Shokhin Head of Administration. "I really like landscaping the city

A month ago, responding to numerous conversion of citizens about public transport problems in the regional center, the head of the Vladimir Administration Andrei Shokhin gave orders the Transport and Communications Department to prepare proposals for improving the situation. Today a report was reported on the work done.

According to the results of monitoring, the main claims of Vladimir residents cause violation of traffic intervals. Indeed, recently on a number of routes, the citizens are waiting for the buses longer than usual. Shokhin believes that in this case, the claims of residents are substantiated.

In addition, the chapter of the administration does not suit the explanations of the carriers that refer to "objective difficulties".

At the workshop that Shokhin spent along with the specialists of the transport industry, the head of the administration said that he could still agree with the factor of the "Being", because the repair of the M-7 route within Vladimir really complicates the movement of transport - passenger buses due to road works are knocked out From the schedule. But there are other problems that require an operational solution.

For example, duplicate routes, as well as the presence of unnecessarily long Routeswhere the amount of rolling stock is clearly understated public transport.

Take at least a route number 18c. Its length is 30 km, and only 6 bans serve it. With the official interval of movement, which is 25 minutes, any traffic jam leads to a delay in transport and the hassle of passengers.

Another important factor is directly related to the decision of the Bigavthotrans owners on the care of the city's public transport market. No one argues, any owner has the right to accept any legal decision on changing the main profile of its company's activities. But the citizens should not suffer - no one dismissed Bigavotrans from responsibility for the correct work on the routes that this company still serves.

And then, you must admit, the quality of the carrier's work, unfortunately, has decreased: the buses on the lines have become less, and the movement intervals are more.

Having studied the proposals of the city department of transport and communications, the head of the administration noted that any changes in the city route network It is necessary to conduct professionally and weigly, in close cooperation with transport companies - only the mayor's office will preserve the effective system of public transportation created in Vladimir. All changes that will be accepted on this topic in the mayor's office will be taken in the interests of passengers and for the development of the industry, according to the principle of "Seven times, one - one resignation".

Currently, from the whole list of proposals of the Transport and Communication Department, Andrei Shokhin agreed on changes only to four bus routes.

Bus route №21С The route varies to improve the transport accessibility of residential microdistrics, industrial, office and trading facilities in the Tractor street area, Polina Osipenko, Pochaevskaya, Rockada, where the movement of the route public transport was not carried out.

Buses interval in the morning and evening watch "Peak" will be 12-14 minutes., During the rest of the time - up to 25 minutes.

We have already written about the next route. Details here. But repeat again:

From 10/13/2018 Movement of buses No. 21c will be carried out on the following route:

Energetik - Market - Sleeve - Turning to Energy - Yuryevtsky Gardens - Military Memorial - ul. November - Yuryevts - Moscow Highway - Lenin Prospect - ul. Pugacheva - Ryabinka - ul. Tchaikovsky - Cheryomushki - ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya - Pedagogical Institute - Maryinka - ul. Belokonskaya - "Megatorg" - PC "Pokom" - ul. Pochaevskaya - Prince-Vladimir Cemetery - Vladimir Chemical Plant - ul. Dmitry Pogodin - Children's Hospital - House of Furniture - Entertainment Complex "Rus-Cinema" - Park "Dobroselsky" - ul. Radishcheva - ul. Smeotian - supermarket - the store "Opole" - turn on the street. Kuibysheva - ul. Kuibyshev.

Bus route №18С Route with a length of about 30 km will become shorter. This will be done in order to gradually reduce the intervals of the movement of buses. At the same time, experts from the transport and communication department have developed proposals taking into account the interests of those citizens who worried about the transport accessibility of familiar facilities: production and office sites, educational, children's and sports facilities, markets, hospitals and a clinic.

Thus, from 10/15/2018 buses route

No. 18c will go on the following route:

MKR. Forest - Agrocomplex - Lemshki-1 - Bogolyubovo-3 - Bogolyubovo-2 - Bogolyubovo-1 - Sungir - Theater "Razguli" - Gardens on Dobroselskaya - City Hospital № 5 - Suzdal Prospect - Children's Hospital - ul. Dmitry Pogodin - Vladimir Chemical Plant - Prince-Vladimir Cemetery - Swimming pool - Youth Culture House - ul. Polina Osipenko - the "Opole" market - ul. Mira - Museum of Nature - Oktyabrsky Pr-T - Spring - Palace of Young Creativity - Rotate on DTU - Student Town - Maryinka - Pedagogical Institute - ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya - School №2 - ul. Balakirev.

Bus route №31 also from 10/15/2018 This route closes. This is due to the fact that in this direction a very small passenger flow. However, given the interests of passengers who use the route of the 31st bus, the direction will be serviced by changing routes No. 18C and No. 32.

Bus route №32 For residents of the Red Sela district, too, from 10/15/2018 Bus traffic number 32 will be held on the following route:

ul. Levino Field - ul. Speaker Levitan - School №43 - ul. Sostevskaya - Regional Palace of Culture and Art - Ruslan and Lyudmila - Pl. Victory - Ryabinka - ul. Tchaikovsky - Cheryomushki - ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya - Pedagogical Institute - Maryinka - ul. Belokonskaya - ul. Gastello - Vladimir State University - pl. Lenin - Wrinkle - Central Park - ul. Polina Osipenko - Youth Culture House - Swimming pool - Prince-Vladimir Cemetery - Vladimir Chemical Plant - ul. Dmitry Pogodina - Krasnoselsky Baths - Zhukovsky Street - Street 40 October - ul. Radishcheva - ul. Smeotian - supermarket - the store "Opole" - turn on the street. Kuibysheva - ul. Kuibysheva - the plant "Greenhouse" - the plant "Magneton" - the shopping complex "Tandem".

It is worth noting that the interval of the movement of buses on the route number 32 will not change - he will be 15 minutes at the Peak watch. (On the route No. 31 of the interval of movement - 20 min.).

Specialists of the Transport and Communication Department believe that updating Routes No. 18c and No. 32 will allow several tasks at once: it compensates for the closure of a little sought-after route No. 31 and at the same time will improve the passenger services of residents who go from the areas of the palace of young and ul. Balakirev, and will also allow a qualitative to perform a schedule of motion, because the dependence on the automotive congestion will decrease in peak hours, which are often formed on the street. Upper Dubrov and Lenin Proste.

In addition, it is necessary to add that on the direct indication of Andrei Shokhina, the transport department and communication also took into account the interests of social categories of passengers who used to get in the ICD. 8-yuz on bus №18С. Transport accessibility microdistrict for Vladimir residents who have preferential direct ticketsFully persists - they, as before, will be able to use routes No. 9C and No. 24.

№9C in the microdistrict 8-yuz will be the "South-Western" stop, the final stop of the bus №24c - the stop "3rd anniversary". Otherwise, both routes do not change.

The first: the plaintiff did not appear at the meeting

The Vladimir administration submits to the court demanding to recover from tenants debts, but the plaintiff is not at the meeting and does not provide any documents, and the statement of claim remains without consideration.

Losses of the budget: 76 316 543,66 rub

Reason Second: World Agreement

The administration of the city of Vladimir concludes global agreements with defendants, partially or completely refusing the recovery of debt, penny, penalties.

Since 1998, "Izotk" rents at the city of Plot №33: 22: 011067: 14, on which today is located shopping center (Address - Upper Dubrova Street, 26). From 2008 to 2010, the amount of debts of the company to the municipality amounted to 1,016,789.99 rubles. Hoodal administration went on concessions and concluded a settlement agreement: "Game" paid only 350 414.34 rubles. - by 666 375.65 rubles. Less than could.

Losses of the budget: 29 831 464 rub.

Raise Three: Skip the limit

According to federal legislation, a three-year limitation period is established. In 19 trials, it served as a reason for the breakdown of debt.

* It should be said that during some proceedings, rental fees occurred and a completely legitimate decline in penalties. It is impossible to separate what kind of affairs it happened, so we will take into account that the final amount of arrears can be lower than the designated one.

Losses of the budget: 35 345 255,84 rub.

Reason fourth: reducing claims

We counted 73 cases in which the Vladimir administration for an unknown reason reduced the claims, refusing part of debt and penalties. Only in some court decisions it is indicated that the plaintiff reduced the amount of the requirement on his own initiative in connection with the voluntary payment of debt. However, in most cases there is no explanation. One can only assume that either the defendant paid for debts, or the plaintiff decided not to collect a part of the amount from it.

Among those companies who have written off claims, there are large construction enterprises. First of all, it is LLC "STROY-CAPITAL", which has a single founder with Aleksei Andreeva with LLC "Goprotek".

Total city administration reduced its requirements for 63,016 932.63 rubles. Based on open data it is impossible to argue that the defendants did not pay this amount, however, the opposite remains unproved.

Occasion fifth: contracts were not

During ten litigation, it turned out that tenant treaties were simply not concluded. That is, companies used municipal land, but at the same time nothing city should not.

Respondent: LLC "Construction Company" Mek "

  • A11-2135 / 2011, 11,683,980 rubles were dissatisfied with the budget. The court found that the contract "is inconclusive, since it is not registered in the prescribed manner"

Respondent: GBU in the "Regional Square"

  • A11-2263 / 2011, the budget disappointed 8,822,838 rubles. The defendant argued that the contract "is a negligible transaction", the plaintiff could not prove the opposite

Respondent: Avtomir LLC

  • A11-6931 / 2012, the budget is dissatisfied 3 707 853.47 rubles. The court decided: "It follows from the case file that the lease agreement land plot... not signed. "The fact of the use of the company controversial was not able to prove the venue.

In some cases, contracts were still recognized by valid. At the same time, the validity of his claims could not be proved by the administration of Vladimir. Sometimes the plaintiff forgot even provide the necessary documents:

Respondent: urban organization of disabled "Support"

  • A11-1634 / 2011, the budget disappointed 325,224.07 rubles. Management of municipal property as the plaintiff did not provide an extract from an incorporation or other document confirming its status

Respondent: LLC "Sing"

  • A11-1594 / 2011 and A11-2137 / 2011, 32,513,386 rubles were dissatisfied with the budget. The company was engaged in the development of the built-up territories of the city of Vladimir, including demolition and settlement of existing homes. Local authorities wanted to reimburse the costs of freeing sites for the construction and settlement of the Old residential fund, but could not prove the fact of costs in court


  • A11-2139 / 2011, 7,605,265 rubles were dissatisfied with the budget. The situation is similar to the previous one: the plaintiff did not confirm his costs.

Losses of the budget: 67 865 722,16 rub.

Raise Six: Regulatory Construction Dates

If the aforementioned five ways of arrears of budget funds are rather transparent, the last method requires careful study.

On several ships, the defendants stated that the mayor's office counted them rental According to unlawful inflated rates. The court became on their side, since the plaintiff could not prove the opposite. Moreover, it is often impossible to raise rates related to the actions of the Most Statement of Employees.

We are talking about the regulatory deadlines for the construction of objects in Vladimir. Judging by the materials of affairs, the mayor's office passed many sites in the city for the construction of structures, but at the same time:

  • or forgot to designate the regulatory deadlines,
  • either extended them
  • or did not control whether the tenant received permission to the construction site.

Respondent: LLC "VladimirgropromDorproekt"

  • A11-2920 / 2013, the budget failed to recover an additional 5,479,519,96 rubles. As established by the court, "Permission to build a road-jumper connecting Lenin's Avenue in Vladimir and Fad M-7" Volga "at the KM 179 + 300 Right, the respondent was not issued. In the Rental Treatment of the land plot from 05.11.2008 No. 12208 Regulation No. 12208 Building is not provided. " So, the elevated rates cannot be applied.

Respondent: LLC "Igotk"

  • A11-4125 / 2015, the budget failed to recover an additional 883 735.3 rubles. It was found that "none of the items of the lease concluded contract establishes the deadline for the construction of the church"
  • A11-3419 / 2014, the budget failed to recover additionally 4 891 127.27 rubles. This process was not associated with the regulatory term of construction. When the plot of land surrendered to the "game", he was part of the social and business zone, but in 2011 the city council approved the new Gen Plan and new rules for land use and development, and the site moved to the recreational zone. Rental rates had to decrease, but the mayor's office continued to charge the fee for the same standards. Why did the workers of the City Hall noticed the lack of damage to the damage of several million rubles - it is unclear.
  • And again in the affairs appears, LLC "Igotk". In several cases, the Administration of Vladimir sued the developer for the exceeding the regulatory time of construction and at the same time the delay in rental payments. However, it was not possible to recover from the company an increased fee, and as a result, the municipal treasury was not replenished by more than 11 million rubles. Refusal to meet the requirements of the court explained that the permits for the construction of objects were not issued, and the contracts "not provided" or "are not established" by their construction period.

Respondent: LLC "Monostroy"

  • A11-3991 / 2012 and A11-8032 / 2012, the budget was not paid 10 782,684.66 rubles. In court it was established that a firm in the same administration extended a permit for construction, thereby "the authorized body actually increased the normative term of construction."

Respondent: ZAO "Grandstroy"

  • A11-10720 / 2014 and A11-10504 / 2014, the budget was not subject to 11,912,659.88 rubles. In the first case, the City Hall did not define the regulatory deadline for the construction of the enterprise, and the defendant for six years the lease did not manage to get permission to its erection. In the second case, upon the expiration of the lease agreement in 2012, the administration forgot to conclude an additional agreement with the company. As a result, the size of the installation fees decreased because it began to be treated on the basis of federal standards.

In general, according to this section, the budget of Vladimir missed 33 949 727.07 rubles.

A month ago, responding to numerous conversion of citizens about public transport problems in the regional center, the head of the Vladimir Administration Andrei Shokhin gave orders the Transport and Communications Department to prepare proposals for improving the situation. Today a report was reported on the work done.

According to the results of monitoring, the main claims of Vladimir residents cause violation of traffic intervals. Indeed, recently on a number of routes, the citizens are waiting for the buses longer than usual. Shokhin believes that in this case, the claims of residents are substantiated.

In addition, the chapter of the administration does not suit the explanations of the carriers that refer to "objective difficulties".

At the workshop that Shokhin spent along with the specialists of the transport industry, the head of the administration said that he could still agree with the factor of the "Being", because the repair of the M-7 route within Vladimir really complicates the movement of transport - passenger buses due to road works are knocked out From the schedule. But there are other problems that require an operational solution.

For example, duplicate routes, as well as the presence of unnecessarily long routes, where the number of rolling stock of public transport is clearly understated.

Take at least a route number 18c. Its length is 30 km, and only 6 bans serve it. With the official interval of movement, which is 25 minutes, any traffic jam leads to a delay in transport and the hassle of passengers.

Another important factor is directly related to the decision of the Bigavthotrans owners on the care of the city's public transport market. It does not argue, any owner has the right to take any legal decision on changing the main profile of its company. But the citizens should not suffer - no one dismissed Bigavotrans from responsibility for the correct work on the routes that this company still serves.

And then, you must admit, the quality of the carrier's work, unfortunately, has decreased: the buses on the lines have become less, and the movement intervals are more.

Having examined the proposals of the city's transport and communication, the head of the administration noted that any changes in the city route network should be carried out professionally and weigly, in close cooperation with transport companies - only the mayor's office will retain the effective system of public transportation created in Vladimir. All changes that will be accepted on this topic in the mayor's office will be taken in the interests of passengers and for the development of the industry, according to the principle of "Seven times, one - one resignation".

Currently, from the whole list of proposals of the Transport and Communication Department, Andrei Shokhin agreed on changes only to four bus routes.

Bus route №21s

The route changes to improve the transport accessibility of residential microdistrics, industrial, office and trading facilities in the area of \u200b\u200bTractor streets, Polina Osipenko, Pochaevskaya, Rockada, where the movement of the route public transport was not carried out.

Buses interval in the morning and evening watch "Peak" will be 12-14 minutes., During the rest of the time - up to 25 minutes.

We have already written about the next route. Details. But repeat once again:

From 10/13/2018 Movement of buses No. 21c will be carried out on the following route:

Energetik - Market - Sleeve - Turning to Energy - Yuryevtsky Gardens - Military Memorial - Stroyabrskaya - Yuryevts - Moscow Highway - Lenin - Ul. Pugacheva - Ryabinka - Tchaikovsky Street - Cheryomushki - St. Krasnoarmeyskaya - Pedagogical Institute - Maryinka - Ul. Belokonskaya - "Megatorg" - PC "Pokom" - Vochaevskaya PC - Prince-Vladimir Cemetery - Vladimir Chemical Plant - Dmitry Pogodina - Children's Hospital - House of Furniture - Entertainment Complex "Rus-Cinema" - Park "Dobroselsky" - ul.Odishchev - ul. Bazemensky - Universal - the store "Opole" - Turn on the street. Kuybyshev - Ul.Kuibyshev.

Bus route №18S.

The route with a length of about 30 km will be shorter. This will be done in order to gradually reduce the intervals of the movement of buses. At the same time, experts from the transport and communication department have developed proposals taking into account the interests of those citizens who worried about the transport accessibility of familiar facilities: production and office sites, educational, children's and sports facilities, markets, hospitals and a clinic.

Thus, from 10/15/2018 buses route

No. 18c will go on the following route:

MKR. Forest - Agrocomplex - Lemshki-1 - Bogolyubovo-3 - Bogolyubovo-2 - Bogolyubovo-1 - Sungir - Theater "Razgulia" - Gardens on Dobroselsky - City Hospital № 5 - Suzdal Prospect - Children's Hospital - Dmitry Pogodina - Vladimirsky Chemical Plant - Prince-Vladimir Cemetery - Swimming Pool - Youth Culture House - Polina Osipenko - Market "Opole" - Mira - Museum of Nature - Oktyabrsky Pr-T - Spring - Palace of Young Creativity - Rotate on DTU - Student Town - Marinka - Pedagogical Institute - Krasnoarmeyskaya St. - School №2 - Ul. Balakirev.

Bus route №31

Also from 10/15/2018 This route closes. This is due to the fact that in this direction a very small passenger flow. However, given the interests of passengers who use the route of the 31st bus, the direction will be serviced by changing routes No. 18C and No. 32.

Bus route №32.

For residents of the Red Sela district, too, from 10/15/2018, bus movement number 32 will be held on the following route:

Levitan Ulino - School №43 - Sushevskaya School - Regional Palace of Culture and Art - Ruslan and Lyudmila - Pobeda - Ryabinka - Streach Tchaikovsky - Cheryomushki - Krasnoarmeyskaya St. - Pedagogical Institute - Maryinka - Ul . Zhukovsky - Street 40 years of October - Straischeva Street - Stolemskoye Store - The Supervisory Store - Turn on the Tubeyshev Store - Zuybyshev, and the Magneton Plant - the Tandem shopping complex.

It is worth noting that the interval of the movement of buses on the route number 32 will not change - he will be 15 minutes at the Peak watch. (On the route No. 31 of the interval of movement - 20 min.).

Specialists of the transport and communication department believe that the update of routes No. 18c and No. 32 will allow several tasks at once: it compensates for the closure of a little sought-after route No. 31 and at the same time will improve the passenger services of residents who drive from the palace of young and ul. Balakirev, as well as Allows you to qualitatively perform a schedule of motion, because the dependence on the automotive congestion will decrease in peak hours, which are often formed on the street. Upper Dubrov and Lenin Proste.

In addition, it is necessary to add that on the direct indication of Andrei Shokhina, the transport department and communication also took into account the interests of social categories of passengers who used to get in the ICD. 8-yuz on bus №18С. The transport accessibility of the microdistrict for Vladimir residents who have preferential travel tickets are fully saved - they, as before, will be able to use routes No. 9c and No. 24c.

№9C in the microdistrict 8-yuz will be the "South-Western" stop, the final stop of the bus №24c - the stop "3rd anniversary". Otherwise, both routes do not change.



Labor activity began in 1984 as a physics teacher at school of working youth No. 10.


Andrey Shokhin at the International Forum

Today in Moscow is the International Forum on Energy and Energy Development. For more than eight thousand representatives of federal and regional authorities take part in the forum. Representatives from Europe, Asia, North and Latin America are invited.

Shokhin effective

The City Manager Vladimir Andrei Shokhin entered the top 20 most effective city holders of the regional capitals. The end of the construction of the Lybed highway and the unfinished construction of the school in the 8-yuz microdistrict were supplied by Shokhin

The real owner of the city of Vladimir Andrei Shokhin took the 20th place in the list of the most effective city holders of the regional capitals of Russia at the age of August-September 2017.

Andrey Shokhin and Olga Deev will congratulate employees of pre-school institutions with a professional holiday

Today, teachers and specialists of municipal preschool institutions, veterans and well-deserved staff of pre-school education are invited today - the press service of the mayor's office is reported.

More than 20 teachers will be awarded by the diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - for significant achievements in the field of education, education of children and young people and many years of conscientious work.

The head of the city administration, Andrei Shokhin, was about the same way as many today's managers. The current Vladimir City Manager is a person no less interesting than his former tandem colleague, the ex-head of the city of Sergey Sakharov.

In 1984, Shokhin is a freshly baked teacher of physics and mathematics. He gave the pedagogy for five years, put fives with twins and students of the school of working youth, and students of the boarding school number 4. In 1989, Shokhin went to commerce, which was successfully acquired until 2005. In parallel, 11 years ago, he began to make the first steps in the urban scale policies - in 2002, Andrei Stanislavovich was elected a deputy of the City Council, and he immediately headed the Committee on Economic and Industrial Policy, and later became the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies.

In 2005, Andrei Shokhin took the post of deputy head of Vladimir / Head of Management of Municipal Property. It is for this period that a shochin biography accounts for a number of interesting transactions with land in the regional center. It is not necessary to list them, it is enough just to mention that the scandalous story with a spas hill is rooted in 2006 - which means that the transfer of land on the Spassky Hill in private hands has occurred with the direct participation of Andrei Stanislavovich.

I liked the municipal managers so much that when he was again chosen to the city council, he refused to be a deputy mandate and gave way to the parliamentarian to her thesis - businessman Andrei Sheshenin. And although this article is not at all about Sheshenin, we cannot not add that Shelehenin, who took the chair, intended to Shokhin, later became the hero of the largest, probably, the corruption scandal of the last decade in Vladimir, but at the same time surprisingly easily got rid of freedom.

Shokhina was assessed as the most likely candidacy for the post-manager post. And indeed, during the vote at the end of April 2011, 27 deputies of the city council voted at the end of April 2011 for the approval of Shokhin, against only three. Having won a convincing victory, Andrei Stanislavovich took over the optimization of the states of an orange house. He reduced the number of his deposits from six to four (however, in 2016 the fifth appeared), the state of ordinary officers of the mayor's office also decreased.

It is worth noting that Andrei Stanislavovich is clearly more than his colleague Sakharov, and strongly and popularity. Recall at least the project of the Sixth Channel "directly with Andrei Shokhin", in every issue of which the city manager, like the "frost-governor", walked his posor Superb on asphalt, icicles and so on. True, the feeling remains that the greatest contribution to the struggle with this misfortune contributed, and not Andrei Stanislavovich.

After becoming a city manager, Andrei Shokhin immediately took a course on "maximum openness" and, following fashion, started

See also: