Sabetta deposit. Jobs at Yamal LNG

The first Arctic hub in Russia is Sabetta International Airport. It is located not far from the settlement of the same name in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. is of strategic importance for the development of the oil and gas industry in the region.


The Sabetta rotational camp is located in the immediate vicinity of the airport. The air harbor is located on the eastern coast near the Gulf of Ob, which belongs to the Kara Sea.

Infrastructure of the Yamal region

The Yamal region is quite difficult for the development and development of minerals. This is due not only to the harsh climate, but also to the underdeveloped infrastructure. One of the key tasks of the Yamal LNG project is to solve this problem.

The nearest air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was previously opened by the end of 2012 and is wholly owned by Gazprom. The nearest railway station "Karskaya" is located at the same distance from the village. Therefore, the problem of transport infrastructure seriously hampered the development of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field.

Sabetta airport (Yamal): construction

The construction of an air transport hub near the village of Sabetta was a large-scale Yamal LNG project. This project provides for the construction of the transport infrastructure of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field, which is one of the largest in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in terms of natural gas reserves. There is also a plant that produces liquefied natural gas. Construction of the transport infrastructure began in 2012, when the construction of the Sabetta airport began. In the same year, the construction of the seaport began. The port is intended for navigation throughout the year. In the future, the Russian icebreaker fleet will be localized here.

The operator of the Arctic air gates is the Sabetta International Airport limited liability company, which, in turn, is owned by the Yamal LNG enterprise, which is implementing the project for the development of the South Tambeyskoye field. Among the shareholders of Yamal LNG:

  1. Independent Russian company Novatek (holds 60% of shares).
  2. French oil and gas company "Total" (20% of shares).
  3. National Oil and Gas Corporation from China CNPC (20% stake).

The total investment in the implementation of the Yamal CIS project, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to about $ 27 billion. During the year, the volume of natural gas production reaches 30 billion cubic meters. Gas is exported mainly in a liquefied state. The estimated volume of reserves of raw materials is about 492 billion cubic meters, and other liquid hydrocarbons - 14 million tons.

The construction of the Arctic hub involved the use of the latest technologies for the construction of structures on permafrost flooded soils. The project for the construction of a two-story building for the air terminal complex was published at the end of 2013 on the Novatek Internet portal. In early 2014, Yamal LNG reported that, according to preliminary estimates, the volume of investments in the construction of an air transport hub amounted to 150 million rubles.

The project for the construction of the complex involved two stages of work. The first included the construction of a service and passenger terminal located on an area of ​​36 × 42 m. The second envisaged the construction of an international terminal on an area of ​​36 × 36.5 m and a building for a command and control center. Thus, both terminals should be located on an area of ​​36 × 78.5 m. Initially, the opening of the first Arctic airport was planned for June 2015.

The project of the airfield complex included the construction of a runway, hangars for aircraft. The construction of the runway was completed by December 2014.

In July 2015, the airport management received a certificate of conformity for the implementation of the airport's activities. Also, the air hub was entered in the state register. On October 5 of the same year, the Interstate Aviation Committee officially recognized the suitability of the airport for receiving and sending international flights. And on December 24, a checkpoint across the state border was opened.

Sabetta airport: opening

Despite the fact that the opening of the hub was scheduled for 2015, the first flight was accepted in 2014. On December 22, the first plane flew to the village of Sabetta. It was the Boeing 737 of the domestic carrier UTair. The flight was primarily technical in nature. Acceptance of aircraft and servicing of passenger flights began on February 2, 2015. The airport opened for international flights on July 29 of the same year. The reason for this was the order of the Russian government, as well as the installation of a cargo-passenger checkpoint across the state border. The first international flight took place on the night of March 4, 2016, which was carried out on the route "Beijing - Sabetta - Moscow". The aircraft arrived from the Chinese capital and delivered four passengers to Sabetta (Yamal region), after which it departed for Moscow.

Runway characteristics

Sabetta Airport has a runway made of reinforced concrete, which fully complies with the requirements of the first category of ICAO. The strip measures 2704 m in length and 46 m in width.

Accepted types of aircraft

The Arctic hub can receive and dispatch the following types of airliners:

  • Il-76.
  • Airbus A-320.
  • Boeing 737-300.
  • Boeing 767-200.

It is also capable of receiving aircraft with a lighter take-off weight and all types of helicopters.

Airlines, flights

Currently, Sabetta Airport is engaged in servicing regular rotational passenger flights, which are operated by the domestic companies UTair and Yamal.

UTair operates flights from Sabetta to Moscow (Vnukovo airport), Novy Urengoy and Samara. The Yamal air carrier operates flights to Moscow (Domodedovo airport) and Novy Urengoy.

Thus, the Sabetta Arctic Airport is of great strategic national importance. It was built as part of the Yamal LNG project, designed to improve the transport infrastructure of the South Tambeyskoye natural gas field. The construction of the hub began almost from scratch in 2012 and was completed by the end of 2014. V.V. Putin notes that the project is financed from private and public funds. General Director of UTair A. Martirosov believes that the opening of the airport will increase the level of transport accessibility of the Yamal Peninsula and become an impetus for the development of the north-west of Siberia. The village of Sabetta has actually become the largest international air transport hub in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

Working in the Far North is not easy. We have to work in difficult climatic conditions: extreme temperatures, constant winds, and mountains of snow. All this is familiar to the residents of the Sabetta village, who are working on the construction of the Yamal LNG plant. We have shown a large-scale construction project more than once, but how is the life and leisure of workers arranged?

One of the work shifts has come to an end, and those who have worked rush to the hostel as soon as possible. It is still frosty here, in the evening outside until minus twenty, and full of snow. In this white desert, the orange-blue village looks like a bright spot. And here is the shop, also decorated in these colors. It is crowded here in the evening. However, there are always enough visitors.

Although it is cramped here, the assortment of goods is pleasing to the eye. Food is delivered to the village in large quantities by water, and delivered to the store every other day. Treats and drinking water are the most sought after by local buyers.

“There is not enough sweets here. I've been here for a very long time - about 4 months, and I can say that I am attracted to tasty. The prices, of course, differ from those on the "land", but the assortment is excellent, "says Denis Kharchenko.

Seller Julia has been working here on a rotational basis for two years. Came to Sabetta from Omsk. They work with their partners practically without rest. But they love their work. Almost everyone is recognized by sight, and the gastronomic preferences of their customers are also remembered.

“Everyone wants something tasty, just imagine - constantly eating in the dining room, you don't want to. Someone cooks himself. Chickens buy a lot, now we are selling vegetables. They take a lot of vegetables - they constantly ask, but we order. The men take the multicooker with them and they cook, ”says the seller Yulia Parakhuda.

Home-work, work-home. Life in a working-class settlement is not a joy to behold. But for the hard workers, they tried to make everything as comfortable as possible. Comfortable hostels, spacious dining rooms, and a large gym for leisure. Those who still have strength after work can go to the gym or play a ball. Living conditions for people here are decent.

The village for 15 thousand inhabitants in the middle of a snowy desert is another proof that people in our country not only think big, but also do big things. The construction of the century - this is how the Yamal LNG plant can now be called. Well, all these people are just grains of sand on a large-scale project. You cannot build the Arctic, but you can create it - with its permission.

Well, dear friends, I rested a little after air travel and various official troubles, poured a mug of fresh Shcherbakovsky (this is important!), So sit down more comfortably - I'll tell you how I got to the Arctic Circle suddenly :) After thinking carefully, I decided that the post there will be a sub-lock - I did not seem to give subscriptions, but you never know ...

It should be noted that I was not going to fly there (that is, it seemed like there was a conversation that it would be necessary to do some work, but it seems like without us with lordd will cost while we are engaged in other projects - but it didn’t work :) Therefore, we got together urgently and did not prepare properly, in particular, I did not pack my favorite thermo mug, in the end I had to beg and drink tea from random dishes :)

As usual with us, the work must be done yesterday, so they threw us off in an emergency order - my Lena was on a business trip in Magnitogorsk until the end of the week, I finally took up the car, but no - they called and said that you were flying right through three hours through Ekat.

That is, it was not possible to buy tickets for any of the many Moscow flights flying from Balandino - I had to take a taxi to our remote suburban airport Koltsovo and from there fly to the House by plane from S7.

In Moscow, again, I had to take a taxi and drive to Vnukovo (on the way, the taxi's wheel broke on the Moscow Ring Road), from where in the morning I took a Utair flight on an exotic Boeing 767-200 to the airport with an almost French name Sabetta. Well, we spent the night in hard chairs in Vnukovo, tasted all the delight of airport food in Mu-mu and Kroshka-potato at completely godless compared to general Moscow prices.

However, everything was compensated by a wonderful view from the window when we flew over Yamal :)

Well, we arrived and went through a tough inspection (you cannot bring various things to the territory of the South Tambeyskoye gas field, including photographic equipment, and, of course, alcohol-containing materials - so we left without a bottle of isopropyl alcohol for cleaning optical fibers, we need it issued on the spot :))

After passing through the cordons, we went to the square - and there were shift cars, smaller jeeps (we will talk about them separately), as well as "Trekols" on pneumatics.

We phoned the host, they told us which car to get into and where to go - we got to the village of Sabetta, and there we got a bed in the hostel. Later, we were given cards, through which you can pay for meals in canteens (not in all - there are either 4 or 5 of them on the territory), as well as buy any kind of nyamka like sweets in the store :)

The next day we went through all sorts of briefings (dozens of small "not", for violation of which there are various sanctions both to the violator and to the organization that sent him, and the legal entity has absolutely horse fines) - and this works, comrades, in any case I for all the time I saw only one person who dared to bring here a bottle of cognac, with which he was tied at the airport.

Actually, there is not much more to write about - for two weeks we went to the airport in the morning and solved various production problems :) Since going to lunch meant wasting precious time, we switched to two meals a day - a hearty breakfast in the morning (porridge, main course, bread butter and cheese, tea) and dinner upon return from the facility (with soup, main course and salad). Here, in fact, there is especially nothing to write about - although I will separately note a few points, especially since few people know about them.


Almost everyone settles in hostels - new and quite modern. From three to six people live in the rooms (this is an ordinary black bone, a permanent staff - shift workers who, for example, work at the airport, are better arranged :)). There are two toilets on the floor, in which cleanliness and order are constantly maintained, on the ground floor there are showers, as well as a kitchenette with a thermal spot, and something like a red corner with a TV. Toilets and floors are washed and cleaned by cleaning ladies, mostly middle-aged ladies of Bashkir appearance :)

By the way, about ten percent of the total number of women.

Smoking is allowed only in designated areas

There is a church in the middle of the village - Cyril himself flew in to consecrate


Three hundred rubles are enough for a day - the prices are quite reasonable. The portions are large, everything is quite tasty and varied

Here in the store the assortment is rather scarce and the prices are inadequate,

you can pay either by card within the limit, or in cash, or by credit card. All feeding, cleaning and garbage disposal is carried out by the office from Noyabrsk, all the guards are from Novy Urengoy

Health and treatment

As a rule, on the second or third day, almost everyone, except perhaps those who are constantly on watch, fall ill in a mild form - snot, cough, someone has a low temperature. That is, you have to go here with a set of antiviral agents, vitamins and packaged herbs for brewing (chamomile, sage, hawthorn). In principle, there are health centers that issue medicines and release from work - but we, for example, had to finish our work as soon as possible and return home.

An all-wheel-drive medical "gazelle" drives around the territory, once a medical Mi-8 flew in, you see, someone was completely unwell.

Road transport

All of them are carried by crews on the chassis of all-wheel drive KAMAZ and Urals, sometimes I come across the chassis of "Sadko". Passenger accelerators - UAZ-Patriot, middle-level bosses drive Mitsubishi L200, less often Toyota HiLux. The rest of the brands and models are found in homeopathic doses. There are a number of all-terrain vehicles on pneumatic rollers from the "Trekol" company. Trucks - different

Alas, I did not photograph the fire department - both the village and the airport (the latter are armed with KAMAZ,
two of them are Vargashinsky, hear, chaga ?)

An airport

I really liked it - new, beautiful and modern, the buildings are all on legs, and where this is not possible, with a cooling system - that is, under the buildings, pipes in which ammonia circulates so that the foundation does not float in the summer (this year it was hot, they say, up to plus 30). From 2 to 6 planes arrive per day, from Moscow and Novy Urengoy, mostly Yamal airlines (who would have thought!), Sometimes UTair and also helicopters, including border ones. We also saw An-12 and An-24. Once an SSJ-100 flew in with a polar bear on its tail. The staff is almost all Samara, we liked working with them :). Well, in general - it's cool at the airport: D


all kinds of people work - a lot of comrades from Bashkiria, for example :) There is also the Serbian office Velesstroy and the Turkish Rega JV - of course, they have a lot of Russians, but there are also natural Serbs and Turks. And so people fly from everywhere - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Omsk, Volgograd, I've seen a couple of Indians.

Nentsev saw once - they were selling deer and fish, and even a stall of the company "Yamalskiye Oleni" stands on the territory of the village. However, the stew of deer in it is of Kurgan production :)

Arctic foxes periodically run across the territory - it is forbidden to approach them (and even more so to feed them). Catching is also possible, only the Nenets can do it :) And they gave special instructions about polar bears - but God had mercy on them, did not meet them. Well nafig him.

The Gulf of Ob is nearby - but we did not visit it, nor did we go to the port. The gas plant is under construction, and our office has an object there, but we managed to get out of it - these are people who come here for a month, and we were not interested in hanging around here.

To fly away from here is a special article, lists are submitted in advance through the general contractor, papers are made for the removal of equipment, instruments and tools, otherwise you can drive away with some personal belongings. However, no one is insured against accidents - so, ours submitted the wrong passport details lordd , we had to cut off the pipes and change everything on the go - in the end, we made it 10 minutes before the end of registration. We flew back again on 767-200 to Vnukovo, and from there to Che - on B-737-800 Pobeda. Well, and the minibus! Not even a minibus, but a train carriage - since there were a lot of students flying, it vividly reminded me of my youth and the train Che - Zlatoust.

In general, such is it, an exemplary construction of capitalism! Will I come here again? Who knows, money is needed :) ... And it's beautiful here, yes.

I saw the aurora a couple of times :)

Lots of photos

By 2030, according to experts, Russia's share in the global LNG market may grow to 15 percent. The liquefied gas that has not yet been produced has been sold for 20 years in advance. And today, despite the sanctions, the Yamal LNG project is not slowing down.

In April, a tour of the construction site was conducted for the leadership of the Yamal municipalities. The heads of cities and districts were asked to personally verify the scale and prospects of the strategic idea.

The scale of this construction is best seen from the air. A couple of years ago there was nothing here except the old barracks. And now the village even has its own airport. It opened only in February, and has already received 18 thousand passengers.

Since February of this year, Yamal LNG has been organizing permanent passenger flights with the cities of Novy Urengoy and Moscow, with the subsequent expansion of the route network. The airport is primarily intended for servicing rotational personnel, this year the planned number of passenger traffic will be about 150 thousand people, and in the peak years of the project implementation will exceed 300 thousand people.

The commissioning of a modern international airport, built as part of the large-scale Yamal LNG project, is an important event not only for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, but for the whole of Russia. Taking into account the active development of the Arctic, the Sabetta airport can be widely used in servicing the transportation of passengers and goods in this hard-to-reach region, including international ones.

Sabetta International Airport is one of the first Russian Arctic airports to be built from scratch. The airport corresponds to the first category of ICAO and can receive almost all types of aircraft. Sabetta International Airport LLC has a certificate of conformity of the aerodrome, a certificate of state registration of the aerodrome, is certified for all types of airport activities.

For the first time, all the heads of the Yamal municipalities gathered in Sabetta. The excursion starts from the territory of the future plant, there is still a pile field.

Giant reservoirs have already grown nearby, from which liquid gas will be pumped into gas tankers. The guaranteed reserves of the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field, the gas of which will be processed, is 1.2 trillion cubic meters of blue fuel. The Yamal LNG plant will produce 16.5 million tons of liquefied gas per year. At the same time, a resource base has been prepared, allowing today to create capacities up to 70 million tons of LNG in the area of ​​the port of Sabetta under construction.

About 9 thousand people already work in Sabetta. At the peak of construction, there will be 15 thousand of them, and a new one is quickly being built on the site of the old settlement. The construction site has already given work to many Yamal residents. But the main thing, of course, lies ahead.

“Today, the development is actively underway. The site employs 9 thousand people. In February alone, 65 ships were received. The project is already in a high degree of implementation, perhaps 30 percent of the main work has been completed, all horizontal work has been completed, piles are driven in, large vertical steel tanks are being installed for liquefied natural gas, "said Dmitry Kobylkin at a working meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in March this year.

Investment projects implemented in Yamal, such as Yamal LNG, the Sabetta port, the Bovanenkovskoye field, the Northern Latitudinal Passage and others, are the driver of the growth of the Russian economy, so the pace of their implementation should not slow down. This was stated by the Governor of the Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev at the IV International Conference "Yamal Neftegaz-2015", held on the 20th of May in Salekhard.

“The Tyumen region is actively involved in the implementation of investment projects in the district, but the regional government is directing efforts to expand cooperation, in this matter we find understanding both on the part of the district leadership and on the part of representatives of the oil and gas industry,” said Vladimir Yakushev.

“Yamal is not only a Russian, but also a world storehouse. In the next 50-60 years, at least this region will be the main growth point for our country. The infrastructure is already well developed here, the region is rich in natural resources. The Polar Urals, the Arctic shelf, many oil and gas fields, proven reserves - this suggests that Yamal will remain the main driver of growth in the Russian economy in the near future, ”said the head of the region.

According to him, the development of Yamal will also have a beneficial effect for the Tyumen region. In the region, research institutes, design institutes, oil service companies, machine-building enterprises focused on oil and gas production in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are traditionally developing and working for the large Tyumen Region.

“In the long term, about 50-60 years, Russia does not have another such powerful project as Yamal. Today, its development gives work to specialists and orders to enterprises throughout the country, ”he noted, comparing the importance of the development of the peninsula to the state with the great era of the formation of the fuel and energy complex in Western Siberia.

The head of the region emphasized the great role of oil and gas companies in the development of the social sphere, healthcare, and education. “These investments are repaid a hundredfold, because we are investing in people, investing in the future, this is our common cause,” concluded Vladimir Yakushev.

The port of Sabetta along the Northern Sea Route should be used to transport not only liquefied natural gas, but also other cargoes. This was announced on May 27 by the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District Igor Kholmanskikh at a press conference in Yekaterinburg.

“At the construction of a plant for the production of liquefied natural gas within the framework of the Yamal LNG project, 90 percent of the main and auxiliary sites have been prepared. The installation of foundations for gas turbine units is in progress. Liquefied natural gas storage tanks are in various stages of readiness. Only domestic contractors are involved in the implementation of the Yamal LNG project, all work is performed by Russian workers and specialists, ”the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation emphasized.

About 14 thousand people will get jobs on the construction of the plant, and after its completion in 2018, 1,400 jobs will be created at the enterprise, Igor Kholmanskikh said.

Northern route

In 2014, Sabetta received more than 1.1 million tons of cargo, showing an almost threefold increase. Thus, the Yamal port under construction now provides almost a third of all shipments along the Northern Sea Route. This year, Sabetta is to unload three million tons of cargo ashore, of which two million will be delivered via the Northern Sea Route. These are modular structures of the future LNG plant, elements of LNG storage tanks, drilling and other equipment. And already in 2017, the shipment of the first batches of products will begin. Since 2020, they plan to annually poison 16.5 million tons of liquefied gas and 1.2 million tons of condensate from Sabetta.

Right on time

Leonid Mikhelson, head of NOVATEK, assures that the Yamal LNG project will be completed on time. The first stage of the plant, designed to liquefy 5.5 million tons of natural gas from the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye field, is promised to be launched in 2017. In total, they plan to build three stages. The project cost exceeds $ 27 billion. At present, however, technical difficulties have arisen regarding the currency in which funds are attracted from Chinese banks. However, all problems must be resolved before the end of the first half of the year.

Will China help?

The Yamal LNG project may receive financing from Chinese banks. Up to $ 13.5 billion can be transferred by the end of 2015. According to Bloomberg, referring to Patrick de la Chevardier, CFO of the French oil and gas company Total, Chinese banks signed a preliminary agreement on lending to Yamal LNG. Shevardier also announced the continuation of negotiations with export credit agencies to obtain additional funding.

At the same time, the management of Yamal LNG was forced to start negotiations with foreign shipping companies. Sovcomflot, which had previously won the tender, was unable to conclude an agreement with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering on the construction of five icebreaker-type gas carriers. Although, under the terms of the contract, he was obliged to do this last year. Therefore, Yamal LNG itself entered into an agreement with the Korean shipyard and is now looking for buyers for the ships.

Around the world

Yamal LNG expects to receive up to $ 13.5 billion from Chinese banks. Earlier, the RF Ministry of Finance redeemed the company's bonds for 74.9 billion rubles. This is only half of the amount approved by Dmitry Medvedev's government. In addition, an agreement was signed with the Belgian Fluxys LNG, which undertakes to build a storage tank for liquefied gas with a set of related equipment in Zeebrugge. In turn, Yamal LNG will receive the exclusive right to use these facilities. The cost of this agreement exceeds one billion euros, which the Russians undertake to pay to the partner within 20 years from the date of the start of gas transshipment. The adopted scheme of supplies along the Northern Sea Route provides that in the summer period hydrocarbons will be exported by tankers of enhanced ice class directly to the markets of the Asia-Pacific region, and in winter they will be transshipped in Zeebrugge on conventional tankers for subsequent transportation through the Suez Canal.

On the world stage

Evgeny Kot, General Director of Yamal LNG, noted the ever-increasing role of liquefied natural gas in the global energy balance. Due to the shift in demand to new markets, primarily in the Asia-Pacific region, traditional pipeline supplies are often simply technically impossible.

The development of LNG projects is the future of Russian gas on the world stage, the speaker is convinced. - Our company is implementing a pilot project in Yamal, designed to produce 16.5 million tons of liquefied gas per year. At the same time, a resource base has been prepared, allowing today to create capacities up to 70 million tons of LNG in the area of ​​the port of Sabetta under construction. Our efforts should be aimed at realizing precisely such global goals. And here coordination between the government and subsoil users is extremely important. The following projects will use the experience we have already gained, tested technologies and equipment, with the maximum possible localization of production in Russia.

Didier Barbandier, Vice President of Technip, assures that international sanctions will in no way affect the success of the Russian-French-Chinese project. The Yamal plant will ship the first batch of gas from Sabetta along the Northern Sea Route in 2017. The French have a lot of experience in this matter. It was Technip that built the world's first LNG plant back in the 1960s using its own technology, in Africa.

Sabetta is class!

The Yamal LNG Arctic project, which is being implemented by the Russian NOVATEK together with French and Chinese partners, continues to develop actively. If in the outgoing year 27 vessels with cargo arrived from abroad in the port of Sabetta, which is still being developed, then next year it is planned to pass 100-150 vessels through customs, which will deliver more than three million tons of imported cargo to the construction site. The creation of a full-fledged seaport is planned to be completed by 2016.

And already in 2017, despite all international sanctions, they promise to export the first LNG carrier from the South Tambeyskoye field from Sabetta. Dmitry Kobylkin, Governor of Yamal, is convinced that after the completion of the construction of a multifunctional seaport and a railway to Sabetta on Yamal, many Russian regions will gain access to the world ocean via the Northern Sea Route. This project will open up new opportunities for the further development of the Arctic territories.

The seaport of Sabetta on the map is a completely new geographical name, which appeared about several years ago, when it became necessary to develop huge oil and gas fields on the Yamal Peninsula and deliver cargo to the port of Sabetta, as well as for the transportation of hydrocarbons by the Northern Sea Route. The port is named after the workers' village, five kilometers north of which it is located. The port of Sabetta on the map is located in the eastern part of Yamal, on the coast of the 800-kilometer Ob Bay, which overlooks the Arctic Kara Sea.

The official ceremony for the start of construction of the Sabetta seaport took place on July 20, 2012, as part of the Yamal LNG project.

As a priority, the builders of the port of Sabetta had to rebuild sea berths capable of receiving any cargo - from construction materials to equipment. For this, dredging works were carried out and the approach and sea channels, the port water area with a depth of over 15 meters were dug. This task was completely solved, and already in October 2013 the port of Sabetta opened winter navigation and received the first cargo ships.

Now the capacity of the port of Sabetta allows you to receive cargo all year round. Currently, the construction of the second stage is being completed - terminals for the shipment of liquefied natural gas, which is delivered from the Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye gas condensate field.

In the future, it is planned to supply oil, natural gas and gas condensate from the port of Sabetta not only to the countries of Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, but also to the countries of North and South America. The next stage of work will be the construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) processing facility.

Active mining is literally transforming the peninsula. Previously, there were only a few old dilapidated barracks in the workers' settlement, and now the port settlement of Sabetta in the photo is a European-type settlement.

It houses several dozen new dormitories for 17 thousand people. There is a canteen, a police station and a medical center. A hotel, an administrative and amenity complex with gyms equipped with exercise machines have been built. In the photo of the port of Sabetta, you can see that it has its own boiler room and energy center, a fire station, a warm parking for cars, storage facilities for fuels and lubricants, food and other necessary goods. The ecology of the village is provided by sewage and water treatment facilities.

Delivery of cargo to the port of sabetta

Currently, the most popular and economical way of delivering cargo to the port of Sabetta is delivery by road on winter roads - winter roads. In addition, in the village-port of Sabetta, there is an operating airport, which has been given international status. During the construction of the port of Sabetta, strict adherence to international environmental standards is envisaged, while the impact on nature is being tried to be minimized.

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