German cloak tent times of World War II. How the form of the Red Army was better than the uniforms of German soldiers

Traditionally, this element of the uniform of the Russian military appeared in the 19th century, already in 1882, the tent cloak was part of the equipment as a mandatory attribute. That's just the aggregate of that time was little on the modern light pieces of tarpaulin: wooden stakes and racks were attached to it, which soldiers had to wear under the overcoat together with a heavy and bulky tent rolled into the roller. Nevertheless, the military was ready for it - finally in the mutual conditions of their heads could not mock in the rain. The idea of \u200b\u200bpreservation of the uniform in a dry form was the authorities like that in 1910, the tarp triangle officially received the status of the "Cloak Tent Soldier" and was used during reviews.

From the first years, the cloak-tent was produced in the colors of Khaki, masking the location of a soldier on a prival. The German soldiers of the second global coloring of the cloak tent was two-way - under the "Our" dirt and under the "native". You could fasten four tents and get one big, full for several people. That's just the only "but": from those very first years - that is, since 1910, no one bothered the design of the tent - and our brave guys are hung up in a short church cape.

Modern cloak tent and its alternatives

Today, the tent cloak has the size of the cloth 180cm and cords for tightening the hood and the rapidly itself. It can be worn both behind the back and in the form of capes, but the buttons are replaced with the very wooden pegs. If normalizers were allocated at least 20cm on the length of the side of the tent - perhaps Russian soldiers and would not have to pour legs during the rest.

With the help of a raincoat, the military brushing the weapons using it, like a litter, and for shooting, including. It is transferred to the foliage during the cleaning of the territory, it is covered with Nara in hiking shelters, etc. Due to its bright glory and multifunctionality of the cloak, the tent gained popularity from imitators to military style - there are those who prefer to hide it only.

As far as it is convenient - we will not argue, however, the ordinary tent is suitable for people more conservative. They are now made by a huge set, from super light designs and materials - up to aluminum and fiberglass, they are folded into such a tube that can be placed in a backpack. As for the forms - here there is where they are roaring: the dome-shaped, but for high growth people are fit and elongated rectangular.

How to make a tent with your own hands?

The section for those who are particularly devoted to tourism. You can make housing from six chambers from road bike, ordinary polyethylene and tarpaulin. Such inflatable tents are not attached to heavy metal, but on heavy-duty rubber tubes.

Cutting 4 cameras in about a decimeter from nipple, we get pipes 120cm each to lengthen them, take another 60cm from the remaining cameras. It is necessary to glue cameras and seal ends. Now we are trimmed, attached to the ends on the loop with a diameter to 5 cm. Nipples are left outside to download air in the chamber.

From a piece of tarpaulin, we cut the circle and sew to covers - it will be the bottom of the tent and at the same time the mounting of the racks. Everything, now we prepare an awning from polyethylene, we glue the "moment" to the racks and additionally we flash the caproic thread. Such a tent weighs no more than 2kg, and the installation process does not take more than 10 minutes.

The raincoat appeared in the equipment of the Russian soldier for a very long time.

The raincoat appeared in the equipment of the Russian soldier for a very long time. The author failed to track the moment of the appearance of this very interesting element of the equipment. However, it is precisely known that since April 1882, a tent cloak has already been a mandatory element of soldier's hiking equipment.

True at that time it was intended only for the role of an individual soldier tent. The figure shows the equipment of the soldier of the army infantry of the sample of 1882. Among other elements are clearly visible to a light gray tent tent tied with a strap to the styled roller, wearing a soldier through the left shoulder. The tent in the kit had wood jackets and a rack that were saturated between a tent and a rope.

For that time it was a truly revolutionary decision. The soldier for the first time received a means to protect against weather and on vacation, and march. It was very important, because the hiking soldiers' tents were transported in the sum of the second category, which by the charter followed the regiment at a distance of half the daytime transition, i.e. 20-30 miles. Consequently, earlier after the daytime transition, the soldiers could get a place to relax and hide from the rain at best by the middle of the night, and if we take into account the time required to install the tents, then by morning. Those. By the time it was necessary to start the next day transition. Thus, it turned out that in all days the march soldier was all the time under open sky And he could count on any normal conditions for rest only when stopping the shelf on a daily vacation.

Individual tent radically changed position. Soldier, having come to the place of overnight, could put a certain semblance of a tent and hide from night dress, rain, coolness, dew. By uniting, three or four people could already make something more similar to the real tent from their tents.

Initially, the tent was simply a cloth with holes in the corners for installation and was intended for use only as a tent. The soldiers instantly adapted to hide the tent from the rain during the march. They themselves began to adapt the tent so that it was convenient to use and as a cloak. The soldiers were noticed and appreciated by the bosses, and in 1910 the tent was modernized. From that time she got official name \\ "Cloak-tent soldier \\". In the drawing of a soldier in the 1912 uniform of a bucket of a culbble of a tent with knockers covered in it visible to a shutter (behind his right hand).

However, since 1910, the soldier's cloak of the tent more practically did not change (with the exception of small changes) and in this form preserved to the beginning of the XXI century.

To date, she is hopelessly outdated. It can be said that today it is not a raincoat, and not a tent.

They would wear it as a cape raincoat, it instantly finds out that the front is not pulling the cloth to his knees. Flowing from the cloth water quickly makes his knees with wet even if the soldier stands. Restored angle provides when walking the water flow alternately into the left, then in the right boot. If the angle is turned out, then he with a loud rustle drags on the mud behind his back, clinging for all the edges, sprigs, etc., and nor to pull the raincoat from the shoulders. In addition, the cloth itself is made of a conventional thin tent tank without any serious water-repellent impregnation, after two or three hours a raincoat winks and no longer protects against rain. The figure shows the automatic soldier (it looks like growth is much lower than the average) in a modern cloak-tent with a machine gun in the shooting position.

The modern soldier's tent looks like this: a square cloth with a side of 180cm. In the corners of the panels made holes, covered with a durable lace or leather lining. The edges of the panels are double with a number of small holes - slots and sewn wood chopsticks used as buttons. On the cloth, the curly arcuate detail, forming when wearing a cloak tent in the form of a cloak of a second layer of protecting shoulders from water. Closer to one of the edges there is a rectangular slot. covered with a plank. This slot allows the soldier to turn one hand from under the cloak. When all buttons are fastened. In two places, cords are passed through the cloth, allowing them to form them the neck of a raincoat and a hood.

The package of the tent includes: 1-pin, 2-two sealing, 3-case cords, 4-four wooden or metal jacket.

As a rule, pinch, seal and stitching cords are instantly lost or frankly thrown out, because no one is trying to use a tent as a tent as a tent. Agree that the construction of a panel, racks, four climbs, depicted in the picture, is hardly acceptable for a modern soldier.

With minimal amenities in such a tent can accommodate except that the young child. Yes, and the open side allows the wind to blend into a tent, the rain can also get inside. The soldier of modern dimensions, trying to stick in such a tent necessarily leaves outside or legs, or head.

True, the design of the cep-tent allows you to connect several panels with the help of cords. In this case, it turns out something like a tourist summer tent. However, the instruction on the cloak-tent is unnecessarily optimistic. For example, she claims that a tent for two people is obtained from two tent cloaks. But this is not a tent, but just a canopy. The minimum for creating a little less acceptable tent for one person requires four sets, and for two or three people six sets. The figure shows a tent of six sets. The instruction claims that this is a tent for six people. However, mine personal experience Allows me to argue that two or three people are placed in it. If six people shove there, it will be torture, and not a rest.

However, despite the fact that the cloak of the tent is currently unable to fulfill the tasks assigned to it on it, no one objects against it and does not require it to be replaced by something more appropriate. The cloak tent is used as a litter when cleaning weapons in the field; a litter when shooting from a machine in bad weather conditions so as not to pack outfit; As an improvised tablecloth when receiving food in the field. It is used to carry bread and other products, dry swabs. The tent is indispensable when removing the soaked dry foliage and other garbage. Clasts stood with Nara in hiking soldiers' tents. They also replace the doors in the dilapidated war houses. They close the windows in the busy broken houses (and instead of glass and lighting, and the grenade brightened into the window will delay). Yes, there is no case when a piece of durable dense tissue is required.

And to protect against rain, a well-known set of anti-chemical protection (OZK), consisting of rubber bug-powered bachyl, worn over any shoes and a rubber raincoat with a hood and sleeves, which, using simple manipulations, turns into a jumpsuit. And we sleep modern soldiers are more and more in the machines, which in the army is hardly more than the soldiers themselves. So the usual hiking tent is less common in the soldier's house.

But not bad it would be and work on creating a cloak tent that meets modern requirements and more universal. For example, in Afghanistan, the soldiers wathered two edges and stood up with their threads. Such a cloak of the tent, traveled to the resulting tissue tubes two sticks, used as improvised carrying stretcher stretcher. Yes, it is even necessary to increase the size of the panels itself. The average growth of the soldier compared with 1909 increased at least 20-30 cm.

However, it seems that since 1910, no one has not been involved in the modernization of the soldiers' tent and does not want to do. But already during World War II, Wehrmacht had much more comfortable, practical cloaks from waterproof tarpaulin tissue. In addition, the German cloak tent had a two-way masking color and could be used as a camouflage coating. There are excellent samples of the American cloak tent type \\ "poncho \\".

In general, it is rather strange - the German pot of our army took over (in the war, the Red Army joined the Soldier's Copper Boiler Times of the First World War, which was just a saucepan with a handicap). Modern Russian army bowler The exact copy of the German kittel (and by the way, the Czech sample bowler is more convenient than German). But the German flask for water is there. And it is more convenient to ours, because Closes on top of a mug. Do not separately have a mug. The German flat three-minute flashlight under the brand of KSF was adopted, and the cloak was not adopted. The central worn service of the army all the time invents some kind of bags-backpacks, bags-suitcases, field portable kitchens by 5-10-20 people (who and how will they wear them?). And the soldier as having dragged his belongings in the orphan sidora, so tested as the IOC in an outdated cloak-tent and mock.

In the picture, the German automatic machine for the Second World War in a cloak of the sample of 1931 (the army of Germany was forbidden to have, and the bosses already thought it was better to handle the soldier of the future Wehrmacht!).


1. Establishment on the Military Engineering case for the Soviet Army. Military Publishing. Moscow. 1984

2.I. Ulyanov, O.Lonov. History of Russian troops. Regular infantry. 1698-1801. Moscow. AST.1995.

3. I. Ulyanov. History of Russian troops. Regular infantry. 1801-1855. Moscow. AST.1996.

4. I. Ulyanov, O.Lonov. History of Russian troops. Regular infantry. 1855-1918. Moscow. AST.1998.

5. S.Drbizlyko, and Karashuk. World War II 1939-1945. Russian liberation army. Moscow. AST.1998.

6. S. Dodrobyazko, I. Savchenkov. World War II 1939-1945. Infantry Wehrmacht. Moscow. AST.1999.

In World War II, many of the items were used, developed at the end of the XIX - early XX century: Some are fundamentally improved, others with minimal technological changes.

The Reichsver of the Weimar Republic inherited the Ammunition of the Kaiser Army. True, it has become made of better materials, improved, upgraded, customized under the standard. With the beginning of the second world! Parts of the militia and rear, and with the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Germany and the formation of folksturma were supplied already outdated equipment.

Provided an ammunition of state-owned enterprises in the system of general management on uniform and equipment of the Wehrmacht, as well as various private companies. Externally, the latest products were sometimes different from the standard treasury - for example, the best finish, the quality of the seams, and. Of course, marking. Some items were issued centrally, others, mostly officer, were acquired by private order. With cash compensation costs.

Field equipment was distinguished by the rationality of the design, strength at relatively low weight, ease of operation. By the end of the war, the quality of the materials used worsened: various erzats, low-grade raw materials were used. The skin was replaced by tarpaulster and plastic; Tarpaulin in turn cannol, etc. At the end of 1944, an attempt was made to fully standardize equipment on materials and coloring, introduce a single - a community type. But after six months, the question disappeared - along with the fall of the Reich.

By the beginning of the campaign to the East, a significant part of metal and parts - bowlers, shovels. Cases of gas masks - began to paint not in dark gray, as before, and in olive-green. Since 1943, the prevailing for all military property was given a dark yellow color-as a natural basis for applying darker camouflage, chroast color was produced directly at the factory manufacturer.

Along with the marked colors in the ground forces for staining some parts, a bluish-gray was used, widely used in the Luftwaffe.

The leather, both black and all shades of brown, and all the shades of brown were on many elements of the equipment. Black and dark brown tones were used in soldiers and special equipment, bright brown - in the officer. The skin of different colors in one subject is usually not used.

Brozent belts and braids are also characteristic for pre-war ammunition, but they received particularly widespread since 1943. Sometimes the tarpaulin replaced the cotton fabric, folded in several layers and stitched. There were such products in the color of Feldgra, the oen gray, green, brown, beige. Metal accessories: buckles, brackets, washers, rings and semiring - had a natural tone of the metal or covered with Feldong or another shade of gray. An attempt to introduce for all kinds of troops is not quite dark gray.

This stamp with embossed on the skin, along with the information of the manufacturer, also indicated the place and year of release. Manufacturer's stamp on the bowler. Under the abbreviated name of the company, the last two digits (41) indicate the year of release. Military deposit stamp on a hiking flask.
Arrows infantry. It wears two cartridge peasons for Caraborn 98K. Stock captain with a brown belt. Commander of the company of the infantry shelf in the field uniform. He wore 2 bags with shops for MP. Binoculars, wiauiuem and holster.
Arrows of the infantry shelf 1940 g with typical weapons and equipment. Different types of battle backpack machines, trapezoids and battle bags. Feldfebel 91st shelves of mountain rangers, Hungary 1944
Usually, the pisks to the MP-S8 machine guns and MP-40 are rumped in pairs. Each peat had 3 nests, and each was placed on it and 32 cartridges of 9 mm caliber. The pictures show the peasons from the brown canvas, the small pocket is visible on the side. Here lay a fixture for charging the store. On the back of the scene, the knee straps are visible for fastening to the belt belt.

Officer Equipment

A large leather of various shades of brown was on a wide belt belt with a frame duplex, a brown, orange, reddish. In July 1943, the instructions of the flamm of equipment for disguise did not always performed: as already noted. Brown belt revered for the symbol of officer dignity.

1934 sample belt was worn not only by the system officers, but also military officials equal to them rank, doctors, veterinarians, droplets, senior fengies. The buckle frame was made of aluminum alloy with a grain surface of matte-silver or gray, the general was covered with matte gilding. The shoulder strap of two parts with a movable buckle was equipped with two flat hooks-carbines for fastening to seagiplings couplings.

To the belt suspended the pistol holster. And on the front and field bag - a service tablet of the 1935 sample tablet, or one of its numerous commercial versions acquired by officers at its own expense, or at the end of the war - simplified, from the artificial leather "Press-Shtoff". If necessary, the bayonet was hanging on the belt in an officer brown blades, a saber, a cortk.

From the end of September 1939, the senior officers of the army were banned to wear a shoulder belt, and soon this ban spread to all combat units officers. In exchange, it was allowed to enjoy in combat conditions: lieutenants - a soldier's belt with whore and shoulder straps with auxiliary straps: captains and above - cavalry type belts, with narrow straight fells. (Later, in 1940. The corresponding standards have changed somewhat, but on the Eastern Front, the officers wore a belt with a frame buckle, sometimes - with a shoulder spooler.) And in November 1939, the officers of the Army ordered to wear soldier belts in combat conditions: black belt - To the regiment commander inclusive: supporting shoulder (both infantry and cavalry sample) - regardless of rank. But officers preferred their own, "original" - brown gear.

Cloak tent arr. 1931 with camouflage. One side of the cloak-tent was covered with dark "fragmentation" camouflage, and the other side is light. The picture is well noticeable. Three short tensioning cables were fixed using a peg. Reich, 1935. The arutlerists wear straps for cartridge bags. After the introduction in 1941, the produces with additional belts, in the future it was only among the officers. A soldier of sanitary service is located in front of the camouflage tent. Medical staff often wore a very prominent signs of the difference (red cross in the business circle) to fulfill their tasks on the nonleta milking. He usually had a metal box with medicines to first aid. Casas with red crosses ceased to use in the second half of the war.

Pistol Cobra

The German army was saturated with pistols as no other. The gun was not only the personal weapon of each officer, but also additional for the machine gunner, the commander of the department, tanker, parachute. Spaire, motorcyclist, military police officer, as well as soldiers and nonsense officers of many other specialties.

On officer holsters went smooth skin, about the same color with a waist belt; On the soldiers, Unter-Officers and all SSOs - black. And at the end of the war on those, others and the third used various Erzatsi. The greatest spread - respectively, the pistols - received holsters under the P-08 luguer, better known as Parabellaum, iodine walter P-38 of two types, and for gauges of 7.65 - under the "long browning" 1910/22. Walter PP and PPK. Mauser and some others. Many holsters for small pistols were suitable for several systems.

Cobura iodine 9-mm "Parabelloum" and walter were similar - wedge-shaped. With a deeply folded lid of a complex rounded form, with a pocket for a spare clip on the front edge of the case. The first, Under the P-08 was fastened on the oblique strap with buckle: the second, under the P-38. There was a deeper lid and a vertical shouting strap, or a stirred on the button, or the metal plate on the valve in the slots of the metal plate on the valve (there were other options for its attachment). Inside the lid was a socket with a cover for wiping, and the exhaust strap was passed into the slot of the housing. Two cutes for the belt belt were sewn behind. There was a swing version of the holster under Walter - with a side pocket for a spare store. The cover in the form of a flat valve with rounded corners was fastened with a strap on a whine button on a triangular valve that closed the trigger bracket.

Cobur Browning sample 1922 had spring straps, glued to the flat valve cover; On them slid wide clutch for the belt belt. The cover of the cover was fastened with a hrying hry, attached for a quadrangular ring to the body; In the nose of the holster was a little lover for holding cord. Pockets for the clutch was located on the front on the edge, as on the holster P-08.

Large holsters were worn, as a rule, on the left - it was more convenient to pull out a long gun. Small - who enjoyed most of the senior officers and generals, as well as rear ranks - could wear and right. Wooden holster-with treasure to Muzer K-96 with leather fastened pockets and straps rushed on the shoulder with the help of suspension or the belt, like her like - to Browning 07 and Up. To a long luge.

Various types of pistols were used in the Wehrmacht, including samples of trophy weapons. Officers were supposed to wear pistols and more often chose a 7.65 mm caliber, such as Walter pistol (in photo No. 1), which was worn in a brown skin holster. Holster for other pistols P 38 (No. 2) and P 08 (No. h), both caliber 9 mm, sewn from black leather. All three holsters had a pocket for a spare rope. In 1935, the headset could be manufactured from brown or black rut. He had two knee loops for fastening to the belt belt and Dolap was to be worn to the left according to the Charter. In front of it there were nests for pencils, ruler and elasty. Inside the bag there were two compartments in which the cards were kept in a protective case.

Tablets, Bags, Binoculars, Lanterns

The officer field tablet, or a bag for cards, the sample of 1935 was made of smooth or germinated skin: brown different shades - for the army, black - for SS troops. He was used by the senior nonber officers. During the war, the color changed to gray, and genuine leather - on artificial.

Inside the tablet there were partitions, transparent celluloid plates for cards. On the front wall of the housing there were leather pockets for pencils - usually along the pocket for the coordinate line - and the sockets for other tools. Options for their accommodation were different: along with standard executives, commercial products were used.

The valve could close the entire tablet, half or only its upper third, fasten either a leather tongue with a buckle, or on a bracket passing through the slots into the plates ride to the valve - the lid tongue was passed into it. In the same way, domestic field bags were closed. They wore German plates or joining the loop on the waist belt, or on a rided strap with adjusting buckle.

Almost all binoculars were equipped with an ones a strap with a fastened leather or plastic cap to protect the eyepieces and the leather loop fastening to the casing for fastening to the poorer. The binoculars of the treated production were covered with black erzatz leather and painted in the color of Feldgra or dark yellow; Frequent firms used genuine skin and black lacquer for these purposes. Cases were made of natural or artificial leather-Horsellets Brown, as well as from plastics such as Bakelita; On the sidewalls fastened a semiring of the belt, on the rear wall - leather loops for belt. The lid clasp was elastic. with eye eye and pendant on the case of a case; Spring, as on gas mask cases. Binocular case location was determined by the presence of other equipment.

There have been a lot of samples of service lanterns with color signal or camouflage filters. Rectangular housing, metal or plastic, painted black, Feldgra. Dark yellow, and in the winter she was blown. Rear on it was attached to a leather loop for fastening to a button of clothes or other similar devices.

The bag of the Hauptfeldfeld - a regular senior, in which he kept the reports of reports, lists of personnel, written accessories. - Attractions did not have and traditionally rushed overboard or jackets.

Infantry gear

Standard infantry equipment was basic for many other types of troops. Its foundation was a belt belt - mainly of thick smooth skin, black, less than brown, about 5 cm wide Color Feldgra, khaki, gray. In the center, a round medallion with an imperial eagle was surrounded by the maiden "God with us". The buckle was adjusted with a tongue with paired holes that were sewn to the belt, which included the inner sleeve teeth. The hook of the left end of the belt joined the buckle loop.

The next important component of the equipment was Y-shaped support belts - two overnoles and sharp. Similar were used in the first world WarAnd in 1939 introduced new ones, with the stuffed side straps for the sample of the same year or combat nets. The narrowed ends of the fell with the sewed leather limiters had a series of holes in which the adjusting buckles were included: galvanized buckles ended with wide stamped hooks clinging for semicircular or quadrangular rings of peasons or movable clutches of the belt. The length of the side straps with rings was adjusted by cufflinks and slots, like a string belt, which was clinging to the hook from the bottom for the middle of the belt, and at a high soldier - for the ring of the moving clutch. With belts, the baking netspin joined a large round ring with a lining leather washer. Rear on the debris. Above the central ring, large semiring for fastening the upper hooks of the hiking or assault rings, as well as other ammunitions.

Simplified tarpaulin equipment in analogous to the destination was used in North Africa, along with the leather, and after the surrender of the Africa army in May 1943 began to be issued for continental troops, mainly at the West Theater of Military Action. However, at the end of the war, tarp belts, from greenish-yellow to dark brown, were in abundance and on the eastern front.

Ober-Feldwebel 3rd motorcycle rifle battalion (3rd tank division). Various items of military equipment are noticeable. The soldiers of the reserve army in most cases worn only one cartridge bag. Sometimes army parts also used camouflage color as a Luftwaffe or troops with C. On the picture, two officers are dressed in camouflage jackets of the Luftwaffe Field Division.
The second number (right) with a carbine and a gun. He has a back of two boxes with ammunition (each 300 ammunition) for machine gun and accessories for light grenade launcher Type 36. Hand pomegranates with a knob of arr. 24 and packaging boxes for their transfer. Several cartridge boxes, field phone and manual anti-tank cumulative magnetic mine.

Hangs for clippers and shops to small arms

Three-section peasons for rifle to rifle Mauser sample 1884 98. Applied in the first world war. Standardized in 1933 as a community. The sample sample of 1911 was different from a similar, sample of 1909 g.. The following capacity is six rings (30 ammunition). In the combat parts, the arrow wore two pouch - on the left and right of the buckle; The troops of the second echelon accounted for one, located depending on the other gear. The hook of the shoulder belt clinging to the ring on the top of the back of the peat, the covers were fastened with stones for the snowmobiles on the pockets of pockets. Rear had a loop for a belt.

Soldier. Armed with a pistol and machine gun of the 1938-40 GG. (Usually one on the separation of shooters with rifles), kept stores to it in paired triple peasons, but both sides of the belt buckle. They also wor also shops to machine guns for other systems under 9-mm cartridge. Each pocket for a 32-page store had a valve with a leather tongue fastened. The peat was the tarpaulin colors of the khaki or beige, before the war there were leather - with a pocket for a gear adaptation, faded on the left peat in front. On the tarpaulin, the same pockets with the valve on the button sewed from behind on the side. 11A rear wall of the peasant were visible at an angle leather hinges for the belt belt, so the peasants were worn out the lids forward. From the side of the sides perpendicular to the leather straps with semirings for fastening to the i yudstonevakzhtsm belt.

Soldiers armed with a self-loading rifle of the 1943 sample, wore four spare stores in a two-section peat on the belt on the left, usually tarpaulin, with leather edges. On the right there was most often ordinary three-piece sacker of black leather.

Machine gunner (1st number). For self-defense, he had, except for the MG-34 machine gun, also a pistol that was located on the left belt on the left. On the right side, he wore a bag with tools for the MG-34 machine gun.
MG 34 machine gun was a wide spectrum weapon: it could be used as a lightweight and as a heavy machine gun. Its theoretical rapidity was 800-900 shots per minute. Machine gunners wore a bag for the tools in the belt, in which the liner of the sleeves (1) is a shooting sight for aircraft (2), an extractant of the sleeve (3), a fragment of machine-gun tape (4), oil (5), mounting key (6), Rafting (7) and muzzle lining (8).
In the second half of the war, the MG 42 machine gun appears, which was also used both lightweight and heavy machine gun. The new machine gun was easier, stronger and cheaper in production than MG 34. Its theoretical rapidity was 1300-1400 shots per minute. He acquired legendary glory and still remains the best machine gun of this caliber. Its modified samples are still applied in various armies.
Equipment worn on a belt

The blade for the pylink of the sample rifle 1884/98 was made of leather, usually black, with a grain surface. On a narrowing cup, the blades was a slot for a hook holding the sheath, and at the upper end, forming a loop for a belt belt, - an attack with a button for fastening the Ephesus. The dank was tied over the glass (he almost did not meet on the Eastern Front).

Small infantry shovel - Foldable German with a pointed end, unlockped Austrian with a pentagonal blade, a straight nominous German, trophy Polish or some other one of those used in the German army, - suspended one or two waist loops on the left thigh from the back - in Framework case made of black or brown leather, from the Black Erzatz "Press-Shtoff" or from a tarp braza. The bayonet was successful in the blades, the loop of which was located between the loop of the hinge of the blade. The bayon can be placed in before the shovel, if its case was with a single loop.

A small infantry shovel is a foldable German with a pointed end, unlocking Austrian with a pentagonal blade, a direct member-breathing German, the trophy Polish or some other one from the number used in the German army. - It was suspended for one or two waist loops on the left thigh from the back - in a frame cover of black or brown leather, from the Black Erzatz "Press-Schoc" or from a tarp braza. The bayonet was successful in the blades, the loop of which was located between the loop of the hinge of the blade. The bayon can be placed in before the shovel, if its case was with a single loop.

The scarce feature of the German equipment is a sugar sum, or bread bag. With some changes, it was used since the last century. The large valve with a semicircular lower part completely closed the bag of the sample 1931. Occascent on the internal straps with slots for buttons. On the outside there were two leather clip for straps that protected the bag from swinging. In the upper corners, near the loops, leather ears were sewn with half rings for the kitpie, flasks and other items. Bag, belt loops, strap with a hook between them were tarpaulin or sail, usually gray or Feldong. At the end of the war brown tones prevailed. Khaki, olive. Some bags were additionally equipped with a shoulder meal strap. Pocket with an external valve for rifle accessories sewed to products of the latest issues. The bag was kept bread or crackers (hence its name) - the dry soldering or NZ (Iron Portion). toiletries, razor and cutlery, lower shirt, rifle accessories, pylot (clock), etc. In essence, in the field conditions, with a lightweight layout, it served as a small stub, in many respects replacing the satellite. It always rushed to the right back.

Aluminum flask sample 1931 g. With a capacity of 800 ml, with a helical cap and an oval cup, painted in gray or black, subsequently olive green. A strap with a buckle, which was included in the brackets on a glass and a jammed fuel, but vertically in front and rear. It was done in the leather bumps on the clutch, the colors of Felzgrau or brown, cover, which on the side was fastened to three buttons, and his flat hook-carbine fell to semicircles of equipment or a sugar bag. At the end of the war, steel flasks appeared - enamelled or coated with red-brown phenolic rubber, protected content only from frost - in this case, an additional strap occurred on the flask. Drinking cups of conical shape could be steel or from black bakelite; They also attracted a strap stretched into brackets. Mountain troops and Sanitars enjoyed semi-liters of a similar device. Discontinued from production in 1943

The combined kittel of the sample is 1931 g. Copied in many countries, including the USSR, was made of aluminum, and from 1943 - from steel. Until April 1941, the kittens with a capacity of 1.7 l painted in gray, then switched to olive-green (however, it was often rimmed on the field paint). In the brackets of the folding handles of the lid-bowl skipped the mounting strap. In the presence of the heads of old samples, the bowler was broken outside, with later - inside them. With a lightweight calculation, it either fastened to a sugar bag next to the flange, or clung to a pretty strap or to a braid battlefinder. Inside the kittel kept NZ.

In April 1939, the black belts of the black color were intended to support the ammunition of the infantryman. With belts, the baking netspin joined the knee on the leather lining. For him, the sample of 1939 was mounted in the photo - different angrate strokes of the infantry belts, including Y-shaped belts - two replaced and sharp.

The pot of dark green color from two parts - covers and housing.
A hiking flask, equipped with a black lacquered mug of aluminum, was produced until 1941. She was placed in a felt bag. The picture on the right is clearly visible the fastening of the beam with the help of a leather strap H Carabarine to the bread bag. The picture below shows the flask of a later release with a small mug of black bakelite and with a tarpaulin strap. Each soldier consisted of gas mask equipment in a cylindrical cylindrical mortar and protective cape counter. Soldiers. Wearing glasses, squeezed special glasses, which could be fixed inside the gas mask. 1. The resins of the sample of 1930 2. Special glasses with a flat case, below lies the recipe for the eyepiece. 3-5. From left to right: Cases of gas mask sample 1930 (ReichSver model), sample 1936 and 1938
Anti-chemical and protective gear

A cylindrical ignition case-canister has a longitudinally corrugated surface and a cover on a hinge loop and spring latch. To two brackets at the cover, a shoulder shoulder strap from the braid, and to the bracket at the bottom part - a lap with a crochet, which clung to the belt or for rings of equipment.

In the 1930 sample case, a gas mask of the same goal with a mask of rubberized fabric was usually placed, with a round filter screwed onto a stillet and with tightening elastic straps made of rubber-tape. Case for the gas mask of the sample 1938 was with a lid of a lesser depth. And the mask is completely rubber.

A box with a degassing and napkins was laid in the lid. The factory color of the gas masculine cases - Fel-Dong colors, but on the eastern front they were often repainted. And in the winter was covered with legels or lime. Sample cases 1930 and 1938. There were interchangeable.

According to the rules in the infantry, the gas masks were stirred in front of the sugar bag, slightly below the belt belt, but also the lid back too - like. For example, machine gunners or those whose special equipment gas is overlapped. Shoulder strap and crochet strap kept the case in an almost horizontal position. Drivers and motorcyclists wore a gas mask on a shortened strap horizontally on the chest, lid to the right; cavalry-like the right hip, passing the strap under the bowl belt; In mountainous troops - horizontally, behind a backpack, lid to the right. In the transport machines, the gas mask case, letting the strap, was placed on the knee. Well, in combat conditions, it was placed as it is more convenient - and on the left side, and vertically, and on the slapny strap, and gentle to the equipment.

The adhesive handbag for anti-chemical ("anti-site") cape fastened to the strain of the gas mask case or directly to its corrugated canister.

The triangular cloak-tent of the 1931 sample was crumbled from a cotton-soaked gabardine with a tricolor "sideline" camouflage - dark on one side and light on the other (at the end of the war on both sides the picture was dark). The slot for the head in the center overlapped with two valves. The tent could wear like poncho, and with the fastened floors it was the genus of a raincoat. There were ways to wear for a hidden march, a motorcycle and riding ride. The tent was used n like a litter or a pillow, and two-labeled hay and twisted into the ram - served as good floating. With the help of a loop and buttons that have been on the edges of the TAL section could be docked in large panels for group shelters. The champs on the corners and on the sides of the middle seam at the base allowed to pull the cloth with ropes and stakes during installation. A rolled tent and a bag with accessories to her was worn, having either to the shoulder straps, or to the assault routing, or at the belt. It was transported to a hiking order - or put it inside. At the end of the war, the tents arrived only in selected field parts. Frees in the German army did not disappear in the old square times of Kaiser Wilhelm II and trophy Soviet hooded.

Special infantry equipment

Quadranular black leather peason for accessories to MG-34 and MG-42 machine guns had a fold-up cover with a strap. Buttoned on the button on the bottom, and on the back wall - fasteners for the belts: two hinges - for the belt and segolate or semicircular ring - for the hook of a mustache support belt. At the end of the war, the peasons began to do from black or light beige "press-slept". Asbestos tack for removing the hot barrel was often placed under the outer strap of the pouch.

Interchangeable trunks were stored in cases with a length of cases, on 1 or 2 each, which were put on the right shoulder with the help of straps and were rushed behind. The commander of calculating the heavy machine gun in the same way there was a case with two optical sights. All machine gunners were equipped with "Parabelloum" (less often - Walter R-38), worst in black holster on the left side.

The hand grenades were kept in double tarpaulin flat bags with valves and a connecting strap, worn on the neck: subsequently they were worn only for a tarp handle. In them, the M-24 grenades with a long wooden handle were placed, for which there were also special bags (each each each) from coarse burlap with a tied neck and two straps: one shut down through the neck, the other turned her lower back. But much more often, these manual grenades were thrown over the belt, for the top of the boots, overboard the jig. Tied to the Shant tool. Special vest for their wearing - with five deep pockets. Squirted in front and rear and fastened on the straps - on the front it was rarely used.

Since November 1939, the officers of the current army had to wear a belt on the field form of clothing. The belt belt was made of black leather with "holes of holes and ended with a buckle with two pins. Hand grenades-lemon sample 1939 Eastern Front of 1941. Messenger on a motorcycle speaks with a tank commander Panzer 1 Ausf.V. Motorcyclist in front of a gas mask bag. This method of wearing on the neck was ordinary for motorcyclists.
Machine gunner (1st number) of the infantry shelf. Shant tool. Short blade and bag for her tamper. In a short picture below, a way to wear it is shown. Different angles folding shovels are a way to wear it. In the assembled form, the shone shovel is fixed with a special nut. The bayonet of this shovel can be fixed at right angles and used as a hoe.

The main personal field germing of German infantry and servicemen of other hiking parts consisted of a bound system of objects designed so that they complement each other during operation. Despite the fact that many soldiers wore any special equipment, the main equipment had the same.

At the beginning of the war, the equipment consisted of a leather belt, to which in front of the right and the left was suspended along the cartridge bag. Shopping bags for small arms of other types, except rifle (machine gun guns, assault rifles), were included in this weapon. Beltiness belts (accepted for equipping together with the new Ranger in 1939) was attached to the belt from the back and in front at the level of cartridge bags. In this way, an integral kit consisting of a belt belt, boroughties and two cartridge bags was obtained. The sugar bag was attached to the belt belt from the back on the right, while the flask was rushed over "drip". The sapper blade was located on the belt also behind the back, but on the left, the sheaths for a bayonet knife were attached over the blades. The gas mask, placed inside a tin cylindrical box, suspended on a separate belt through the left shoulder and fixed on the belt over a sugar bag. Several ways of wearing a gas mask were offered, depending on the specific features of the service. The gas plantation cape was kept in a bag attached to the leaf of the gas mask box at the chest levels. If the soldier did not wear a wretched one, he attached the pot to the "Sukharka", next to the flask or suspended it to the flaw. A tent cloak (combined cape, jumpsuit and a tent) usually attached to the flap over the flask.

Such an equipment allowed the soldier to act on the battlefield within 24 hours, since it accommodated the ammunition, auxiliary armament (bayonet), bucks, water, butter and different useful little things. In addition, the composition of the equipment included objects that facilitate the survival of the soldier on the battlefield: gas mask, gas planting cape, a sapper blade and a raincoat.

Additional Objects of the soldiers were worn in a battle backpack introduced shortly before war. A small bag for additional items suspended to the backpack machine. The cloak tent with accessories was also suspended to the machine, and from above the whole design was married a pot. Heavy items were kept in the Ranza, in which the soldiers usually wore spare linen, warm clothes, bucks and personal hygiene items.

The quarrel was fixed by shoe straps to the belt belt. Before the war, the wreck model appeared, attached directly to the spoil. Such an equipment of the soldier was called the Marsemy Equipment. In addition, the soldiers gave out small linen bags where the change of linen was stored. In combat conditions, the soldiers handed over the woven and linen bags in the traffic.

The system of equipment was organized in such a way that the division commander had many opportunities for maneuver - each soldier went to the task, carrying any special devices. Already during the war, additional elements of the equipment were introduced and various methods of its wearing were envisaged - statutory and non-stop, facilitating the use of equipment in battle.

German infantry in battles near Kharkov, autumn 1941. In the center of the picture, to us back, it is worth the 3rd number of machine-gun calculation of the infantry compartment. Its equipment consists of a dried bag that is clearly rear, the flasks and the kitty are fastened to the "darkeeper", a cloak tent and a blade with a pin on the left side. In addition to the standard equipment, the soldier carries another case with two spare trunks and a cartridge box to the MG-34 machine gun. The photo shows that in combat conditions, the soldiers wore their equipment as it was more convenient, and not so, as required by the Charter.

Field equipment of the Wehrmacht soldier was comfortable and contained all the items necessary in battle. On the photo example of excipation of equipment; The cloak tent and the bowler are attached to the battle-rinking machine.

Claiming tent 31 years old (Zeltbahn 31) was originally known as type
"Warei" and replaced the former sample - a square cloak of the sample of 11 years of gray. The new cloak-tent had a triangular shape, was manufactured from
tightly woven gabardine, and thanks to this there was a waterproof. Three existed
the method of wearing a tent cloak as a raincoat: an option for infantrymen, rider and a cyclist.

Initially, the cloak of the sample of 31 years was painted in the color of FeldGrau (field gray), but already by 1939, in most military units, a tent was used, having "consolidated" camouflage. One side of the cloak tent was covered with a dark camouflage (Dunklerer Buntfarbenaufdruck), on the other hand, a light camouflage (Heller Buntfarbenaufdruck). By the end of the war, the tents appeared with a dark camouflage from two sides. In North Africa, mostly used the continental version of the cloak-tent, there was also a special tropical option, which was painted on both sides in greenish-yellow or light beige colors, but it was produced in limited quantities.

The two sides of the cloak tent of the new sample were long 203 cm, and the third side is 240 or 250 cm. Along the short sides there were 12 buttons and loops. Along the wide
the sides were located six holes with steel edging, through which the tensioning rope passed, and six buttons were sewn over the holes. Buttons and loops on short sides were served to connect several tent cloaks into one large tent, and the size of the tent depended on the number of combined cloth.
When the cloak was used as a cape, then holes and buttons in
the base of the panels allowed to fasten the cloak around the legs of the serviceman. In the center of the panels had a slot for the head, closed two overlapping
valves. The first time with a raincoat was given a fastened hood, but soon
it was stopped using it. In every corner of the panels there was a large hole,
the edged metal, with these holes, the tent was fixed by pegs or
passed the rope through them - depending on the type of installation

One or two tent cloaks could serve as a simple blanket,
four panels connected together allowed to put a pyramidal standard quadruple tent.. In addition, in a special illustrated
guidelines for the use of a sample cloak 31 years have contained standard projects for eight and sixteen-seater tents. The standard set for installing the tent (ZeltausRustung) turned on: a black two-meter rope (zeltleine), a collapsible wooden pillar (zeltstock) with metal tips (consisting of four parts connecting with each other, each part 37 cm long), and two cavities (ZELTPFLOCKE). For wearing these items
a special bag was intended (Zeltzubehortasche). Bag sewed out
a gabardine or a thin tarpaulin "assholet" camouflaged, field gray (feldgrau), gray, olive green, greenish yellow (tropical), brown or
beige colors. From above, the bag was closed by a valve, which was fastened on one or two buttons. Initially, there were two leather strap on the bag, with which the bag was attached to other objects of the equipment, and then the straps gave way to leather hinges. Pens for a tent could have a different shape, light metal alloys, steel or impregnated wood used for their manufacture. In the upper part of each cassheka there was a hole, through which the rope facilitates, facilitating the extraction of the cavoge from the Earth.
Cloak-tent could be worn by attaching with the help of conrest to the belt
the belt, spitting, to the Ranger or a combat backpack in the form of a row (along with a blanket or without it). Due to the acute shortage of materials, in 1944, the tent cloak was issued only with selected field parts. Other cloaks were used in limited quantities, including trophy camouflaged Italian sample 1929 and square Soviet dirty-olive color.

In addition to the main functions as a raincoat and panels of the tent, the sample of 31 years could be used in a number of other cases: as an individual camouflage
cape for military personnel and military equipment; as a blanket or
pillows; as a floating ground for overcoming water obstacles (one or two rolled tent cloaks stuffed with branches or hay); In the role of a breeding agent for
carrying wounded or ammunition objects in combat conditions; for carrying garbage during construction work; As the simplest wildcard.
In addition to the above-described sample cloak 31 years in the German army, a number of other army tents of various structures were used, including special staff and medical tents.

Coloring camouflage of Wehrmacht

Coloring camouflage SS.

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