Figure to the product Mysterious island. Mysterious Island (illustration P

The most beautiful story is the edition of the book Mysterious Island Jules Verne. Publisher: Nigma. A gift for readers.

The book is ideal for a gift for both children and adults. Pictures can be viewed without end, these are real masterpieces of a book illustration.

The publication is no less masterpiece than illustrations.

Five brave Northerners flee from the city of Richmond taken by Southerners hot-air balloon. After the terrible storm, they turn out to be on the shore of the uninhabited island. Life on the island becomes a real test of their seamless and courage. They are removed not only to survive, but also create a small civilization: they are breeding cattle, grow wheat from a single grain, on their own small factories make items and everybody, and even carry out this telegraph.

However, the island is not so uninhabited - some kind of mysterious reappears the heroes of the novel from an imminent death.

The book presents the abbreviated version of the novel (which is good, because full version - This is such a volume that today is hardly able to read).

Edition illustrated by the famous artist Anatoly Ikin, Master of the historical adventure genre, created illustrations of more than two works of the works of Russian and foreign literature.

If you need a full-text not abbreviated publication, there are such good options: - very expensive edition, illustration - Gordeev. - and illustrations and full text. Fera, the French respect this artist. - one of the best editions, but it is difficult to get it, on sale long nowhere - budget and therefore inexpensive, but quality edition - Golden Foundation of the World Classics, AST Series, there are also other works, everything in one volume is almost a thousand pages

"Mysterious Island" (1875), one of the most famous novels of the founder of the scientific fiction of the French writer Jules Verne, describes the story of five people who fled from captivity in a balloon and fell on uninhabited island In the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to his courage, the mind, labor and nobility they manage not only to survive, but also to conquer themselves wildlife Islands. Incredible adventures, sudden turns of the plot, mysterious phenomena and secrets, in which heroes are trying to penetrate, make this novel masterpiece of plenty of literature.

Mysterious Island Jules Verne

During the Civil War in the United States, five Obelchkov-Northerners are saved from captivity in a balloon. The terrible storm throws them to the shore of the uninhabited island. The courage and the talents of the new settlers of the island help them to equip their lives, without having needed in food, nor in clothes or warm and comfort. The peaceful stay of "Robinsonov" on the island violates the threat of the attack of Pirates, but some mysterious power helps them in the most difficult situations. There are 129 illustrations in the book.

Very mysterious island Vladimir Malov

In fascinating and fun fantastic peasions of the famous writer, Vladimir Malov are the same students-schoolchildren. Two of them are our contemporaries, and two live ... three hundred years later, in the distant XXIII century. Nevertheless, the guys binds the spirits, and from time to time they participate together in the most incredible adventures. The book includes the fourth and fifth tale of the cycle. The extraordinary adventures of the four friends will continue in the next book.

The island of acute sensations Maria Zhukova-Gladkova

The seizure of hostages in the bath is something new, especially if the lady of the average years demands to return the husband of Gennady, who went to his mistress. Julia Julia Smirnova journalist neutralizes the "terrorist", but during the turmoil in the bath you kill two businessmen, and this clearly did someone else! It turns out that the brother of one of them once served under Gennady on the remote Northern Island. There found an ancient treasure, only a small part of which was taken to Large land. And people who visited the island after the military unit had starred from him, began to die ...

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In the fascinating novel, John Bowman, a young nobleman Pierre and his bride, Margeryit fall into the cycle of dangerous intrigues at the Royal Court of Francis I. Fate throws them to the mysterious island of demons, which are telling incredible things ...

Abandoned Island Wolfgang Holbaine

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Fire Lake Lena Caarbolbol

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Uncle Robinson Jules Verne

"Uncle Robinson" - the first attempt of Jules Verne to create an adventure novel, in which the cognitive start would organically combat with a lively confusing intrigue. Many motives of this unfinished work are postponed to the famous "Mysterious Island".

Long way to happiness Victoria Holt

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Gold Morning Carol Marsh

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"If", 1995 No. 04 Douglas Adams

Fiction magazine and futurology Content: Thomas Dish. The glorious little toaster goes to Mars. Tale. Robert Bloch. Mysterious island of Dr. Nork. Julius Kim. Good already what songs sing again. L. Ron Hubbard. Negative measurement. Alexander Glazunov. Philadelphian experiment ... continues? Jack Williamson. PRESENT. Douglas Adams. Guide for the galaxy for traveling by hitchhiking. Novels. Yuri Borev. Laugh, please, as often as possible!

The island of Aunt Carolina Frantishek Pilarge

What would you do, find out what is the island? A whole island in the ocean! True, inhabited by the aborigines, poor, unexpected savages, not even know what socks. Of course, you go on the road, first in your life a distant journey through the oceans, in the unknown, in adventure. What is with the fact that you, though stunning, but a bbw aged? What does the lard of adventurers and secret agents are striking with the most different goals? You have a challenge - hoisting your flag on the mysterious island ...

Island. Forgotten alive Vyacheslav Denisov

Luxurious transatlantic liner "Cassandra", chartered by a little-known tourist company, performs sea \u200b\u200bcruise From Havana to Bermuda. On board more than 1000 passengers: Italians, French, Americans, Russian Germans ... All of them enjoy the journey, warm in the sun, swim in the pools, play billiards, talk, drink in the bar ... and only a few of them here seems strange: no one From the guests of the ship never seen the captain, his assistant calls the inaccurate coordinates of their location mysteriously disappears ...

Island Rus 2, or Princess Lokada Julius Burkin

This book is a real gift for those who have loved the heroes of the cool trilogy of Julia Burkina and Sergey Lukyanenko "Island Russia". These are the new adventures of the bone and stas, their friends of Kubat and Smolyanin, Sphinx Shidla and others - in the past and the future, in reality and virtuality, on Earth and in Venus. As well as on the mysterious and ominous planet Lokada. In the "Princess of Leokad" the hero of the "Islands Rus", Stas came as a co-author. Stanislav, son Julia Burkina, - now writer, winner of the national literary premium "Debut". Artist A. E. Dubovik Computer ...

Pierre Island Alexander Sharov

Sci-fi stories and the story of the famous Prose Alexander Sharov left a noticeable mark in Russian literature. In his works there is always a paradox - a collision of deep philosophical content with an external grotesque form; satire and bitter irony; unexpected plot moves; Acts, at first glance, devoid of logic, and the destruction of social stereotypes. This collection will be a gift for all fiction lovers and fans of Sharov's creativity, because, in addition to the most striking works of the author: "Pierre Island", ...

Island Crimea Vasily Aksenov

Stories textbooks lie! Crimea during Civil War It was not taken by the Bolsheviks, but remained a free and independent territory, whose name is the island of Crimea. This fantastic historical hypothesis formed, probably, the most famous Aksenovsky novel, who first saw the light in 1981 in America and then inaccessible to the Russian reader. Since then, the twenty years passed, the Crimea really became the island in many ways, and we still read this exciting book with a rapid plot, exciting adventures and bright ...

Mysterious Island (illustration of P. Lugansk) Verne Jules


Table of contents

  • Preface
  • Part of the first victorious collapse head of the first hurricane of 1865. - Cream in the air. - Balloon. - Torn shell. - Circular water. - Five passengers. - What happened in the gondola. - Earth on the horizon. - Delivery.
  • Chapter The second episode from the war for the liberation of blacks. - Engineer Cyrus Smith. - Gideon Spear. - Negro Nab. - Sailor Pencrof. - Young Herbert. - Unexpected offer. - Date at 10 o'clock in the evening. - Flight in the storm.
  • Chapter the third five hours of afternoon. - missing passenger. - Despair Naba. - Searches in the north. - Islet. - Tomitant night. - Fog. - Na rushes into the stream. - View from the ground. - Transition of the Strait of VJrod.
  • Chapter Fourth Lithodomas. - The mouth of the river. - Fireplace. - Continued search. - Fuel reserve. - Waiting for low tide. - Cargo cargo. - Return to the shore.
  • Head of the sixth inventory of property. - Truth. - Excursion to the forest. - Evergreen trees. - Traces of wild animals. - Yakamara. - Glukhari. - extraordinary fishing fishing rod.
  • The head of the seventh has not returned. - Reflections of the journalist. - Dinner. - The weather spars again. - A terrible storm. - In eight miles from becoming.
  • Chapter Eighth Is Cyrus Smith alone? - Naba story, - footprints. - Unresolved question. - First words. - Drops of traces. - Return to the fireplace. - Pencrof in horror.
  • Chapter Ninth Cyrus with us! - Pennelf experiments. - Island or continent? - engineer projects. - In the Pacific Ocean. - in the depths of the forest. - Hunting for the water supply. - Pleasant smoke.
  • Chapter Tenth Invention Engineer. - The question that occupies Smith's Sairus. - Mountain climbing. - Forest. - volcanic soil. - Muflons. - First tier. - Overnight. - On the top of the mountain.
  • Chapter Eleventh on top of the mountain. - inside of the crater. - The sea around. - The coast of a bird's eye view. - Water system. - Do the island live? - All parts of the island receive names. - Lincoln Island.
  • Chapter Twelfth Watch Verification. - Pencrof is satisfied. - Suspicious smoke. - The course of the red stream. - Island flora. - Fauna. - Mountain Pheasants. - Pursuit of Kangaroo. - Lake Grant. - Return to the fireplace.
  • Chapter Thirteenth Knives. - Production of onions and arrows. - Brickworks. - Furnace for firing clay. - Kitchenware. - wormwood. - South Cross. - Important astronomical observation.
  • Chapter Fourteenth Height of the Granite Wall. - Practical application theorem on the likeness of triangles. - Excursion to the north. - Oyster shallow. - Future plans. - Sun pass through meridian. - The latitude and longitude of Lincoln island.
  • Chapter Fifteenth wintering is finally solved. - The question of metal. - Study of the island of salvation. - Hunt for seals. - Catalan method. - Iron. - Steel.
  • Chapter Sixteenth Again there is a question about the dwelling. - Fantasy Pencrofa. - Study of the North Shore of the Lake. - The northern tip of the plateau. - snakes. - excitement Top. - Fighting under water. - Lamine.
  • Chapter Seventeenth visit to the lake. - Current. - Syrus Smith project. - Laman fat. - The use of sulfur cochedane. - Soap. - Selith. - Sulfuric acid. - Nitric acid. - New stock.
  • Chapter Eighteenth Pennelf is no longer doubted anything. - Old stock of the lake. - Descent in the dungeon. - Path through granite. - Top disappears. - Central cave. - Well. - Mystery. - Kirk strikes. - Return.
  • Chapter Nineteenth Plan by Smith's Sairus. - Facade of the Granite Palace. - Rope-ladder. - Pencrof's dreams. - Aromatic herbs. - Rabbit Sadok. - Water pipes. - view from the windows of the Granite Palace.
  • Chapter Twentieth Rainy Season. - Question about clothes. - Hunt for seals. - Production of candles. - Interior equipment of the granite palace. - Two bridge. - Return with oyster shames. - That Herbert found in his pocket.
  • Chapter Twenty First Cold. - Study of the swamps of the south-eastern part of the island. - Shackal foxes. - Future of the Pacific Ocean. - work corals. - Hunting. - swamp barracks.
  • Chapter Twenty-Twenty West. - Lisers. - Northwest wind. - Blizzard. - deck. - Refining sugar. - Mysterious well. - Intelligence plans. - Crushing.
  • Part Two Abandoned Chapter First About the Crushing. - Building pies. - Hunting. - At the top of Kauri. - No trace of man. - Fishing. - Inverted turtle. - Disappearance of the turtle. - Explanation of the Sairus Smith.
  • Chapter Second First Test Pieces. - Nakhodka. - Tug. - Cape Nakhodka. - What was in the box: tackle, utensils, weapons, tools, clothes, books. - What lacked Pencrofa.
  • Chapter Third Departure. - Tide. - Various plants. - Yakamara. - Types of forest. - Giant eucalyptus. - Why they are called "feverish trees." - flock monkeys. - Waterfall. - Camp.
  • Chapter the fourth way to the west. - flocks of four-headed. - New stream. - Forest instead of the shore. - Cape Reptiles. - Herbert envies Gedeon Speet. - Bamboo grove.
  • Chapter Fifth offer Go back along the southern shore. - The outlines of the shore. - Searches for traces of alleged crash. - Balloon residues. - Nakhodka of the natural port. - At midnight on the banks of the River Gratitude. - Floating cake.
  • Chapter Sixth Pencrof shouts. - Night spent in the fireplace. - Arrow Herbert. - Survey of Smith's Sairus. - Unexpected way out. - What happened in the granite palace. - How the colonists found a servant.
  • Chapter the seventh plans of the next work. - Bridge over river. - Lifting bridge. - Wheat harvest. - Peres. - Mosts. - Bird courtyard. - Pigeon. - Two ongra. - Stubbing. - Trip to the port of the ball.
  • Chapter Eight Lingerie. - Skin seals shoes. - Production of pyroxilin. - Sowing. - The successes of Mr. Yup. - Coral. - Clouds on mouflons. - New plants and birds.
  • Chapter The ninth weather will deteriorate. - hydraulic lift. - Window glass and glassware. - Frequent visits to the king. - The growth of the livestock. - Question of a journalist. - The exact location of the island. - Offer Pencrofa.
  • Chapter Ten of the Ship Construction. - Second harvest. - A new plant is rather pleasant than useful. - Kit. - Harpoon. - Cutting carcasses. - The use of whale usa. - The end of May. - Pencrofa has nothing to be desired.
  • Chapter Eleventh Winter. - Mill. - obsessing the idea of \u200b\u200bPencrofa. - Whalebone. - Fuel fuel. - Top and Jupe. - Storm. - Destruction on the bird yard. - Excursion to the swamp. - Cyrus Smith remains alone. - Study of the well.
  • Chapter Twelfth Ship Equipment. - Attack of Shakalov Lisizers. - UP RANDER. - SUP is treated. - UP recovers. - ending the vessel. - Celebration of Pencrofa. - "prosperous." - The first trial of the vessel. - An unexpected letter.
  • Chapter Thirteenth Departure Resolved. - Suggestions. - fees. - First night. - Second night. - Island Tab. - Searches on the shore. - Searches in the forest. - Animals. - Plants. - House.
  • Chapter Fourteenth Inventory Property. - Night. - Several letters. - Continued search. - Plants and animals. - Herbert in danger. - Above the "prosperous". - sail. - The weather spars. - Instinct of the sailor. - Lost in the ocean. - Saving light.
  • Chapter Fifteenth Return. - Spore. - Cyrus Smith and Unknown. - Port of the ball. - Treatment. - exciting tests. - Tears.
  • Chapter Sixteenth Unscrew Mystery. - The first words of a stranger. - Twelve years on the island. - Recognition. - Disappearance. - Cyrus Smith is fulfilled confidence. - Build the mill. - First bread. - Heroic deed. - Honest hands.
  • Chapter eighteenth conversation. - Cyrus Smith and Gideon Spill. - Engineer's idea. - Telegraph. - Wires. - Battery. - Alphabet. - Summer. - prosperity of the colony. - Two years on the island of Lincoln.
  • Chapter Nineteenth Types for the Future. - Coast survey plans. - View from the sea on the serpentine peninsula. - Basalt cliffs in the West Bank. - bad weather. - Night offensive. - A new incident.
  • Chapter Twentieth night in the sea. - Shark bay. - Recognition. - Cooking for winter. - Early cold. - Frost. - Work inside the house. - after six months. - an unexpected incident.
  • Part Third Mystery Island Chapter First Lead or Salvation? - Call Ayrton. - Important meeting. - This is not "Duncan". - Suspicious ship. - Waist shot. - Brig becomes anchored. - Night offensive.
  • Chapter Second Military Council. - Premonition. - Offer Arton. - Ayrton and Pencrof on the island of salvation. - Norfolkan convicts. - their plans. - A featon feat. - Six against fifty.
  • Chapter Third rises fog. - Engineer's intention. - Three posts. - Airton and Pencrof. - First boat. - Two others. - on the island of salvation. - Six convicts landed ashore. - Brig raises anchor. - Core "fast." - hopeless position. - Unexpected junction.
  • Chapter The fourth colonists go down to the shore. - Ayrton and Pencrof are rescue. - Conversation for breakfast. - Reasoning Pencrofa. - Inspection of the Brig Corps. - The powder cellar is unharmed. - New wealth. - The last debris. - Cylinder fragment.
  • Chapter Fifth approval by Sairus Smith. - Grand plans of Pencrofa. - Air battery. - Pirates. - oscillations of Arton. - generosity engineer. - Pencrof is reluctant.
  • Chapter Sixth Expedition Plan. - Airton returns to the king. - Visit the port of the ball. - Polycrof's opinion. - Telegram. - Airton does not answer. - Departure. - Why did not work Telegraph. - Shot.
  • Chapter Seventh Journalist and Pencrof in Coral. - Herbert is transferred to the house. - Despair of the sailor. - Treatment. - Pirates appear again. - How to warn Naba? - Faithful dog. - Answer Naba.
  • The head of the eighth pirates, roam around Coral. - temporary shelter. - Continuation of the treatment of Herbert. - The first joy of Pennelf. - Memories. - What promises the future. - Thoughts of Sairus Smith about it.
  • The head of the ninth from Naba is not news. - The offer of the sailor and the journalist is rejected. - Gideon's catching track. - Fabric knoches. - Message. - Hasted departure. - Arrival on a long-range plateau.
  • Chapter Ten Herbert in the Granite Palace. - Nab talks about events. - Cyrus Smith inspects a plateau. - Destroy and emptying. - The colonists cannot fight the disease. - IV Bark. - Death Fever. - Top again barks.
  • Chapter Eleventh again inexplicable mystery. - The recovery of Herbert. - unexplored parts of the island. - Preparation for departure. - First day. - Night. - Second day. - Footprints in the forest. - Arrival at Cape Reptiles.
  • Chapter the thirteenth story of Arton. - Pirates plans. - Capture of Coral. - Judge of Lincoln Island. - "prosperous." - Searches on Mount Franklin. - Underground hum. - Pennelf's answer. - in the depths of the crater. - Return.
  • Chapter Fourteenth passed three years. - The question of building a new ship. - The decision was made. - prosperity of the colony. - Cold in the southern hemisphere. - Pencrof is conquered. - Laundry. - Mount Franklin.
  • Chapter Fifteenth Awakening of the Volcano. - Spring. - Renewal of work. - evening on October 15. - Telegram. - Question. - answer. - Rather in the coast! - Note. - Additional wire. - Basalt Beach. - Tide. - Sing. - Cave. - Dazzling light.
  • Chapter Sixteenth Captain Nemo. - His first words. - History of fighter for independence. - Hate to oppressors. - His comrades. - Life under water. - loneliness. - The last refinement "Nautilus". - Patron Island.
  • Chapter Seventeenth Last Watch Captain Nemo. - The last will of the dying. - A gift to friends who knew him only one day. - Coffin Captain Nemo. - Some tips to the colonists. - The last minutes. - At the bottom of the ocean.
  • Chapter Eighteenth Reflections of Colonists. - Renewing the work on the construction of the ship. - January 1, 1869. - smoke over the top of the volcano. - Preperser eruptions. - Ayrton and Cyrus Smith in the king. - Research of the cave of Dakkar. - What said Captain Nemo engineer.
  • Chapter Twentieth secluded rock in the Pacific Ocean. - The last refuge of the colonists of Lincoln island. - inevitable death in perspective. - Last benefit. - Island on the continent. - Monument to Captain Nemo.


In 1872, worldwide famous writer Jules Verne, located on the very top of his fame and in full creative flourish, just awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion, suddenly left the "Svetok city" Paris and forever moved to a quiet provincial Amiens.

The whole image of his life has changed dramatically. More recently, his mansion in the Paris suburb of Otile was a place of meetings of scientists, inventors, engineers, geographers, travelers and even members of the International. Now in Amiens his house, separated from the street with a large garden and surrounded by a high stone wall, became something like a fortress, where a rare visitor could penetrate, only by calling a large copper bell at the main entrance.

But this, as if it was a little writer. He burned out even from his house, having arranged his office in a secluded stone tower.

The character of Jules is faithful. He became sullen, dislike; " polar bearI got on the hind legs "- so he characterized himself. He almost did not meet with people, spent all day in a tense work and left the house only for a walk and at the meeting of the Amiens Academy - the oldest scientific society of Picardia, which he consisted of a valid member.

Moreover, this relocation to the province imposed a print and on all his work: dark shadows lay on the pages of his such optimistic books. Scientific fiction retreated to the background, and the novels of social and historical were occupied.

What did Merchant and Balagore, Julie, are true almost a misanthroper? What event happened in 1871 and what kind of shadow fell on the whole second half of the life of the writer?

... In the morning of March 28, 1871, Paris woke up in the bright shine of the sun. On the streets were broken by banners and moved the ocean of people under a gun. There were red Frigian hats on the ridges, symbolizing freedom, and the guns of soldiers were decorated with red ribbons.

The drums beat the drums, especially the battle of the two large drums of Montmartre was especially distinguished - those who have knocked out the alarm on the night of the entry of Germans in the capital and in the morning of March 18 - on the day of the uprising of the proletariat - Boudeen Parisians.

Then, on the stands, built on the Grevskaya Square in front of the building of the Paris City Duma, published chosen by the people, members of the Commune Council to accept the power transferred to them by the Community City of Paris. Horn began when they brought the oath to the faithfulness of the people. Heavy roar roar welcomed the revolution. There was no speech, only a cry: "Long live the commune!", Da Marselyza, like a bird, flew over Paris ...

It was a completely new Paris, where, it seemed, all the dreams of a young Jules were needed - the dreams that he was at the twenty years of Napoleonic Empire. It was the first state of the proletarian dictatorship in the world - exercising hopes and the goal of the life of his friends: Pascal Gerass, Eliza Recle, Louise Michel.

In this summer, Pascal Grusseva took a leading role in the new government. He was a delegate of external intercourse, then-there was all the communes by all foreign affairs.

Eliza River, who denied all the power in general and loyal to his beliefs, refused to be a commune delegate. But he was faithful to her: first helped organize an aeronautic park, and then fought as a simple soldier with Versailles.

Louise Michel from the first of the day became the ordinary fighter of the commune - in the soldier's uniform, with a gun in his hands.

But only 72 days existed the commune. The Black Days of France came.

Over Paris flew as if after an eruption. The city of the City Duma, where so recently under the morning sun solemnly proclaimed the commune of the city of Paris.

The orgy of open killings committed by oxyaders from blood soldiers who mowed the people like grass, but death continued their work, enjoying the judicial mantle. Officially, the number of victims of Versailles rates was estimated at thirty-five thousand people, but one hundred thousand Paris workers disappeared from their apartments these days.

The Paris Academy stopped the work, but the countless restaurants were opened, where the officers in gilded uniforms were driving with beauties in lace.

Eliza River, captured with arms in his hands, was connected and taken into custody. When he was conducted on the street, he fell some kind of smartly dressed Mr. and struck a great geographer a terrible blow on the head, from which he lost consciousness. The river learned in it by one of the members of the geographical society - the secretary of which was the great humanist Pagannel, the hero of the novel "Children of Captain Grant."

The court sentenced the river to the lifelong katorga. In the prison chamber, coded shackles, he worked on the second volume of his world famous book "Earth" ...

Pascal Geuss, as one of the leaders of the commune, and Louise Michelle were sentenced to the death penalty replaced by a later-lifelong cata machine.

Jules Verne wandered by empty Paris, and the Parisian ash looked at him. The custody of the urban Duma looked at him with blind knocked windows. He did not want to be a writer more, he was ready to return to the stock exchange or even put on the runt of the legitimate, but he was forty-three years old and there was no strength to start new life

There is no doubt that it was these days in the soul of a writer and found the real outline of the plan to leave Paris forever: it was an internal emigration from the "republic" of Tera, which turned out to be even more reactionary than Napoleon III Empire.

In 1872, now after moving to Amiens, Jules Verne began working on a huge novel "Mysterious Island", which makes it up with the novel "Children of Captain Grant" and "Twenty Thousand Lea under water" trilogy.

Jules Decartes Fera (Fr. Jules-Descartes Férat) - French artist, painter, etching and illustrator.

He illustrated the books of many famous authors, such as Jules Verne, Edgar Allan Prone and Victor Hugo. Some critics view his illustrations for Julian's novel, the Mysterious Island, as the top of his creative skill. He also worked a lot for periodicals, including Magasin D'Education Et De Recreation (Education and Entertainment Journal), L'Illustration and L'Univers Illustré. Magasin D'Education Et De Recreation logs from 1864 to 1906. He was obliged mainly to Julia, who published thirty novels on his pages.

On December 15, 1875, in the Paris "Magazine of Education and Entertainment", intended for the youth audience, ended the publication of one of the best novels of the French writer Jules Verne "Mysterious Island" (FR. "L'île Mystérieuse").

Reading interest in the journal publication of this work was always maintained for 2 years, as the beginning of the novel came to subscribers of January 1, 1874. Big place In the novel, the description of chemical processes and technologies was occupied ("... it will be a novel about chemistry ..." - he wrote Jul Verne in a letter to the publisher), and the author spent a lot of time at chemical factories, consulted with chemist specialists.

The "Mysterious Island" was published in three separate books. The first part is the "mysterious island. Werewood in the air "- came out on September 10, 1874, the second is the" mysterious island. Abandoned "- April 12, 1875, and" Mysterious Island. Mystery Islands "- October 28, 1875. On November 22, 1875, Illustrated (152 illustrations of Jules-Descarte Fer, engraved by Charlla Barban (Charles Barbant), which some critics are considered as the top of the artist's creative skill) of the novel. This was the ninth "dual" (or rather "structured", if judged by volume), the volume of extraordinary travel.

"Robinsonada," said Jules Verne on the slope of the years, were the books of my childhood, and I retained the indelible memories about them. I reread them many times, and it contributed to what they were imprinted in my memory. Subsequently, when reading other works, I did not experience more impressions of the first years. There is no doubt that my love for this kind of adventure instinctively led me to the road, according to which I went later. This love made me write a "School of Robinsons", "Mysterious Island", "Two years of vacation", whose heroes are closest births of DEFO and Visa. Therefore, no one will surprise that I was completely given to the composition of "extraordinary travels". The word "Robinsonada" itself entered the literature in the XVIII century, when one by other dozens of books written under the influence of "Robinson Cruzo" (1719), the world-famous novel, owned by Peru of the English writer Daniel Defo, began to appear in many European countries. In "Robinsonads", complete transformations of the labor life or one person, or a small group of people who climbed on a desert island are depicted. In the XIX century, new samples of Robinsonad created mainly the authors of adventure novels, which developed the adventurous side of the plot due to its ideological content. Unlike them, "Robinsonads" Jules Verne are filled with a deep public sense, you can say philosophical novels, despite the fact that they are intended for young readers.

The "Mysterious Island" is the best of his novels, "Robinsonad," - the conceived was even before Jules Verne became a jelly true.

By the beginning of the 1960s, an unfinished manuscript refers - the first still very weak sketch afterwards the famous book. On the title page is derived by large letters: "Uncle Robinson".

Some Mrs. Clifton and CE Four Children - Marie, Robert, Jean and Bella - Thorough Billies on a Uninhabited Island in Northern Pacific Ocean. Their fate shares the valid french sailor flip, headed by a small colony. Children call him "Uncle Robinzone." A few days later finds his family and Mr. Clifton, who escaped the miracle on the same island along with the faithful dog Fido. Clifton - a skilled engineer he mines fire, manufactures gunpowder, methodically cultivated this wild corner of the earth, in every way improving the existence of the colonists.

In the future, many characters and episodes will move in a modified form on the page of the "Mysterious Island" engineer Clifton will turn into Siresa Smith, a sailor flip - in Pencrofa, Robert Clifton - in Herbert Brown. Even the dog Fido will act there under another nickname, and the most island with all its flora and fauna, up to Orangutan, will be transferred to the southern zone of the Pacific Ocean.

Ten years later, shortly before resettlement in Amiens, Jules Verne caught fire to write a novel about the amazing results of the work of a small group of people who were uninhabited by the island. He decided to take as the basis of the manuscript "Uncle Robinzon", but Etzell, having familiarized himself with the "pale robinsonade", rejected it without connecting it:

I advise you to throw it all and start first, otherwise there will be a complete failure.
- And yet it contains the grain of the novel! - Confidently answered Jules Verne.

But the "grain" could not germinate for a long time. The plot stubbornly did not develop. Meanwhile, "between the case", he managed to write a brilliant novel "Around the world at eighty days," and what he considered his main business - "Robinzonad," - still not given.

While he was thinking and deflected by the options, readers continued to send letters with requests to resurrect Captain Nemo and reveal his mystery, not an unmitrated by Professor Aronaks in the novel "Twenty Thousand Lea under water." And when one day, the writer decided to return to the history of Nemo, and at the same time also to tie the storylines of the new "Robinsonads", with the "Children of Captain Granta", the plan was constantly completely, and he immediately began to work.

In February 1873, Jules Verne told the publisher: "I was all given to Robinzon, or, or rather, the" mysterious island ". Rook like on wheels. I meet with professors of chemistry, I go to chemical factories and I return with stains on clothes, which will take your account, because the "mysterious island" will be a novel about chemistry. I try to increase interest in the mysterious stay of Captain Nemo on the island to prepare to prepare Kressedo ... "» Nemchina Natalia.

Unlike the classic book of Daniel Defo, Unnamed, uninhabited island becomes a shelter not a single hero, but a whole group of Americans:

Nab (Nebuchadnezzar) - a former slave, and now a devotee of the servant of the Smith's Sairus. Knows a sense in blacksmithing business. Was a cook in the granite palace;

Gideon Sport is a military journalist and a friend Smith, a person is very energetic and decisive, who has a kipuchim mind. In addition, a passionate hunter;

Bonaventure Pencrof - Sailor, good-natured man and enterprising brave. As usual from the sailors, the master for all hands. Heavy smoker;.
Herbert (Harbert) Brown - the fifteen-year-old son of the captain of the ship, on which Pennelf was swimming, remaining orphan. For him, the sailor refers to his own son. The young man showed deep knowledge in the natural sciences;

as well as the top is the faithful sir of Smith's sirus.
Subsequently, they were joined:

Jupe (Jupiter) - Orangutan, tamed during the invasion of monkeys on the granite palace, who became a friend, servant and an indispensable assistant;

Ayrton - the sixth colonist, brought by a solid, Pencrof and Herbert from traveling to the island of Tabor. Initially, he was a wildest creature that lost the reason. Then, after the mind returned to him, he was constantly tormented by a complex of guilt for the previously given earlier, which settled in the coral.


Once during the Civil War in the United States at the slave-owned south, the cougles fled on the balloon from the deposited by Northerners Richmond, hoping to join the fighters against slavery. This happened on March 23, 1865. However, they are covered with hurricane, these people, along with their dog, turn out to be very far from their goal. Mushroom, skillful and hardworking, also guarded by a certain mysterious and powerful assistant, they spend on the island, named after Lincoln's president, as much as 4 years and create their own world:
Pasha land, build a pottery workshop,
bred cattle, melted iron,
build a mill
hydraulic elevator,

and other "wonders" of technology,
Along the way, protecting your island from sailing pirates.

Soon, thanks to its hard work and the mind, the colonists no longer know the needs of either food, nor in clothing, nor warm and comfortable. They have everything, except for news of their homeland, about the fate of which they are very disturbed. As the reviewer of one of the old Russian newspapers, "this novel, so to speak, in the perspective - the history of European civilization in connection with the history of science development.

In the end, they find a mysterious patron, who turned out the captain Nemo, who subsequently dies on board their underwater miracle-boat "Nautilus".

Once, on June 22, 1867, these three people who did not know anything about the past Captain Nemo, managed to escape, trampled one of Nautilus boats.
If you recall the beginning, then from Richmond Heroes rushed in 1865. It turns out that Smith and Spiellet somehow telepathically familiarized themselves with the work of Valiant Aronaqs. And this is in acute addiction to the description of all the bugle-drying and other "magnificent decoration" ...

The oldest eruption of the volcano practically destroys the island, but our heroes are departed to their homeland, having met the Duncan yacht, under the command of Captain Robert Grant, who has read a note found in the former Hyton hut on the island of Tabor (shortly before his death there was a Nemo there). So the "Mysterious Island" completed the famous trilogy of Jules Verne, started by the "Children of Captain Grant" (1867) and the continued book "20000 Lea under water" (1869).

See also: