepte Lake is deaf. Diamonds turned into dead and swine and swamp. Lake stunned, as if the eyes of blue-eyed Virgin. Awesome on the hills trees. Birds flew and the animals came invisible to this wonder. God was delighted by the beauty of this. "Let it be so," said the creator. And I liked the angel here that he asked to stay. "Good," said the creator. And left the angel in his house on Lake Balduk, and in order not to be sad in the forest wilderness, for forgiveness gave him a gentle wonderful Bolder, they gave birth to a beautiful fear that and now flowing in these places.

And Raven became their best friend, eyes and ears. Every second they follow with Balnom in the edge of this unique and beautiful. Incusably, tourists do not hurt nature, did not scare animals, did not bonflash in the wrong places. And the grief, if they angry them: Znight grimits, becomes restless Baldow, will fly over blue lakes, the horse wands over with its wings - the wind shall be sorrified in mighty pines.

On blue lakes there is another anomaly ... Blue pasta ....

We get up early in the morning, and our Lena, decided to joke and add food dyes in the food. But no one knew about it ... and the stronger to interfere, the more matured color.

Guys, here Makarona for some reason, stumbled ...

all began to build guesses: the water is bad, the iodized salt reacts with the macarons, which contain starch. What to do, I want to eat everyone! Is there or not? Someone already climbed into a tent for fast cooking. But the forester came here. He was also concerned, a little Ministry of Emergency Situations caused. Lena had to admit. And the forester swore and gone. And we laughed very long.

Well, let's start our tour of lakes. Map (I am Picasso's Mom) is attached:

Somehow for the day my friends managed to swim in 7th. If you rise up from the bottom parking to the upper, turn left and go through the forest road, in 150 meters to turn right and go down, then you can go to my most beloved Lake Okun. There are usually very few people here, in contrast to the noisy swamp. As if someone was covered with a round cup in the middle of the forest to the ground and filled with crystal water.Be careful, the lake does not have coast, immediately the break and descent is possible on wooden floors. It is a lake perfectly in any weather, even in the rain.

If you return to the forest road, go through a wooden (pedestrian) bridge across the river Strat, you can see the lake cyclope on the right side. This is the smallest lake in the reserve. Another legend is connected with him.

D. aven is, in those long-standing times, when dragons still lived on Earth, and the magic was encountered at every step in one village not far from Lake Balduk, there was one cyclops. In fact, it was a simple guy with a beautiful Belorussian name of Yanka, he was just born with one eye. All locals teased him with Cyclops and mocked him, and he so that he flew his pain every dayforest and there in the forest more often, under the shaggy freshers lied bitter tears. We cried that the fellow villagers are so cruel that there is no wife, the house glanced and help no one, since all it is as a sweeper bypass. He cried so long and strongly that the whole lake was spawned soon. Let a small but beautiful with emerald water, as a color of his eyes. And his eyes had one, but better than some people have two. Emerald color, with long eyelashes and unusually angry. And somehow in one of the evenings, he saw in the distance, Pana, that was driving on the hunt. And he, in turn, noticed him, or rather heard a plaintive crying. Raised and asked Pan in Yanke What did he cry so bitterly, what did the whole emerald lake be paid? Treated the cyclope, about the share of his hard, that there is no life in the village. It fell sorry for the Yankee. He sees a smart guy, working, well, and there is nothing terrible that one eye. He planted him on his horse next to him and led himself in the manor, made the main horse, and the housing was given. She recorded the villagers for cruelty, so that they were ashamed ashamed and they no longer teased the Yanke. And since then, he lived happily, in prosperity and even his wife got acquired. Only here remains in the forest lake with emerald water as the memory of the cyclope.

If a go straightly through a kilometer and a half on the right side will be a deaf lake. By the way, if you traveled to the blue lakes on foot, they passed it. The same road leads to the parking lot "Mill" and the village of Kostantinovo.

Let's go back to the parking lot to the Bald and ride with the colorful Forester Valeraand his dog on the local banana.And then swim in one lake. Or in a few if you have timedothemna.

We do not have time, the sun went to bed, and we have a song from the fire, smoked fish and night baths!

I get up in the morning and lady from the parking lot, we go along the Lesnik's house, somewhere between the old apple trees we turn left, go down and go to Lake Kasik, which local residents for orange water color are sometimes called Coca-Cola. The thing is that there is too much iron in the water, on the color of water. Swimming, in such a water, useful for the skin. True, when you climb out of the water, the feeling that the skin is smeared with cream. It is concerned that about 10 years ago, one grandmother Englishwoman lived with a tent for a whole month, it was 65 years old. So she bathed in this lake every day and so it was that when he returned to himself in the UK, found a worker for 20 years younger Fell in love with madly and was happy. So she lake Coca-Cola gave the second youth.

And we continue our tour of lakes, if you go back to the Lesnik's house and go straight along the road, along the abandoned farm, then somewhere 1 km on the left side of us there will be another lake. It is called the beautiful female name of Ilgini ... And this is no accident.Once in these parts there was a beautiful girl, as you already guessed, called her Ilgy's. And she had a beloved Bogatyr Rogat. They loved each other clean and sincerely. One thing, the groom was very jealous. And the girlfriends in the girl are very envious. And somehow they settled to get rid that ilgianot true to him, secretly walks to her lover at night.Rogatyr got angry, began to follow the beloved. I saw that she was coming out of the dugouts, where a man inhabits. I broke into the dugout Razbar and slammed the peasant with an ax. And Ilgini in tears are terrible: "What did you do, this is my brother from the cortica escaped! I'm going, I wore him to do not die with hunger. Not your more. "

I did not forgive the Ilygnia Razbar, and I could not believe it. I went and drowned with grief in the lake. And they are called since then in honor of her. The story is sad, the lake is sad, the water is dark. Sometimes they say, at night you can see the Spirit of the Girls, she walks along the shore and mourns her fate, calling the getter. And the water in the lake becomes red, it is a heart of Ilgy's blood bleeding. Most likely, the mountain-tourists per Spirit take fog, which rises above the lake and marsh gases that go to the surface. In red water, you can blame clay. Want, come, try, meet a ghost, but I would be afraid after such legends here to spend the night. And the lake is perfect, there are practically no people here, no one will hurt to swim with naked, only the bottom of everything in the snag and many workers of ants, they have whole cities along the coast. Swim on the lake, there is no soul, you want to shout, you want to relax and listen to silence, and under you about 15 meters depth and perhaps swim fish-whales. Beauty!

Let's go back to our legend ... Razbar as he learned that Ilygia was drowned, she walked along the coast for a long time, burned. Rushed broken headin the forest and stuck in a damn swamp, not far from Lake Samsaret.

Be careful! This lake is really surrounded by a swamp, two years ago failed at the belt. It is recommended to approach water only on wooden packers and very carefully. But on the lake even in the most arid year you can choose a blueberry circle.

And to do after a hiking cake "Forest".

And also find Rosyanka! Before that, I saw it only in a biology tutorial.

And now we will go towards the lake deep. To do this, it is necessary to go back onto the forest road and not reaching meters 500 to the farm to turn right, go down to the river Straughter and stop her or Vyhod (I last summer was on the belt with my height 178), or go over the suspension bridge.

Stroll to the lake dead, deep, jump from the tower, climb the observation platform. There are a lot of information stands in the forest. Of these, you will learn about rare plants, mushrooms that can be found in these places. I was lucky enough to see a few years ago a very beautiful flower, a veinea shoe. He blooms after 10-15 years after the appearance of a sprout, so it is a big luck. And also to see the boar ...

I thought it was a boar, and in fact just the figure of an animal of wood. But it was frightened, I was very strong and glanced I was looking for a Christmas tree so that as quickly as possible to climb upstairs.

You can also stroll through the eco-trail, on all the route there are information cards. Swim in the mineral lake barley and look at the ruins of the ancient estate in Olshevo.

Once here it was magnificently and beautiful, and now only the high limes and an alley resemble the old luxury luxury. So imagine how ladies walking here in lush dresses, and handsomeDubrovsky left his Masha love notes in one of the trees.

I probably tormented you with my chatter? But I will tell another legend!

It is just known that the daughter of the local magnate of the Khaminsky Galina died deeply. This fact is fixed in their family chronicle. However, the people came up with their history. Galina loved Konya Ivan, and when he learned about these feelings, ordered him to carve it. And the guiders were rearranged and seen it to death. Galina with grief drowned in the lake. And at that moment the lake boils and the island appeared as a scar from the water - the soul of the beloved Ivan. So wondered and after death were together. And long over the ground flew: "Galya! Dove! Dove! " And the people began to call a deep lake. There is a modern legend. It is said that if the inquisitive pair flows up to the island on the lake deep, then their love will be eternal! But, doves, be careful. Water in the lake is crystal clear, but also very cold. Since many springs fall into it, including Boltomsky - the largest in Belarus. If the leg gets into a cold jet, can grab the cramp. And tourists simply love to ride on the observation platform on the Bald Mountain and shout: "Galyayayaya!".

Information for lovers " Secret Materials"And ufologists. In these places there is a geodesic solution with a depth of 75 km and up to 100 km long. Therefore, metaphysics here are private guests, vacationers see UFO and Poltergeists. Here is such a geopath zone! Due to the fault of the mantle suitable close to the surface. And this is the reason why some small lakes and streams do not merge even in Epiphany frosts. But this is not all oddities. Brooks do not fall into the river, and flow from the river, fall into the lakes and are lost somewhere in the forests ... I'm not a geographer, but it should be.

I think, no vain, blue lakes consider one of the main environmental and extraordinary places of Belarus and are not just under the supervision of both domestic and Western ecologists.

P. S. When you go to the sea, thenisnyato when departure to throw a coin into the water to return. Leave the bread Sukharik for a crow and it will definitely take you the next time. And I am sure that in these places you are inappropriate, you will find your paradise, your body and soul will rest here. There will be new discoveries and adventures. I will not remember all interesting moments to tell you, and the moderators for an excessive number of characters, there are still post. Having been here once here, you will surely want to come back here and escape from a noisy city, away from the plants and cars!

See also: