Cappadocia: Pigeon Valley, the city of Achischisar and the Valley of Love. Capadokia valleys

From the village of Samira to the village of Serime between three volcanoes, the gorge of Samira stretched out. Already in the 4th century, the construction of churches, 13 of which can now be visited, are also known about 105 facilities. In many of them, ancient frescoes have been preserved.

The churches in the valley there is no single style, here you can meet Syrian, Egyptian and Byzantine motives. Agacivilites ("Church under the trees") - perhaps the most famous complex of the Mialara. Of the three levels, only one preserved, but it is he who is decorated with frescoes dedicated to the worship of Magi, ascension of Christ and Daniel with lions.

No less interesting churches Kokar Kilis ("Aromatic Church") and Yylanla Kilis ("Church of Snake"). In the first one you can find the frescoes depicting scenes from the Bible, in the second they are dedicated to sinners and hell. The monastic settlement of the Guezelürt, founded by the Holy Gregory Theologian, is located on the north bank of the valley.

In the main church, a carved wooden iconostasis was preserved, which was presented by Nikolai I. To the northeast of the settlement there was a monastic valley with her imaginable rock complexes. You can write about the churches and monasteries of Michalora infinitely, but it is best to just go there and see everything with your own eyes.

Valley of the imagination Dervient.

In the valley, the Dervent arrive not for the sake of entertainment or bright attractions. It is for the sake of a unique landscape of the area, creating amazing landscapes.

It is enough to connect a little imagination, as in the local rocks you will be able to distinguish the silhouettes of various items and animals. At some point, the feeling that you and left the earth could be created and were on another planet.

Dervient get to the valley is not at all difficult. It is enough to sit on the bus a heer - Avanos, and from there pass 5 kilometers on foot towards Jurgyup.

Valley monks Pashabag

Traveling in Cappadocia, be sure to look in potion. In addition to the rocky monastery, there is an interesting natural attraction - stone pillars. They represent the hills of volcanic rock whose shape resembles mushrooms. The place where stone pillars are located, the name of the Pashabag valley is called.

The Pashabag Valley received its name due to the fact that here the proof of centuries grows grapes. Centuries-old traditions continue today - one of the best Turkish wines is produced here.

The second name of the valley - the valley of the monks. It is difficult to say where the name has been led. There is an opinion, allegedly once a long time among stone columns, there were churches and celi, where the monks lived.

Valley of Love

"The Valley of Love" is a place in the central part of Turkey in Cappadocia. Here, as a result of volcanic eruptions, about 70 million years ago, the territory was cut into deep cracks and covered with layers of volcanic magma. Further, under the influence of the sun, winds, rains and other natural factors, weathered of softer volcanic rocks occurred and the resulting amazing bizarre mountains, cones, freaks, stone pillars and phallus, thanks to the last valley and called "Valley of Love".

Travelers have a feeling here that they hit some fabulous country. Especially known here "Mushrooms with Hats", which have become a symbol of Cappadocia. This place is often referred to as the "country of lunar landscapes" or "lost world." Despite these desert landscapes, Cappadocia has always been popular with people.

Valley pigeons

Pigeon valley is one of the most beautiful places Cappadocia. The length of the valley is about 4000 meters, and it is located between the village of Görem and the most high point Cappadocia - Ukrisar.

The story of this unusual place It is rooted during the late XIX - early XX century. The reason for the creation of the Puzzle was the lack of fertile soils, and the best fertilizer was obtained for vineyards.

The valley is a client cliffs with numerous tunnels, pigeons-nest windows, which are thousands there. On the rocky walls you can see various drawings in the red-blue gamma, which were applied using a special mineral to attract birds.

The pigeons in Cappadocia are very valued at the present time, so they are taking various measures to protect against predators.

Capadokia Valley

Cappadocia is the historical name of a unique area in the central part of Turkey. What is so amazing in it? First of all, it is necessary to note a strange landscape that has formed about 70 million years ago. Due to the eruptions of volcanoes, the land was covered with deep cracks and lava with an admixture of geological rocks.

Gradually, under the action of water, the sun and wind from the volcanic rock, the individual hills of bizarre forms and the outlines were formed. Strange hilly valleys and cliffs sometimes have such bizarre forms that it is difficult to believe in their natural origin.

Our ancestors also surrounded their mystical halo, which you can see, considering the creast inscriptions and drawings in Cappadocia caves. Many of these valleys are united in museums under open sky and enter the list world Heritage UNESCO.

Attractions Cappadocia

  • 1st day, Cappadocia: Meskendir Valley, Red and Pink Valley, Cavushin City
  • 2nd day, Cappadocia: Pashabag Valley, Pottery and Derwent, Urguype City
  • 3rd day, Cappadocia: Pigeon Valley, the city of Achischisar and the Valley of Love
  • 4th day, Cappadocia: Girquunder Valley, Zemdom and Failure in the Balkan Valley
  • 5th day, Cappadocia: Goreme Open Air Museum

The next capadocyan day began with Pigeon valley (Güvercınlık Vadisi), which is located near Gorem.

The scheme found on the Internet turned out to be a slate, so they walked on their own, they knew only that we would eventually get into the institution. Having reached the fork, of the three gorges chose the left left.

Gradually, the path became less and less htopant, until he was overnight in a sheer cliff. I had to return to the fork.

Chose the right gorge and not mistaken, it led us to Scientist(Uçhisar). The city is located on a hill and can be seen from afar, almost from any point of Cappadocia. Typical landscape, fabulous.

In the center of the Academy of Sciences - the fortress, to which a goal go for about 10-15 minutes. This 60-meter fortress is considered the highest point of Cappadocia. The entire hill is built up with hotels.

The road to the fortress is a shot by tourist shops that sell the necessary and not very junk.

Entrance to the fortress is paid, but only on the tip. We decided to start an inspection from the bottom, bypassing the fortress on the left side.

I didn't get to the paid top, because it was climbed from the opposite side and from there, you fell in love with surrounding landscapes.

Cappadocia does not get tired to surprise bizarre forms when it seems that nature is no longer a mall to do anything fun, something likes appear.

View of a million dollars!

And more in the views of the teaching, went to the side valley of love (Bağlıdere Vadisi).

Love Valley business card. Guess why it is so called))

For goodbye - the next Dwarves houses.

Before the gayama, the tradition came with a pawny.

Helpful information

What to pay attention to: If you want to get across a pigeon valley into an institution, go along the right gorge.
The cost of the ticket to the fortress is an institution: 5 lire.
Working hours: From 08:00 to sunset.

More about this day in

There is a place on Earth, which is truly created for people who loving each other, looking at him can immediately understand why. Even his name is the corresponding - "Love Valley" (Love Valley), but in the people of this place there is another more indecent name - the "Penis Valley" valley) is located in Cappadocia (Cappadocia), Turkey.

Once in the Valley of Love, it can be noted that this is some extraterrestrial terrain, it looks so unusual and fantastically, our nature does not cease to amaze us with their natural formations. Millions of years ago, volcanoes were raised here, which mowed tons of ashes and lava and covered with them rocks and valleys. Under the influence of rains and winds, softer rocks were washed out and weathered, and those that the contingent, performed on the surface, and there were interesting mining education throughout Cappadocia, and in each locality they are unique in their own way. So in the "Valley of Love" they expressed in the form of pillars with a brightly pronounced cone-like top.

These stone poles are called - Peribadjalary (tour. Peri Bacaları, "Fires") and consist of completely from tuff, in the upper part they are covered with basalt and andesite, protecting the "hat" of the pillar from the rain, winds. The lower part gradually becomes thinner, like this Falosy, it continues until the part under the "hat" is so thin that the "Hat" is destroyed. Having lost the protective part, the pillar under the action of the forces of nature is completely destroyed. The height of the pillars on average is 20-30 meters, but there are 40 meter giants. The Valley of Love stretches for four kilometers between the cities of Görem and Tskissar.

It's not so easy to get to this valley, as it's not possible to drive a bus here, and you can drive far from everywhere, streams are fleeing on the roads. In order to get here, you need to go around 10 kilometers on foot, on the highway under hot, flying Sun.Further on the dirt road, then you will need to go through the cave and a little more on a winding road. Yes ... This is such an inaccessible this valley, that's why tourists are very small tourists in this area. But you can find locals here, who have gardens and pastures near the valley.

Such a romantic place as the "Valley of Love" is better to visit together with a loved one, they say that they will conceive children in this place, they will certainly be beautiful and healthy.

Valley of Love

The well-known Valley of Love, Love Valley, (Fallos Valley). Its name speaks for itself - huge stone phallos of 20-30-meter heights lead to embarrassment and surprise is not one generation of earthlings.
It is believed that if you conceive children in the Valley of Love, they will certainly deal with beautiful and healthy.

The Valley of Love is located in Cappadocia, which lies in the heart of Turkey, away from the main roads and Mediterranean resorts. But every year it is attended by about one and a half million tourists from all over the world. Our countrymen have little country among them - their heart is Mile Beach Antalya.

Love Valley - She is the valley of phallos

Cappadocia deserved world famous thanks to the sculptures created by the nature itself - gigantic tuff "mushrooms", multi-colored stone vegans ... There is even a rapid camel! To describe local landscapes, the words "alien" and "fantastic" are best suited. Meanwhile, the origin of these miracles is quite earthly.

Millions of years ago, volcanoes were raised here, which mowed tons of ashes and lava and covered with them rocks and valleys. Under the influence of rains and winds, softer rocks were washed out and weathered, and those that the contingent, performed on the surface. Thus, peribajalars were formed - simer and multiple rocks-pillars with "caps" on tops. The most bizarre peribajalary can be seen in the Valley of Love. They say it was called so because of the fact that in addition to bird singing, nothing heard here. But if you remember another, "People's" name - valley of phallos, then no explanations are no longer needed!

Sightseeing Cappadocia - and underground cities, the largest of which, Kaimakly and Derinkuy, the Turks are called the eighth miracle of the world. They were discovered by chance and not so long ago - in the 60s of the last century. On the upper floors, Derinkuyu was hiding from enemies yet Hitty. Then the city was deepened and expanded by many people replaced by each other, who also had to hide, and those who were subjected to the persecution of the first Christians adapted him to their needs.

By cities, these underground buildings are called almost without exaggeration. For example, Derinkuyu goes deep into 8 floors, and in some places 18, there are 1200 connected underground traveling Premises, has many ventilation mines and wells. Thousands of people could live in such a city, and Greek historians argue that all the army of Alexander Macedonian stopped for the night! But no traces of life in the inhabitants of underground cities archaeologists have not yet discovered. Here is such an unsolved mystery!

Cave-suite - $ 945 per day

The modern buildings of Cappadocia, the height of which does not exceed 6.5 m (an exception is made for minarets), organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Houses consist of two parts: ground, built of volcanic tuff, and cut into the rocky rock. Due to the fact that the air temperature underground does not change and keeps at the level of +15 degrees, the dungeon can serve as a refuge and heat, and from the cold.

But, deepening in the rocks, local residents Take with me all the benefits of civilization. Signs of today Cappadocia - solar panels and satellite antennas on the roofs of houses, cars in the caves garages, comfortable hotels, restaurants and entertainment centers. We showed a perfectly equipped hotel "Kaya", which means "rock", the premises of which, for the most part, are pushed in rock. High vaulted ceilings and traces of chisel on rough walls, coolness, infused on the smell of stones, but comfort. And privacy - luxury for modern urban neurasthenics! The single "cave" can be removed for $ 110 per day, double - for $ 150.

And if you want to relax "rich", you can stay in the Anatolye House boutique hotel near the town of Avanos. There we visited one of the three-room caves-luxury - the so-called Roman number. In it, the own museum exposition in the deepening of the glass - Vases, jugs, the plates of the Rome era - takes into the past, and a wall-mounted TV, a jacuzzi bath and a shower will be returned to today. The hotel has a small storm pool - if you turn one crane, the red wine is spoiled, the other is white. The day of such a paradise life is $ 945. Expensive? Not in the home season is ready to give up dollars 20

"Here, in Cappadocia, is one of the wonderful places in the world. Mountains from the soft volcanic tuff were blown by the winds and centuries, turning into what seems to be focusing Antonio Gaudi, - in the figures of bizarre smooth outlines, which, for the lack of forest, served as shelter and housing. The tree went only on the door. In these rocks, the apartments were cut down and whole apartment buildings since the time of Hittites.
(Peter Wil "Genius Places").

Capadokia is obliged to the action of two consecutive phenomena, which took place at 65-62 million years ago. First, this area surrounded volcanic mountains, constantly poured a lava layer behind the layer, until the mountainous area has become a relatively flat plateau. Then the volcanoes were cooled and erosion began. Thanks to a sharply continental climate of Cappadocia with sudden and significant temperature drops, cracks began to form in the rocks of the frozen lava. Water and ice contributed to the destruction of the rocks, along with the torrential rains and the impact of rivers. Over time, individual hills have been formed from the volcanic rock. At the place of the plateau, the clefts of the valleys were formed.
And this is how "stone pillars" - peribajalars in the form of stone mushrooms and stone pillars of bizarre forms and outlines. Upstairs these columns are basalts, and at the bottom of the tuffs. Since the tuffs are softer and easier to be influenced by nature, then gradually the tuff at the base of the basalt's hats is blurred or crumbles, which leads to the subtle of the column themselves and their gradual collapse.

Glendalja Valley in Ireland - The place is intimate, cherished. It is located at half an hour from Dublin, however, inside it it is impossible to get rid of the feeling that you climbed into the protected wilderness, and the rest of the world remained outside the mountains.

"Glendalok" (sometimes they write "Glendalo") on the Celtic (Gelsky) language means "the valley of two lakes". This is really a small wooded valley in the Wicklow Mountains. Mountains Wicklowe Low, similar to our northern mountains: gentle, with smoothed vertices. The slopes are covered with heather and the mounted, the foot of the forest begins at the foot.

The road to Glendaloh lies through Hollywood - a small village (less than 100 inhabitants), in which the Festival of the Fair "The Hollywood Fair" takes place in the summer. According to one of the versions, the American commune Hollywood received its name thanks to a leaving from this Irish village emigrated to California in the middle of the 19th century.

The village begins a 30-kilometer route to the Glendalch Valley, which is called " Path of St. Kevin"(ST KEVIN'S WAY). For this trail, the pilgrims went before, tourists go now. At all National Park Wicklow Mountains. Permeated by the paths. (We, unfortunately, did not have time to go through the Path of St. Kevin, and came to the valley on a banal bus. However, the species were good from the track).

The slopes of the mountains are covered with blooming heather

A few words should be said about Saint Kevin, because it was he who came "Genius Loci" the valleys of Glendal.

Irish Saint Kevin Glendalokhsky It took from a notable family, but, having perceived the teachings of Christ, early left the father's house and chose the fate of hermit. In the depths of the Wicklow Mountains on the shore of the lake, he found a cave, in which he spent several years in prayers and ascetic, "in prayers so in-depth, which, according to legend, the bird managed to press the nest in his hand and remove the chicks. Here I am involuntarily remembered by Bodhidharma (they and Kevin even crossed in time, although, most likely, not even suspected of each other's existence) and Francis of Assisi. The first 9 years spent in continuous meditation in the Shaolin Mountains, and Francis found a common language with animals and knew them to re-educate them and do in Christian peacefully. Kevin was also famous for the wonderful impact on animals, birds and plants. Let's say the cows, polisting his clothes, sharply increased milk supos.

Soon the nasion creates wonders, the people reached out. Next to the cave began to settle the monks, and the easiest people were looking for an opportunity to chat with an unusual person (again - Nadodi). There is a need to build a monastery. Kevin went to the local lord-king with a request to allocate part of his lands under the monastery. Lord thought. It seems to be a beigenya, but also the Earth sorry. He had an old goose. And the landowner said: "What territory will fly off goose, such and give you under the monastery."

Kevin saw that the goose was about to swell his paws, but was not embarrassed. He stroked him, scratched, said something enthusiastically, so the goose suddenly woke up from the elder nurse, was fixed, swirling into the sky and flew off the whole valley of Glendalch with two lakes. Well, to be in this way.

So in the middle of 5th century in the valley of Glendalok, a monastery arose on the shores of Lower Lake. Kevin made a pilgrimage to Rome and brought sainted power from there. And then for another 60 years he managed the monastery and died on June 3, 618, living, judging by the ancient records, a completely incredible period - 120 years. The day of his worship - June 3 (by the way, this saint is revered not only by the Western Church, but also Orthodox).

The monastery after his death continued to fix and expand. In fact, he turned into a monastic settlement with several churches, monastic hostel, masterfully, libraries, a positive courtyard for pilgrims. The peasants were set nearby, who could take the risk of strong walls per minute.

The monastery of St. Kevin has safely survived several Viking raids, but could not resist the onset of the British. In 1398, the British destroyed the monastery and expelled monks from these places.

Now on the site of the ancient monastic settlement - only ruins. However, from the first steps among these ruins there is a feeling of spirituality and the goodness of this place. No wonder the pilgrims and tourists seek here. There is such an expression "place of power". It seems to me to feel the spirit of the country, it is necessary to visit the holy places - in those places that people elected to communicate with the highest forces.

Glendalok Valley

We arrived in Glendalok under the evening. The sun began to be cloning to the sunset.

At the entrance, we saw in the thicker crowns a high round tower with a conical roof - I saw such round towers only in Ireland: on the rock Kashel, in Kilkenni and Glendal.

Before entering the territory of the former monastery, a parking lot is equipped. There is a visitors for visiting - The Glendalough Hotel, in Him - Cafe and tourist officewhere you can take a scheme hiking routes According to the valley of Glendalok and the Wicklow Mountains. Many come here for a few days and walk around the surrounding mountains.

In the "Monastery" lead a double arched gate, isolated from granite blocks.

Ancient street

We approach the round tower. The height of its 34 m.

It can be seen that the entrance to it is located at some height. In the case of danger in the tower hid from enemies. In peaceful days, she served as a bell tower.

Previously, these round towers in Ireland were about 120, 20 came to this day.

Monastic cemetery. Stone plates, and Celtic crosses are found as tombstones.

Ruin cathedral Peter and Paul - once the largest church in the Glendalch Valley

Next to the cathedral is the granite "Cross Kevin" (presumably 6-7th centuries)

The house of the priest and the church of St. Kevin

Go on the River Bridge and go along the path to the lake

Among the forest there are big stones

In the stone - a round hole of incomprehensible origin

Lay Lake

Here is the lower lake (LOWER LAKE)

We go along the trail to Upper Lake. The slope is practically not felt.

A source

On the left side - the sections of the wild forest, in the lowland between the lakes - almost the park zone

Upper lake

Come to the upper lake

Disticated Oak

On the shore of the lake in the rock is hidden by the so-called "Lodge of Kevin" - the same cave in which he lived. AT far corner Lakes are the remains of old mines and the village of Miners.

The lower lake is small and rounded, the top is strongly elongated and occupies a large area. Around the lakes stretch the trails. Beautiful view On the entire valley with both lakes, it opens from above, if they climb along the trail over the valley. Unfortunately, we did not have time to rise - for this you need to come to the valley of Glendalok for a longer period.

Another path we returned to the tourist office.

Well, and finally practical information.

How to get to the Glendaloch Valley

Is Glendalok 40 km of South Dublin, but, despite the popularity of this place, public transport It does not go here. Between Dublin and Glendalhom, privately owned buses of St Kevin's Bus (schedule at

So it is better to go on your car.

See also: