Ancient Lighthouse Alexandria in the state. Alexandrian Lighthouse, He is the same Farosky - the highest construction of the ancient world

After the conquest of Egypt, Alexander Macedonsky was founded by the city, named after Alexandria. The city began to actively develop and flourish, became a major center of maritime trade. Soon there was an acute necessity in the construction of the Alexandria lighthouse.

Alexandrian lighthouse. Information and interesting facts

The location for the lighthouse was chosen the island of Faros, located 1290 meters from Alexandria. The construction of the Farosky Lighthouse, who later became the seventh miracle of the world, led the architect Sostrath, Son Dexphan from the book.

To ensure the enclosure of building materials to the island was built the dam. Construction itself was executed by the standards ancient Mira Lightning, passed only six years (285-279 BC). The new building immediately "knocked out" the walls of Babylon from the list of classic wonders of the world, and took an honorable place there to the present day. The height of the Alexandrian Lighthouse according to the estimates of contemporaries reached 120 meters. The light projected from the Tower of Alexandrian Lighthouse was visible at a distance of 48 kilometers.

Three tiers have highlighted in the lighthouse.

The first tier had a square shape with parties of 30.5 meters focused on the sides of the world. The total height of this tier was 60 meters. The corners of the tier occupied the statues of Tritons. The premises itself was intended for the placement of workers and protection, pantry under fuel and products.

The Middle Tier of the Faros Lighthouse had an octagonal shape with edges oriented to the winds prevailing here. The top of the tier was decorated with a statue, some of which functioned as flugers.

The top tier of the cylindrical shape performed just the role of the lantern. It was observed by eight columns covered with a cone dome. The top of the dome of the Farosky Lighthouse decorated the Sememeter statue of Isides-Farii (guardianship of the navigators). The powerful lamp was projected using a system of concave metal mirrors. For the delivery of fuel to the top of the Alexandrian lighthouse there are a long-standing disputes. Some suggest that delivery was carried out with the help of lifting mechanisms on the inner mine, others say that the rise was made using mules on a spiral ramp.

Also in the lighthouse there was an underground part where the reserves of drinking water for the garrison were located. It is worth mentioning that the lighthouse also performed the role of a fortress guarding the sea route to Alexandria. Self Farosky Mayak It was even gained a powerful fence with bastions and braces.

In the XIV century, a miracle of the light, the Lighthouse was destroyed by an earthquake. Currently about appearance The seventh miracle of light shows only images on the Roman coins and the remains of the ruins. So, for example, studies of 1996 made it possible to find the remains of the Alexandrian lighthouse at the bottom of the sea.

Lighthouse on Roman coins

A hundred years after the destruction in his place, Sultan Kite Bay built a fort. And now initiators will appear, who want to reconstruct the Faros Lighthouse, on the place where he originally was - on the island of Faros. But Egypt's authorities do not want to consider these projects, and the Kite-Bay fortress continues to guard the place of the former great building of antiquity.

Kite Bay Fortress

Alexandrian lighthouseStanding on the eastern shore of Faros is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. In the distant past, the city harbor of Alexandria was shallow and rocky, so in order to protect sea vessels from trouble, a stone lighthouse was built on the approach to the city. The first and one in Greek land, Faros or Alexandrian lighthouse, built Sostrat Book. Construction was started in 283 BC. e. And only 5 years continued. In the time of Ptolemy, the erected lighthouse was higher than the highest pyramid. For its construction, the Sostrat Booksky used the newest inventions and achievements of Alexandrian scientists. He was perpetuated by his name on the marble wall of the majestic facilities. The inscription read: "Sostrath, the son of Dexphan from the book, dedicated to the Savior Savior's gods," he buried her under the layer of plaster, on top of which he wrote the praise of King Ptolemie Sweet. But, time passed everything in his methams and the world learned the true name of the architect and the builder of one of the world miracle, after the thin layer of the plaster fell off from the wall. The lighthouse was a grand trothed structure, a height of 120 meters. His lower floor had four faces facing parts of the world (north, east, west and south), eight edges of the second tier had the directions of eight main winds, the highest third floor - a beacon dome with the majestic sememeter statue of Poseidon.

One of the statues that decorated the tower of the lighthouse, the direction of the hand showed the time of day, so in the period of the solstice in the sky, she kept her hand up, as if pointing to the sun, after sunset, the sailors could see a statue with a lavaled down. Another statue chopped off every hour and at night, the other pointed the direction of the revenue wind. Scientists have come up with a complex system of metal mirrors for a lighthouse, which helped to strengthen the light of the fire, so that sailors could see it from afar. All this is unique and fantastic for that period of time. Not in vain, Alexandrian lighthouse was enrolled in one of the seven wonders of the world. The territory of the lighthouse was charged with a fortress wall, followed by a whole military garrison.

The lighthouse regularly fulfilled its duties up to the 14th century. With the fall of the Roman Empire, he stopped shining. Holding 1500 years, the Mayak experienced the strongest earthquakes and the impact of natural forces, in the form of wind and rain. For this long term, huge even for stone, he began to collapse. His fire forever went out, without preparing an earthquake (IV century). The upper tower dilapidated in the century, but the walls of the lower floor were still still stood.

Even when he was half destroyed height, it was about 30 m. In the middle of the XIII century, the continent closely approached the island and the lighthouse became not needed at all. At the beginning of the XIV century, he was dismantled on stones, and on his ruins built a medieval Turkish fortress, which still stands on the site of the world's first lighthouse.

Currently, only the base of the beacon has been preserved, which is entirely embedded in medieval fortress. In 1962, in coastal waters, at a depth of 7 m, the remains of the Alexandrian lighthouse were discovered with scuba diversion. From the bottom of the sea were raised by the cracked column and the famous statue of Poseidon, crowded Lighthouse dome.

Alexandrian lighthouse

In the III century. BC e. On the small island, the Faros in the Mediterranean Sea, near the shores of Alexandria, a lighthouse was built, so that the ships could safely transfer reefs on the way to the Alexandria Bay. At night, they were reflected in this (to enhance the brightness, the light of fire was reflected from the bronze plates) of the flame languages, and in the afternoon - a pole of smoke. The structure was called the name of the island. On its construction, ™ in various data, left 5 to 20 years, and it was completed around 280 to n. er, during the reign of Ptolemy II, King Egypt.

The Faros Lighthouse consisted of three marble towers standing on the basis of massive stone blocks. The first tower was rectangular, there were rooms in which workers and soldiers lived. Above this tower there was a smaller, octagonal tower with a spiral ramp leading to the upper tower.

The upper tower of the form resembled a cylinder in which the fire was burning, helped ships to achieve bay safely. The total height of the lighthouse was 117 m.

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (m) by Brocgauz F. A.

Lighthouse Lighthouse - High, in the form of a tower, Standing on sealand, on the path of the courts - to indicate the path of marigors. At night on top of M. Fire is supported. Indicative M. Easy in the open sea, on separate small rocks and fellows, and sometimes on

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Who built the first lighthouse? Can you imagine a highway where there are no warning signs that inform damage, intersections, turns, nearby cities and centers? Naturally, sea routes require exactly the same signs, and the lighthouse is one of

Farosky, he is the Alexandria Lighthouse - one of the seven wonders of the world - located on the eastern shore of the island of Faros within Alexandria. He was the first and only at that time the lighthouse so gigantic sizes. The builder of this facility was the Costrath Book. Now, Alexandrian Lighthouse has not been preserved, but the remnants of this structure confirming the reality of its existence are found.

That in the area of \u200b\u200bFaros under water is the remains of the lighthouse, it was known for a long time. But the presence of the Egyptian naval base on this site prevented any research. Only in 1961, Kemal Abu Ela Sadat discovered statues in water, blocks and marble boxes.

On his initiative, the statue of the goddess of Isis was removed from the water. In 1968, the Government of Egypt appealed to UNESCO with a request to conduct an examination. An archaeologist from Great Britain was invited, which in 1975 presented a report on the work done. It contained a list of all finds. Thus, the importance for archaeologists of this site was confirmed.

Active research

In 1980, a group of archaeologists from different countries The start of excavation on sea Dn. in the area of \u200b\u200bFaros. This group of scientists, in addition to archaeologists, included architects, topographers, egyptologists, artists and restorers, as well as photographers.

As a result, at a depth of 6-8 meters, hundreds of lighthouse fragments were discovered, which occupied the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2 hectares. In addition, studies have shown that there are more ancient objects on the seabed, than the lighthouse. From the water, many columns and capitals from granite, marble, limestone belonging to various epochs were extracted.

The special interest of scientists was caused by the find of famous obeliskov called "needles of Cleopatra" and brought to Alexandria by order of Octavian August in 13th to N. e. Subsequently, many of the finds were renovated and exhibited in museums of different countries.

About Alexandria

Alexandria - the capital of Hellenistic Egypt - was founded in the Delta of the Nile River More Alexander Macedonian in 332-331 to N. e. The city was built according to the Unified Plan developed by the architect Dinohar, and was divided into blocks with wide streets. The two wider of them (30 meters width) were crossed at right angles.

In Alexandria, there were many magnificent palaces and royal tomb. Alexander Macedonsky was also buried here, whose body was delivered from Babylon and was buried in the Golden Sarcophage in the magnificent tomb on the orders of Tsar Ptolemya Sake, which thus wanted to emphasize the continuity of the traditions of the Great Conqueror.

At the time when other warlords fought among themselves and shared the huge power of Alexander, Ptolemy settled in Egypt and made Alexandria one of the richest and beautiful capitals Ancient world.

Human Resource

The glory of the city in many ways contributed to the creation of the Museyon Ptolem ("Human Resources"), where the king invited prominent scientists and the poets of his time. Here they could live and engage in scientific research completely at the expense of the state. Thus, Museyon became something like the Academy of Sciences. Attracted by favorable conditions, scientists from different ends of the Hellenistic world flocked here. The funds for various experiments and scientific expeditions were generously discarded from the royal treasury.

Attracted scientists in Museyon and the magnificent Alexandria library, in which about 500 thousand scrolls were collected, including the essays of the outstanding playwrights of Greece Eschila, Sofokla and Euripid. These manuscripts king Ptolemy II allegedly asked at the Athenians for a while, in order for the scribes to remove copies from them. Athenians requested a huge deposit. The king paid badly. But to return the manuscript refused.

The library's keeper was usually appointed by any famous scientist or poet. For a long time, this post occupied an outstanding poet of his time Callima. Then he was replaced by the famous geographen and Mathematics Eratosthen. He managed to calculate the diameter and the radius of the Earth and allowed only a minor error of 75 kilometers, which in the existing opportunities available for that period does not diminish its merit.

Of course, the king, providing scientists and poets with hospitality and financial support, pursued their goals: to increase the glory of his country as scientific and cultural Center And, thus, your own. In addition, poets and philosophers had to praise his virtues (real or imaginary) in their works.

Wide development received natural sciences, mathematics and mechanics. In Alexandria, the famous mathematician Euclid lived, the founder of geometry, as well as the outstanding inventor of Geron Alexandria, whose works were ahead of his time for a long time. For example, they created a device that was actually the first steam engine.

In addition, it invented many different automata driven by steam or hot air. But in the era of universal distribution of slaves, these inventions could not find applications and were used only to entertain the royal yard.

The ancestorous astronomer Aristarh Samossky long before Copernicus said that the Earth is a ball that revolves around his axis and around the Sun. The contemporaries of his ideas caused only a grin, but he remained with his opinion.

Creation of Alexandria Lighthouse

Development of Alexandrian scientists found an application and in real life. An example of the outstanding achievements of science and became an Alexandrian lighthouse, who was considered one of the miracles of the world in that epoch. In 285 BC e. The island connected with the shore of Dambia - artificially rolled the cereal. And in five years, by 280 BC. er, the construction of the lighthouse was completed.

Alexandrian Lighthouse was a three-story tower about 120 meters high.

  • The lower floor was built in the form of a square with four edges, each of which was 30.5 meters long. The edges of the square were addressed to four sides of the world: north, south, east, west - and folded from limestone.
  • The second floor was made in the form of an eight-marched tower, lined with marble plates. The face of it was oriented towards eight winds.
  • The third floor, actually a lantern, was crowned with a dome with a bronze statue of Poseidon, whose height reached 7 meters. Lighthouse dome relied on marble columns. The leading printed staircase was so comfortable that all the necessary materials, including fuel for the fire, raised up on donkeys.

The complex system of metal mirrors reflected and increased lighthouse light, and he was clearly visible to the navigators from afar. In addition, the same system made it possible to monitor the marine space and detect the ships of the enemy long before they appeared within visibility.

Special signs

On the eight-marched tower, forming the second floor, placed bronze statues. Some of them have been equipped with special mechanisms that allowed them to serve for flora, indicating the direction of the wind.

Travelers told about the wonderful properties of the statues. One of them allegedly pointed out with her hand in the sun, tracing his way through the sky, and lowered his hand when the sun was sake. Others, for a day, beat off every hour.

They said that even such a statue, which, with the emergence of enemy ships, pointed to the sea and published a warning cry. All these stories do not seem so fantastic, if you recall the steam machines of Gerona Alexandria.

It is possible that the achievements of the scientist were used in the construction of a lighthouse, and the statues could produce any mechanical movements and sounds when a certain signal arrives.

Among other things, the lighthouse was also an impregnable fortress With a powerful garrison. In the underground part in the case of siege there was a huge tank with drinking water.

The Faros Lighthouse did not know analogues in the ancient world in size or by technical data. Prior to that, ordinary fires were usually used as lighthouses. It is not surprising that Alexandrian lighthouse with its complex mirror system, colossal dimensions and fantastic statues seemed to all people with a real miracle.

Who created an Alexandrian lighthouse

Builder of this miracle Sostrath Book carved on the marble wall inscription: "Sostrath, the son of Dexphan from the book, dedicated to the Savior Savior Rames." He closed this inscription with a thin layer of plaster, on which he placed the praise of King Ptolemya Saker. When the plaster fell off over time, the name of the master appeared the wizard, which created a magnificent lighthouse.

Although the lighthouse was located on the eastern shore of Faros, it is more commonly called Alexandria, not Farosky. This island is mentioned in the poem of Homer Odyssey. In the time of Homer, he was in the Nile Delta, opposite the small Egyptian settlement of Rakotis.

But by the time of construction of the lighthouse, he, according to the remark of the Greek geographer Strabonna, was significantly approached by the shores of Egypt and was in one day of the path from Alexandria. With the beginning of construction, the island joined the coast, actually turning it out of the island in the peninsula. For this, it was artificially embanked the dam, which was called heptastadone, since its length was 7 stages (stage is an ancient Greek measure of length, which is 177.6 meters).

That is, in translation of the measurement system familiar to us, the lamb length accounted for approximately 750 meters. From the Faros side, the main, large harbor of Alexandria was located. This harbor was so deep that the shore could have an anchor of a big ship.

Nothing is eternal

Tower - assistant I sailors who lost the road.
Here at night I light the light fire of Poseidon.
Collapse here about threatening from the deafly noisy wind,
But she reinforced me with his writings of Ammonium.
After the ferocious shafts, they stretch their hands to me
All sailors, reading you, about the Earth, the oscillator.

Nevertheless, the lighthouse stood until the XIV century and even in a dilapidated condition reached a height of 30 meters, continuing to surprise with beauty and gradation. To date, only a pedestal has been preserved from this glorified miracle of the world, which is built into the medieval fortress. Therefore, the possibilities of archaeologists or architects to study the remnants of this grand facility are practically absent. Now in Faros is the Egyptian military port. And on the western side of the island there is another lighthouse, which is no remind of his great predecessor, but also continues to indicate the way to ships.

The Faros Lighthouse received its name because of the island, on which he was located, - Faros. And later at this place, the city of Alexandria spread. Hence his second name. Lighthouse is included in the list of all famous "seven wonders of the world." And as most of them, the Farosian structure did not survive until our time.

The lighthouse was built in the 3rd century BC. The name of his creator has long remained unknown for a long time. As it turned out, the architect was a certain Sostrach Book. He himself signed his creation, cutting on one of the parties of the Mayak mention that he devotes his work "the gods-Savior for the seurrets." But by Sostrah, for some reason, then smeared the inscription by plaster. And only when a few centuries later, a layer of the mixture fell off, the world found out the truth.

The Faros Lighthouse was built for almost 20 years. The result was a really majestic structure. Its height accounted for 117 meters. And at that time it was the most high building in the world. According to its architecture, the lighthouse consisted of three towers put on each other and for a single massive basis. Military garrison was located the smallest and most spacious tower. There were also workers who served the building. The second level is the technical room. Finally, the painting of the structure is the beacon himself. He was a cylinder, in which the fire was buried at night, helping the navigators safely adjusted to the bay.

And all this was the magnificence of the impressive statue of the god Poseidon - the Lord of the Seas. The height of the sculpture, if you believe documentary evidence, there was at least 7 meters.

How did the Faros Lighthouse worked

In the work on Lighthouse Sostrata applied the most advanced technologies of the time. In the upper part of the tower, he installed the mirrors from bronze, which reflected the light from the fire and reinforced it repeatedly. The light was so bright that the navigators saw it 50 kilometers from the island. Lighthouse served as a guideline and day. First, it was excellent thanks to the height of the structure. And secondly, the same mirrors perfectly reflected sunlight.

In addition, there were three more statues on the lighthouse, which served not only to decoration. So, one of them constantly pointed to the sun, and at night he lowered his hand. Another sculpture fixed the direction of the wind. And the third suggested the travelers time, chopping every hour. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say today how these statues were arranged. Over the external description preserved.

Whatever paradoxically sounds, but the lighthouse itself is guilty in the destruction of the lighthouse. The fact is that for his work there was a lot of firewood, which were delivered to the top of the facility on a special spiral ramp. And after the workers threw ash in the sea. And after almost 15 centuries, the bottom of the island was so clouded that it was dangerous to the moor. Accordingly, the navigators began to search for other routes, and the lighthouse, remaining without a case, began to collapse. The bronze mirrors are overpaid, and the stones from which the construction was built was pulled to other needs. Finally finished the "miracle of the world" a powerful earthquake, which erased him from the face of the earth.

Modern Farm Lighthouse

Today, only the basement floor of the Farosky Lighthouse has been preserved. And it is fully built into the modern base of the Egyptian fleet Kite Bay. Tourists who visit Alexandria can still show several debris, which were raised from the bottom of the sea. It is possible that other fragments are resting at the depth, but the operation for their search and the rise is too heavy and expensive, so in this moment Almost no one is engaged in this.

But there are also good news. The Egyptian government has not yet long decided to rebuild the Faros Lighthouse and create its exact copy. And considering the modern pace of construction, the gigantic structure may appear in a few years. And then it will be one of the main attractions not only Alexandria and Egypt, but also in the whole world.

See also: