Munich is located. Munich population: Number, Ethnicity

Munich is a city with a population of 1.5 million people and the capital of Bavaria, the largest region in the south-east. Tours in Munich are popular among travelers due to the huge number of historical monuments, the picturesque nature and the status of the "beer capital" of the world - the famous Oktoberfest festival is held here. The city lives under the motto "Munich loves you", and it felt in everything. Bavarians smiling, friendly, and in the city reigns the atmosphere of an endless holiday.

How to get

To visit Munich, you need a Schengen visa.

Direct flight by plane - Munich from occupies 3 hours 15 minutes, from - 2 hours 55 minutes. Landing takes place at the International Airport of Munich "Franz Joseph Strauss" in 32 kilometers from the city. From the airport, you can go to the center of Munich on the city train S-Bahn (S1I S8 lines). Also in the center go to Flixbus and Lufthansa Express buses.

Flights to Munich Round and back

Transportes for 1 person with departure from Berlin


In Munich, the hotel will find a budget, and a secured tourist. There are both hotels of famous world networks and inexpensive hostels. Almost all hotels and apartments offer free Wi-Fi. If you are going to Munich on Oktoberfest or for the new year, housing is worth booking for several months.

Munich's most expensive hotels are closer to the center. Hotels on the busiest street Munich Shillerstrasse usually chooses young people and active tourists. At night here is quite noisy due to numerous bars and beer restaurants. Behind the home comfort and strong sleep is better to go to bedroom hotels.


Munich's inspection is best from the center - the main square of the city of Marienplatz. Here is the building of the New Town Hall with the famous Kurats Glockanenspil. Several times a day, a puppet representation passes on the town hall. On the 85-meter Tower of the New Town Hall there is an observation deck with a panoramic view of the Old Town.

Here, on the square, there is a Cathedral of St. Peter. According to legend, it was at this place and the city originated. To get to the church at least in order to climb the observation platform and see the fascinating panorama of Munich.

Not far from Marienplatz is the main Church of Munich - Frauenkirche. These are the same 99-meter towers, which are usually depicted on souvenirs and postcards from Munich. The history of the church goes its roots in the 15th century. According to legend, the devil himself left inside the chicks - his imprint can be seen at the entrance. Baroque cathedral was built and considered to be the most beautiful architectural monuments of Bavaria.

Museums in Munich so much that in a few days everything and not to get around. Skip the German museum can not. It is located on the museum island on the Izar River. This is huge exhibition hallsdevoted to technique, science and transport. Here, for example, a real missile is exhibited as an exhibit. The planetarium and the miniature section enjoy extremely popular.

Old Pinakotek - another mandatory visit to Munich Museum. Here are picturesque canvases dating from the XIV-XVI centuries. In the oldest Munich Art Museum, you can see the works of Da Vinci, Botticelli and Brandt. Directly opposite the museum is a new Pinakotek. Here are the pictures and sculptures of the masters of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries, among them Claude Monet and Van Gogh.

Going to Munich with children, do not forget to look into the Munich Zoo - the largest in Europe. Here you can feed wild animals from special machines, as well as in a game form to learn the geography of the Earth.

Bavarians love to spend time in their city garden. Fame to the whole world of the English Garden received due to its size. It stretches from the center to the northern outskirts. On the square, even the New York Central Park. It is nice to sit here on the lawn, listen to the singing of birds and plunge into the atmosphere of measured Bavarian life.


Each year at the end of September - the beginning of October in Munich rushes foam drinks from the entire planet. Visitors to the festival drink millions of beer liters and eat thousands of kilograms of branded sausages, pretzels and pork steers. Because of the great popularity of Oktoberfest, autumn in Munich is the hottest time. On the streets of the crowd of tourists, in hotels are not found free places.

The scale of the festival says the number of things lost by visitors. Such fun statistics are conducted by the organizers. For example, in 2018, after the festival found 2685 lost things, including 840 passports, 460 wallets, 350 phones, 300 keys, 140 points, 130 jewelry, 90 bags and backpacks, 20 umbrellas and 5 camcorders, as well as several wedding rings.


Bavarians managed to preserve the culinary traditions of their ancestors. They use the same seasonings in the kitchen as hundreds of years ago. That is why in Munich it is necessary to try national dishes. Pork steering wheel, sausages, pies and cheeses here have any incomparable taste. You can start a gastronomic tour in one of Munich restaurants with cold snacks. For example, from cheese pate of Obaced. As part of cottage cheese, grated cheese, dill, herbs and, of course, beer. Serve pate with branded salted pretzel.

Among other popular lightweight dishes are Munich's wiswurst sausages. They have a white color, as there are no dyes and additives as part, but there is only mince from veal, fat and parsley. Preparing sausages very quickly - fall for several minutes in boiling water. Weisswursters are served with branded mustard with honey. Soups Bavarians are not particularly complaining, but if they are preparing, then you can nourish them for a day, so they are saturated and fat. Traditional Aintopf is usually prepared from everything that is in the refrigerator Munich. In a strong beef, the broth is put in potatoes, pasta, meat and legumes.

Deciding to taste the classics of the Bavarian cuisine, be sure to order a swine knuckle Schweinshax. This is a pork leg, which is soaked in a corporate marinade and baked to a crispy crust. Potato klochi is preparing as a side dish. And the meat on the old tradition is served with a plug-in stuck.

If after this calorie feast you can still mask the dessert, then order a piece of company Munich multilayer cake. Several layers of biscuits and meringues are combined with walnut layers and oil cream.


What else to carry from the beer capital, how not beer and beer mug? Traditional kitchens for foam drink are sold in half-liter volumes, as well as a liter, two and even more. Edible souvenir can be the famous Bresen. This is the same Munich pretzel, which is prepared by a special recipe from the salt dough. Popular jars are also popular and local seasonings.

National Bavarian costumes are their special pride. Munich love and wear their traditional outfits even in everyday life. Brings from Munich Leather Brewer Pants with suspenders or lace blouse with a low neckline for ladies - a special chic. Costumes are expensive, but you can grab with you at least a famous Tyrolean hat with a pen for several euros.


You can move around the city at the subway (U-Bahn), urban electricians (S-Bahn), buses and trams. To take any point is not a problem - the transport network covers the whole city. Tickets are valid for all types of transport, but differ in the territory of action and the duration of the trip. You can purchase a ticket for one trip, a ticket for the whole day, a group ticket, as well as tourist maps. All types of tickets are better looking at the site of Munich Transport - MVV. The ticket must be validated and stored before the end of the trip to prevent control.

Good to know

  • In winter, in Munich, the clock lags behind Moscow for 2 hours, in the summer - for 1 hour.
  • Shops are closed exactly at 20:00, and on Sunday many places do not work at all.
  • City Day is celebrated in mid-June. Farmers, concerts, theatrical ideas are held throughout Munich.
  • In 2020, Oktoberfest will be held from September 19 to October 4.

Find something to do in Munich, really at any time of the year and with any weather. If you are going to the capital of Bavaria to test the tracks of ski resorts in the capital, hang out on seasonal sales or to meet Catholic Christmas with a Russian scope - choose the winter months. Munich Spring is a real sightseeing idyll: warm and sunny on the street, bloom and covered with gentle greens Park zones.

If the prospect is to wander along the spring city, looking into the museums and halls of the Royal Palaces, it seems to be too fresh, you can row on the fruilingsfest - the general "rehearsal" of the autumn beer festival. The holiday starts at the end of April and grabs the first week of May. It is good FullingSfest by the fact that it offers the same as Oktoberfest, but in a more restrained version, without a complete separation. In addition, this is an event "for their own", so there are few tourists for walking, respectively, and there are no problems with armors.

In the summer in Munich, it is fierce, but not for launched shopaholics, taking into pieces shopping centers, Fashion galleries and outlets. And in June, the opera festival is held here, which is dreaming of all fans of scenic art. By mid-September, the most serious and impenetrable contingent - foam fans arrived at the annual beer vakhanali called Oktoberfest.

Standard Pork Horse / Dark Horse / Dark Horse / Dark Drink Dialing Holiday Duration - two weeks. During this time, in the Bavarian capital it is impossible to find not the fact that the hotel, but even an angle in the hostel. So book the rooms in advance, after which turn into a universal beer euphoria. Just first learn how to keep the mug and go to it, so as not to look like a white crow.


The base of Munich is attributed to the monks of the monasure of Sherthlarn, who collapsed here in the VIII century. However, the status of the city of the settlement received almost five hundred years after the appearance on the shores of Izar church devotees. In 1240, Munich assigned the Vittelsbach dynasty, who announced his own residence and the meeting here, right up to the flight of Ludwig III in 1918.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Munich Beer became acquainted with National Socialism: In 1923, a public coup was attempted in the capital of Bavaria, who ended with a short-term imprisonment for Hitler. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, Munich healed a double life. On the one hand, the city was officially announced the "Cradle of the National Socialist Movement", where they made their first steps on the career ladder Himmler and Heydrich. And on the other, it was here that the legendary anti-fascist underground "White Rose" was operating.

During the Second World Munich became the cherished goal of the Anglo-American bomber. As a result, by the end of the war, a little less than half of the city center remained from the historic buildings. After the defeat of the fascist troops, a decision was made about a large-scale restructuring of the Bavarian capital, but with the preservation of the former planning of the streets. As an example: about 50% of Munich architectural monuments today - the result of painstaking reconstruction works, which were literally on the ashes of destroyed buildings.

Attractions Munich

The court on the sights of Munich is taken, as a rule, on Marienplatz - the main city square, polished by all sorts of tourist interests. This is the old and New Town Hall (neoadik against late Gothic), as well as the Mariinsky column, erected in gratitude to delivering the city from a plaque epidemic. Next door to Marienplatz, the Victualiennmark market was located, moving here in 1807, and the highest church of Munich - Frauenkirche. Lovers combine walks with small shopping here either do not get bored: the perimeter of the square and the approach to it was flooded with souvenir shops. In addition, Marienplatz originates the main trading artery of the city - Kaufinershtraße.

Munich museums

The second world taught the city to take care of the historical heritage, so today art facilities survived under the bombings are stubborn in museums and gallery. Dominant in this niche continues to remain the old Pinakotek - a sort of "Tretyakovka in Bavarian". Miniature Creations of "Small Dutch", "Madonna with Flower" da Vinci, Self-portrait Durera, Rubens and Wang Dequee - these and other picturesque masterpieces can be seen only in the old Pinakotek. Opposite the Munich's Main Museum, the building of the new Pinakotek was located, where they usually go for the sake of French Impressionists - Gaugugen, Van Gogh, Degas, and also look at the representatives of the biddermeyer and Yuggendil. During the war, the museum building was destroyed to the base, and then rebuilt from scratch.

In 2002, the "sister" - Pinakotek Modern, the foundation of the funds of which was the creativity of German modernists, as well as Picasso's canvas, slightly diluted by the works of Kandinsky, Dali, Matisse and King Pop Art. Andy Warhol. By the way, about Warhol: about hundreds of his paintings can be found in the Museum of Brandhorst, which grew from the private collection of Annette Brandhorst - the heiress of the Chemical Empire "Henkel".

After the tour of the three Pinakotekam usually there is a desire to change the picture on the more voluminous, and the glipstotek is suitable, the main "specialization" of which is antique sculptures. If its expositions seemed a little, you can continue to get acquainted with Greek and Roman art in the State Antique Assembly. By the way, the museum has a "relative" - \u200b\u200ba state graphic meeting, where visitors prefer to surprise with two-dimensional exhibits, or rather graphics and sketches of great artists from Da Vinci to Mink.

To get acquainted with the past cultural and historical region better in the Bavarian archaeological (until 2021 is unavailable to visit due to reconstruction work) and Bavarian National Museums. The honorable prize for the virtuoso combination of the incompatible is worthy of the city museum. There you have doll collections designed for the young visitor, and the hall dedicated to the history of the Bavarian National Socialism, and the exposition "Typical Munich" - in general, spectacles for any age, taste and political beliefs.

Excursors with a technical warehouse of the mind will be than to take yourself in the German Museum, where visitors will demonstrate the world's first hairdryer, U1 submarine in full size and a whole bunch of other, no less interesting retro exhibits. Well, to complete the acquaintance with technical wanders in Munich relies at the BMW Museum, which, because of the futuristic design, the Germans sarcastically refer to the soup.

If the past and present "free state" studied along and across, and in urban galleries, all Matisse, Clima and Warhol have been revised, left to put the final bar in the excursion program, visiting the Museum of the Five Continents. There is everything that you wanted to know about America, Asia and Southwestern Europe and a single mention of Bavaria and Germany.


Munich Parks do not dilute the urban landscape, as it happens in most metropolis, and condescendingly tolerating it next to them. Two main competitors in this category - English Garden and Royal Park Hofgarten. The first is known for noisy streams that love to tamper local surfers, beer gardens and the fact that in size left far behind such rivals as Central Park New York and London Hyde Park. The second can boast of an impressive history (founded at the beginning of the XVII century) and the Temple of Diana, representing a pavilion with fountains. However, if both places are very critically evaluated, then Hofgharden on some points loses, if only because it is not the most Hofgarten, who specifically broke for Maximilian I. Military bombings erased the recreation area from the face of the Earth, so in the late 40s Trees here were anew.

The legacy of the Olympic Games of 1972 is the Olympic Park. From the attractions here, in addition to neat green lushes, - a television restaurant on the upper floors and a sports stadium turned into a scene for the performances of local pop and rock bands. Very comfortable and so far Westpark remains absorbed by tourists. Relax and listen to Burgers gossip in Birgarten, "fall out" children on the playground, relax near well-groomed rosary - all this is the usual entertainment of local regulars. Specialists in part of wild and cultural flora will be fascinated by the neat flower beds of the Botanical Garden of Munich-Nymphenburg - as many as 18 hectares of relict ferns, cacti, magnolia, lilies and other green-motley charms.


The genus Vittelsbakh left Munich a decent collection of architectural masterpieces, which could be even more if not for carpet bombing of the Second World War. In the center of the city, Munich Residence was spread - a generic nest of several generations of the Bavarian kings, today that has been transmitted to the Giant Museum of Luxury. By the way, it is here that such communist relics are kept here as the Crown Empress Kunigundy, the life-giving cross Henry Saint and the prayer book of Charles II. If you can't get around the day all the premises of the complex, look at least in the Hall of Anti-Karia and the Porcelain Cabinet - the case when it turns out to be surprised immediately and admire.

Daily besieged by tourist groups and "Bavarian Versailles" - the Palace Complex of Nymphenburg, which includes as many as five buildings. In addition to the blinding luxury of the apartments, the place is noteworthy in that it was here that the "Fairy king" Ludwig II appeared on the light. Blutenburg's hunting castle looks less pompous, but can tell some scandalous stories about their own owners. This in it, the Bavarian Duke Albrecht gobily met with the daughter of the Merzer Bernauer's day, which his intervention in state affairs was so far away Albrecht's father, that he ordered her to drown her in the Danube. Gothic interspersed with Renaissance is the Palace of Maximiliananeum, where the Bavarian Landtag is sitting today. Inside, of course, it will not be possible to get, but turn next to to evaluate the luxury of facades, is already a big luck.

The local temple architecture is impressive - Munich builders and architects were creative everywhere, where they could, including when the churches were erected. The oldest temple of the city - Peterkirch or "Starina Peter,", as gentle by his Bavarians, grew up in the urban trait in 1150. Inside visitors is waiting for the present immersion in history - the interiors of the building are kept traces of architectural and picturesque styles of several eras. Well, the most prompt can climb the observation platform of the temple, admire the Munich panorama.

Against the background of the ascetic "Starina Peter", the Azamekirche church looks like a biscuit cake, sinking in the clouds of the "creamy" stucco - the Baroque style in all its courage. At the temple of St. Michael exterior elegant and stricter. Maybe because 15 bronze rulers from the Wittelsbach clan, convictingly discrepaning for everything that happened from them under his nose in the niches of the construction was attached.

The List of the most spectacular churches of Munich also fell as Teatinerkirche, Frauenkirhe with her 99-meter towers and decorated with the rarest stained glass windows of Lukascircher. No less thanks for the University of Ludwig Mann - an elite educational institution, the centuries "Stamping" Nobel laureates. Buildings in university possessions are somewhat, and they are scattered throughout Munich, but the most beautiful is unconditionally considered the main building - early gothic, seasoned with Renaissance.

All other

If it seemed to you that the capital of Bavaria is exclusively museums, royal residences and old churches, then you really seemed. Attractions in Munich Disciped, designed for tourist of any age. For example, sports fans and simply not indifferent to football comrades can go to lay on Alliance arena - a gigantic snow-white stadium in the form of a car. Even if you arrived in the city not during Oktoberfest, still ride to the meadows of Teresa (Teresienvis), where the beer vakhanalia is held annually. What for? Well, of course, to get inside the statue of Bavaria and through the viewing zones in her orphans to evaluate the opening panorama.

Curious fact: In the years of youth, Albert Einstein worked on Munich Oktoberfest. Mugs with beer Future genius, of course, did not spread, but the light bulbs in the pavilions screwed down.

With children in Munich, you should visit the Hellabrunn zoo - an amazing place where animals do not exist, and truly enjoy life. Avivated theatrians waiting for the national theater (naturally, within the framework of the excursion), well, if you are lucky, then the ticket is on the ballet. The most pathetic tourist selfings are made against the background of the Karlovy gates and the Arc of Munich, and the most compromising - in Hofbroyhaus, a cult beer, working since 1607, whose benches perfectly remember the arrogant Lenin and Hitler.

Remember how the price of our country got a victory in 1945, it is possible in the Dakhau memorial complex. This, of course, only the pitiful remains of the former death factory, but even incorrigible cynics are pierced to the bones. Another not quite typical landmark of Munich - Waldfridhof Cemetery. The object appeared in the city in 1907 and is a Mix of Park and Necropolis. So if you like to look at the original sculptures of the tombstones and do not mind finding the grave of some Bavarian celebrity - you are here.

Night life

Day Munich is respectable, practical and prudeman, and the night - extinguished and cheerful and reckless. And I do not say that in the capital of Bavaria, there is such a dominant nightclubs and bars, but in those that are available, no one ever happens. The legend of the city and the abode of the glamorous pathos, in which the Freddie Mercury himself sometime, - the club P1. They are delayed here, mostly celebrities and other major contingent, so the firecontrol at the inlet strictest.

But in the backstage it is easier to get, so if you love indie music, you will certainly like it here. Jazzclub Unterfahrt is a jazz classic designed for representatives of a more age group for which Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong are not just "some Americans there." Travelers who are not impressive traditional night entertainment is useful to take a test for tolerance and stroll up to a block of the Glochenbahffitel. The concentration of gay bars per kilometer square is recorded here.

Unrestrained fun and a good drink promises Sehnsucht-bar. The institution has a permanent promotion for visitors who can skip the cup and treat companions by paying their own underwear. And judging by the collection of bras over a bar counter, such economical young lady in Munich a lot. If you wish, you can try to "go to the people". At night on the Square Garter Plants, local youth devastates and devastates, among which there is sching and the individuals of a frankly marginal species.

9 things you need to have time to do in Munich

  • Book a glass of Munich Mule (Munich Mule) - the Bavarian interpretation of the famous American Cocktail "Moscow Mul".
  • To walk to the house 36 on Shillerstraße, where she once trained and junteled in the rail "Iron Arni".
  • To walk along the gallery of the beauties of Nymphenburg and admire the portraits of noble and not very competitors, whose faces of the Bavarian king Ludwig I considered worthy of his own collection.
  • To be inside the Frauenkirche to personally see the "Devil Trail" - a shoe imprint, incomprehensible way appeared on the marble plate of the cathedral.
  • Schedule a foam drink in any restaurant owned by the brewing company "Augustiner". Exposure only in oak barrels and no new-fashioned chips like metal tanks.
  • Fly in the English Garden "Naked Zones", where Munich nudists sunbathe and come off.
  • Stand on the bridge over the stream of icebach to lay on the cranks with surfs trying to swim through the ditch where the waters are exactly the knee.
  • Watch a puppet view, which is played three times a day on the facade of the New Town Hall. The performance begins under the wall of wall clock and copies the wedding ceremony of the Kurfürst Wilhelm V.
  • Hold your hand under the jet of the funny fountain of Brunnenbubler on Neuhawnershtrass and rinse his own purse in the waters of Fishbrunnen - suddenly it will be possible to suddenly get rich.

Where to stay

Well, a little about the best places for living in Munich. The Khauptbanhop (surroundings of the city railway station) and Shillerstrass are busy advantageously hostels, strip bars and clubs, so living here are fun, but only tourists who are accustomed to spend the nights out of their own bed. In addition, in the neighborhood there is an emigrant Turkish quarter with all the consequences. If the relative peace is required, it will have to lay out a couple of hundred euros for him - there are several decent hotels near the train station located on less busy streets. The counties of Schwabing and Ostnanhof reputation is respectable, so tourists who have seen in the family tour of Bavaria are better to settle here.

Munich Center will like those who love to have the main attractions in hand and are ready to pay for it - prices for hotels in hotels are superior to the most immodest expectations. A good reputation for the Maxfortadt district - golden places at a minimum, within walking distance, the main museums of the city and with infrastructure full order. To settle in Neuhausen-Nyufenburg should be in the event that you wish to remove the noisy center as much as possible, but at the same time you are not going to spend half a day on the road whenever he wants to wander around Marienplatz.

Cafes and restaurants

There is a lot in the main city of the "Volnaya state", the calorie and without hurry. True Bavarian operates its own digestive system at full capacity, otherwise it's just not a Bavarian. Where to eat in Munich? Yes, almost everywhere, depending on how much you are ready to spend on it. Even in the historic center, elite restaurants are interspersed with pretty harchers from the discharge "tasty and inexpensive." In particular, if you want to get to the traditional Bavarian breakfast with sausages, beer and crispy bonds, plug in Bratwurstherzl. Roasted sausages here hurt since 1633.

The same menu, but in a more extended version, plus 14 beer varieties can be found in Tattenbach - a cozy restaurant on Tattenbachstrasse. Prices are higher here, but discounts operate for dinners. You can have a snack without risk to empty the wallet to the last bills in Alter Simpl - here you adore the local, which is already considered a quality mark. For a couple of white Bavarian sausages, local chiefs take only 5.60 EUR, but those who wish can "make a hamburger, Nisauz salad or a Vienna Schnitsel.

Ultra-budget options, ready to rescue a cadence tourist, - snacks by type bergwolf. The menu is usually a curryworthist, Potatoes Friend, Brevel and another couple-tripoga of fastophobelessness. You can treat the sausage with a bun in such places it is possible for 3.50-4 EUR funny for Munich. In Asian eaters, the price tag is even lower, but the menu is already with the eastern "accent".

High kitchen in the Bavarian capital also takes place. GEISELS WERNECKHOF GEISLS WERNECKHOF holder, specializing in the modern interpretation of traditional Schwarzreiter recipes, Michelin three-star Atelier, Authentic Pfistermühle - a list of atmospheric places where regional and international specialists can be evaluated, will take a couple of pages. The only thing that slightly interrupts appetite in elite establishments is the average score from 130-150 EUR. However, according to those who marked in them, the Trevet Bloggers, obtained during the meadow, the taste impressions are worth.

And of course, do not forget about beer. If it was not possible to break through to the cult Hofbrohaus, arrange the Marathon race for Birgarten (beer gardens). For example, in Hirschgarten are ready to accommodate up to 8,000 foam fans - an absolute record, which has not yet been able to beat one Bavarian institution. In the beer garden, the Victualiennark market meets, mostly tourists, which does not worsen the taste of the beer served here. The oldest Birgarten Munich - Augustine - should be sought on Arnulfstrasse. And the most calm place is Valvdvilshaft, he is waws - there are mostly local and very small percentage of tourists. Birgarten in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chinese Tower in the English Atmosphere Garden is more dynamic, for which thanks to the high passability of the park and the very institution itself, promising to accept and treat a glory to 7,000 visitors at the same time.

For your information: To please yourself with a mug of beer, it is not necessary to look for suitable Birgarten. Bavator's favorite drink is served in every Munich cafe and a restaurant with national Kitchen, except for coffee and confectionery.


"Only not on Saturday!" - The motto that should be guided by going shopping in Munich. Why is that? Because Samstag (Saturday) is a beloved day of local shopaholics, the Babylonian pillarship in boutiques and outlets (remember that on Sunday in Bavaria, it is not accepted). The richest area is the richest area - between the squares of Carlsplac, Marienplatz and Odeonsplatz. Well, if more specifically, the trading life of the Bavarian capital proceeds mainly on the streets of Kaufinershtraße, Gaenzollernshasha, Neuhavristerstasse and Theatinstraße. No less interesting shopping can work out at Maximilianstraße: If you need little things from Armani, Chanel, Gucci and Versace, look for them here.

Lovers make diverse purchases worth getting into any of the Munich shopping centers, and better in a couple, in order to catch it for sure. For example, in RIEM Arcaden, where in addition to branded boutiques, a bunch of food courts is still. Or in Olympia, where 135 stores designed for second-class buyers and fans of democratic brands. You can ride an outlet in Ingolstadt, where you will be sold original outfit from Couturier, but with a decent markdown.

If found themselves in Munich during Advent (the pre-Christmas period), wander through the festive fairs, the most interesting of which unfolds their tents on Marienplatz. The most spectacular product site of the Bavarian capital is the market of Victualienimmark, which feeds citizens of more than 200 years and trading tents on which are inherited from parents to children. It is better to store here by farmer products - sausages, cheeses and spices. But get ready for what to save will not work. Very much on Victualienimarka of tourists who came to view a gastronomic abundance.

), Olympiapark, MESSEGELÄNDE RIEM. True, if you want to spread something worthwhile in the grooves of an old trash, go to shopping early - most Munich flea markets are open from 7 am. In addition, all local flea markets have their own sites, where the sale announcements periodically appear. Accordingly, to be aware of the most advantageous offers, look at them more often.

How to save in Munich

You can visit the top attractions of the Bavarian Capital and can not be ruined with CityTourCard München. This is a tourist card providing discounts on visiting museums, restaurants, attractions and other iconic locations of the city. Discount coupons are designed for staying in Munich from one to six days and there are two types: for single tourists and groups of travelers up to 5 people (two children aged 6 to 14 years are coming for one adult). The cost of a one-day ticket per person is 12.90 EUR, for the collective - 19.90 EUR. Get more full information On the cost of the CityTourCard duration of two days can be on the official website.

There is also an extended version of the map offering a discount on sightseeing beyond the city. Such a proposal will cost more, but the savings still get a bigger than with an independently scheduled excursion. You can buy CityTourCard München in tourist centers, airport (tickets DB and Travel Center), at the Central Station (in addition to DB and Travel Center, there are MVG and BOB machines). Another option is to buy online on the official websites MVG, MVV, Bob and S-Bahn München.


On the one hand, in Munich a decent number of pedestrian zones. In the same Altstadt (the old part of the city) is generally forbidden to move by car. And on the other hand, to bypass all major sights "on their two", given the fact that some of them are outside the historic center, not always in the framework of one trip.

The easiest and most relatively inexpensive way to celebrate in interesting places Munich - the route of the bus number 1, running between the East Station (Ostbahnhof) and the main railway station. The charm of this type of transport is that it carries around all major museums and turns into the English garden.

It is convenient for the city and for cyclists: here you, of course, are not Amsterdam, but decent tracks for fans of bikes in Munich will have. As for rolling offices, they are also quite a lot - Mike's Bike Route & Rentals, Radius Tours & Bike Rental, Deutsche Bahn, MVG and others. All companies have official sites where tariffs can be clarified. If we talk about the average rates, then the riding hour is approximately 2-3 EUR. At the same time, it is wiser to rent a vehicle immediately for a day - it will cost 16-18 EUR.

Public transport Munich will appreciate those who are ready to understand the tariff zones and varieties travel tickets. So remember! The capital of Bavaria is divided into four colors (and price) zones:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • green
  • red.

White area is the so-called inner space or InnenRaum. It is within its limits that most attractions of Munich, including Niphenburg and the BMW Museum. It is easiest to move within Innenraum - buy a ticket that is valid for the white part of the city, and ride how much it wants.

The XXL zone is the association of white and green areas of the transport card. That is, if you gathered from the historic center (white zone) in Hirschgarten (green zone), take a ticket with the XXL marking. Green, yellow and red areas together form ausserraum. It is possible to move in its feature only with a travel room designed for three zones. Well, the universal version is GesaMtNetz, which includes a passage of all four zones from white to red.

Important: In Munich, there is a single type of travel, with which you can ride in any form of public transport (do not forget to compost travel, not to get to the penalty). You can buy tickets in buses or MVV machines installed in the subway.

You can get to the right point of the city on the subway, urban electricians, buses (classic and metrobuses) and trams. But first will have to deal with the types of travel:

  • Kurzstrecke (for any tariff zone) is a ticket in one direction where you can drive four stops by land transport and 2 stops on the subway (valid 1 hour).
  • Einzelfahrkarte (maybe 1, 2, 3 or 4 zones) - valid 3 hours, during which you can transfer to other types of transport without the possibility to return to the starting point of the path.
  • Streifenkarte - travel consisting of 10 tickets. Each band is a 1-hour trip within one tariff zone. If the trip is more than an hour - we tear down and composting two strips; Traveling within two zones - we tear off and composting four and so on.
  • Single-TageSkarte is a ticket for all day. The number of tariff zone inclusive can be selected independently.

Of course, these are not all the options for travel. As an example: in Munich there are special transport fares for children, tourist groups, passengers with a bicycle. Therefore, in order not to get confused in the diversity of tickets, it is better to get a Bayern Ticket, which works as urban, and as a long-distance travel. Learn more complete information about it, you can on the site.

Important: Bayern-Ticket is invalid in express buses and high-speed trains.

If you are going to travel through Munich by taxi, be prepared to give 1,20 EUR challenge and another 3.70 EUR for landing. The first five kilometers of the way are usually charged at 1.90 EUR / km, then the discount is included - up to 1.70 EUR. Rent a car in Munich is also simple, but it is difficult to find parking for him, so if you do not plan to get out of the city, trust public transport, bike and your own feet.

Tourists usually leave from the airport at S-Bahn Lines S1 (end station - East Station) and S8 (ultimate - Herrshing). And the first, and the second go on schedule, and with very small intervals, and both Marienplatz are driving. Alternative to Railway Transport - Airportbus buses. Sending from the second terminal, starting at 06:30 in the morning, with an interval of 15 minutes. Travelers who do not need to save can do the same way on a taxi or a rented car (rental racks in the airport building).

One of the most attractive cities in Germany is considered unique Munich. His amazing beauty, a rich history, the most interesting cultural traditions give the city all the features inherent in the capitals of the world. And indeed, the locals call their city with the second capital of Germany.

Munich is the administrative center of the federal land of Bavaria, located in the south of the country. The foundation date of the city is considered to be 1158, when the construction of the settlement was completed Villa Munichen.. Already in twenty years, Munich receives the status of the city. His name comes from the word Mönchethat translated from Starionenetsky means "monks". At one time, the Bavarian kings were residence in Munich.

Munich differs from the rest of Germany in the national composition. More than a quarter of the entire population of the city constitute citizens of neighboring states.

Today, Munich is a major industrial, financial and cultural Center Germany. In addition, the city has the largest educational institutions in Europe, such as the Max Planck Institute, the University of Ludwig Maximilian, as well as the largest library in the old world.

Cultural holiday in the Bavarian capital promises a lot of unforgettable impressions. More than fifty museums, exhibitions, galleries and theaters are concentrated in the city. All over the world, Munich is famous for the extraordinary hospitality and breadth of the scope of various Bavarian holidays. It is in Munich, on the famous Terezin meha.From September to October, the world famous festival is held Oktoberfest. During this festival, the city turns into the global capital of the hop.

Munich is perfect for the rest of all categories of tourists. Everyone will find entertainment here.

South Germany

Number of population

1 426 931 people (for 2012)

Population density

4397 people / km²


UTC + 1, summer UTC + 2

Postal code

International Area Code

Climate and weather

Munich weather conditions correspond to a moderately continental climate. Winter period in the city is soft, it lasts from December to March. At this time, abundant sediments are noted. True, the snow on the urban streets holds only a couple of weeks. Summer in Munich moderately warm, sometimes there are strong rains. The average daily temperature during this period is about +18 ° C. In winter, the thermometer column is lowered to +2 ° C.

Weather in Munich is determined by alpha alpha, but warm winds that in a couple of hours can dramatically change the air temperature. Even in the summer on the streets of the city there are citizens dressed in a warm sweater.

Hospitable Munich is open for visiting all year round. Especially many foreigners come to this beautiful city in autumn (September and October), when the famous beer festival is held Oktoberfest. Many tourists come to Munich in winter to visit the nearby ski resorts, where you can go skiing, snowboard, etc.. Many fans and spring Munich. The abundance of greenery and delightful colors transform the city beyond recognition.


Magnificent Munich is located in the most picturesque corner of Germany. The north of the city is prolonged by a beautiful river valley Isar, gloomy winter and green summer. More impressive views open from the city itself: the mountain glaciers of the Bavarian Alps are predicted between the limestone cliffs. Already on the outskirts of Munich there are real mountains, although they can be distinguished from the central district only before the rain.

The city's territory also peacefully adjacent adorable lakes. The most popular not only among tourists, but also at the local public are stunning Starnberger, Ammesee and Himsee. Their coniferous forests give this area a dyed look. Fir and pine forests are dominated in the vicinity of Munich. The alpine meadows covered with the sun cover numerous herbs and flowers. This edge symbol can be called tricolor violet.

The animal world of the Munich region is not so diverse. Squirrels, foxes, wild boars, hares, Surki dwell here.


Many residents of Germany ordered Munich by German Rome. Amazing the imagination of the number of historical and cultural attractions located here. All excursions in Munich begin with the heart of the city - Square Marienplatz. Here are the most popular buildings and facilities in tourists. In the center of the square rises the statue of Mary, erected in 1638.

Special attention is attracted by the next old town hall with a high bell tower. Today in this building is located the most interesting museum Toys. Here, on Marienplatz, there is a new town hall, which is architectural monument Neoetics. The main attraction of this building is called unique hoursthat still participate in the medieval presentation several times a day.

Nearby tourists cause a church St. Peter or Peterkirch. Required in the XIII century in the Gothic style, the church was completed only in the XVII century in the style of Baroque. Excellent views are open from its sightseeing platform to which 294 steps lead. One of the symbols of modern Munich is the 91-meter Tower of St. Peter's Cathedral.

Most popular with foreign tourists enjoy the world's famous art galleries and new Pinakoteks, Old Castle, St. Michael Cathedral, Church of the Mother of God. Two towers of the church of the Mother of God, or Franckelkirchewere built in the middle of the XV century. Today they are one of the most recognizable symbols of Munich. A special impression produces a printed trail at the entrance to the church. Locals argue that he belongs to the Devil.

In the vicinity of Munich it is worth highlighting one of the most beautiful palace complexes of Western Europe - Nymphenburg. For a long time, the Palace owned the ruling Bavarian dynasty Vittelsbach. Unique Palace Architecture, Wonderful Park, and also botanical Garden Allocate this complex among other similar.

Today, one of the most popular seats In Munich, the Olympic Park is considered specially built to the 1972 Olympic Games. These games got sad fame: then several Israeli athletes became victims of Palestinian terrorists. The Olympic Park is a large-scale complex of architectural structures. Among other buildings allocated OlympiaStadium.that attracts the attention of an amazing roof of the plexiglas. Until recently, this stadium was considered the home stage of the legendary Football team Munich "Bavaria". Today the team trains and conducts matches at a separate stadium "Allianz-Arena". It is worth noting that the main attraction of the Olympic Park is not the stadium itself, but the huge Olympic Tower, the height of which is three times the towers Franckelkircheand is 290 meters.

Munich is the city of museums. Special attention should be paid to the Bavarian National and Ethnographic Museum, the BMW Museum, the Museum Museum, the Hunting Museum and Fisheries and other museums with no less impressive collections. However, the most popular among foreigners the museum is considered a brewery Kulmbach. Here you can get acquainted with the rich history of brewing, try yourself as a brewer, and then to taste the beer-cooked beer.

Next to the Olympic Park is the world-famous BMW Museum - the largest Bavarian automaker. In the majestic four buildings, the museum and headquarters of the concern are currently located.

The present property of Munich is an English garden located near the river Isar. This stunning park has a square, significantly exceeding the Central Park of New York and even Hyde Park in London. It is worth noting that many experts call the English garden in Munich as the best city park in the world.

It should be noted another natural attraction of Munich - Zoo Hellabrunn. In a huge territory, more than 14,500 fauna representatives from around the world were collected. More than 650 species of animals are inhabit here in conditions as close as possible to natural. Hellabrunn It is considered one of the largest zoos of Western Europe.


WITHtrolina Bavaria is famous for impeccable traditions in brewing. Of course, the traditional Bavarian food has an inseparable connection with this fragrant foam drink. Wonderful beer snacks (sausages, sausages, baked ducks, piglets) can be tried in an absolutely any public catering center Munich.

The most famous beer restaurants called the city Augustiner-Keller.. It is located next to the main station. Not only delicious snacks and surprisingly fragrant fresh beer is famous for this restaurant. A great impression also has a peculiar design of the interior in the old-year-style style.

There is a legendary beer restaurant on the territory of Munich "Hofbrojuz", built in the XVI century. Wooden furniture used in this institution has been preserved since the end of the XIX century. "Hofbrojuz" It has its own "beer garden", where in favorable weather in the fresh air can enjoy the delicious beer and snacks to Him up to 400 people at the same time.

In addition to standard sausages in the menu of each Munich restaurant, there is an unmatched breast on the ribs, fried pork, cooked in the oven hepatic pate. But the most famous Bavarian dish is a pork steering wheel with stewed potatoes and cabbage. Each adoption is accompanied by, of course, amazing beer or wine.

A wide variety of dishes in the menu Bavarian restaurants will make you forget about diets. It is impossible not to try such a yummy.

Food prices in Munich are relatively low. One mug of beer costs about 2 €. For lunch in a small street cafe, you can pay from 5 € to 15 €. A dinner in a chic restaurant will cost the visitor at about 20-30 €.


The hospitable capital of Bavaria offers a huge selection of hotels of any type, boarding houses or hostels. The choice of place of residence depends only on the wishes of the client and its well-being. In Munich, a huge number of hotels of famous world hotel chains - Marriott, Hilton. and Plaza.. Accommodation in such hotels will cost about 150-300 €. It is possible to soak in the luxury rooms for 450 €.

Also a lot in Munich more modest hotels like Bed & Breakfast.. The rooms of these hotels are equipped with the necessary furniture and appliances. Each has a separate bathroom, air conditioning, TV, telephone, Internet, etc. The average cost of the double room is about 140 € per day.

Less than 45 € in Munich numbers do not offer. The cost of living directly depends on the season. As a rule, prices are sharply increasing in the summer and during the period Oktoberfesta. Many companies recommend tourists in advance book hotels in advance, because in Munich there is a continuous flow of foreign tourists all year round.

Entertainment and recreation

Beautiful Munich has a pleasant time to the transmittance. The city equally attracts tourists both in summer and in winter. In addition to various excursions on the main attractions of the city and its surroundings in the summer, you can spend a great time in the suburb of Munich. Numerous lakes favors different water activities. You can make fascinating climbing in the mountains of Bavaria.

In winter, an excellent option active rest There will be entertainment on the ski resorts nearby near Munich. Unique beauty of the Alps, fresh frosty air, a huge selection of entertainment attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists to Munich. It is worth noting that the cost of rest at the Bavarian ski resorts is noticeably lower than on the famous Swiss or Austrian.

Rest in Munich will leave unforgettable impressions and your children. Be sure to take your favorite child in a wonderful Munich Circus Krone., zoo, entertainment park Legoland., aquapark Alpamare..

In the last, by the way, an artificial wave works, the height of which reaches one meter. This place was chosen by local surf lovers. The admirers of this sport can also visit the English garden, namely the stream Icebach. True, this place is quite dangerous: the stream is replete with underwater stones. Therefore, it is not recommended to come here inexperienced surfers. A Park Entertainment Skyline Park. It is capable of increasing the level of adrenaline in the blood even at the most imputy. On the territory of the park you can ride on the American hills, jump from a decade-meter springboard Big Jump. AT Skyline Park. There is the largest water slide in the world, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Recently, Munich has become a popular platform for various exhibitions, festivals and concerts. The most famous festival is considered Oktoberfestheld at the end of September - early October. The beginning of the annual beer festival was laid over two centuries ago. In 1810, in honor of the wedding of the future King Ludwig I, leaps were arranged with the subsequent treats of all those present by the beer. Currently Oktoberfest Collects a huge number of foreign tourists who want to feel the unique flavor of the German holiday, with the amazing taste of specially welded foam beer "Visn".

Fun and noise do not stop in Munich and with the onset of the night. A huge number of bars, clubs and discos will appeal by noisy youth. The most popular with local youth clubs are considered Club 2. and MAX-EMANUEL-BRAUEREI. Cozy atmosphere, popular DJs, incendiary music - there are all the conditions for a fun night relaxation.


One of the most pleasant entertainment in Munich is recognized by shopping. In the capital of Bavaria, there is a huge number of modern shopping complexes, boutiques of well-known brands, a variety of souvenir shops and benches. All Munich trade facilities Work on weekdays from 9:00 to 20:00, and on Saturday, the working day is reduced to 16:00. In Munich, five times a year shares are held on Sundays. These days, numerous city shops are filled with buyers from all over Bavaria. Seasonal sales are very popular with the local population. In these periods, all clothes and shoes are offered to visitors with a discount of 90%.

The main shopping streets of Munich are considered Maximilianstrasse, Kaufinershtrasseand Nohausershtrasse. For the entire length of the streets, numerous boutiques of fashion clothes and accessories were stretched, as well as inexpensive souvenir tents. Olympia is recognized as the most popular shopping center Munich. There are about 135 different shops and boutiques. In addition, large events in the fashion world (exhibitions, shows, holidays) are held in the shopping center.

All shopping lovers should certainly visit the trading village Ingolstadt. There are more than a hundred stores of large world brands. It is worth noting that prices in outlet-Village. significantly lower than in similar stores in Munich itself. Getting to Ingolstadt You can by car.

Worldwide Fame received Christmas bazaars Munich. From the end of November and until the very christmas Square Marienplatztransformed beyond recognition. Many bright garlands creating bizarre patterns, the city's main tree creates a special festive mood. In numerous tents you can buy Christmas toys, decorations, gifts for loved ones.


Munich city transport is a well-developed network from a variety of bus, tram routes, as well as urban train stations and metro. It is worth noting that the distinctive feature of the transport of the capital of Bavaria is its punctuality. All vehicles come to stop items strictly on schedule.

The bus network of the city is divided into several types: Metrobus, Stadtbus. and TaxIbus.. Locals rarely enjoy buses. Tram and metro were most common. Interestingly, the tram is considered the oldest view of transport in Munich. The cost of a travel in public transport depends on the number of zones.

Munich Metro was specifically built to the 1972 Olympics. The total length of the line is more than 100 kilometers. Modern rolling stock is used to transport passengers. Interestingly, there is no usual for us to turnstiles in the Munich metro. Travel documents check controllers directly at the station. The cost of travel also depends on the passage of the zones.

Munich is a major railway node. The city there is one of the main railways of Germany. There are three stations on the territory of Munich, which serve high-speed and regional trains, following Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland. Traveling around the railway to nearby settlements will cost 10-15 €.

Munich's air gate can be called the name of the International Airport named F. Strausa. To date, this airport is recognized as one of the largest in all of Europe. Here is the company's base Lufthansa. and StarAlliance. For your cities in Germany and the largest airports in the world are available daily by these companies. It is worth noting that the journey of journey in Germany is quite expensive. A ticket from Munich to Berlin costs about 200 €.

Munich is the center of the German Autoban network in the south of the country. The highways from Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Berlin, Passau, Salzburg, Lindau and Garmisch-Partenkirchen end in Munich.


Munich is recognized as the largest center of IT technologies and communication not only Germany and Europe, but also in the whole world. Communication systems in the city are perfectly established. On each urban street there are phones-payphones, from which you can make a call not only within the country, but even call abroad. The work of such payphones is organized from coins, telephone or credit cards. Telephone card sales points are located in all major shopping centers, gas stations, in post offices. The cost of cards varies from 3 € to 25 € depending on the number of paid minutes.

About 80% of Munich residents are owners of cell phones. Mobile services in the city provide more than a dozen companies that maintain roamies of major world cellular operators, including Russian. It is worth noting that the price of outgoing calls to the city of Russia is about 2 €.

In all areas of Munich, it is possible to find enough cozy Internet cafes, providing visitors a full range of network services. Access points Wi-Fi received great popularity among the local population. By the way, free internet is available in large hotels, shopping and entertainment centers.


The neighborhood of the capital of Bavaria was chosen by representatives of the German elite and not only. By the way, the Russian diaspora in Munich includes more than 40,000 people.

The cost of Munich real estate unprepared person can lead in shock. Prices for individual apartments reach 1,000,000 €. And the luxurious country villas will at all cost the buyer at 20,000,000-30,000,000 €.

Safe and full of extremely positive impressions Rest in Munich will only be compliance with some important rules.

First, the Germans - the people are extremely punctual and neat. If you have a meeting with local residents, you must arrive at her exactly at the appointed hour. The slightest delay will cause a mass of negative emotions. In a conversation with the Germans, try to joke careful. An incorrectly interpreted phrase can configure the interlocutor against you.

Secondly, to travel through Munich it is better to use a subway or tram. To save time and money, the best payment option will be the acquisition of a single ticket, allowing a whole day to use the services of different types of transport within the same zone.

Thirdly, going to shopping in Munich, it is worth remembering that all calculations are carried out only in national currency - euros. Exchange foreign money can be in any separation of banks. It is worth noting that some (not all!) Shopping centers and large stores pay for non-cash payments using plastic cards.

Is the German city of Munich. The population in it has long passed for a million people. In addition, it is a rather old settlement, which is the cultural center of the Bavaria region. Let's find out what is the population of Munich, what is its number, demographic characteristics, accommodation conditions and much more.

Geographical location Munich

Before you start learning the population of Munich, let's find out where this European city is located.

Munich is located in the south-east of Germany on the territory of the administrative district.

Brief history Munich

In order to understand how Munich's population was formed, you need to look at it through the prism of history.

The history of the first settlement in these places is among the early Middle Ages, namely by the VIII century, when the monks began to live on Petersberg. They amounted to the very first population of Munich. The chronicle certificate of Munich appeared only in 1158, but after seventeen he received the status of the city with all the privileges arising from here. The city was mainly inhabited by Bavarians - the subethnos of the German people.

In 1240, Munich moved to the ownership of the Duke of Ottone, the brief from the house of Vittelsbach, who was the ruler of Bavaria and the Palatz, who were part of the Sacred Roman Empire. From then until 1918, Vittelsbahi did not lose the right to own the specified city. In 1255, after the separation of Bavaria into two parts between the brothers, Munich became the capital of the Upper Bavaria. In 1507, Bavaria again united into a single duke, but nevertheless, Munich did not lose his capital status, remaining the center of the united state. In 1806, Bavaria received the status of the kingdom. The Munich real heyday reached the King Ludwig I, which produced in the city of construction, decorated it, invited many famous cultural figures here. The city became the real cultural capital of South Germany.

During World War I, the city was subjected to bombardments by the forces of the Entente. After the war, the King of Bavaria fled from the country, and in 1919, Marxist forces in Munich proclaimed the creation of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. True, less than a month later, Bavaria was returned to Germany (Weimar Republic).

It is in Munich that the origins of the German Nazism are originated. Here in 1920 the National Socialist German Workers Party was founded. In 1923, Nazis were taken in Munich unfortunate attempt The coup, which acquired the name of the beer coup. In 1933, the Nazis through democratic elections still managed to come to power in Germany. But it should be noted that Munich at the same time became the main center of the anti-Nazi movement among German cities. During World War II, the city was repeatedly subjected to air strikes, during which the population of Munich decreased by at least 25%.

After the end of the war, Munich got into the American occupation zone. The city was rebuilt. In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany became part of the Novomorated state. Munich became the largest industrial city of the country, as well as one of its political and cultural centers. In terms of size and population in Germany, this settlement is inferior only to the capital of the country - Berlin city, as well as Hamburg.

Population size

Now it's time to determine which Munich has a population. This indicator is basic for all other calculations on demographics. So, the population of Munich is at the moment 1526.1 thousand people.

As mentioned earlier, this is the third inheritance in Germany. For comparison, 3490.1 thousand people live in Berlin, in Hamburg - 1803.8 thousand people, and in the fourth in terms of the size of the city of Germany Cologne - 1017.2 thousand people.

Dynamics of population changes

Now let's learn how the population of the city changed in the dynamics. Munich basically increased in this indicator, although there were periods when the number of living temporarily decreased.

Let's start our excursion since 1840, when Munich was the capital of the kingdom. Then 126.9 thousand people lived in it. The population has grown up to 1939. So, in 1871, it was 193.0 thousand people, in 1900 - 526.1 thousand people., 1925 - 720.5 thousand people, in 1939 - 840.2 thousand people . But the Second World War, the consequence of which was mobilizing into the army of men, as well as the bombing of the city by the Allied troops, significantly reduced the number. The population of Munich is at the 1950 census 830.8 thousand people, but it can be said with confidence that in the first post-war years the number of living was even less. But then he began height. So, in 1960, the number has already exceeded a million inhabitants, thereby establishing a record of the city, and amounted to 1101.4 thousand lives. In 1970, the city has already inhabited 1312 thousand lives.

But then Munich, however, like all Germany, the demographic crisis is comprehended. The birth rate decreased significantly with an increase in the liability of the child's responsibility in society. In 1980, the population fell to a level of 1298.9 thousand people. In 1990, up to 1229.0 thousand people decreased, and in 2000 to 1210.2 thousand people.

True, in the next period, the number of living began to grow again. Already in 2009, it reached a record level in the entire previous story - 1330.4 thousand lives. But on this growth did not stop. In 2013, the population was reached to the figure of 1407.8 thousand. Lyat, in 2015 - 1405.4 thousand inhabitants, and at present it is 1526.1 thousand lives. The growth trend of the population in the city continues now.

Population density

Which Munich is occupied, is 310.4 square meters. km. Knowing the area and population, it is not difficult to calculate its density in Munich. At the moment it is 4890 people / sq. km.

For comparison, take a look at the density in other largest cities of Germany. In Berlin, it is 3834 people / sq. km, in Hamburg - 2388.6 people / sq. KM,. And in Cologne - 2393 people / sq. km. Thus, it is possible to state the fact that in Munich a rather high population density.

Ethnic composition

Now find out what nationalities live in Munich. The overwhelming majority of the population of the city make up the Germans, most of which belong to the subethnos of the Bavarians. Some ethnographers even tried to highlight them in a separate nation, as culture and dialect are largely different from the population of the rest of Germany.

But in the city there are quite a lot of immigrants from other countries of the world, as well as persons with foreign citizenship, including those who have refugee status. The share of such residents exceeds 25% of the total number of residents. But the social protection of the population of Munich applies to most of them.

Most of all among the population of Munich immigrants from Turkey. Their number is 39.4 thousand people. In addition, many people of Croatia (29.3 thousand people), Greece (26.4 thousand lives), Italy (26.0 thousand lives.), Austria (21.8 thousand live.), Poland (21.1 thousand live.), Bosnia and Herzegovina (16.5 thousand lives.), Romania (16.2 thousand live.), Serbia (13.5 thousand live.). It should be noted that recently intensified the influx of refugees from Arab countries, mainly from Syria. However, this is a problem not only Munich or Germany, but also all of Europe. At the same time, Munich lives the largest percentage of residents with migration past in relation to the common urban population (in comparison with other major German settlements).


Almost half of the population of Munich does not apply to any religious community. Such people make up about 45% of the total number of residents. At the same time, 33.1% of the population are parishioners of the Roman Catholic Church, 11.9% - Protestants, 7.2% - Muslims, 0.3% - Jews, and another 0.7% belong to other confessions.

The administration of the city of Munich tries to provide the rights of representatives of all religious denominations of the city.


Now let's find out what areas of the activities are occupied by the population of Munich. The description of the main spheres of production in the city we present below.

The main branch of the Munich economy is mechanical engineering, in particular the automotive industry and aircraft construction. So, in the city there is a largest car plant for the production of cars, which is a world-famous brand name - BMW (Bavarian motor plants). This enterprise provides the population more than 100 thousand jobs.

The city has developed a branch of electronics (Siemens Concern). In addition, Munich is one of the world's largest beer production centers.

But the industry is not the only direction of the economy of the city. It is developed here and the provision of various services, in particular a financial nature, as Munich is a large banking center.

Social protection of the population

As in most other cities of the European Union, high social standards are supported in Munich. In particular, the employment employment center is engaged in the employment of unemployed and paid by him. The population of Munich is thus insured against problems that arise after losing work.

As mentioned above, refugees and other migrants also remain without appropriate protection. They are also considered persons who constitute the population of Munich. Migration service, as well as other social institutions, subject to the compliance with the laws of German laws, also guarantee them social protection.

General characteristics of the population of Munich

Munich is the third in the population of the city of Germany, the largest industrial and cultural center of the country. Currently, the city has a permanent increase in the number of residents, which is provided, including migrants, constituting about 25% of the total number of Munich residents. About half of the city's population do not confess any religion. Among believers, the majority are Catholics.

In general, it can be said, Munich has excellent demographic and economic prospects.

Munich - the capital of beer and baroque

Munich is not similar to any city of Germany. The Bavarian capital has its own architectural appearance and a special, colorful and squeezed lifestyle. This city is called "Bavarian Rome". In the majestic beauty of its planning, there is truly imperial scope, the features of the world capital. Baroque era cathedrals and pompous buildings in classic style strengthen this impression

"German Rome" - so often refer to the capital of Bavaria Munich. The history of Munich goes into the depths of the centuries - the official date of its foundation is considered to be 1158. With his unique old town hall and ancient beer hofbroyhouse, beer festivals and beautiful Munich museums are increasingly attracted to tourists from around the world. It is also a large industrial metropolis: since the 60s, world-famous companies such as "AGFA", "BMW", "Siemens" have been created here, the film industry has also developed. For the Germans themselves, Munich remains a symbol of beer, traditions and a holiday. Bavarians secretly consider it the capital of Germany and are very proud of them. Munich is a tourist Mecca of Germany, the city of grace and the joy of life

Munich has a lot of appearance. Munich - Megapolis and "Big Village", where you will be with you on the street. Munich is a large museum of architecture of all European styles, from Gothika to modern, under the open sky. Munich is world famous beer, fried sausages, a pretzel from a white dough with salt and the biggest holiday Oktoberfest. Munich is chic boutiques and a huge number of European and all the more German celebrities. Munich is the industrial capital of Germany. Munich is a city of cinematography. Munich - Treasures of world painting in Pinakotek. Munich is waiting for you how tourists are waiting for every year from around the world, and it is significant that the Germans themselves ride with pleasure to rest in Munich!

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The date of the founding of Munich - 1158. However, the settlement on the Izar River was based earlier, it all started from the monastery on the Izar River on the site of today's Munich (hence the name of the city was the name of the city - Moench / Muench. In the XII century, Munich became the ownership of the Vittelsbach dynasty, a little later - the capital of the Kingdom of the Bavarian, the state that existed before the beginning of the XIX century. In the account of Bavaria and Vittelsbach - a significant part of European history, several very famous historical personalities (remember Princess Sissi, the future empress of Austria-Hungary, or the last king of Bavaria Ludwig, the patronage of the Vagneur and built fabulous locks around Munich), so the Bavarians are still very Independently behave in relation to residents of other federal lands. You can say, look at them high.

The point of reference and the place of meetings in Munich is the square of Marienplatz in front of the Negotic New Town Hall. For the town hall - the Victualiennmark market, the place is always lively and restless, where you can buy everything. On the left of the new Town Hall are visible two towers of the symbol of Munich, Church of the Frauenkirche XV century. And through the quarter is the huge Palace of the dynasty of Vittelsbach resident, for which, if you want to go inside, you can immediately plan half a day. And to the resident, in turn, adjoins the National Bavaria Theater, at the same time a national opera, one of the best in Germany. And so on - arriving at the Old Town of Munich, it is impossible to stop: the following is already visible at one landmark. Is that you want to have a snack and come on a broad bench in one of the countless Munich beer restaurants.

Museums in Munich
Munich collections having world famous are located quite compact north of Munich's main station. Here in the buildings specially built for them at the beginning of the 19th century, there are glyptotek (assembly of ancient sculptures), antique collections (architecture, ceramics, friezes), urban gallery / Lenbachhaus (collection of works of the Blue Rider group, avant-garde of the beginning of the twentieth century, in t. Part of Vasily Kandinsky), the State Graphic Assembly and, finally, the world famous old and new Pinakoteks. Old Pinakotek, of course, is one of the most extensive assemblies of European painting in the world, it is comparable to the Louis and Hermitage. And in total in Munich more than 150 different museums: the Egyptian meeting, the museum of numismatics, toys, hunting and fisheries, musical instruments, fashion ... In the Technical Museum "Hands to touch", one of the most technically advanced planetaries of Europe is open at the museum. Follow "into space.

Neighborhood Munich
And it was only the center of Munich, and that's not all! The remaining areas of Munich are also rich in attractions. In the West, you are waiting for the Palace of Fame and a huge statue of Bavaria, as well as one of the two most famous palaces of Ludwig of the second Nymphenburg with a beautiful park adjacent to him. In the north - Olympic Park, a huge Olympic Stadium and the Olympic Tower of 290 meters high, offering a beautiful view of the city. In the south, the Film Studio "Bavaria-film", where you can go on a tour and take a walk between the scenery of the "Little Hollywood". And in 2 hours drive from Munich south, in the foothills of the Alps, is the most famous castle In the world, Neuschwanstein, who Walt Disney used as a basis for all his castles in cartoons and disneyland. Here, with incomprehensible circumstances, Ludwig second was killed, and now the Musice is about his life in the walls of the castle.

Munich's surroundings are very picturesque, wherever you go: the prestigious ski resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the town of Wayinstefan, where the oldest brewery in the world works in the former monastery, ancient flaming with his Romanesque Basilica, Austrian Salzburg - God Mozart ... in a word, the more You will get time to Munich, the better. And how many times you did not find yourself in the capital of Bavaria, she can always surprise you with something new.

city in the south of Germany. Administrative center of the land of Bavaria. An important economic and cultural center of the country. Located on r. Izar. Population of 1.3 million people. (1971); in large M. yunhene, covering 150 adjacent communities, over 1.8 million inhabitants. An important node of J.-D., automotive and air services (airfields in the suburbs and in Erdinger-Mose - international meaning). In the post-war years, industry is rapidly developing, especially new industries.

In terms of employed, the leading place is occupied by electrical engineering, electronics, instrument engineering (37%), general and transport engineering (29%), paper and printing (9%), sewing and textile (7%), digestive, including brewing (6% ), industries.

The chemical industry prevails the production of chemical-pharmaceutical, rubber products, film films, artificial materials.

Despite the preservation of numerous crafts (14 thousand from 110 thousand busy) and secondary industrial enterprises, the leading role in the industry belongs to the largest concerns: "Siemens" - electrical engineering and electronics, "Haniel" (MAN) - general and heavy engineering, " Kvandt "(Firm BMW) - Auto Grope, Flick (Krauss-Maffei) - production of buses, heavy trucks, Messerschmitt-Bölkov-Blom - Airlines Building, Junkers - Avia and Motor-Building.

M. - one of the largest banking centers (Bayeris Feranssbank AG, Bayeris Ipoteken Und Vekselbank) and insurance ("Alliance Ferziherungs AG", "M yunhener Ryukferziherungs-Gezelshft ») Business, Trade in Germany. International fairs are held periodically. In M. are: University. Ludwig Maximiliana (see Munich University), Technical University, Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts and Higher School of Music. Museums: German Museum, Bavarian National Museum, Gliptotek, Old and New Pinakoteki, etc.

(See Bavarian State Collections of Paintings), theater Museum and others. Theaters.

A. I. Mukhin.

Settlement on site M. goes back to 8 century. In 1158, the duke of Bavaria Heinrich Lion granted M. urban law. From the 13th century 1871 M. - the capital of Bavaria. In 13-14 centuries. The city received a significant development of craft and trade.

In the 16th century M. became one of the significant cultural centers of Germany. During the thirty-year war, 1618-48 the city was occupied by Swedish troops; In 1705 during the war for the Spanish legacy of 1701-14 - Austrian troops. In 1871, with the formation of the German Empire, together with Bavaria entered its composition.

The population of the city rapidly increased: in 1840 - 89 thousand people, in 1910 - 596 thousand, in 1939 - 829 thousand people.

In 1900-02, V. I. Lenin, who led the newspaper Iskra, who left the newspaper Iskra. In April 1919 in M. Bavarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed.

8-9 November 1923 M. became the isna of the fascist coup, at the head of which Hitler and Ludendorf stood; Until 1933 in M. was the headquarters of the Nazi party. After establishing a fascist dictatorship in Germany (1933), M., where a number of organizations of the Nazi Party continued to function, became one of the centers of fascist reaction.

The Munich Agreement 1938 was signed here. During the 2nd World War, 1939-45, the city was very destroyed by bombing. After the defeat of fascist Germany, he was in 1945-49 in the American occupation zone.

Among the architectural monuments: Churches - Latestical Frauenkirhe (1466-1492 Architect J. Ganghoffer), Liernessance of St. Michael-Kirhe (1583-97, Architect F. Sustrais), Barochynerkire (1663-1767, architects A.

Bareli, E. Zucchilli, F. Kyuville). Old Town Hall (1470, Architect J. Ganghoffer), Construction of the Residence of the Bavarian Dukes (16-19VV.), Nymphenburg Palace (1663-1728); Buildings L. Background Klenzse - Gliptec (1816-1830), Old Pinakotek (1826-36), propilenes (1846-60; see

ill.); New Town Hall (1867-1908, Architect G. I. Ston Huberrisser), German Museum (1903-25, on the project of architect O. von Miller), House of Art (1933-37). In 1968-72, a complex of structures were built for the 20th anniversary Olympic Games (by 220 thousand.

spectators) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe new building Obervisenfeld with a stadium for 80 thousand places, a small sports arena for 11 thousand places, swimming pool for 9 thousand.

Munich - München.

places (layout and main facilities are mainly on the project of architect Benish et al.), Olympic Village for 12 thousand people. (Planning and improvement in the project of the architect Glaleyne). Built urban line railway, New metro line.

Lit.: Kreisel N., München, Die Stadt Als Kunstwerk ,,,, 1968.

Klenza. Propilenes in M. yunhene. 1846-60.

M. yunCHN. Plan of the city.

Palace Amalienburg in the Nymphenburg Park.

1734-39. Architect F. Kyuville.

Olympic Village. 1968-72. Planning and improvement in the project of the architect Glaleyne.

Old Town Hall.

1470. Architect J. Ganghoffer.

GlipTotek. 1816-30. Architect L. Background Klenzse.

Administrative building of the enterprise of the electromampis industry "ASSERS". 1964-65. Architectors V. Henn, D. Strebel.

Church of Theatinkirch.

1663-1767. Architects A. Berellley, E. Zuckally, F. Kyuville.

Church of St. Michael Cirche. 1583-97. Architect F. Sustris. In the background - Church of Frauenkirche (1466-92, Architect J. Ganghoffer).

M. yunCHN. General view of the city.


This city in the south of Germany is located on the Izar River and is the capital of the federal land of Bavaria and, at the same time, the Upper Bavaria administrative district.

The so-called "free city".

Administrative division. In 1996, Munich was administratively shared by 41 districts, but due to the reform, their number was reduced to 25.

The name of the city comes from the Old Munichen, which means "at the monks."

Population of Munich is 1 410 259 people - this is the most big City Bavaria and the third largest among German cities.

Local government. Here is the federal government of Bavaria, the Government of the Upper Bavaria, as well as the Office of the Munich District.

Education and science

Munich is a major industrial and research center.

Here are famous universities in Munich Technical University, Munich University of Ludwig Maximilian (originally founded in 1472.

in Jolstadda, and from 1826. Located in Munich), as well as the Institute of Plasma Physics. Max Planck, Higher Music School, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts.

An important meaning is one of the largest libraries in Europe - the Bavarian State Library, which has 6 million.

copies of the Foundation. In addition, the Nuclear Research Reactor, Philharmonic, Gizing and Zendling Observatory are located in Munich.

Attractions, architecture

The central square of the city from the convoy of the Virgin Mary, supplied by Emperor Maximilian I, is called Marienplatz, there are various attractions around it, incl.

Old and new town hall.

There are many monuments of architecture and history.

The old-building area is called the Old Town - with the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin, the highest in Munich (height of the bell tower 99m), and other churches.

The Church of St. Peter is the most ancient church of Munich, it is built in the XII century.

True, at the beginning of the XIV century, it was strongly destroyed and restored, but already in another, Romanesque style.

The Church of St. Michael was built at the end of 16 - this is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Epoch of the German Renaissance.

Here is many kings and princes from the Vytelsbakh dynasty (among them and Ludwig II Bavarian, who entered the story under the nickname "Fairy King"). The church of the Thawing of St. Caetana 17th century is distinguished by the grand sizes (the height of the dome of 71 m.) Very beautiful, the Azamekirche church, which is considered a masterpiece in the style of Late Baroque.


Munich is called the "city of museums", many of them founded Louis I Bavarian: it's old and new kicksomeki and gyppotek.

Old Pinakotek is the most visited museum of Munich, her collection of masterpieces of European old masters has 9000 paintings of 1400 artists.

The new Pinakotek was built in the middle of the XIX century on the orders of Louis I Bavarian, but it was destroyed during the Second World War and was restored at the end of the 70s of the twentieth century.

Its halls presents about 550 paintings and 50 works of sculpture. The collection covers the period from Rococo style to modern, as well as the painting of impressionists.

Gliptotek - the oldest of Munich museums and the first one open to the public in Europe.

There are presented masterpieces of ancient sculpture from the collection collected by Louis I Bavarian. Gallery of contemporary art is located in the House of Art. Her Assembly is 400 paintings and sculptures related to the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, including surrealists, wovers and cubists. You can not miss the work of Clee, Ernst Kirchner, Emil Nolde, Augustus McCe, as well as 14 works of Picasso.

The German Museum is considered one of the greatest technical museums of Europe, it is dedicated to natural sciences and techniques.

It was founded in 1903. Oscar von Miller.

Museums and estates are also interesting. So, Villa Lenbach is a museum located in the village of Villa by the artist Franz Lenbach, his collection includes works by artists who were in the Blue Horseman group, incl. And Vasily Kandinsky.

In the "Ville piece" the frescoes and painting of neoromantics and symbolist are exhibited.

artist Franz von Stuc.

Munich Museum is dedicated to the history of this city, there is a wonderful collection of vintage engravings and Munich layouts.

It is also worth visiting the toy museum, the German Theater Museum, the BMW Museum.

Other sights

Very beautiful English park, which is one of the largest city parks in the world - it stretches from the center of Munich to its outskirts along the coast r. Izar.

Unique architectural complex In the modern style of Olympic Park, built to the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972.

An impression is impressed by the 290-meter tower, a observatory with a roof of glass and metal as a huge awning. There is also a water stadium, the Olympic stadium, a rink and a bicycle rocker, and on the tower - a rotating restaurant with a sightseeing platform.

The wonderful architectural monument is the Palace of Nymphenburg, the former summer residence of Vittelsbach. The palace was built by decree of the Ferdinand-Maria Kurfürst in the 17th century in the Baroque style - this is the largest baroque palace in Germany.

Interesting in this palace Gallery beauties - a hall, decorated by the orders of King Louis I portraits of the most beautiful ladies. In the Nimphenburg Park there are 3 castles more compromised (Amalienburg, Badenburg and Pagodenburg) and the chapel of Magdalennenclause.

In addition, it is worth seeing with its own eyes such architectural ensembles: Allians Arena, Munich Residence, Blutonevburg Castle, Maximiliananeum, Holnstein Palace.


There are 2 football teams in Munich: "Bavaria" and "Munich 1860.

Bavaria is the most popular and titled German football club.

Public transport

The basis of public transport in Munich is a network of fast trains, uniting urban trains and metropolitan. Bus and tram routes are also walking. Payment for the passage here is charged not depending on the number of transfers and types of transport, but relative to the number of crossed conventional transport zones of the city (4 of them).

Railway communication

Chief Station G.

Munich - the second passenger traffic station in Germany, serving about 350,000 passengers per day. Also in Munich there is an eastern station and the Munich-Pazing station.

Aerial service

Munich's new airport has been operating since 1992 and is the 2nd one by the annual passenger traffic of the airport in Germany and 7th in Europe (50 million passengers per year, approximately 90 ups / landing per hour). This is the most important airport of Basing for Lufthansa and Star Alliance.

Located in the vicinity of Munich not far from the town of Freising.

Car message

In Munich, there are three inner transport rings, international routes pass through this city.

Traditions and holidays

Munich is famous for the whole world by the traditions of brewing. There are 6 large breweries here, and each autumn in Munich passes the Oktoberfest festival, which can be called the festival of beer in German folk traditions.

Cities in Germany

Munich is the city at the foot of the Bavarian Alps on the Izar River in the south of Germany, the capital of the federal land of Bavaria, the third largest and second on tourist attendance after Berlin city in Germany with a population of more than one and a half million people, about a quarter of which are natives of other countries.

The Bavaria government is located in Munich, the Government of the Upper Bavaria, the Government of the Munich City District.

Modern Munich is not only a concentration of cultural and museum values, but also a large industrial and research center.

Thanks to famous universities, one of the largest in Europe, the Bavarian State Library, which has 6 million Tomov, Institutions named after Max Planck and Heinza Mayer Leibnitsa, a nuclear research reactor and many other Munich agencies hold strong positions in European science. Also Munich is rightfully considered the IT capital of Germany.

History of the city

It is officially believed that the city founded the Duke of Heinrich Lion in 1158.

In the 1180th power over the city passed to the vittelsbach dynasty. And only in 1505 Munich became the capital of Bavaria. The events of the first half of the 17th century laid the end of the prosperity period. Thirty-year-old war (1618-1648) and the plague epidemic took a third population of the city. At the beginning of the 18th century, the city was occupied by Austrian troops. In 1806, Bavaria becomes the kingdom. With the kings of Ludwig I (1825-1848) and Maximilian II (1848-1864), Munich became a cultural center.
Famous of his passion for luxury King Bavaria Ludwig II Rules from 1864 to 1886.

Many of the most beautiful houses of the city belong to the reign of these kings. After World War I, the city was covered by significant political excitement. In these years, National Socialism (Fascism) was founded. In 1923, Hitler and his supporters organized a "beer coup", an attempt to overthrow the republic and seize power.

without looking at Fiasco, Hitler made Munich headquarters of the Nazi party, which in 1933 took control of the German National Government.

World War II brought destructive damage to the city, many of which were later restored. In 1973, the capital of Bavaria received guests at the Olympic Games specifically for which a modern Olympic Stadium was built.

Attractions Munich

The tower of the Cathedral of Frauenkirche, erected into the fame of the patroness of Munich Virgin Mary, is considered the sign of the city.

Marienplatz - the central square of the city, which is proud of the wonderful building of the Town Hall, has a rare clock mechanism with a moving figure Fishbrunnen Fanchik.

The highest (91 m) and the oldest Cathedral of Munich - the Cathedral of St. Peter, with its observation deck there is an excellent view of the old town, and the pedestrian zone in the center of Old Munich, beloved not only by the guests of the city, but also the Munich themselves - this is the first thing , Two streets - Noyhawsershtraße and Kaufinerstraße, smoothly flowing alone to another.

Here are the department stores, souvenir shops, cafes and restaurant wonderful monuments of architecture and art - Mella House Burgerzal, Jesuit Church of St. Michael, a wonderful fountain "Fine Boy" and Universal Loves - Bronze Cabanchik (someone who wants to find His love is to scratch the cable behind the ear).

Azamekirche is not the most famous, but the most magnificent and extraordinary church of Munich - the incarnation of Rococo style in all its irrepressible beans.

With the configuration of the Statue of Bavaria, installed in the Moha Teresa (Teresieneviz), perhaps only only the statue of freedom in New York can compete.

Nymphenburg Palace - Beautiful Summer Residence Bavarian Kings.

They are not less proud of Munich, than Parisians - Versaille, and Petersburgers - Petrodvoret. In the palace park, in the artificial lake floats quite a lot of manual swans.

The architectural ensemble of Königplatz Square, thanks to which Munich became called "Athens-on-izar". It was created by order of King Ludwig I. Grand building in the ancient style - Gliptotek (where one of the best assemblies of the sculpture collections), the building of the state ancient collection and adorable propelleans are located.

The Lenbach House was built in the style of an Italian country villa for the famous artist Franz von Lenbach.

After the death of the artist, the house went to the ownership of the city and was turned into an art gallery. The gallery is famous for the works of Kandinsky and artists organized by him the Blue Horseman organized by him.

When it is better to go to Munich

The tourist season begins with May and ends in October when the weather is in its best manifestations. At this time there is a large number of holidays and folk festivals, among them - the famous Oktoberfest.

Summer days solar and warm, but be prepared to cool rainy days even in July and August. Season winter species Sports in the Bavarian Alps lasts from mid-December to mid-March, despite the fact that from time to time, especially in January, there is perhaps very cold.


Munich has a well-established uniform transport system (MVV), including the subway (U-Bahn), suburban trains (S-Bahn), trams and buses.

Local passenger transport is the easiest and convenient way to get to the center and other attractions of the city. Tickets for all these vehicles are one. There are a couple of options for tickets on sale, differing in Munich zones, within which they are valid, by the number of people to which they are calculated, and in time.

The ticket allows you to use all local modes of transport with the exception of a taxi (subway, tram, bus) Munich and Salzburg, plus the ticket price includes travel by train in second grade to Garmisha-Partenkirche and Salzburg.

The ticket is actively within a day and is designed for 5 people, its approximate value is equal to 24 euros.

An option of movement around the city by car may seem very expensive due to the high costs per parking lot.

Nightlife Munich

Munich is a major center of executive art that also attracts a bright nightlife. The city is home to at least four leading orchestras plus opera and ballet groups of world-class.

A large number of theaters are scattered throughout the city, offering all sorts of genres from the classics to the modern German drama.

Munich's nightlife changes the weather. When the weather is good and night, fragrant beer gardens are filled with a welcome. During the winter months, beer gardens are inferior to the beer halls in the genus of the famous Hofbroyhaus. Beer gardens and halls are usually empty around midnight, when the club scene is only gaining momentum.

Munich club scene is very diverse. Based on this, it is not at all difficult to detect the club for every taste, from country style to mega techno dance.

Many clubs work until dawn. Areas of Haidhausen and Schwabing with their ultra-modern clubs and stormy nightlife are constantly competing among themselves for the best place. nightlife cities.

To learn about the events in pleasure and other visits to the establishments of Munich, it is worth entering the tourist office located at the railway station (Hauptbahnhof), and acquire a monthly guide (MonatsProgramm) with a detailed program of events for the current month.

Approximate cost -1.50 euro. Unfortunately, the guide is published only on german languageBut without a difference it may be easy to study and very useful benefits.

Holidays in Munich

The annual calendar of the city is usually full of bright holidays and festivals.

In February, the carnival passes with 4-6 weekly whirlpool of colorful parades. For the carnival (in March) it follows a holiday of durable beer (StarkBierzeit).

Munich - Capital of Bavaria

The festival consumes beer with names ending at the "Ator" (triumphator, salvator), following the tradition, which is still from monastic days. In April, Munich passes Mini Oktoberfest - Beer Holiday (Fruhlingsfest) and Mega Colorful 8 Day Flea Fair at the last Saturday of April (Maidult), still takes place at the end of July (Herbst Dult).

In June, an international film festival is held, not as known as in Berlin.

but attracting a fairly serious audience. In July - Opera Festival and Full Merry Gay and Lesbian Parade with outrageous outfits. The parade is considered one of the largest events in Europe. From September to October, Oktoberfest is held in Munich - the most huge collective drunk on the planet. Millions of people from all over the world go to this holiday beer to have fun and enjoy the beer, which is no doubt the main attribute of the holiday.

Each December is a traditional Christmas fair with shopping tents that sell handmade products and warming soul and Mulled wine body.

A huge Christmas tree on Marienplatz, decorated with a great multitude of lights, creates a truly magical mood.

But the biggest attractiveness, no doubt, uses the beer holiday, which is called Oktoberfest. This famous event is visited by millions of people from all over the world every year, during which beer just pours the river.

By the way, it is estimated that, on average, about five million liters of beer is consumed for a whole period of the celebration.

Oktoberfest in Munich

Beer Festival, Oktoberfest, is a real mass event of a global scale.

The holiday originates from October 12, 1810. When the Prince of Ludwig I was combined (later King Ludwig I) and Princess Teresa Saxon. Munich residents were invited to celebrate the wedding, which took place on the meadows opposite the city gate. Subsequently, in honor of the princess, these meadows began to be called Teresyins (Theresienwiese).

The holiday was arranged by Ludwig I and in the following years, gradually dismissed in the current festival of beer - Oktoberfest. Now the holiday is held from mid-September to the first Sunday of October. Beer holiday in Munich is accompanied by many entertainment activities, including the procession of people dressed in national Bavarian costumes.

In 1999, Oktoberfest, which was held from September 18 to October 5, was listed in the Book of Records Guinies as the largest beer festival in the world.

In that year, 7 million people visited it, which consisted 5.8 million liters of beer in 11 huge tents installed on an area equal to fifty soccer fields.


The pedestrian zone of the historic center of Munich is the main direction for all kinds of purchases.

There are most of the various class shops from boutiques to huge supermarkets. The whole shopping streets of Kaufingerstrasse and Neuhausersterasse stretch from the Central Railway Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Marienplatz and further north to Odeonsplatz.

For even more upscale shopping, head to Maximilianstrasse, where you will find numerous luxurious boutiques and fashion houses competing with similar on Fifth Avenue.

For extravagant goods, head to the Schwabing area. The streets of Schellingstrasse and Hohenzollernstrasse are home to many non-standard shopping galleries and boutiques.

Shops, department stores and supermarkets in the center of Munich are usually opened on weekdays from 09.00 to 20.00, on Saturday from 09.00 - 16.00.

Little shops work on weekdays from 09.00 - 18.30 with a break for lunch (Lunch), on Saturday from 09.00 - 12.00. Sunday, as a rule, for all stores - a day off.

Cities in Germany

In 1806, Bavaria became the kingdom, and Munich his capital. In the King, Maximilian-Joseph IV, which supported Napoleon, the territory of Bavaria increased, the influence of France penetrated into all spheres of life.

King Ludwig I stated that she intends to make such a beautiful city from the capital of Bavaria that "no one can say that he knows Germany if he has not seen Munich." He enriched the city with beautiful buildings in the classic style, the National Opera House was built, the Palace of Prince Charles, the most beautiful museums are based - old and new kicksomeki, glipotek, a numismatics museum.

In 1848, the revolutionary year due to love story with the Spanish dancer Lola Montes Ludwig I was forced to abandon the throne. His son Maximilian inherited the throne and the artistic traditions of the Father, decorating Munich with beautiful buildings at Maximilianstrasse, built Maximiliananeum, where the Bavarian Parliament is now.

His son Ludwig II decorate Munich did not, but built fabulous castles in the Alps - Neuschwanstein, Linderhof and Herensee.

He spent all his personal funds for the construction of locks and used the treasury. For this, he was deprived of power and a few days after the coup "the fabulous king", Ludwig II died in unclear circumstances. Today, Ludwig II castles are the main tourist brand of Bavaria.

Munich, Germany | Munich (München)

In 1886, in the war between Prussia and Austria, Ludwig II spoke on the side of Austria, but Prussia won. As a result, the Bavaria had reparations of 50 million stamps. In 1870, Bavaria again fought against France, but already on the side of Prussia and was among the winners. King Bavaria Ludwig II proposed to form the German Empire.

But Bismarck will embody this idea, and the king-dreamer of state affairs preferred the "divine twilight of an elevated mountain loneliness."

In 1918, as a result of revolutionary actions, the Vytelsbach dynasty was overthrown. Royal family fled. From April 13 to May 1, the Bavarian Soviet Republic existed.

On November 8-9, 1923, "Beer Putch" occurred in Munich, at the head of which Hitler and General Ludendorf were stood. Putch began in the famous beer "Hofbroyhaus", then poured on the streets and on the Odeonplatz was stopped by the police. Several policemen died and in memory of this event on the Odeonplatz installed a memorial stove. Hitler sentenced to 5 years in prison, but he served only 9 months.

In Munich, at the beginning of the 20s, the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (NSDAP) appeared and the city became the capital of the "brown shirts".

In 1938, the so-called took place in Munich. Munich Collusion is an agreement on the section of Czechoslovakia, who signed the heads of the Government of England, France, Italy and Germany.

At the end of World War II, Munich was subjected to the strongest bombing of allied aviation. About 80% of buildings were destroyed, outstanding architectural structures were injured.

After the war, the city, like all Bavaria entered the American occupation zone.

In the post-war years, the city was rapidly restored and by 1961 was restored and purified from the ruins.

All the ruins were overlooked by the Olympics of the city, where the Olympic Park was subsequently built, and the mountain was built from the ruins with a height of 52 m. With observation plane. Restoration of the city from Ruins is rightly called the "German miracle."

In 1972, the XX Summer Olympic Games took place in Munich, the opening Olympic Stadium and many other sports facilities were built in the Obervisenfeld district. The first metro lines and high-speed elactrix opened.

But these Olympic Games were overshadowed by the murder of the Isragian athletes who committed Arab terrorists.

Munich today is a huge and excellent megalopolis, with parks and ponds, canals with wide avenues, theaters, concerts and exhibitions. This is a city of high technology and Masmedia, here are the editorial office of newspapers, magazines, Nikicostudia "Bavaria-film", more than 300 book publishers.

The city visits about 3 million tourists a year and this is not counting Oktoberfest. According to the results of social surveys, Munich is recognized as the best city in Germany.

← Munich sightseeing

See also: