Grand Theft Auto V game map with secrets and military base. Los Santos Street Cartography

Story about fans discontinued secrets Grand Theft AUTO 5and about how they did it.

On September 30, the Ovens Krega published an extensive article about fans, who attempted to create a map of Los Santos and Blein County for a long time the game was released. Introducing your attention to the translation of this article.

In July 2012, Rockstar published the following screenshot: For most of us, this image is only one unambiguous fact. It says that Grand Theft Auto V There are helicopters. At that time it was not a curious fact. In the end, GRAND THEFT AUTO IV was also helicopters. We wanted to know about the airships, fighters, about all sorts of steep pieces. But for a limited group of game fans, this picture was a breakthrough, which they were waiting for a long time, the missing part of an extremely ambitious puzzle.

"From this screenshot, we learned almost about the entire western part of the city," says Thomas Rondo, the education geographer is better known under the pseudonym Fido_le_muet on Rondo is a devoted member of the GTA-fanatikov team who laid a serious cartographic test. They intended to create a map of Total Los Santos, from the airport to the harbor, from the golden sands to the highest mountain verticesEven before the game was released.

"In the first trailer, we saw only a downtown and a glimpse of Santa Monica and Venice," explains Rondo, referring to the real regions Los Angeleswhich Rockstar visually searched to create the appropriate areas of Los Santos. "But with this new [screenshot], we saw the whole western part of the city. This makes the map what it is now."

It is not surprising that the cartography has become one of the aspects that Rondo liked most in mind his profession. "The main idea I find an attractive" - \u200b\u200bexplains Rondo - "Start with a clean leaf and slowly, step by step to create something significant."

And cartographers began work, in fact slowly. The first few options of the map were very rude sketches, stitched from the flap of the city plan, which they were able to extract from the first trailers. Rockstar rarely indiscriminate fans with a generous marketing, so that cardographers had to work with a very scarce material: one screenshot from the air here, a three-second excerpt with the angle of the street there.

They intently examined those parts of the screenshots that most of us did not even notice: filled with the sun or shrouded in fog backgrounds, streets that flashed behind the characters or helicopter blades. It was not from lungs, but their enthusiasm paid off in full. Even the very first rude sketch of the Rondo card turned out to be a movement in the right direction: a few passages with the exact location of the streets, drifting among the gaps, and even the gross outlines of the Bleine district are nevertheless distinguishable. This is a card that will be subsequently refined with each stage, as more and more enthusiasts will pay attention and sacrifice their time, and more and more geographical details will be available to analyzes in the form of screenshots.

Thomas Rondo's first attempt to display the map of Los Santos, in about January 2012.

So how did they do it? How they with the help of these losted information from the context of information about Los Santos created the exact plan - a surprisingly accurate plan, as it turned out to be a ready-made city? Yes, Rockstar North is of course very hidden, but in the hands of cartographers there was one fairly serious source of information on which it is impossible to impose restrictions - Los Angeles.

Los Santos is Los Angeles. He is not just inspired by the last. This is a real Los Angeles, transformed and perverted by Rockstar North. And although it is not perfectly accurate, parts of the city look almost identical, and it is probably best to consider as an excerpt from the brightest details of Los Angeles. All tourist attractions in their places, but as a Hollywood plastic surgeon, Rockstar removes excess fat: sleeping areas, little-known sights, ugly urban outskirts. Do it, then slightly mix the location of what remains before each street, a showcase or advertising poster will be held through the filter of the characteristic caricature of brands, and you will begin to emerge what will be Los Santos.

The real Los Angeles gave the creators of the map the idea of \u200b\u200bwhere the main geographical objectsHow the areas of the city must be interconnected. It was much more useful than a comparison with Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.which carries no more similarities with a modern embodiment than Liberty City in GTA III. However, even though the fans appeared an approximate idea of \u200b\u200bhow their final version of the map will look like, they still had to take each screenshot and determine which part of the city he depicts. It doesn't seem to be enough for this information to continue. They need something specific, some undeniable guidelines connecting the real world with the creation of Rockstar.

Sights. Test on Los Santos and dozens of remarkable features of Los Angeles, filed under GTA-sauce, will be sweeping under the GTA-sauce: the "Weinwood" sign is the most obvious of them, but obviously, this is all what it is notable for us. The following on our list of downtown skyscrapers.

"We defined the buildings based on where they are located in real life"" Rondo explains. "We identified obvious buildings such as US Bank Tower, California Plaza, The Westin Bonaventure [and] began to place these buildings in relation to each other. At the very beginning we had several cards from different authors. We borrowed ideas from each other. "

Look again on the image at the beginning of this article. This is a helicopter soaring over the city, definitely inspired by Los Angeles, but nothing more clarifying, right? But how this screenshot looked in the eyes of cartographers:
And this is even before they started to scour in Google StreetView in search of less clear buildings.

"It's like treasure hunting," says the Member of the Mrthingus Forum, who found and defined the location including Powell Library and the Beverley Hills Hotel. Peninsula. "You are peering in a screenshot, carefully read this particular area to find something that It can be noted on a hand-made card. Search for attractions Even before the game came out gives such a feeling of pleasure and excitement, what happens when you know that in just a few months or weeks will be able to drive through the virtual Los Sangeles with the level of detail that only a few games made earlier may afford. "

This excitement, anticipation of anticipation in anticipation, permeates all the efforts of cartographers. They were the most loyal fans of Rockstar North, so thirsting to try the world, which they knew them was prepared that they tried to embody him in advance.

"I think the main motivation for many of us was what was highly expected," Robert's cartographer, who is known on the forum under the LXR pseudonym. "You will not be able to play it, as we thought, at least half a year. It turned out that even longer. How would you experience this expectation? I think many did it because it was the only way to visit this map, understand? "

The need for compilers of the card as soon as possible visit Los Santos reflects the net, striking strength of the worlds created by Rockstar. Under the surface of their sharp, cartoon satire, Los Santos and Liberty City somehow fit into themselves inspirations from real life with hypereral, almost mythic New York and Los Angeles, who are known to us from cinema. Maybe this is not New and La, but they awaken the strongest sensation of these cities, more than many other games trying to more reliably reproduce any cities.

The time spent in Liberty City inspired many to cartography, as the compiler of the Koeeklin map recalls, which began to go to the sights even in GTA 4.

"I did not know much about New York, "" He says - "I knew that Liberty City was inspired by this city, but I didn't imagine how." Once, when Koeeklin replayed The Snow Storm, a mission in the middle of the game in which Niko Bellic makes his way through the stolen hospital's insides to return the stolen bag With cocaine, and caught himself on the thoughts about the oddity of the environment. That the abandoned hospital does so close to the sparkling lights of Manhattan, well, however, let Algonkina?

"I thought it was strange that a huge destroyed building is located on Colony Island," he says - "and I am interested in me, in whether there is a similar place in New York. I went to Google Maps. And easily found it. This is a lessed hospital on Roosevelt Island.

"After that, I tried to check many different places and I was surprised to find that they also have in New York. I already could see the city as before, I felt that I re-opened this game for myself. So I naturally identified Buildings in Los Santos starting from the first GTA 5 trailer. "

The love of map compilers to these cities is an indisputable refutation of any argument seeking to limit the role of Grand Theft Auto Pogrom, which is happening in them. "The murder of people, burning [them], grinding the wheels of the car has never been classes, interesting for me in GTA," - makes the conclusion Koeeklin - "I have a whole city for which I can walk freely. I prefer to play a tourist."

Los Santos and Los Angeles relatives should be a convenient tool for those who amounted to the city map, but what about the countryside? These cartographers have much less reference to real worldYou can use: Rockstar began to portray things a little less reliably relatively real life. The further they were removed from the borders of the city. Countryside in GTA V, the outlines that she accepted, and its location relative to Los Santos remained a big question for the card creation project for a long time.

"When I became a member of the topic a year ago," - explains Robert - "We had an already developed city, but the rural locale remained a big mystery." At that time, no one expected Alamo-Si, which is based on the Salton-Si, will be located north of Weynwood. We thought type: "Why do they do it? In real life it is in the south-west [USA - a translator's note (or error, the lake is southeast of Los Angeles)], can not be!"

Before the fact was installed cartographers, nevertheless passed through countless versions. Is the map island? Or is there a few islands? Is Los Santos of the infinite automatically generated by the desert, or invisible walls? And just how extensive can rural areas, what can they take shape, how will it really be?

"There was no versions about the sizes," "says Robert -" It was damn difficult to determine what you see [in the screenshot]: how big is it? How much can it be kilometers? Does she end there? "

And then compilers of the cards realized that Rockstar gave them all the necessary hooks.

At a fairly early stage, the Rockstar advertising campaign published the following screenshot, the location of which, thanks to the known sign of Weinewood, could be easily installed. But more importantly, at the same time, this screenshot gives us a teasing glimpse of rural buildings outside the city. "It was the first screenshot that we had, which allowed to connect the city with what was behind him." - remembers Robert.
By itself, however, the screenshot was useless. The prospect and distances were almost impossible to judge something, and well, it was possible to say how the sullen countryside behind is located relative to anything, which has already been shown. Those of us who have already played the game since then, it should be realized that Alamo-C may look stretched from a long distance, but at that time the contents of this foggy shadow were the subject of fierce disputes. The picture was analyzed, it was repeatedly discussed again and again, but then left alone.

Until then, Robert draws a closer look at the next screenshot, while this was not released in the same series of screenshots ...
... And then things began to fulfill the meaning.

"If you look at the screenshot with a helicopter you can see the fog in the background," - explains Robert - "What I saw after it looked at him for a long time, so it's if you look at the mountain range on the distinguished way, with three or four ridges, and then look at the screenshot with Trevor, then you note that there is a mountain in the background. And I found four or five distinctive features among those ledges that made an ideal coincidence.

It is difficult to see, because the prospect is different. But as soon as you see that these two images actually share some very unique features among themselves, you will understand that what you see in the screenshot with a helicopter at Weinewood is nothing more than Alamo-Si.

Methods that were used to build a countryside map demanded enough painstaking work. Map compilers searched screenshots in search of distinctive geographical features, and then tried to find the same on other screenshots, gradually building their vision of San Andreas plan to fasten the screenshots one by one by chain. It's not as simple as it sounds.

"I really learned a lot about the prospect of this year, making a map of Los Santosa," says Robert laughing. "Perspective - a terrible bastard. The map is just huge and the closer you are to the ground, the more it is more. So all those screenshots used very different optics. Sometimes things seem too remote, but in other screenshots taken with another focal length, they look like Very close to each other. "

"You will learn about the future," he continues - "about how you create something. You will learn about the photogrammetry, which is generally a science of receiving photos of something and then find out the three-dimensional parameters of this object. How do you determine what it is Straight line? People, and I'm among them, constantly do it wrong. "

It does not help that Rockstar time from time to time manipulates her screenshots, and I am not only about a moment with strangely modified contrast:

"You can't navigate the sun!" - Laughing Robert.

"Much of our analysis was founded in the direction of the Sun," - explains Rondo - "But we found that the sun is not always located where it should be. In some screenshots, the sun was straight in the north."

When Rockstar was not played in God to get the lighting such as they needed on their screenshots, the studio nevertheless had a habit of hard to improve their creation, forcing compilers to customize their cards in response. And, of course, the speculative designs of cartographers were constantly pushed into many options for non-obstinate Natural Geography of San Andreas, the laws of the real world.

"There was a case when two buildings, as I think, were moved over time," says Robert - "We realized that I didn't change much on the map. But still there was always careful in their conclusions. In Alamo-Si It does not fall anything. We expected that there would be one - but there was no one. There is a reservoir upstairs, but around it should have been the mountains to be a full-fledged reservoir, right? Not. You need to apply logic, but sometimes it is a game logic "He explained.

Nevertheless, the compilers finished this card, as can be seen from the Rondo Gifki, showing the evolution of their efforts undoubtedly showing.

They were so close, in fact, that when the official card eventually leaked a little earlier this year, many players did not believe the discovery: the real card was suspiciously close to the compiled fans that they saw several weeks earlier.

"There was nothing surprising in this, we were sure that we were close," says Robert with deserved indispensable - "it was obvious that we did it. Because there was a trailer showing a robbery that actually showed parts of the card. More Before anything left into the network. "

Card compilers have not yet completed. Even now they are fusing the game world (and Google StreetView) to find each architectural composition to the last and find its real source. It is not surprising that the Card Drawing Project irrevocably changed the attitude of his participants with the game, as they certainly know the path through the hectares of San Andreas so good as its creators.

Robert Memes, when I lost it, what is it to step up in the end of Los Santos and the surrounding countryside. And he told.

"Bl ** b ... it ... really strange to actually have such an opportunity ... because, you understand, because there were so many places on the map, where I thought type," Oh, that would turn the camera on Ten degrees in the screenshot "... and, suddenly get the opportunity to just go there ... It's great. It is really fine. The ability to ride on this map - just fantasy. This is exciting ... The first thing I did in the game - got a car And drove around the card, very slowly. " - explained Robert.

He wanted to see how everything docked, such as he knew it should be, as he revealed and all other compilers of the card. But he also had a specific destination.

"I knew about the railway bridge," says Robert calmly - "We didn't have his image, we only saw both of his end, where the highway and railway tracks were on different directions of each other. It was obvious that there should be a bridge .. . It was really fun to see how he really looks like. No one knew how he looks, but I knew that he was there. "

For most of us, the exit to the tanned streets of Los Santos last week was the beginning of the adventure: began endless research. But what is it for compilers of the card? - It was the end of their long journey home.

An attempt to create a map of Los Santos became possible thanks to the active cooperation of many people to which I want to contact. Thank you, Gifbrah, Millionsofdeadcops, Sonofugly, J24D Smaaske, UrinalCake123. jackass2009, VickeX, sabbathfan, kendoyanar, GTAlove, JOSEPH X, BoolCaX,, darkjounin, Vegetarian Piranha, boxmonster, Death2Drugs, jbte, Choco Taco, GTADKNUT, lxr, OUPS, GTAKiwi, zombie elvis, Angeleno, vLx, omawnakw and Wayne Kerr and Many others wonderful story. And good luck with GTA 6.

This section contains Los Santos and Blaine Cards, which will help better navigate the world. GTA V. As while walking on a huge open peaceand when passing the game. Maps, in a slight exception, are given in the maximum possible resolution.
For ease of use of a mid-resolution card, the traditional is collected.

Normal map

The usual clean map of Los Santos and Blein County. Attention

Road map

Map of roads that can be useful if you are looking for a way to get into the remote corners of the world by car. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map from satellite

The most useless of the cards, nevertheless, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe general geographic world GTA V. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Thematic maps

According to the tradition of the GTA series, you can not spend money on weapons and body armor, if you know where they are just lying. Our map indicates all the main places of pickups of various types of weapons and armor. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map of unique jumps

Los Santos has a very difficult geography, the Blein district and is located in the mountains. And all these natural and artificial height differences can be used to force the vehicle to feel aircraft. Performing all unique jumps is necessary to pass the game by 100%. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map of random meetings

For the passage of GTA V, 100% we have 58 tasks of random passers-by. All places of meetings are indicated on our map, and the procedure for the appearance of opportunities for meetings with them will be reflected in the passage of the game.

Map of random events

For the passage of GTA V, 100% we have to participate in 14 random events. These include robbery stores, ATMs, armored vans and other random events. In total, 57 such events, and all places where you can participate in them are designated on our map. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Map of toxic waste

Barrels with toxic nuclear waste that we have to collect, flooded along the coast of Los Santos and Blein County, and for their collection you will need a submarine, so you have to suffer about the middle of the game. After the adventure of the mission Merrryweather Heist. We will get a mini-submarine, we can buy a pier for her and automatically get a telephone application that will help in finding barrels. On our map, all barrels are marked with numbers showing the depth of the barrels.

Map of Bridges

Power under 25 bridges is necessary for one hundred percent passing of the game. At the same time, 50 bridges located throughout Los Santos and Blein County are underway. With our card, you can choose the suitable for you. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

Flight Test Map

With the return of aircraft returned and dangerous complex stunts in the air. In total, in the northern part of Los Santos, you can find 15 reasons to experience your pilot skill. For one hundred percent passing of the game, perform 8 tests. Attention: High resolution card!

Map of religious brochures

The collection of brochures of the Epsilon religious organization is not required to pass the game by 100%. But if you want to get a complete alignment of not essential texts, our card will help you. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

The collection of hidden packages is not required to pass the game by 100%, but it will help you to deal with money. At the bottom you can find a suitcase with a random amount of dollars. Usually they are found not far from shipwreck wreckage, at the same time with weapon pickups. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

The collection of details of the submarine is not required to pass the game by 100%, and the reward for collecting all the debris more than modest. But at the bottom, in areas where the necessary parts are lying, it is usually a large amount of no less valuable things: hidden packages, aid kits, weapons. Attention: Map in very high resolution!

23912 2015-01-04 at 16:51

City GTA 5 - Los Santos


Los Santos.- a fictional city located in the southeastern United States in the district of Los Santos, San Andreas. Los Santos is the GTA Series Game Play for the second time, for the first time it appeared in 2004 in GTA: San Andreas. In the new version of Los Santos is larger, better detailed and looks even more alive than before. Los Angeles has become the prototype of Los Santos with its vast member. Los Santos means in Spanish "Saints", this is an allusion on Los Angeles, which is translated as "Angels".

Like its prototype, Los Santos is a giant, the life of the metropolis, the city of people of different "varieties": from rich Kineles in Weynwood to blacks from Ghetto in Strupherry. As in Liberty City from GTA IV, the time of action in Los Santos is the same as it was present at the time of the release of the game - 2013.

Los Santos in version of 2013 can be divided into 4 large zones: Northern, East, Western and South; Each zone is divided into areas. The Los Santos has three self-governing cities: Davis, del Pierro and Rockford Hills.

Not far from the city is Los Santos International Airport, one of the most downloaded airports in the world. In addition, a developed system operates in Los Santos public transportcovering the whole city.

Los Santos - main city Los Santos County and Santos Agglomeration.

Areas / Quarters

Central Los Santos
Areas of Central Los Santos are the heart of the city. To the north, this zone is bordered by the auto-struck Del Pierro, the auto auto-launch of La Puerta in the West and the Olympic motorway in the east. This part of the city is characterized by the highest level of urbanization, there are the highest skyscrapers in the city, including the tower of the bank Labyrinth.
  • Downtown Los Santos (Downtown Los Angeles)
  • Tackstyle City (Fashion District)
  • Mishn Row (Skid Row)
  • Pillbox Hill (Bankane Hill)
  • LJ Square (Pokhing Square)

Northern Los Santos

Northern Los Santos consists of quarters that stretch from Downtowa to Weinwood Hills on the northern outskirts of the city. This is the lifetime of the richest people of Los Santos, there are large private houses here - the most prestigious and expensive accommodation in the city. In addition to other celebrities, Poppy Mitchell lives in Northern Los Santos. Here is the house of Michael de Santa.
  • Alta (Chinatown)
  • Burton (Bivelli Grove)
  • Rockford Hills (Beverly Hills and Senchuri City)
  • Weinwood (Hollywood)
  • Richman (Bel Air and Holmbi Hills)
  • Western Weinwood (Western Hollywood)
  • Weinwood Hills (Hollywood Hills)
  • Downtau Weinwood (Downstown Hollywood)
  • Havik (Melrose)

South Los Santos

South Los Santos includes areas that are considered independent cities, their quarters stretched south from Downtaun Los Santos. South Los Santos is a home of the poorest residents of the city. The South Central is a place where you can find the cheapest accommodation. On the side of the local streets are constantly navallane, and gangs are inhabited on the streets themselves, like the fact that the family is called. Los Santos port and docks are also considered part of the southern Los Santos. The brightest areas of South Los Angeles, Inglwood and Long Beach, which were in GTA: SA, in GTA V for the most part there are no. However, their appearance is partially recreated in other areas of Los Santos.
  • Stskierry (Krenshaw and Inglewood)
  • Davis (Compton)
  • Rancho (Watts and Florence)
  • Chamberlain Hills (Baldwin-Village)
  • La Puerta (San Pedro)
  • Bunning (Willmington)
  • Elysian Island (Iland Terminal)
  • Terminal (Port Long Beach)

East Los Santos

The western border of the Eastern Los Santos serve the Los Santos motorway and the city collector, in the east, this zone rests on Tataviam Mountains and mountain Ridge Palomino. East Los Santos is mainly inhabited by Latin Americans, most of them are immigrants from Mexico. As well as the South Los Santos, the East is sisit of criminals, tourists warn them to keep them away from there even during the day. This place contrasts brightly with the rich north (Eastern Weinwood and Mirror Park), where Elite lives and middle class. Eastern Central (areas such as El Bururo Heights, Murret Heights and La Mesa) inhabited by workers, and in southern regions there are heavy industries.
  • East Weinwood (Silver Lake and Eco Park)
  • Mirror Park (Eco Park Lake)
  • East Los Santos (East Los Angeles)
  • La Mesa (ARTS-District region)
  • El Burro Heights (Signal Hill)
  • Murret Hights (Boyle Heights)
  • Saipress Flats (Vernon)
  • Murbeta Oil Depositor (Long Beach Oil Field)

Western Los Santos

Western Los Santos includes the quarters of the west of Downtowan and to the most Pasifik Bluffs, that is, to the western border of the city. Western Los Santos is not so sparkled as the northern, but still is a very decent place. In West Los Santos are located beautiful beacheswhich are always full of people. Here is the famous PRAW-PIR ("Pierce Pier"), where you can find attractions like American Horny or even a ferris wheel.
  • Little Seoul (Korea-Town)
  • Morningwood (Westwood)
  • Del Perra (Santa Monica)
  • Pacific Bloffs (Pacific Pacific
  • Becklot City (Culver City)
  • Vespucci Kenelz (Venice Canels)
  • Vespucci (Venice Beach)
  • Puerta del Sol (Marina del Rey)


Skyscrapers and offices of corporations
Los Santos does not have such an urban landscape as the famous Liberty City, but here are the offices of many well-known companies, as well as the headquarters of the FRB and the SDG (central reconnaissance management, its prototype - the CIA). Most of the high-rise buildings of the city are located in the downtown, the rest are built in the adjacent areas of Little Seoul and Rockford Hills.
  • Three Alta Tower (Tower 801)
  • Business Center Arkadius (Hotel Word-Bonaveur)
  • FRB headquarters (Hotel California Plaza One)
  • SCUR headquarters (Hotel California Plaza Two)
  • Tower of Little Seoul (Equitable Life Building)
  • Lombank Building (house 100 in Wilshire Boulevard)
  • Lubank Tower (Figureoa Tower)
  • Maiz-Bank-Tower (Bank USA Tower)
  • Mile High Club (J. U. Mariott hotels and Ritz Carlton) (unfinished)
  • Penris Building (Office Wedbush Securitis)
  • Richards Majestik Tower (Constheleyshn-Place)
  • Flongrberg Zaks-Center (City Center)
  • Union Depository Tower (Melon Bank Center and Gas Kompani Tower)
  • Weasl Plaza (Fox Plaza)
  • Vivan Tower (building 5900 in Wilshire and Aion Center Boulevard)


Los Santos, especially the northern part of it, is famous for its upscale hotels. Hotels are built there with whole rows; Among them and the one who owns the rich family of Fan Krastenburgs.
  • Banner Hotel and Spa (Hotel Fairmont-Miramar)
  • Hotel Amissari (Hotel Millennium Biltmore)
  • Hotel Geneik (Hotel Standard)
  • Hotel Gentry Manor (Hotel Chateau Marmon)
  • Hotel Huku-Palez (Hotel Figueroa)
  • Hotel Rockford Dorset (Hotel Beverly Hills)
  • Hotel Krasteneburg (Hotel Hollywood Roosevelt)

Residential buildings

In addition to private houses, there are many major apartment buildings in the city. As a rule, apartments in such a building can only allow wealthy people, prices for an apartment in them reach many thousands of dollars, with the exception of those that are in the cheap neighborhoods of South Los Angeles.
  • Dream Tower (Wilshir Christian Manor)
  • Eclipse Towers (Sierra Tower)
  • Caiton Towers (Plaza Central)
  • Housing complex Rancho (Nickerson Gardens)
  • Tynezel Towers (shortened Sierra Towers)
  • Wizel Plaza (Fox Plaza)

Recreation and Sports

Los Santos is famous not only by the film industry, but also for sports. Many teams on different sports are created here, which fans argue on Laifunwider.


  • Board Baseball Club (Los Angeles Angeles from Anaheim)
  • Los Santos Squirtizers
  • Los Santos Pouryrs
  • Baseball team Los Santos Korkers (Los Angeles Dodgers)
  • Baseball team FUUD.
  • Los Santos Kings (Los Angeles Kings)
  • Los Santos Benders
  • Bookworms, Football Team of Los Santos University
  • Basketball Team Los Santos Panik (Los Angeles Lakers)
  • San Andreas Magnetic
  • Los Santos Hardineros
  • Del Praz Plaza (Portofino Plaza)
  • Los Santos Golf Club (Cubland Los Angeles Club)
  • Maiz Bank-Arena (Forum in Inglewood and Memorial Colosseum)
  • PRAW-PIR (Pacific Park)
  • Yacht Club Puerta del Sol (Marina City Club)
  • Rockford Plaza (Beverly Centra)
  • Weinvuda Bowl (Hollywood Bowl)
  • Weinwood Race Track (Hollywood Park Track)

Art and culture

Before the Internet appeared to watch the film, the residents of Los Santos went to cinemas. These theaters are used since the 20th century and it is the Weinwood films that are owned by their glory.
  • Pavilion Betsy O'Neill (Pavilion Dorothy Chandler)
  • Cinema Doppler (Cinema Hollywood Pacific)
  • Court Center (center of GETTI)
  • Eastern Theater (Chinese TCL Theater)
  • Gallery fine arts San Andreas.
  • Sisif Theater (Greek Theater)
  • Theater Ten Centers (theater Million dollars)
  • Cinema Tivoli (Fox Bruin Theater)
  • Valtez Theater (Wiltern Theater)
  • Wirligig Theater (El Captain Theater)
  • Wizel Morningwood (Fox Theater, Westud Village)

Government buildings

At that distant time, when del Perro and Roford Hills were independent, there were several urban counters. Now they do not serve as administrative buildings and are just sights.
  • Davis Town Hall (Committee Town Hall)
  • Town Hall del Pierro (Santa Monica Town Hall)
  • Town Hall Los Santos (Town Hall Los Angeles)
  • Rockford Hills Town Hall (Town Hall Beverly Hills)
In addition to the above, there are several more places in Los Santos, which love to visit tourists. It is they who give this city a chic look.
  • Ranch-Towers (Watts Towers)
  • Building International Airport
  • Tequila La La (Whiskey E GOU-GOU)
  • Boulevard Weinwood (Boulevard Hollywood)
  • Sign "Weinwood" (Hollywood sign)


Sea Port and Airport

Los Santos is located one of the most downloaded airports in the world. People arrive in Los Santos and leave it every day, but the infrastructure barely copes with such a large flow of passengers. The port is mainly used to import Chinese goods and suspicious cargo.
  • Los Santos International Airport (Los Angeles)
  • Los Santos Port (Los Angeles Port)

Important roads / streets

Los Santos is also known for its terribly dense traffic and poorly designed roads. It is said that the road traffic in Los Santos is so slow that one woman decided to use the car in turn with the dead (?). However, in Los Santos there is a developed system of overhead high-speed roads, federal trails and highways passing through the city. People enjoy them and day and night.
  • Freight La Puerta (federal route 110)
  • ELIZIAN FILDS highway (California highway 47 freeway)
  • Los Santos motorway (Hollywood motorway)
  • Del Pierro freeway (motorway Santa Monica)
  • Olympic motorway (highway Glen Andersen / Treasureway motorway)
  • Freuda Palomino (Long Beach motorway)
  • Senior motorway (California highway 111 freeway)
  • Magistral Great Oushn (Eastern Coast Highway)
  • Mantuin View Drive
  • Jamestown Avenue.
  • Portola Drive (Rodeo Drive)
  • Marlow-Drive (Malkolland Drive)
  • Bay City Avenue
  • West Eclipse Boulevard (Sunset Boulevard)
  • South Rockworth Drive
  • Panorama Drive.
  • Nikola-Avenue
  • Forum Drive (Colisseum Street)
  • Carson Avenue
  • Vespucci-Boulevard (Venice Boulevard)
  • Stanzuberry Avenue (Krenschow Boulevard)
  • Weinwood Boulevard (Hollywood Boulevard)


There are many ways to move around Los Santos: there is a system of wide motorways and several less large highways equipped with a system of congresses and races throughout the city. Also in the city there is its own network of rapid movement called Los Santos-transit. In addition, among urban traffic, you can see buses. As in most cities, in Los Santos, the road traffic is controlled by a local road control system that controls traffic lights and a stream of cars.

Los Santos International Airport is located in the south of Los Santos and is the only airport in the city.


Los Santos built many schools and other educational institutions. The most famous is the University of San Andreas, in which the most privileged students receive prestigious professions. There is also a younger School of Los Santos for children, where they are gaining the basic skills necessary in life. Once here I taught Sue Murrie. In the city of Davis there is a high school.
  • High School Davis (Compton Secondary School)
  • Los Santos Junior School
  • University of San Andreas (University of California, Los Angeles)


A lot of various hospitals and medical centers are built in Los Santos. Most of all there are elite hospitals here, like a Mount-Zone Medical Center, but there are also inexpensive hospitals, such as St. Fikere Hospital.
  • Medical Center for Central Los Santos (District Hospital Los Angeles)
  • Eclipse Medical Center (Medical Center Sunset)
  • Medical Center Mount Zone (Medical Center Sedars-Sinai)
  • Hospital sv. Fiakre


Los Santos Police Department
The Los Santos Police Department is "Writing" from the Los Angeles City Police Department. Their motto: "Commit and Survive," it is written on their cars and is reflected in their behavior. Unlike the Police Liberty City, they water new patrol cars Weipid and Weipid interceptors, and not those on the basis of the sedan Merit (Merit) From the last part. They also use a police helicopter. The Los Santos Police Department is accused of corruption and racism, as well as his prototype of real life.

National Security Service The National Security Service is also located in Los Santos, their building is about International AirportAnd the main headquarters - in the mountains of Palomino in the northeast of the city. NSOB goes to the place of dangerous criminal activity.

Criminal proceedings

This topic in the game is not disclosed as it should be, but there are courts in Los Santos. In Wesel-News radio The Supreme Court of Los Santos is mentioned.


Los Santos - Citadel Crime. Many areas of Los Santos suffer from a high level of crime, especially the south. Since the 90s, the city is flooded by drug dealers. On the streets traded with methamphetamine, crac and marijuana, as well as a new drug called "Cleaner toilets".

In addition to drug trafficking, the city suffers from crime, murders and gangster wars in the southern regions (mainly Chamberlain-Hills, Davis and Stskarryri). Most crimes commit two oldest street gangs of blacks: families and ballas. They are involved in illegal trade weapon, including storm rifles and pistols - machine guns.

In addition to street gangs, influential OGPs are operating in the city. Marabunta Grande, a strong criminal syndicate from El Salvador, spreads its influence on Los Santos. They rigidly conflict with other San Andreas gangs. Marabunta Grande is also associated with drug trafficking.

The problems of the city are not exhausted by outdoor crime. Local authorities are strongly susceptible to corruption without excluding the police. In addition, the Los Santos Police Department is known for its cruelty; There is a case when they shot a dog. According to some sources, local police officers use the services of prostitutes, which explains the presence of such large number Prostitutes in the city.

The GTA 5 card is one of the main advantages of the game, which was recognized as one of the best for all time, and this is already talking about many.

Wide seamless world filled with a huge amount interesting places. Hundreds of hours will have to spend on their full study, but the enjoyment is worth it.

Learn more about such locations, as well as other thematic information from this article.

General form

The GTA 5 card rightfully deserves the title of "ideal", if we take into account the setting and experience of the previous parts. Developers No wonder for a long time created the fifth number part in the series. The game world was really saturated. In the south of the mainland, there is a huge city of Los Santos, which was created under inspiration from the real prototype in the form of Los Angeles. This is a real criminal center, which has absorbed some parts of the metropolis, but did not become an accurate copy.

General view of the GTA V card

The creators added a lot of unique elements, which is why the locality looks quite fresh. The card in GTA 5 of the rest is a unavailable territory with a variety of natural landscapes. At the edges are beaches, in the middle of hilly and plain relief with vegetation. Roads of all sorts crossed locations along and across.

Diverse secrets

On the map in GTA 5, random events often appear, which makes a wide variety of the gameplay. Even when traveling to a task or a regular walk, you can encounter an interesting mission that you want to execute. Standardly in this list includes a robbery of ATMs, shops and collector trucks, but more diverse events are provided. It may be chasing thief or help a drunk girl. The main mass of them is concentrated in the center of Los Santos, in the northeast of the city, as well as a little social item From the west.

Robbery of the planting machine

You can often encounter them in the central sandy part, where the lake is located on the map of GTA, as well as on the district road. Unique transport can also be found in an extensive gaming world. Four points focused on the sandy part of the lake location, which is marked with yellow. Two towards the sea from the lake from the east side. One car can be found on the north west coast Opposite small islets. In the same part, but already the cities can be pushed into three unique types of technology.

Other interests

GTA 5 card provides extensive research capabilities. At first, the players will be interested in finding new details and just travel, but when it comes to a specific purpose, it is better to take advantage. For example, lovers of tricks on transport should be known where they are best places For jumping. Their main part is concentrated in the central and southeastern part of the city. Several places also have near the lake on the sandy location and the northern coast.

Tricks around the city on the car

If a player wants to know where at the map in GTA 5 there are random meetings, then it is enough to explore the center and the northern part of Los Santos. There they are just a huge amount. Several can be found on the same side, but outside the city, as well as near the lake in the center of the map. These meetings allow you to get a unique task from interesting characters. Often in such missions there is an unexpected ending, which can be considered an additional bonus. In total, 58 such tasks are provided, and for the passage by 100% the game is needed to make a minimum of twenty. For more convenience in the orientation, you can download the map of GTA 5 with places of random meetings.

The remaining secrets

In GTA 5, the map of the submarine can only interest those users who have already tried themselves in most studies and have passed the storyline. Basically, they are focused in the southeastern part of Los Santos near the port, but for finding will have to be divered to the bottom. The second accumulation in water opposite the convex island on the west coast, the rest in the north and northeast. Map of hidden packages come in handy by the guys who are looking for interesting ways of enrichment.

Map of submarine parts

They are hidden in the water throughout the outline of the island, some places run off with a submarine wreckage. One package is located in the center of the lake. Find a place where you can jump with a parachute will be more interesting. In total, thirteen and four of them are located in the central part of the river, which goes into the ocean from the western part of the lake. Two more places in the city center, three locations from the northern part. The rest are scattered on the map. To lovers of air tricks must be dwelling in the central, northern, and the northwestern part of the city. It is here that there are fifteen missions for the performance of a wide variety of pyruetes in the air.

Traces of the presence of aliens

The spacecraft in the GTA 5 will not be collected as personal transport, but the collectibles of the UFO fragments are provided for those who want to go through the game by 100%. This occupation can be considered one of the most difficult, because the particles do not differ in large sizes and are hidden in various places. It can be a salon of an old car, roofs of a building or the most imperceptible short-circuits.

Space Card Map

To assemble them all you need to spend a lot of time, but it will be a good opportunity to distinguish itself, because not too many players could find the spacecraft in the GTA 5. The card is extensive and it should always be kept before your eyes. Here even exemplary reference points are difficult. In the city of Los Santos, they are located closer to the center, north and southeast. The city from the northwestern part is hidden a dozen pieces. From the eastern side of the lake about the same. The rest are evenly posted all over the entire territory 108 kilometers square, which significantly complicates the task. To find all the fifty will have to spend a lot of hours.

Military refuge

Military base in GTA 5 on the map is on the west coast and is clearly allocated with the environment. All because there are no more buildings in the district anymore and the massive complex immediately becomes the goal. Also detect an object in the "Intelligence" mission, if you choose a passing option called "Sea Aventure". Other players should be known that the entrance is from the south-eastern side of the complex. If you come out from the air, the player will start shelling artillery. Military base in GTA 5 is a fairly interesting point, inside which there is a huge amount of combat vehicles.

Los Santos Military Base

For example, powerful flying vehicles type freight aircraft Titan, P996 Lazer fighter and Cargobob helicopters, as well as Buzzard. From cars It should be noted the military jeep crusader, the Barracks cargo car and known in all previous parts of the Rhino tank series. Even just ride them will deliver unprecedented pleasure. When storming the base, the main thing is enough to prepare. The character must be pumped, the stock of the weapon is inexorably, and it is better to master some helicopter and start the shelling from the mountain. Just so technique no one in the hands of the player will give.

See also: