Spain Information about the country. All about Spain

Spain is the most detailed information about the country with the photo. Attractions, city of Spain, climate, geography, population and culture.

Spain (España)

Spain - the state in south Western Europe. This is one of largest countries European Union, located on the Pyrenean Peninsula and holding more than 2/3 of its territory. Spain borders on Portugal in the West, France and Andorra in the north, Gibraltar and Morocco in the south. The state consists of 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities and is a constitutional monarchy.

Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. The country is famous for its beaches and sea, kitchen and nightlife, special atmosphere and friendliness of local residents. Interestingly, on the number of UNESCO World Heritage sites, Spain is inferior only to Italy and China. In addition, this is a country with a large geographical and cultural diversity. Here you can find almost everything: from lush meadows and snowy mountains to swamps and deserts.

Useful information about Spain

  1. Population population - 46.7 million people.
  2. Area - 505 370 square kilometers.
  3. Official language - Spanish (in some autonomous communities The official language is also considered a local dialect).
  4. Currency - euro.
  5. Visa - Schengen.
  6. Time - Central European UTC +1, in summer +2.
  7. Spain is part of the 30 most developed countries of the world.
  8. In Spain during the daytime, some shops and institutions can be closed (Siesta). Some restaurants and cafes do not serve dinner earlier than 8-9 pm.
  9. Tips are included in the account. If you like the food or service you can set 5-10% of the account.

Geography and Nature

Spain occupies 80% of the territory of the Pyrenean Peninsula. It also includes the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and the very tiny part of the North African coast. The Pyrenean Peninsula is located on the extreme southwest of Europe.

Spain relief is extremely diverse. The main role in it is played by mountains and plateaus. The country is one of the most mountainous in Europe. The largest mountain systems: Pyrenees, Cordillera Betika, Iberian, Catalan and Cantabrian Mountains. The largest plain is the Andalus lowland, located in the south. In the northeast there is aragona plain. The highest peak continental Spain is Mount Mulasen (3478 and). SAMI high top The countries are located on the island of Tenerife - this is Tadeid Volcano (3718 m).

Takho River

The largest rivers: Guadalquivir, Tahoe, Douro, Ebro. Spain is known to the great length of the coastline. On the coast there are several thousand beaches. The largest resorts: Costa del Sol, Costa de la Luz, Costa Blanca, Costa Brava, Costa Dorad, Canary and Balearic Islands.

Thanks to the geographical features, the animal and vegetable world of Spain is very diverse. The north of the country is similar to Central Europe, and the south resembles North Africa. In the north-west there are large-scale forests, in the south - deserts and semi-deserts, and for the coast, the Mediterranean Flora is characterized.


Spain is one of the most warm, even hot countries in Europe. Although thanks to the relief, several climatic zones can be found here. The Mediterranean climate is dominated, which is on the sea coast, and in the central part arid. In most regions of the country, summer is dry and roast, winter is sufficiently warm and wet. In the central regions in the cold time, freezing is not rare.

Best time to visit

Best time To visit Spain - April-May and September-October. In July and August, most of the districts are very hot. In the cold season, it can be rather rainy.


In the third millennium, the Tartess civilization existed on the territory of the modern Pyrenean Peninsula. But already in the second millennium BC. The Iberian tribes came here, who later mixed with the Celts. In antiquity of Pyrenees were called Iberia. The Iberians quickly settled through the Castile territory and built fortified settlements. In approximately the same millennium on the coast, Phoenician and Greek colonies were founded.

Interestingly, according to the most common theory, the name of the country comes from the Phoenician "and-pile", which is translated as the "shore of Darmanov". The Romans used this word to denote the territory of the entire Peninsula.

In the 3rd century, almost the entire territory of the Pyrenean Peninsula subjugated Carthage. In 206, Carthage lost control over Pyrenees. From this period, for almost two centuries, these lands tried to subordinate to the Romans. The latest free tribes were conquered by Rome in 19 BC, with Emperor August. Spain was one of the most prosperous and important Roman provinces. The Romans built here expensive, fortress. Already by the end of the 1st century, more than 300 cities were founded here, trade and craft flourished.

In the 4th and 5th century, German tribes penetrated into Spain, which soon turned outlands. Earlier, the first Christians appeared here. Westges founded their kingdom here with the capital in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band then in Toledo. In the 6th century, the emperor Byzantium Justinian tried to return Spain to the power of the empire.

In 711, Arabs and Berbers from North Africa came to the territory of the Pyrenean Peninsula, who were later called Moors. Interestingly, they were encouraged to the aid of Westges themselves (or rather, one of their factions). In just a few years, Mauri won almost all of the Pyrenees and formed Omeyad Khalifat. It should be noted that the Arabs were pretty merciful, while maintaining the property of people, the language and religion of the conquered territories.

At about the same time, the movement of the reconquist, the purpose of which was the liberation of the Pyrenean Peninsula from Muslims. In 718, Maurov stopped in the mountains of Asturias. By 914, the Kingdom of Asturia included the territory of Galicia and Northern Portugal. After the cessation of the Omeyad dynasty in 1031, Khalifat collapsed. At the end of the 11th century, Christians captured Toledo, and some other cities. In the 12th century, the Spanish Empire was proclaimed, which arose after the combination of Castile and Aragon and existed until 1157. In the future, despite the division, the kingdom together fought with the Moors. By the 13th century, only Granada Emirates remained on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

Despite the power of the Castilian Kingdom, the country tormented turmoys and riots. The domination belonged to Knight's orders and powerful nobles. In Aragon, there was a lot of concessions for estates. In 1469, the dynastic marriage between Ferdinand Aragon and Isabella Castille contributed to the unification of the two kingdoms. In 1478, the Inquisition was established, which was the impetus for the persecution of Muslims and Jews. In 1492, the Granada conquests and the end of the reconquitoes occurred.

In 1519, the Gabsburg Dynasty comes to power. In the 16th century, Spain becomes one of the strongest powers of Europe. As the form of the Board, an absolute monarchy was established. The Spanish kingdom captured Portugal and numerous colonies in South and Central America. Already by the mid-16th century, permanent wars and high taxes led to economic decline. During this period, the capital of the kingdom was postponed from Toledo to Madrid.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the War for the Spanish Legacy broke out with the death of Karl II. As a result, the bourbon dynasty reigned, and Spain became "Profaręzskaya". In 1808, a popular uprising broke out, which led to the renunciation of the king. In the future, the French were expelled from the country and the restoration of Bourbons took place. In the 19th century, Spain tormented turmoys and riots. The state has lost all American colonies. In 1931, the monarchy was overthrown and the civil war began in which Franco defeated. Francisco Franco has established a dictatorship that lasts until 1975. This year Juan Carlos I was crowned from the Spanish Bourbon dynasty.

Spain consists of 17 autonomous regions, two so-called autonomous cities and 50 provinces.

Autonomous communities:

  • Andalusia
  • Aragon
  • Asturia
  • Balearic Islands
  • Basque Country
  • Valencia
  • Galicia
  • Canary Islands
  • Cantabria
  • Castile - La Mancha
  • Castile and Leon.
  • Catalonia
  • Murcia
  • Navarre
  • Rioja
  • Extremadura


The indigenous population of the country is Spaniards (Castillas), Catalans, Basis, Galicians, and others. The official language is considered Spanish. In autonomy, they often speak the language of the ethnos or dialect. Almost 80% of the population professes Christianity, 75% of them are Catholics. Interestingly, the average life expectancy in Spain is one of the highest in the world. It is 83 years old. The Spaniards themselves are pretty friendly, open and emotional. This is noisy and temperamental people. They are often incomprehensible, little lazy and unifourified.

Tips for communicating with the Spaniards:

  • Spaniards are very patriotic in relation to their country or autonomy. Do not raise such topics: "Is Catalonia Spain", etc.
  • The overwhelming majority of the Catholics population, so words and actions should be avoided that may insult the feelings of believers.
  • Avoid conversations about the colonial past and Franco mode.
  • During lunch or dinner, the Spaniards do not begin to eat until all guests are sitting. They also do not leave until everyone finishes meal.
  • Close people or good friends hug or kiss each other in the cheeks at the meeting. Otherwise, limited to the handshake.


Information about transport types in Spain.

The largest airports:

  • Barcelona
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • Malaga - Costa del Sol
  • Grand Canaria
  • Alicante / Elche

Spain has an extensive network of high-speed trains that connect the largest cities. Railway communication also includes long-distance trains and network suburban trains. There is a regular bus service between many cities. The largest cities are associated with high-speed highways. The motorway is paid here.

Speed \u200b\u200blimits:

  • 120 km / h on highway and motorways,
  • 100 km / h on ordinary roads,
  • 90 km / h on other roads,
  • 50 km / h when driving in settlements.

The level of alcohol in the blood should not exceed 0.5 g / l. Safety belts must be fastened by the driver and all passengers.

Spain is the second country of Europe by the number of cruise liner sites. The main ports of Spain:

  • Barcelona
  • Palma de Mallorca
  • Las Palmas
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Malaga
  • Bilbao.

Cities of Spain

In Spain, hundreds of vintage and interesting city. But the most popular are as follows:

  • - Noisy and bright capital, which will affect you architecture of modernism, wide streets and squares, museums and bright nightlife.
  • Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain, the capital of Catalonia. Well-known sights, masterpieces of architecture of modernism and Art Nouveau Gaudi are concentrated.
  • Bilbao is a major industrial city.
  • Cadiz is considered the oldest city of Western Europe.
  • Granada is a stunning city in the south, surrounded by the Sierra Nevada snow-covered mountains.
  • Cordoba - old City With a rich Mauritan heritage.
  • Toledo is an ancient capital with attractions of a variety of periods.
  • Seville is the capital of Andalusia and one of the most beautiful cities in Spain.
  • Valencia is one of the largest cities of the country. The place where Pahelia was invented.
  • Alicante - Resort Capital eastern coast and the Costa Blanca region.

In the south of Spain in Andalusia, you can find many historical testimonies. Here is located Cadiz - one of the oldest constant towns of Western Europe with the remnants of the Roman settlement. Nearby is Ronda - beautiful cityLocated on steep rocks. Cordoba and Granada, the city retained a rich Moorish heritage. Seville, Andalusia Cultural Center and all southern Spain, has dazzling collections of attractions and the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world.

Crossing the north through the plains of La Mancha to Central Spain is worth visiting the picturesque Toledo. This ancient Spanish capital and a beautiful ancient city located on a hill. Not far from the Portuguese border is Merida with an impressive Roman heritage. If you are interested in holidays and beaches, you should go to Alicante, Malaga, to the Canary and Balearic Islands.

Popular tourist destinations:

  • Costa Blanca is 200 km coast, beaches and charming seaside towns.
  • Costa Brava - the coast with many marine resorts.
  • Costa del Sol - Sunny Beach in southern Spain.
  • Ibiza is one of the Balearic Island, famous for clubs and discos.
  • Mallorca is the largest among the Balearic Islands.
  • Sierra Nevada is the highest mountain ridge of the Pyrenean Peninsula with ski slopes.
  • Tenerife is a magnificent nature, volcanoes and excellent beaches.


Historically, Spain was an important intersection between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, North Africa and Europe. Thus, here you can find fantastic collections of unique attractions. The country amazes the number of UNESCO World Heritage Site, historical and cultural monuments.

The most famous sights of Spain

  • Toledo old town.
  • The historic center of Salamanca.
  • Burgos Cathedral in the same city.
  • Moorish heritage of Granada and Cordoba.
  • Gaudi's architectural masterpieces in Barcelona.
  • Gothic Cathedral in Seville and Mudjar architecture.
  • Frame drawings in the cave of Altamira
  • Historical centers cuena centers, Merida, Caceres, Saragoza, Avila and Segovia.
  • Romanesque churches Lerida.
  • Ancient Roman walls in the town of Lugo.

Famous festivals:

  • Feria de Abril is the best fair on the Pyrenees. If you like folklore, flamenco and wine, then you will like this event. Takes in April-May.
  • Fallas - Festival in Valencia.
  • Dia de Sant Jordi - Catalan holiday.


Spain - extremely popular tourist area, Therefore, the accommodation needs to look for in advance. When traveling here in a high season, accommodation will cost more. Many cities, even small, oriented towards tourism. Therefore, there is no problem to find accommodation for any groups of tourists and financial opportunities.


The Spaniards love to eat, drink wine and are very proud of their kitchen. Spanish cuisine can be described as pretty light with a large number of vegetables and a huge variety of meat and fish. Interestingly, traditional cuisine does not use many spices, and the entirely relies on the use of high-quality ingredients and their taste. Food techniques in the Spaniards are slightly different from ours. Breakfast is easy. Lunch is served at 13.00-15.00. After dinner it follows Siesta. Dinner late.

Traditional Food and Products: Paella, Hamon, Tapas, Chorizo \u200b\u200b(Spicy Sausage), Bocadillo de Calamares (Fried Squid), Boquerones En Vinagre (Cleales with Garlic), Churros (Spanish Donuts), Empanadas Gallegas (Meat Pies), Fabada Asturiana (stewed meat), various options for Gaspacho (soups), Tortilla de Patatas (egg omelet with fried potatoes). The main alcoholic drink is a wine that is very good quality here. The most popular non-alcoholic drink is coffee.

Spain is rightfully considered one of the most visited countries of the world. Over fifty million travelers arrive in the sunny country every year. Excellent cuisine, pleasant climate, hospitality of local residents, chic architecture, unforgettable nature - all this makes Spain with a favorite vacation spot of many tourists.

Geographical position of Spain

Spain is located on the essential part of the Pyrenean Peninsula, located in the south-west of Europe. The country area equals 505, 955 square kilometers. Balearic and Canary Islands are also considered part of Spain, but they are given a smaller territory.

The Pyrenean Peninsula washed by the Atlantic Ocean is in close proximity to Africa.

Population of Spain

In Sunny Spain there are over forty million inhabitants, but the population density per square kilometer depends on the region. The internal areas of the country are less densely, the exception is only major cities. The main part of the Spaniards lives in close proximity to the coast.

Political structure of Spain

Spain is a socio-democratic and legal state under the administration of the parliamentary monarchy. King, Government of Spain, as well as legislatives And the bodies of the judiciary are in the capital of the state - Madrid.

The Kingdom of Spain includes seventeen autonomous communities and two cities: Seutu and Melilla, which are autonomy.

Regions of Spain

The nature of Spain is beautiful and diverse. Each country area has its own beauties. Each tourist who decided to travel to Spain will be able to choose the best option.

Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and Basque Country are perfect for fans of mountains, beaches, countryside and sports. Amateurs will wash Andalusia, Murcia, Catalonia and the Valencia community at the water.

The internal regions of Spain - Aragon, Leon, Extremadura are famous for their historical, artistic and architectural values.

The Spanish Islands also won great popularity among tourists, because it was the bears of the Balearic Islands, washed by the Mediterranean Sea, are famous for their beauty. The Canary Islands are located near the Atlantic Coast of Africa and are famous for their year-old favorable climate.

Religion Spain

The main part of the country's population is Catholics, but the Spanish Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

Mode of operation and recreation in Spain

Shopping points in Spain usually work from Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 20:00, but in the period from 13:30 to 16:30, the raging life on the roast streets of the country as if dying - this is called afternoon rest or siste. However, large stores continue to work for their customers without a break.

Spain is famous and their bars, pubs and discos, which are open to everyone from Thursday to Sunday. Until the morning, incendiary music until the very morning.

Entertainment in Spain

His fusion institutions in Spain are extremely popular. Local residents and guests of the country give their preference to cinemas, exhibition and concert halls offering various cultural programs calculated both during the daytime and in the late evening.

The Spanish people are enough azarten, so various kinds of sports lottery and draws of valuable prizes also have their constant fans and regularly become subject to discussion by the media.

Map of Spain

Spain is a country of bright summer sun, music, extravagant culture and unique kitchen. There were many talented artists, musicians, actors and writers in this country. Spain is dedicated to thousands of books, hundreds of films and popular songs. In the global tourism, Spain occupies one of the leading places.

But what attracts millions of guests to this country so? In addition to architecture and centuries-old history, there are many other things that are interesting to simple tourists and those who will be in this country with completely different purposes.

We offer to get acquainted with the most bright and interesting facts about Spain, who know not all, and which are desirable to know before traveling to this unique country.

The mentality of the Spaniards

  • The national motto of Spain states that life is designed for pleasure, and not for suffering;
  • Spaniards rarely think about tomorrow, they make the impression of people frivolous and some infantile;
  • Expression "Blue blood" It was invented by the Spaniards. These local medieval aristocrats emphasized their pale skin with translucent veins, and the fact that they do not have in the family of Maurines or Africans, like Spaniards-Simpolyn;
  • And famous "Hot Spanish Blood" - No exaggeration. The slightest street quarrel here often develops into a large scuffle with bloodshed. In addition, almost 60% of all murders in Spain are performed on the soil of jealousy;
  • Spaniards are distinguished by strong friendliness, as well as high emotionic - With a conversation, they adopted enough of the interlocutor by the hands, to react violently into his phrases, raise the voice;
  • Spaniards are very reverent food, consider it one of the main pleasures in life;
  • Spaniards highly talkative, they can approach an unfamiliar person on the street and start a conversation;
  • In Spain, they do not suffer from complexes, as a rule, do not hide emotions;
  • Gestalkulation - a mandatory element of the conversation, there are many gestures playing an important role in conversation;
  • During a conversation with the Spaniards of the Spanish age, any synonyms of the word "old man" should be avoided (in Spanish - " anciano.» ). Local residents believe that even with gray on his head, Spaniard remains young;
  • Because of the loud sharp intonations and excessive openness, the Spaniards may seem rude, however, this is not the case;
  • Local population does not consider it necessary Too often say "Thank you" and "please", it is not accepted in restaurants and shops, as well as among loved ones;
  • Spaniards are convinced that breakfast at home - the poor feet, so from 10:00, all cafes in the cities are overcrowded by local residents;
  • Spaniards have very peculiar methods raising children. A capricious child here is quite normal to leave in the middle of the street and go on their own business. According to official data, no child has never suffered.
  • In universities, Spain women learns more than men;
  • To date, 500 thousand Gypsies live in Spain;
  • Approximately 40% of the population from 17 to 24 years old are constantly smoked;
  • More than 95% of the Spaniards - Orthodox catholics. More than half of them regularly visit the church and go to confession and communion weekly;
  • In Spain, it is customary to maintain the name of the name after marriage.
  • The word "Spain" in translated from the ancient dialect means "coast of rabbits". According to legend, the ancient Romans saw these animals first when they landed in the Spanish shores;
  • Approximately 80% of the country's territory occupy the mountains, and Spain itself is located at an altitude of 660 meters, which makes it the highest in Europe;
  • More birds live in Spain than in any other European country;
  • In the XIX century, the Government of the capital of Spain, Madrid, destroyed the historic center of the city. Because of this, all urban architecture dates back to the XIX-XX century.
  • In Madrid there are some sufficiently unusual museums: Museum of Romance, Museum of America, Ham Museum;

Museum of ham

  • On the roads of Spain you can find shields with the image of the silhouette of the bull. Previously, they were intended for advertising whiskey, but then the company broke, and the shields bought the government of the country. So these shields turned into a national symbol;
  • Spanish is one of the most popular languages \u200b\u200bin the world. It is official in 21 countries, 100 million people study Spanish as a second language, and 25% of US residents are posted by Spanish;
  • The capital of Spain Madrid is located in the heart of the country. And on the central square of the city there is a zero kilometer;
  • In Spain is located in 1725 the oldest restaurant - Casa-Bootin;
  • Until now, tradition has been preserved in Spain seside - Afternoon sleep. But, even taking into account this, working day in Spain can start at 11:00. In a number of provinces, find a shop working in the morning is simply impossible;
  • The Spanish Inquisition, who worked from 1478 to 1834, was considered the most cruel in Europe. During its existence, 350 thousand people passed through it, 10% were executed. At the time, it was just huge sacrifices;
  • From 2005th year in Spain legalized same-sex marriages. Despite this, the majority of the population to sexual minorities continues to relate negatively, and in remote provinces - with open hostility;
  • Football National sport in Spain. Football clubs of Barcelona are well known for the whole world and Real Madrid, possessing very prestigious awards. Spain's first national team defended her European champion title in football, and she is the only one who won in a row of as many three international football tournament;
  • No less popular use corrida and jogging, which are traditional sports in Spain;
  • But, despite the cult importance of the Corrida, in recent years it is increasingly criticized by local animal defenders. Spanish "green" having a political weight achieved prohibition of Corrida in Catalonia and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bas well as on the Canary Islands;

  • Spain is the third country in the world in the production of wines - only France and Italy is ahead of it.

Traditions of recreation in Spain

  • Most of the Spanish bars and cafes when ordering one drink gives free tapas - National snack. It does not have a strictly recipe: it can be meat cutting, french fries or vegetable assorted;
  • In Spain, you can completely unpun sunbathebut from moral motivations to all tourists strongly recommend to retakes on nudist beaches;
  • To sense the true spirit of Spain, many tourists will settle in paradorach - old mansions, "converted" under hotels. They are located in the sleeping areas of cities, but the price for renting one room can reach the cost of the room in a five-star hotel;
  • Stop at the hotel without booking in Spain not nice. Foreigners can easily leave night outdoors, so, with free tours, it is better to make a call to the hotel and warn about the possible race at least per day;
  • Spaniards with great reluctance speak English, so each tourist is obliged to have with him spanish phrasebook, and better - to learn several phrases.

The inventions of the Spaniards

  • In the XVI century here was invented pyaspan guitar - Someone guessed to add another string to Lita. Since then, all five-string guitars are called Spanish;
  • In 1956, in Spain was patented mop;
  • It is the Spaniards "invented" for Europeans tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes, cocoa and avocado who are here brought from America;
  • In 1938 in Spain invented table soccer;
  • In 1958 in Spain invented Chupa Chups, and the logo to him drew the legendary Catalonian - Salvador Dali.

Spain is how you can see, very interesting country. If, after reading all these facts, you wanted to go there, then rather leave an application for the selection of the tour to the travels of your city's travel agencies, or call our consultants for the free number 8-800-100-30-24.

General information about Spain

Official name - Kingdom of Spain (El Reino de Espana, The Kingdom of Spain). Located in the south-west of Europe (ranks 4/5 of the Pyrenean Peninsula, as well as the islands of Balearic in the Mediterranean and Canary in the Atlantic Ocean). The total area is 506 thousand km2, the population is 40.2 million people. (2002). Official language - Spanish (Castilian adverb). Capital - Madrid (3 million people, 2002). State party - the day of the Spanish Nation October 12. The monetary unit is the euro (from 2002, prior to this).

Ownership (located under direct control of Spain): Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, located on the North Coast of Africa with adjacent to them in small islands and capes: Chafarinas, Alsemas, Veles de la Gomer.

Member of International Organizations: UN (from 1955), NATO (1981), EU (1986), as well as OECD, OSCE, IMF, WTO, UNESCO, etc.

Geography of Spain

It is located between 43 ° and 36 ° north latitude and between 3 ° East and 9 ° West longitude. Washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean - in the North-West and Southwest, Mediterranean Sea - In the south and east.

The total length of marine borders is 4964 km, land - 1918 km. Spain's shores are weakly dissected, but in the north and northwest in the Biscay bay there are a number of comfortable bays, which are natural harbors.

Spain borders in the north with France (the length of the French-Spanish border of 623 km) and at a short plot with Andorra (62.3 km), in the West - with Portugal (1214 km), in the south-west - with Gibraltar (1.2 km ), in the south - with Morocco (Ceuta, 6.3 km and Melilla, 9.6 km).

The landscape of Spain is a kind of "continent of miniature", full of contrasts and deep natural differences. The center of the country is at a distance of 300 km from the sea. In the relief, the dominant role is played by the systems of mountain ranges and high-altitude plane, occupying 60% of the internal territory of the country. In the northeast, Spain is connected to Europe with a variety of Pyrenean mountains stretching at 440 km and reaching 3404 m heights (peak anetho). The main part of Spain fills the largest plateau in Europe, called the Central or Castilian Plate (660 m above the sea level). Almost on all sides, it is bounded by mountain ranges: Cantabrian mountains with the main peak of Peña de Seredo (height 2500 m), Galician array, Iberian and Toledo Mountains. Weather from the northeast to the southwest crosses mountain Ridge Central Cordillera, the highest point of which is Plaza Almorza (2678 m). Along the South and Southeastern Mediterranean coast of Spain, the Andalusian, or Betsky, Mountains, Mountains, which are located on a large number of ridges and arrays, is the highest of which (more than 3000 m heights) is Sierra Nevada. Here is also the highest point of the pencent resistant Spain - Peak Mulasen, 3481 m. Along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea passes the mountain chain of the Catalan Mountains with a pinnacle of the Monsigni (1698 m). In the East, the Mediterranean Spain is opening under their cover, where sandy coastal valleys alternate and cliffs. The Canary Islands have volcanic origin. On the island of Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands is the highest point of Spain - Tadeid Peak (3717 m).

The lowlands in Spain occupy a relatively small area. From the east to the Catalan Mountains, an extensive Aragonian Plain is adjacent, and in the south-west - Andalusian lowland, forming the coast of the Cadiz bay. Two other plains are adjacent to the Mediterranean, the narrow strip: Valencia and Morning.

The main rivers of Spain - Douro, Tahoe (in the lower flow belonging to Portugal), Guadiana (flows along the Spanish-Portuguese border), Guadalquivir and Ebro - do not differ in great full-breeding, significantly depend on rain food. The only shipping river at the high distance - Guadalquivir, flows into the Cadiz Bay.

Soil cover differs significantly in wet and dry Spain. Wet forests are common in the north, in the south - red soils, at a significant part of the web - low-grade, sandy and stony soils. The most fertile alluvial soils of seaside lowlands and river valleys give good crops.

Spanish vegetation world is extremely diverse. Forests and shrubs cover 52% of the country's territory, but only 5% of them are real thick and high-seat arrays (evergreen oaks, including cork, coniferous and juniper forests), found mainly to the north and west of the plateau. In wet forests, a wide forest with a chestnut, beech and ash is growing along the valleys of rivers. Ornate shrubs, herbal meadow (including medicinal) and rocky flora, close to alpine, but with a considerable number of local forms. The knee is a predominantly agricultural area, where the production of traditional cereals (wheat, barley) is concentrated, and grapes, olives, almonds, citrus fruit. The natural landscape of the south and southeast of the country is predominantly steppe and deserted type with the predominance of herbs, wormwood, thickets of dwarf palm trees, other species of southern flora. The exception is only the Andalusian lowland, for which extensive fields of crops are characteristic. On the territory of Spain is approx. 215 (8.4% of the national territory) natural reserves. Among them are National Parks of Donyang and Karachonai - recognized by UNESCO the treasure of mankind.

The animal world is widely represented by a variety of Middle Eastern and North African fauna. Lynx, Fox, Caban, Wild Goat, Wolf, Pretty Numerous Rodents, Insectivores, Reptiles (Turtles, Lizards, Snakes), Magot Monkey (in the Gibraltar District). The diversified and ornithuna of Spain, for which the presence of endemic forms (blue forty, sultan chicken, flamingo) is characterized. From other species of birds: eagles, hawks, herons, owls, numerous detachment of waterfowl. Coastal waters and local freshwater pools of Spain are rich in fish, various types of water invertebrate animals, molluscs.

Spanish is rich in minerals. Public-European importance has iron ore deposits, pyrite, copper, lead, tin, zinc, tungsten, uranium, titanium, molybdenum, gold and silver. Great mercury deposits (one of the first places in the world). Energy resources are represented by stone and brown coal. Deployed coal reserves of 0.7 billion tons. Coals of low quality, among them there are few coking. Provocated oil reserves of 1 million tons, gas - 2 billion m3. In general, Spain's fuel and energy resources are insufficient, and it has to import oil (97% of internal consumption) and coke (30%). Freshwater resources per capita - 2398 m3.

The climate of Spain is a subtropical Mediterranean type - is divided into three main zones. Northern wet Iberia is subject to the strong influence of the Atlantic Ocean. Here is moderately warm summer and soft, but very wet winter. In the central Iberia, the climate is reskokontinental with dry, dusty summer and rather cool in winter. In the south and south-east, the climate is close to African: summer is dry, long and very hot, winter is warm with a significant amount of precipitation. The main climatic feature of the country is the lack of moisture and the abundance of sunlight. By the number of sunny days a year, Spain occupies one of the first places in Europe.

Population of Spain

In the 1990s. The average annual growth rates of the population were 0.2%. To start. 1980s. Traditionally, the negative balance of migration acquired a positive balance. Currently, the country is experiencing immigration pressure, especially from North Africa and Latin America. Net immigration indicator 0.87.

Population density 79 people. 1 km2 (one of the lowest in Europe), incl. In the autonomous community of Madrid - 605 people / km2, in the Basque Country - 295 people / km2, in the Valencian community - 100 people / km2. The cities live OK. 70% of the Spaniards.

Birth rate - 9.26, mortality - 9.13 ‰ (2001), child mortality 4.92 people. per 1000 newborn (2001). The dominant tendency is to reduce mortality while reducing the birth rate. The average life expectancy of 78.9 years, incl. 75.5 years - Men, 82.6 years old - women.

The age composition of the population: young people up to 14 years old - 14.6%, at the age of 15-64 - 68.2%, 65 years and older - 17.2%. The total number of women is somewhat higher than the number of men. In 2001, every 100 women accounted for 96 men.

The number of employed population is 17 million people. (43% of the total population), 33.4% of the economically active population - women (in 1975 - 23%). The share of economically active male population is reduced due to a reduction in retirement age to 65 and even up to 60 years (in the private sector).

Literacy of the adult population is 98%. The human development index of the human potential is 0.908 (2001).

According to the Constitution, Spain is recognized as a single nation formed on the basis of various ethnic groups and nationalities. The country lives: Castillas (31%), Catalans (19%), Andaliyssets (15%), Valenissy (10%), Galicians (8%), Basque (6%), as well as people of other nationalities: Gypsies (200 thousand .), Portuguese (35 thousand), Jews (15 thousand), Americans, French, etc.

Official language - Spanish (Castilian adverb). The use of the Catalan language (17% of the population), Galician (7%), Basque (2%) and other languages \u200b\u200bof autonomous regions speak on it.

OK. 90% of the Spaniards are believers, 99% of believers - Catholics, there are Protestants, Muslims, Jews.

History of Spain

Ancient Spain was formed as a result of mixing two different races: Celts and Iberov, which were later through the Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginian colonization. Rome's victory over Carthage as a result of the 2nd Punic War (208-01 BC) led to the nomanization and urbanization of Iberian communities and the creation of the 1st Roman province with a developed economic and administrative system in their territory. In the beginning. 5 V. The Iberian Peninsula invaded the barbaric tribes of Alanov, Swivels, Vandals and Vestova. The latter formed here the Westgoth Kingdom (with the capital in Toledo), which was strengthened on the basis of the approach of the Spanish-Roman latifundists and the Westgoth military nobility. One of the manifestations of this rapprochement is the transition of vibracy in Catholicism (589). Westgoth period of the history of Spain ends in the beginning. 8 in. In 711-18, the Westgoth Kingdom becomes easy production of Mavrov, the Arab conquerors who have established the Power of the Damas Caliphate in most part of the territory of the peninsula. In 758, a Cordvian Emirate (subsequently calipheat) with a center in Cordov, and afterwards, and the Granada Emirate, are created as a result of long intercructures. In the Arabs (especially in the 10th century. Under Abderrahman III), Spain reached a significant economic and cultural lift. Cordic Caliphate existed for three centuries (8-10 centuries). At 11 c. As a result of the feudalization process, he collapsed into a number of independent Muslim states.

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The Spaniards began the weakening of the Arab states, which began the process of reconquists (inverse lands in the Arabs), which finally ended in 1492 by the taking of Granada. A decisive role in the victory of the Spaniards played an association (1479) as a result of the "dynastic uni" Isabella Castilian and Ferdinanda Aragonian two largest feudal kingdoms of the Pyrenean Peninsula - Castile and Aragon. It marked the beginning of the formation of Spain as a single centralized state and nation. The main instrument of Spanish absolutism was the Inquisition, created in 1480. The most important factor that provided victory was also release (1486) from the serfdom of the Spanish peasantry. October 12, 1492 (the day of the Spanish nation) almost simultaneously with the take of Granada, the event of world-historical significance occurs - the discovery of the New World by Christofore, which marked the beginning of the Great Era geographic discoveries 15-16 centuries. Spain played a primary role in seizing extensive territories in America, Africa, Asia and Europe, becoming a monopoly owner of unreasonable wealth.

To start. 17th century During the initial capital accumulation period, the feudal reaction and the domination of the Inquisition became the brake of economic development of the country. The political and economic decomposition of the Great Spanish monarchy, which began after the Dutch Revolution (1565-1609), ended in 1701-14 of the war for the "Spanish legacy" and the loss of Gibraltar, transferred to England in accordance with Utrecht and Rashtad peace treaties. The first signs of the economic revival (the emergence of manuffs, "economic societies of the nation", conducting public works, etc.) outlined in Spain only during the Board of Charles III (1759-88), the Spanish variety of "enlightened absolutism".

At 19 in. Spain passed through the period of "Napoleonic Wars" (1807-14), the struggle of the American colonies for their independence (1810-26), four democratic revolutions, the Spanish-American War of 1898, who ended with the defeat of Spain and the loss of her last colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico , Filipino Islands and Guan Islands.

The resulting crisis of the Spanish monarchy and the aggravation of the internal political situation led to the establishment of a military monarchical dictatorship of General Prio de Rivera (1923-29), which, however, could not cope with the task of preserving the monarchy. After a renunciation of the Alphonse XIII, the Republican Board (1931-39), ended by the military insurgency of General F. Franco and the Civil War (1936-39), comes to Spain. With the coming to power, the Franco in the country was created an authoritarian system of government with the suppression of all democratic freedoms and the concentration of all the completeness of political, legislative, executive, judicial and military authorities in the hands of Franco, who has proclaimed himself "responsible only before history and God." The policies of Avtarkia conducted by them was characterized by a high degree of state intervention in the economic and social sphere. With nach 1960s. Spain in the framework of the authoritarian political system rose on the path of liberalization, deregulation and the creation of an "open" market economy. The period of 1960-75 was characterized by a high rate of economic development and was called the "Spanish Economic Miracle". The dismantling of the authoritarian political system that began after the death of Franco (1975) was in consensus of the country's political forces. In 1977, their legal framework became the "Monkloa Caps". They contained a political and economic program of measures necessary for the country's peaceful transition to democracy. In December 1978, a democratic constitution of the country is adopted on a national referendum. In subsequent years, the processes of political transformation of Spanish society, liberalization and a deep structural reform of the economy and the social sphere, as well as the entry of the country in the main international institutions of the West were successfully completed.

State Device and Political System of Spain

Spain is a social, democratic state whose political form is the parliamentary monarchy. There is a constitution approved on a national referendum on December 6, 1978 and entered into force on December 29, 1978.

In administrative terms, Spain is divided into 17 autonomous communities of the Kingdom of Spain (Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Valencia Community, Galicia, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castilla - La Mancha, Castilla and Leon, Catalonia, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarre , Basque Country, Extremadura). Ceuta and Melilla are also managed as autonomal communities. Each of the communities consists of one or more provinces, total provinces 50. The largest cities: Madrid, Barcelona (1.6 million residents), Las Palmas (897 thousand), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (819), Valencia (739), Seville (701), Zaragoza (604), Malaga (531), Bilbao (354 thousand inhabitants). Nine other Spanish cities - Santiago de Compostela, Granada, Salamanca, Avila, Segovia, Cuenca, Cáceres, Toledo, Cordoba - recognized UNESCO in the property of humanity (more than in any other world of the world).

The head of state is King Juan Carlos I (from November 22, 1975). He is the highest representative of the Spanish state in the international arena, the Supreme Commander, the head of the Supreme Council of Defense, the Garant of Democratic Values \u200b\u200band the Constitution of the country. The king acts and makes decisions from the approval of the country's parliament, which, in turn, shares responsibility with the king for the decisions made. The king appoints the Chairman of the Government (Prime Minister) and on the submission of the Prime Minister of the Cabinet of the Council of Ministers.

The head of the executive power is the chairman of the government, as a rule, is a party leader who has a majority in the Congress of Deputies. Since 1996, this post is occupied by Jose Maria Asnar Lopez. The highest advisory authority of the government is the State Council consisting of 29 members.

Legislative and control functions on government activities are enshrined at parliament (general Cortes), consisting of two chambers. Most of the authority belongs to the Lower Chamber, the Congress of Deputies (350 seats). The bills adopted by them are submitted for consideration by the Upper Chamber - the Senate (259 deputies), but the Congress of Deputies can overcome the Senate veto by a majority vote. Parliament is elected direct, secret voting by the Citizens of Spain, which reached 18 years, for a period of 4 years: Congress deputies - on a proportional basis on the party list, senators - based on territorial representation. 208 senators are chosen by the proportional system from each autonomous community and each province, 51 senator is selected by parliaments of autonomous communities. According to the results of the last parliamentary elections on March 12, 2000, the Senate is distributed as follows: Conservative People's Party (NP) - 127 seats, Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (ISRP) - 61 Place, Regional Parties: Catalan Party "Convergence and Union" (KIS) - 8, Basque Nationalist Party (BNP) - 6, Canary Coalition (CC) - 5, Party of Independent Lancer (PNL) - 1st place. As part of the Congress of deputies, NP has 183 deputies (46.6%), ISRP - 125 (34.1%), Kis - 15 (4.2%), the coalition "United left" (OL) - 8 (5.5 %), BNP - 7 (1.5%), KK 4 - (1%), Galician nationalist block (GNB) - 3 (1.3%), Andalusia batch - 1 (0.9%). The President of the Lower Chamber of Deputies - Louise Fernando Ludi, President of the Chamber of Senate - Esperance Agirre Hil de Baedma.

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According to the status (approved on a referendum in October 1979), each autonomous community has its own parliament (Legislative Assembly), the president elected by Parliament, and the government with broad authority at the regional level in land use, construction, transport and public works, economic development, tourism, culture, health and education. The President of the Parliament is simultaneously the highest representative of the region at the state level. However, in the event of conflict situations, state interests prevail over regional. The parliaments of autonomous communities are elected for a period of 4 years on a proportional basis on party lists. Each of the 50 provinces has its own municipal council, headed by (after 1997) by the appointed regional authority authorized (Delegado).

The judicial system includes the Supreme Court (Supreme Tribunal), consisting of 20 members appointed by the king for 5 years, 19 Territorial Supreme Courts, First Instance Criminal Courts in each province, district, municipal and special courts. There is also a constitutional court consisting of 12 members appointed by the king for 9 years, which includes control over compliance with the Constitution.

The innovation of the Constitution 1978 is the post of "national defender" of collective rights and personal rights recognized today for all Spanish citizens.

Among the prominent figures of the period of democratic transformations, Spain should be particularly allocated by Adolf Suarez Gonzalez and Philip Gonzalez Marquez. Suarez - Chairman of the Government of Spain in 1976-81 and the ruling centrist party - the Union of the Democratic Center (IDC). The main merit of A. Suarez is the policy of "National Accord", which provided a quick and successful dismantling of the Frankist authoritarian system, which included political amnesty, the legalization of political parties (including KPI), democratic trade unions, restoration of diplomatic relations with the USSR, conducting the first after 1936 free parliamentary elections The victory on which he led by the Centrist Coalition of the CDC, the development and adoption of the Constitution 1978. Gonzalez - the leader of the ISRP, the Chairman of the Government of Spain (in 1982-96), a politician who gave the country to European dynamics. During his stay in power, the ICRP managed to rethink the ideological foundations of the party, to carry out deep structural transformations in the economic and social sphere, more than 3 times raise the level of GDP per capita, to ensure the entry and active membership of Spain in the EU, to modify the Spanish participation system in NATO.

Among the political parties, two nationwide parties are in real influence - the ruling conservative, the Centerful People's Party (Chairman of the Party of Jose Maria Asnar Lopez) and the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (José Louis Rodriguez Sapatero). NP (initial name - the People's Alliance) was established in 1976 as a result of a merger of 7 political groups that received very modest results at the first democratic elections. The founder and chief ideolog of the party is one of the famous socio-political figures of the era of Frankism Manuel Fraga Iribarne. ICRP is one of the oldest in Europe, created in 1879 typographic working Pablo Iglesias. From the moment of creation, before coming to power, the Franco ICRP always played an important role in the political life of the country: he entered the II International, was the largest part of the People's Front during the Civil War of 1936-39. In the Frankist period, being in an illegal position, the party somewhat weakened their activities. However, with NCH. 1970s. In connection with the election of the new Secretary General (F. Bongsalez), the ICRP turns into a leading opposition party of the country. In 1982, she won a triumphal victory, having received support for 12 million votes, which gave her an absolute majority in Parliament (202 deputy mandates in the lower chamber and 134 seats in the Senate), made it possible to form a government office led by Prime Minister Gonzalez. Among the regional parties: BNP (Javier Arsalus Anti, was created in 1985 Sabino Aran, in his ideology of Christian-nationalist); Kisa (President of Jardi Pukhol and Soleer represents the coalition of the democratic convergence of Catalonia and the Democratic Union of Catalonia, both parties were created in the beginning. 1930s, in his ideology - National Centristian); GNB (José Manuel Beras); QK, consisting of 5 parties (Paulino Rivero); Party of independent Lancer (Dimas Martin Martin); The left movement is represented by the United Left Party (OL, the General Coordinator Gaspar Llanasares trigo, was created in 1986 as the election coalition of the Communist Party of Spain (KPI), the Socialist Party (PSD), Republican Left Parts and independent, some other small parties, Subsequently came from the coalition).

The trade union movement, numbering 15 million members, is presented primarily by a rather powerful universal Union of Workers (ESTO) created by ICRP in 1888, the trade union confederation of the working commissions of the leftist, established in 1956 and playing a significant role in the fight against the Frankist regime (there are 900 thousand. Members), pro-government trade union syndicate of workers (PSR), a number of university trade unions. The country also has numerous sectoral and regional entrepreneurial associations, combined into the National Patronage - Spanish Confederation of Entrepreneurs (ICOP), created in 1977, which plays an important role in the development of economic and social policy policies. According to the results of sociological surveys, the Hispanic Catholic Church, including "Opus Dei", use the greatest trust among more than 50% of the Spaniards - a hierarchical clerical organization, in its ideology is trying to combine faith and professional work. Along with loyally tuned to the government, community organizations operate several LeftExstremist organizations: the Basque "Motherland and Freedom" (this), a closed military-terrorist organization, founded in 1959; Grapo ("The Group of Anti-Fascist Resistance October 1"), established in 1975. oppose the constitution and status of the autonomous community, considering it an attempt to eliminate national historical and cultural traditions.

The internal policy of Spain is primarily aimed at the "Construction of the State of Self-Government Regions", ensuring their mutual solidarity. The regionalization process that began in 1978 took place in the following main areas: Development of the status of autonomous communities, conducting administrative reform by the transfer of power and resources to autonomous communities and municipalities through a complex negotiation process and constitutional amendments. Special attention is paid to the development of the policy of smoothing economic and social imbalances within the framework of the Unified EU Regional Policy. There is also an active struggle against the corruption of state and party officials, crime (especially among young people), illegal immigrants.

The foreign policy of modern Spain is formed under the influence of factors arising from its membership in NATO, EU, other international organizations, as well as taking into account bilateral military-political cooperation with the United States, traditional ties with Latin America, the countries of the Mediterranean, the Middle and Middle East. Almost three quarters of the 20th century. Spain for a variety of reasons, primarily due to the forty-flying francist dictatorship, was in a long-term international isolation. Spain retained neutrality in the 1st World War and formally in the period of the 2nd World War, in fact, being an ally of Germany and Italy. In 1950-60s. After a short post-war period of international isolation, the active military-political convergence of Spain begins with the United States, and indirectly - and with NATO, given the key role of Washington in this organization, the course for economic integration with EU countries is taken. However, it was possible to fully normalize its relations with the democratic states of Western Europe. Spain. In 1981-82, the process of signing and ratifying the Protocol on the accession of Spain in NATO is completed. At the same time, the question of the nature of this membership remained open until the national referendum of 1986, who approved the special status of Spain's participation in NATO, limited only by political structures. Entry to the EU (1986) opened the "Green Street" to connect Madrid to the Western European Union (1988), and from January 1, 1990 and the NATO Military Budget. After the collapse of the USSR, Spain fully changes the former concept of national security, which was limited exclusively by defense of its own territory, and becomes an active and full-scale participant in all all-defective actions to ensure collective security, including peacekeeping operations (in the Zone of Persian Gulf, Kosovo, Yugoslavia, etc.). On January 1, 1999, Spain, after a long and complex process of forming the Spanish model of membership in NATO, fully joined its integrated military structure. The main arguments for the adoption of such a decision by the ASNARA Government: the disappearance of bipolarity and the transformation of the Alliance into the largest center of force, the beginning of the NATO expansion to the East, reforming after the end of the "Cold War" of the integrated military structure of NATO and, as a result of this, the threat of turning Spain in a second-delivery partner. Due to the skillful foreign policy maneuvering, Madrid, however, managed to preserve the nuclear-free status of its territory, attract NATO's attention to the problems of the Mediterranean to ensure the safety of its enclaves on the territory of Morocco - Seuts and Melilla, strengthen their negotiating potential in the dispute with the UK on Gibraltar.

A priority place in foreign and defense politics is also bilateral Spanish-American military cooperation, which Madrid can potentially use as a field for maneuvers and an additional "power" lever in solving foreign policy issues. Realizing the importance of the Atlantic direction of its foreign policy, Spain nevertheless enough actively advocates in favor of the development of European identity in the field of defense and security, welcomes the deepening of integration processes within the EU, it is expressed by the consistent "rusting" of the SES to the European Union. In this regard, Madrid believes that strengthening transatlantic solidarity and the development of European integration is two, on the one hand, parallel, and on the other hand, the complementary process that should not oppose each other. Holding within the framework of its foreign policy priorities, Spain does not refuse to actively defend their own position on individual international issues, which may not coincide with the Washington line, NATO partners, the EU and the Zes. However, the degree of such autonomy is not so high to give a reason for the accusations of Madrid in his infidelity principles of Western solidarity.

The total number of Armed Forces Spain is 177.95 thousand people, including 9.4 thousand women. They consist of ground troops - 118.8 thousand people. (including women - 6.6 thousand people), naval - 26.95 thousand people. (1.6 thousand) and military air - 22.75 thousand people. (1.2 thousand) forces. The main areas of posting the Spanish Armed Forces: Land - Balearic and Canary Islands, Ceut's Anklava and Melilla; Naval databases - El Ferrol (Province of La Coruna), San Fernando and Rota (Cadiz), Cartagena (Murcia), Las Palmas and Palma de Mallorca (Canary Islands), Mahon (Menorca). The number of overseas contingent of Spanish peacekeeping forces (in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Yugoslavia) - 2.85 thousand people. The number of reservists is 328.5 thousand people. The American military contingent in Spain is 2.13 thousand people, incl. Naval forces - 2080 people. and Air force - 250 people. Spanish armed forces are completed on the basis of a universal military service (service life of 9 months, a causal age - 20 years). Since December 2002, it was decided to gradually transition to the contract basis, to a fully professional army. Military spending approx. $ 7 billion, or 1.1% of GDP (2001).

Economy Spain

Spain is an industrial-agricultural country with a developed, large-scale and diversified economy. In 2002, in terms of GDP ($ 796 billion), it ranked 5th in Western Europe and the 13th in the world. GDP per capita - $ 19400, which is 85% of mid-level 4 leading European countries. In 1991-2002, at the rate of average annual increase in GDP (3.1%), Spain a few points ahead of the Middle Equipment. Decisive factors of economic growth - domestic demand (increase of St. 4% annually in 2000-01), exports (9% in 2001), effective state economic policy.

In the sectoral structure, the share of rural, forestry and fishing accounted for 4%, industry and construction - 31%, services - 65% (2002). In agriculture, 8% of the economically active population is employed, in industry and construction - 28%, in the service sector - 64% (2000). Unemployment rate 12.2% (2.3 million people. In 2002), incl. The share of the unemployed in the total number of economically active male population - 9.7%, economically active women - 20.5%, among young people - 28.5%.

For industry, Spain is characterized by an increased proportion of industries working on consumer demand (38.3% in GDP), a relatively lower proportion of product in high-tech (6%), significant imbalances in the regional placement of industry. For three provinces - Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid accounts for almost 50% of the country's GDP. The manufacturing industry accounts for 19% of GDP (2001), incl. on the machine-building complex (transport, general, electrical, radio electronic engineering) 34% of GDP. The main driving force of the industrial development of Spain is the sector of telecommunications and information technologies (8% of GDP), the automotive industry (6% of GDP, or St. 3 million cars per year, 80% of which is exported, 2001). Unlike the automotive industry, practically fully controlled by foreign capital, in the information and telecommunication sector of the country, the world-famous Spanish TNC "Teleminika" is occupied, which controls the 1/10 world information technology market. In general, Spain on a number of manufacturing indicators (production of cars, machines, telecommunications equipment, petrochemical, chemical, textile products, and shoe products - 159 million pairs per year, the digestive industry) is included in the top ten of world manufacturers. Among other industries of the manufacturing industry are allocated: shipbuilding, black and non-ferrous metallurgy, pharmaceutical industry, construction of building materials and cement (38 million tons). From the branches of the fuel and energy complex with the highest dynamics, the oil refining, gas industry, nuclear power industry is characterized by the greatest dynamics. Electricity production - 223 billion / kW / h (2001). The oldest sector of the National Economy - the mining industry (less than 1% of GDP and 0.5% of all employed in industry) is represented by enterprises for the extraction and processing of metal ores, coal (23.4 million tons), zinc, copper, tin, tungsten, manganese, mercury (2.5 thousand tons, 30% of world production, 1st place in the world).

In agriculture, 40% of the cost of agrarian products falls on animal husbandry and poultry farming, 35% - on vegetable growing, gardening and viticulture (27.9 million tons in 2001), 25% on the grain sector. Despite the relatively developed and diversified agriculture, the latter is non-less unable to provide the country with such food products, like grain, meat, dairy products. The main, the most competitive types of agrarian products are citrus: oranges (40% of world production, 1st place in the world) and lemons (15%, 2nd place), olives and olive oil (1st place in the world), tomatoes , bone (peaches, apricots, plums) and seeds (apples, pears) culture, nuts (almonds). In the sizes of vineyards, Spain occupies 2nd place in the EU (after France), for the production of wine 4th place in the world. Bananas, potatoes, sacrarans (sugar beets and reeds), cotton, tobacco are also grown. Production of grain (wheat, barley, corn, oats) is oriented mainly on the domestic market. Spain is the 3rd grain imported in the world. The only type of grain, which Spain traditionally exports is rice. Livestock is mostly small and extensive. Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, mules and donkeys, a special livestock of bulls for Bulls are divorced. Production of livestock and birds per capita in a slaughter form - 118 kg. The fishing industry is one of the largest in Europe (1% GDP). Fish catch and mining other seafood per capita - 28.1 kg (2001).

The service sector provides 3.5% of the annual GDP growth (2001). Leading industry services: trade and public catering (22.5% of GDP), tourism (11% of GDP), monetary scope (7% of GDP).

In 2001, Spain visited 74.4 million foreign tourists (2nd place in the world after France), including 26.2 million so-called excursions (no night). Revenues from tourism amounted to almost $ 40 billion (3rd place in the world after the United States, France). 91% of tourists come to Spain from Europe. Departure russian tourists Spain was 221 thousand people. (2001). Revenues from tourism covered on a 136.6% negative balance of the country's trade balance, provide the work of 1.3 million people, have an impact on the development of transport and other industries. The sphere of tourism in Spain is under the control of the state, which is largely due to the possibilities of the country itself to develop tourism business, the desire to preserve the historical monuments of their culture.

In the monetary system of Spain there are approx. 150 banks with the total branches of 17,727 and the total number of employed 138,386 people. (2000). The Central Bank develops and implements credit and monetary policy, taking into account the introduction of the euro in the country. Characteristic feature The Spanish banking system is an extremely high level of concentration and centralization of production and capital. With gray 1980s, especially after Spain's accession to the EU, this process intensified even more. Four leading Spanish banks account for over 60% of bank deposits of the country. The high level of capital centralization is also characteristic of Spanish savings checks. In the beginning. 1990s. As a result of a series of mergers and acquisitions, two leading savings cash registers were created, accumulating St. 90% of personal savings of Spanish citizens.

The length of highways is 663.8 thousand km, incl. With a solid coating - 657.2 km (99%). Railways 12.5 thousand km (from them electrified - 7.1 thousand km). The main part of the railways belongs to the state company Renfe. By 2004 it is planned to begin the process of partial privatization of the company. Sea transport is transported by 80% of imported and 70% of export cargo, 1502 maritime commercial vessels are involved in the total displacement of St. 2 million tons. The number of airports is 110 (including private), their annual bandwidth is St. 80 million passengers. Number of users with mobile phones 12 million people. (2002), Internet 4.6 million people. (2001).

The Constitution of Spain defines the economic model of the country as a "free market economy" that state administration authorities "guarantee and protect in accordance with the requirements of general economic development and planning." At the same time, the state remains exceptional competence in economic policy issues. It is envisaged that the state will also "regulate the free private initiative on the basis of the country's general economic interests." The strategic task of the economic policy of the 1990s. - achieving the economic indicators of the EU Maastricht Agreements. Much attention is paid to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the structural restructuring of industry and the banking sector, including the privatization of individual state-owned enterprises. For 1993-2002, the budget deficit decreased from 7.1 to 1.1%, the inflation rate from 11.4 to 3.4%. The public debt is almost $ 63 billion (2002).

The structural restructuring of the industry is aimed at creating high-tech industries, modernization of production and rationalization of management structures of crisis industries (textile, shipbuilding, coal, energy, oil refining, black metallurgy) in order to increase their competitiveness, phased privatization of individual state enterprises, revision of their subsidies in order to increase their competitiveness performance efficiency. In general, the industry is raised the task of productivity growth, improve the quality of goods produced, increase the specific gravity (by 20-25%) goods with high added value, the elimination of excessive production facilities, achieve the optimal ratio of employment and technology by closing outdated shops and installations, replacement Their new high-performance equipment types. The main conductor of industrial policy is the Ministry of Industry, which is developing medium-term industrial development programs in general, as well as individual industries.

The most priority areas of state economic policy include the development of small and medium-sized businesses, whose role in the country's economy is exceptionally large. 97% of companies with a number of employed up to 50 people. There are 46% of employed and 60% of the total GDP volume. Special attention from the state (in terms of tax and preferential stimulation) is so-called. Sector of the public economy - the company of workers, cooperatives of united labor, collective action society, etc., combining (unlike public and private enterprises) commercial and social functions.

Tax reform was carried out in several stages and was aimed primarily to eliminate the anachronism of the taxation of the Frankist period. In the course of the reform, the ratio between direct and indirect taxes was given to the larger correspondence, the share of the latter decreased by almost 1.5 times; By the introduction of the progressive tax scale, the tax burden of the most secured layers of the population increased; Tax benefits lost land owners and the heirs of major states, added value added tax (instead of two dozen taxes existing under Frankizm), a progressive scale of taxation on the income of the entrepreneurial sector, improved the fiscal inspection and penalties. As a result of a sharp increase in tax collection, their share in GDP increased from 16% in 1975 to almost 37% in 2001.

The income and expenses of the state budget are 105 and $ 109 billion, respectively. (2000). 96% of the total volume of budget revenues falls on taxes, incl. Straight 29.7%, indirect 21%, deductions to the social fund 39%, property taxes 0.2%. In 2001, the central budget of the country controlled 65% of government spending compared with 90% in 1975, and without state-owned enterprises and social security systems - only 35%. Decentralization of budget funds and their transfer to the regional level is carried out mainly in the form of targeted subsidies on the line of inter-territorial compensation fund (FMK, created in 1984). The volume of financing of the regions is calculated according to a certain formula and automatically increases every 5 years. In the competence of the Center there are only long-term investments with the right of local authorities (at the level of municipalities) independently choose the mechanism for financing their investment projects. Along with the decentralization of budget funds, significant changes took place in the directions of their spending: the costs of state administration (reducing the share of wages of government officials) and military needs were reduced. In the structure of budget spending, the main volume (St. 50%) accounts for social security, health, education and culture, for state administration of 5.5%, for defense 3.2%.

Monetary policy ensured financial stability and coordination of economic policies in strict accordance with the tasks and priorities of structural reforms. At the same time, much attention was paid to the structural restructuring of the banking sector in the direction of its diversification (increasing the role of foreign banks, investment funds and insurance companies), overcoming emergency closets and orientation mainly on the domestic market (up to par. 1980s. Participation of even the largest national banks in International operations amounted to a little more than 1%), reducing direct state control over the financial and credit system, gradually integrating it into the EU monetary system. With the creation of a single internal EU market (1993), the last restrictions on the way of free capital movement were removed. In particular, the liberalized exit of Spanish securities for international financial markets, legislation is adopted, allowing credit operations between residents and non-residents, the opening of accounts by residents abroad, the national currency has become fully convertible. The only limitation that has been preserved for non-residents - they cannot invest their funds in the "National Interest" industry: Railways, Radio, Television, Military Industry.

The main priorities of social policy are the fight against unemployment, the field of education, health care, social security. In 2001, government spending on the social sphere amounted to 16% of GDP (against 8% in 1975). Social security system is represented by a single and 5 special modes (for agricultural workers, miners, economically active population, civil servants and military) covering 95.5% of the country's population. 2/3 Social Security Systems is on the payment of social revenues (pensions in old age, disability, insurance payments from accidents, etc.), 50% of these payments - old-age pensions. Sources of social benefits: budget financing and contributions to the social insurance system (66% of the total amount of social spending), incl. Entrepreneurial contributions (85%), feasible contributions (15%). Pension payments (in old age) and unemployment benefits amount to more than 55% (14.5% in 1975) of the total amount of social security. Along with a relatively high average pension size (60-100% of the average wage), the annual increase in the volume of the minimum retirement and the mechanism of indexing pensions (at the beginning of each fiscal year), depending on the growth rates of consumer prices, increased the pension system handling, The State Council for the Elderly Affairs, which coordinates the activities of relevant regional departments involved in the development and implementation of gerontological plans is established. The influence of private pension funds, despite the high dynamics of their growth, remains insignificant yet. They cover 20% of the economically active population of the country, and the volume of 5% accumulated funds. Unemployment benefits receive 70% of the total number of unemployed.

The health system is predominantly state. The share of public health expenditures 7.4% of GDP (2001). The administrative and organizational functions of the management system at the federal level are assigned to the National Institute of Health, which works in close cooperation with most subordinate to him and with independent regional health authorities. Taking 83% of health expenditures, the government has largely strengthened the prestige of the state health system, ensured a high quality level of public health services and free access to them 99.5% of the country's population. At the first stage of clinical treatment, patients pay only 40% of the cost of drugs, chronically patients with 10%, pensioners are fully exempted from their payment. The state finances 70% of the pharmaceutical goods sold in the domestic market, which is one of the highest indicators in the EU.

Foreign economic policy is aimed at developing exports, diversify its commodity and geographic structure, reducing trade deficit. Spain's share in world trade rose from 1.6% in 1975 to 4.4% in 2001, incl. By export from 0.7 to 1.9%, import from 0.9 to 2.5%, respectively. Exports of goods $ 111 billion: Agricultural raw materials and food accounts for 19%, semi-finished products - 40%, ready-made industrial goods - 41% (of which, on high-tech products - 8%, 2001). Imports of $ 144 billion. Almost 60% of Spanish imports are agricultural and food products, raw materials, energy and technologically complex manufacturing products. The main articles of engineering exports (21% of the total exportation) are vehicles (cars, vessels and ship equipment, machine tools for easy and food industry, equipment for nuclear power plants). Among the export specialization of Spain - petroleum products (6% of world exports), products of black and non-ferrous metallurgy, food, lightweight and shoe industry, building materials, cement. In imports, the proportion of high-tech products, oil and petroleum products, chemical goods, metals and products of them, coniferous lumber, food (10%), inclible, including Grains (30% of all food purchases). Main trading partners: EU (approx. 70% of foreign trade turnover); Developing countries (18%), incl. Latin America countries (9%); USA (5%); China and Japan (3%); Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (4%), including the Russian Federation (1.6%).

One of the main problems of Spanish foreign trade is a chronic trading deficit ($ 30 billion in 2001). Despite the accelerated growth rates of commodity export, the export coverage of imports tends to reduce. In 2001, he amounted to 74% against 80% in 1995.

The inflow of foreign direct investment in Spain $ 36 billion (2001), and the amount of accumulated foreign direct investment is $ 160 billion (2001). Major investors: EU (approx. 70% of the total volume) and the United States (17%). The volume of accumulated direct Spanish investments abroad is also large - 160 billion dollars, of which 60% falls on Latin America, 35% on the EU. The negative balance of payment balance for current operations is 19 billion dollars. (2001), state foreign debt 90 billion dollars. (1997).

In 2000, Spain's exports in the Russian Federation amounted to 0.7 billion dollars, imports - 1.6 billion dollars; sv. 80% accounted for oil and other commodities. Compared to 1995, the annual influx of Spanish investments in the Russian economy increased by more than 2 times, overall volume Accumulated Spanish investments in the Russian Federation - approx. $ 100 million (2000).

Spain Science and Culture

In 2002, education expenses amounted to 6% in GDP (against 2.3% in 1975), in the budget - 12%, incl. On the initial 33.3%, the average is 47.9%, the highest 16.9%. Education is mainly state, four-level: pre-school, secondary mandatory (from 6 to 16 years), optional special (from 16 to 18 years), university. The education system over the years of democratic transformations has undergone significant reform in the direction of universalization and openness for all social groups, decentralization of management, and most importantly - to improve the qualitative level of training-oriented standards for the preparation of labor. The management of secondary education system is transferred to the regional level, preschool and primary education - municipalities. Only regulatory, controlling and coordinating functions in a nationwide, including the distribution of funds for educational purposes, remain under the central government. The deadlines for compulsory free secondary education increased to 10 years, including secondary vocational education, which is obtained by 30% of Spanish students. In general, 90% of children under the age of 16 are graduates of secondary schools (2001). The proportion of persons aged 25-34 years with incomplete secondary education in the total number of employed fell to 45%, at the age of 20-24 years - up to 15%, while among the 55-year-olds this indicator - St. 90%. A system of vocational training and retraining of personnel has been created (practically not existing in Franco) for the adult population of the country, including further employment in a new specialty. Vocational training programs are developed at the regional administration level in collaboration with local educational institutions, entrepreneurial associations and trade unions, taking into account the real demand for labor. For the 1980-2001, the number of student young people increased from 500 thousand to more than 1.5 million (30.5% of the total number of youth), and the share of persons with higher education in the total function of the working-age population increased from 5 to almost 9%. By ensuring the complete independence of the educational process of universities and their autonomy, the state nevertheless assumed the bulk of higher education financing: 47 (out of 57) of higher educational institutions of today's Spain are state, 97% of the total number of student youth of the country are studying.

The share of R & D in GDP rose from 0.5% in 1975 to 1.1% in 2002. The number of scientists in the total number of employed doubled and amounted to 120,618 people. (2000). The number of scientists who received a doctorate increased by 33%, incl. in the technical field by 50%. State share in R & D financing 47% (2000). The first National Development Plan of R & D was adopted in 1986, it was complemented by a number of sectoral plans for the development of high-tech industries (electronic industry, automation and computerization, new materials, biotechnology). There is a center for the development of technology and industry. The task of the Center is to attract large foreign investors in high-tech industries in exchange for tax breaks and loans, the preparation of senior management and engineering personnel, especially in the field of information technology. I. actively participates in EU scientific and technical programs.

Spanish culture is a unique synthesis of Romance (Latin), Arab, European and, of course, distinctive national culture. The main real embodiment of this synthesis is Spanish, belonging to the Romance Group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bwith a significant admixture of Arab words. The centuries-old impact of Islamic culture is no less noticeable in numerous literary (in Spanish folklore) and architectural monuments of Cordoba, Malaga, Seville, Zaragoza, Granada. The period of 12-15 centuries. associated with the advent of the first national epic "poems about my Side", Castilian literature, introduction of typography (1474), the creation of the original poetic lyrics (famous Spanish romances), the architectural masterpieces of Juan de Errera, the artistic creations of Luis de Morales and El Greco, who reflected the era of humanism and became the harborers of the golden century of Spanish culture. His most vivid representatives: Miguel Cervantes de Saoveoverov, Lope Felis de Vega Carpio, Tirsco de Molina, Pedro Calderon de la Barka (in literature), Diego Velasquez, F. Surbaran, H. Ribera, Bartoloma Esteban Murillio (in painting). Spanish culture of the 19th century, which was influenced by French classicism, and later neoclassicism, is associated with the literary names of Manuel José Kintan, Benito Peres Galdos, in painting, she was marked by the appearance of a genius artist Francisco de Goya, in architecture left such creations as the Prado Museum in Madrid . At the turn of 19-20 centuries. The grantee of the largest Spanish philosopher and the historian of the Spanish literature Marcelino Menendes-I-Pelaio, which had a huge impact on the subsequent generation of Spanish scientists, social and political figures, philosophers and writers. A decisive role in the creation of a Spanish culture of 20 V. Two generations played: the so-called "generation of 98 years", which in the spiritual plan was impressed by the "national catastrophe" of Spain, caused by its defeat in the war of 1898, and "Generation of the 30s.", Witnesses of another historical tragedy of the Spanish people - Civil War 1936-39. The most vivid representatives of these two generations of Spanish writers, philosophers and socio-political figures are Miguel de Namununo-I-Huso, Pio Baroho-I-Nomi, Asorin (José Martinez Luis), Antonio Machado, Garcia Lorca, and others, who were tensely searched for " The national idea of \u200b\u200bSpain, the path of its further spiritual, economic and political revival. Other directions of cultural development of Spain in the 20th century. Associated with the names of the Great Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi, which posted the beginning of the era of modernism and avant-garde in Spanish art. Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Salvador Dali and Joan Miro were the greatest representatives of the latter. In the past decade, the contribution of Spain to world culture was made outstanding architects of modern Calatrava, sut, Bilol, artists and sculptures Tapies, Antonio Lopez, Barcelo, Chilide, and others, who expressed themselves in the creations of a huge author's personality.

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And Galis. Reino de España, Cat. REGNE D "ESPANYA, BASK. ESPAINIAKO ERRESUMA, OX. REIALME D" ESPANHA) - a state in the south-west of Europe with the capital in the city of Madrid. Spain occupies most of the Pyrenean Peninsula. According to one of the versions, the name of the country comes from the Phoenician expression "and-pile" - "Coast of Rabbits". It occupies 4/5 of the territory of the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary and Balearic Islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b504,782 km² (together with small sovereign territories on the African coast, Ceut's cities and Melilla), being the fourth largest country in Europe after Russia, Ukraine and France. The average surface height of Spain is 650 meters above sea level. The country is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe.

Physico-geographical characteristics


Relief Spain is very diverse. The center of the country is at a distance of 300 kilometers from the sea. In the relief, the dominant role is played by the systems of mountain ranges and high-altitude plane.

Plateau and mountains make up about 90 percent of its territory. Almost half of the country's surface is extensive, the largest in Europe is high - with a medium height of 660 meters - a plane bearer. It is characterized by alternating the plateau, folded-boulder ridges and mountain boollins. The central Cordillera shares the reselle into two parts: North and South.

Pyrenees are several parallel ridges stretching from west to east by 450 kilometers. This is one of the most hard-to-reach mining countries in Europe. Although an average of them is not very high (just over 2500 meters), they have only a few conveniently located passes. All passes are located at an altitude of 1500-2000 m. Therefore, only four railways go from Spain to France: two of them bypass Pyrenees along the coast from the North-West and Southeast, and two more railways cross the Pyrenees in the Aerbe sites - Molon- Saint-Marie and Ripol - Prad, through the system of tunnels. The most wide and high part of the mountains is central. Here is the main top of the peak anetho, reaching 3405 meters.

From the northeast, the system of Iberian mountains is adjacent, the maximum height (Mont-Kayo peak) is 2313 meters.

Between the Eastern Pyrenees and Iberian Mountains, low Catalan Mountains, the southern slopes of which are broken down to the Mediterranean Sea. Catalan Mountains (average heights of 900-1200 meters, the vertex - Mount Karo, 1447 meters) followed by 400 kilometers in almost parallel to the seach of the Mediterranean Sea and actually separate the Aragon plateau from him. Sections of coastal plains, developed in Murcia, Valencia and Catalonia north of Cape Palos to the border with France, are distinguished by high fertility.

The entire southeast of the Pyrenean Peninsula is busy Cordillery-Betika, which is a system of arrays and ridges. The crystal axis serves the mountains of Sierra Nevada. In height, they are inferior in Europe only Alps. Their vertex, Moulasen Mountain, reaching 3478 meters, is the highest point of the peninsular Spain. However, the highest mountain peak of Spain is located on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands) is a Tadeid volcano, the height of which reaches 3718 meters.

Most of the Spanish territory is located at an altitude of about 700 meters above sea level. This is the second in altitude country in Europe after Switzerland.

The only large lowland is Andaluskaya - located in the south of the country. In the northeast of Spain in the valley of r. Ebro spread the Aragon Plain. Smaller lowland sizes stretch along the Mediterranean Sea. According to Andalusian lowland, one of the main rivers of Spain (and the only shipping in the lower current) is Guadalquivir. The rest of the rivers, including the largest: Tahoe and Duero, the lower reaches of which are located on the territory of neighboring Portugal, Ebro, Guadiana, are characterized by sharp seasonal fluctuations in the level and the philanthropy.

Large countries of the country suffer from lack of water. The problem of erosion is connected with this - millions of tons of the top layer of soil are revealed annually.


Spain is one of the most warm states in Western Europe. The average number of sunny days is 260-285. The average annual temperature on the Mediterranean coast is 20 degrees of heat. In winter, the temperature is descended below the zero usually only in the central and northern regions of the country. In the summer, the temperature rises to 40 degrees and above (from the central part to southern coast). On the north coast, the temperature is not as high - about 25 degrees of heat.

For Spain, very deep internal climatic differences are characteristic, and it only can be fully related to the Mediterranean climatic area. These differences are manifested both in temperature and in annual amounts of precipitation.

On the extreme northwest The climate is mild and wet with weak fluctuations in temperature during the year and a large amount of precipitation. The permanent winds from the side of the Atlantic bring a lot of moisture, mainly in winter, when misty and cloudy weather prevails with frosting rains, almost without frost and snow. The average temperature of the coldest month is the same as in the north-west of France. Summer roast and wet, average temperature Rarely below 16 degrees of heat. Annual precipitation exceeds 1070 mm, and in some places reaches 2000 mm.

Completely different conditions in internal parts Countries - on the Plateau of the Old and New Castile and the Aragonian Plain. In these areas, the influence of the plate-butted relief, considerable height and local continental air affects. They are characterized by a relatively small amount of precipitation (no more than 500 mm per year) and sharp fluctuations in temperature by season. In the old Castile and on the Aragonian plain there are pretty cold winters with frost and strong, sharp winds; Summer roast and pretty dry, although the maximum of precipitation falls at this season of the year. In the new Castile, the climate is a bit softer, with a heavier winter, but also with a small amount of precipitation. Agriculture in all these areas needs artificial irrigation.

The soil

In the north-west of Spain on the seaside plains and the mountains of the mountains of the mountains are developed, brown forest soil. The internal areas of the country - old and new Castilla, Iberian Mountains and Aragon Plateau - are characterized by brown soil; In the most dry flags, low-power carbonate gray-brown soil are presented with plots of salt marshes in relief depressions. Series are developed in arid landscapes of Murcia. They are nongeposons and are not sleeping, with irrigation give high yields of fruit and other cultures. Heavy-fledged Barros soil on flat ancient alleavial plains is distinguished, especially favorable to cultivating rice.

Flora and fauna

A variety of climatic conditions - from wet in the north to arid in the south - determines the heterogeneity of the flora and vegetation of Spain. In the north, the traits of similarities with Central Europe are manifested, and in the south - with Africa. Footprints of forest vegetation in Murcia, La Manha and Granada show that in the past, a significant part of Spain was obsessed, but now the forests and gentlemen occupy only 30% of the country area, and only 5% accounts for full-fledged closed trees.

In the north-west of the country, evergreen oak forests grow. In mountain forests, more deciduous types of oaks, along with a beech, ash, birch and chestnas, which is typical of Central Europe. In the inner areas of Spain, small arrays of dry evergreen forests are preserved with a predominance of oak, intermitted with pine forests and shrubs. In the most arid areas of the new Castile, the Aragon Plateau and Murcia there are semi-desert fragments (usually in salt marsh).

In those areas of Southern Spain, where more precipitation falls, especially along the coast, presents typical Mediterranean shrub-herbal communities such as Harrig and Tomillar. For harrigues, the participation of local species of the flock and cornflowers is characterized, for Tomillary - the presence of aromatic lubricate (shrub species of thyme, rosemary, etc.), as well as Lanenik. A special kind of harriga constitutes scattered thickets of the dwarf fan palm, very characteristic of Andalusia, as well as communities with the predominance of High Grass Alpha, or Esparto, is a hardy xerophyte that gives a strong fiber.

In the fauna of Spain, Central European and African connections are obvious. There are two varieties of brown bear (large Asturian and smaller, black suit, found in Pyrenees), Lynx, Wolf, Fox, Forest Cat deserve among European species. Deer, hares, squirrels and moles are found. In Spain and North Africa, an eagle-grain is found, and Blue Forty-founded on the Pyrethical Peninsula also found in East Asia. On both sides of the Gibraltar Strait there are genes, Egyptian mangone and one type of chameleon.


Spain's minerals: SPACE depths are replete with mineral resources. Especially significant reserves of metal ores, whose deposits are associated with the exits of the folded base of the place or with volcanic rocks of mountain structures. On the northwestern outskirts, there are tin, tungsten and uranium ores within the North-West Outcasts of the Galli Massif. In the southern outskirts of the place stretched a strip of lead-zinc-silver deposits. There is also a major mercury field, which has world importance - Almaden. Iron ores are available in the north and south of Spain. They are confined to the structures of the Mesozoic and Alpine magmatic cycles. These are famous deposits of the Bilbao district on the northern slope of the Biscay mountains and in Almeria on the southern slope of the Betsky Cordiller. In the north in the deposits of carbon, filling the foothill depression of the Asturian Mountains, is the largest coal pool in the country. In addition, small stone coal deposits are on the southern slope of the mountains and in some other areas. In the Cenozoic sediments of intermountain and inturn depressions, the thickness of salts and brown coal lie. Significant stocks of potash salts are located within the Ebro Plain.

However, it is worth noting that most mineral deposits in the country have very modest sizes and are quite exhausted, as many deposits of other European regions, which makes Spain dependent on imports of minerals, mainly from North Africa.


Spain airports are subordinated to public organizations Spanish airports and air navigation (Aeropuertos Españoles Y Navegación Aéna (Aena)), which, in turn, is subject to the Ministry of Development (Ministerio de Fomento de España). According to Catalonia's autonomy law, three Catalan airports were transferred to the Catalonia in the Catalonia, which they manage together with the AEROCAT public organization. Madrid Airport (Barajas) with passenger traffic 50.8 million in 2008 is one of the most downloaded airports in the world. Barcelona Airport (El Prat) served 30 million passengers in 2008. Less loaded airports are located in Grand Canaria, Malaga, Valencia, Seville, Mallorca, Alicante and Bilbao.

Spanish airlines are: Air Europa, Air Nostrum, Air Pullmantur, Binter Canarias, Iberia Lae, Iberworld, Islas Airways, Spanair, Vueling Airlines.

Spain intends to have a million electric vehicles by 2014, as part of a government plan for energy saving and improving ecology.

Light industry

Food industry

In the food industry, winemaking is highlighted (for the production of Spain's vinewall in Europe only France and Italy), production of vegetable oil (1.7 million tons in 1996; Spain is a global leader in the production of olive oil (about 0.5 million tons per year ), Fruit and vegetables and canned food. Spain is included in the top ten world manufacturers of cars, ships, forging equipment and gas compressors, machine tools, petroleum products and chemical goods. Half of industrial production is concentrated in the north-east (Catalonia), the north of the country (Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country) and in Big Madrid.


The leading industry of agriculture is crop production (gives St. 1/2 product cost). Grow wheat (about 20% of sowing areas), barley, corn (in the central and southern regions of the country), rice (on irrigated lands of the Mediterranean coast; its yield in Spain is one of the highest in the world), potatoes and sugar beets, legumes, Tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables (vegetables occupy 60% of sowing areas), olives - (leading place for the cultivation of olives in the world) - (Andalusia, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura), citrus and tobacco. Viticulture - on Mediterranean coast And in the regions of Castile La Mancha, Extremadura. Almonds are grown in the very south of the country (the leading place for exports in Western Europe), dates and sugar cane (in Europe only grow in Spain), figs, grenades, cotton.


Spain is part of the top ten countries of the world on the catch of fish and seafood (1.1 million tons in 1996) and their processing, is a major exporter of fresh fish and canned fish.

The main part of the fishery is conducted off the coast of Basque and Galicia. Sardin, Heck, Macrel, Anchovs and Cod are most excited. Every year, 20-25% of all ulov is recycled on canned food.

Banking sector

Spain's banks need recapitalization in the amount of 59.3 billion euros, testify the results of stress tests posted on the website of the Spanish Central Bank. The financial crisis in Spain led to the explosion of separatism. The economic crisis in Spain begins to gradually grow into political. On the one hand, the regions with their extremely weak banks need to help the government of the country. On the other hand, some territories, in particular Catalonia, believe that without the leadership and guiding hand, Madrid would feel much better.

The crisis was not limited to the financial sphere. Real estate prices fell, which in turn increased unemployment. The Spanish construction company Martinsa-Fadesa announced bankruptcy, since she failed to refinance the debt of 5.1 billion euros. In the second quarter, real estate prices in Spain fell by 20%. In the region of Castile - La Mancha, approximately 69% of all buildings built in the past three years have not yet been sold. Deutsche Bank expects a 35 percent fall of real estate prices in Spain by 2011. Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Sapatero, accused the European Central Bank to aggravate the situation due to raising interest rates.


Dynamics of population change:

  • - 6.5 million people;
  • G. - 4.5 million people;
  • G. - 6 million people;
  • G. - 11.3 million people;
  • G. - 6.2 million people;
  • - 11.55 million people;
  • G. - 18.6 million people;
  • - 24.1 million people;
  • G. - 29.9 million people;
  • G. - 36.3 million people;
  • G. - 45.97 million people.

The population of Spain is 46.16 million people (October 2011).

According to genetic studies of the Lida University, conducted in 2008, 20% of the modern population of Spain has Jewish roots, and 11% have Arab and Berber roots.


In the south-west coast of Iberia, a culture arises in the bronze age, from which at the end of 2 thousand. After the depletion of the mines, Tartesse is designed.

Along the east coast of Spain in the III millennium BC. e. Iberian tribes appeared; Some hypotheses associate their pranodine with North Africa. From these tribes occurs ancient name Peninsula - Iberian. In the middle of the II millennium BC. e. Ibra began to settle in fortified villages in the territory of modern Castile. Eberes were engaged in mainly farming, cattle breeding and hunting, knew how to make workers of labor from copper and bronze. Eberes used a paleoispan letter created by the Tart Wece. The language of the Iberians was not relative to the Tartiassian.

There are Roman evidence that the liguras lived in Spain, but nothing is known in the historical period about their existence.

In the late bronze age in Iberia, the culture of the fields of burial urns penetrates (the residue of which in the historical period was probably lusitans), and at the beginning of 1 thousand to n. e. Most of Iberia colonize Celtic tribes. Part of the Celts, inhabit the neighborhood with the elements, hitting their influence, created a Celtiberian culture; The Celts, inhabited in the western part, retained a relatively conservative lifestyle, were sureless. Celts of Iberia gladly as warriors. It was they who invented a double-edged sword, subsequently became the standard armament of the Roman army and used against its own inventors.

XX century

XXI Century

In March 2004, in Madrid, 13 explosions thundered at the approaches to the train station at Atomk, as a result of which 191 was killed and 2050 people were injured. This terrorist attack was organized by the underground Islamist organization, which followed the ideology of Al-Qaida. The explosions occurred three days before the parliamentary elections and became the answer of terrorists on the participation of the Spanish military in the military operation in Iraq. Most of the Spaniards laid a blame for the terrorist attacks on the Government of Prime Minister José Maria Asnara, who sent Spanish troops in support of the United States and Great Britain. The ASNARA government adopted this decision unilaterally, without coordinating it with Parliament (Kurdes) and contrary to mass protests civil societywho speaking on thousands of demonstrations against the participation of the Spanish army in the war. In addition, mass surveys of the population held by the state agency, indicated that about 80% of the country's population was against Spain's accession to the war. The People's Party Headed by Asnaar lost the election on March 14, 2004.

In early 2004, New Socialist Government José Luis Rodriguez Sapatero made a steep turn in Spain's foreign policy: from the support of the US course to solidarity with most European countries. After the victory in the elections on March 14, 2004, the Socialist Government brought the Spanish troops from Iraq, thus, by completing the important paragraph of the electoral program of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (ICRP). In the subsequent parliamentary elections held in 2008, the victory again won the ICRP. New parliamentary elections in Spain took place on November 20, 2011.

In 2005, same-sex marriages were legalized in Spain. Thus, Spain became the third state in the world, after Holland and Belgium, recognizing the legal equality of the marriage unions regardless of the floor of the spouses. Currently, same-sex marriages are recognized in many countries, as well as in some US states.

One of the problems of modern Spain is the problem of immigration. Basically, residents of Maghreb and Latin America countries come to Spain. At the beginning of the new century, 2.5 million Latin Americans were located on approximate estimates, 800 thousand of which were located in Spain. However, after 2004 terrorist attacks, the ratio of the Spaniards to immigrants has significantly changed.

Political structure

Administrative division

50 provinces included in 17 autonomous regions. Also within Spain are 2 so-called autonomous cities (Ciudades auto) in Africa - Ceuta, Melilla and sovereign territories of Spain.

  • Andalusia (Span. Andalucía.)
  • Aragon (Span. Aragón.)
  • Asturias (Span. PrinciPado de Asturias.)
  • Balearic Islands (Span. Islas Baleares., Cat. Illes Balears.)
  • Basque Country (Span. País Vasco.Basque. Euskadi.)
  • Valencia (Span. Comunidad Valenciana.)
  • Galicia (Span. Galicia., Galis. Galiza.)
  • Canary Islands (Span. Islas Canarias.)
  • Cantabria (Span. Cantabria.)
  • Castile - La Mancha (Span. Castilla-La Mancha)
  • Castile and Leon (Span. Castilla Y León.)
  • Catalonia (Span. Cataluña., Cat. Catalunya.)
  • Madrid (under the rights of the autonomous region) (Span. Madrid)
  • Murcia (Span. Región de Murcia)
  • Navarre (Span. Navarra.Basque. Nafarroa.)
  • Rioha (Span. La Rioja.)
  • Extremadura (Span. Extremadura.)


The largest cities of Spain are:


Spain is rightfully considered a museum under open sky. The expanses of this country carefully keep cultural and historical monuments that have world glory.

The most famous Museum of Spain - Prado Museum - is located in Madrid. Its extensive exposure is impossible to examine in one day. The museum was founded by Isabella Bragancan, the wife of King Ferdinand VII. Prado has its own branch located in Kason del Boen-Retiro and storing unique collections of Spanish painting and sculpture of the XIX century, as well as works of English and French painters. In the same museum, large expositions of Spanish, Italian, Netherlands, Flemish and German art are presented. His name Prado is obliged to Allea Prado de San Heronimo, where it is located, laid in the era of the Enlightenment. Currently, the funds of the Prado Museum are 6,000 paintings, more than 400 sculptures, as well as numerous jewels, including royal and religious collections. For several centuries, many kings patronized their existence of Prado.

It is believed that the very first collection of the Prado Museum has developed in Karl I, known as the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Karl V. His heir, King Philip II, became famous not only for his bad character and despotism, but also with love for art. It is him that the museum is obliged to the invaluable acquisitions of paintings of the brush of Flemish masters. Philip was distinguished by the gloom of worldview, it is not surprising that the ruler was a fan of Bosch - an artist known for his bizarre pessimistic fantasy. Originally, Philip purchased Bosch's canvas for an escorial - the hereditary castle of the Spanish kings. And only in the XIX century the paintings were transferred to the Prado Museum. Now you can see such masterpieces of the Netherlands Master, as the "Garden of pleasure" and "WHO SENA". Currently, in the museum you can enjoy not only painting and sculptures, but also theatrical productions designed to "revive" the famous canvases. The first such dramatization was devoted to the pictures of Velasquez and enjoyed tremendous success among the public.

In Spain, there are still many unique museums and galleries: the Picasso Museum and the National Museum of Catalonia Art, located in Barcelona, National Museum Sculptures in Valladolid, El Greco Museum in Toledo, Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Museum of Spanish Abstract Art in Cenque.

Spanish cuisine


The main sport in Spain is football from the beginning of the 20th century. Basketball, Tennis, Cycling, Handball, Motorsport and, Recently, Formula 1 is also important thanks to the presence of Spanish champions in all these disciplines. Today, Spain is a leading world sports power, the development of sports in the country especially pushed the summer Olympic Games in Barcelona. In 2008, Spain won the European Football Championships, and in 2010 - victory at the World Cup. In 2012, Spain won the European Football Championships over Italy with a score of 4: 0.
In general, in the 2000s, Spain prefabricated the world and European championships in almost all game sports: football, basketball, water polo, hockey on grass, hockey on rollers, handball, volleyball and Davis Cup Tennis.

It is also worth noting that the Football Club "Real Madrid" is officially recognized as the best club in the world of the 20th century.

Armed forces

In the new doctrine of 1/2004, terrorism is announced by the main enemy of Spain (both external and inner). It is noted that from now on, Spanish troops will be able to take part in international peacekeeping promotions, directly approved by the UN or, as it were in Kosovo, which enforce with the obvious support of the global community. In addition, the Spanish Parliament will be required to participate in hostilities.

The new military doctrine elevated the role of the Jemad Defense Staff, which is headed by General Felix Sans. At the end of October 2004, he made a statement about the need to "balance" the unequal relationship between Spain And the United States, which established after 1953, when Spain and the United States signed a military agreement on defense cooperation, through which the United States received the right to use several major military bases in Spain.

In 2001, Spain canceled military service and completely passed to the professional army.

In Spain there are no laws prohibiting open gays and lesbians to serve in the armed forces. On March 4, 2009, the Minister of Defense of Spain Karma Chacon (the first woman in this post) issued a decree that abolishing the previously existed law, which forbade transsexuals to serve in the armed forces.

Foreign policy of Spain

The preamble of the Constitution of Spain proclaims the willingness to "cooperate in strengthening peaceful relations and cooperation with all countries of the world." Currently, the external policy of Spain is mainly based on three directions: Europe (especially the EU), the Ibero American direction, the countries of the Mediterranean.

To date, Spain has diplomatic relations with all UN countries. Recently, Spain has a relationship with Bhutan (since October 2010), South Sudan (after its independence from Sudan in July 2011) and the Karibati state (since September 2011).

On April 12, 1994, "Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Spain was signed. At present, the bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Spain have an extensive contractual-legal basis: the basis of interaction in various fields is formed more than 50 contracts, agreements, protocols and other documents.


In the foreign policy of Spain, Morocco occupies one of the key places for which the Moroccan Kingdom is an essential African partner, at least due to territorial proximity. The main directions of Spanish politics in Morocco are: questions related to the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, an unresolved problem with Western Sugar, the problems of illegal migration, the issues of termination of drug smuggling, etc.

The most actively developed relations between Spain and the countries of Maghreb after coming to power in Spain of the Socialist Party in 1982.

Under the government of the People's Party, led by Prime Minister H. M. Asnar, who were in power from 1996 to 2004, the relationship was good could not be called and they were rather instability, in particular, a bright place occupies a conflict around the island of Oceil (Leila) in 2002.

Socialists who came again to power in April 2004, led by José Luis Rodriguez Sapatero, had a hard intention to improve relations with their neighbors and, first of all with Morocco. After meeting Mohamed VI and Juan Carlos in 2005, the relationship between the two monarchs was noticeably improved. The conflict in Western Sahara, which has arisen quite a long time, has always had an adverse effect on the relationship between the two countries. After torn the four-sided conference, Morocco in 1975 sanctioned the "green march" to Western Sahara in order to "purify" Western Sahara from Spain. The result was an agreement between Spain, Mauritania and Morocco on the transfer of temporary control over Morocco and Mauritania's sugar.

An important composite relationship between the two countries is close economic ties. In 1995, the Government of Morocco decides to put everything in foreign investors, the most important of which are Spain and France.

Peacekeeping missions

The Armed Forces of Spain consisting of 3,000 people took part in 5 EU peacekeeping missions, NATO, UN. These are mission: International Security Promotion Forces (ISAF) in Afghanistan; EUFOR in Bosnia and Herzegovina; KFOR in Kosovo; FINUL in Lebanon and UN mission in Darfur (Chad).

Various questions

Transport in Spain

The length of roads is 328,000 km. Car park - more than 19 million cars. In roads, 90% of passenger and 79% of cargo transportation are carried out. The length of the railways is 14589 km. Transported about 6.5% of all goods terrestrial transport and 6% of passengers.

In maritime transport, about 300 vessels are involved in total displacement of 1.511 million tons. Courts under Spanish flags are transported from 30 million tons of foreign trade cargo annually. 24. sea ports Almost 93% of all transportation are controlled.

The leading place is engaged in air transport. Of the 42 airports 34 carry out regular transportation. Through international Airport Madrid passes 56 million passengers every year. Airport in Barcelona serves about 30 million passengers annually.

Education in Spain

Spain has a system of compulsory free secondary education from 6 to 16 years. About 70% study in public schools, 96.5% in state universities.

The largest universities of the country: Madrid Autonomous University, complutence (in Madrid), Barcelona Central and Autonomous, Santiago de compostea, Politechnical University in Valencia.

Media in Spain

Spain has a well-developed media network. 137 newspapers and about 1000 journals are published. The most read daily newspapers: "PAIA", "Mundo", "Vangardia", "ABC", "Periodico", "Mark". Magazines for women "Patrones", Labores Del Hogar, Moda.

The leading radio stations are Sir, Kope, Radio Nacional de España (RNE). The International Department of the Spanish National Radio, known as Radio Exterior de España leads its programs in Spanish and six foreign languages. The Russian Spanish Investigation Service works (with a slight break) since the times of Franco, but less known than similar broadcasters in Russian from the USA, Germany, France.

The largest television channels: yours (covers the entire territory of the country), private studios "Telezinko" and "Antenna 3", as well as round-the-world news canal 24 HORAS, broadcasting worldwide. Autonomous communities have its own regional television broadcasting, including in national languages.

Siesta in Spain

Crime in Spain

In recent years, the share of immigrants among Spanish offenders has gradually increased. This is due to the enhancement of immigration to Spain (including illegal) from African countries, as well as from Latin America. Among the latter, two gangs from the Dominican Republic were especially intensified: Dominicans Don't Play (Dominicans are not joking) and Trinitarios ("Trinitarians" - named so in honor of the underground organization "La Trinitaria", which foils for the independence of the Dominan Republic from Haiti in 1838 ).

Real estate market in Spain

The average cost of the square meter in Spain for the 1st trimester of 2011 is 1777.6 euros (1793.8 euros - new construction; 1764.8 euros - from the "second hands"). The highest prices (in € / m²): San Sebastian - 3762.3; San Kugat Del Valles - 3282.6; Goetcho - 3224.3; Barcelona - 3103.5; Pozuelo de Alarcon - 2964.0; Madrid - 2921.0.

Basic real estate in Spain is villas, apartments and apartments. At the moment, the purchase of real estate in Spain has become more profitable, since on August 20, 2011, the Spanish government, temporarily changed the tax - VAT when buying new housing from 8% by 4%.

Telecommunications in Spain

In astronomy

In honor of Spain, the asteroid (804) of Spain, open on March 20, 1915 by the Spanish Astronomer José Komas Sola in the Far Observatory in Barcelona. It was the first asteroid, open from Spain.

see also

See also: