Sights of Chios Island - What to see. Full Guide on Signs

Chios is an island as part of the Eastern Sporads Archipelago in the Aegean Sea, near the West Bank of the Peninsula of Small Asia.

Tragedy Chios.

On April 11, 1822, Chios massacre was happening - the Turks of the Turks over the inhabitants of Chios is in retaliation for supporting the islanders of fighters for independence.

The Greek Island of Chios lies along the low-majesty coast.

Millions of years ago the island was part of the Egeid - a single array of sushi lying on the site of the current Aegean Sea and included mainland Greece, Ionian Islands, Peninsula Small Asia and the whole area from Crete to Thrace. As a result of tectonic activity at the end of the neogene, sushi immersion began, magma had brewed in the crack and added volcanic activity formed a modern view of the Aegean Sea archipelago. In addition, the end of the glacial period increased the level of the world and finally separated Chios from Malaya Asia. Today it is Chios (Chesmen), the shed between Chios and the Turkish peninsula Karaburun. The marine border between Greece and Turkey passes in the middle of the Strait.

The surface of the island is rocky terrain with hills and mountain ridge Provatas, sharing an island to the eastern and western parts. The island is complicated mainly by limestone and shale, the coastline is broken.

Chios is one of the centers of Aegean culture, the most ancient of its inhabitants - the tribes of Leliegs and the Carians. Starting from the VIII century. Chios is a major trading and craft slave-owned policy, throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, who traded the best in Greece wine, mastic, marble, clay for the manufacture of ceramic dishes and figs. The first in Greece market of slaves also appeared on Chios: he was closest to the Malaya Asia, from where they brought slaves.

In i century Chios was under the authority of the Roman Empire, from the end IV to the XIII centuries. They owned Byzantine emperors, until the XVI century. - Genoese.

In 1566, the island was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The inhabitants of the island, including due to the fact that they produced the precious mastic for the courtyard of Sultan, enjoyed some privileges in the Turks. Loading trade was here: Chios served as parking vessels that went between Constantinople, Syria and Alexandria.

The apparent well-being islanders ended, hardly the Greeks on the continent began the war for liberation in 1821, and Hyos residents supported them. In 1822, the Turks dealt over the population of the island. This most terrible page in the whole greek History Received the name of the Chios massacre.

Before this bloody event, the Turks had already staged a massacre on other Greek islands. Hyos residents assumed that their somewhat privileged position in the Ottoman Empire would save their lives, but was brutally mistaken. Submitted from Istanbul, Sultan Vakhit-Pasha with the army ordered "to give life only with young, consonant to accept Islam, the old people are excluded." By order, Vakhit-Pasha killed children up to three years old, boys and men older than twelve and women older than forty. Of the 120,000 inhabitants of the island of 25,000 were killed, about 45,000 sold into slavery, 23,000 fled from the island. In the future, refugees formed a numerous Chios diaspora abroad. It was they who were separated around the world about this monstrous atrochement around the world, and the Greek word "sfagi" (massacre), which they used, and today indicates the Chios massacre.

The surviving on the island were forcibly addressed to Islam, and Chios himself lost economic importance for a long time. This was simply not solved to go back and live.

In 1881, the island was barely destroyed the strongest earthquake that lasted with breaks longer than the week: up to 10,000 people died, and the city of Chios was destroyed almost completely.

Chios joined independent Greece only in 1912

Hyos aromas

Still ancient noted that Chios is a mixture of several magic aromas: mastic, which is crying trees, and wine, to this day preserving the glory of the best in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean Sea.

Chios is not at all small, it is the fifth largest from the Greek Islands. However, after the Chios massacre of 1822, the population of Chios was never restored to the previous value. Today here lives a little more than a third of the population of 1822.

The islanders receive income from plantations of citrus, vineyards and olive groves. Here they make wine using incentive in Europe with ancient times. Nevertheless, most of the island is covered with non-vineyards, but by shrubs and groves of Alepskaya pine - typically Mediterranean barbed vegetation, adaptering to the heat and relatively small amount of moisture.

The most famous goods from Chios remains a mastic, collected by residents of mastic villages since an ancient Rome, although it is no longer the main income article: much more money gives winemaking and international tourism.

Despite wars and a sharp decline in population population, the islanders retain the oldest, even with ancient times, the tradition of collecting mastic - the aromatic resin of the mastic tree used in perfumery, cosmetology and in the production of expensive varnish. Resin stands out from cuts on a tree in the form of droplets, hence its local name - "Tears of Chios". And the trading mark "Masty" quite officially belongs to Chios. In the south of the island there is a region of collecting mastic, called Masticochoria, and in it - seven so-called mastic villages with narrow streets and fortified towers and gates built back to protect against pirates.

Easter celebrations are not less famous in Chios, in the village of LronTados, referred to as the "RuChomethamos" (Rocket War) - the largest fireworks on the whole Mediterranean. The peaceful village turns into a "battlefield" between the "Bogorodnicer-Mi" (parishioners of the Church of the Virgin Mary) and the "Svykhities" (the parishioners of the Church of St. Mark). For a whole year, both sides are inhibited by homemade missiles and thousands of missiles in the direction of rival churches are beginning to launch in the night of a passionate Saturday. Because of the indescribable squall of fire at night, it becomes light as day. The tradition of the "RuChomethamos" appeared in the time of Turkish yoke (XV-XIX centuries).

Here, in the LronTados, according to legends, was born (or lived some time) the great Ellinsky poet Homer, the creator of the epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey". On the shore, where, according to legend, Homer collected students and listeners of his writings, lies a stone, a nicknamed dascalopheter, or "teacher's stone".

On the island of Chios there is an object included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990, - Nea-Mona Monastery, founded in the first half of the XI century. He suffered greatly during the Chios massacre of 1822 and earthquake of 1881

The main city and the port wears the same name as Island - Chios, he faced in the direction of the Turkish shore. Through the port there is a lively trade produced on the island of wine and citrus. The main historical building of the city is the Byzantine fortress of Castro, which the Genoese was later completed. The walls of the fortress in the old days were the border of the city. When the Turks captured the city in 1566. Christians were to settle outside the city walls, and the Muslim quarter remained behind the walls of the fortress.

Sights of Chios Island


■ Plain Campos.

■ Mastic wood groves.

■ Black Pebble Moore Willia Beach.


■ The sanctuary of Apollo Fangayos (from the IX century BC) with the temple (the second half of the VI century. BC.).

■ Emporio village (about 1800 BC).

■ Memorable seats of chios massacre, mastic villages (IV-XVI centuries).

■ Byzantine fortress Castro (1042-1056, completed by the Genoese in 1346).

■ Byzantine Church (XIII century) with gates of Port Maggiore.

■ Turkish fountain (1768).

■ Daskalophetra ("Teacher's Stone").


■ Museum of Justinian.

■ Byzantine Museum (Christian Art).

■ Museum of Philip Argendi (exposition on the Chios Rubber 1822).


■ Nea-mona monasteries (1042), St. Markell Chios and Mundon (XVI century).

■ Cave Chapets Io-Gala (XV B).

■ There are several versions of the origin of the name of the island of Chios: on behalf of Chiona - the daughter of the character of the Greek myths of Enopion - the first king of Chios, on behalf of Chios - the son of God of the Seas of Poseidon, from the Latin letter X (the island is like her outlines, and in Greek, she reads how Russian X), and finally, from the mastic tree, which the Phoenicians called "Chios".
■ In antique time, the city of Chios was one of the first in Ancient Greecewhere the coin from the electron was started - the silver alloy with gold. The electron was very suitable for the manufacture of coins, because gold is harder and slower is wearing.
■ Chios Island is mentioned in the Bible (Acts 20:15) as one of the islands of the Aegean Sea, which was swimming and on which he stayed for some time the Holy Apostle Paul during his last trip from Philipp (Macedonian city on the Aegean Coast) in Jerusalem .
■ In 1922-1923, after the second Greek-Turkish war 1919-1922, a population was met between Greece and Turkey, and then the few Turks who still remained in Chios left the island. And part of the Greek refugees from Ionia moved to the island.
■ One of the most famous natives of Chios Island - Greek composer and politician Mikis Teodorakis (born in 1925). The most famous composition of the composer is music for the dance of the Sitaka, which sometimes mistakenly consider old folk dance. In fact, music and dance were specifically created for the Greek Film "Greek Zorba", which came to the screens in 1964. Sirtaki became the most popular Greek dance in the world and the cultural symbol of Greece.
■ Black sandy beach Maur Willia, according to legends, appeared on Chios after the eruption of Santorin volcanic around 1645-1600. Don. e.
■ Almost every village on the West Bank of Chios, which are located at the foot and mountains, the rock "balconies" built on an equal distance is created on the slope. "Balconies" - peculiar observation points, from which the islanders observed behind the approach to the shields to have time to hide from pirates.
■ On the rock facing the village of Cardamila, with a white paint giant Latin letter V, it is visible from afar. The letter was made immediately after the liberation of Greece during the Second World War: V - from the word Victory (victory). The paint is updated every year, and the letter looks like a new one.
■ In the museum of Justinianani, Christian frescoes are presented, and among them one with the image being revered on the island of St. Isidore, who learned the local residents to manufacture a liqueur from mastic.

The ancient Chios tradition says that when the Romans were led by St. Isidor on the execution, he, without repeating, but in strong sorrow we cried throughout the path, and the tears of him who have fallen into Earth turned into a dishonled mastic. Such an explanation of an unusual phenomenon: a tree that meets in many parts of the Mediterranean gives mastic only on Chios and more anywhere. Therefore, it is believed that the mastic is the gift of St. Isidore. However, Chios is interesting not only by mastic. There is also a settlement with traditional architecture - Olymps and places.

There are Pyrgi here - a traditional village with extraordinary "disseminated" ornaments on the walls like which is not anywhere in Greece. There is also a new monastery - the famous Byzantine monastery with magnificent mosaics. There is here and the famous rock of Homer - "Dascalopetra". All attractions are inextricably linked with the history of the island from ancient times and to a recent past. Until 1822, when the island rebelled to gain freedom, and underwent a terrible carne from the Turks, why Chios became known as the most martyrs from the Greek Islands. You can come to Chios on a ferry from Piraea, Thessalonik, Cavala, Lemnos, Mitlena and Samos or by plane from Athens. Chios is located near the shores of Turkey, between Samos and Lesbos and, together with Enursas and Psara, is the area (number) of Chios. The length of the island is 842 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 54,000 people.

The city of Chios or Choir, as they call him local residents, is located eastern coast Islands, near the shores of Malaya Asia.

This is the capital of the island and the region (NOMA) of Chios, the population of which has 24,000 people. The city was built on the site of an ancient Ionian city, from which the very minor ruins of the theater and urban walls were preserved. The old Turkish quarter is north of the port and inside a large fortress, which was built by Byzantine, and then expanded by the Genoese. After passing out from there to the center of the city, we can visit the Architecture Museum, and then the library of A.Korais, which is one of the largest in Greece and has about 130,000 volumes, as well as the interesting ethnographic Museum of Philippe Argentis, located in the same building. Nearby is the Cathedral of Saints Victor, built in 1881. The territory of Chios island has 10 so-called. Municipalities (Chios, Homeropolis, Cardamila, Camproughlor, Masticochoria, Amanis, Psara, Enoussua, Ionia, Agios Minas).

Chios - mountainous island. SAMI high mountain - Pelinee (its height reaches 1297 meters), thick pigs. Other important island mountains are probatas and epos. Island Area - 842 sq. M. Km, the length of the coastline is 213 km, the population is 50,000 people. In the south of the island, many Chios are engaged in the production of mastic - one of the main products. Based on the finds made in the cave in the north of Chios, it was established that the island was inhabited from the end of Neolithic (4000-3000 years before AD)

Climate on about. Chios has typical of the Mediterranean features, with the North or North-Western winds characteristic of the island and the temperature, unreasoning 28 - 29 degrees Celsius. Winter as a rule here is calm. In summer, the sediments fall quite rarely and in small quantities. Sea trade plays a very important role in the economy of Chios.
Special development in the history of Chios island received trade, navigation and art.

The main port is located in the city of Chios, which also stops private yachts. There are a number of seaports occupying second place in their significance. This is Lagada on the northern coast, Marmaro in the northeast, places on southwest coast And the port of Limnia, located in the western part of the sea coastline.

As mentioned above, one of the most important products of Chios is a mastic, which is also unique in the method of its production. In 1346, the island was captured by the Genoese. Then they founded the first company Maora for the production of mastic.
And in 1566 the island seized the Turks, which provided Chios a number of privileges, since they were interested in trading the mastic. Mastic is well known and widely glorified around the world due to its aroma and taste. Mastics are grown in a fraction of a part in the district called Masticochoria ("Mastic villages"). "Mastic villages" are called all villages south of Campos. Mastic trees grow on both sides of the road. Each tree gives about 200 g. Mastics per year. Approximately 20 tons of mastic is exported to different countries. Here they also produce jam, oil, wine, citruses, grain products, etc.

"Rocky Chios", as accurately described his estimated place of birth Homer, was always rich, regardless of who owned them - Greeks, Romans, Genoese or Turks. The sources of its well-being have always been two - resin and navigation. The first presented the island of the two ancient name - mastic from the Genoesers and Sakyz Adazi at the Turks - both mean the same thing - "Smol Island". Even the southernmost point of the island still carries its ancient name - Cape Masticho. The second serves as the main source of islanders' income and in our days - so far almost every local family at least one member is busy on the fleet.

Unfortunately, the once prosperous island suffered two horrific disasters - in March 1822, Ottomans arranged a real massacre of the Greek population here, destroying, selling more than 40 thousand people from the island, and in 1881 most of the settlements were destroyed by a strong earthquake. More than half of the once magnificent forests of the island were also destroyed by devastating fires of the late 20th century, and now Chios looks not at all as in the era of his heyday. But many of his ancient monuments survived, and good shores and cozy villages still attract thousands of guests from all over the planet.

The city lying on the eastern shore of the city, despite all the peripetics of its history, remains one of the largest commercial centers of the region. Having a large and charming market, several museums, the old quarter and many good taverns, he stretched along the shore of the same name for almost 6 km, from the old port of Vrondados in the north to the vasileonicon in the south.

Good beaches within the city no, except for the tiny pebble bay Vrondados or pretty sloppy urban beach in the area Bella Vista. But south, in the area Carfasa (Karfas, 7 km from the airport) and Ayia-Ermoni. (Ayia Ermioni), you can find a lot of good shores. Self-attractions here can be considered a board Markos Place., which occupies a complex of beautiful old monasteries of Ayos-Eoros and Ayos Padelimon, lying on the slope south of the bay. Here, between Vasileonikon and the attractive village of Timian (Thymiana), many good cafes and taverns specializing in traditional cuisine are concentrated.

In addition to the traditional olive groves, South Chios is almost completely planted with thickets of mastic (Pistacia Lentisca) - usual for most of the islands of the Aegean shrub sea. But only here his breeding has such a long history and traditions. For centuries, the aromatic resin of the mastic was used as a basis for drugs, paints and cosmetics, to create candies and wines, like a preservative and even chewing gum. The wealth created by the mastic trafficking was even a special type of local settlement - "Masticochoria" ("Village of Mastica"), but the development of petrochemistry put an end to this market. Now here you can see only chewing gum ELMA and a special variety of alcohol, also called "mastich". However, in recent times, on the wave of thrust to natural products, interest in this product has become reborn - in the markets and in Chios stores it is already possible to meet high-quality cosmetics, toothpaste and rinsing fluids based on this resin. For our days, "Masticochoria" today are mainly due to the cultivation of mandarins, apricots and olives, but they retained the elements of their old architecture and are very interesting for visiting.

AT Armistry (Armolia, 20 km from the city) Interesting pottery workshops, in Pirionon, or Pyrgi. (Piryion, Pyrgi, 5 km south), - Byzantine Church of Ayia-Apostoli (XII century) with later frescoes, in Olimby (Olimbi, 7 km west on the same route) - characteristic of the house-tower region, in Place (Mesta, 4 km north-west of Olimbi) - Church of Taxiirsis and the labyrinth of ancient alleys with characteristic "tunnels" (peculiar, but effective protection against earthquakes). Olimby, the country road leads to caves Sicias Olimbles (6 km from the village, open from June to August from Thursday to Sunday from 10.00 to 20.00, from September to May - from 11.00 to 18.00; 5 euros, access is open only to a depth of 30 meters) with a whole forest of bizarre stalactites and stalagmites - one from the most beautiful in the Mediterranean, as well as to the crowned cape ayi-Doc Monastery and two protected bays.

The closest good beach is 4.7 km from the places, in the bay Apotica (Apothika), as well as a little further - near Limenas-locomot (Limenas Meston), Didima (Dhidhyma) and Ayia-Irini.However, all these small bays are not very comfortable for swimming when the northern wind blows.

Therefore, most tourists prefer to relax by the sea more protected bay Emborgos With a small resort complex and archaeological park ancient City Emboroos (in the summer is open daily from 9.00 to 15.00, it is closed in winter on Mondays; 2 euros) on a hill to the northeast. Or go even further - to the beach Mavros-Yialos. (Mavros Yialos, Mavra Volia) with its picturesque boulders of volcanic origin, to the impressive cliffs of Foki 3 km north-east (also available through Armilia and Calamoti).

The central part of Chios lies within the fertile plain of Campos, coated with citrus groves. This area was intensively mastered by the Genoese in the XIV century and for a long time remained victorious aristocracy. Moving around the narrow streets of local towns is better not on the car, but on a motorcycle or bike, and these alleys themselves, clamped between the high walls of the decorative old mansions, are practically guaranteed a complete disorientation in space (local residents joke, which has not yet seen a single tourist who has not seen I would not get lost in Halkion or Defion). Many of these once luxurious houses built in the characteristic Italian-Greek style were abandoned at the end of the XIX century, but now they are often rebuilt under private residences or mini-hotels.

Also worth paying attention to church of Panayia-Krill (XI century) near the village of Vvalvi (VAVYLI, 9 km from Chios, part of the frescoes from here is stored in the Museum of Justiniani), founded by the Byzantine emperor Konstantin Monomakh in 1042 nea-Monastery In the heart of the island, numerous bell tower and village arcades Weight (Vessa, 5 km south of cition), semi-closed village Anavatos. (Anavatos) on the West Bank with her pistachio gardens and sad appearance (during the chios massacre of four hundred islanders rushed from this three-hundredth rock into the sea, so as not to get into the hands of Yanychar), good beaches Tigani. and Macca Amos. In the Metohion Bay, a fortified village Sidirunda (Sidhirounda) a little north, as well as numerous sentigious towers built by Genoesers around the coast.

Northern Chios areas are the most deserted on the island. Northern suburb of the capital of the island - Vrondados (Vrondadhes, Vrondadhos), as expected, was the place of birth and life of Homer, and the ancient altar of Kibeli on terraces over the town is still called the "Homer Department". Good resorts There is no nearby, but the locals themselves are very loved by the excellent taverns and small beaches in the lying little north of the villages. Panteukos. (Pandoukios) and Langada (Langadha), from the shores of which the Turkish shore is perfect. From Lungeada, a country road goes deep into the island to the village Drinking (Pityos) is a real green oasis lying on a mountain pass with a small round lock. And in the village itself is, as the islanders consider, best restaurant Chios - Makellos.

Then the road turns to the north and goes to the pretty twin towns Ano-Kardamila (ANO KARDHAMILA) and Kato Cardamila (Kato Kardhamila), or Marmaro (Marmaro). Two deep and narrow bays coming into the landing near this settlement almost do not have good beachesBut here is plenty of tiny coves, lost between Bouldons. Much better than 5 km west of the nape bay, named so in honor of the temple of Poseidon, who once stood here among numerous sources running from the rocks. Another 1 km to the West lies the village Yosonas (Yiossonas) with a longer, but also less protected and rocky beach without any means of service.

On the west shore town Voluras (Volissos, 42-44 km from Chios) was once a major market center for a dozen distant mountain villages. Its old stone buildings are still below the hill of the Byzantine Fort, but now there is no more than 250 people here, mainly the elderly. However, gradually it begins to gain his face - the upper quarters are restored, and many old mansions are rebuilt under villas and cottages. In addition, this area has some of best coast And the most interesting pensions of Chios, so in the near future it is expected to transform into the new resort center of the island.

Limya (Limia, Limnia, 2 km south) - the ancient port of Volurasos - famous for its taverns. But the main attraction here is a long sand-pebble beach Managros one and a half kilometers to southeast and sandy Leafing 10 minutes walk north of the harbor. The rest infrastructure here is still being developed rather weakly, but to fans of privacy and silence will be very comfortable. Still just north you can detect good shores Limnos and Markela, near the latter, besides the beautiful, but a few harsh monastery Ayia Markela, built in honor of the saint patron of the island (the festival in his honor is held on July 22).

And on the very northwest island lies the village Ayon Gala (Ayio Gala), known for its scaling complex Panayia Ayogalusen. Of the two churches in this cave, the big one refers to the 20th century (in 1993 passed a reconstruction), and a tiny older chapel (approximately X-XIII centuries) was almost fully built into the walls of the grotto. Almost half-kilometer system of natural cave rooms stretches for them (from June to August, it is open from Friday to Sunday from 11.00 to 18.00; 5 euros) with stalactites and stalagmites.

Neighboring islands

In good weather from the shores of Ayon-Gala, a 18 km west island Psara. (PSARA) - the birthplace of the National Hero of Greece Konstandinos of Canary (1790-1877). Here are usually coming fans of silence and peace, appreciating his good beaches and a pretty architecture, more reminiscent of Cycladic. The sea here is usually very clean and calm, especially on protected southern coast. Psary's best beaches are taken to attract Zepag, Bilali, Furkero and Xsatro (all within 5-30 minutes walk from the capital of the island - Town of Psara, or Palaya Psara). There is almost no rest infrastructure, but always quietly and calmly.

Many attracts lying between Chios and Turkish shore isot of Inusa (INOUSSES, AIGNOUSSA, OINOUSSES, EGNOUSSA) with its colorful villages, the sea museum, the Church of Ayos Nikolaos and a rather gloomy female monastery Eavandelismu in the West. Recently canonized local holy Irina Pateras is buried here, and Abbatisoy is her mother. The entrance to the territory of the monastery is allowed only to women, and only by prior arrangement with the administration.

Chios is a small island of Greece, which is the fifth largest. Tourists belong in different ways to this Greek territory. Some people fell in love and eager to come back from the first second, other travelers need more time to feel Chios, take it in the heart, penetrate the beauty of the island, stroll around the villages and relax on the wonderful beaches of the Greek resort. Tourists who have become acquainted once with Chios are tied to the soul to this corner of Greece forever.

Hospitality of Hyos residents is known to the whole world. They joyfully open the doors of their home, and the tangerine jam, served by the guests, will be a revelation and will be remembered for life. I will become a bright impression wild nature Chios, the purest waves of the sea - the tourist will remember the journey all year round.

There are many original institutions around the port of Chios. Modern architecture seems to reflect the rhythm of the life of the islanders: noise, bustle, constant movement. Many in Chios and shops, where the inquisitive traveler will find a lot of interesting souvenirs, useful things, memorable gifts.

History of Chios goes far into antiquity, which is confirmed by archaeological finds made in Agios Galas and Emporio. The detected objects belong to the era of the first Ionian settlements. The name of the island, according to the historian Isidoros, arose thanks to the Phoenicians. "Chios" is a Syrian word denoting "mastich". It is this resin that is the most famous product of the island. Other versions report that the name is the island, on behalf of Chiona Chiona King Enopion, the first lord of the island. Also on one of the versions of Chios - Son Poseidon. An unusual option regarding the form of the island: Chios reminds the Latin letter X, which the Greeks are read as Russian H.

The seaside villages of the island attract the lack of tourists. Nature here is clean and beautiful, and therefore Chios is created for a peaceful rest. The uniqueness of the island is Hei. The resin, glorified Chios, is distinguished from the cracks of the tree of the mastich. Greek shops are full of products, including Hee. Each admirer of unusual products will appreciate the chewing gum, the girls will definitely pay attention to cosmetic products with a mastic, sweets lovers should try various confectionery. Heiu is part of both processed and clean.

Traditions of gathering resin have been preserved since ancient times. Seven mastic villages of the southern region of Masticochoria are equipped with a fortune, gates, which made it possible to protect unique trees from arriving pirates.

A little story about Chios

Chios is really a special place. The owners of the ships of the island village of Cardamila owns 5% of the world sea fleet. This was the cause of the weak development of Hyos tourism, absolutely not peculiar to Greece and its islands. However, still there is hotel complexes, Large hotels, allowing you to accommodate tourists with all amenities. Charters arriving at Chios provide transport connection. At the same time, the tourist bustle of Corfu and Santorini is not here, the calm of the island creates a peaceful aura around him. It can be perfectly relaxing here with family, the newlyweds will appreciate the availability of the sea and privacy.

Connecting a stunning atmosphere, picturesque landscapes, taste experiments (which costs one mastich), medieval villages, the Church of the Byzantine era, Chios opens the doors of unusual Greece. Muzenidis Travel creates conditions for all the conditions for the perfect rest. The organization of the flight, the choice of hotel, the compilation of the cultural program - the company will make a trip to fascinating, full emotions and saturated from the first to the last day.

An interesting tourist point is Chios Castle. Build the fortress began in the century. Permanent restructuring and changes have turned the attraction as an example of an unusual mixing of architecture styles. Go to see the fortress is necessary in the capital of Chios, which is the same name.

Noteworthy Campos. Here came the Genoese to know who created a large number of mansions. Each building is a stunning architectural sample ancient history. Now the villas are redone under hotels and restaurants where tourists can have a great time rest.

Nature Chios deserves attention. Olymps village is famous for the caves with stalactites and stalagmites. The journey of archeology lovers will not be full without the premises of the embryo settlement. For visiting, an archaeological district is opened here, as well as the rock of Homer. Presumably, it was here that there was a poetic school. Scientists argue that Chios is the homeland of Homer. Religious monuments are represented by the monastery of Nea Moni. The 11th century memo is one of the few preserved octagonal temples. The monastery is included in the UNESCO list. He underwent severe damage at a chios carne and earthquake.

Easter on Chios - real magic. The Celebrations "RuCnetopolemos" are the largest fireworks of the Mediterranean. "Rocket War" (this is exactly what the runetic cell is translated) occurs between the parishioners of the Church of the Virgin, as well as the parishioners of the Church of St. Mark. Homemade missiles are harvested all year, and in the night of a passionate Saturday, they pour into the village of LronTados, lighting everything as day.

Rocky Island Chios is a great beach holiday place. Bella Vista area is famous for beaches. Territories are equipped with the necessary elements, thereby popular with tourists. Local residents love to rest here. Another wonderful place is the Emboros Bay. Picturesque landscapes, developed infrastructure, a large number of different institutions for wonderful pastime are created to please the tourists. Nearby is an archaeological park, so lovers of history will also find a pleasant entertainment option.

It will be connected to Chios culture, feel the taste of unique wine, mastikhas, citrus fruits, to feel a peace, to penetrate the nature of the island will help Muzenidis Travel. The slightest details of the journey will be planned, which will allow you to relax, relax to truly. Representative offices of the company in the main tourist points of Greece allow you to quickly respond to the wishes of customers, making the journey full and bright.

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Carfas - a small resort town, located 7 km from the choir. Carfas with annually gains popularity among tourists. The resort is sufficiently developed. Here for everyone there is a hotel and a hotel in the shower. You can enjoy traditional dishes in restaurants and cafes. Fans of night rest Carfas offers a large selection of clubs and bars.

The resort is famous for its equipped and well-kept beach with impeccable clean water and soft sand. The resort is popular for recreation with children.


The unusually beautiful village of Elat, formed in the Middle Ages, is 25 km from the choir. It stands on the slope of a steep hill in the depths of Chios. In ancient times, such a location saved the local population from the conquerors. The settlement was a fortress city. Western towers, which provided good review. Currently, not all protective structures remained integer.
The Stone Church of the Holy Trinity is one of the attractions of this area. In the old church of St. John, ancient frescoes are preserved, dating back to the 16th century. Elia is famous for agriculture. Farmers grow grapes, almonds, mastic and olives.

Not far from Elat is located picturesque bay And Agia Irini Beach, which are named after the small church of St. Irina. The bay was famous thanks to the beautiful sandy beach with a shallow pebbles. It is popular with fishing lovers.

Agios Minas.

History lovers should be visited by the Women's Monastery Agios Minas, located on the top of the hill and surrounded by a mountain terrain. Landmark for tourists will be a small village of non-Chorea. The road from the capital will be short, just 9 km.

Agios Minas keeps a sad story. It was founded in the 16th century by the reverend father of Neofitos Kumanos and his son Minas. It is worth noting that he was anonya for a male monastery, and in 1932 was transformed into female.

Agios Minas is very important for residents of Chios. In the 19th century, with the "Chios Rubber" in it, women, children and old people were hidden from attacks. As a result of a massacre in its walls, more than 3,000 people died. Footprints of blood forever imprinted on the stone floors, reminding about this tragic event. In the courtyard, the Holy Resident was founded by the "Mausoleum of 40 Martyrs", in which the remains of innocent victims are stored today.

Nea Mon.

You can enjoy the beauty of Byzantine architecture, you can visit the oldest monastery of Nea Monastery. It is rightfully considered one of the most important attractions of the island. Nea Mona was founded by the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin IX Monomakh at the end of the 11th century. By legend, he was erected in a holy place.

For centuries, the Holy Abode was the most powerful religious center of Greece. In his possession there were extensive lands that were provided by NEA prosperity for many years. Even in time, the Ottoman Empire, he did not lose his prestige and welfare.

Religious center has suffered significantly at the Hios Rubber: Fire destroyed the iconostasis, archive and library. The amazing frescoes of the cafolicon were spoiled, rare and unique church relics are stolen. After these terrible events, the sacred abode crashed during the earthquake of 1881.

Today, nea Mona has a huge territory. In his possession there are the main cafolic, small churches of the Cross of the Lord and St. Panteleimon, the refectory, monastic celi and a small museum. Behind the walls of the monastery, built in the 19th century, there are monastic cemeter and a small chapel of St. Luke.


Frequently mastic trees were popular and famous all over the world. Unique chotos mastic - the pride of the local population. Thanks to her, Chios is economically developed and constantly flourishes. Mastic trees are grown in the villages in the south of the island. Such villages are called "Masticochoria" or "mastic villages".

One of the famous and picturesque settlements is Pyrgi, located 25 km from the choir. In the past, getting into the village was quite difficult: it was well strengthened with walls and sentigious towers. It ensured security from the attack of pirates. For the shelter of local residents, the Genoese was built a high defense tower, parts of which can be seen with their own eyes.

Walking through the Pythy, you get on the labyrinths of narrow streets, pass by the original antique stone buildings. In this village, you can find extraordinary buildings, decorated with rare manual technique "Seeers". Such houses reflect all the identity and individuality of the Pyrgi.

After walking through the streets, you can relax in restaurants on central Square. Here, in 1694, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was erected. Not far from the square is the oldest church of the Holy Apostles (13th century), decorated with magnificent antique frescoes.

Pyrgi is a wonderful place for tourist holidayImpregnated with the history of its people.


The vintage medieval village of Armilia is 20 km from the choir. The fathers have long been here transferred to their children knowledge and secrets of pottery skills, which allowed Armia to become a leader of a pottery. In the village you can visit the interesting master class for the production of ceramics, as well as to purchase original souvenirs (ceramic jugs and vases, cups and plates and much more).

Local Landmark - The Byzantine Fortress Apolikhnon During the reign of Genoesers, the Administration of Masticochory has had in their walls. In the Church of St. Dimitria and the Virgin Mary, who are located on the central square, could save the incredible carved iconostasis of 1774. Not far from Armilia there is a monastery of a life-giving source, erected at the end of the 18th century.


Another place, famous plantations of mastic trees, is the ancient village of Places. Like the rest of the villages of that time, she possessed an excellent defensive structure that survived to our time. Pirates and other invaders attracted a unique resin of mastic trees, so the settlement was needed to defend a stubbornly.

The impregnable fortress did not give the enemy to pass the territory of the city, and the labyrinths from the streets were confused by any uninvited guest.

Now get into the village is not difficult. Residents of the place are welcome and ready to show the tourist attractions of their settlement. Where there was central steal deonted TowerIn the 19th century, the luxurious Church of Taxiirsis (Big Taxiis) was erected. The oldest church Agia Paraskeva and Old Taxiirsis also fascinate with their beauty.

The villagers keep their historical values \u200b\u200band honor the traditions of their edge. Places are very popular among tourists. Here come to walk along the colorful streets to plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity, visit the sights of the place.


Not far from the choir is an amazing town of LronTados, surrounded by olive groves and luxurious gardens.

LronTados consider homeland Homer. In honor of the ancient poet of antiquity, the legendary "stone of Homer" is preserved here, on which he taught his disciples.

The suburb of Chios is also known for its marine traditions. This is confirmed by the Statue of the "Unknown Sailor", which is located directly opposite the Town Hall.

Local residents tell that Christopher Columbus himself came to the sailors of the Lronstados and he studied in their navigation.

Nowadays, the village is considered beautiful tourist center. She is very cozy and green. In addition to sea attractions, she boasts its temples, restaurants and beaches.

Useful information for tourists about Chios Island in Greece - geographical position, travel infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

In the northern part of the Aegean Sea at a distance of only about 7 km from the Anatolian coast of Turkey, there is a picturesque Greek Island of Chios. This is the fifth largest and, perhaps, one of the most interesting Islands Greece.

Traveling to the island of Chios, known for its amazing centuries-old history and strong long-standing traditions, colorful medieval settlements, the ancient temples and the mass of attractions - this is a great opportunity to combine traditional beach rest with cognitive excursions. The island has long been famous for its mastic trees (it grows mainly in the southern part of the island in the area known as a mastic chorer), the resin of which is considered unique and known worldwide.

Acquaintance with the island of Chios, perhaps, it is worth starting with his capital of the same name - the city of Chios or, as locals, choirs called it. Among the most interesting sights of the capital is to celebrate Archaeological, Byzantine and Marine Museum, Chios Fortress, Justinian Museum Palace, Ethnographic Museum and Art Gallery, Holy Jacob Church. Special attention deserves and located 15 km from the capital, a magnificent sample of Byzantine architecture - Monastery Nea Mona (included in the list world Heritage UNESCO). Not far from the capital is also the monastery of Agios Minas and Monastery of Panagii Skeley.

It is certainly worth a visit and one of the oldest settlements of the town of Volisosos, where, on one of the versions, was born, lived and worked the legendary Homer. The city reached the highest heyday in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, and to date, it was able to preserve the unique atmosphere of the old city, which you will be able to feel, walking along its narrow winding streets and admiring the beautiful old mansions, Byzantine temples, water and windmills. Just 8 km from Voliurasos is another interesting landmark of Chios - the monastery of St. Markel.

The famous area of \u200b\u200bthe Masticochoria and its colorful medieval fortress cities, Olymps, Vesse, Calamoti and Pyrgi deserves. From the point of view of architecture, such settlements of Chios are also of particular interest, both Ana-Kardamilla ("Upper" Cardamila) and picturesque Cambos. It is also worth visiting an abandoned medieval settlement Anavatos, Monastery Zoodokhos Pehi and the Byzantine Fortress Apolikhnon near Armenia, the Church of the Holy Trinity and the Church of St. John in Elate, Church of Panagi Krin in Vvalvi and the Ruins of an ancient Acropolis in Emporos.

You will get a lot of pleasure and going to the nearby Islands - Inussse, Psara and Antipsar.

Gorgeous natural landscapes, many excellent beaches, crystal waters of the Aegean Sea and the well-developed tourist infrastructure of Chios every year attract thousands of vacationers from all over the world. The most popular beach centers of Chios are LrRontos, Emporos, Cardamila (and more precisely - its coastal part of Kato-Cardamila, or Marmara) and Carfas. Here you will be offered a great choice of housing, shops, markets, many good restaurants and taverns, and to the services of amateurs active rest - Ability to do snorkeling, ride water motorcycles, kayaks and canoes, play beach volleyball, etc. Among best beaches The islands should also celebrate such beaches as Mauro Will, Lifi, Managros, Agia Foto, Agia Irini, Alindim, Didim and Apographers.

See also: