International flight and types. All types of flights by plane: direct and with a connection

In order to simply find and buy a ticket for a charter, use the search form, otherwise read on.

When regular flights do not cope with the task set before them and a huge number of passengers cannot get to the right place without the opportunity,
charter flights come to the rescue. As a rule, this applies to holiday seasons when the influx of tourists exceeds the capacity of the regular fleet of airlines.

In English, charter is a flight on a chartered plane.
So a charter flight Is a flight that is not included in the main flight schedule of a particular airline.

To organize such an irregular flight, it will be necessary to draw up a so-called lease agreement between the airline, which is ready to provide its aircraft
for temporary use, and the second party, which, as a rule, are travel agencies.

In this case, the airline is considered freighter, and the travel agency - charterer.

In addition to unloading airports during the tourist boom, charter flights can be used for other purposes, for example, to transport a delegation of politicians or scientists to
international conference. In order to better understand the concept of charters, consider the types of such flights.

Types of charter flights

  • Split charter are called combined flights, which include two segments of the route: the first part of the route is carried out by a regular flight, and the remaining segment is by charter.
    This principle of flight is simply necessary when transporting passengers to remote or inaccessible corners of the planet.
    The need for such a flight arises when the airline cannot ensure the delivery of the passenger to the final destination due to the lack of regular flights or for other reasons.
    There are situations when a passenger has to transfer from plane to plane more than two times, such transportation is called poly charter.
  • Charter with a crap is a flight, when the plane brings a certain group of passengers to the destination, then it goes to the so-called sump and waits until the same passengers gather back.
    In this case, the charterer also has to pay extra for the lease of the sump, but this is much cheaper than sending an empty plane home.
    This type of charter is used for a maximum of 7-10 day trips, otherwise the cost of renting a sedimentation tank exceeds the permissible costs and the entire flight becomes ineffective.
  • Shuttle charter- it can be said, “ route taxi with wings ", which is constantly in the air. Such flights imply that the plane that has just brought a group of passengers to their destination immediately picks up the next passengers. This circle could be endless, but it only makes sense during the holiday seasons.
    The cost of tickets for such flights is usually high due to the fact that the first and last flight We are idle, and this requires significant financial compensation.
  • Corporate charters not as large-scale as other types of charter flights, since they are ordered by large firms or organizations for the purpose of one-time or multiple delivery of a group of businessmen to a conference,
    councils or even solemn events. If necessary and subject to availability of funds, any enterprise can order its personal corporate charter.
  • VIP charter- this is the exclusive use of the plane at any specified
    terms in any areas that the customer chooses. The details of such a flight can always be discussed with the lessor, but the cost of such services in any case will be enormous.

Benefits of charter flights

Of course, such flights directly depend on regular traffic, since they are carried out on the same airfields and runways, but charter flights have some significant advantages:

  • route flexibility- consist in the fact that in most cases charters become
    almost the only possible way to get to this or that point of the world, for example, popular among tourists cities of Turkey and Greece, resort areas of India and Tunisia;
  • favorable price offers- in addition to the convenience of transporting passengers on charter flights, the cost of the trip is very attractive: basically, the price of a charter ticket is two or three times less than a similar flight on a regular flight, besides, so-called “last minute” vouchers can cost travelers even less.

Disadvantages of charter flights

Despite the high demand, such flights have a lot of disadvantages:

  • high probability of flight delays and inconvenient departure times- due to the priority of regular flights, charters are forced to look for loopholes in the schedule, and these searches are significantly complicated by various unforeseen situations, for example, delays in regular flights, moreover, schedule windows may appear at night, which will cause additional inconvenience for passengers;
  • flight cancellation probability- unlike regular
    flights, charters are carried out only with a certain number of passengers, i.e. shortage may result in flight cancellation due to the financial inexpediency of the flight;
  • meals on board- some charters do not provide meals for passengers,
    which, in principle, may not cause inconvenience on a short route, but may develop into a significant problem during a long flight with children;
  • fixed time frame- some passengers who, for one reason or another, have a need for an early
    returning home may face difficulties, since such flights are carried out only according to the tours - every 7, 10, 12 or more days;
  • no return- if you have already paid for a ticket for charter transportation, but you have unforeseen circumstances that prevent you from going on this trip,
    don't expect a refund.

Important! Despite the fact that the legislation provides for monetary compensation for the return of the ticket in any case, in this situation tour operators insure themselves and use little tricks. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, airlines are obliged to compensate for the funds, but tour operators
are only intermediaries, and it is with them that you conclude an agreement, one of the points of which is your consent to the non-return of finances in unforeseen circumstances.

Documents required for registration of charters

If you are going to purchase an air ticket for such a flight, then you do not need to collect a whole bunch of papers and documents, your passport is enough when traveling abroad or a Russian passport for internal travel throughout the country.

To book a flight, the passenger will need to indicate their full name, citizenship and date of birth, as well as all the necessary passport data (number, series).

The peculiarity of buying tickets for charter flights is that you can get it only a day before departure, subject to payment of the entire amount. In addition, it must be remembered that:

  • The ticket must be correctly issued and contain all the necessary additions (passenger and flight coupons).
  • The passenger must be familiar with their rights and obligations, which are indicated on the ticket.
  • Any corrections and damages to the ticket make it spoiled and invalid.
  • The ticket must always be with you so that the airline representatives can check its availability at any time.

Only when all these rules are met, the passenger will be allowed on board the aircraft performing the charter flight.

Charter flight ticket refund policy

It is almost impossible to get a refund for an unused charter flight ticket. In this case, the passenger can only rely on the goodwill of the tour operator.

By concluding an agreement, you independently refuse the opportunity to return your money in case of cancellation of the flight, therefore, if you are not completely sure of the possibility of making this flight, it makes sense to purchase a ticket for a regular flight.

On rare occasions, travel agencies will refund a certain percentage of the cost of your ticket if they managed to find another passenger in your seat at the last moment.

Flying on a charter can be really profitable, but you have to pay for it with such a risk.

Responsibility for delayed charter

Although passengers enter into a contract for carriage with the tour operator and not with the direct airline, only the carrier airline is responsible for delays, cancellations or other problems with a charter flight.

Everything that happens at the airport depends on it, and the travel agency in this case acts as an intermediary.

That is why, with all claims and requirements, passengers have the right to turn to the airline, which was supposed to provide them with transportation. This is stated in the aviation legislation of the Russian Federation.

The relevant articles of the Air Code give the passenger the right to claim any justifiable compensation from the carrier, regardless of whether the regular or charter flight has been canceled.

However, in order to obtain such a right, the passenger must comply with all the required rules and have appropriate documentary evidence.
It turns out that the tour operator does not provide the passenger with transportation, but plays the role of an attorney in the process of obtaining the required service from the airline. He buys a ticket from this company on behalf of the passenger.

Therefore, deal with the reasons for delays and cancellations of flights, organize transfers for passengers, provide them with food and additional services travel agencies are not obliged at all,
and if they do something like that, it is only for the sake of improving their image or out of the kindness of their soul.

So, in case of a charter delay, the classic rules for airlines apply:

  • 5 hours of delay oblige the carrier to provide people with food;
  • 8 hours of delay require passengers to be accommodated in hotels at the expense of the carrier.

However, if you purchase a flight with a connecting flight, and in the process of this, long waiting periods are planned due to a long connection between flights,
the airline is not responsible for this, since the passenger initially chose this route himself.

Countries where charters are often organized

As we said, charter flights are most needed by tourists eager to visit. exotic places because there are often no other paths to them.
Regular flights cannot satisfy the seasonal flow of passengers to hot countries and tropical islands so charters have to save the day.

These countries include: India, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Thailand, Spain and its island territories, the Maldives, Seychelles and other exotic corners of the world.

In the organization of mass tourist travel, the transportation of tourists on an air charter basis is widely used. They are most beneficial for tourists and airlines on serial routes. A charter (English charter a chartered vessel) is a commercial voyage specially chartered to transport travelers on a specific route at a specific period of time.

Charter flights emerged as a result of cooperation between airlines and travel agencies. The former sought to somehow use the idle planes, the latter wanted to get cheaper tickets so that the price of the tour package would not be too burdensome with the payment for transportation.

A charter flight has a number of differences from a regular one:

It is not on the regular flight schedule;

Its route is often determined not by the airline (which develops routes for regular lines), but by the customer who is going to pay for this flight;

It is cheaper than the regular one.

Charter services can be arranged for domestic and international flights both already developed regular and new routes.

Charter transportation- irregular transportations carried out under charter contracts.

Air charter- a contract for the chartering of air vehicles, providing for the chartering of the entire capacity or part of one or more aircraft for one or several flights for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail.

In world practice, there are a number of types of commercial charters.

Private charter- carriage is paid for by an organization that buys a charter for its employees, usually on a route that is not part of regular air lines. Passengers do not pay for carriage. Charters of this type occupy an insignificant share in the volume of charter traffic.

Efinity charter- Targeted transportation of a group of passengers, united on a professional basis: members of amateur, sports and special clubs, veterans' unions, professional associations. The charter customer is the respective organization.

Inclusive tour charter- charter transportation of tourists. The cost of the charter is paid by the travel agency. The charter tariff for transportation is paid by the tourist in a package with the cost of the tour. This rate is naturally lower than the “inclusive tour” rate for regular flights.

Block charter- the customer buys a part of the aircraft's commercial capacity - a block of seats (30-40 seats) on a regular flight. The customer pays for the unit as a whole, regardless of the actual use, that is, the occupancy of the seats in this unit.

Block charter flights are beneficial to airlines only during periods of demand, since a block of seats is sold at a price significantly less than its cost at normal rates.

Inappropriate commercial charter(non efinity) - a group of passengers in this case is formed without any restrictive signs about a professional community. The tour company - the charter customer pays the charter cost in full based on the minimum number of passengers equal to 40-50 people.

Split charter- multimodal transportation, in which passengers are transported on different sections of the route by regular and charter flights. On a split charter, it is allowed to combine different groups of passengers traveling for different purposes and even to different destinations of the route.

Charters also differ in terms of aircraft use.

One-time charter- “there” or “there and back”, when the customer orders a charter for certain dates of departure, and in the interval between charter flights, the airline uses this aircraft at its own discretion.

Time charter- when the plane is chartered for a certain time period, during which it is at the complete disposal of the customer, regardless of its use for transportation. Time - charter is beneficial for the airline, which receives a guaranteed payment for the freight, and is convenient for the customer, if the latter needs mass transportation for a certain period.

Charter chain is a type of charter in which the chartered aircraft arrives at the point of origin of charter traffic and from this point makes charter flights to one or more destinations on a round-trip basis. After the end of charter flights, the aircraft is used at the discretion of the airline. The transfer of the aircraft to the point of commencement of charter flights and from this point is not paid by the customer: these flights for the airline are idle passes or are loaded by it at its discretion.

Air passengers can not only independently choose a company for flights, but also their types. What is a flight and what types of it can be selected, let's try to figure it out. Flight is the way vehicle from one point to another along a pre-approved route.

There are several types of air travel:

  • transit;
  • docking;
  • transfer;
  • regular.

What is the difference between them and what are the advantages of each of them, it is worth discussing in more detail.

What is a transit flight? This question interests many tourists, especially those who first chose a plane in order to get to another country or city. A transit flight is a connecting journey that helps passengers fly to places where direct flights are difficult. Some people are alarmed by this type of travel, they fear that they may not catch the second plane in an unfamiliar country. In fact, these fears are completely unfounded, especially if such a flight is organized by one company. In this case, the air carrier will independently plan the connection of two flights so that the passenger does not worry unnecessarily. And to find out the take-off time of the second plane, the information in the tickets, which are issued to all passengers when checking in for a transit flight, will help.

If the passenger decides to independently plan the trip, then he must take into account several important points:

  1. The second ticket should be bought for a plane that will take to the sky about 3-4 hours after the first one lands. With so much time left, it is possible to exclude the occurrence of force majeure.
  2. If takeoff takes place from another terminal, then it is advisable to have at least a couple of hours in stock in order to get to another point in time.
  3. In case you have to change the airport upon landing (this also happens), it is important to stock up on time. After all, air harbors are often located outside the city, where you still need to get, sometimes bypassing traffic jams.

Note that if the second plane takes off from another airport, and the passenger has to get to the air harbor on his own, then the airport staff may be required to present a transit visa... You can clarify this point on the airline's website, before booking a ticket.

However, all these nuances can be ignored if you entrust the booking of transit tickets to the company. In this case, passengers do not even have to re-check their baggage - this procedure is carried out once, when checking in for the first flight. It should be noted that in this case it would be correct to call it not transit, but docking. That is, if you need to get an answer to the question - what is a connecting flight, then just sort out the differences between transit and connecting types. In the second option, the airline is engaged in the registration of tickets and baggage, and in the first, this work is entrusted to the passenger.

Transfer flight

Transit air travel has a second name - transfer flight, it can be performed by one or several companies that are part of a single alliance. When purchasing a ticket for this type of flight, in most cases, the passenger checks in his baggage once, and receives boarding passes for both flights at check-in. The transfer passenger will only need to check in once, when boarding the first plane, however, for an international flight, it will be necessary to go through passport control again.

By purchasing a ticket for such a flight, the passenger may not worry that he will be late for the landing of the second plane, in this case the responsibility lies with the airline, which is obliged to provide the passenger with a ticket for the nearest airliner on the desired route free of charge. If the passenger has to wait for the next departure throughout the night, the airline must provide hotel room... That is, if a person did not have time for the second plane, then he has the right to contact the airline that issued tickets for the transfer flight in order to resolve the unpleasant situation.

The main difference between transfer and transit is that in the first case, you change the plane. In the second, you wait for passengers to be added and often fly with the same transport without changing seats.

Regular flights

IN civil aviation flights are classified into two categories:

  1. Regular.
  2. Charter.

They are characterized by differences both in organization and in the frequency of flights. What is a regular flight and how it differs from a charter flight - these are the questions that tourists are most often interested in. A regular flight is approved by an intergovernmental agreement, airlines are required to operate it all year round. Such flights are carried out by large companies, the planes go on the route strictly according to the schedule, even if there is one passenger on board. It is possible to purchase a ticket for a regular flight both in one and in both directions; airlines often provide significant discounts for seniors and students.

The main features are as follows:

  • the price is more expensive than a charter ticket;
  • the passenger has the right to exchange the ticket, if necessary, you can return half of its cost;
  • frequent flyers can buy a ticket at a significant discount;
  • the departure of the aircraft may be delayed due to weather conditions, technical problems, etc.

In case of force majeure, passengers of regular flights can be transferred to a second, connecting plane. In this case, the airline must pay the cost of the connecting flight and material damage to passengers.

Charter flights

Charter flights are not controlled by airlines, but by travel agencies. Air transport carries out such a flight not all year round, but at a certain period of the year, most often from spring to autumn. To buy a ticket, the passenger needs contact a travel agency, as not all airlines are engaged in such sales.

Features of charter flights:

  • the cost is several times lower than for a regular flight;
  • when returning a ticket cash the passenger is not returned;
  • airliners are flying off schedule.

Most often, a charter flight starts early in the morning or late in the evening - it is used free time in the schedule of flights intended for regular flights.

The undoubted advantage of charter flights is that such a flight does not provide for transfers. However, the plane can take tourists to the most remote airport in any country. To get from the air harbor to the city center, a person will have to spend a lot on a taxi or other means of transport. To avoid additional costs, before purchasing a ticket for a charter flight, you should check with the travel agency at which airport the plane will land and at what distance from the city is it located?

For charter transportation, any organization can act as a customer: a large business association, a travel company, an industrial enterprise, an educational institution, a social and political party, etc. These organizations can charter aircraft for:
- Carrying out transportation of its employees for business or other purposes, for the delivery of tourists to places of rest;
- fans to the venues of sporting events;
- youth and schoolchildren in order to implement excursion-but-entertainment programs;
- believers in pilgrimage centers;
- congressmen for holding conventions and conferences, etc. In this regard, in world practice distinguishes a number of commercial types of charters.

Private charter. Its peculiarity is that the organization that buys the charter pays for the transportation of its employees in full. As a rule, the routes of such transportation are not included in the regular air lines. Closed charter in the total volume of charter flights occupies an insignificant percentage.

Target charter. This is the transportation of specialized groups of passengers, united by any purpose: football fans, athletes flying to major international competitions; members of professional associations, festival participants, pilgrims, etc. The ordering party of the charter is the relevant organization, which can partially pay for its members for the carriage.

Inclusive tour charter. As a rule, this is the transportation of tourists, organized and paid for by a travel agency. In this case, the cost of the ticket is included in the tour price. In this case, a flight is quite cheap for tourists, since the price of an air ticket for an air charter is 30-50% lower than the cheapest preferential fares. Inclusive tour charter and target charter are the most common types of air travel in the charter market.

Block charter. This option assumes that the customer purchases only a part of the aircraft's commercial capacity (20-30 seats) on a regular flight. In this case, payment is made, as a rule, for the entire block of seats, regardless of whether all purchased seats will be used or not. Block charter is usually used when the travel agency does not have enough tourists to rent a plane in its entirety. The agreement on the quota of seats between the travel agency and the carrier can be "hard" or "soft" in nature. With a "hard" quota of places, the company has no right to refuse unrealized declared places, and in this case it incurs financial losses. If the contract is concluded under a "soft" scheme, then the airline sets a deadline by which the travel agent can waive the quota of declared seats or part of it. With this option, the carrier reserves the right to sell these seats to its other customers.
Block charter is not always profitable for airlines, since the sale of air tickets in this case is at a lower price than usual. However, at the height of the season, when the demand for tickets is high, carriers try not to deny travel agencies such a service.

Inappropriate charter. It is a transportation in which a group of air passengers is selected regardless of the purpose of the trip. The organizer of this type of flight can be any transport company acting as an intermediary in passenger transportation from one point to another. For example, the Moscow Tourist Transport Company (MTTK), established in May 1999, is a large consolidation firm that organizes this type of transportation. It offers services to charter users in cooperation with two airlines, Aviaenergo and Pulkovo. At the same time, the company provides tickets for charter flights not only to Moscow and regional travel agencies, but also to corporate and private clients traveling for a variety of purposes.

Split charter. It belongs to the most difficult type of passenger transportation, which is carried out by regular and irregular flights on different parts of the route. At the same time, the group being formed can include passengers traveling to different destination points.
Depending on charters can be separated from the conditions of use of the aircraft into several types: one-time charter, time-charter and charter chain.
When one-time charter the plane takes tourists to their destination and immediately flies back. If the flight is scheduled "round trip", then after some time the plane must arrive for tourists in order to pick them up at the original point of departure. In such transportation, the aircraft charterer orders flights for certain dates and on these dates the airline is obliged to provide the aircraft for performance charter flight... The rest of the time, the carrier uses this aircraft in accordance with its plans.
One-off charters are rarely used because they are too expensive for fuel. The amount of jet fuel required for a flight depends on its route and the type of aircraft. The price of kerosene fluctuates in different countries from 250 to 500 US dollars per ton. Naturally, it is extremely unprofitable to buy fuel for idle flights of the aircraft (after the tourists disembark, the plane flies back, as a rule, empty and returns for them empty).

Time charter involves chartering an aircraft for a certain period of time. At the same time, after the delivery of passengers from one point to another, the plane does not fly back, but remains at the airport of arrival for the entire duration of the tourists' stay at the destination. Sometimes a time-charter is called "one-off with a crap." Time charter is beneficial for the customer if the time spent by tourists in the destination is not too long (from 1 to 2 days to a week). At the same time, the customer pays for the time of using the aircraft, based on the cost of the flight hour and the cost of the aircraft downtime, incurs additional costs for parking the aircraft at the airport, pays for the maintenance and accommodation of the crew, and in some cases, the carrier's costs for removing the liner from a regular flight. What type of charter flight to choose with or without sludge is decided by the travel agency, based mainly on financial interests. In most cases, the carrier (if there is a sufficient fleet of cars) is profitable for all one-time charters, since he immediately receives a guaranteed payment for the entire transportation, regardless of the degree of congestion of the flight.

Charter chain is a type of charter in which the aircraft regularly makes charter flights to one (or several) destinations according to the “there and back” shuttle scheme. At the same time, he takes one group of tourists, and takes another. Such charter flights are also called regular charter flights, since in essence they are close to regular flights.
It is beneficial to organize charter chains during the season of mass transportations associated with the rest of tourists. In this case, only the first and last flights of the aircraft are non-productive costs (when the aircraft returns empty after the first group of tourists has been delivered and flies empty after the last group).
The travel agency distributes the costs of idle flights of the aircraft among all the links in the chain. Therefore, the longer the charter chain itself and the more frequent the flights, the lower the costs of the travel agency for the transportation of empty seats will be and the cheaper the transportation will be for tourists. The charter chain is usually organized for a period of 4-5 months. with a frequency of flights 1 to 2 times a week, less often once every 1014 days.
After the end of each shuttle flight of the charter chain, the aircraft is used by the airline at its discretion, but by the time of the new flight it must be delivered to the customer at the airport of departure. The carrier assumes responsibility for the timely delivery of the aircraft to the start point of the charter flight, while the flights of the aircraft may be empty or loaded, this issue is decided by the airline itself. The travel agency does not pay for the flights of the aircraft to and from the point of commencement of transportation, but the carrier is not obliged to make any compensation payments to the customer in the event of a commercial load of the flight during the flights.

9.2. Charter contract

The implementation of the charter program begins with the conclusion of an agreement between the aircraft charterer and the carrier. The charter contract is the main legal document governing this type of transportation.

Under a charter agreement, one party (the charterer) undertakes to provide the other party (the charterer) for a fee, all or part of the capacity of one or more aircraft for one or more flights for the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo, mail or other purposes. In accordance with The Civil Code RF the air charter agreement refers to the agreements for the lease of a vehicle with a crew. Under a lease agreement (temporary chartering) of a vehicle with a crew, the lessor provides the lessee with a vehicle for a fee for temporary possession or use and provides its own services for its management and its technical operation (Article 632 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
The contract for the rental of a vehicle with a crew includes imposition of a number of responsibilities on both sides. In particular, the lessor is obliged to maintain the leased vehicle in proper condition, carry out its current and major repairs, and provide the necessary accessories (Article 634 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The services provided by the lessor for the management and technical operation of the vehicle must ensure its normal and safe operation in accordance with the lease objectives specified in the contract (Article 635 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
The composition of the vehicle's crew and its qualifications must comply with the rules and conditions of the contract that are binding on the parties, and if such requirements are not established by the rules binding on the parties to the requirements of the usual practice of operating a vehicle of this type and the terms of the contract.
The crew members are employees of the lessor. They are subject to the lessor's orders for driving and maintenance and the renter's orders for the commercial operation of the vehicle. Unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement, the costs of paying for the services of the crew members, as well as the costs of their maintenance, are borne by the lessor (Article 635 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
The obligations of the lessee provide for the imposition of costs on him arising in connection with the commercial operation of the vehicle, including the cost of paying for fuel and other materials consumed during the operation and payment of fees, unless otherwise provided by the contract (Article 636 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement for a vehicle with a crew, the obligation to insure the vehicle and (or) liability for damage that may be caused by it or in connection with its operation is borne by the lessor in cases where such insurance is mandatory by virtue of law or an agreement (Article 637 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
In accordance with Art. 638 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the lessee has the right to lease the vehicle without the consent of the lessor. As part of the commercial operation, he also has the right, without the consent of the lessor, on his own behalf, to conclude contracts of carriage with third parties, if they do not contradict the purposes of using the vehicle specified in the lease agreement, and if such purposes are not established for the purpose of the vehicle. In this case, the customer bears full responsibility for all actions or omissions of third parties with whom he entered into an agreement on the use of the aircraft provided to him by the lessor.
In the event of the loss or damage of the vehicle, the lessee is obliged to reimburse the lessor for the losses incurred if the latter proves that the loss or damage of the vehicle occurred due to circumstances for which the lessee is responsible in accordance with the law or the lease agreement (Article 639 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Responsibility for harm caused to third parties by a rented vehicle, its mechanisms, devices, equipment, is borne by the lessor in accordance with the rules provided for by Chapter 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. He has the right to present to the tenant a recourse claim for reimbursement of amounts paid to third parties, if he proves that the damage arose through the fault of the tenant (Article 640 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
According to Art. 633 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement for air charter transportation must be concluded in writing, regardless of its term, in two copies having the same legal force, one of which is with the customer and the other with the contractor.
At the same time, the content of the contract should not contradict the provisions of international conventions in the implementation of international transportation and the provisions of the Air Code of the Russian Federation in the implementation of domestic transportation.

Basic information to be reflected in the charter contract.
1. Specific conditions of carriage.
They imply an indication of the purpose of the carriage; the type of aircraft allocated for transportation; places of departure and destination; flight departure dates; the maximum commercial load of the charter, the number of passengers and baggage.
If a one-time charter is performed, then the contract specifies specific dates of departure of the aircraft when delivering tourists to their destination and back. In the case of a "time charter", the period of time for which the aircraft is chartered, as well as the route along which the flights will be operated, are indicated. If there is a charter chain, then the contract indicates the total number of flights and the dates of each of them. The flight schedule must be presented in the contract as an annex to it.
2. Transportation cost. The contract specifies the full cost of charter transportation, including the net cost (net cost received by the carrier) and the gross cost (it includes commissions, airport and other taxes, which must be paid by the customer).

The main factors that determine the cost of the charter as a whole are are: the price of fuel, the cost of a flight hour of this type of aircraft, the cost of technical and airport services, the cost of onboard meals, as well as the form of organizing a charter flight (one-time "there", one-time "there and back", a flight with slop, a charter chain, a block -charter). If a "time charter" is planned, then the list will include the costs of parking the aircraft at the destination airport and the maintenance and accommodation of the crew. If a charter chain is organized, its price will largely depend on the total number of flights. If only part of the seats on the plane are sold for transportation, the cost will be calculated based on the specific number of seats in the block of the so-called “block charter rate”. Block charter fares are one of the lowest, set in each specific case confidentially for each specific company and often depend on the number of passengers included in the transported group.
In addition, there are a number of other factors that affect the price of a charter flight: the route of transportation that the customer has chosen; urgency of transportation; season; Times of Day; saturation of scheduled airlines; the country's passenger market; the presence and number of competitors in the direction; the size of normal and preferential fares, etc. A significant role is played by the profit planned by the airline, which on average is 15-20% (and in general can vary from 5 to 50%). The charter price is a trade secret, known only to the lessor and the customer who have entered into an agreement for this type of transportation.
First, the airline determines the price of a charter flight, then it agrees with the customer, and after reaching a consensus, the price is included in the contract. The currency of payment and the procedure for depositing money are established. Typically, upon signing the contract, the customer is required to make a deposit of a certain percentage of the gross payment amount.
The customer pays for one-time flights in full, as a rule, a few days before departure (5-7 days). With charter chains, the last flight is usually paid first as a condition to guarantee the return of tourists, and then, as the charter agreement is fulfilled, the consolidator regularly transfers money for each upcoming flight. In practice, there may be some other settlement schemes.
3. The rights and obligations of the carrier and the customer. According to the dogo
a thief the carrier takes care of all the formalities related to
associated with the production of flights.
These include:
- immigration, customs, border, quarantine formalities;
- obtaining permits to fly over certain territories;
- obtaining permits from the aviation authorities to perform charter transportation;
- registration of charter tickets and other transportation documents;
- promptly informing the customer about deviations from the flight schedule and the current state of the aircraft.
In the interests of flight safety, the carrier has the right to postpone or cancel a flight; reduce the admissible payload of the vessel; to land, make stops, change the route or terminate the flight during the flight. In the latter case, the carrier is obliged to return to the customer a part of the transportation cost corresponding to its unfulfilled part.
IN customer responsibilities includes:
- timely (no later than 2 working days before departure) provision of passenger lists to the contractor;
- ensuring the timely delivery of passengers and baggage to the airport of departure, taking into account the time required to go through administrative formalities;
- provision of passengers with the necessary documents to travel to the country of destination or transit (and in the case of transportation of special groups of baggage, the availability of appropriate permits for its import / export). The customer is responsible for all costs in case of deportation of passengers. The customer must also pay the contractual charter fee in a timely manner.
4.In the agreement defines the minimum commercial load of the aircraft, at which the flight will be operated. With the proposed low aircraft payload, the airline plans charter flights for the benefit of multiple customers and also provides for the aircraft to be loaded at its discretion. Thus, if there are free seats or containers on the aircraft performing the transportation, the carrier has the right to carry any other passengers, baggage, mail. and goods in compliance with the rules of the country of departure and the country of destination established for transportation, without any compensation to the customer.

5. Expenses not related to the performance of charter transportation. IN the agreement states that all expenses not related to the performance of charter transportation must be borne by the customer. This includes ground transportation from the city to the airport and back, hotel accommodation and group collection points.

6. Costs associated with delayed departure. By agreement of the parties, the conditions for reimbursement of expenses caused by the flight delay are determined. Usually, if the departure is delayed due to the fault of the customer for more than 3 hours, the latter must pay the carrier for each hour of downtime 20% of the cost of the flight hour taken into account the cost of the flight. If there is a delay in the departure of the flight through the fault of the carrier for more than 24 hours, then the latter is obliged to pay the customer the cost of all reasonable costs incurred related to the service and accommodation of passengers.

7. Termination of the contract. Both parties have the right to terminate the contract. The airline can exercise this right in the following cases:
- non-receipt of payments for transportation from the customer;
- non-fulfillment by the customer of the obligations on the minimum payload of the aircraft;
- absence of aviation fuel or reduction of its limit;
- diverting the plane to fulfill government assignments.

The customer has the right cancel the flight in the following cases:
- flight delays for more than a specified period of time;
- replacement of the type of aircraft, if, as a result, the volume and quality of transportation stipulated by the contract will not be ensured.
In other cases, the customer can cancel the contract with payment of a forfeit, the amount of which is stipulated in the contract and depends on the cancellation period before the scheduled departure date. Thus, in case of refusal of carriage or when the flight is postponed by the customer for more than 24 hours, he must pay the airline compensation in the amount of 25% of the cost of the flight if it is canceled or postponed 5 days before the expected date of departure; 50% if the refusal or transfer occurred within 3 to 5 days before the departure date; 75% in case of flight cancellation or rescheduling 3 days or less before the departure date. Termination of the contract is fixed by the corresponding act.

8. Disclaimer. The carrier is released from liability for non-performance or improper performance of the contract in in case of force majeure(adverse weather conditions, natural disasters, the outbreak of hostilities, etc.). However, in situations related to the termination of a flight or a change in the route for the indicated reasons, the carrier is obliged to do everything in his power to send passengers and their luggage to their destination at the expense and with the consent of the customer.
Other clauses may also be included in the contract, for example, a clause on compensation for additional costs that the carrier may incur if the customer violates the original conditions. If, for a number of reasons (non-implementation of tour packages, unexpected refusal of the receiving party, etc.), the customer refuses one of the flights in the charter chain, this may lead to the downtime of the aircraft or the performance of idle flights. In such a situation, the travel agency will be obliged to compensate the carrier for the costs incurred. A sample contract for charter transportation is given in Appendix 2.
Agreements for charter flights can be concluded for a year, quarter, month, season, based on the interests of the customer and the capabilities of the airline. To consider the issue of concluding a contract, the customer must submit an application to the airline at least 15 days before the scheduled date of the flight. The application specifies the name of the customer, the date and route of the proposed transportation, the obligation to comply with the "Rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage" and other required information.

9.3. Consolidators

As already noted, in the general case, when concluding charter contracts for transportation, any natural or legal person who is able to pay for the rental of a vehicle with a crew can act as a customer. For air charter flights customer often is called the consolidator the person in charge of completing the flight. In this case, the consolidator can be:
- a corporate client ordering transportation for personal purposes (family members, club, employees, friends);
- a transport agency acting as an intermediary for the provision of transportation services;
is a large tour operator with a large and stable market.
Since not every travel agency can provide the required loading of a charter flight, and the carrier prefers to deal with one customer, often smaller travel companies combine their efforts to carry out charter flights, negotiating in advance the terms of cooperation (on sublease terms). In this case, one of the tour operators acts as a consolidator, which is entrusted with the authority to conclude an agreement and conduct all mutual settlements with the carrier.
Sometimes the airline itself can become the consolidator of the flight, creating a special department that deals with the formation of tourist groups. This department works with small corporate firms, sells blocks of seats to small travel agencies. Subsequently, as a rule, this department is separated into an independent travel company, which continues to cooperate with the carrier that gave birth to it.
A travel agency that works with charters as a consolidator has a number of advantages in organizing travel. It no longer depends on a coincidence of circumstances, on the presence or absence of tickets for regular flights, but gets the opportunity to long-term planning of its activities.
If, moreover, for a sufficiently long period of time, the travel agency is a consolidator for the same carrier, then in some cases it can count on leniency on the part of the latter. Thus, the carrier may decide to replace the declared board with an aircraft of a smaller capacity, if the company does not get tourists; take a fee for onboard food based on the actual number of tourists on the flight; to reduce the tariff for transportation in critical situations. As a rule, airlines try to compromise with their long-term partners, support and help them out in difficult situations, which ultimately makes it possible for both parties to achieve good results in commercial activities.
Do not forget, however, about the heavy burden of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the consolidator: if he brought a group of tourists to the country by charter, then he is obliged to bring it back. This raises the question of the reliability of the alliance between the airline and the consolidator. The tour operator should choose as a partner for transportation only those airlines that within recent years have proven themselves well in the charter market.

Private charter. Its peculiarity is that the organization that buys the charter pays for the transportation of its employees in full. As a rule, the routes of such transportation are not included in the regular air lines. Closed charter in the total volume of charter flights occupies an insignificant percentage.

Target charter. This is the transportation of specialized groups of passengers, united by any purpose: football fans, athletes flying to major international competitions; members of professional associations, participants of festivals, pilgrims, etc. The charter customer is the relevant organization, which can partially pay for its members for the transportation.

Inclusive tour charter. As a rule, this is the transportation of tourists, organized and paid for by a travel agency. In this case, the cost of the ticket is included in the tour price. In this case, a flight is quite cheap for tourists, since the price of an air ticket for an air charter is 30-50% lower than the cheapest preferential fares. Inclusive tour charter and target charter are the most common types of air travel in the charter market.

Block charter. This option assumes that the customer buys only a part of the aircraft's commercial capacity (20-30 seats) on a regular flight. In this case, payment is made, as a rule, for the entire block of seats, regardless of whether all purchased seats will be used or not. Block charter is usually used when the travel agency does not have enough tourists to rent a plane in its entirety. The agreement on the quota of seats between the travel agency and the carrier can be “hard” or “soft”. ​​With a “hard” quota of seats, the company has no right to refuse from unrealized declared places, and in this case it incurs financial losses. If the contract is concluded under a "soft" scheme, then the airline sets a deadline by which the travel agent can waive the quota of declared seats or part of it; With this option, the carrier reserves the right to sell these seats to its other customers.

Inappropriate charter. It is a transportation in which a group of air passengers is selected regardless of the purpose of the trip. The organizer of this type of flight can be any transport company that acts as an intermediary for passenger transportation from one point to another. For example, the Moscow Tourist Transport Company (MTTK), established in May 1999, is a large consolidator company that organizes this type of transportation. It offers services to charter users, cooperating with two airlines - Aviaenergo and Pulkovo. At the same time, the company provides tickets for charter flights not only to Moscow and regional travel agencies, but also to corporate and private clients traveling for a variety of purposes.

Split charter. It belongs to the most difficult type of passenger transportation, which is carried out by regular and irregular flights on different parts of the route. At the same time, the group being formed can include passengers traveling to different destination points.

The implementation of a charter route requires a lot of preparatory work: route planning, filling empty spans, obtaining all permits for the air corridor, ensuring the minimum allowable parking at the airport of arrival and departure, etc.

Charter flights have a certain geography and a pronounced seasonality, i.e. air transportation is organized to tourist centers. All this should be well planned: a special charter flight route should be developed, idle flights should be avoided if possible, air corridor permits, etc.

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