There were no majestic mountains. The majestic city of Petra: what mystery lies in the ancient rock

Unlike the mountains, the rocks are not covered or only slightly, with rare exceptions, covered with vegetation, among which mosses and lichens predominate. In fact, these are boulders with steep slopes and all kinds of ledges. Like many other geological formations, nature has created them over millions of years, thanks to which they received the most incredible outlines, and sometimes colors, so there is something to see here. Jutting out over the sea or the valley, the rocks form absolutely incredible landscapes. Among them there are those that can outshine the most fantastic scenery. These 9 rock formations are a prime example of the fact that nature itself is the most skilled craftsman.

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

Coastal cliffs washed by waters Atlantic Ocean, stretched along the coast for 8 km. In different areas, the height of the rocks varies from 120 to 214 meters. The cliffs are believed to have formed over 300 million years ago. These "stone giants" offer a truly stunning view, which attracts more than 1 million tourists every year.

White Cliffs of Dover, UK

The cliffs bordering the coastline of the Pas-de-Calais are part of the North Downs. The height of the rocks reaches 107 meters. They are composed of chalk and flint, thanks to which they can be seen from the French Cape Gris-Neu, and among the sailors they won the fame of the symbol of the coast of England.

Preikestolen, Norway

A giant cliff overlooks the Lysefjord. The height of the rock formation is 604 meters. Its summit is a natural observation platform with an area of ​​about 25 by 25 meters. From the cliff, a magnificent view opens up, from which even seasoned tourists are breathtaking.

Cabo Girao cliff, Portugal

This steep rock is on south coast Madeira island. Cape Girao is considered the second largest cliff in the world. Its height is 589 meters. There is an observation deck at the top of the cliff, which provides tourists with the opportunity to "soar" over the ocean.

Kalopapa, Hawaii

On the northern tip of Molokai, on the Kalopapa Peninsula, is one of the most scenic spots in Hawaii - National historical park Kalopapa. One of the pearls of the park are sea cliffs over 1000 meters high. You can only get to them on foot or by horse. Tourists will be rewarded for their efforts great view to the surrounding landscapes and the endless Pacific Ocean.

Peak Thor, Canada

This granite peak is recognized as the tallest vertical slope in the world. It is located in National park Auyuittuk on Baffin Island. The height of the peak is 1250 meters, and the slope of the wall is 105 degrees.

Half Dome, USA

The rock rises 1,450 meters above the Yosemite Valley. Consists of granite monolith. Half Dome is one of the largest monoliths in North America and his image is often used by various organizations as a logo. The Half Dome view is also printed on California driver's licenses.

Etretat, France

The cliffs of Etretat have become the hallmark of the town of the same name. Their height ranges from 80 to 120 meters. Nature has carved several unique arches in them. Due to the extraordinary whiteness of the chalk rocks, the rocks can be seen far out into the sea.

Grand Canyon, USA

Without this natural landmark, the list of incredible rock formations would be incomplete. The Colorado Plateau Canyon is a real time machine, on which you can travel in several geological periods at once. In the 446 km long canyon, there are traces of four geological eras of the Earth. For 10 million years of its creation, nature has formed a gorge up to 1800 meters deep, filled with clusters of cliffs of the most incredible shapes and colors. Best view on them opens with a glass observation deck « Heavenly trail", Which protrudes 20 meters beyond the canyon and rises above it at an altitude of 1220 meters.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

There were no majesty mountains and rocks surrounded by clouds; it was an ordinary Russian space: fields, meadows, rare villages with straw and wooden roofs.

In this sentence:

majesty - an adjective formed with the suffix –ENN–;

Surrounded - full participle with a prefix and a dependent word;

straw - an adjective formed with the suffix –ENN–;

wooden - an adjective, the word exception (НН, although it is formed with the suffix -ЯНН-).

Answer: 1234.

Answer: 1234

Rule: Task 15. Spelling N and NN in words of different parts of speech


Tra-di-tsi-he-but is the most difficult topic for students, since substantiated na-pi-sa-nie N or NN is possible -but only with the knowledge of mor-pho-lo-gi-ches and words-in-ob-ra-zo-va-tel-zo-kons. Ma-te-ri-al "Inquiries" summarizes and si-ste-ma-ti-zi-ru-et all the right-vi-la topics N and NN from school textbooks and gives additional information from V.V. Lo-pa-ti-na and DE Ro-zent-ta-la in the volume that is not-we-go-dim for you to complete the assignment of the Unified State Exam.

14.1 N and NN in churn-out pri-la-ga-tel-ny (ob-ra-zo-van-ny from the names of the nouns).

14.1.1 Two NN in suf-fik-sakh

In suf-fik-sakh pri-la-ha-tel-nyh we write NN, if:

1) pri-la-ha-tel-nye ob-ra-zo-va-but from the s-t-tel-th with the oss-no-howl on H with the help of suf-fik- sa N: tumAN + N → tu-man-Ny; car-man + H → car-man-Ny, car-man + H → car-man-Ny

old-fashioned (from old-na + H), caratine (from card-ti-Na + H), deep-bin-ny (from deep-bi-Na + H), di- co-wine (from di-co-vi-Na + N), not-du-zhin-ny (from du-zhi-Na + N), true (from is-ti-Na + N ), bar-shchin-ny (from bar-shchi-Na + N), communal (from commun-shi-Na + N), long (from lengthNa + H)

Note: the word "strange" from the point of view of the modern language does not have suf-fik-sa N in its composition and does not appear nym to the word "country". But it is possible to explain the NN thread: a person from a foreign country considers it-that-if-ina-to-think-la-shi, stranger, in a hundred -ron-nim.

These-mo-lo-gi-che-ski can be explained by the word “genuine”: genuine in Ancient Rus na-zy-va- it was true, yes, to-that-to-rush under-su-di-my go-ril "under the long-ni-ka-mi" - especially long-ni-ni-ka-mi or whip-ta-mi.

2) pri-la-ga-tel-no-ra-zo-va-but on behalf of the su-sh-tel-tel-no-go by adding-bav-le-ni-em suf-fik-sa-enn -, -HE N: kluk-vEN-Ny (kluk-va), re-vo-lu-qi-ON-Ny (re-vo-lu-tion), tor-same-stEN-Ny (tor-zhestvo).

Ex-key: wind-rE-Ny (but: without-wind-rEN-Ny).


Meet the words-names are pri-la-ha-tel, in which H is a part of the root. These words need to be remembered. They did not come from the names of the nouns:

baggy, green, spicy, drunk, pork, red, ruddy, young.

14.1.2. In suf-fik-sakh pri-la-ha-tel-ni-she-xya N

In suf-fik-sakh pri-la-ha-tel-ni-she-xya N, if:

1) when-la-ha-tel-noe has a suf-fix -IN- ( go-lo-bI-Ny, we-shI-Ny, so-lo-vy-Ny, tig-rI-Ny). Words with this suf-fik-som often have the meaning of "whose": go-lo-bya, mouse, solo-vya, tiger.

2) when-la-ha-tel-noe has suf-fik-si -AN-, -YAN- ( dog-cha-ny, ko-zA-Ny, ov-sYa-Ny, earth-lYa-Noy). Words with this suf-fik-som often have the meaning “made of what”: from sand, from leather, from oats, from earth.

Ex-keys: glass-lYAN-Ny, olo-vYAN-Ny, de-re-vYAN-Ny.

14.2. N and NN in suf-fik-sakh words, ob-ra-zo-van-nyh from gl-go-lov. Full forms.

As is known, from the heads there can be ob-ra-zo-vains and pri-parts, and the names are pr-la-ha-tel-ny (= from-gl-hol- nye pri-la-ha-tel-nye). Pra-vi-la na-pi-sa-nia N and NN in these words are different.

14.2.1 NN in suf-fik-s of full pri-parts and full-length pri-la-ga-tel

In suf-fik-sah, full pri-parts and voiced pri-la-ga-tel-s are written NN, if so-good-yes-it-THAT WOULD be ONE of the conditions:

1) the word ob-ra-zo-va-no from gl-go-la so-top-shen-no-kind, WITH OR WITHOUT, for example:

from the gl-go-lov bu-to-drink, you-to-drink (what to do ?, co-superior view): buy-lin-ny, you-buy-lin-ny;

from the head-lovers to throw, to throw (what to do ?, a better view): bro-shen-ny-for-bro-shen-ny.

The attachment does NOT change the type of attachment and does not affect the suf-fik-sa. Any other attachment gives the word a perfect look

2) in the word there is suf-fik-si -OVA-, -EVA- even in words of a non-so-top-shen-no kind ( ma-ri-no-VAN-Ny, as-fal-ti-rO-VAN-Ny, av-to-ma-ti-zi-rO-VAN-Ny).

3) with the word, about-ra-zo-van-nom from the gl-go-la, there is a-vi-si-my word, that is, it turns into a pri-private revolt, For example: mo-ro-zhen-noe in ho-lo-dil-ni-ke, var-rEN-Nye in bu-lo-no).

AT-ME-CHA-NIE: In cases, when the full attachment goes to the specific preposition in the name of the pri-la- g-tel-noe, na-pi-sa-nie do not me-nya-sya. For example: Excited with this co-community, the father spoke loudly and did not hold back his emotions. You-de-len-ny word is a part-part in a private about-ro-those, excited how? this co-society... Me-nya-em pre-lo-gi-ness: His face was Vzvol-no-vaN-Nym, and there is no more part, there is no revolt, for the face cannot be "excited", and this is a name that is attached. In such cases, they say about the pe-re-ho-de of the pri-la-ga-tel-nye, but on-pi-sa-nie NN this fact does not influence in any way.

More examples: De-wush-ka was very or-ga-ni-zo-vaN-Noy and vos-pi-taN-Noy... Here both words are appli-la-ha-tel names. De-vush-ku is not "ob-ra-zo-you-va-li", and she is vos-pi-tan-naya all the time, these are a hundred-yang-ny signs. From-me-nim pre-statement: We are in a hurry to meet-chu, or-ga-ni-zo-vaN-Nuu partners. Mom, vos-pi-taN-Naya is strict, and we are vos-pi-you-wa-la just as strict... And now you-de-fenced words are a part.

In such cases, in a statement to the task, we write: pr-la-ha-tel-noe, ob-ra-zo-van-noe from the part or pr-la-g-tel, pe-re-shed-neck from pri-part.

Ex-key: not-expected, not-ha-given, not-seen-given, not-heard-khan-ny, not-cha-yang-ny, med-len- ny, ot-cha-yan-ny, sacred, desired..

Note the fact that words have gone from a number of ex-keys count-ta-Nye (mi-nu-you), de-la-Noe (equal-no-soul-shie)... These words are pi-jester-Xia in general pra-vu-lu.

Add more words here:

co-va-ny, nibbled, chewed eva / ova are included in the composition of the root, this is not suf-fiq-sy to write NN. But at the appearance of the p-joke, in general, the right-to-see: chewed-out, pod-ko-vaN-Ny, isklevaN-Ny.

one N. Comparatively: ra-nEN-Ny in battle(two N, in what-mu-that appeared for-wi-si-my word); from-ra-nEN-Ny, kind of top-tier, there is an attachment).

clever to define the kind of a word is difficult.

14.2. 2 One H in off-glacial pr-la-ha-tel-ny

In suf-fik-sakh from-vow-gol-ny-la-ha-tel-ny-s-s-xa-xia, if:

the word ob-ra-zo-va-but from gl-go-la not-so-ver-shen-no-th form, that is, from-ve-cha-em to the question what about the subject de la li? and with the word in the pre-lo-ze-nii there are no for-vi-si-words.

Tu-she-Noe(his tu-shee-li) meat,

stri-zHE-Nye(their haircut-whether) hair-lo-sy,

boiled(his wa-ri-li) car-to-fel,

lo-ma-naya(her lo-ma-li) line,

stained(his mo-ri-li) oak (dark in re-zul-ta-te special-qi-al-noy processing),

BUT: as soon as these words, when-la-ha-tel-ny, appear-la-et-sya for-vi-si-my word, they immediately re-go in a row when -part and pi-joke with two N.

tu-shEN-Noe in du-hov-ke(his tu-shee-li) meat,

stri-wives-no-long ago(their haircut-whether) hair-lo-sy,

va-rEN-Ny for a couple(his wa-ri-li) car-to-fel.

ONE-LI-TEA-TE: the pri-parts (right) and the pri-la-ha-tel (left) have different meanings! Big-shi-mi buk-va-mi you-de-le-ny stressed vowels.

called brother, called sister- man-age, not one-of-a-kind in bio-logistic relationship with this man, but agreeing to brotherly (sister's) relations, good-ro-vol-no.- nA-called by me address;

planted father (using the role of ro-di-te-la same-ni-ha or not-ve-sta with sva-deb-n-rya-de). - in-sA-feminine at the table;

pri-dA-noe (property, yes-va-e-my not-ve-ste her family for life in za-mu-zh-nstvo) - prI-given shi-kar-ny view;

Narrow (so n-zy-va-yut same-ni-ha, from the word fate-ba) - a narrow skirt, from the word narrow, make it narrow)

Forgiven vos-kres-se-nye (re-li-gi-oz-ny holiday) - forgiven by me;

pi-sa-naya krasa-vi-tsa(epi-tet, fra-zeo-logism) - pi-san-naya mas-lom car-ti-na.

14.2.3. Na-pi-sa-nie N and NN in complex pr-la-ga-tel-nye

In the composition of the complex word na-pi-sa-nie from-gla-gol-no-go pri-la-ha-tel-no me-nya-Xia:

but) the first part of the ob-ra-zo-va-na from the head-lovers of the not-so-top-shen-no-kind, so-chit, we write N: smooth-to-beautiful-shE-Ny (paint), go-ry-che-ka-ta-Ny, home-mo-tka-Ny, pest-ro-tka-Ny, evil-that-wea-Ny (weave); aim-but-cut-E-Ny to cover), evil-to-to-va-Ny (to-vat), little-ez-zHE-Ny (ez-dit), little-ho- W-Ny (walk), little-but-w-Ny (but-sit), little-salty (co-pour), fine-crushed (draw-beat), fresh extinguished (ga-sit), fresh-mo-ro-zHE-Ny (mo-ro-zit) and others.

b) the second part of the complex word ob-ra-zo-va-na from the pri-voch-th head-go-la of the so-top-shen-no-kind, that means, we write NN: smooth O beautiful ( O paint), fresh per mo-ro-wife-Ny ( per mo-ro-zit), etc.).

In the second part of complex forms, it is written N, although there is an attachment PER-: gl-same-Nye-pe-re-gl-same-Nye, la-ta-Nye-pe-re-la-ta-Nye, but-she-Ny-pe-re-no-she-Ny, sti- ra-Noe-pe-re-sti-ra-Noe, arrow-la-Ny-pe-re-arrow-la-Ny, shto-pa-Noe-pe-re-shto-pa-Noe.

In this way, you can complete the task by al-go-rit-mu:

14.3. N and NN in brief pri-la-ga-tel-ny and short pri-parts

Both the attachments and the attachments have not only full, but also short forms.

Pra-vi-lo: In short, there is always one N.

Pra-vi-lo: In short appendices, there is as much H as in full form.

But, in order to take-the-thread of the right-vi-la, you need time-to-li-ch-la-ha-tel-nye and ad-part.

ONE-LI-TEA-TE short pri-la-ga-tel-nye and ad-part:

1) on the issue: short pri-la-ha-tel-nye - what is it? ko-va? how-to-you? how-to-in? how-to-you ?, a short ad-part - what has been done? what have you done? what is done? what have you done?

2) by knowledge(a brief accessory has to do with an action, you can replace the thread with a glance; a short adjective gives ha-rak -te-ri-sti-ku defining-de-la-e-my word, about the action is not co-general);

3) on-li-chiyu for-wi-si-my word(short attachments do not and cannot have, short attachments have).

Brief detailsShort pri-la-ha-tel
na-pi-san (ras-skaz) m. genus; what have you done? by whom?boy ob-ra-zo-van (what is it?) -from the full form ob-ra-zo-van-ny (what?)
na-pi-sa-na (book) railway; what have you done? by whom?de-voch-ka ob-ra-zo-van-na (ka-ko-va?) - from the full form ob-ra-zo-van-naya (what?)
na-pi-sa-no (co-chi-no-nie) Wed genus; what did-la-but? by whom?child ob-ra-zo-van-no (ka-ko-vo?) -from the full form ob-ra-zo-van-no (what?)
ra-bo-you na-pi-sa-ny, pl. number; what have you done? by whom?children ob-ra-zo-van-ny (ka-ko-you?) -from full form ob-ra-zo-van-ny (what?)

14.4. One or two Ns can be written in na-speeches.

In na-re-chi-yakh in -O / -E, there are as many H as there are in the original word, For example: calmly with one H, since in pr-la-ha-tel-n calm suf-f-fix N; slowly with NN, since in pri-la-ha-tel-n slow HH; enthusiastically with NN, since in part infatuated NN.

With the seemingly non-complexity of this right-vi-la, there is a problem of blemishness of the grading into speech, short kih pri-parts and brief pri-la-ha-tel-nyh. For example, in the word co-wed-do-to-che (N, NN) it is not possible to choose one or another nap-sa-nie WITHOUT knowing than this word is in the pre-lo-ze-nii or word-in-so-che-ta-nii.

ONCE-LI-TEA-TE short pri-la-ha-tel, short pri-parts and speeches.

1) on the issue: short pri-la-ha-tel-nye - what is it? ko-va? how-to-you? how-to-in? how-to-you ?, a short ad-part - what has been done? what have you done? what is done? what have you done? na-speech: how?

2) by knowledge(a brief accessory has to do with the action, you can replace the thread with the head; a short application gives ha-rak -te-ri-sti-ku defining-de-la-e-my word, about the action is not co-general); in-speech denotes a sign of action, as it proceeds)

3) by role in the pre-lo-gion:(short pri-la-ga-tel-nye and short-a-clicks for-often appear-la-yut-sya ska-zu-e-we-mi, in-speeches

from-but-sit-xia to gl-go-lu and y-e-th-th-th-th-th-th)

14.5. N and NN in the names of the nouns

1.In the nouns (as well as in the short appli-la-ha-tel and in the speech) there are as many H as in pri-la-ga-tel-nyh (pri-parts-sti-yah), from which they form-ra-zo-va-ny:

captive (captive)nef-ty-nik (nef-ty-noy)
ob-ra-zo-van-nost (ob-ra-zo-van-ny)go-sti-ni-tsa (go-sti-ny)
from-gnan-nik (from-gnan-ny)vet-re-nick (vet-re-ny)
leaf-vein-ni-tsa (leaf-vein)poo-ta-ni-tsa (pu-ta-ny)
vos-pi-tan-nik (vos-pi-tan-ny)spice (spicy)
gu-man-nost (gu-man-ny)dog-cha-nick (dog-cha-ny)
high-high-high (high-high)smoked (smoked)
urav-no-ve-shen-ness (urav-no-ve-shen-ny)tasty mo-ro-same (mo-ro-same)
pre-given (pre-given)tor-fyanik (tor-fya-noy)

From the names of the pri-la-ha-tel-ra-zo-va-ny and the word

kindred / ik from kindred, side-ronn / ik from sides, one-mouse-lenn / ik from one-mouse-lenn, (evil-intentional-lenn / ik, co-intentional-lenn / ik), became-lenn / ik from imposed-len-ny, drowned-lenn / ik from drowned-len-ny, numerical / ik from numerical, co- paternal / ik from compatriot) and many others.

2. Su-ness-tel-tel-nye can also form-a-zo-vy-vat-Xia from the heads and other names of s-ness-tel-tel-nye.

Pishet-sya NN, one N is included in the root, and the other in the suf-fix.H *
fraud / nickname (from the purse, what does the bag, wallet mean)toil / enik (from toil)
friend / nick (from friend)torment / enik (from mu-chit)
raspberry / nick (ma-li-na)powder / enitsa (from powder)
name-nin / nick (names-ni-ny)birth / enitsa (to give birth)
cheating / nickname (from me-na)brother-in-law / e / nits / a
nephewvar / enik (var-rit)
devil-pri-dan / nitsaBUT: pri-da-noe (from pri-give)
aspen / nickimp-silver / enik
ringing / beatingsilver-re / nick

Note to the table: * Words that are pi-joking with N and at the same time are not derived from pr-la-ha-tel-ny (pri-parts) in Russian language is unique. You need to learn them by heart.

Pishet-Xia NN and in words traveler(from pu-te-she-stv-vat), predecessor(pre-march)

"Okoyomy Przemysl"


In his "History of the Russian State", in the second chapter (narration based on the Nestorov Chronicle), the outstanding Russian writer - sovereign, mentor, that is, the spiritual father of Pushkin Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin very clearly described the origin of the Slavic tribes.

« Many Slavs, - considered Karamzin, - tribal with the Lyakhs who lived on the banks of the Vistula, settled on the Dnieper in the Kiev province and were called glades from their clean fields. Such an ethnos disappeared in ancient Russia, but his name became the common name of the Poles, the founders of the Polish state». « From the same tribe,- wrote Karamzin, - there were two brothers, Radim and Vyatko, the heads of the Radimichs and Vyatichs: the first chose a dwelling for himself on the banks of the Sozh, in the Mogilev province, and the second on the Oka, in Kaluga, Tula or Orel. The Drevlyans, so named from their forest land, lived in the Volyn province. It is still accepted to think so. And the neighbors of the Vyatichi tribe on the east side of the Oka and Zhizdra river basins were a tribe of skilful Krivichi».

On the map of modern Russian Federation The territory of the Kaluga Region is sewn into the mosaic of the Central Federal District with a multi-petal carnation between 54 and 55 degrees north latitude and 36-37 degrees east longitude. About 4 percent of the region's area is occupied by the territory of the Przemysl region, located on the banks of the Oka to the south of the regional center.

According to the map of the modern Kaluga province, the location of the municipality "Peremyshl District" is in the east of the region. East and rapture are words similar in sound structure in Russian. The sunrise in the east of the sky delights the farmer. Therefore, the eastern end of the earth is the most beautiful. So it is in the land of Kaluga: its Przemysl region is delightfully beautiful!

The author of the excellent book in 1998 about Przemysl - a quiet district town in the Kaluga region - was Sergei Fedorovich Pitirimov, a man of active modesty, a wise, and therefore alien to any rhetoric and public relations lyric poet. He spoke with sincere love about his cultural predecessors. This is the forest professor Toursky, playwright and translator Lyubimov, the son of the chief of police and the most educated encyclopedist Brillianty.

In 2004, I took part in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region in the Przemysl constituency. During the pre-election period, as a campaign material, he wrote a documentary essay "Blue-eyed Oka - Russian Shores", published in 2004 in the form of a propaganda brochure by the printing house "Polygraphinform". The book "Okoyomy of Przemysl" is the fulfillment of a "candidate's" duty to voters from the banks of the Oka.

In this story, I tried to complement my senior comrade and friend from the Kaluga Writers' Organization S.F.Pitirimov, who has been in Eternity since 2000. My contribution is information about the modern administrative structure of the municipality, a story about Tsiolkovsky's travels on a bicycle to the village of Korekozevo, as well as personal memories of the outstanding lyricists of Oka - Sergei Pitirimov, Anatoly Kukhtinov, journalist and poet Alexei Zolotin.

Chapter 7. The Eye of Culture

On the way to Przemysl

Month on the right side

Alexander Pushkin left to the Russian people not only genius poems, but also wonderful prose: dramas, stories and notes of a traveler. In the first chapter “ Travels to Arzrum "he wrote:" From Moscow I went to Kaluga, Belyov and Oryol, thus making 200 extra miles, but I saw Ermolov».

Perhaps, driving through the Przemysl fields, the poet once again indulged in the sadness of loneliness among the boundless expanses, and verses sounded in his heart:

I drove to you: living dreams
A playful crowd followed me,
And the month on the right side
Zealous accompanied my run.

The stay of A.S. Pushkin in the vicinity of Przemysl is nowhere noted, however, he could not bypass them on the trip of 1829, because his path ran along the old Kaluga-Kozelsky tract.

The brothers Kireevsky, Ivan Vasilievich and Pyotr Vasilievich, N.V. Gogol, A.K. Tolstoy, F.M.Dostoevsky, V.A.Zhukovsky, F.I. A. A. Fet, A. N. Apukhtin, M. M. Prishvin, who visited the Optina Monastery. LN Tolstoy stopped in Przemysl, making a trip to Shamordino and Optino.

Memory of the warm earth

The remarkable Russian writer I. Sokolov-Mikitov called his homeland, the Przemysl region, "Warm Land" and always remembered it with the deepest fondness:

« The modest nature of the places where I spent the first years of my adult life did not shine with lush beauty. There were no majestic mountains and rocks surrounded by clouds, spectacular, seductive for artists, stunning panoramas. It was the usual Russian expanse: fields, forests, villages with thatched and wooden roofs overgrown with velvet moss, with dull little windows from which the pale faces of people peeped out. You drive, drive, it used to be dozens of miles, and no matter how it changes, the landscape around you hardly moves».

« From my mother, a Kaluga hereditary peasant woman, I borrowed love for the word, anxiety of character, from my father - love for nature, a lyrical mind.

Trips with my father, walks in the forest, fishing in a quiet pond overgrown with water lilies, every cherished corner of which I still remember, my father's stories and tales left an indelible impression. Together with my travel dreams, my father awakened in me a passion for hunting.».

“In the fate and tastes of each person, his childhood, the environment in which he lived, was brought up and grew up, is of great importance. The words that we hear from our mothers, the color of the sky we saw for the first time, the road running away into the distance, the overgrown river bank, the curly birch under the window of our home will forever remain in our memory ”.

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov lived a long and difficult life. He was born on May 17 (29), 1892, and died on February 20, 1975.

Distant birds

In August 1950, the poet Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava came to this region. In Shamordino, in a rural school, he taught Russian language and literature, many times he visited Przemysl and the surrounding villages. The impressions of staying on the banks of the Oka were vividly reflected in the first book of the poet "Lyrics", published by the Kaluga book publishing house in 1956.

Bulat Shalvovich says:

Creative meetings with the prose writer Vladimir Koblikov, poets Valentin Ermakov, Mikhail Kuzkin are memorable for the workers of the district.

Oka-Russian woman

Khakas came by nationality from the banks of the Yenisei to the banks of the Oka to live, serve and write poetry. Last years Mikhail Kuzkin-Voronetsky spent his life in the village of Andreevskoye, where for many hours at all seasons he stomped on the high coastal terrace, mesmerized by the sublunary view of the Oka valley. He loved this land with all his heart and glorified it.

Kuzkin is a wonderful master of lyrical descriptions of the nature of the Kaluga region and passionate attitudes towards women.

... We sail to Tarusa along the big Oka,
And stays aloof behind us
Kaluga is a little stranger in the distance, -
Overwhelmed by hot forests.

The bend in the sun is so sharp
And the coast is receding so gently ...
Crawling among the oak trees like the smoke of a fire
A winding narrow road.

... The river distance is light and deep.
And the world is so open today! Right,
I never thought that Oka.
It happens so full and dignified.

I look at the shores from under my arm
And I do not think for long in dismay:
How did you live, Russia, without the Oka -
With the Volga alone?

... I remember how by the end of summer in the very
in the middle of the day, when the heat has grown stronger,
Behind the yellow Prioksky forests
The shifted steppe opened up to the sky.

I was attracted by the field road ...
Sinking on a stone under a pine tree
I sat there for a long time, remembering
As the heat flowed around the hills.

... And you can see, this steppe world to tears
dear to me because I will be soon
green whirlwind of solar birches,
running along the highway on the slope.

And now, when forgetting about the vanity,
I look at the forest - is it near or far, -
As if I was looking at the appearance,
In which I will soon find eternity.

And therefore I kiss the red slope
Lands with oak trees in the sunshine,
What will be saved for future times
The mystery of my existence.

Translator Lyubimov

Theater town

The people of Przemyshl are rightfully proud of their wonderful fellow countryman, an outstanding writer and translator of fiction, Nikolai Mikhailovich Lyubimov, whose books adorn the shelves of many libraries, instill in readers a loving attitude to the Russian word, strengthen a sense of devotion to the motherland, and develop a subtle artistic flair.

In the Lyubimov family, who lived in the county town of Przemysl, there was a strong tradition - to give books on their birthday and name day.

In his biographical story of life, Lyubimov says:

« Our town has long been a theater town. From 22 to 30, in winter and summer, the efforts of rural teachers, high school students, students of technical schools and universities who come for vacations, staged performances under the guidance and participation of Sofia Iosifovna Melipova, a teacher of Russian language and literature, who later moved to Moscow and was awarded the order for her pedagogical activity Of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Lenin. And almost every performance of this community of amateurs became an event in the life of the town; he shook us up, enriched, awakened both thought and feeling, brought up artistic taste. The start of the performance was usually delayed. "Gallery" stomps and yells: "Time!" But then the prompter darted into his booth, the curtain crawled in both directions, and in front of the silent spectators at once, art is born that is far from perfect, but genuine, in which it was impossible not to believe, the ingots of which I still take from the bottom of my memory. The scenery changed slowly, the intervals were shamelessly prolonged, and when the audience went home at dawn, the hostesses were already driving the cows into the herd. And then for several days you live as in a dream: inner hearing with echoes of voices, before your eyes - figures and faces. And my heart is sad: I was so looking forward to this evening, and now it has already sunk. You console yourself with the fact that a month will pass - and again you will be seized by the inexplicable, like any magic, holy spell of the Theater, under the influence of which mankind has irresistibly strived to fall from ancient times.

Already the repertoire of this permanent group gives an idea of ​​its literary culture and daring. Here is some list of staged plays: "The Inspector General" and "The Marriage", "Our People - We Will Be Numbered!", "Poverty is Not a Vice", "A Profitable Place", "Forest", "Talents and Admirers", "Shine and Do Not Warm" "Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich", "Krechinsky's Wedding".

Sofya Iosifovna played mainly everyday roles, showing tenacious observation and a sense of humor. Her best role is the old witch Evdokia Antonovna in Days of Our Life. Oh, how scary she was! .. Especially in the third act, when persuading her own daughter to sell herself to von Rencken, she shouted at her:

- Slut! Rubbish! .. Who will buy you such? There are hundreds of people like you on the boulevard!»

« Taste in the field of theater was put on me as a child in Przemysl", - recalled N. M. Lyubimov.

Telephone communication with the future

When in 1923 a telephone connection was made to Soviet institutions in the district center, a little theater fan began to climb into the office of the father of one of his friends, where he played a "conversation with Katchalov", admired his talent, and expressed his love for the famous artist.

From a Moscow student, a talented provincial grew into a metropolitan figure of culture and art, a theater critic. Translator of foreign classical literature. In his creative practice, Lyubimov maintained a close connection with the very masters of the stage, with whom, in his childhood in Przemysl, he conducted imaginary discussions on the phone.

On the pages of his book of memoirs "Bygone Summer" N. M. Lyubimov gave amazingly accurate characteristics of the actors and their work. For example, Leonidov “penetrates the audience through and through” with his gaze, Knipper-Chekhova was “an example of internal external grace”, Tarkhanov amazed with “ideal comprehension of stage art”, Pashennaya - with “extreme expressiveness”, Massalitinov - with “mastery of reincarnation”, Moskvin - destruction of tradition ”.

The famous writer Veniamin Kaverin praised the work of the translator Lyubimov: “ Lyubimov translates so that his personality is visible behind the book. You need to be a little akin to Rabelais himself, so that behind the book we see the author, his laughter and bitterness, his mental scope, his irony, his faith in man».

Sage from Korekozev

Peasant intellectual

Ask any resident of Korekozev: "What is your village famous for?" The answers will vary. For example:

- It is the longest in the Kaluga region - five kilometers.

- The first post-war order-bearers appeared here, and the collective farm chairman Prudnikov was a Hero of Socialist Labor.

- Buttercup monastery - according to legend, the oldest in our area.

- The first hydroelectric power plant in the region.

- This is the only village in Russia where three members of the USSR Writers' Union come from.

“And for me Korekozevo is also famous for the fact,” recalls one of them, the famous Kaluga journalist and poet Aleksey Petrovich Zolotin, “that a wonderful old man, a sage, a true rural philosopher Fyodor Kuzmich Pitirimov lived here. In November 1964, the newspaper "Znamya" under the heading "Meetings with Interesting People" published my article "An Evening at Fyodor Kuzmich's" about him. This is how I presented it to the readers at the time:

« For a long time I was going to write about Fyodor Kuzmich Pitirimov, this "very correct person", in the words of fellow villagers, a communist, chairman of the Korekozevsky village council. He is one of the organizers of the May Day collective farm, he was at the helm for eight years, and when the farm grew larger and Grigory Nikolayevich Prudnikov was elected chairman, Fyodor Kuzmich honestly and conscientiously worked as a private. For the last three years he has chaired the village council».

The article describes one evening spent with Fyodor Kuzmich. Then there were a few more - and all are memorable. I will try to remember and convey some fragments of conversations with this amazing person. Like all modest people, he flatly refused to talk about himself: “ I have nothing special. You shouldn't have thought of it ...»About fellow villagers - please.

Stories from Fyodor Kuzmich

The memory of Pitirimov Sr. has preserved a lot of stories.

Here is Nikita Nikitich Dragonfly. He is older than me, but he works - he does not lag behind other young ones. From the first days of the collective farm - wherever they send. Requires no awards, no posts. And a man of amazing honesty. He walks along the road, sees a board or some kind of rope - he will not be too lazy, he will definitely take it - to the sawmill, to the stable ... And in general, a very interesting old man.

Or another story by Fyodor Kuzmich about his fellow villager Vladimir Ivanovich Nikonov:

Also a very, very original grandfather. I admired his hard work. After the war, he mainly worked at the crossing. Here, I remember, I was walking early one morning, at four o'clock, I decided to look at the fields across the river. I didn’t expect to meet him on the ferry at this hour, I thought he was sleeping at home. I looked into the ferry booth - and there really is no one. I looked, and he was fumbling by the boat, making something. We started talking.

And at me, my brother, - Vladimir Ivanovich shared the news, - there are moose.

What moose?

And such. Every evening, a little dusk, they will come out of the forest and in this place they swim across the river. They graze there. At night they feel good there, at ease. And in the morning - back to the forest. Just before your arrival, they swam ... I don't tell anyone about them: they will frighten off, but they are already used to me ...

What quality do you value most in a person?? - I once asked Fyodor Kuzmich.

Eh, here you are inciting me to philosophy. Each person is a page of a large book - history, and they are all interesting in their own way. As the ancient Romans said, suum kuikve - to each his own! .. In short, a person should sow good, sow "reasonable, good, eternal." For me, it is important what a person gives to people, so I judge how useful he is. And finally, honesty. This is what I value most in a person ...

Often we had a conversation about poetry, - Alexey Zolotin continued his story, - and every time I lost the feeling of something familiar, everyday: as if in front of you was not an elderly collective farmer who had finished five classes of an old rural school, but a specialist in philology. Fyodor Kuzmich not only quoted Pushkin and Lermontov, Byron and Heine, Horace and Virgil - he freely supported them with words of his thoughts, views on poetry and literature in general. So it is not by chance, but according to the law of succession, one of the sons of Fyodor Kuzmich, and in all he had five children, Sergei Pitirimov, became a famous Russian poet, a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. But Sergei Fedorovich became famous in his declining years, and in his youth he dreamed of geology and only tried himself in poetry. I must say, not without the approval of his authoritative father.

Another conversation with Fyodor Kuzmich was remembered by a friend of his son and poetic peer Zolotin. With a smile of bright emotion, Alexei Petrovich, also a popular writer far beyond the borders of his native Przemysl region, recalls Pitirimov Sr., his old man's tales.

Somehow I came across a book, - shared Fedor Kuzmich. - It was written in the seventeenth year, even before the revolution. It considered very important problems - how to bring Russia out of ruin. The author - I don't remember his last name - proposed developing the economy in the east of the country. Everything seems to be correct. But how did he suggest doing this? Have recourse to foreign monopolies. What would be left of Russia then? Would be swallowed by predators. This is the kind of thing - it seems like a man was bothering about the interests of the Motherland, but no. Loving the Motherland is not what talking about this love ...

As if this conversation took place today, - Zolotin recalled, - it is so relevant. Today there are again disputes about how to raise the country's economy: with the help of foreign monopolies or independently? It seems that the first point of view wins. But it is also useful, I think, is the warning of Fyodor Kuzmich Pitirimov: predators would not swallow Russia ...

I have never seen anything less like an earthly landscape. And she was glad when the lathered horses reached the top of the slope and trotted into the valley. There were no stately houses, no gardens - only rocks and brown, dead heather. Once a flock of black-nosed sheep was caught. Finally we passed a tiny village, low thatched houses that were huddled flat on the stony ground. Then we climbed the last slope, and the appearance of Blacktower appeared before my frightened eyes.

From the top of the slope, we came to a wide plateau, strewn with gravel, and passed the powerful walls into the courtyard, lit by flaming torches. Mrs. Cannon woke up, got out of her cloak and hurried to the door.

The door opened onto a stone-floored corridor that was even colder than outside. At times we could smell the kitchen, which convinced me that we were in the back of the house, not far from the kitchen. Mrs. Cannon trotted briskly ahead of me, passing corridor after corridor, and finally we proceeded through the doors into the hallway at the entrance to the house. Wooden floors were laid on the wild stone; moreover, there were carpets, for which fact my cold ankles were very grateful. There was a heavy oak door in one of the walls, which probably led to the front door, where carriages drove up. A pretty ladder led to the second floor.

“We only use the west wing,” Mrs. Cannon explained panting as she climbed the steps. “The rest of the house is in ruins, and then it's too, too big.

But the western wing alone seemed to me completely immense. The corridors here were also carpeted and lit with candles in wall brackets.

Finally Mrs. Cannon stopped in front of one of the doors and opened it.

- This is my room. No, do not sit down, my dear, while I will see if all the necessary arrangements have been made for you.

She pulled the bell, and soon one of the maids answered the bell. The girl was young, of strong build, her hair was decorated with linen braid, and she was dressed in a dark home dress with a white apron and cap. Her plump pink face would be pretty if she weren't so sullen.

“Come in and close the door,” Mrs. Cannon ordered her sharply. “Miss Gordon, this young girl's name is Betty. She will answer your call the same as mine. Well, speak up, you silly girl! - she added, and for a moment I thought that these words refer to me. - What room have you prepared for Miss Gordon?

- Red room, Mom.

- It is quite suitable. Come on, Betty, there's no point standing here with your mouth open; show Miss Gordon the red room.

The old lady had already settled down by the fire, placing both plump legs on the grate. I got up, not in the least surprised by her impudence; I already knew that Mrs. Cannon is a kind woman, but preoccupied primarily with her own convenience and comfort.

When I was already moving towards the door, she muttered through her doze:

“I'll dine here, Miss Gordon. Will you join me? Betty will lead you ...

I thanked her heartily, but I think the old lady fell asleep before the door closed behind me.

The red room, which was three doors down the hallway from Mrs. Cannon's, was as cheerful as her name. Fire danced in the hearth, casting warm reflections on the creamy curtains and curtains of the bed. The floor was covered with a bright Turkish carpet.

Betty barely closed the door behind us, and she immediately opened it again. A sad-looking servant entered the room without knocking, without ceremony threw my load on the floor and left.

After unpacking my luggage, I pulled a chair over to the fire and sank down on it with a sigh of relief. Having warmed up, I was almost dozing when Betty returned.

“If you like, miss, I came to ask if you would like me to help you change your clothes?

- I'm dressed, thank you. If Mrs. Cannon dines with all the ceremony, she will have to excuse me.

- The owner sent me to say that you will dine with him.

The owner, in fact, I thought. My first reaction was protest. I opened my mouth to say that I was too tired to endure a formal dinner tonight. But then I realized that it was just naivety. I was not Mr. Hamilton's guest, I was at his office. The invitation contained an order.

Obediently, I dressed in my best dress, although its plunging neckline and short sleeves left my shoulders bare and exposed from the cold. But in any case, the black moire went very well to my hair, and the skirt rustled when I moved. I combed my hair up, tucking it into a tall crown, and letting some curls fall over my shoulders.

When I turned away from the dim reflection in the mirror, Betty stared at me with her mouth open.

- Does it suit me? I asked with a smile.

“You look so beautiful, miss!

I was right. She turned out to be quite pretty.

Shivering from the cold, I followed Betty into the living room. It was nice to know that in this house I already found a response in someone's soul, even if it was the soul of a servant. However, the living room amazed me. This is usually a room reserved for women, but this one did not contain any exquisite Dresden porcelain figurines or colored curtains. The furniture was old-fashioned and massive, crudely crafted and blackened from antiquity. The walls were hung with engravings of hunting subjects and bristled with the horns of poor dead deer. Strange, but only then did I first think of Mr. Gavin Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton had a daughter, so he must have had a wife at one time. Apparently he was a widower. But I kept wondering why his wife had never tried to furnish this room differently.

I could hardly look away from the stunning sight of Mrs. Cannon in evening dress to curtsey to my master. He hasn't changed; he was still wearing the same traveling coat and the same heavy boots that I had seen him in last night. He asked me how I had endured the trip, and I replied that it was good enough, although this, apparently, was superfluous. The conversation stalled. Mr. Hamilton devoted his full attention to the decanter of porter. Mrs. Cannon looked at him like a faithful dog who does not know exactly what is expected of her, and I warmed my legs by the fire.

We were invited to dinner by a rather strange man, disgusting looking, dressed in a dirty Scottish skirt and jacket. The tartan skirt interested me because I thought they were traditional Hamilton colors, but I could not clearly make out the pattern due to the splashes of dirt. An old servant led the procession, carrying a massive silver candelabrum, and we followed him into the older part of the house. The corridor with stone floors and stone walls was like long cave... Cold drafts pierced it, making the candlelight flame dance wildly. I felt like I was walking ankle-deep in the snow. Finally the old man leaned his shoulder against the massive door, paneled, and we entered the dining room.

In the old house, this must have been the main hall. There were candles on the table, which was long enough to accommodate thirty guests at once, but they gave too little light to overcome the impressive cave darkness of the room. The beams of the ceiling were lost in the blackness, something like a giant spider's web dangled from them.

The food that had to be carried through all these cold corridors from the kitchen to the west wing hit our table cold. Mr. Hamilton didn’t seem to have paid any attention to it. He talked animatedly about the antiquities of the castle, and what I at first took for cobwebs turned out to be torn flags and banners of the Hamiltons of the past. The owner also pointed out the portraits on the walls to me. I was ready to assume that they were there, but I could not see them. My legs turned to ice. As soon as I could, I immediately gave signals to Mrs. Cannon, indicating that I was exhausted, and hoping that, having heard my signal, she would guess that we could both leave and leave Mr. Hamilton alone with his wine. But she sat with her eyes closed, with the most vague smile. I started to climb.

There was no majesty of (1) mountains and rocks surrounded by (2) clouds; it was an ordinary Russian landscape: fields, meadows, rare villages with straw (3) and wood (4) roofs.

Task: insert the missing letters, indicate the conditions for choosing a spelling.

She is bewitching ... but a fairy tale; this story is a sacrament ... a, a mystery ... a; consequence of confusion ... about the investigator; her economy is run down ... oh, things are scattered ... s; the laundry was collected ... in sacks and laid out ... on the shelves; she spoke puta ... oh, incoherently; he acted scattering ... oh and the wind ... oh; he looked preoccupied ... oh; the area is empty ... ah; the girl is spoiled ... but with attention; heroes crowned with ... glory; the queen is somewhat idealized ... ah; comb hair ... s to one side; problems researched ... by scientists; everything is well thought out ... oh and foreseeable ... oh; the problem is solved ... but; fright ... th beast; they are scared ... about it; lined ... the walls; they were frivolous ... s; sketch ... th shawl; sketched dresses ... s on a mannequin; this is inappropriate for me ... oh; everything was unnatural ... oh; organized ... rally; sheepskin ... th sheepskin coat; oat ... th porridge; windows ... glass; vulgar ... anecdote; simpler ... awn; desolate ... awful; it is empty ... a and raster ... a.

Assignment: Perform test work.

1.NN ?

Goncharov's Petersburg as a city of “art (1) feelings, lifelessness (2) turmoil” does not accept spontaneity (3) spine, simplicity, nature (4) spine, dominating in the wilderness.

2.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

Sand (1) quarry work was suspended (2) due to (3) higher hazard.

3. Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenNN ?

Whoever visited the villages near Vladimir remembered for a long time the houses, decorating (1) trees (2) with carvings, similar to thin lace, considering which one can think (3) of being in a fairy tale.

4.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

To this day, the archives have preserved invoices showing (1) the artist for the delivery of (2) oils to him (3) paints.

5.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

And thick milk pouring from the clay (1) of a jug, and a lush loaf in a wicker (2) basket, and a sliding napkin written by the artist in all details and with special expressiveness.

6.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

The store purchased (1) and a batch of leather (2) footwear at lower (3) prices.

7.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

The building of the university, which suffered from a fire in 1812, was restored (1) and partially rebuilt (2) by Domenico Gilardi, who preserved the compositional design (3) of the architect Kazakov.

8.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

The house stood somewhat apart from the forest, the walls here and there were renewed (1) with fresh boards, the windows were painted (2) with whitewash, a small porch on the side, adorned (3) with carvings, still smelled of resin.

9.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenNN ?

In the old large guest (1) on a spacious square, where it was quiet and empty (2), no visitors were expected, but unexpectedly (3) a carriage drove up to the porch.

10.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenH ?

central square It was framed by (1) a granite parapet with a lion (2) masks and huge thin (3) balls of stone.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1,3

11.Indicate all the numbers in the place that is writtenNN ?

Against the country (1) and formidable background of the sunset sky, the wall of the coniferous forest seemed to be clearly drawn (3), and in some places the transparent round tops of birches sticking out above it seemed to be clearly (3) in the sky with light strokes.

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