Air accidents and accidents. Aircraft crash statistics in the world and in Russia

Near Bishkek, performing a Hong Kong-Bishkek flight. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan, the plane crashed in the area of ​​the dacha village in the vicinity of the airport. According to preliminary data, about 15 residential buildings of the village were destroyed, 20 people died in them.


On December 25, the Tu-154 plane of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which was heading for Syria, a few minutes after departure from Sochi airport. Onboard there were 92 people - eight crew members and 84 passengers, including eight military men, 64 artists of the Alexandrov ensemble, nine representatives of Russian TV channels, the head of the Fair Help charity Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Liza, and two federal civil servants. About finding their employees on board Channel One, NTV and Zvezda.

On December 7, a plane carrying 47 people (42 passengers and five crew members), near the city of Havelian in Pakistan. The liner took off from the city of Chitral in the north of the country and was supposed to land in Islamabad. The pilot of the plane gave a distress signal shortly before the airliner disappeared from the radar of air traffic controllers. Everyone died in the crash. The planes revealed in the media include 31 men, nine women and two children.

On August 16, in the Indonesian province of Papua, an Indonesian passenger plane ATR of Trigana Air Service, flying from the provincial capital of Jayapura to Oksibil airport, collided with a mountain. There were 49 passengers and five crew members on board, all of whom were killed.

On June 30, the four-engine Hercules C-130B military transport aircraft, produced more than half a century ago by the American airline Lockheed, in the southwestern part of the capital of the Indonesian province of North Sumatra, about two minutes after takeoff from Soewondo Air Force Base Medan, having flown only about five kilometers. Just before the crash, the pilot reported engine problems to the dispatchers, and the C-130 crashed as it turned to return to base. On board the crashed plane were 122 people, they died. Another 19 people died on the ground.

On March 24, in the Alps of Haute Provence, in the south of France, an Airbus A320, owned by Germanwings, en route from Barcelona (Spain) to Dusseldorf (Germany). There were 142 passengers and eight crew members on board. They all died. Records from the discovered "black boxes" indicate that the crash was the result of the co-pilot - German citizen Andreas Lubitz.

March 10 at the village of Villa Castelli in Argentina at an altitude of about 100 meters, on board which were participants in the filming of the reality show about survival in difficult conditions "Dropped". The plane crash killed all ten people (eight French and two Argentine pilots), among whom were 2012 Olympic swimming champion Camille Muffat, 2008 Games bronze medalist boxer Alexis Vasten, and famous yachtswoman Florence Artaud.

On February 4, in Taiwan, an ATR 72 plane, which took off from Taipei Songshan Airport in the direction of the Jinmen Archipelago, touched the bridge and. Onboard there were 53 passengers, including 31 tourists from the PRC and five crew members. The accident killed 43 people.

On January 26, in Spain, a Greek Air Force plane participating in the NATO Tactical Leadership Program failed to gain altitude at the time of takeoff and fell to the ground in the area where other aircraft were located. He rammed several of them. As a result, 11 people were killed, another 20 were injured.

On January 18, in Syria, an army cargo plane near the Abu al-Zuhur airport in Idlib province due to bad weather. At least 35 soldiers were killed.

14:02 01/17/2017 The number of victims of the plane crash has reached 37 people;

17:13 16/01/2017 Experts have found the "black boxes" of the crashed Boeing 747. According to preliminary data, experts from Turkey, Russia and the United States will deal with their decoding;

09:00 16/01/2017 Rescuers working at the crash site of a cargo plane report the discovery of 32 victims;

8:42 01/16/2017 One of the crew members of the crashed Turkish Airlines plane survived;

8:25 01/16/2017 At least 16 victims were found at the site of the plane crash, moreover, most of them are residents of the dacha village;

7:40 01/16/2017 Authorities have officially confirmed the crash of a Turkish Boeing 747 cargo plane near Bishkek. At the moment, specialists are working at the crash site to search for victims and victims.

On January 16, 2017, in preparation for landing at Manas airport, a Boeing 747 cargo plane belonging to Turkish Airlines crashed several kilometers from its destination on a flight from Hong Kong. The current crash was the first major plane crash since the beginning of this year, while, according to experts, it is very mysterious.

Chronicle of the crash of the Boeing 747 of Turkish Airlines.

According to the website news agency, a Turkish Airlines cargo plane was flying from Hong Kong to Istanbul, with a planned stopover in Bishkek. Nevertheless, early in the morning, when the specialists of the Bishkek air harbor were already preparing to receive the plane, it unexpectedly disappeared from the air traffic controllers' radars, and as it became known later, it crashed, in fact, several minutes before its arrival at its destination.

A Boeing 747 cargo plane crashed directly into a summer cottage village, causing a large number of casualties and dozens of casualties, while there were only four crew members on board the aircraft itself.

At the site of the plane crash, massive destruction - when falling, the plane literally rammed several buildings, which led to a large number of victims and injuries.

Victims and injured in the plane crash near Bishkek on January 16, 2017.

As of 9 am, the bodies of 32 victims have already been found at the crash site of the cargo plane, of which 3 are crew members and 29 residents of the dacha village. Nevertheless, experts note that the list of victims will definitely grow, since the bodies of people are still under the rubble.

According to preliminary data, at least three dozen people were injured as a result of the crash of a cargo plane on a summer cottage village - most of them were hospitalized with various kinds of injuries.

Versions, causes and circumstances of the plane crash.

At the moment, experts are wondering why the Turkish plane fell near Bishkek? And although the exact data of this will become known only after a thorough investigation, two main versions of the plane crash have already been put forward, including a lack of fuel and a technical malfunction.

Lack of fuel

At the moment, the version with a lack of fuel is the main one among the specialists involved in the investigation of this plane crash, and although these circumstances are not officially commented on, experts believe that it was precisely due to the fact that the plane's fuel tanks were empty that the plane crashed into a summer cottage settlement. On the other hand, information appeared from unofficial sources that the pilots of the aircraft did not report an emergency on board and did not require an emergency landing.

Technical malfunction

The version of the technical malfunction of the Boeing 747 cargo aircraft is also one of the main ones, in particular, experts believe that it is likely that there could be problems with the aircraft control system, while, due to the fact that the aircraft was at a low altitude, the pilots could not report any problems they have.

The mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on March 8, 2014 is far from the only air tragedy that raises more questions than it answers. Aviation history knows of cases when planes also did not give a distress signal, and after disappearing did not leave any traces and debris. Here are just some of the loudest and most mysterious plane crashes, which also involved mysticism ...

Amelia Earhart (1937)

The mystery of the last flight of Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot, remains unsolved. In 1937, Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan went missing in the central Pacific while attempting to fly around the world in a Lockheed Model 10 Electra twin-engined aircraft.

According to one version, the plane simply ran out of fuel, according to another, Amelia Earhart and Frederick Noonan were captured by the Japanese, who were building their military bases on the islands located in this part of the Pacific Ocean.

Airplane "Cessna" (1972)

On October 16, 1972, Democratic Congressman Thomas Hale Boggs and politician Nick Begich boarded the twin-engine Cessna bound for the Alaskan capital Juneau.

However, the plane was never destined to deliver passengers to their destination - it disappeared without a trace. Even the 39-day searches, which were called "the largest in the history of Alaska," 70 aircraft were involved in them, they did not give any results.

Various assumptions were put forward about the cause of the plane crash. It was rumored that the plane was shot down by the Serbs because of Begic's Croatian roots. Another version pointed to the political past of Boggs, who was a member of the Warren Commission.

Flight 800 TWA (1996)

A Boeing 747, heading from New York to Rome, exploded in mid-air and fell into the Atlantic Ocean. All 230 passengers on board were killed. Experts from the National Transportation Safety Board determined that the likely cause of the plane crash was a fuel tank explosion due to faulty electrical wiring.

However, conspiracy theorists are confident that the cause of the explosion was a bomb planted on board the plane or a collision with a US Navy missile.

During a briefing last summer, the National Security Council confirmed that neither eyewitness testimony, wreckage found, nor flight recorder records support the assumption of a missile collision.

EgyptAir flight 990 (1999)

The Boeing 767, which operated regular flights between Los Angeles and Cairo, crashed and fell into the Atlantic Ocean almost immediately after takeoff. The disaster claimed the lives of 200 people. After a 2-year investigation, it was established that the plane crash was caused by the wrong actions of the crew commander.

All evidence collected by the National Council, including the flight path of the aircraft and the data from the flight recorders, indicated that the commander and chief assistant in the last minutes of their lives tried to take control of the aircraft into their own hands. The senior officer said repeatedly, "I trust in God." This version did not suit the Egyptian side, and it put forward its own - the cause of the disaster was a malfunction of the aircraft control system.

Air France flight 447 (2009)

This fatal air incident occurred in 2009 with an Airbus A 330 flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. The plane with 228 passengers on board fell into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

As with the missing Malaysian plane, Air France pilots did not send a distress signal. A full-scale search and rescue operation for five days yielded no results. Then some fragments of the tail section of the plane were found.

The search for the plane that fell to the bottom of the ocean dragged on for two years. And a year later, as a result of the investigation, it was found that ice crystals blocked the airspeed sensors of the aircraft - this is what led to the tragedy.

Missing Malaysian Boeing (2014)

The version of a terrorist attack is still possible in the story of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane. According to one of the hypotheses, the passengers on board the ill-fated Boeing could be seriously injured or killed due to heavy overloads, but those who were in the cockpit could survive and land the airliner, so that, possibly, then lift it into the air for the sake of some goals ... About how this version is being built, said Sergey MELNICHENKO, a member of the World Flight Safety Fund.

- The plane took off ... Literally 40 minutes later, ACARS stopped working, the crew said goodbye to the dispatcher and never got in touch again, - reminds Sergey Melnichenko. “Three minutes after the last radio contact, the transponder was disconnected. After that, the plane turned to the left and proceeded in fact in the opposite direction, crossed Malaysia, entered the Strait of Malacca. Further, the military reported that the plane began to climb to the 450th echelon - this is an altitude of 15 km.

And at the very beginning I thought: if the investigators received information that someone was trying to make the plane invisible to radars and dispatchers, then probably it was necessary to ask all radiotelephone providers, because the region of China Malaysia is known for the fact that there are people probably only sleep without smartphones, phones, iPads, etc. This information was not available for eight days. On March 18, this information appeared. Indeed, all providers were requested and the result is this: the passengers did not even try to turn on the phone. Not to mention sending SMS or trying to make a call.

To make it clear: Boeing-777 is allowed to fly at a maximum altitude of 43,100 feet (13.1 km). He also scored 13.7 thousand km. A few days ago, the Americans simulated a Boeing-777 flight at an altitude of 45 thousand feet, and came to the conclusion that flying on autopilot was impossible. The autopilot immediately returns the plane to safe altitudes, so piloting at 45 thousand feet was carried out by a man. An American pilot who worked on the simulator said the plane had become completely unstable at this altitude. The air is thin and the plane is about to stall.

The question arises: why was this done? I'm afraid to assume ... I really do not like to speculate when a possible action or inaction is associated with the life and health of people, but here one involuntarily has to assume that as a result of malicious intent, someone raised the plane to such an altitude that is beyond operational parameters, with the aim of depressurize the passenger compartment.

At an altitude of 15 km, 15 thousand meters, or about 45 thousand feet, during depressurization, a person without oxygen and without an emergency descent, which the crew must take according to all the rules, can live from 9 to 15 seconds: the blood, as they say, boils. That is, during the time when the plane was traveling at such an extremely high level, the health of passengers could be inflicted either too serious, for irreparable damage. After that, the plane very abruptly with high vertical speed dropped to flight level 230 (this is 23 thousand feet).

The speed with which this plane descended suggests that the workload on people was very serious. If someone was alive, then it could become just a load that the person could not stand. Further, the Malay military say that the plane reached echelon 295 and disappeared somewhere from the field of view of military radars. The situation is very serious. This speaks of the criminal intentions of the person or people who performed it.

This may indicate that there was hardly one person behind the thought of such a blasphemous plan. And hardly one person could spontaneously perform such actions. A very serious preliminary preparation was required. It was necessary to determine at what point to turn off everything, it was necessary to determine the order of actions with a set of extremely high echelon and with a sharp decline.

If the ship was hijacked, then hijacked for some subsequent purpose. The fact that today already 26 states are participating in the search indicates concern over the fate of the aircraft. If an airliner managed to land somewhere already with inanimate people, then there is a danger that it will someday take off somewhere, and none of us knows what it will have on board. The fact that all terrorist organizations are silent also makes one think. Maybe their plan hasn't been completed yet? I have such a concern.

- When the differences in altitude began, the pilots themselves could survive and fly the plane, right?

- Pilots or pilot or the person who was in the cockpit. This person could put on an oxygen mask and could, if he knows how to turn off all those systems that we talked about, make sure that oxygen masks would not fall out in emergency mode. And he himself could perform his functions.

Statistics is an impartial science. It does not detract from or embellish details. She presents the picture as it is. The statistics of crashes in Russia is one complete disappointment in the domestic aviation. When you start looking at the causes of plane crashes, you often come across the phrase “pilot error” or “crew error”.

It's right. The human factor is leading among the causes in Russia and the world. What are the largest plane crashes in Russia over the past 10 years? Unfortunately, there are many of them. And if in the USA the statistics of crashes is falling, then in Russia it is only growing. What are the main reasons for this?

So, it is in the lead by a clear margin - human factor... Insufficient and unqualified training of pilots in many ways leads to such sad results.

Airbus A330-300 of the Aeroflot company.

Many experts point out that the old Soviet models are still used, which it is high time to write them off.

Another reason is the greed of airlines, saving on the quality of aircraft maintenance and the purchase of new parts and equipment.

As a result, equipment wears out, parts are not replaced, and the aircraft becomes unusable. But it is not being removed from service. There are cases when the plane flew to complete wear and tear, up to a disaster!

List of Russia's largest plane crashes

Over the past few years, Russia has had quite a few very sad disasters. One of the most recent is the crash of the Tu-154 heading for Syria, December 25, 2016... This is the largest accident in 2016.

TU-154 from Utair.

The causes of the disaster have not yet been clarified, due to the difficulties in decoding the black boxes. It is only known that the plane crashed into the Black Sea, taking with it the lives of all passengers and crew.

March 19 of the same year a FlyDubai plane crashed on its way to Rostov-on-Don from the United Arab Emirates. All people died. The causes of the disaster are also being investigated, and so far only interim results have been announced.

That night there were difficult weather conditions, because of which the plane came in twice for landing. After the second time, it began to decline sharply and simply collapsed to GDP.

Biggest disaster in 2013 crash of Boeing 737, near Kazan. All passengers and crew were killed. The accident also occurred during the landing approach.

The reason is the negligence and failure of the crew to fulfill their duties, as well as its insufficient preparedness for flights.

Aircraft Tu-134.

Another terrible catastrophe that occurred on the territory of Karelia, death of TU-134 when landing. The plane collided with trees and crashed. One of the reasons is poor visibility in foggy conditions. 47 people died, but 5 survived.

Plane crash near Yaroslavl aircraft Yak-42 led to the death of the entire hockey team “Lokomotiv”. In this disaster only 1 person survived... During takeoff, the plane crashed into a radio beacon and crashed on the river bank. The unpreparedness of the crew was also the reason.

Monday - April 2, 2012- turned out to be the last day for most passengers and the crew of flight 120 of the company Utair. Only 10 managed to survive this disaster. The accident occurred after takeoff, 42 seconds later.

The reason was the PIC's refusal of anti-icing treatment, which led to a deterioration in the aerodynamic capabilities of the aircraft. Plus, the crew was unable to notice the plane's stall in time.

Which Russian planes crash more often?

In the article on our website, you can see that the second place in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft in the world is occupied by the IL-76, and the third - the notorious - TU-154. TU-134 ranks sixth.

Three models of Russian manufacturers were included in this list. This says something. However, for example, the same TU-154 was never decommissioned, as a result of which disasters continue to occur.

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