Passage "Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Underground transition to Pripyat

Plateau Puratorna - Here the mountains do not have vertices, and the canyons seem bottomless. The lakes leave for hundreds of kilometers, and rivers come off with rocks, forming the highest waterfalls in Russia. The territory of the plateau was almost not seized. Read how to get to one of the most amazing places in Russia.

Several interesting facts About Plateau Puratorna:

  • 250 million years ago at this place was a huge volcano - the largest of the existing ones. The plateau is the lava masses that were formed during the eruptions and blocked each other for thousands of years. Therefore, in fact, local landscapes are not mountains without vertices, but a plateau with deep canyons.
  • the territory of the plateau is included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO
  • the plateau is called "the edge of thousands of lakes and waterfalls" - here more than 25,000 lakes and the highest waterfalls of Russia
  • northern Peoples have a lot of legends and legends about the plateau - it is still considered a place of force where abnormal events occur
  • at the Plateau Putuuna Amazing Fishing - Here you can easily catch the Harius, Goltz and Trophy Tymey

Interesting and location of this amazing place. If you look at the map, it can be seen that the plateau is just for the polar circle, in the geographical center of the country. How to get here?

It is most convenient to get to the Puratorna Plateau - through Norilsk. From here you will start almost all of our. Two airlines fly there:

  • airline S7 - ticket costs from 36,000 rubles. There and back again
  • airlines Nordstar - ticket prices from 36,000 rubles. There and back again. These tickets are not always in an open sale - contact us, and we will help them purchase them.

Flights from both airlines are direct, departures - evening, in the area 21: 00-01: 00. Time in the way - 4 hours. The difference in time is 4 hours, so in Norilsk you will be at 8-9: 00 in the morning.

One of our starts in Svetlogorsk. You can get there through Krasnoyarsk. Airlines are flying, Utair, S7 and Nordstar. The cost of the flight is from 18,000 rubles. There and back again. All air flights with departure in the evening. Time on the way is 4 hours and 40 minutes. The difference in time is 4 hours, so you will be at about 7-8: 00 in the morning in Krasnoyarsk.

Next, from Krasnoyarsk, you need to fly to Svetlogorsk Airlines "Turukhan". There are no tickets in free sale - contact us, and we will help you buy them. The cost of the flight is from 25,000 rubles. There and back again. Time on the way is 3-4 hours. Flight flights with arrival in Svetlogorsk in the evening. On board you can take baggage no more than 10 kg per person.

So, you are in place - what to do on the Puratorna Plateau? In the summer, here you can go hiking: climb the top of the canyon and admire the look at the view - there are no such landscapes anywhere in the world. Those who want to see the highest waterfalls of the plateau, it is worth joining a helicopter tour. To feel how wild and deleted places from civilization are, you can melt on local rivers on rafts. And it is necessary to try fishing to get enough to throw the fishing rod, and you immediately pull out the harium or roller.

In winter, the plateau can be explored on snowmobile - see the icefalls, to visit the places to which it is impossible to get in the summer. And the main thing is to admire the Northern Lights.

All these species active rest Included in our programs:

- Summer journey, which we developed together with Russian geographic society. It is waiting for trekking, climbing the top of the plateau, the journey to Shaman, a tour of Dudinka, acquaintance with the traditional life, master class on local cuisine. The journey passes with maximum comfort: you will live in cozy two-storey houses, and cook for you will be a professional chef. The route starts from Norilsk.

- Ours new programwhich includes alloy on rafts on the Muksun River, Trekking to picturesque waterfalls Two brothers and Heg, climbing the tops of the bill and Akyrma and Goltz fishing, Harius and Valka. During the trip, you will set up in a comfortable campsite on the shore of the Lake Dog, and learn how it is to live where there is no civilization for hundreds of kilometers around. The program begins in Norilsk.

- In this trip, you will live on the shore of Lama Lama and every day to make radial exits around the boat and on foot, including a climb on a plateau and swimming in waterfalls. You are waiting for comfortable accommodation on the basis of which the owner of which is recognized by Nganasans and part of the Dangan of Taimyr as a Russian white shaman. In his house, a unique collection of objects of a shamanist cult was collected.

- this is big Adventure According to the Peninsula Taimyr. You will visit the Poistoral Reserve - UNESCO World Heritage Site. On the boat, go on Yenisei to the Brechov Islands, where more than 100 species of birds live. Also on all-terrain Kara Sea And rest on Lama Lake. You will spend the night in hotels, comfortable private apartments and recreation. The expedition begins in Norilsk.

Description: Skat 3. To be on a southern plateau, which is not a simple way. On multiple rumors someone Noahwho lives on the old barge on the territory of Zakona knows how to get there.

Walkthrough Stalker Call of Pripyat This task may have some options.

Option 1. Between the southern plateau and the anomaly of the circus, there is not a very large passage leading to the cave with snarles, passing through which you will find yourself on the southern plateau.

Option 2.. By label on the map we find the location of the old barge, where it lives.

Noah meets with a focus on you, you need to talk to him.

Noah, "the patient on the whole head," will tell you that there is a doctor of snorkens on the plateau and you need to significantly reduce their population - although not to get used to you.

Having agreed that he would spend you, find yourself in the burnt farm. On the video will see how it will be necessary to run and jump. But .. do not hurry - get the detector, look for the artifact and then, without fail with acceleration, download to anomaly. After jumping into anomaly you immediately get on Plateau.

No matter how regrettable, but no one will not be with you - as a result, with the snarles, at least somehow. There are 5 snarles on the plateau. If you want to clean the territory from the creatures, go immediately to the cave. Passing a little on the cave you will meet 2-3 snarles.

Looking around, notice that at the other end the cave on the plateau is still dead military.

Coming out of the cave, you will meet a couple of snars who are thrown on you, as well as the lying dead military.

Finally, coming to the helicopter, inspect it.

In the end of the inspection, it becomes known about several probable points of evacuation of the crew of the helicopter that must be checked.

Although it is possible to wait. First of all, we will go to the place of falling the helicopter "Skat-2". It is currently closer from us - in the southwest of the Zapoda in the anomaly "Iron Forest".

Playing in the new "stalker", you may encounter a problem, how to get to the southern plateau On the back. It is better to go through the first story quests, although you can perform tasks without a strict sequence. The game is not temporary, so you can not explore the helicopter number at the very end of the game. Many consider the episode "Skat 3" most difficult, especially confused by the South plateau.


If you searched "Skat-5", now move in the southwest direction to Zaton, will fall into the anomaly "Iron Forest". There I will meet with poltergeeist, so capture the shotgun or try to be in the shelter. Kill Poltergeist to search the helicopter. South plateau Located on the takon.
Direct need to find southern plateau There is a study of the site of the fall "Skate 3". You have a single opportunity - to agree with the stalker along the nickname. Old Noah lives in his ark. His location is near the port cranes.

First come to the house of unbalanced Noah. If you act according to the instructions, it will not scatter. Approach the door. The secret of success is that opening the door, you have to jump off at that same moment, because the stalker will start shooting. The task is complicated by the fact that during its execution it is impossible to use weapons. Remember that Noah lives a tamed false bias on his nickname.

When you manage to talk to the Noah and ask you to spend you on plateau, he will agree. Carefully remember the screensaver how the stalker moves - this is exactly what will help you. You should repeat all his movements. Tip: Throw the path with bolts. Attention! Watch not to hover in "frying", but it's greatly damage your suit. At the last stage, take a few steps back for running and get rich enough so that the second time I did not have to repeat the attempt, and take a jump in Teleport.

Teleport near the "Circus" anomaly. When you find south plateau, head to the caves where snarles are hidden. Only killing snarks, you can search the helicopter and find out three points where the evacuation of the military will have.

Do not hurry to leave Zaton ahead of time. The fact is that there is a secret task that you will only receive if you spend a few days on the back. Therefore, if you left immediately to "Janov", then this quest, along with the rest of the tasks associated with it, do not get.

At the beginning of the game, you will need to explore several seats of the twist of helicopters.


Go to the crash site marked on the map. At the top of the hill, the helicopter is visible. To get there until it turns out.


Follow the right point on the location and see the helicopter located in the center of the swampy terrain. There are also anomalies here. Follow the helicopter on the other side of the road. Near it, go to the circle until you see the hint. You will need to click on the F key to study the turntable.


Follow the right place on the map and see fallen aircraft On the territory of the power plant. There is an anomaly - a phantom, which so and wants to reject any item in you. You need to act quickly: run to the helicopter and study it like Skat-5.

Fast passage of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat in the video below (less than an hour):


Mark the desired location by selecting tasks, and move to it. This barge. To go inside it, you need to hide the weapon. Click on the key "1" or "2" to do it. Inside the barges at one of the tables in the center, find the conductor. Communicate with him and offer found area map (Skat-2). For this you can get a decent discount on moving. Tell him that you need Yanov Station. Pay 1000 coins. By the way, if there are no discounts, the cost of the transition will be 2000 coins.

After talking with him, talk to the technician and leave the building. Go to the location of Skat-1, where the mine field is located.

To go through this field, you need to go along the fence from the grid along the right hand. Periodically follow from the fence closer to the center to bypass other mines. Try to keep as often as possible. That is how you can choose the right road. Getting to the helicopter, take the black box.


Go on Marcéra by selecting the appropriate task. You must go to the factory. Follow the two buildings and leave the right side. Keep a yellow pointer on the mini-card on the right side of you. Lay the passage inside the workshop and on the right side, find the pit there. Jump it into it, move through the corridors and climb up the stairs. Move through the room where documents are on the panel. Inspect them or go further. Helicopter is disperse with dogs and study it.

Black Box with Skat-1

Move to the Janov as they did earlier. Communicate with the technician who saw when you first visit this place. Give him a black box and find out that for its decryption it is necessary more time. If there is a desire to earn, then try on Chem. Factory find the desired technique details and tools. The task is optional, but desirable.

How to get to Skat-3

Go to the bar on Yanov, or visit the barge on the takon to talk with different arrows. Try to find out information about the collapsed helicopters. One of these NPCs should inform you about how you can get to the southern plateau, where the third slope is located. True, he will say that no one has this information. Go to Zaton when you find out about it, and follow the barge where a man is. Opening the door, do not rush because the man will shoot in you. Remove your weapon and go to Noah. Talk and find out about the collapsed helicopters. Agree to go to the plateau with him.

Repeat novel movements and jump down so that the anomalia moves you upstairs, to the crash site of Skat-3. Come to him and read. So you will receive information about the three points of evacuation. They will need to check.

See also: