What to visit in Poland. The main attractions of Poland: list, photo and description

Choosing a good tour to Poland for yourself, each traveler is in one way or another oriented to the most beautiful cities. Of course, if possible, he wants to visit all popular centers in one trip and inspect their attractions to the maximum.

In order for your selection of such a tour to the maximum easily, let's consider the most interesting centers in this country exactly from the tourist's point of view so that you know where to take tickets.

Poland city - excerpts for everyone

All tourists who managed to visit this amazing country, calling their most impressive cities, converge on the following:

  • Warsaw - The capital of Poland, a city combining the vintage samples of architecture, as well as modern high-storey buildings. Despite the fact that now Warsaw is played by the role of the main administrative center, she manages to maintain his flavor. In this city, the mass of sights, it is because it often becomes the first place that you advise visit visitors. After all, it is not accidentally recorded in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • Krakow - The second administrative burden, but not much to the center. This is the old town, there are extremely many interesting objects from the square market and ending with small churches. Unlike Warsaw, this former capital of Poland practically did not suffer during the war, because the city managed to maintain its original architecture in full.
  • Torun. - Another wonderful Polish city, which is without loss, managed to survive the second world War. It also preserved all architecture and unusual Polish flavor. Now it is rightfully considered the center of Europe, of course, cultural. If you choose what exactly emphasize the attention, you should turn it on the old part. Although new cozy areas are quite capable of charming the tourist.
  • Katowice. - This city is young enough, it is about two centuries. However, today it is one of the most cozy Polish places. There is a fairly interesting original architecture, there are original sights. It is mostly to choose it to tourists who are already tired of the pomp of Warsaw and Krakow.
  • Gniest. This city is the first capital of Poland. The most interesting thing is that the market has been preserved here (in almost all cities of this country it is a special attraction), as well as several churches.
  • Bydgoszcz - Completely unusual as a city for Poland. Most of all he resembles Venice. The main attraction is the Bydgoshchensky channel here.
  • Wroclaw - one more old Cityin which the famous old cathedrals are concentrated. Entered into the UNESCO Heritage List.
  • Poznan.history Center. A small but very cozy town that needs to be visited by everyone who wants to know Poland and her story thoroughly.
  • Great - The city in which to this day is the best Polish balls. It is recommended to go here only in the season, and only at the invitation, otherwise there will be a risk of missing all the most interesting.
  • Lublin - Another largest place in Poland, where many historical museums are located, there are cultural centers and several interesting objects for tourists. And although this city is no longer playing in the life of the state, the role he had several centuries ago, it is necessary to swim in it.

There are several other small, but curious cities in this country. This is Zakopane, Malbork and some others. But they, unfortunately, do not represent such special interests for tourists as the aforementioned.

Main attractions of cities

Almost every of the presented cities has a number of special attractions, without which his understanding will not be complete.

The most interesting one may be krakow. It is here that the castle of Wawel, Kazimierzh, Palace of Bishops. The special zone of this city is the plants. This is a kind of park ring around the old center.

A total of a quarter of the whole museum art of the country accounts for Krakow. Therefore, you can say exactly to this city that they will find what to see here. You must certainly visit the chartors' museum, without it, the city's inspection will probably be incomplete. To lovers to spend time for more modern fun, you must certainly visit the local water park. He deserves the highest praise.

For those who want to evaluate the state pompousness of Poland the best place Warsaw will become. Here it is necessary to inspect the royal square, visit several palaces at once: Vilantavsky, performed in the Baroque style, the Royal Palace, as well as museums: Museum of the Polish Troops, the National Museum of Warsaw, Chopin Museum and many others. Wishing to evaluate the entire flavor of the city can not do without the so-called old moon, the market area, as well as Krakow suburb.

In Lublin, if you choose this city for myself, it is worth a focus on the Crown Tribunal, Krakow Gate, Church of the Order of the Dominicans. The most extreme tourists here can also offer to visit Majdanek. But those who do not want to remember the military horrors, it is worth come down to the city dungeon. In Poland, this is one of the most popular such objects.

How to visit all cities in a few days

The easiest way to visit all cities in a few days is to choose a ready-made tour from the agencies offered.

Today there are many such many. They may include both two main cities - Warsaw and Krakow, and somewhat smaller in addition. Most often, these are Tours Warsaw-Krakow-Wroclaw, Warsaw-Krakow-Torun and others, depending on the main topic of the excursion.

Such excursions are designed in such a way that the person stays in one place no more than a day or two. Overnights in such tours mainly in hotels who book the same firm that organizes the trip.

The only minus such excursions: they tend to have a standard set of monuments by default mandatory for familiarization for each arrival.

They are very good for those who visit Poland for the first time. But if a person in the country will visit the second or third time, you can either search for more exotic tours (thematic excursions, for example, dedicated to the churches or castles of the country), or to make a program independently, which will continue to correspond to the standard round, but will be different on the list of seats. So you can easily calculate the time and make an author's tour.

Anyway, you can choose an optimal program that satisfies all your travel expectations. And who knows, maybe one of the cities will amaze you so much that you will certainly want to get acquainted with it closer, but already within a completely different tour.

The POLSKI BUS carrier bus network is well developed on the territory of Poland, with which you can get to each point of our route. And what is important for your budget, the cost of the trip will not exceed € 5-6, and if you plan everything in advance, you almost always have tickets for € 1.

Prices for accommodation in all cities of the route are approximately the same:

  • koyko-place in the hostel - from € 5
  • hotel Room 3 * - from € 20 for Two
  • hotel Room 5 * - from € 70 for Two

The easiest way to get to Poland from Ukraine is by plane. Wizz Air has cheap in different Polish cities, including Katowice - a city, which is located near Krakow, and from where it is convenient to start our route.

Also there are direct bus flights and trains from Kiev and Lviv, or you can make the most budget route with several transfers and crossing the border.


Only a few hours and you will find yourself in the medieval - the cultural capital of Poland. His heart - Old city (listed in the UNESCO cultural heritage list) with a spacious area of \u200b\u200bthe market, Church of St. Mary and Wovel castle. For a long time Krakow was the place of coronation of Polish monarchs, although the capital of the country was in Warsaw - you can learn more about this on excursions "

Poland is an amazing country with a rich history and an invaluable cultural heritage. Vintage Polish sights, such as city blocks, powerful defensive structures, original architectural monuments and art make incredibly attractive for tourists. And the famous medieval castles, which Poland is famous for, give her a unique romantic charm. We offer you to get acquainted with the most interesting attractions in Poland, which we will tell in our article.

1. Palace Square Warsaw

Opens our list of sights of Poland Palace Square Warsaw. Since ancient times, this place was the public and cultural center of the Polish capital, it is from here by tradition begins to familiarize with the old town. The main symbol of the area is the monument to King Sigismund, erected in the XVII century. The monument is a massive granite column on which the bronze sculpture of the Polish king and the Great lithuanian prince Sigismund III, holding a saber in one hand, and in another - a cross. The entire eastern side of the Palace Square is the Royal Castle, which has served as the official residence of Polish monarchs for a long time. Today, the Palace Square, as before, is the main attraction of the city and a mandatory point for visiting Poland.

2. Royal Castle in Warsaw

One of the most visited attractions of Poland is the Royal Castle, built by King Sigismund III at the beginning of the XVII century. For a long time, the castle served as a residence of kings and a place of seimations. According to the old tradition with main Tower Castle, 60-meter Tower of Sigismund, daily at 11:15 Summer Signal is distributed. Nowadays in the building Royal Castle Located a museum. Largely popular among its visitors enjoy a large hall, marble room, palace chapel, royal fever, knightly hall and throne room. In the Museum Gallery, you will see a rich collection of painting, which includes the canvases of Rembrandt and Canaletto, and official techniques and state meetings are held in the spacious castle halls.

3. Market Square Warsaw

Market Square, considered the main place Warsaw from the XIII to the XVIII century, is located in the heart of the Old Town. At one time, large fairs were held on the market square, thanks to which the landmark was obtained. Special charm this place is attached to colorful stone houses with multi-colored facades, cozy cafes With summer tables on the street and a variety of souvenir shops. Here you can buy pictures of local artists and listen to pleasant music performed by street musicians. In the center of the square there is a monument to the legendary Warsaw Malka, guarding the city with his shield and sword. And, of course, the Warsaw Historical Museum cannot be bypass, the exposition of which will help you get to know the rich history of the Polish capital.

4. Vilantavsky Palace

The magnificent Vistanow Palace, located on the outskirts of Warsaw, rightfully belongs to the number of the most luxurious palace and park attractions of Poland. It was built at the end of the XVII century for Yana Sobykoye - an outstanding commander and the king of the Commonwealth. The Vilantive Royal Palace is made in the style of Italian baroque and is surrounded by a huge park, which includes English, Italian, Chinese gardens and a wonderful greenhouse. The best Polish masters worked on the interior design, and the valuable works of art, adorning the palace, were brought here from different countries Europe. Present admiration for visitors cause picturesque frescoes, elegant sculptures, rare portraits and antique furniture. Artistic exhibitions, musical concerts and performances of the Royal Theater are traditionally held in the halls of the Visant Palace.

5. Wovel Royal Castle in Krakow

The old town of Krakow is not accidentally called the historical heart of Poland - from the XI century to the XVI century, Krakow was the capital of the Polish state. The official residence of Polish rulers, starting from the XI century, served as the Royal Castle on the Wawel Hill on the banks of the Vistula River. In addition to the royal chambers, the architectural ensemble of the castle includes the Cathedral of Saintslava and Waclav, where the corporations of Polish monarchs took place. A separate attention is paid to the Rotunda of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sigismund's chapel, a mysterious cave called the Dragon Lair, as well as the sculptural image of the legendary Wawel Dragon, spewing the real flame every 5 minutes. A richest collection of painting and tapestries is placed in the Wawel Castle, and in one of the halls there are concerts of old music. Royal Castle in Krakow is a real treasury of Polish history and culture. Visit in Poland this attraction will be interested in every tourist.

6. Market Square Krakow

Market Square is not only Krakow's business card, but also one of the largest medieval areas of Europe. Starting from the XIII century, the market square was the main place of commerce in the entire Polish state, and today it is a real cultural and tourist centre Poland. Among the main attractions of the Market Square - the Vintage Church of St. Wojca, the majestic Mariatsky Church and the trading house by Sukennice in the heart of the square. On the ground floor of the commercial house, Sukennice contains numerous shop windows with national Polish souvenirs, and on the second floor - the Museum of Polish painting. No less interesting for tourists and the Mariatsky Church, from the tower of which every hour comes the sound of the pipe, as a tribute to an ancient tradition, when the trumpeter notified the inhabitants of the fire or the occurrence of enemies. And, of course, on the market square you will meet street artists and musicians, sellers of souvenirs and living colors, cabbage with horse-rods, creating an atmosphere of urban romance.

7. Auschwitz

The Museum Complex Auschwitz serves as a reminder of one of the most gloomy pages in the history of mankind: during World War II, there were three Nazi concentration camps, which are also called "death factories". From 1941 to 1945, more than a million prisoners of war - Jews, Gypsies, Russians and Poles were tortured in the crematoriums and gas chambers of Auschwitz. Before the death of prisoners, the camp tormented their hunger, exhausting work and used them for medical experiments. In the museum you can see the premises in which the prisoners contained, see the collection of their personal belongings, more to get acquainted with the history of the concentration camp and honor the memory of the dead prisoners of Auschwitz.

8. Malbork

The magnificent medieval castle of Malbork, located in the northern part of Poland, is known as the largest gothic architectural complex in the world. From the XIII century, the castle served as the residence of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. In the XV century, Malbork turned into a powerful defensive structure of the crusaders, and then became one of the residences of the Polish kings. In a huge castle complex, there were rooms for receiving guests, monastic cells, premises for officials, stables, workshops, bakeries and other buildings. Nowadays, the museum is open for tourists dedicated to the history of the Malbork Castle. Great impression produces concerts of old music and knightly feasts, which, according to tradition, are organized in the front halls of the castle. Every year in the middle of summer, a grand historical reconstruction called "Siege Malbork" is held at the castle walls. This is one of the mandatory places to visit Poland.

9. Yard Artus

Artus courtyard in the center of Gdansk is a complex of old stone buildings used for secular events. The history of the courtyard originates from the times of the early Middle Ages and is associated with the legend of the King of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. From the XIV century, the courtyard of Artus served as a public and cultural life Poland: In his walls, there were representatives of power and noble citizens, members of the merchant unions were held here and ambitious celebrations were arranged. In the main court of the courtyard Artus, interesting objects of antiques and art are collected: the armor of the knights, the model of sailboats, sophisticated decorations and rare paintings. Special attention deserves the oldest tin bar Stand of the Poland of the XVI century, and a huge pythylastic oven with a height of more than 10 meters, decorated with painted tiles. The courtyard of Artus is rightfully among the main attractions of Poland, his visit will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated travelers.

10. Zhurav

Perhaps the most original architectural landmark of Gdansk is the cheering - an old port lifting crane, with the help of which the masts on the ships were raised in the Middle Ages, they were unloaded and loaded commercial vessels. The mechanism of the crane was activated with the help of workers moving huge wheels to which the rope was attached. In addition, Zhurav performed the function of the city gate, as well as a defensive structure: the brick towers on the sides of the crane were equipped with combat guns. A copper crane is installed on the roof of the structure - a vigilance symbol. Inside Jurava has an exhibition dedicated to the history of the legendary lifting crane and life of port workers. The crane crane is the most recognizable symbol of Gdansk, its image invariably decorates magnets and postcards with views of the city.

11. Castle Xeng.

The magnificent castle of Xeng, located 80 km from Wroclaw, is the real pride of Poland and one of the largest castles in Europe. The Ksenzh Castle was erected at the end of the XIII century as a princely fortress. For many centuries, the castle belonged to Polish, Czech, Hungarian rulers, and each of the owners sought to rebuild him to his taste. This explains the extraordinary diversity of styles that can be seen in the architecture of the building: the compound of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque makes the castle's appearance truly unique and unique. The impressive size of the building produces a strong impression: about 400 rooms and halls decorated with a special luxury are expecting within visitors. In the summer, designer exhibitions of flowers are organized in the halls of the castle of Ksenzh, and shortly before the New Year, festive balls are arranged in the Baln Hall of Maximilian.

12. Warsaw Historical Museum

The Warsaw Historical Museum has a rich collection of exhibits that demonstrate the development of the history and culture of the Polish capital since its foundation to the present day. The museum is located in the center of the Old Town, on the Market Square, and occupies eight buildings with facades of different colors standing close to each other. The Museum Meeting includes paintings, graphics, sculptures, bed coins and valuable archaeological finds. Most of the exposition is devoted to the history of the city during the Second World War. The story of Warsaw has been reflected in the documentary films that can be found in the cinema hall located in the museum.

13. Museum of the Polish troops

Museum of Polish troops belongs to the number interesting museums Poland. His rich exposition is fully devoted to the history of the Polish army. The most ancient exhibits of the museum - helmets, swords and armor - belong to the Epoch of the Middle Ages and belong to the first rulers of the Polish state. The trophies of Prince Yagaylo deserve separate attention from the times of the Grunwald battle, the banners of Polish legions of the era of Poland sections, a hat and saddle of Napoleon and the personal belongings of the famous military and politician Poland - Tadeusus Kostyshko. In the art department, a beautiful collection of battle painting, drawings and posters is collected. But the most impressive exposition of the museum is the exhibition military equipment under open sky: Here are guns, tanks, airplanes and other samples of heavy artillery.

14. Kursnitsky Castle

In the list of the most visited attractions of Poland, Kursnitsky Castle is occupied by Kursary Castle, located half an hour from Poznan. Kursnitsky castle was built in the XV century and belonged to the family of Polish magnates Gurkov. Unlike most vintage Polish castles, Kursnitsky Castle is not a harsh knight's fortress, but a romantic country residence in a neo-neutic style. The interiors of the castle are perfectly preserved since the XIX century: the Mauritan hall with a collection of knight armor and decorative porcelain, a hunting corner, a large interior and a dining room with a portrait of a white lady, whose ghost, according to legend, still lives in the castle, are great for visitors. Special attention deserves a Kursnitskaya library, which stores a lot of old-line books, cards and manuscripts. In addition, Kursnitsky Castle is surrounded by a picturesque park - one of the largest dendrological parks of Poland, which gives the castle even greater charm.

15. Wroclaw Cathedral

The Cathedral of John the Baptist in the city of Wroclaw is completing our list of the most interesting sights of Poland. The majestic Cathedral building with two high towers perfectly complements the city architectural ensemble. The Wroclaw Catholic Cathedral is considered the oldest Gothic temple on the territory of Poland: his story began in the distant XIII century. At the beginning of the 20th century, an organ was installed in the cathedral, which is still the largest body in Poland. The cathedral suffered greatly during the Second World War, but after the reconstruction, he again acquired his original appearance. The main shrine of the cathedral is the statue of the Virgin Mary with a baby, which miraculously survived during the bombing and fire in the forties. The Cathedral of John the Baptist on the right belongs to the number of the most recognizable Wroclaw characters, it will be interesting to every tourist.

Poland is a very beautiful country with a rich history and distinctive culture located in Eastern Europe. The state boasts a large number of resort towns with developed infrastructure. Every year, millions of tourists come here from all over Europe and not only. In the summer in Poland you can relax by the sea, in the winter - to ride skis from the mountains, in spring and autumn - to arrange an inspection of local architectural, historical and natural attractions. To determine where to go to relax, you should more find out about each of the resort cities of this wonderful country.

Sights of Lublin.

Poland city attract tourists with their special energy filled with magic. Majestic temples, mysterious medieval locks, narrow loop vintage streets, mountains, dungeons, breathtaking scenery - This is what the foreigners wish to see, coming to Europe, and all these beauties can provide Lublin. Poland, the attractions of which can be divided into historical, cultural, architectural, natural, can surprise, charming with their own appearance.

It was in Lublin many years ago a union was concluded between Lithuania and Poland. There are a lot in the city architectural monumentshaving a lot historical meaning. The Krakow Gate can be attributed to this, which are a symbol of Lublin, Krakow suburb, leading to the old part of the city. Walk really like to consider local houses. Beautiful paintings, exquisite stucco, interesting forms of turrets, enlarged old photos - All this can be seen on the local buildings. Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, Classicism, Classicism boasts Lublin.

Poland, the sights of which are constantly reminded of the distant past, do not allow people to forget their culture, history, does not cease to surprise visitors. In Lublin, exhibitions, performances, festivals, performances, film reforms are often held. This city is every street, every house, a pebble reminds of the glorious past, but at the same time it does not stand still, but actively develops, with inspiration it looks into the future.

The city is located on the Supratla River, in the north-east of the country, in very picturesque place. In the XV century, the Bialystok is mentioned for the first time in written sources. Poland, whose attractions do not end in ancient facilities and cultural monuments, boasts and beautiful landscapes. Bialystok from all sides surround the protected forests. Belovezhskaya Forest is the main feature of the city. In the National Park you can see rare animals - bison. Interesting birds live here - black storks, marsh owls, and trees who have no one hundred years have been growing.

A multinational city with an Orthodox face, in which the cultures of different peoples sprawled, is the Bialystok. Poland Sights Pripasla for different categories of tourists. The city will like the lovers of nature, history, culture, national traditions. There is something to see and what to see. In Bialystok, there is a Branitsky Palace, called the "Podlyashsky Versaille". The luxurious residence is built in baroque style. Lovers of architecture should look at the old church, the market square, the cathedral of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In Bialystok, I will like and shopping lovers. There are some major in the city shopping centersas well as a huge market. Here you can acquire anything. Prices are acceptable, and the quality is excellent. In Bialystok, international festivals of art, music, doll theater, folklore are often held.

Great holiday in August and Mragovo

These two cities are greatly popular with tourists. August (Poland) Attractions has natural origin. Many come here for the sake of Mazur lakes, the beauty of which is impossible to adversely. it tourist town With a developed infrastructure and rich historical past, no one will be bored here.

Another interesting place for leisure is MRROGO. Poland has prepared the sights for different categories of vacationers, it will be wondering how to adults and children. There are many monuments, fountains, interesting architectural structures, historical complexes in Mragovo. Also in the city you can visit religious objects, museums, entertainment centers. Children will be interested in a hike in the zoo.

Beginies - Paradise for true connoisseurs of nature

The man-made and natural attractions of Poland are affected by imagination, open something new, previously unprecedented. It is recommended to ride all romantic people who are tired of fussing, constant problems, stress. In this cozy town you can relax with soul and body. Spirit intercepts fabulously beautiful view Wooden chosets located on the green mountains! Beginies are one of the most beautiful secluded European cities. Tourists come here to rest all year round. The greatest amount is observed in summer and autumn, at this time in the city of the city, and the mountains are striking with their beautiful views. In winter, there are also crowded in the bezhads, because it is an excellent ski resort.

Czestochowa - a storehouse of historical and archaeological monuments

This city is recommended to go to all lovers of history, archeology, architecture of different eras. Many of Poland's attractions have a great religious value. In Czestochowa, there is one of the most important Shrine Polyakov - Black Madonna, which is considered a patroness and queen of the country. It was crowned in the distant 1656, since then constant pilgrimage to the icon does not stop. Poles and guests of the city are not in vain visit the shrine. Black Madonna healed not one person, people are asking for health icons, well-being, wealth. A decent, pure soul believer shrine performs cherished desires.

Czestochowa is also famous for the unusual landscape of the Jurassic Mountains. There are many rare animals, birds and plants. AT national Park You can look at the trees whose age is not one century.

Sunny Gdansk

In this cheerful town, which is located on the sea coast, thousands of tourists who want to relax the body and soul are arrived annually. Poland's natural attractions give pleasure to children and adults. In Gdansk, you can fix your health, gaining new forces. An excellent mild climate reigns here, there are a lot of comfortable beaches. There are interesting historically significant architectural structures in the city. At one time, Gdansk visited the leadership of various owners, he has a confusing and difficult story. Therefore, lovers of antiquity and architectural masterpieces It will definitely like it here.

Knights Malbork

Everyone who read on the novels about valiant knights and beautiful ladies should go to the northern part of Poland. It is here that the mysterious and such beautiful Malbork is located. In this city, the Knights of the Teutonic Order and Muslims of the Sights of Poland are collected in this city. The map of the main architectural monuments of Europe is also a castle of red brick, built in 1274 on the banks of the river Nogat. It was here that the Teutonic knights were presented when they moved their headquarters to Malbork from Venice. The castle is the greatest European fortress built in the Gothic style.

Wroclaw - cradle of several crops

To get acquainted with traditions and culture of another people is always interesting. The sights of Poland allow you to immediately learn about the life of several representatives of countries. Wroclaw has a very confusing and at the same time interesting story. The appearance of the modern city is the result of the merger of the cultures of the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. The Germans left Wroclaw after World War II, and Poles from Lviv came to their place. Historically, the significant part of the city is built on the islands that interconnect bridges, the total number of which has more than a hundred. Wroclaw is interesting to its architecture, there are facilities in the style of Baroque, Gothic, modern.

Auschwitz - Eternal reminder of human cruelty

During World War II, many misfortunes experienced Poland. Photo (Attractions in Auschwitz - not the most rainbow) those terrible events still cause shudder and misunderstanding of how people may be so heartless and cruel. The Germans turned the city to the most important concentration camp, more than 1.5 million people died during his work. Among the prisoners were women, old people and even small children, the fascists did not spare anyone. Today, the museum works in Auschwitz, visitors always leave it sad and thoughtful. The exposition strikes with their cruelty and makes thinking over the fate of all mankind.

Warsaw - the main city of Poland

The capital is the face of the country. Warsaw is the personification of all Poland. The city, as if Phoenix, was revived from the ashes after the Second World War, almost all structures were subject to reconstruction. Today it is a political, cultural, scientific and economic center of the country. Businessmen and politicians come here from all over Europe. Tourists will wonder the huge Palace of Culture and Science will be interesting. Special attention should be paid to the Museum of Chopin, the old town, the former Jewish ghetto, the royal route, as well as the beautiful palaces.

Poland is a beautiful and interesting Eastern European country, attracting a peculiar culture, traditions, architecture, not an easy fate. Tourists come here to learn more to learn the history of the people, as well as enjoy the contemplation of delightful and so beautiful nature.

Traveling by European countries - the occupation is always tempting and attractive for tourists. Of particular interest is the sights of Poland. When the conversation comes about this country, certain associations immediately arise: this is a good Polish cosmetics of the beginning of the 90s, the film "Four Tankers and Dog" from childhood and later - "Va-Bank"; This is unsurpassed in his originality of Maryla Rovovich with the song "Kolorowe Jarmarki" and a song festival in Sopot, these are Valsa Fridarik Chopin, Poetry Adam Mitskevich, films of Kshyshtof Zanussi ...

Poland is, according to statistics, the most believable state in Europe, a dynamically developing Eastern European country. This is old Krakow, majestically towering cathedrals and chostels, cozy narrow streets, decorated with angel sculptures ...

Today Poland is impressive by European standards of life. And about its cultural heritage, features of architecture - a separate conversation. But what to say? We must go and look with your own eyes. Igotoworld.com We offer a selection of the best attractions of Poland. Travel and surprise, because there is something.

Hotel in Poland.

Lake Sea Oko.

Lake (Morskie OKO) is the most beautiful natural attraction of Poland, which is located in the tatras near the resort town of Zakopane.

Wawel, Krakow

Wheels near the Vistula River. The construction is very older. The castle was the residence of the kings of Polish. Today is the residence of the head of the Polish Power. The castle area includes museums: these are royal chambers, weapon treasury, Krakow, the department, exhibitions work.

But remember that the number of tickets is limited. To walk along the royal rest, you must order a guide (excursions in English and Polish). The cathedral of Sundays does not work, the service is underway. On the territory of the Wovel Castle buried Lech Kaczynski with his wife, who tragically died during a plane crash near Smolensky.

  • Time visits: from 9:30 to 17:00.
  • Approximate value: from 3 to 25 PLN (depending, where you want to get).
  • How to get: trams №1, 3, 6, 8, 18 to Wawel stop.

Market Square, Krakow

He is the heart and soul of the city. The base is dated 1257 year. In all of its century, the area was a trading and craft center. The form is square, and the streets from her sides lead to the entrance gate of Krakow. There are many historic buildings, a city hall, the most beautiful church of the Virgin Mary, the Museum of History. Tourists love this place - the spirit of medieval Poland. The market square is surrounded by Kamenica's houses, a monument to the poet Mitskevich was built here, the towers of the Mariatsky Church are towering.

How to get: Rynek Główny, Krakow. Tram station Poczta Główna, routes 7, 10, 13, 19, 24, 40.

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.

Vilantavsky Palace, Warsaw

Monument of baroque architecture. Combines elements of both Polish and French architecture. Palace complex organically combines buildings and park. The chic palace is decorated with sculptures of the king, surrounded by the statues of ancient gods. It is interesting for a very watch with the image of the chronos. This is a god of time. There is an expensive furniture, painting walls and stucco in the palace, collected a collection of 17th century paintings, in particular, Rembrandt, Raphael.

  • Time visits: Excursions to the palace are organized by reservation.
  • Approximate Cost: Entrance to the Palace - 20 PLN, Gang Tours - 100 PLN, Audio Guide Services (Russian) -12 PLN, Input: 5 PLN.
  • entranceto the palace on Sundays is free.
  • How to get: Riding buses №180, 519, 422, 710, 724, 725.

Photo source: puzzleit.club.

Market Square, Warsaw

Warsaw's area is located in the center of the Old Town, this is the most visited tourist space. In the old days, merchants came here from Europe, all sorts of events, celebrations occurred. Square surround the bizarre unusual houses. it favorite place Artists, sharbers, musicians. Sometimes here you can even meet the strolling executioner. Try to persuade him ... What are you! No, do not cut off your head, but take a picture.

How to get: On the metro from the train station to go to Square by buses No. 125, 170, 190, 307, 512, you can tram number 13, 23, 26, 32.

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.

Museum of History of Polish Jews, Warsaw

On the territory of Poland, there is a Willie Brandt Square, not far from the old town center restored in the post-war period. The museum symbolizes the confrontation of a person with severe physical circumstances of life.

  • Time visits: Monday, Wednesday, Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Approximate Cost: 9 PLN.

Source photo: PolishNews.ru.

Xengge Castle, Walbrzych

One of the largest castles of Poland - xenge, the name is translated as "Prince." Surrounded by thickets of rhododendron and beech forests, beautiful terraces and amazing fountains, proudly towers on the rocky cavity. This is a symbol of old Poland. The castle in the 14th century is laid.

  • Time visits: From April to September from 10.00 to 17.00 days off: Monday, from 10.00 to 15.00 in winter. At Easter, closed at Christmas.
  • Approximate value: 25 PLN, with a guide from 32 PLN.
  • How to get there: Xengge is close to Wroclaw, it is the outskirts of the town of Walbrzych. There are two options how to get to public transport. From Wroclaw, per hour can be reached by train to Swiebodzice town. Further 40 walk through the city and the park to the castle. The second option is to reach the train to Walbrzyk, then by the car number 8, he will take the goal of the castle in 20 minutes.

Photo source: PolandInfo.net.

Marienburg, Malborn

Built as a residence of the Teutonic Order in 1274. The name indicates the "Mary Castle". The classic style of gothic, unusual beauty, consists of three sections: a high castle, middle and bottom, provided in its time a whole garrison life. In the cash register of the castle you can buy several types of guidebooks on it in Russian, and a sightseeing tour in English with a guide lasts about 4 hours.

  • Time visits: from 10: 00ndo 20:00, in winter until 16:00.
  • Approximate value: 39.5 PLN.
  • How to get: by train from Warsaw, from the railway station on foot 1 km.

Photo source: infuck.ru.

Monastery clear Mountain, Czestochowa

Poles consider this place a shrine, the miraculous icon of the Czestochowa Mother of God, the patron of Poland is kept in the monastery. The spiritual abode is popular place Pilgrimage, according to tradition, believers come here barefoot.

The icon is called "Black Madonna" due to the dark shade of the face.

  • Time visits: Daily from 05:00 to 21:30.
  • How to get: From Warsaw by bus to Station Czestochowa.

Photo source: kudapoehat.org.

Tumsky Island, Wroclaw

There is an island in the direction of the Oder River, this is the historical part of the Wroclaw, where the first settlers were found in the Middle Ages. Connects the island with the central part of the city Pedestrian Tumsky Bridge. The island is named after its main attraction, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, and the word "Tumsky" translates as "Cathedral".

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.

Wroclaw Gnomes, Wroclaw

When you walk through the old polish city, Be careful: you need to look not only on the sides, but also under your feet. Here, it is in this town, in historical capital Lower Silesia near people live and small men - Wroclaw Gnomes. "Krasnolyuddy", as they call their Poles, they lived in these places since ancient times. They say, they appeared somehow gnomes in Wroclaw, and so they liked in Silesia, that they decided to settle here. Since then, they live - not tougher.

Where are located: Yes throughout the city.

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.

Market Square, Wroclaw

The medieval place is the center of the pedestrian urban area. Wroclaw's area is very ancient, for the base is dated since Henrich I (1214 and 1232). Its uniqueness is that the whole quarter made in the center of buildings and streets. Mansions are local people beautiful names: Under the Golden Sun, under the Blue Sun, under the seven electorals. There were noble person, kings, presidents in them, led negotiations.

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.


Probably there are no people who would not hear about this place. There is an Auschwitz 45 kilometers from Krakow and is associated with the majority of us with the genocide of Jews and other nationalities in the times of the Great Patriotic War. The complex of Auschwitz concentration camps was located here. The place that keeps the memory of the crime of fascism over humanity.

  • Time visits: Daily from 10:00 to 15:00 or 19:00, depending on the season, visit only with the excursion.
  • Approximate cost of excursion: 40 PLN.
  • How to get: in Auschwitz go round buses; From Krakow riding the car on the E40 70 Highway (parking paid).

Photo source: EasyTour.by.

Salt mine, great

There is a salt mine 10 km from Kraków on the E-40 highway. Tourists are proposed to inspect 20 vintage cameras, they are connected by 2 kilometer transitions. Excursion lasts about 1 hour 50 minutes. A staircase (380 stages) leads to the salt mine. This depth is 64 meters. For a long time, in the 16th century, the therapeutic properties of salt were noted, so people suffering from bronchial asthma, allergies come to the mine.

  • How to get: from station from Krakow by train or route taxi
  • Time visits: Every day from 7:30 to 19:30 (April 1 - October 31), from 8:00 to 16:00 (November 2 - March 31)
  • Approximate cost : 55 PLN / 1 person. up to 79 PLN / 1 person.

Photo source: Studentportal.pl.

Old Town, Gdansk

Gdansk - the large old town of Poland, located on the coast Baltic Sea In the northern part of Poland. Sopot, Gdynia, Gdansk form a three-person. This city became famous for his thousand-year history, as well as impressive architecture. What to see in Gdansk? City Town Hall, Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the city gate, there are several of them and represent special architectural interest, Oliva Park, Neptune Fountain, many museums. This is perhaps one of the most popular attractions of Poland.

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.

Abbot Palace in Olive, Gdansk

Built in the 15th century for the abbot of the monks Yana Grabinsky. Outside the building surrounds beautiful parkAnd inside the branch of the National Museum of Gdansk is placed. Exhibitions that are held here are devoted to the modern art of Poland.

  • Working hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday-Sunday from 10.00 - 17.00, on Thursday from 12.00-19.00, weekend: Monday.
  • Approximate cost: 10 PLN.
  • How to get: From Gdansk to drive to the station Gdansk Oliva.

Source photo: social networks.

Mazur lakes

These are more than 2,000 beautiful lakes connected by 12 channels, 8 rivers and three gateways. They are located on the territory of the Warminsky-Mazur Voivodeship. Mazury lakes surround huge forest arrays with landscaped parks and natural reserves, it is the edge of a unique nature, an ideal place for lighted rest lovers.

How to get: You can train, bus or car, such as Warsaw bus to drive 5 hours.

Photo source: all-laakes.com.

Curve House and Pedestrian Street, Sopot

Fashion on curves of the houses rushed and Poland. Built it in 2004 in Sopot, and a pedestrian street, the people named Monttyak, is popular with tourists, among local residents. With her you can see a fabulous panorama of the city, his vintage houses.

In the house of the curve, (it serves as a shopping complex), the curve is only the facade. Well, it was necessary to attract visitors with some extraordinary way.

Where is located: Street Heroes Monte Cassino.

Photo by: Oleksandr Safronov Igotoworld Photo Group.

River Channel, Bydgoszcz

The channel is the most valuable historical attraction of the city, called the Yegogen Venice. Bydgoszcz is a city with a dynamically developing business center, with a large river port. And yet - with a long story, the beginning of which refers to the Middle Ages.

How to get: by train from Warsaw, Poznan.

Photo source: pickupimage.com.

Resort Biolk Tatranska, Zakopane

The ski resort in Zakopane, which consists of three best high tatras ski bases. Tatransk Biolka was recognized as the best ski resort in Poland. It is just a 30-minute car driving from Zakopane. Here, modernized lifts, many local attractions - all this will ensure not only fascinating skiing, but also a comfortable winter holiday.

  • How to get: The nearest airport resort is located in Krakow (120 km), 14 km away - the city of New Tart, where there is a railway station.
  • Approximate cost : One-day adult ski pass costs about 21 euros, the children will cost 18 euros.

Photo source: polshaprivet.net.

Museum of the Lublin Village, Lublin

The one who visited Pirogovo in Ukraine knows what we are talking about. In Poland, their ethnomases. Founded in 1970, is one of the most large museums Open-air in Poland. The purpose of creating the museum was the meeting and protection of the objects of wooden architecture and subjects of the national culture of the Lublin Voivodeship.

The museum is divided into several thematic sections, in which the exhibits are grouped by ethnographic and geographical principles.

  • Where is located: Street Alley Warsaw, 96.
  • Working hours: Only in the summer season.
  • Approximate value: 10 PLN, for children. Login is free.

Photo source: anonimusi.livejournal.com.

The list can be continued infinitely. Interesting places There are a lot of here. And they are all certainly worth visiting. See more here.

Planning travel, take care of the hotel in Poland in advance. At the specified link there are more than 9,000 options for accommodation from budget hostels to comfortable apartments.

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