Famous places of the world and their country. The main attractions of the world

The famous TripAdvisor travel site has formed a list of popular attractions around the world in the opinion of tourists: from the impressive skyscraper of Burj Khalif to the amazing temple of the Savior-on-blood.

The most famous sights in the world

Going on a trip to various countries, tourists think in advance the route scheme and what sights worth visiting.

Below in the article will feature a list of attractions that are the most popular, according to the TripAdvisor site.

The shipping Panaman canal is located in the state of Panama. Consists of two lakes that created a person and gateways.

Petronas towers are located in the capital of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Symbol of Australia - Opera House in the city of Sydney

The ancient city of the Mayan tribe is located on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula

The oldest temple of Wat-Po. To see it, you need to go to Thailand to the city of Bangkok

Memorial complexes and ancient temples

Complex in New York (USA) - National Memorial dedicated to the victims of a series of terrorist attacks committed on September 11

Caliph Tower, or Burj Khalifa (skyscraper) in Dubai, UAE

In Washington, there is a memorial complex "Memorial President Lincoln"

Great Chinese Wall, Mutyanju plot, from whereas are opening up magnificent mountain landscapes

Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic. It was built in the Middle Ages, was called Prague.

Suspension Bridge Golden Gate, California

Saint Sophia Cathedral (currently - Museum), Istanbul, Turkey

Alhambra Palace, Granada, South Spain. Today is the Museum of Islamic Art

Notre Dame Cathedral in France. Catholic Temple in Paris

Temple of Savior-on-Blood in northern capital Russia - the city of St. Petersburg

Who did not dream of flying to France and admire the beauties of Paris from the Eiffel Tower

Prison Island

Alcatraz Island in California. Currently, the museum, but were times when this island served as a prison for dangerous criminals. It was impossible to escape from there.

Milanese cathedral In Italy

Catholic Cathedral of St. Peter is in the Vatican

A big mosque called the name of Sheikh Zaid, in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Taj Mahal in India - Mosque Mausoleum

City Machu Picchu in modern Peru

The largest temple complex Angkorvat is in Cambodia

Brazil is famous for its aromatic coffee, football and statue of Christ-Redeemer, towering over Rio de Janeiro

Cathedral of the Holy Family in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

Where to go first, to solve only you.

Pyramids in Giza are the oldest and largest pyramids in the world, but the main thing is that the pyramid of Heops, the only one of the seven wonders ancient Mira Reached to this day. And without a doubt, the pyramids in Giza deservedly occupy the first place in the top 10 attractions of the world.

These pyramids are built inquality of tombs for the ancient Egyptian kings eity royal tombs reflects the strength and wealth ancient civilization Egypt.

Great Pyramids Giza are more popular than any other attractions in the world, they are located in the western part of the Nile, near the capital of Egypt, Cairo. INthe Elique Pyramid of Heops is the oldest and largest, it is built as a tomb for the ancient Egyptian king Huf (Heops).It has a height of 137 meters, which means the pyramid of Heops a few millennia was the highest construction on Earth, while in 1880 they were not completed the towers of the Cologne Cathedral, and consists of2,300,000 blocks, and some of some reaches 200 tons.

The second pyramid in Giza was built for Hefren, the son of King Huf.She was erected in 2592 to our era, tpyramid's speech in Giza was built for Mencar, the son of King Hefre.

2. Great Wall of China, China

The most popular landmark of China, one of the seven wonders of the world of our time.This is the longest structure in the world erected by a person, it stretches for as many as 6,300 kilometers.The construction of the first part of the Great Wall began under the Emperor Qin Shi Juan in the 7th century, other parts of the wall added the following emperors of China at a later time.

Stones, bricks, rammed land and wood was used to build a great wall.More than 1 million people lost their lives in the process of its construction and it became the longest cemetery in the world. She is visited in a year more than 8 million people.

3. Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

The Statue of Freedom is recognized as the main attraction of the United States, this is a symbol of freedom, then why millions of migrants from Europe sought to the country great opportunities. The colossal sculpture is located in 3 kilometers from Manhattan in New York.The statue actually represents the Roman goddess of freedom, this is a gift from France's people to the United States.

He was designed by the French sculptor Frederick Auguste Bartholdi and is a US gift to the World Exhibition on October 28, 1876. ABOUTkolo 4 million tourists attend the statue of freedom every year. The height of this amazing sculpture is 93 meters, from the ground to the tanel's tips.

4. Taj Mahal, India

The most popular historical monument of India, located in the city of Agra.He was built by Emperor Mogolov Shah-Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. In the architecture of the building traces of stylesMughal, Islamic, Persian, Ottoman and Indian.It took 17 years to build the Taj Mahal, and the first stone was laid in 1632. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, millions of tourists visit it every year.

5. Eiffel Tower, Paris

This is one of the most recognizable structures in the world, located in the capital of France, Paris. She was named after Gustava Eifel, an engineer responsible for designing and its construction. The height of the tower is more than 300 meters and it weighs more than 10,000 tons, construction was completed in 1889. for him; s Construction. 324 meters tower weighs 10100 tons and was opened in 1889. Over the next 41st years, it remained the most high building in the world.

6. Colosseum, Rome

This is the biggest amphitheater in the world of the Roman Empire.It is also the most popular tourist and iconic symbol of Rome. Coliseum It was built in 70 AD. Emperor Vespasian.It was used to conduct gladiator fighting and public events.Fights of gladiators took place in the Coliseum until 435 of our era.It can accommodate up to 50,000 spectators and has 80 inputs.

7. Big Ben, England

Big Ben At the absolute majority of tourists are clearly associated with England and is considered to be the main tourist attraction of the country. Few people know that actually big bin is not a separate landmark, and partWestminster Palace in London. On Big Ben are the largest chimes and he is the third highest clock tower in the world. She is named after Benjamin Hall, one of the architects of this clock tower, which was built between 1848 to 1853.

8. Stonehenge, England

One of the most popular places in the world is located in Salisbury England.This prehistoric monument consists of standing stones and large number Kurganov.Archaeologists calculated that Stonehenge was built between 3000 and 2000 BC.

9. Golden Gate, United States

Golden Gate Bridge, the most recognizable landmark in California, is a suspension bridge that connects San Francisco with the rest of Northern California. Its length is almost 3 kilometers, and the height of the support is 227 meters, heit was opened in 1937 and over the next 27 years remained the longest suspension bridge in the world. It is considered one of the most photographed sights of the United States.

10. Sydney Opera House, Australia

Sydney Opera House is the most recognizable attraction and an Australia symbol, located in the shore of Sydney Harbor. In this theater, more than 1500 performances take place every year, it is considered One of the busiest art centers in the world.Calculated that more than 7 million people visit this amazing tourist attraction of Sydney.

Places where every cultural person wants to visit. Experts of the world's largest site for travelers amounted to a rating of 25 cultural facilities that were most highly appreciated by tourists from all over globe. In general, if you have not yet decided on plans for 25 coming holidays.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu-Picchu, recognized as one of the new miracles of the world, is located on the territory of modern Peru, on the top of the mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. He is called "City in Heaven" or "City among the Clouds", sometimes called the "lost city of Incs". Some archaeologists believe that this city was created as a sacred mountain shelter by the Great Ruler Inca Pacchaktek in about 1440, and operated until 1532, when the Spaniards invaded the territory of the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zaid Mosque is one of the six biggest mosques in the world. Named in honor of Sheikh Zaid Ibn Sultan An-Najiana - founder and first president of the United Arab Emirates. Unlike many other Muslim temples, everyone will be imparted, regardless of faith.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Mausoleum Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable attractions not only in India, but also around the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah-Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz-Mahal, who died during childbirth. Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, as well as an eternal love symbol.

Mesquite, Cordoba, Spain

Decorated with intricate patterns of walls, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - such appears the cathedral Mosque of Cordova today. Many centuries ago was an ancient Roman temple on this place, then he was replaced by the Westgoth Church, and in 785 Meskit appeared. She became the second most important mosque of the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordova even equated to the mandatory for every Muslim Hadju in Mecca. But then the Catholics changed the Moors, and Mesquite was turned into a Christian temple.

Saint Peter Cathedral, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Cathedral - one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can vise the ancient Rome from a bird's-eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the population of the dome, to defend Mass and even get the blessing of the base.

Angkor Wat, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Cambodian temple Angkor Wat is the largest of ever created religious structures, the history of which has almost 9 centuries. About monumentality temple complex It says even his name, because Angkor Wat is literally translated as a city-church. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b200 hectares and is surrounded by a blade width of 190 meters. It is dedicated to this tremendous building to God Vishnu, revered in this area.

Temple Complex Bayon, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Bayon (Bayon) is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Tom and who was his religious center. The "highlight" of Bayon is a towers with a plurality of faces carved out of stone, silently discrepancing from height to the huge territory of Angkor Tom, and during the heyday of the state and the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers have been preserved.

Surrender Cathedral of Christ on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, more known as the Temple of Savior Blood, became the only Russian attraction in the list of Trip Advisor. Savior-on-blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only the magnificence of their domes and interiors, but also an unusual history that has given a set of legends and speculation. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected at the place where the People's I. Grynevitsky, the People and Mother II, who was called the king liberator for the abolition of serfdom in the people.

Gettisburg National Military Park, Gettisberg, Pennsylvania

Gettisburg National Military Park is not at all the park in the traditional sense. Here you will not find shady alley and flowering flower beds. This place where in 1863 an important battle occurred. civil War in the United States.

Walls of the Old Town, Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO introduced Old city Dubrovnik in the list World Heritage, including a significant part of the ancient walls of the city. They surround the city from all four sides and keep a mail collection in themselves. historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. These stone walls erected for the purpose of defense defended their citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the VI century.

Pagoda Swedagon, Yangon, Myanmar

The Swedagon Pagoda is the highest spiritual structure of Myanmar, or, as it is also called, the country is pagodas. And the complex of the Giant Pagoda takes more than five hectares of land, in addition to the main construction, there are many smaller spiers and an inconspicuous amount of sculptural images of mythical and real animals. : Golden Griffins and Elephants, Dragons and Lviv. For what it is today, the Swedagon Pagoda has become in the XV century, during the reign of Tsaritsa Shinsobu. It was then that the giant temple was finally attached to the shape of the inverted bowl for the alms and from above-donomose was chosen by gold.

Lincoln Memorial and Reflective Pool, Washington, Columbia County

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in ancient Greek style and something resembling Parthenon. It is supported by 36 columns from white marble in the number of states owned by the United States at the time of the death of President Lincoln. In the center of the temple is the statue of the most respected American president in the world, sitting in the chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

Ancient city of Peter, Peter / Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the heart of Jordan, in the Vadi Musa valley, deep in sand Mountainsah is located amazing city Antiquities Peter. Initially, Peter was a temporary chain for nomadic tribes of the swab. Of several fortified rock caves, she gradually grew into a large fortress city. You can get into the city by one way - through the narrow Gorge of Sik, which was once a row of a mountain stream. Peter still belongs to the Bedouins who welcome guests in their land.

Plot of the Great Wall of Mutyanyu, Beijing, China

None in any other section of the Great Wall Restoration work was not made as well as on the Mutyanyu region. This section, with 22 watchdogs, who preserved their original appearance, is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutyanyu S. chinese Language Translated as "Valley in which you can admire the species of fields." Among all the sections of the Great Wall of the Wall, Mutyanyu is the longest fully restored site, open to access tourists.

Ancient City of Ephesus, Selchuk, Turkey

The greatest and best of all preserved ancient city on the shore Aegean Sea and the second most important after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus - The most visited landmark in Turkey. Legends associate the appearance of the city with the name Andrkl, the son of the ruler of Athens Codra, who arrived at the Council of Oracle to these places to lay the temple of Artemis. The city got its name on behalf of Amazon Efesia, the beloved Andrkl.

Alhambra, Spain

Alhambra (Arabsk. Al Hamra - literally "Red Castle") is the ancient palace and the fortress of the Moorish rulers of Granada province in southern Spain. The castle takes the top of the rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name of Alhambra probably happened from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks, of which the walls of the castle are made. However, some historians suggest that the name happened from the Red Flame of Torchs, which covered the long-term construction of the castle, which went round day.

Australian Military Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian Military Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died during the first and second world wars. Today, he is considered one of the most significant monuments of this kind in the world. The memorial is located close to the parliament building, from the balcony of which there is a circular panorama for a monument.

Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the annals, at the beginning of the XIII century, residents of the city of Siena, who spent the main competitor and the opponent of Florence, "called on their leaders to the construction of the temple more magnificent than their neighbors." So between 1215 and 1263 in the place of the old temple, Duomo Siena was founded according to the plan of Gothic Master Niccolo Pisano. Today, this majestic temple is the main attraction of the city.

Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

Most important place Milan - Santa Mary Cathedral (Duomo), the pearl of Italian Gothic, which was built from 1386 to the beginning of the XIX century. The third largest Catholic temple of the planet is safe can be counted to one of the wonders of the world. His styomete spiers towers over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of Madonna on the longest spier (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.

Church of the Holy Family, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

The Basilica of the Holy Family in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term development in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although initially, Antonio Gaudi had no relation to the construction of this temple, already a year after the start of the work, he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years, until he died. The reason for such long-term construction is that Sagrada surname is based solely on donations of the parishioners.

Bridge "Golden Gate", San Francisco, California

If you look at the card, you can understand why the bridge (not at all gold, and the red) is called the gate. The main local attraction seems to be "imparting" the Pacific Ocean into the Bay of San Francisco, connecting the city with Marin district. This grand constructions were built from 1933 to 1937. At the time of opening it was the biggest suspension bridge in the world.

Statue of Christ-Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

The statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, millions rise to his foot, from where the stunning panorama of the city and the bays with a picturesque mountain sugar head, famous beaches of Copacabana and Ipanoma, a huge bowl of Maracan stadium.

Teotihuacan, San Juan-Teotihuacan, Mexico

The name of the ancient settlement theotiuskan is translated from the Aztec language as "a city where people become gods." According to legends, after the World Flood in Teotihuoisan, gods returned to re-create the world. Modern researchers believe that the area of \u200b\u200bthis ancient settlement was 26-28 square kilometers, and the population is about 200 thousand people. This is one of the oldest and large cities of the Western Hemisphere, accurate age which is still unknown.

Golden Temple - Harmandir-Sahib, Amritsar, India

Harmandir-Sahib is one of the oldest and revered temples of India, is Mecca Sikhov. The upper tiers are covered with gilding, so it is known as the "Golden Temple". The road to the entrance to the temple goes along the narrow marble bridge through the pond, the water in which is considered healing. Pilgrims believe that it consists of an elixir of immortality and holy water. The road on the bridge symbolizes the path from sinful to the righteous.

If you still think to carry out another vacation, to be interested, informative and "restfully", we offer you a list of the most beautiful world attractions. That's the solution to the problem, at a minimum, for future 15 vacations.

Brief overview of the sights of the world with names and photos

In the last article we told about and now we want to tell about the sights. In this diverse list, cultural, historical and natural monuments are intertwined, famous for the whole world. New miracles of the world instead of the untimely weathered in the fly of ancient monuments are worth paying due attention to each of them.

Machu Picchu, Peru

"The disappeared city of the Inca" at an unreal altitude of 2500 meters - the place is truly mysterious and causing a reverent thrill. He founded the city of the great ruler Incov Pacchaktek in 1440. The story claims that it was sacred place Incan civilization, and whom all the inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared a hundred years. No one knows the reasons why the inhabitants threw their homes, and where they themselves are. A reliable fact is only the invasion of Spaniards to the territory of the Inca in 1532. But in Machu Picchu, the colonists did not find a single person, despite the prosperous infrastructure and residential buildings.

Sheikh Zaid Mosque, UAE

In the best sights of the world, the photos of which do not transmit all the structures of the buildings, includes the Sheikh Zaid mosque in the capital of the Emirates. The incredible snow-white building occupies a huge area, abounds with wealth and allowed everyone to choose everyone, regardless of faith or disbelief. The mosque floor is eliminated by a white patterned marble, the walls are inlaid gold, and minarets pierce the sky with sharp as a needle with golden spiers. The design of the mosque indicatively illustrates the irrelevant wealth of the Emirates themselves and the love of the state to luxury.

Temple Complex Bayon, Siem Rip, Cambodia

Of interest is not even so much the temple itself, how many unique stone towers, silently discrepancing from their height to the whole city and surroundings. And discrepaning - in the right sense. The stone sculptures are carved by persons who would envy modern sculptors. Being surrounded by omnipresent faces, unwittingly experiencing simultaneously admire and thrill. Initially, there were 54 columns here, and only 37 came to this day.

Ancient city of Peter, Jordan

Among the endless sandy mountains in the Vadi Musa Valley was lost majestic city Peter, whose architecture amazes the imagination with his monumentality and eternity. Enough to visit unique cityTo understand that these the most attractions of the world deserve a competent right is in the list of the best. The fortress rose from several shallow caves in the rocks, which were used by the ancient nomadic tribes as a temporary habitability. Peter well preserved because there was only one entrance to the city - through a deep narrow gorge, where it is impossible to go unnoticed. However, today guests are not met by arrows and stones of the enemy, but the guilty of Bedouins living in Peters.

Great Wall Wall, PRC

The Grand Business Card of China is traditionally included in the famous sights of the world and is the longest defensive structure. Its length is about 8 thousand kilometers, and according to some data - all 10 thousand. It continuously crosses the whole territory of China and falls into the ocean. For what and how such a huge wall erected, still remains a mystery. To admire her greatness in the most interesting on the plot of Mu Tien Yu, which is most well restored and open to visit.

Taj Mahal, India

The Taj Mahal Temple Complex is one of the modern miracles of the world. His fascinating story of washed by the myriads of romantic legends and legends, and the beauty of the structure does not give in to the verbal description. The most magnificent sights of the world (photos with names) are fascinated against the background of the exciting spirit of the magnitude of the Taj Mahal. The complex personifies with eternal limitless love, he was built by Shah-Jahan in memory of his beloved Mother's wife, who tragicly gone into the world other during complex labor.

Alhambra, Granada, Spain

In the literal translation of the Alhambra means "Red Castle". The muffled red color of the solar clay, from which the walls of the castle are built, fully justifies this name. According to another version, the red castle was called during its construction, which was held around the clock. At night, the site was covered with lights of thousands of "red torches", the reflections of which were attached to the construction of a mystical red shade. - The most majestic Moorish structure in Spain, telling about the times of invaders and colonizers, visually any historical benefit.

Milan Cathedral Duomo, Italy

Dozens of sharp gothic spiers are concerned in the endless Milane sky on the main city square. Duomo Cathedral is the best sample of Gothic in Italy, the construction of which was carried out for 4 centuries, starting from the end of the XIV. The spiers of the Cathedral is not only the most beautiful sights of the world, but also one of the biggest on the planet. Their height is more than 100 meters, and the highest crown of the Golden Statue of Madonna, which is clearly seen from many areas of Milan. As the guardian angel protects she is citizens from evil and misfortune.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

Another greatest sample of Gothic architecture - in Barcelona the authorship of the Great creator Antonio Gaudi.. The construction of the temple is still underway, although the author himself has long been alive for a long time. There is a belief that when Sagrada is built surname, the end of the world will come. Therefore, therefore, in fact, the workers are in no hurry to complete the project. BUT official version Large - construction is carried out exclusively on the means of parishioners.

Golden Golden Gate, San Francisco, USA

At the time of construction in 1937, Golden Gate was the largest suspension bridge on Earth, which automatically records it to the main attractions of the world. Why is the bridge called goal? The answer can be obtained by looking at the Golden Gate from above (or with interactive map). Bridge is a gate for Pacific Ocean In calm waters of San Francisco Bay. By the way, "golden" is also not just a beautiful epithet. When the sun rays fall at the red design of the bridge at a certain angle, it is really overflowing with gold - the spectacle is truly awesome, especially in the veil of clouds or fog, quite often covering San Francisco.

Chichen Itsa, Mexico

The remains of the former majority of mighty civilization of Maya are best revealed before us in the form of pyramids and chichen-Itsi temples - an ancient settlement with a rich history and an immense number of secrets. The reasons for the oblivion of such a powerful colossus still take care of the minds of world historians, so Chichen Itza is very popular and occupies a well-deserved place in the top attractions of the world. The main monument of the Maya era is the Kukulkan Temple, is a stepped pyramid of 24 meters high. Judging by this and other designs of the settlement, Maya were excellent mathematicians, engineers and astronomers.

Statue of Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The majestic monument of Christ with open arms blesses the Brazilian capital from a height of 800 meters. This is a great concern for popularity ahead and gives odds to many sights. different countries World. Several million tourists from around the world arrive at the foot of the statue every year to admire the breathtaking view of the city and the picturesque bay.

Waterfall Angel, Venezuela

Lowering from the height of more than 800 meters the flow of water is already falling from the splashes on the skin. And his noise can be heard from a huge distance. Angel's waterfall, hiding from the curious eyes in the jungle of Venezuela, was discovered quite recently, in 1935, so impregnable and difficult is the road to him. Angel's waters fall from the height of the TPU Mountain, which is in translation from the local dialect means the Mountain of the Devil. Very suitable name for sheer rock formation in the heart of hot south-American tropics.

Opera House, Sydney, Australia

The snow-white petals of the lotus or shells on the panoramic photographs of Sydney can not be confused with anything else. The most popular sights of the world, among whom honorable place occupies , Act attention to one of your appearance. Travelers going to Australia must necessarily include this building in a trip program, because it is a symbol not only Sydney, but also the whole country, although it appeared relatively recently.

Pagoda Swedagon, Myanmar

Luxurious inverted bowl for firewood, each centimeter of which is trimmed with gold, is the largest pagree in the country. Its territory takes about 5 hectares that glide with luxury, wealth and Buddhist wisdom. Here you can meet griffons and lions, dragons and elephants adorning and protecting the Swedagon. From one of the appearance of the spiritual abode of Myanmar, enlightenment and harmony in the shower and body comes.

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Tourists annually: 9-10 million

The Great Wall Wall - Sounds Simply and at the same time powerfully. The construction of a length of 8851.9 km stretches throughout China, and its most impressive plot, Badalin, is located 75 km from Beijing. Most of the wall preserved to this day, although it was built during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), and the beginning of the construction of individual sites dates back to 770 BC. Such large-scale construction was managed through the work of millions of slaves and prisoners of war, on whose backs to the tops of the highest rocks were delivered granite blocks, stones and bricks.

2. Colosseum, Rome

Tourists annually: 6.9 million

After completing the construction in 80 G.N.E., the Arena Colosseum accommodated 50 thousand viewers who were gathered to watch various theatrical ideas (mythological dramas), reconstruction of land and sea battles, as well as executions and fights of gladiators. In 2010, underground floors were opened for tourists, where gladiators waited for their exit to the deadly fight. From the upper floors, the Colosseum opens a picturesque panorama for the eternal city.

3. Roman Forum, Rome

Tourists annually: 5.1 million

The Roman Forum remained the public center of the city for 1200 years, from the fifth century to our era. This area contained trade buildings and the main state institutions of Rome. The ruins of the temples, columns and the ancient frescoes return us two thousand years ago and remind of the first majesty of the city.

4. Terracotta Army, Xian, China

Tourists annually: 3.6-4.5 million

The terracotta army was found in 1974. This sculptural composition consists of more than 8 thousand statues of soldiers made of clay in full size: generals, infantry, cavalry, archers, chariots, more than 400 horses. Each S. unique features Persons, hairstyle, elements of clothing, which gives sculptures even greater persuasive. Statues are buried together with the emperor Qin Shihuandi, becoming part of the majestic acropolis. It is assumed that some of the warriors are still not excavated, as the excavations were stopped as long as the way there is a way to protect the paints, which are painted by the statues, from outflowing outdoors.

5. Pyramids in Giza, Egypt

Tourists annually: 4 million

Created by 4.5 thousand years ago, the pyramids are still considered one of the seven wonders of the world and the symbol of Egypt. We still do not definitely know how the ancient Egyptians were able to build them, which adds intrigue and even greater attractiveness for tourists. Three huge sarcophagus for pharaohs are located 25 kilometers from the center of Cairo - cities with a 11 millionth population.

6. Pompeii, Italy

Tourists annually: 2.5 million

Visiting Pompeii, walking through his ancient stone streets, you can imagine how people lived in the Roman Empire in the 1st century of our era. Coastal city in 79 AD. It was completely covered with ashes and pimples during a sudden eruption of Vesuvius volcano. Under the layer of ash, people were imprinted, animals, at home, creating a kind of squeezing cast of the life of an ancient city.

7. Acropolis, Athens

Tourists annually: 2 million

Acropolis is located on one of the hills of Athens and is crowned at the top of the Parthenon - the temple of the goddess of Athena, a kind of symbol of classical Greece and the origins of democracy. Built in the 5th century BC, Parfenon lost most of his finishes, and marble sculptures that decorated it, "the mysterious" manner appeared in European museums (there are still unsuccessful negotiations on their return to Greece).

8. Ephesus, Turkey

Tourists annually: 2 million

Literally 30 years ago, Ephesus was almost completely abandoned by the Old Ruins in the Malconed Area of \u200b\u200bTurkey. But now, thanks to this attraction, the local economy began to develop sharply. Ancient library and other buildings restored, recreation atmosphere big City The time of the beginning of our era, and in the amphitheater, with a capacity of 25 thousand places, conduct theatrical performances based on antique dram.

9. Teotioucan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.9 million.

The terraces of the pyramidal form dedicated to the Sun and the Moon rose over the ancient square of the sacred city, built in the period from the first to the seventh century of our era. The bases of the base of more than 200 meters and 64.5 meters high, the pyramid of the Sun is considered the third in the size of the pyramid in the world. At the same time, the Pyramid of the Feather Snake (Ketzalcoatlia) has a brighter decorative finish: with unique sculptures and bas-relief.

10. Hieropolis, Turkey

Tourists annually: 1.6 million.

Dazzling white terraces of pools with hot springs Pamukkale attracted people's attention to these places for more than two thousand years. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ancient Greek-Roman city was erected here - Jeropollis. Ousted from travertine in 190 BC, this " resort town"He has ruins of temples that have been well preserved to this day amphitheater and the sacred pool, where you can swim among the ancient Roman columns.

11. Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.4 million

The step terraces of the Pyramid of the Kukulkan, called the EL Castillo Spaniards or the castle, rise over an ancient city surrounded by tropical jungle. Maya began building a city in the seventh century of our era, and then, after three centuries, he was captured by the Toltec tribes. A huge balustrade with a feathers of a snake - Divinity of the Kukulkan, borders the stairs leading to the top of the pyramid.

12. Ellora, India

Tourists annually: 1.2 million

34 temples, monasteries in honor of Buddha and Hindu gods, as well as numerous caves were carved in a basalt cliff between the 600th and 1000th year of our era. Buildings from solid stone and passes between them are decorated with thousands of various intricate bas-reliefs and sculptures.

13. Shaft Adriana, England

Tourists annually: 1.2 million

When the Roman army failed to defeat the "barbarians" in the north of Britain, Emperor Adrian in 122 G.N. ordered to build a stone wall a little south of the modern border between England and Scotland, which remained at our day. Today, the adriana shaft among the "barbaric" scotters became a reason for pride, praising their invincible spirit. Along the defensive strengthening of a length of 117 km passes popular pedestrian route Path National Trail.

14. Roman Baths, Bat, England

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

Celts were the first to declare these sources sacred and dedicated them to their goddess Sulis. Then, in 43 AD, the Romans came and renamed Sulis to his goddess Minerv and built a resort town with the Latin name Aquae Sulis, with the baths and temple of Sulis Minerve. Later, the city was renamed Bat (from the English Bath - Bath), and in the 18th century, public buildings in the neoclassical style were built.

15. Longman, China

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

Buddhist complex cave temples 5-9 centuries, with a lot of statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva, carved in 1,350 caves and 750 niches, is located along the limestone of the River Republica. Some of the statues that are more than 110 thousand, with a height of more than 7 meters. In one of the caves, numerous medical recipes are displayed.

16. Stonehenge, England

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

The meaning of the mysterious megalites exhibited in the circle of more than 6 thousand years ago, people are interpreted as they wish. Perhaps they had some kind of astronomical importance or were part of the druid rituals. Now this is the place of pilgrimage for neo-language, feminists (binding Stonkhenge with the times of the matriarchate), fans of aliens and science fiction. Especially many people attend this attraction, located 100 kilometers from London, on the day of summer solstice.

17. Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico

Tourists annually: 1.1 million

This famous city Maya, surrounded with the northern, western and south side by the wall, and in the eastern part goes to the shores Caribbeanreached its power in the 1200s AD. Temples, walls, frescoes and carved figures of the city of Tulum (the initial name - the Zam, meaning the "sunrise") over the centuries opposed the salt sea wind, hurricanes and lost most of the features inherent in other Maya ruins. Nevertheless, Tulum is popular among tourists through an affordable and convenient location.

18. Machu Picchu, Peru

Tourists annually: 1 million

To get to Machu Picchu, you can take train tickets or go on foot, how did the ancient incons, along the trail, leading to 2450 meters mountain Ridge, towering over the Urubamba River. Many people dream to visit Machu Picchu, because this city looks ancient than it is in fact; Its construction began relatively recently - approximately 1400 G.N. Here comes so many people that the question of limiting the number of visitors to 2500 per day or 9100 per year is considered.

19. Canyon de Shech, Arizona

Tourists annually: 828.1 thousand.

Around Red Rock Canyon Indigenous Americans lived more than 5,000 years, and 800 years ago at the bottom of the rocks they built their homes. The protected territory of Canyon de Shay is within the reservation of the Indian people Navajo, so you can visit the monument only with a guide from this tribe. Exception - the tourist route "Ruins of the White House". The name of the canyon occurred from his Indian title Tséyi ', which meant "Canyon"; They uttered the word "Say-EE," and heard as "de-neck".

20. Angkor Wat, Angkor Archaeological Park, Cambodia

Tourists annually: 804.7 thousand

Initially, the Angkor Wat temple, erected between the 9th and 15th century AD. At the time of formation Khmer Empirewas devoted to various Hindu gods. Despite the fact that Angkor Wat eventually became a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists, the architecture of the temple still reflects the significant Indian heritage of those times.

21. Masada, Masada National Park, Israel

Tourists annually: 786 thousand

At the end of the first century BC King Judea Herod I Great built a luxurious three-tier palace on the top of a mountain plateau extending over the desert at an altitude of 400 meters. Roman mosaic, wall murals, water collection tanks, baths and military barracks due to dry climates and sufficient fortress distance are preserved quite well. Known story that this fortress remained last stronghold For survivors after the Great Jewish uprising, which occurred in 66, AD, and only five years later, Roman legionnaires managed to capture defendants.

22. Grotto Mogao (Cave Thousand Buddhas), Dunhuang, China

Tourists annually: 750 thousand

At the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Buddhist monks were outstanding 492 caves and more than 2,000 sculptures, decorated with clay and paint. Millenniums (from 6 to 16 centuries ago), the monks created the frescoes for 45 thousand m² of these caves, striking both their scale and beauties. The frescoes reflect pictures of Buddhism, local history and the daily lives of the inhabitants of the region.

23. Knossos, Crete, Greece

Tourists annually: 705.3 thousand

It is believed that the ruins of this Mina city built during the Bronze Age times - and there is a lost Atlantis, the information about which was reached by Plato's descriptions. It is assumed that Knossos was destroyed by the eruption of the volcano on the island of Santorini, which occurred in about 1500 BC. The only thing that came to this day and managed to restore: the so-called Palace of Minos, where the frescoes with images of dolphins, fish, griffins and people of that era are preserved.

24. Peter, Jordan

Tourists annually: 629.8 thousand

The ancient city was created by the Arabic Nabatians. Along a narrow gorge, temples and monuments are created, artfully carved from stone, the majestic temple-mausoleum El Hazne and more than 500 tomb. Thousand years ago, this once prosperous city was located at the intersection of trade routes, which were delivered incense, spices and silk; Due to this, there is a noticeable cultural influence of other ancient civilizations: Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians and Phoenicians.

25. Montesum Castle, Arizona

Tourists annually: 573.7 thousand

The name of this place may be misleading: after all, this construction is not at all the castle and does not have a nickest attitude towards actekam and their ruler. Building, consisting of 20 cave rooms in a sheer cliff at an altitude of 20 meters, created by Indians-Pueblo (Anasazi culture) 800 years ago. Small T-shaped inlet openings maintained heat in the dwelling and protected from wind. This is one of the most well-preserved ancient rock settlements of America Indians.

26. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Tourists annually: 572.3 thousand

The rocky dwellings of Anashai Indians (the ancestors of modern Pueblo) are built from sandstone bonded by mud mortar between the 6th and 12th centuries AD, becoming one of the largest and most well-preserved ancient settlement North America. On plastered in red, brown and white colors, images of people, animals, handprints and various geometric patterns remained on the walls. Perhaps the colors had some kind of generic meaning.

27. Peace (Church of St. Nicholas), Antalya, Turkey

Tourists annually: 544.8 thousand

Lycian tombs with square columns, with the form similar to the houses, were cut out in limestone rocks in the 4th century BC. They rise above the well-preserved Roman amphitheater with a double vaulted corridor. Nevertheless, this ancient city is now more famous thanks to the restored church of the 9-11th century, which is the name of the local holy, who has worked for good people, - St. Nicholas (now more famous under the name of Santa Claus).

28. Pergam (Bergama), Izmir, Turkey

Tourists annually: 536 thousand

Izmir in our time the closest major city to Pergamum, the ancient Ellinsky cultural Center With an Achropole, towering 250 meters above the valley created from marble temples of Athena and Trojan, the Greek Amphitheater and the library with the 200 thousand manuscripts found in it. In the 2nd century AD. In this valley Galen, one of the most famous doctors of antiquity, opened the largest medical center, based at the temple of Askletpion.

29. Troy, Chanakkale, Turkey

Tourists annually: 515.9 thousand.

Troy was immortalized in Iliad Homer, where he was talking about the misfortune that happened to the city around 1183 BC. Until the 19th century, the location of the Troy was unknown. Now the tourists come here to see a 10-meter Trojan horse with windows and the preserved areas of urban walls, resembling the heroic fate of Troy.

30. Delphs, Greece

Tourists annually: 500 thousand.

The place of construction of the majestic temples created among the mountains is still in the neolithic period of 6 thousand years ago, was considered the ancient Greek by the center or the "PUP" of the whole world. The temple of Apollon, Athena and other gods, as well as stone terraces and holiday homes, were erected here. The greatest influence of the famous Oracle reached between the 6th and 4th centuries BC.

31. Gorochkan, Xinjiang, China

Tourists annually: 500 thousand.

Oasis city located on the silk path between Fire Mountains And the desert tacla Makan, from the 1st century BC. Until the 14th century was Western Chinese cultural, economic and political center. Works on the reconstruction of buildings in the gossha, created in the image of Xi'an, once the largest cities Peace are still underway.

32. Ajanta, India

Tourists annually: 416 thousand

Using only with hammers and chisels, Buddhist monks took from 15 to 21 centuries to create 30 caves - each with separate indoor premises and holes, from which the view of the gorge and the river was opened. Monasteries are decorated with painting and stone sculptures of Buddha and Bodhisattv. Samples of excellent works of art reveal about the lifestyle of the Indians in those distant times.

33. Koba, Kintana Roo, Mexico

Tourists annually: 400.6 thousand

In this 2000th year of Maya, with the highest pyramid on the Yucatan Peninsula, Yucatan has a center for 46 Sacbe or "White Roads" connecting different parts of the mescode, built from rubble, pebbles and limestone. Cobu is surrounded by five dips filled with water (sotos) and impassable tropical jungle.

34. Perger (Perga), Antalya, Turkey

Tourists annually: 399.8 thousand.

Perga ruins in our time surround fields and countryside near Antalya, but two thousand years ago there was a prosperous Roman city. According to these places, Alexander Macedonian passed with their army, then came the Romans and built baths, fountains, 60 meter agoores ( market Square In the ancient polishes), an amphitheater for 12 thousand spectators and a boulevard with colonnade. It is also known for its unusual stone portal towers, built with a combination of Greek and Roman styles, and the fact that the apostle Paul preached here.

35. Herculaneum, Italy

Tourists annually: 320.5 thousand.

This town, filled with ashes after the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in 79 G.N., remained even better than the nearby Pompeii. The dramatic picture of the last minutes of the life of an ancient Roman city opens, with its public baths, warehouse and residential premises, luxurious villas, for many years hidden under a 20-meter layer of volcanic rock.

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