Population of Vasilyevsky Island. Criminal atmosphere

Vasileostrovsky district, administrative-territorial unit of St. Petersburg with a total area of \u200b\u200b2146.88 hectare ..

(Territorial management on the big prospect. V. O., 55).

Educated in modern borders in 1917 (the western part in 1936-61 was an independent Sverdlovsky district), covers the territory of Vasilyevsky Island (hence the name) and the islands of the Decembrists. With a central district, a palace bridge is connected with the Admiralty district of Lieutenant Schmidt, with Petrograd district - stock exchange and tuchkov bridges.

Population size Vasileostrovsky district 211 046 people (2016).

Within Vasileostrovsky district there are 5 municipalities:
- Maritime District,
- Municipal District No. 7, No. 8, No. 9 and No. 11.

Until the mid-19th century, wooden buildings prevailed on the territory of Vasileostrovsky district, in the Harbor area and on the modern about. Decembrists preserved extensive wetlands. In the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Fully built up the eastern part of the district, in the south-west, an industrial zone was formed. In 1911-13 in the western part about. The famine (now about. Decembrists) was conducted by the construction of a residential area " New Petersburg". In the 1950s, the territory of the Harbor and Fr. Decembrists were built. In the 1960s and 1950s. The territory was performed. Station and hotel "Baltinesi". In 2006, a new onset of territories began, which will change the modern appearance of the area from the Gulf of Finland.

Three metro stations on the territory of Vasilyevsky district:
"Vasileostrovskaya", "Primorskaya" and the embankment of Makarov with an underground transition under the Neva at the station athletic.

Main highways:
Big, medium and small prospectuses V. O., Cash st., Ul. Shipbuilders, embankment Makarova, University Embankment And the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt.

A large number of universities in the area is concentrated:
St. Petersburg State University, Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin, Mining Institute them. G. V. Plekhanova, St. Petersburg Scientific Center RAS, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, State Optical Institute. S. I. Vavilova, etc.

Among the objects of culture and leisure:
Military Museum, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera), Zoological Museum, Museum Palace A. D. Menshikov, Exhibition Complex "LENEXPO", etc.

In Vasileostrovsky district over 40 industrial enterprises:

Baltic W-D, Steel Covenate Z-D, Zvkabel plants, "Electric Apparat", Z-D. Kozitsky and more. The number of plants is reduced. The part is translated abroad of St. Petersburg, part of bankrupt. On the liberated territories there is a massive residential building with apartments and commercial real estate sold in the real estate agency Beno'a. Also new buildings are erected in new worn areas.

Among the historical and cultural monuments consisting of monuments - Rostral columns, the Complex of the Exchange, the Twelve College Building, the Menshikov Palace, the building of the Academy of Arts, the Andreevsky Cathedral, Rumyantsev Obelisk, the Pier with the sphinxes in front of the Ah building, the monument I. F. Kruzenshtern, East. The burial in Smolensk cemeteries, etc. In 2003, a monument to A. D. Sakharov was opened.

In Vasileostrovsky district:
5 Prospectov
17 Pereulkov
30 lines
21 Street
3 travel
8 squares
8 embankments
1 dash

Vasilyevsky Island began to learn long before the emergence of North Palmyra. In the "census bunk book on Novgorod, the Five People" 1500, it is stated that fishermen lived on Vasilyevsky Island, there were arable land.

As you know, Peter first wanted to turn the "Vaska" in Northern Venice. For this there were breakthrough channels that were later covered. Now these channels resemble the streets of Vasilyevsky Islands, which are called lines. On the lines of Vasileostrovsky district realtors of the agency Benua for sale a lot of apartments, rooms, commercial real estate

Vasileostrovsky District is the only in St. Petersburg where all types of houses are presented:
Old Foundation with overhaul and capermont with wooden floors, metal and reinforced concrete, Stalin's houses, kings, Khrushchev, Brezhnevka, 504 series, 600.11 Series, 606 series, 137 series, 121 series, monolithic brick, ships.
Real estate agency BENUA provides sales and rental services, rental, exchange, apartment resettlement, rooms, houses, buildings, land plots, commercial real estate located in the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg and other areas of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

In the photo Night Panorama of Arrows of Vasilyevsky Island. Right - Rostral columns with lamp bowls. In the center - the building of the Exchange, and the palace bridge can be seen on the left. Composition, familiar to everyone in a fifty-dollar banknote.

Eastern part of the historic center

Vasileostrovsky is one of the four central districts, standing on the three islands - Vasilyevsky, Decembrists and sulfur, the first two are divided by a river Smolenkoy. The land connection of the Vasileostrovsky district with other districts of St. Petersburg for several hours is completely interrupted during the breeding of bridges through the Neva.

The outlines of the area resembles a wedge expanding towards the harbor and the Finnish bay. The location of the Vasilyevsky island between the main waters of the Neva and the exit to the special role in the development of St. Petersburg.


The first news of Vasilyevsky Island appear in the "census bunch of Novgorod", dated 1500 g. Then fishermen lived on it, part of the land was attenuated. Swedes who captured the island in the XVII century, called him Dammarholm (pond), the Finns were called on their manner - Hirvisaari (Mispy). After the founding of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the XVIII century. The island began to be called Vasilyevsky again, and King Peter sent orders to the chief canonist standing on the battery arrow Vasily Korchmin, addressing Vasily on the island. What also contributed to the consolidation of the old name.

Vasilyevsky Island received planning on a specially compiled project. From 1704 to 1714, they owned the Governor-General Prince Alexander Menshikov, and the axial line of the project was the prospect, laid in 1710. From the Garden Menshikov to the seaside - the future big prospect. From him the rectangular network of streets, who answered the desire of the king to build a regular city of European-type. And after three centuries, this layout makes it easy to navigate the quarters.

Menshikov's manor was first wooden, "on the Italian manner", and then the stone palace. By 1714, when his owner settled into a three-storey house, it was the most high building in St. Petersburg. Tsar Peter accepted ambassadors in it, and in the Assemblated Hall, Lukulles Pirae was held, where only belligent guests were allowed: the king demanded that. Today Menshikov Palace Museum - a branch of the State Hermitage.

Cape, where the river is divided into a large and small neva, referred to as the arrow, this is one of the main architectural ensembles The coast of the river. On the arrow there are all the significant sights of the district and the island. It was she who, according to the plan of 1717. The French architect General of Jean Leblona, \u200b\u200band had to turn into an administrative, trading and cultural Center capital Cities. The arrow was stiguously built in the 1720-1730s. During the blockade of Leningrad, there were three anti-aircraft batteries here: at the cauldron and rostral columns.

One of the most remarkable preserved buildings of the pore - Kunstkamera (translated from german language - "Chamber of Art"). It was difficult for it, one architect replaced the other, already erected walls sang, so that it had to disassemble the building. And the popularity of the built Kunstkamera among St. Petersburg residents was extremely large, especially due to the collection of freaks of freaks. In 1741-1765 In the room, Kunstkamera worked the great scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, his museum was opened here. The building was repeatedly rebuilt - especially got his tower - both due to fires and in the whim of the reigning persons. Kunstkamera suffered during the Great Patriotic War. Shards of bombs and shells left on her roof a lot of slots. Today here is the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great RAS.

The boundaries of Vasileostrovsky district are rivers Big Neva In the north and small Neva in the south. Vasilyevsky Island is the largest in the Nevsky Delta. His Western side facing the Finnish Bay is the central link of the "Marine Facade" of St. Petersburg. The eastern tip of the island - the arrow - is part of the panorama of the city center.

A lot of buildings of the district survived the second youth when it disappeared the need for their administrative functions and they turned into educational institutions and museums.

In 1783, the area to the west of Kunstkamera was transferred to the Academy of Sciences, whose building built by Zodhi Krepanengi turned into a symbol of classical style in the architecture of St. Petersburg. Academians gathered in it at the meeting until 1934, when the Academy itself moved to Moscow. In 1925, when preparing for the 200-year-old anniversary of An on the top platform, the Mosaic Punk "Poltava Bataliya" was placed, created by Lomonosov in 1764. During the blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War to protect against bombing and shells, the mosaic was missed Marley and laid out brick wall - until the blocker's removal in 1944

From the west side of the arrow is the building of the twelve college. In 1718, the King Peter transformed orders (the management of the Russian state) in the Swedish sample - in the collegium. According to the intention of the king, the building of the teams should have been imposed by one of its appearance if not fear, then respect and humility to citizens. At the same time, it should be strictly functional, without excesses, in the style of Petrovsky Baroque.

The structure consists of 12 connected together the same buildings - one by one to the collegium. Previously, the Senate was also here, but since the city center did not work on the arrow, then the Senate, and the Board-ministries were drove throughout St. Petersburg. In 1804, the Pedagogical Institute was organized, which in 1819 became the basis for the St. Petersburg University, who was transferred to the building of the Twelve College, where the university is located and today.

Since 1733, a trading port was located in the northern part of the arrow, for the needs of which the Wooden Exchange Building was built, and at the beginning of the XIX century. - Stone, which has become the central part of the arrow ensemble. First, they were built according to the project of the quarters, then de Tomona. Above the main entrance from the Neva, the composition "Neptune with two rivers" is placed, presumably, personifying Neva and Volkhov. Exchange was opened only in 1816: She prevented the war with Napoleon. After withdrawal shopping port From the arrows of the Exchange lost importance, and at present the building belongs to the State Hermitage.

The famous semicircular protrusion arrows was made in 1804-1810, when work was carried out on the reorganization of the entire cape, and it was originally intended for the marine margin of the seaport. At the same time, Rostral columns appeared here, harmoniously fit into the general ensemble and became an integral part. On holidays, the cup was poured into the top of the top and ignited, in our time there were gas. The columns were strongly injured during the blockade of fragments, the fixing fittings rusted. In 1947-1948 They were replaced with copper copies.

In 1895, the caravel Square was divided into the cavity, and in 1916 the Arrow joined the frontal Palace Bridge with the opposite shore, who changed the flood crossing and called the Winter Palace and the Palace Embankment. Urban authorities demanded to arrange an adjustable span from the shore, like all the then city bridges, but in the center of the bed. The divorced palace bridge, as if prepared to be treated on the wings, became the main element of the night panorama of St. Petersburg. In the first anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917, the Palace Bridge was renamed the republican, and the former name returned in January 1944, when the blockade was removed.

Island - Harbor

Despite numerous changes and restructuring, the island managed to partly save its original destination and now takes not only students of several large universities, but also large sea liners.

In 1788, the Academy of Arts was opened, based on the initiative of Mikhail Lomonosov and the favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Ivan Shuvalov. The latter was a well-known patron, it was he who suggested that the "special three most significant arts academy": painting, sculptures and architecture. In memory of the patrone of the arts in Round inner courtyard An educational institution was established sculpture of Count of work Zurab Tsereteli.

In 1832, opposite the Academy of Arts staged a wide marina and decided to decorate with her bronze figures with horses with tamers of Peter Klodt.

However, the Master demanded such an amount that it turned out to be cheaper to bring real Sphinxes from Egyptian FIV. Subsequently, the Architect Montferrer offered to strengthen the effect of the place of the construction of a huge statue of God Osiris, but the idea rejected the emperor Nicholas I as a "pagan purely". During the blockade of Leningrad over stone sculptures, a protective canopy was built. And in 1958-1960. Bronze griffins were restored, lost in the XIX century. Sphinxes are another of the unofficial symbols of St. Petersburg.

The building of the port customs was erected in the 1820-1830s. At the site of the old buildings of customs services, built in the 1730s. The project of the Arch Republic of Lukini introduced his additions personally Nicholas I. Supporter of control over all and all, as well as who wanted to receive the most latest newsThe emperor ordered to raise the tower and the dome: to observe the arriving ships and the organization of optical telegraph. The emperor, as it turned out, was also a feeling of harmony: the customs tower completed the symmetrical arrow of the Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island, sitting right on the opposite side relative to the Kunstkamera tower. Since 1927, the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located in the customs building ("Pushkin House") Literary Museum. About the customs Past resemble the God of Trade Mercury, the God of the Seas Neptune and the Goddess of wealth and the well-being of Cereter.

Simultaneously with the development of the main part of the island on the arrow, on its Western, sea coast, a separate area was formed. Here, in 1722, the gallery harbor was died to exit The Gulf of Finland, in the 1740s. - Rowing shipyard. Today, this area is called just the harbor.

Only by the 1830s. The first profitable houses appeared on Vasilyevsky Island. Starting from the 1880s. Port services began to move to Kronstadt and to Gutuyevsky Island (current Kirovsky district). On Vasilyevsky, ministerial and financial organizations remained for some time, and then educational institutions began to prevail.

The defeat of Russia in the Crimean War of 1853-1856. It showed that the status of the Great Marine Power Russia will preserve if the Navy will hold the reorganization. So, in the south of Vasilyevsky Islands in 1856, a huge plant was founded, which became the flagship of domestic shipbuilding. At first, he was called by the founders of the Factory Carr and MacPherson, then Baltic.

Over time, numerous houses for workers facilities have appeared on unaccustomed areas of the islands. And in 1905, the most prolonged and hot barricade battles occurred here. During the blockade of Leningrad, Vasilyevsky island was shelling, bombing. Many at home, especially in the harbor, were destroyed.

In the early 1960s Vasilyevsky Island discovered the role of the marine and river port, when the wharfs of the sea passenger station were built in the harbor. And in the skipping duty when entering the Neva's lip, and from there in the open sea froze a mute reminder of the glorious Petrovsky times of the Kronschpitsa: the guard of the rowing port.

general information

The historic district of St. Petersburg on the islands in Delta Neva.
Status of St. Petersburg : The subject of the Russian Federation is the city of federal significance.
Administrative division of Vasileostrovsky district : 5 municipalities (7th municipal, Vasilyevsky, Harbor, Sea, Decembrist Island).
The city was founded: 1703
District is institutions: 1994
Language: Russian.
Ethnic composition : Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Jews and many others (the total number of nationalities in St. Petersburg for 2010 is more than 200).
Religion: Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism.
Currency unit : Russian ruble.
River: Big Neva, Small Neva, Smolenka.
Airport: Pulkovo (International).
Neighboring areas and water area : In the north and northeast - Petrogradsky, in the East - Central, in Southeast -, in the south and west - the Nevskaya Guba of the Gulf of Finland.


Square: 21.45 km 2.
Islands: Vasilyevsky - 10.9 km 2, Decembrists - 3.71 km 2 and sulfur - 0.03 km 2.
Population: 208 734 people. (2016).
Population density : 9731.2 people / km 2.
The highest point : 3.5 m.
The lowest point : 0 m, River Big Neva.
Total number of buildings : 1911 (from them built until 1917 - 812).
Overall length of streets : 86.9 km.
Building of twelve college : total length - 399 m.
Rostral columns : Height - 32 m.
Palace Bridge: Length - 260.1 m, width - 27.75 m, the mass of contrasts of the adjustable mechanism - 2800 tons.

Climate and weather

Moderate, marine. Wet and short summer, prolonged, relatively cold and raw winter.
The average temperature of January : -5.5 ° С.
The average temperature of July : + 18.8 ° C.
The average annual amount of precipitation : 660 mm.
Mid annual relative humidity : 78%.


Industry: Shipbuilding, Machine-building, electronic, instrument-making, food.
Services sector: Tourist, Transport, Trade, Financial, Telecommunication, Educational, Medical.



  • Menshikov Palace (1710-1720s)
  • Kunstkamera (1718-1728)
  • Twelve colleges (1722-1742)
  • Academy of Arts (1764-1788)
  • Academy of Sciences (1783-1789)
  • Andreevsky market (1789-1790; restored in 1954-1959)
  • Exchange (State Hermitage, 1805-1816)
  • Rostral columns (1805-1810)
  • Sphinxes (1834 g) and Griffins (1834, Est. 1958-1960) at the University Embankment
  • Baltic Plant (1856)
  • Palace Bridge (1912-1916)

Separate buildings and buildings

  • Sea Cadet Corps (1796-1799)
  • House of Academics (1806-1808)
  • Mountain Institute (1806-1811)
  • Novoburge Guest Dress (beginning of the XIX century)
  • North Paggauz (1826-1828)
  • Customs building (Pushkin House, 1829-1832)
  • South Warehouse (Zoological Muses, 1826-1832; 1910-1915)
  • Blagoveshchensky Bridge (1855, rebuilt 1936-1938.)
  • Brusnitsy Mansion (1884)
  • Piece of Dr. Pely and Griffon Tower (XIX century)
  • Palace of culture. Sergey Kirov (1931-1937)
  • Marine Passage, Station (1982)


  • Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts (1757)
  • Geological exploration museum. Feodosia Chernysheva (1882)
  • Central Museum of Soil Sciences. Vasily Dokuchaeva (1904)
  • Museum-archive of Dmitry Mendeleev (1911)
  • Museum-Apartment Archip Kindji
  • Museum of History of St. Petersburg State University (1945)
  • Ivan Pavlova Museum-Apartment (1949)
  • Museum of Modern Art Erart (2010)


  • Obelisk "Rumyantseva Victory" (1799)
  • Ivan Kruzenshtern (1870-1873)
  • Mikhail Lomonosov (1986)


  • Birzh
  • Baltic Jung
  • Rumyantsevskaya


  • Church of the Three Saint (1745) and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1750-1765)
  • Cathedral of Sv. Equal to the Apostles Andrei First Called (1764-1786)
  • Lutheran Church of St. Catherine (1768-1771)
  • Church of St. Great Martyr Catherine (1811-1823)
  • Church of the Icons of the Mother of God "All Thoring Joy" (1817-1818) and the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1895)


  • Shipbuilders (2.8 km)
  • Cash (3.25 km)


  • Big (3.4 km)
  • Medium (2.9 km)
  • Small (2.9 km)


  • Skipper


  • Lieutenant Schmidt
  • Makarova
  • Marine
  • University


  • Academic
  • Birzheva Square
  • Botanical Garden SPbSU
  • Blagoveshchensky
  • "Vasileostrovitsa"
  • Faith Slutskaya
  • Decembrists
  • Kamsky
  • Ostochinsky
  • Rumyantsevsky
  • Square "Small Havans"
  • Skipper


  • Smolensk Lutheran

Curious facts

  • The name of Vasilyevsky Island probably happened on behalf of one of the Novgorod Planting Vasily Spiece, Vasily Casimir or Vasily Ananin. There is also a version that it was just the name of the local fisherman. The name of Vasily in the XV-XVI centuries, when for the first time a written mention of the island is found, it was the most common in the Novgorod land.
  • According to the legend, the reason that prompted the king Peter to establish Kunstkamera, were two pines, seen by the king while walking along the Vasilyevsky Island. The branch of one of them has thrown into the barrel, and it was impossible to determine which of the two pines it belongs. The king was so amazed to find such rarity to collect such rarity, and for them to build the building of the first museum in Russia - Kunstkamera.
  • One of the most famous kunstkamera exhibits is a globe with a diameter of 3.1 m. And weighing 3.5 tons, created in 1664 by order of the Duke of Gottorspian. Inside the globe is a small planetarium. In 1713, the Gottorpian Globe was transferred to Russia as a "gift of friendship", brought him by the sea and land for three years, in 1717 he arrived in St. Petersburg and in 1725 was installed in the Kunstkamera building. For installation, architects, masters, 100 workers and 25 carpenters, built the platform, in which the globe rolled into the circular hall of the third floor in 1726. In 1901, the Globe was moved to the Admiralty of the Tsarist village, from where the Germans were taken away by the occupation, and In 1942-1947 was in Germany. In 1948 he was returned to the Soviet Union and placed Kunstkamera in a newly rebuilt tower.
  • The name of the rostral columns comes from Rostrith: decorated their taran with a metal tip in the nose part of the military ship of the ancient Rome era, used to do probins in the enemy ship housing. Named so because of the characteristic form and translates from the Latin language as "beak". Ancient Romans and introduced the custom of construction of such columns to commemorate victories to the sea.
  • The celebration on the occasion of the opening of the palace bridge in 1916 was very modest. The royal family refused to participate in the ceremony: heavy battles went on the fronts of the First World War, and only a week before the discovery was killed by the pub of Gregory Rasputin. And instead of the urban head, his deputy cut the ribbon.
  • The Decembrist Island is originally called starvations: whether from the Swedish "Halaua" - Iva, or from the name of the English doctor of Thomas Holliday, who gave here a plot of land in the XVIII century. The current name is assigned to the island in the 1920s: presumably, there are buried the bodies of the executed leaders of the Decembrist uprising.
  • The Sea Cadet Corps in Soviet times was called the Higher Naval School of School. Mikhail Frunze. Currently, this is the sea corpus of Peter the Great. The names of his students are connected with this educational institution - the names of his students - navigators and fleets, figures of Russian science and art: Fyodor Ushakov, Pavel Nakhimova, Ivan Kruzenshtern, Faddey Bellinshausen.
  • The graduates of the St. Petersburg University were three heads of Russia, distinguished by diametrically opposing views on the issues of government management: Alexander Kerensky - Head of the Provisional Government in 1917, Vladimir Lenin - founder of the Soviet state and the current president - Vladimir Putin.
  • Currently on the university embankment of the Sphinxes were found in 1820 during excavations in the philas. They are made in the XIV century. BC e. From Asuan Granite, their persons ancient sculptors attached the appearance of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Merchants rarely brought them to Alexandria and put up for sale. At first, I wanted to buy the Government of France to decorate the Paris Boulevards, but lost to Russia for a breathtaking amount of 64 thousand rubles. Sphinx beards are repulsed shortly after the death of Pharaoh, and the hieroglyphic inscription on the chest between the paws and around the slab contains the listing of its titles.
  • With the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad, in 1941, at the Academy of Arts, the hospital was opened, students and employees protected the building together and the values \u200b\u200bstored here. In December 1941, the next protection of the diploma works was held to which about 60 people were admitted, many of them were specially called from the front.
  • In 1862, an "Experience" canonere boat was built on the Baltic Plant - the first domestic metal ship.
  • In 1866 - the first domestic submarine constructor Alexandrovsky. In 1871 - the first Russian armadapole "Admiral Lazarev". In 1903, the Dolphin submarine was launged at the Baltic Plant (Missionary Ministry No. 150) - the first Russian submarine, officially enrolled in the lists of the ships of the Russian fleet.
  • The name of the sulfur island is associated with it built on it in the XIX century. Large warehouses of lime and sulfur: for such hazardous materials found a remote place. Now the warehouses are not here, but the name has been preserved.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe green plantings of the area is 1.18 km2, of which 0.51 km2 falls on the cemeteries.
  • Vasilyevsky Island was considered German Sloboda, especially many Germans lived here - masters invited to work in Russia. Life of the Sloboda is remarkably described in the story of the Russian writer Nikolai Leskov "Ostrovtay".
  • From Petrovsky Times, only three palaces have been preserved in St. Petersburg: Menshikovsky, Summer and Montplasir.
  • One of the most unusual structures in the area is the Griffon Tower, which is located in the courtyard of the house, referred to as the doctor of Dr. Pel. The thick brick column with a height of 11 m reminds the Watchtower, but in the original it was just a stoker's pipe with a chemical pharmacist laboratory.

For more than ten years in the western part of Vasilyevsky Islands in St. Petersburg, the Sea Facade project is implemented - laundering in the Finnish bay the territory of 476 hectares. Among other things, there are various developers in the "artificial earth" residential complexes. Part of one of them - LCD "Light World" I am Romantic "" - settled in 2017.

Construction on the NAME - in the active phase. Continues the construction of "Romance" and the LCD business class Golden City; In the fall, they finally promise to put into operation a long-term "captain Nemo". And the other day it became known that the LSR Group is the largest player in the construction market of St. Petersburg - erect half a million square meters of comfort-class housing.

The first tenants are inhabited by economy class apartments. Many of them chose "life closer to the center" in "beautiful houses" overlooking the bay of alternatives in Devyatikino and Kudrovo, where they are also actively building relative to the inexpensive studio and dvs. The tenants are several thousand people - all the developer, SEVEN SUNS Development, handed over to buyers the keys from 2.6 thousand apartments. In the process, a scandal happened: several shareholders could not move to "I am a romantic", according to them - due to the fact that they expressed discontent with the quality of construction in the media. Recently, the district investigative committee opened a criminal case about fraud.

But most residents have other concerns. What to do with noise from western speed diameter? How to be if your address is not in the navigator in taxi drivers? Why in walking distance - only a stall with alcohol and a single good grocery store? How to escape from sand, which is everywhere: in the entrances, hallways and almost in refrigerators? We talked about these and other aspects of everyday life with the first tenants of Namov. And at the same time they asked them about the benefits of life in the artificial territory.

Naming Vasilyevsky Islands

Square - about 476 hectares

Main investor - CJSC "Terra Nova"

Start implementation - 2006.

Over ZSD

A part of the facades of the residential complex comes out on the high-speed route, which was launched shortly before the first houses in the first houses. If on the canonerea island of the ZSD above the heads, then on Vasilyevsky - noise under his feet. Approaching the futuristic design growing from under the ground: similar to the horns of lighting support, and on them - at home. In the dark, the supports are glow - like decorative elements in the form of sails on a residential complex. From the Primorsky district, the "Lakhta Center" is responsible for solemn illumination - another newest attraction, which is particularly visible with Namuza.

"When I bought an apartment here, I knew that there would be a ZSD. Moreover, compared with the residential complex in Devyatikino, next to which the track also passes. But here I expected to install noise screens. They were in projects. Thought: Well, there will be a small noise, everything is fine. However, faced problems, "says the tenant" I am a romantic "who wished to remain anonymous. - Screens were somehow canceled, and at the final stage of construction did not turn them. And another problem in the absence of ventilation in the apartment. The feature of my apartment layout is such that all windows overlook the loggia. So that I had ventilation, I have to open all the windows and the loggia itself - and in the apartment 24 hours a day is noisy and cold. If I close the windows, it will be fine, but there will be no ventilation, and it is impossible for health. Noise interferes very much. I have an angular apartment in the third building - the sound is just accumulated in the corner, starting from the fifth floor (in the apartments below it - no). The noise level is clearly overestimated, but we have not yet done the expertise - we are going. "

The problem of the WSD is relevant not for all residents of Namo. "They knew that there would be a ZSD nearby, but the windows of the apartment overlook the other side, so noise is not at all. The road itself does not interfere with anything, it is comfortable. In the summer, we did not have time to ride several times from the center and had to go through the ZDD, but the trip accounted for quite expensive. But to go to the airport - one pleasure, "says Elvira Lozbeneva.

"Pleasant sleeping bag"

"Some say that they have the ears from this noise, but it seems to me that he is not so strong," a resident of New-Building Alina opens a window. In a quiet one-room apartment on the eighth floor, a monotonous hum is bursting - as in a gaining height of the liner. "Well, ZSD and ZSD. Imagine how people live in Moscow Garden ring- there is even more noisy. It is easier to get used to this noise than the sounds of the eternal construction on the other side. "

Alina is a student of St. Petersburg State University. In Romantics, on the observations of her and other of our interlocutors, in general, many students, as well as young families - typical of the new residents of the residents category. Much here, however, and the elderly. Many tenants. On cyan, rates start from 24 thousand rubles per month per studio, but you can remove and cheaper. "I am removing the EuroDevka for 23 thousand plus utilities," said a resident of LCD Katerina Sergeeva. Communal payments, according to Alina, for its 40 square meters amount to 1.5 thousand rubles per month: "But we still do not consider electricity and water. We pay for the services of the management company. "

In the parade, where Alina lives, the doors are open: the intercom has recently broke. In the elevator, temporary wooden panels are written. But in the courtyards cozy: residents of the first floors are equipped with verandas; Children and adults are swinging in hammocks. On the territory of the LCD just planted the first trees: "Rosemalast and purple willow, smooth appliances, large pines (ordinary and mountain" pumilo ") and blue spruce" Huppi "with a height of more than 2.5 meters," lists the developer in a press release.

Alina Rod from Naro Fominsk. Until a recent move to Washing, there lived quite nearby - in the hostel of the university on the shipbuilders: now she sees it from the window of new buildings. Apartment acquired in 2015 - it was worth about 72 thousand rubles per meter, with decoration. The kitchen "from the developer" Alina in the end sold. Options in other areas student did not consider: a new LCD with low-cost apartments is located in the area of \u200b\u200bher area and relatively close to the faculty.

Before the faculty Alina gets half an hour. Near the residential complex there are no stops - you need to go through pedestrian bridge Over the ZSD and then get to the 158th bus, which goes half an hour, or look for a minibus. Drivers of minibuses, running between the station "Primorskaya" and the hotel "Baltic", about new lands, does not seem to be aware of: "Naming? What ishing? "

Part of taxi drivers and delivery services also did not have time to get used to the phantom in the navigator. "A typical situation: We order a car from the subway to the house, and the navigator is lucky to us through the ZDD and offers to come out right in the middle of the road. It is necessary to order a taxi on the sea embankment, "says a resident of LCD Elvira Lozbenev. "In the applications, I choose the tariff" on the meter "and tell the taxi driver where to go. So it turns out much cheaper, "Katerina Sergeeva adds.

Sometimes you have to drive "into the bun by taxi" - from the nearest stores there are only two stalls: one - with fruit, the second - "with alcohol and toilet paper," says Alina. "I hope no one will buy nothing in it so that it closes and we did something like" Bush "."

Other, natural, feature of the Namoh - a strong penetrating wind. But Alina got used to him yet "on the ships": "Two days ago I bought myself a hat. I have a thread - then I will contact one more, thoroughly. But after 600 meters - the same. If you buy a jacket, you take a hood, and without it you do not consider options. That's the whole difference. "

Wind and dust. In the hallway at Alina Natoptano: we walked on a scale and, not noticing, brought sand on the soles. The owner of the apartment explains: "Sand everywhere. People say that even in refrigerators makes ".

Behind the door heard someone's conversation. Top start drilling. Alina says that this is an atypical situation: "Usually somewhere below is one of the polishers of Mariins, these are all sounds. Here calmly, quiet. The territory is beautiful. Good yard. Normal neighbors. Close to the center - I have no feeling that I live on the backyards. This is a nice sleeping bag. "

What people say

Elvira Lozbenev

"On April 1, we moved with all things to a new apartment. With infrastructure on Vasilyevsky island, of course, the problem: not a single major shopping center, one cinema and one big hypermarket ("tape"). Now, when I come to the "Mnow Dybenko", I look a little with envy on people living in Kudrovo, who carry bags from Auchan or "Ikea" - so simple, on foot, because their home across the road. In fairness It is worth saying that the products we have been ordered by a long time through the delivery of "O'KEY", and shopping prefer in online stores or during the bars abroad.

I am not very clear to me why the city can not make us the road - Vadim Shefner's street. After all, they knew that they were building at home here that 5 thousand people would live here. You could plan to schedule time and budget for these roads. Or negotiate with the developer so that he will build it quickly turns out: the road to the bridge through the ZSD and the bridge itself did literally in one day.

Apartments were built with turnkey finish - even with furniture and some technique. Thanks to this, we now do not have the house on the ears because of the repair. We have not done noisy work at all, except for the transfer of a pair of sockets and installation of suspended furniture. I think, many are the same. Despite the fact that the quality of the "gift" repair is low (and in some places - very low), it is still better than four naked walls. You can enter and live, slowly changing something.

The house is good hearing. Especially in the bathroom, because there are thin partitions between apartments. Feeling - as if the neighbor couple communicates with me through the wall, although they just talk to each other.

I am very glad that our yard without cars. This is the best thing that can happen to any residential quarter. Now entry into the territory of the complex is allowed only to truck-delivers of large goods. Sometimes passenger cars are passing, but for them there is a time limit - it seems no more than 30 minutes. Entrance to the LCD single, there are a barrier and a person who controls them.

I'm just delighted with the yard and in general external view Quarter. Swing, hammocks, many benches, all such wooden, eco-friendly, stylish. Boosters, decorative pools with backlit, beautiful gardening. The whole quarter at night is completely lit, it is not enough.

Live next to the Finnish Bay - solid buzz. In the summer, we often fried meat at the water. Sometimes you leave the house - and smells the sea. And in general, always fresh. There is a breeze, yes. But I love fresh wind. The sand is much - either from the wind, or from the construction site nearby. Windows and window sills are quickly covered with mud. But it is the little things.

Next to us - the port, beautiful liners stop there. In the summer there were a lot of Chinese tourists in our block: it seems to me that they were drove here on excursions.

Another of the peculiarities of life on Namav is the hatred of all other residents of Vasilyevsky Island. In the group in "Vkontakte" we and our homes are called last words. They can be understood: they took the embankment and views of the bay, but it is worth recalling that the good half of the island was once scammed. The city grows and develops is an inevitable process. In addition, when the territory to the end is melting, a beautiful landscaped embankment will appear for the inhabitants of the island, it seems to be even with a public beach (and before it was simply the reinforcement was lying on and no one walked). "


"I chose a residential complex for a long time. I wanted to live near the center, in the area with good transport accessibility. Standing the question of the price. When I bought an apartment in 2015, near the LCD promised to build a station "Sea facade" metro station. But now the date of construction was strongly pushed (Station construction deadlines are unknown. - Approx. Ed.).

Now I rate the local infrastructure for a twice triple. I work in the center - these are three stations from "Primorskaya", 50-55 minutes leaves for the road, of which 20-25 minutes - to the subway. The stores are also bad. Not far there are two supermarkets, but that's all. I would like to have a normal shopping center. Sometimes you have to go to the "ribbon" - this is also uncomfortable, as the packages need to carry in their hands. It would be easier with the machine.

But there are many advantages here. This is a new area, there will be no problems with the gaskets of communications. The territory itself is very beautiful, pleasant here is to be, walking. Improvement inside the LCD is well done. If the territory, as promised, will close and make a video surveillance, will be completely remarkable.

We have excellent relationships with neighbors, we solve problems together. Four times went on Saturdays. Now the question arose about the formulation of cadastral records - together we study the documentation. "

Katerina Sergeeva

"I live on Vasilyevsky island for about eight years, and so far all the apartments have been in the old fund. When the need arose to rent another apartment, friends recommended to look at the LCD "I - Romantic". It was December 2016. The idea of \u200b\u200bliving right at the water inspired me, the wind was not scared, I was familiar with the area. My friends rented an apartment below, and we drove in mid-April. Prior to that, none of us lived in new buildings, and we did not know what to expect. We liked a minimalistic design and, of course, that everything is new and fresher.

At the very beginning I cursed everything, because the LCD was closed around the perimeter, and it was possible to go through the central entrance. This is exactly diagonally from my housing. I left for about 20 minutes to stop public transport. Somewhere we have three weeks after moving at my body opened the door, and I could directly go to the stop in five to seven minutes.

On warm days I drive a job on a bike (about 12 kilometers), it takes about 40 minutes. Sometimes fastening the bike to the fence - the absence of cycling delivers a lot of inconvenience. From shipbuilders walks the minibus to the office. The path from the door to the door takes about 50 minutes. My colleagues who live in ninekno, about the same as spend on the road. But I'm on the island! The most unpleasant thing is to return home from the center late. The last minibus from the subway goes at 11 pm. All the rest of the land transport goes to shipbuilders. The 11th trolleybus and the 7th bus from Nevsky are carrying the excursion route: a long time to go - not that word.

When I only came here, there lived very few people. I felt like in horror films. The wind will, around anyone, April, darkness. The elevator did not work yet and sometimes it was scary, and sometimes it's fun with some kind of neighbor from the 18th floor and gloom out about what is not clear, on what floor I am, there is no numbering on the walls. Now I live almost alone on the floor. Occasionally wake up with the first perforators. And if we talk about those people that I meet in the territory, in the elevator or section, then they are mostly polite and friendly. I like my neighbors on the LCD. "

What the expert says

Alexander Karpov

director of Expertise Center Ekom

"A reasonable time when you can safely predict the" maturation "of this area, 30 years. But then everything will be fine on Namav.

Today I see the three main problems associated with each other. The first is that latching as a construction site has not yet been delivered and not accepted. From my point of view, the city cannot build anything on it - no roads nor social infrastructure. And this situation of incompleteness will still inhibit decisions on the allocation of funds from the city budget.

The fact that 34 hectares in the southern part of the Namo bought LSR, - unconditional plus for those who have already settled there. I suspect, LSR went on this territory for no accident, and by agreement with the city authorities, and the company will build a social infrastructure at its own expense (and then the question will be on whether its city will be transmitted). But when I tried to clarify the situation with the fact that LSR will also take transport infrastructure, I was a response to me expressive silence. Most likely, with the roads in the area, it will still be bad for a very long time.

A separate plot concerns commerce (goods and services). How do businesswomen "go" to unfinished territory and will be able to connect the necessary capacity - electricity, sewage system? And another moment: they will then go when there is a sufficient population to ensure the flow. In my opinion, more or less large-format trade should be expected after entering even five houses.

Finally, the unfinishedness of Namo is bothering me from the point of view of the speed of stabilization of soils. If the embankment was made as it should be one. But now it is actually a huge beach - and the mobility of the soil will be like on the beach. Yes, it is not a problem to build a house on the beach, but this means additional costs. I am not ready to predict catastrophic scenarios: after all, construction technologies are not the same in the past century. But perhaps the inhabitants will have to face an additional hallest - bound, for example, with cracks in the house. "

Vasileostrovsky District is one of the oldest regions of St. Petersburg, located between the Finnish bay and the two main sleeves of the Neva Delta - Big and Small Neva, takes two large islands: Vasilyevsky and the Decembrists island, separated by the River Smolenkoy. West Coast Both islands are wide arc in the waters of the Nevsky Lip.

The uniqueness of the Vasileostrovsky district is its island status - it is completely located on one island (actually, it is unlikely that you can consider the island of the Decembrists and small islands separated by small robes, as a separate one) and other areas of the city has only water borders.

Vasileostrovsky district belongs to the four central regions of the city. In addition to him, they include: Petrogradsky, Admiralty and actually central areas.

The area is a kind of reserve, which presents all types of urban planning formations from the founding of St. Petersburg to a recent mass development.

I. District borders

Land borders has no.

The border of Vasileostrovsky district with the Petrograd district passes along the axis of the river Malaya Neva.

The border of Vasileostrovsky district with the Central and Admiralty districts passes along the axis of the river Big Neva.

II. Square

Area of \u200b\u200bthe district - 1.8 thousand hectares. Square of green spaces of 410 hectares, of which 300 hectares - cemeteries. Rumyantsevsky, Ostochinsky and Skipper Gardens, two small park and small yard squares.

The total length of the streets is 90 km.

Road coating area of \u200b\u200b198 hectares.

III. Territorial division of the area

The territory of the district includes two large islands, separated by a small river Smolenkoy: Vasilyevsky and Decembrists (starvations), as well as a small northern island.

The development of Vasilyevsky Island began in a few centuries before the emergence of the northern capital. According to the "Correspondence Book of the Novgorod of the Five Putton" 1500, fishermen lived at the Vasilyevsky Island, there were arable land.

Vasileostrovsky district - the oldest district of St. Petersburg; He wondered by Peter I as the center of the capital. It was assumed to post government and administrative institutions, as well as the port. However, a plan for creating an isolated center in Vasilyevsky island turned out to be non-visual and was not implemented.

Since 1715, Domenico Trezini has been planning from 1715. From the east to the West, three main highways were laid - large, medium and small prospectuses. They were crossed by the street at right angles - lines, along which the construction of water channels began (according to the sample and similarity of Amsterdam channels). However, these expensive work due to their inappropriateness were not completed, the open channels were later falling asleep; Line channels turned into a line street.

The eastern part of the Vasilyevsky Island, populated in the first decades of the 18th century, is included in the historic core of St. Petersburg. The settlement took place on the lines from the Big Neva. The territory of the island approximately until the 13th line was built up by the middle of the XVIII century, and until the 25th line - by the end of the century; Further to the West was a wetland, which was mastered by the end of the XVIII century. In the extreme south-west of the island, there was a gallery harbor and Chekushi, where in the 1780s, leather, distillery and other plants were built.

The recognition of the island unsuitable for living has led to an organization on its eastern tip of the business center. Gradually, Vasilyevsky formed a whole complex of administrative buildings, including the University, the Exchange Buildings, the Twelve College, Academy of Sciences, Kunstkamera, Mountain Institute, the Academy of Arts, Marine Corps and many others.

Thus, the entire territory of the arrows up to the congressive line became non-residential, administrative territory. Up to the 6th line, pawnshops were built, small warehouses, shops that ensure the needs of the business part.

In parallel with the development of the eastern part of the Vasilyevsky Island as an industrial zone, his southwestern part and the northeastern part of the Decembrist Islands were actively built. These zones formed at the expense of convenient location in water highways exist today.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the land on Vasilyevsky island was valued in the pre-revolutionary period much lower than in the prestigious areas of the city: Palace Square and Nevsky Prospectus, English Embankment, etc. Residents of the district became very poor people. This was built inexpensive at home. By the end of the XX century, most of the buildings of the old fund came to full dissent and is now in disserval. A non-extent of the total rules are perhaps several merchant mansions located on the lines nearest to the arrow.

It is necessary to make a clarification determining the special status of V.O. Students and university teachers, brokers and officials, minor employees, beginners or not those who did not consist artists and sculptors were settled. Turning to a higher social stage, they immediately moved to the other side of the Neva. Most remained in VO. and lived there from generation to generation.

The modern construction of most of the Vasilyevsky Island was formed in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries, but the seaside territory (harbor) and the island of starvations were built up only after the revolution, mainly in the post-war years.

In the 1960-1970s, the development of the western part of Vasilyevsky Island and the island of starvations began in a wide scale. Here, in the seaside territory, washed with a soil taken from the bottom of the bay, about 350 hectares, on which major residential arrays are built. Instead of the old twisted line of the Smolenki river, a new straight line and along it was created by the granite embankment - Esplanade, 2 kilometer long, leaving the sea.

IV. Population

The population of the district - on the results of the 2002 census in the region, 202,650 residents live.

In industry employs about a quarter (25%) of the working population. Children and adolescents make up 16%, people of working age - 58%, retirement age - 26%.

V. Transport

There is a marine passenger station in the district.

Transport accessibility most strongly forms the "island" mentality of residents in. The presence of two metro stations here somewhat reduces the cutoff from the rest of the city, but the ground municipal transport leaves much to be desired. The main land transport - minibuses, however, as elsewhere in the city. Roads are in a state of permanent repair. As a result, motorists account for a long time to jump over the Coldinam on narrow streets, before you can get to one of the four bridges leading to other areas of the city. The transport network of the district works at the limit, and reserves for its development. At present, attempts are being made to derive tram from some streets, but it causes a negative reaction among residents who use this type of transport. And the gasket of the western high-speed diameter along the bay, tentatively on the wet lands, is a very distant perspective that will affect only the edge of the island.

The area with the city is actually connected at one point: through the palace bridge.

a) Metro Station:
Nevsky-Vasileostrovskaya line (3) - "Vasileostrovskaya", "Primorskaya";

b) the main transport highways:
In the historic part of the Area: Big, Middle and Small Prospects;
In the area of \u200b\u200bNovostroek: Kim's Avenue, Nakhimov Street, Zheleznovodskaya Street, Skipper Doc.

c) Communication with other parts of the city:
Vasileostrovsky - Admiralteysky - Schmidt Lieutenant Bridge and Palace Bridge.

Admiraltei - Petrogradsky - Bridges of builders and Tuchkov.

Vi. Ecology of the Area

Pollution of atmospheric air in the area is uneven. Enterprises give 11.6% of 475 citywide tons of xylene. The concentration of NO2 in the area exceeds the norm by 2-3 times. The most clean air on Vasilyevsky island - in the Western and Northwest sectors (addressed to the Finnish Bay), with the exception of a kilometer square, limited by the River Smolenki from the North - ul. Nakhimova from the south - ul. Shipbuilders from the West - ul. Cash from the east.

Soil pollution is intense and very intense. According to some indicators, the MPC is 30 times or more.

From the point of view of the radiation situation, the background is within the norm, in the northern and eastern sectors of the island - at the limit of permissible - 12mk / h (the norm is 8-9, maximum - 13 md / h) with the exception of "spots" in the area Skipper Protoka and gallery harbor.

The most noisy highway on Vasilyevsky island is a big prospect, which, nevertheless, is one of the most landscaped prospectuses of the city.

Climatic conditions for permanent residence are not very good. Frequent floods, constant winds, high humidity constitute a constant health threat. The overall environmental situation on Vasilyevsky island is worse than permissible by sanitary and hygienic standards.

VII. Residential Foundation

The area is located only 4.5% of the total number of St. Petersburg apartments, which is approximately 65,000 apartments located in about 1,200 homes. The composition of the residential foundation is diverse and includes almost all types of housing.

The settlement and development of Vasileostrovsky district began from the beginning of the XVIII century. By decree of 1719, the mandatory buildings of embankments of the front stone houses were prescribed. This edge building of the coastal edge at that early period led to the future formation of the city center around the remarkable beauty and a grandiose water panorama of the Neva. The inner territory of the island was built on rich houses frontal to the street. The buildings were erected according to typical drawings of the architect Domenico Trezini. Nevertheless, the settling and development due to isolation of the island went slowly. In 1762, the feature separating the city center on the island was held through the 13th line. Behind this feature, up to 15-16 lines lay the suburbs, and then to the west - "Astive Lands". The latter in the late XVIII century were covered with a forest, through which three roads ran (the current large, medium and small avenues), built up at that time only to the urban trait.

At the end of the XIX and early twentieth centuries. This part of the island has begun to store in accommodated houses with closed quarters and courtyards. Until today, the houses that are 150-200 years have been preserved (they require a serious overhaul). However, the overwhelming majority of houses in the historical building area are at home, overhauled, and at home the construction of the beginning of the twentieth century, i.e. with metal floors.

The historic development is concentrated on the avenue of the island and lines between them.

In the north-western part of the district, a microdistrict is located in the north-western part of the district, a microdistrict is located mainly from the "Stalinist" houses of the post-war building with a small intersection of the houses of the Old Fund.

The microdistrict, built-up in the overwhelming majority of brick "Khrushchev", is located in the zone of Small Avenue - Cash Street - Nakhimov Street - Bering Street.

The microdistrict is adjacent to the metro station "Primorskaya" the neighborhood is built up mainly by modern houses with the exception of the part of the Zheleznovodskaya Street. The construction of the territory of the microdistrict began with the end of the 70s, after the end of work on straightening the riverbed of the Smolenki River and the soil washed to the low shores of the island of the Decembrists. The residential foundation is represented by all types of houses, which allows you to trace the development of domestic home-building in the last 30-40 years:
- Brick "Khrushchevki" - Zheleznovodskaya Street;
- "Ships" - Cash Street;
- Houses 137 Series - Shipbuilders Street;
- Brick houses of the 80s. - Shipbuilders Street, Novosmolenskaya Embankment, Sea Embankment;
- houses from the monolithic reinforced concrete - the embankment of the River Smolenki;
- Modern brick houses - the northern part of the sea promenade.

Currently, the following neighborhoods can be distinguished in Vasileostrovsky district:
- arrow in;
- historical residential part of the district;
- planning area between Bering and Nakhimov Street;
- Planning area of \u200b\u200bthe gallery harbor;
- Western part of.

Arrow V.

The overall direction of development is an administrative, non-residential microdistrict. Here there is a large number of diverse objects: Military Academy of Rear and Transport, State University, Academy of Sciences, Ott's Clinic, Library of the Academy of Sciences, Museums and Research Institute.

Historic residential part
The entire central part of the district is built up with houses of the Old Fund, and it is with this residential building that most St. Petersburg residents associate Vasileostrovsky district.

In the north, the neighborhood is limited to the River Smolenki River, in the east - the Congrase line, in the south - the Big Neva (the embankments of Lieutenant Schmidt and University), in the West - ul. Bering (here historical development smoothly enters the development of the 20th century).

The general direction of the development of the territory is residential building. In blocks along 1-6th lines, there are practically no industrial enterprises (only along the Smolenki River). West, within the accommodation neighborhoods, are industrial enterprises: factory "Device", "Pneumatic", "October" and others.

The ecological state of the neighborhood is generally satisfactory. If we talk about the social environment, then the overwhelming part of the neighborhood, with the exception of 1-6th lines, is difficult to settle communals. In the early 1990s, one of the first projects of elite construction was implemented (Alba's complex), but then the interest of investors to the district fell. The creation of a pedestrian zone for 6-7 lines of the Creature, but this did not affect the remaining neighborhood quarters.

The development of the socio-household sphere of the microdistrict allows you to comfortably live in it, as there is everything you need - shops, DD, schools, etc.

The microdistrict has the most convenient transport connection With other areas of the city, this is the metro station on its territory and four bridges that connect it from a big land.

However, the overall condition of the residential foundation and the social environment do not allow to position the microdistrict as elite. Therefore, prices for apartments in the bulk of low. Exception can only be apartments overlooking the Neva, Petropavlovsk Fortress, Winter Palacebut their units. Prices for the last fluctuate from up to 1500 per square meter. m. It should be noted that 1-room apartments are found only in homes after major repairs, since 1-room apartment is usually represented to the revolution.

Planning area of \u200b\u200bthe Havana Street (Harbor)
The development process of the Vasileostrovsky district can be divided into temporary stages, and if the historical part was built up for two centuries, the harbor is mainly in the middle of the XX century.

In the north, the neighborhood is limited. Nakhimova, in the east - ul. Bering, in the south - a big avenue, in the West - Cash Street.

The overall focus of the development of the microdistrict is a living area for servicing arranged in the neighborhood of industrial areas and the facade of the city on the part of the marine station (it is from here and monumental Stalinants along the street. Opochinina). At the borders of the microdistrict there are a large number of diverse objects: various industrial enterprises, ATP, Smolensk cemetery, LENEXPO complex, Maritime Station.

The ecological state of the neighborhood is generally satisfactory.

In addition, in this part in cool - you make yourself a felt wind from the bay.

The social environment of the neighborhood is better than in the central part in - there are almost no communal apartments here. The population is not good, since the area has never been particularly prestigious.

From the point of view of the socio-household sphere, there are all necessary - shops, DDU, schools, etc.

The basis of minus is the transport accessibility of the neighborhood. On municipal transport to the metro station 4-6 stops. Ground urban transport walks rarely, only omnipresent minibuses saves. Getting into other areas of the city really on the subway, but, again, before it should be reached.

The neighborhood has a sufficiently large number of Stalin's houses. Prices for 2- and 3-bedroom apartments in Stalin's houses on average for a sq. m above similar proposals in the houses of SF and SFC. It is explained by both the high consumer properties of houses and a socially homogeneous medium. The latter circumstance can raise the price for another quarter. m (basically, along the street. Opochinina). The offer of 1 room apartments is practically absent.

Planning area of \u200b\u200bthe gallery harbor
On Vasilyevsky Island there is a very interesting area located at the Gallery Harbor. It can be geographically referred to as a territory limited in the north st. Nakhimov, in the east - cash st., In the south, the exhibition complex "LENEXPO", in the West - the waters of the Finnish Bay.

To date, all this territory is used mainly under industrial and warehouse needs, or simply represents waste. There are areas of enterprises such as a factory and research institutes, ATP No. 4 Spetstrans, Vodokanal objects and garages.

Recently, there has been a tendency to develop this area under housing construction.

But there is an obstacle - the ecological state of these lands. The main sources of pollution - the factory and research institutes, located here since the 1930s, as well as the industrial dump.

In the depths of the territory there are private areas with low-rise buildings of the type of IZHS (individual housing construction) of the most different class - from plywood ruins from the girlfriend to quite decent houses with euro-repairs? There you can see Ellengi.

Western part in (s)
The western part began to develop in the last third of the 20th century strictly according to the unified plan for the development of the city. The territorial district borders in the north with the Embankment of the Small Neva, in the east - with the avenue of Kima, the streets of Odoyevsky and cash, in the south - with ul. Nakhimova, in the West - with the Watering area of \u200b\u200bthe Gulf of Finland.

The overall focus of the territory of the territory is purely residential, it is here that the city forms its residential "sea facade" (the name of the part of the district in the people - ships).

The environmental condition of the territory is quite satisfactory for the city, especially after the majority of enterprises in the Ural street ceased.

Social surroundings are homogeneous. When the neighborhood began to settle, they received apartments for employees. Currently, people with medium prosperity live here.

Social and household sphere is developed - the area developed as planned, and the city managed to build DDU, schools, supermarkets, hospitals.

Perhaps the only one, but very significant minus of this territory is its transport isolation from " big land" The metro station "Primorskaya" allows you to communicate with the city center relatively quickly, but it must be reached. Getting to the city center with personal transport is difficult - roads are narrow and bad. The construction of the Western speed diameter, of course, will improve the transport accessibility of the area, but this is a long-distance perspective.

A sad feature of this part is climate. It is this part of the island that is blown away by the winds, which, together with a highly elevated level of humidity, makes it possible to know 11 months a year.

The secondary market here is noticeably activated in the warm season - show apartments with frozen windows and tenants are not optimal in terms of price. The houses here are mostly panel (137th series and "ships"), so through the heat remaining from socialism, heat is easily blowing out regardless of the quality of double-glazed windows.

It is also unpleasant that the majority of apartments (all the same 137th) are literally braided with all sorts of pipes, which builders extended in a picturesque disorder in all premises. At the same time, in many homes there are not enough head of hot water, as a result of which middays are forced to selfgent.

And the notorious "houses on the legs", made from the metrostro-level (!) Concrete. Repair in them is truly art. Metrovstroevsky concrete is not every perforator will take the first time. But in terms of ventilation, everything is fine here - they are blown through!

Hope free lands New, albeit even comfortable houses, cannot turn the overall situation. As a result, the microdistrict is positioned as a sleeping and predominantly prestigious.

To date, it is safe to say that this is the only territory in St. Petersburg, which is characterized by the predominance of supply of supply.

All types of apartments are offered for sale.

The number of apartments exhibited for sale in the historical building area is large enough, but their quality leaves much to be desired. Therefore, with great difficulty, the settlement of communal apartments is moving in most parts of the historic building area on Vasilyevsky Island.

The overwhelming majority of utility apartments are doomed to be non-disequiste and remain suppliers of rooms to the real estate market.

In the "Stalinist" Fund for sale mainly three-bedroom apartments, somewhat less than two-room and there is practically no offer of one-room apartments. In the northern and northwestern part of the area at the subway station "Primorskaya" in the proposal of the lack there. His spectrum fully reflects the nature of the building of this microdistrict. You can note the excess of apartments in the "ships" and houses "old" 137 series.

The dynamics of the price index for residential real estate is almost the lowest in St. Petersburg. Moreover, both for the secondary market and for the primary one. It is also characteristic of a tangible breakdown (even taking into account the specific demand for C) between supply and demand: what is exhibited for sale is not in demand, but what is in demand, no one sells. Transactions in the area a little.

Undoubted demand apartments overlook water. Moreover, it can be like apartments in the homes of the Old Foundation (University Embankment, the embankment of Lieutenant Schmidt, the embankment of Makarova) and apartments in modern brick or brick-monolithic houses (sea embankment, the embankment of the Smolenki River).

Apartments in the houses of the Old Foundation are good in demand, which are located on the quiet green lines between the Schmidt Lieutenant's embankment and the Small Avenue (2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19 lines).

Sustainable demand is observed on apartments in the "Stalinist" houses on a cash street, a portion of the Havana Street (before intersection with Middle Avenue), on the Middle Each Avenue.

Housing prices in the area remain above the Middle Garden, but there is a tendency to reduce this difference.

The area is almost an autonomy, a socio-household and entertaining and cultural infrastructure is very well developed here.

It should be noted that for St. Petersburgers, Vasileostrovsky district on investment attractiveness lags significantly behind Central and Petrogradsky, but due to the environmental state, ahead of the Admiralty. The explicit lag in demand for housing (even in the secondary market) from Petrograd and Central regions is due to the closeness of this part of the city, which, in turn, is explained by low consumer qualities.

According to experts of the market V.O. It is practically not considered by residents of other areas of the city as a place of residence. As a result, demand in the area is provided in the main residents (in total in the area there are 197.4 thousand people, that is, 4.19% of the total population of the city is one of the smallest in the number of residents of the city) and non-residents, convinced that that VO - That's what it is best part Petersburg. Attempts to attract buyers from other areas are unpromising - buyers scares the abundance of communal, emergency residential foundation in the historical part and isolation from the outside world in new buildings.

VIII. Commercial real estate

Despite all the disadvantages, Vasilyevsky island among potential buyers is in high demand. Exhibited for trading land Vasileostrovsky district is leaving for at least two market value.

Local shopping and business centers serve main transport highways.

On the western tip of the former island of starvations, in the 35th quarter, garages and parking lots are arranged, as well as collective parking lots for 4,000 boxes. According to the head of the district administration, Valery Golubeva, the garages must be withdrawn by the city, leaving on the island only economical multi-storey parquencies. A positive example in the form of an 8-storey garage is already on the Ural Street. All enterprises here are under the conditions of short-term lease, therefore, to build high-altitude "feeds" there are also the platforms. Currently, at different stages of development and construction, there are garages-parking at the addresses: Marine Nab., \u200b\u200b9, shipbuilders st., 21, Middle Ave., 89, small Ave., 62.

The modern ensemble of the Smolenki embankment does not allow trading here, and a strict taboo will be superimposed on all temporary buildings. But the Earth should work, so it is given under the open parking lots.

In Vasileostrovsky district, 1012 stationary service sector enterprises are functioning, including:
Food stores - 193;
Catering enterprises - 245;
Household service enterprises 0 204;
CJSC Vasileostrovsky Market - 266 merchant;
7 complexes - 800 trading places;
Complexes of small trade - 694 trading places.

In 2002, the Complex "Shop Island" opened at the intersection of the Middle Avenue and the 9th line. ZAO "Adamant" opened the "Baltic" shopping complex

For 2002, 50 new trade enterprises appeared. The reform of the street small trade, 105 facilities were eliminated.

Despite all the above, this number of commerce and service objects is still not enough for the area.

The company "Pospiri-Egostat" began building a whole network of trading pavilions on the lawns of a large avenue. The total area of \u200b\u200b21 objects - 3,000 m2. In return, the firm pledged to landscaping the prospectus.

The investor is obliged to shut sidewalks and pedestrian walkways, install new benches and street lights, equip recreation areas. Built pavilions, the company will be leased under cafes and shops.

Multifunctional Business Complex "Exchange Complex" - Big Avenue (26th Line, 15). The total area is over 54,000 m2. Construction is conducted in 2 queues. Ending construction in the 3rd quarter of 2004. Complex: Business Center, Hotel ****, Restaurants, Supermarket, Boutiques, Cafes, Bars, Conference Halls, Exhibition Hall, Sports and Health Complex.

The reconstruction of the Andreevsky market is in full swing.

CJSC "TDC" Vasileostrovsky "plans to create a shopping complex at the metro station" Vasileostrovskaya ". At different stages of development and construction there are several more commercial projects.

IX. Industry

There are 30 large industries in the district. The area industry is located a wide band in the middle of the island, from a large Neva to Malaya.

Of the 6,000 enterprises - 60% are the private sector. The industry remaining from the state fodder, by 80% - defense.

Industrial zone in the southwest
In the southwestern part, there is an extensive production area. In the north, it is limited to a big avenue, in the East - the 23rd line, in the south - the Great Neva, in the West - the Watering Center of the Finnish Bay.

The overall direction of the development of the territory was asked in Petrovsky times, and since then the microdistrict developed only as an industrial. Currently, the industrial zone is mainly formed by the Baltic Plant, Steel Robbing Plant, Tannery Plant. Radishchev, OJSC Electro UPA, Zvkabel and Northern Textiles plants and many smaller enterprises.

Industrial zone in the northeast of the island of Decembrists.
In the north-east of the island of the Decembrists there is a small, but also has a long history industrial zone. It is formed on the embankment of the Small Neva and runs along the Ural Street. In the north and east, Malaya Neva passes, in the south - the embankment of the River Smolenki, in the West - the Alley of the Decembrists.

The largest enterprises - the Vasileostrovsky cargo area of \u200b\u200bthe river port, the auto repair plant, "Northern Manufactory", plant them. Kalinina, Factory "Stroitarton", "Rot-Front" and some others.

The leather line has a strong Radishchev JSC, which sews skin products and has a lease agreement for 49 years.

Environmental purity greatly prevents the 4th fleet with its "Icarus". Radishchev JSC is subject to the withdrawal "by harmfulness".

Industrial enterprises:

  • "Baltic shipbuilding plant;
  • "Satellite", "Electric apartments", "Escalator", plant to them. Kozitsky, "Forward", "Pneumatics", factory them. Kotlyakova - Machine-building;
  • sitzenabivna factory them. V. Slutskaya;
  • "Red October" - Factory musical instruments;
  • Radishchev JSC
  • map factory, etc.

X. Science and education

There are 36 secondary schools in the area, 46 kindergartens, 8 additional education institutions. A single library system includes 10 libraries, of which 7 adults and 3 children's.

Higher educational institutions:

  • State University;
  • Academic Institute of Painting (former Academy of Arts);
  • Mountain Institute;
  • Marine Academy;
  • Higher Naval School. M. Frunze.

Institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

  • Physiology them. I.P. Pavlova;
  • Zoological;
  • High molecular weight compounds;
  • Russian literature (Pushkin House).

As well as the main library of the Academy of Sciences.

Research institutions:

  • Mechanobi "Mechanob";
  • Geological Research Institute;
  • Nii of mining mechanics and surveying;
  • Institute of Arctic and Antarctic, etc.

Xi. Monuments of History and Architecture

The first buildings on Vasilyevsky Island appeared at the beginning of the XVIII century. Palace of the nearest companion of Feather I - Alexander Menshikova - (Universitetskaya Nab., \u200b\u200b15) became the first major building of the new city.

Architectural ensemble Arrow of Vasilyevsky Island is one of the historic attractions of the city.

In Vasileostrovsky district there are a lot of monuments of history and architecture. XII. Culture and recreation

In area of \u200b\u200b12 museums:

  • Literary Museum of Pushkin House (Nab. Makarova, d. 4);
  • Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences;
  • Museum of Soil Science;
  • Geological exploration museum;
  • Mountain Museum;
  • Central Military Museum;
  • Museum of anthropology and ethnography ("Kunstkamera");
  • M.V. Museum, Lomonosov;
  • The exposition of the Hermitage in the former Palace of Menshikov, etc.

In the area there are 103 sports clubs, 60 sports grounds.

XIII. Prospects for the development of the area

From the standpoint of investors, in the area you can develop projects that are not related to industrial activities.

According to the decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated August 8, 2002, N 43, in the territory of Vasileostrovsky district, until 2010, it is planned to build up to 700,000 square meters. m housing. Almost the entire volume is planned to be introduced due to the development of the western part.

According to the era, the city administration may offer the following investment areas and objects.

Investment territories:

Quarter 5 - engineering preparation, multifunctional development;
- Quarter 4A - Engineering preparation, public multifunctional development;
- Quarter 4AIII, 3AIII - Multifunctional building;
- Quarter 16 - Development of the territory of WAO LENEXPO and a round bucket.

Investment objects:
- Quarter 35 (intersection of cash and Ural streets) - construction of a multi-storey 800-seater garage;
- reconstruction of quarters built up houses of the first massive residential series:
a) limited by cash street, streets of Bering and Nakhimov, as well as a small avenue;
b) Quarter 6 (Kakhovsky's alley).

Currently, at various stages of development are about 113 investment projects, 14 of them are funded from the budgets of various levels.

This number includes projects that have already passed the ITC, and the disposal of the governor. In Chart number 1, the structure of the "investment portfolio" of the district is presented.

Arrow V.
The arrow is located on the easternmost part of it, east of the congress line.

The overall direction of development is an administrative, non-residential microdistrict.

The microdistrict enters a single security zone historic Center Cities and investment activities in it are rigidly limited. Basically, restoration works are carried out - usually on budget funds, but sometimes investors will come to the most famous objects, who wish to celebrate the noble field of salvation historical monuments St. Petersburg. The city stops any attempts to change in this city planning environment, but some institutions have federal subordination or are already owners of their land. In such conditions, the city is harder to defend & L

Vasileostrovsky district St. Petersburg - one of the four central regions St. Petersburg. Head of the administration of the Vasileostrovsky district Ilyin Eduard Alexandrovich.

Vasilyevsky Island is the largest in the Nevsky Delta. Its Western side facing the Finnish Bay is the central link of the "Maritime Facade" of St. Petersburg, and the eastern tip - the arrow - enters the panorama of the city-wide center. The key position between the main waters of the Neva and the exit to the Finnish bay predetermined its important role in the development of St. Petersburg.

About the area

Territory of the Area - 2146.88 hectares

Population - 211,048 people

In Vasileostrovsky district:

  • 30 lines
  • 21 Street
  • 5 Prospectov
  • 17 Pereulkov
  • 3 travel
  • 8 squares
  • 8 embankments
  • 1 dash

Geography of the Area

The territory of the district includes two large islands separated by a small river Smolenkoy: Vasilyevsky and Decembrists (starvations), as well as a small sulfuric island. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe district is 1.4 thousand hectares, which makes it one of the smallest in St. Petersburg. Of these, the area of \u200b\u200bgreen plantings of 118 hectares, 51 hectares of which make up cemeteries. Rumyantsevsky, Ostochinsky and Skipper Gardens, two small park and small yard squares.

The total length of the streets of the district is 90 km. Road coating area of \u200b\u200b198 hectares.

The development of Vasilyevsky Island began in a few centuries before the occurrence northern capital. According to the "Correspondence Book of the Book of Novgorod, the Five People" 1500, fishermen lived on the Vasiliev Island, there were arable land. By that time the first fixation of the name of the island belongs. There are scientific hypotheses that explain the name on behalf of several Novgorod Posadovsky: Vasily Rasia Vasily Casimir, Vasily Ananin. There is a version and the origin of the name on behalf of one of the first-seller of the island - some fisherman of Vasily. Settlements existed along the Small Neva, near the mouth of Smolenki and on the right bank of Smolenki. In the 20th century, with Swedish dominion, the island also had the name Dammarholm - Pond Island. It was probably in mind the ponds formed on the tributaries of Smolenki. The island itself belonged at the time the Swedish commanders Ya. Duchadi, whose manis was located on the arrow. There was a Finnish name of the island: Hirvisaari - Losina Island. In the transformed form, it is found in the documents as the name of the village of Girlization, where Lotsmann lived before 1712.

Shortly after the foundation of St. Petersburg, the island again began to call Vasilyevsky. According to the historian A. Bogdanova, Peter I sent the orders of the artillery battery of Vasily Korchmin, who stood on the arrow, with the laconic inscription "Vasily on the island". So Vasily Korchmin contributed to the revival of the old toponym. From 1704 to 1714, the island owned the Governor-General St. Petersburg Prince A. D. Menshikov, hence the name of Prince or Menshikov. And later, from 1727 to 1730, there was an official name - Preobrazhensky Island. By administrative division From 1737, St. Petersburg, from 1737, the territory of Vasilyevsky and the neighboring Island of Holodaya was part of the police station Vasilyevskaya.

Origin of the name of part of Vasilyevsky Island
- Islands starvay

There are several versions about the origin of the name of the island. One of them builds it to the Swedish Word "Halaua", which means Iva. In some works, it is indicated that the name "starvations" arose due to the inaccurate pronunciation of the Surname of the English doctor of Thomas Guldai, who owned the land plot on the island in the XVIII century. In other, the doctor's name is indicated by other - Maturez Gallidi. Sound change (starving instead of Golidei) was as a result of folk etymology - rethinking a little-known word and replace it more understandable. The currently existing name is given in the 1920s, as it was assumed that the bodies of the executed leaders of the Decembrists' uprising were buried here.

The uniqueness of the Vasileostrovsky district is its island status - it is completely located on one island (actually, it is unlikely that you can consider the island of the Decembrists and small islands separated by small robes, as a separate one) and other areas of the city has only water borders.

See also: