Mexican pyramids. The ancient city of Teotihuacan - the birthplace of the sun and moon

Unique pyramids in mexico are a true architectural marvel. They are big, majestic and very beautiful. Millions of travelers from different parts of the world come to America for only one thing - to see the legendary buildings that were built hundreds and even thousands of years ago. Mexico also attracts our compatriots, anyone can order what they are interested in sightseeing tour right now.
Palenque is an ancient Mayan city, its inspection is included in the 5-day itinerary.

Top facts about the pyramids

There are many legends associated with the Mexican pyramids. Often, architectural structures did not serve as tombs and tombs of local rulers, but served as a place where the most important religious rites were held. Here, on the altar, large sacrifices were often made, in which not only animals, but also people became victims.

The first to build such structures were the mistletoe tribes - representatives of the first major civilization in the territory ancient mexico. Giant heads and jadeite masks were designed by them. Later, only a couple of centuries later, the era of the dawn of the Mayan civilization began. Some bright masterpieces ancient architecture survived to our time. Popular among tourists are the majestic abandoned cities. Architectural style mayan pyramids practically has no analogues.

Tulum - seaport Mayan.

Famous scientists tried to unravel the mysteries of the ancient inhabitants of modern Central America. It has not been possible to do this completely. Travelers listen with delight to various amazing legends.
Where are the Mayan pyramids in Mexico? Throughout the country there are several hundred such buildings, but only a few of them can be touched by everyone. Some cultural monuments are still hidden in dense jungle.

Most Popular Pyramids

  • Teotikuan

This ancient "City of the Gods" (this is how the word "Teotikuan" is translated) can really be found 50 kilometers from the largest metropolis in the country - Mexico City. The first stones were laid around the beginning of the first millennium. Already in the 5th century AD, more than 200,000 people lived here. chief cultural monument The settlement is considered to be the Pyramid of the Sun. This name was invented by the Aztecs, who saw the abandoned city in the XIII century. They believed that here the gods fed on the energy of the cosmos. Travelers have a unique opportunity to enjoy the most beautiful view. This pyramid is the third highest in the world. Anyone can climb to its top.

  • Chichen Itza

Pyramids in the Yucatan are also very popular with tourists. Ancient city Chichen Itza is located about 200 kilometers from the resort of Cancun. This village was founded in the 6th century, and after some time it became a real cultural and political center. Before the eyes of tourists, several architectural monuments that were found as a result of archaeological excavations. This city is included in the list of new seven wonders of the world. the most famous pyramid in Yucatan It is considered the temple building of Kulkan, the height of the building is 24 meters, at the top there is a special place for various rituals. In ancient times, the building also served as a calendar.

The descent of the serpent's shadow at Chichen Itza is only visible on the equinoxes.

Features of the best excursion programs

Mexico - This amazing edge where while traveling on Yucatan or to another region of the country, you will see how pyramids, and enjoy the unique local culture. The following tourist routes are very popular:

  1. Mexico City and Teotihuacan Pyramids.

During the tour, you will visit the multi-million dollar capital of Mexico, and then go to the archaeological zone of Teotihuacan. For those who come to Mexico City for just a couple of days, this is an ideal option. The whole program will take only 8 hours.

  1. "Bold Tour" in Mexico.

The duration of this adventure is two days. Tourists will enjoy the ancient city Chichen Itza, observe the life of animals in the Rio Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, visit the colonial city of Merida and swim in the cool waters of Ik-Kil.

  1. Joint Program Chichen Itza.

This tour allows tourists to see the ancient cities Mayan, find out what Mexico from the inside, as well as see the most popular attractions. You will visit the most Famous places on the Yucatan Peninsula. Among them are Chichen Itza, the lost village of Kobu, the port of Tulum and the underground lake Ik Kil. This trip only takes one day!

Useful information for tourists

You can book your favorite tour at any convenient time. Be sure to come to Mexico and visit our pyramids. You can ask any questions you are interested in and clarify all the necessary information on the site. Excursions are held weekly, book a place and go to meet amazing adventures!

Friends! If you have any questions - !do not hesitate! - ask them in the comments below or write to me on social networks!

In ancient times, Mexico was inhabited by the ancestors of the Nahua Indian tribes, who belonged to the Uto-Aztec group. We know little about them: they worshiped the gods and sang jaguars. It was they who in the III millennium BC created a culture, the legacy of which was famous city Teotihuacan.

History and legend of Teotihuacan

When the Aztecs came to these lands, then on the site of Teotihuacan there were only thickets and two huge pyramids. From the local Nahua Indians, they just learned that it was in this place that the Sun and the Moon were born.

According to the legend, the world used to be in eternal darkness. To solve this problem, the gods gathered for a council in this place. The first of those who wanted to illuminate the world was Tecusiztecatl. Others refrained from this right. Nanahuatzin was chosen as the second god. The gods kindled a fire into which the elect had to enter. Tecusiztecatl was frightened by the hot fire, but the cold-blooded Nanahuatzin did it. After reflection, Tecusiztecatl was able to overcome himself and completed the path of the god. Nanahuatzin was reborn as the Sun, and Tecusiztecatl as the Moon. In honor of this event, people built pyramid temples on this site.

From the language of the Nahua people, Teotihuacan is translated as "the place of the transformation of the gods." Studies say that the city was founded around the 1st century AD, and by the 5th century it reached its peak and became the largest city in America. The size of this ancient city of the American continent before the advent of Columbus may be surprising - with an area of ​​​​20 square kilometers, it contained a population of 200 thousand inhabitants.

Pyramids and other buildings of Teotihuacan

Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan

As a memory from this era, many buildings came to us scattered over a vast territory. So in the city center there are two intersecting streets, oriented to the cardinal points. Stretches in a north-south direction famous road dead Teotihuacan. At its northern end is the temple-pyramid of the Moon, consisting of five tiers with a flat top. The base of the pyramid is 150 by 130 meters, the height is 42 meters.

Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan

From the east of the street is the main attraction - the Temple of the Sun. Its base is already 240 by 255 meters, and the total height reaches 72 meters. The sanctuary, located in former times on top of the temple, has not come down to us. The Pyramid of the Sun is the third tallest pyramid in the world. The Temple of the Sun is very significant for Mexico, depicted on many items.

Other structures

Along the street itself there are many other less significant buildings. Here is the temple of the rain god Tlaloc, who was especially worshiped locals, Temple of agriculture, Ciudadela can be especially distinguished.

Ciutadella is a huge platform 400 meters long. On one side, a staircase is connected to it, and in general terms, four smaller platforms adjoin it, oriented according to the cardinal points, each of which has four pyramids. On central square there is a temple of Quetzalcoatl - a six-tiered pyramid, decorated with snake heads, which are the symbol of Quetzalcoatl or the Feathered Serpent.

feathered serpent

To the west of Ciutadella is the Grand Complex, a square with platforms and buildings. Researchers have suggested that Ciutadella could act as the central palace of the ruler, and the Grand Complex as a market.

The street of the dead is almost perfectly crossed by other avenues dividing the city into flat blocks lined with buildings and palaces. Many frescoes were found here, depicting, in addition to divine characters, ordinary warriors. Other finds also strengthen the version of the important influence of warriors on the life of the city and their relationship to the nobility.

Adjacent to the rich area of ​​palaces is the area of ​​merchants and artisans. Teotihuacan was big shopping center. More than 600 workshops have been found here, producing everything imaginable for that time. Of course, not the whole city belonged to the craftsmen and warriors, the bulk of it was represented by ordinary farmers.

The death of the city is attributed to 450-650 years of our era. It is assumed that his death was overtaken quickly, perhaps it was associated with the invasion of the Toltecs. After this conquest, the city plunges into complete oblivion, and only the huge pyramids of the Teotihuacan temple ensemble forever preserve the secret of the place where the Sun and Moon originated.

The age of Teotihuacan is about 2000 years old, the origin of the city is still a mystery. During its heyday 250-600 years. n. e., 125 - 200 thousand people lived in the city, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city reached 26-28 sq. km. This was The largest city the world at that moment. Teotihuacan was an important cultural and religious center of pre-Columbian America, which had a significant impact on many areas of Mesoamerica.

Teotihuacan map

The city was deserted around the 7th century, for unknown reasons. There are several versions of why this happened. In one assumption, the idea is expressed that the lower strata rebelled against the nobility and pogroms and fires began in the city. According to another version, the city was attacked by an external enemy, who destroyed the city, and the surviving residents dispersed around the district. There is a third version, according to which the cause of the death of Teotihuacan is environmental. It is very similar to the hypothesis of the decline of the Maya empire. The inhabitants uncontrollably cut down and burned forests to extract lime, which led to soil erosion, which led to a significant decrease in crops, plus drought, which aggravated the situation, leading to famine. But not one version has an exact confirmation.
The Aztecs, who arrived here in the 13th century, found the city empty and were amazed by the grandeur of the erected structures, and they considered that the city was erected by mythical giants. The Aztecs gave the name to the city of Teotihuacan, which in Aztec means the place where the gods were born, or the city of the gods. The name given by the founders of the city is unknown to history.
Today, Teotihuacan is one of the main attractions of Mexico and the most visited archaeological site in the country. Excursions to the ancient city are a mandatory item of school programs in Mexico City. Many people fly to Mexico City specifically to visit the main attraction of Teotihuacan, the Pyramid of the Sun. Especially many tourists come on the day of the spring equinox, it is believed that the pyramid of the sun has divine energy and this energy is especially strong on this day. People rise to the top of the pyramid and turn to face the sun with outstretched arms. Many claim that after that they feel extraordinary peace and harmony with the world.

Teotihuacan - model of the solar system

According to some scientists, the ancient Indian city of Teotihuacan is a model of the solar system. The Road of the Dead that occupies the center of the city is the Milky Way, and the pyramids and other structures along it on both sides display the positions of the Solar System's planets and perhaps some iconic stars.
One of the first to make such an assumption was Stansberg Hagar, a scientist from the University of Brooklyn. Later, testing this hypothesis using mathematical methods, the American scientist Harlston Hugh came to the conclusion that the Stenberg Hagar hypothesis as a whole does not contradict the truth and Teotihuacan was originally planned and built as a model of the solar system. According to these scientists, the Road of the Dead symbolized the Milky Way, which, in the mythology of the Indians of Central America, was identified with the road of the Dead, along which the souls of the dead passed into afterworld shadows. The Indians also believed that the Sun and Moon were born in the city of the gods Teotihuacan.

Sights of Teotihuacan

Death Road
The central place in Teotihuacan is occupied by the Road of the Dead, which runs from south to north and rests on the pyramid of the moon. The road is about three kilometers long and 40 meters wide. It is believed that the road got its name from the Aztecs. The Indians who arrived in Teotihuacan saw pyramids along the road and they considered that these were the burial places of the rulers of a previous civilization, hence the name.
Pyramid of the Sun
The main attraction of Teotihuacan is the Pyramid of the Sun. Many tourists visit Mexico specifically to visit the Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid is the third largest ancient structure in the world after the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the Pyramids of Cholula in Mexico. The base of the Pyramid of the Sun is equal to the Egyptian one (893 meters), and almost two times lower in height (64 meters). The Pyramid of the Sun was built around 150 BC. e., and is a five-tiered structure on top of which used to be a small temple. The Pyramid of the Sun is made of cobblestone, earth and clay, lined with stone.
The first large-scale exploration of the pyramid was carried out in 1906 by Leopoldo Batres on the orders of President Porfirio Diaz, with the aim of emphasizing the cultural richness of the Mexican people in their pre-Spanish monuments. In 1971, new research was carried out and a tunnel was discovered in the pyramid, leading to a cave, which is located directly under its center, 6 meters from the surface of the earth. It is assumed that the cave was a royal tomb.
Pyramid of the Moon
The Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest structure in Teotihuacan and has a height of 42 meters, at the top there is a platform that was used for rituals in honor of Chalchiuhtlicue, the goddess of water and the moon. The pyramid is located at the northern end of the Road of the Dead. The pyramid was built between 200 and 450 AD. e. Under the pyramid itself there is another structure that is older than the pyramid of the Sun.
Temple of the Feathered Serpent
In Teotihuacan there is a square, the so-called Citadel, which is surrounded by four walls 390 meters long each. The centerpiece of the Citadel is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which is the third largest structure in Teotihuacan. The feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl was considered the creator of the world and the god of fertility. The temple was built in the form of a pyramid, which was once decorated with intricate ornaments of feathered snake heads, partially preserved on the western side.
The Museo Teotihuacan Museum contains many artifacts found during excavations and exploration of Teotihuacan. Also in the museums there are large-scale models of the ancient city.

Teotihuacan how to get there

First you need to take the metro to the Autobuses del Norte station (Northern Bus Station), then we go up to the bus station building and find the ticket office where they sell bus tickets to the pyramids. This ticket office is located to the left of the main entrance and is sandwiched between sections 7 and 8. The bus can proceed further, therefore, in order to get out on time, it is better to ask the driver or passengers for advice on when to get off. When visiting Teotihuacan, stock up on water and food.

Teotihuacan travel photo

Bus stop in Mexico City with buses to Teotihuacan.

At the entrance to Teotihuacan, there are stalls with souvenirs.

In Mexico, souvenirs associated with death are very popular - skulls, skeleton figurines, etc.

Teotihuacan - Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Sun.

We were in Teotihuacan on Sunday and to get to the top of the pyramid of the sun, we had to spend 1.5 hours because of the long queue.

At the top of the pyramid of the Sun there is a tip from a metal rod. He is credited with a mystical appearance and it is believed that he is connected by cosmic energy with the sun and everyone is trying to touch him.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Previously, there was a sign in this place, and after it broke, this same rod remained.

View from the Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Moon

View from the Pyramid of the Sun to the Pyramid of the Moon and the Road of the Dead.

Pyramid of the Moon

Pyramid of the Moon

View of Teotihuacan from the Pyramid of the Moon. On the right is the Pyramid of the Sun, in the center is the Road of the Dead.

View from the Pyramid of the Moon to the Pyramid of the Sun.

Teotihuacan is an ancient city located 50 kilometers northeast of the capital of Mexico. The height here is 2228 meters above sea level, since Teotihuacan stands on the Mexican Highlands.

Teotihuacan was the largest city, the center of culture and various ceremonies for the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. Here are the largest Mexican pyramids. Travelers in Mexico are sure to look into this archaeological complex.

History of Teotihuacan

Although the city of Teotihuacan, perhaps the largest in Mesoamerica, is ahead of other Mayan ruins in terms of monumentality, its mysteries have not yet been solved, and there is still no unambiguous opinion about history.

To study Teotihuacan, only the data obtained as a result of excavations were used, there are very few written documents, they can only characterize the period after Columbus and the Spanish conquistadors traveled to America.

Initially, scientists believed that the city was built by the Aztecs, but then it turned out that the Aztecs appeared here much later. Nevertheless, Europeans learned some legends about Teotihuacan from representatives of this people.

Teotihuacan - in other words, "the city in which the gods are born"

Legends of the ancient city of Teotihuacan

There is an ancient legend according to which the sun and moon gods were created here. Two wanted to be able to create light, the first was powerful and arrogant, the second, on the contrary, was completely covered with ulcers and humiliated. Tecuxistecatl and Nanahuatzin had to throw themselves into the fire in order to turn into gods.

Nanaucin, covered in ulcers, sacrificed himself and threw himself into the fire, and his arrogant brother Tecucistecatl did not have the courage, and he collapsed into the ashes. Therefore, Nanahuatzin was reborn and shone with a bright light, becoming the god of the Sun, and the other, who chickened out, became the god of the Moon with a dull radiance in the firmament. Thus the sun and moon gods were born, and the cycle of the universe began.

History of development

A thousand years before our era, a small settlement began to exist on the site of the ancient city. Its inhabitants were engaged in agriculture and crafts. They grew corn, pumpkin and beans. They were engaged in weaving, making pottery, carving from stone, erecting buildings. They revered mainly the gods of fire and water.

3rd century BC - the settlement turns into a city. Young Teotihuacan is growing more and more.

Its entire territory is paved with gypsum slabs, buildings and religious buildings lined up around the main axis.

A century later they built irrigation system. A whole network of channels was created, the water into which came from nearby reservoirs. Already at this time, Teotihuacan was a city of temples, beauty, luxury and abundance. Builders, artists, talented artisans worked on its creation.

One Pyramid of the Sun was built over 30 years, 20 thousand workers were involved. In 250 AD, Teotihuacan was already completely built.

The heyday of the city falls on the 2nd-5th century AD, at that time the population of Teotihuacan was 200 thousand people. The city begins to dominate the rest of pre-Columbian Mexico. Teotihuacan became an empire, and its inhabitants began to settle in other cities.

In the 5th century AD, the ancient Mayan city of Tikal was filled with Teotihuacans who brought their culture there. In the 6th century, for unknown reasons, the city of Teotihuacan is moving towards its decline, losing its influence and possessions. It is believed that in the future it was conquered and destroyed.

Mayan pyramids in Mexico

The city on the plan was located around the axis, it was a street that was called the street of the Dead. Along it are the main temples and famous Mexican pyramids.

At one end of the Street of the Dead is the citadel. In it, in the very center, there is a temple of a particularly revered deity - Quetzalcoatl or the Feathered Serpent.

Two more pyramids - one bigger, the other smaller.

The first is called the Pyramid of the Sun, the second is the Pyramid of the Moon, which is located at the other end of the Road of the Dead.

In the buildings of Teotihuacan, its architecture mainly used two elements - tablero and talud. The first is a rectangular panel, the second is a ledge. Such techniques can be traced in many structures of the archaeological complex.

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. It is also in third place among such buildings in the world, after such as the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops and the Mexican pyramid in Cholula.

Initially, the height of the pyramid was 71 meters, now it is 64.5. The perimeter of the base is 900 meters. The Pyramid of the Sun is located along the Road of the Dead. The Pyramid of the Sun received its name, as well as the legend of its origin, from the Aztecs.

The Pyramid of the Sun has two levels, on the second there was once an altar, which deity was worshiped here is not known for certain. A trip to the temples is not complete without climbing this pyramid.

The height of the Pyramid of the Moon is from 42 to 46 meters. It is located on a small earthen embankment, therefore, approximately on the same level as the Pyramid of the Sun. Also, the Pyramid of the Moon is the extreme northern point of the road or the Street of the Dead. Rising to the very top, you can see the axis of Teotihuacan and how clearly straight lines can be traced in the layout of the city.

Road of the Dead

The language of the Indians is Maccaotli Nahuatl. Its width is 40 meters, and its length is approximately equal to 2300 meters. The extreme northern point of the road is crowned by the Pyramid of the Moon, and along the road there are majestic temples and all other Mayan ruins.

The name of the street (or road) of the Dead, appeared thanks to the Aztecs. When they saw the mounds, they first thought that these were burial mounds, and not at all the city of Teotihuacan with its pyramids and temples.

When planning a trip to Teotihuacan, it is recommended to climb the pyramids, where the ancient priests once stood, in addition, it opens great views. It is best to make ascents in the morning, here you can meet the dawn, until a stream of tourists poured into the city.

The pre-Columbian pyramids of the ancient city of Teotihuacan rise above the surrounding valley 50 km northeast of Mexico City. This amazing pyramid complex is all that remains of the once largest city in Central America. Anyone who comes here will be inspired by the amazing technological power of the Teotihuacan civilization. It included thousands of residential complexes and several pyramid temples comparable to the largest Egyptian pyramids. The city was built and then abandoned long before the arrival of the Aztecs in central Mexico. Struck by what they saw, the Aztecs called it Teotihuacan (translated as "divine place"), believing that the gods created the universe here. Today it is the most visited archaeological complex in Mexico. Tourists from all over the world flock here to see the famous monument. world heritage UNESCO.

For most people, the word "pyramid" is associated with ancient Egyptian monuments. In fact, ancient cultures on virtually every continent erected triangular monuments at one time or another in their history. The pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico are famous relics of a lost mysterious culture.

The development of Teotihuacan began around the first century BC, and the most active phase of expansion and construction took place before 450 AD. This important religious and economic center of pre-Columbian America had approximately 125,000 inhabitants (some estimate 200,000) at its peak and covered an area of ​​23 km2 - the largest city in the world at that time.

Teotihuacan gained economic and political weight through the obsidian trade. This stone has played a significant role in the history of mankind. At that time, the Indians of pre-Columbian America, who did not know the technology of iron smelting, made jewelry, tools and weapons from this material.

Oddly enough, Teotihuacan, famous for a number of large pyramids, had no defense structures at all, although scientists argue that its military and cultural influence spread to many regions of Central America. The origin of the ancient city is still a mystery and raises many questions: what language did they speak, where did they come from, why did they leave this place around 700. Archaeologists put forward various hypotheses about the causes of the death of a civilization, ranging from enslavement by more warlike neighbors to the depletion of material and other resources necessary for its survival. Today, three large and a number of small pyramids, sacrificial altars, and some houses of the nobility have survived from the once huge city.

Ancient builders covered their monuments with plaster and decorated with paintings. The pyramids have stood the test of time, the painting and plaster have not. It is believed that the paintings on the sides of the pyramids included images of a jaguar, stars, snakes. It should be noted that the monumental painting of Teotihuacan reached the highest level V Central America.

After the decline, Teotihuacan turned into a place of pilgrimage for the noble Aztecs. It continues to be an important place of pilgrimage even today: thousands of believers come here every year to celebrate the vernal equinox and plunge into the mystical energy radiating from the ruins of the ancient city.

You can easily spend a whole day at the pyramids of Teotihuacan, wandering around in the midst of a gigantic piece of architecture. The pyramids provide a fascinating window into the world of ancient Mexico, and no one can deny the beauty of this marvel of pre-Columbian American architecture.

Sights of Teotihuacan

Pyramid of the Sun

In Mexico and Central America, it is customary to build new temples on the remains of previous ones. The Pyramid of the Sun was built on the remains of older structures until it reached its current size. The construction was most likely completed in the first century AD, and the temple on the top was built 300 years later. By the time the Spaniards discovered Teotihuacan, the temple was completely destroyed, and the pyramid turned into a mass of rubble, covered with shrubs and trees.

The Pyramid of the Sun is the third largest ancient structure in the world after the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the Pyramids of Cholula in Mexico. Along the perimeter of the base (893 m), the Pyramid of the Sun is almost the same as the Pyramid of Cheops. But with a height of 71 m, it is about half as low as its Egyptian counterpart. The pyramid was built from three million tons of stone without the use of metal tools, pack animals or wheels. Despite the fact that the Pyramid of the Sun was not built as the tomb of the king of the ruling dynasty, artificially dug tunnels were found at a depth of 6 meters from the surface, which archaeologists consider spiritually significant for the ancient builders of Teotihuacan. The pyramid played an important role in political and religious life.

During the spring equinox, huge crowds of tourists visit Teotihuacan, climb the steps of the Pyramid of the Sun and turn around to face the Sun with open arms. There are many different interpretations of this tradition, but most participants believe that at this moment the divine energy lurking in the pyramid is released. Many visitors claim that at this moment they feel a sense of harmony and peace with the outside world.

Pyramid of the Moon

The second largest pyramid of Teotihuacan is located in the northern part of the ancient city. Built on a small hill, it reaches almost the same height as the Pyramid of the Sun, although in reality it is 29 meters lower. From the top of the Pyramid of the Moon, the same beautiful panorama opens up as from the top of its larger neighbor. Excavations at the foot of the pyramid have unearthed tombs containing stone artifacts and the remains of sacrificed animals. Visitors can climb the Pyramid of the Moon and enjoy the view of Teotihuacan along the Avenue of the Dead.

Temple of the Feathered Serpent

In the center of Teotihuacan is a square that the Spaniards called La Ciudadela (The Citadel). The Citadel is believed to have housed the residence of the supreme ruler of the city and the home of the elite. In reality, this huge area was not a fortress, although the imposing walls (each 390 m long) created the appearance of a defensive structure. The central element of the Citadel is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. The temple was built in the form of a pyramid, which was once decorated with intricate carvings of feathered snake heads, partially preserved on the western side. The temple is famous for the numerous burials of sacrificed animals found within its walls.

Teotihuacan - helpful tips tourists

The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is the 3rd largest pyramid in the world, but it is the tallest pyramid in the world that you can climb to the top (248 steps) and stand where the main Aztec priests used to stand. This is one of the main attractions of a visit here. From the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, a beautiful panoramic view of the ancient city opens up, and from the Pyramid of the Moon - a beautiful view of the Avenue of the Dead. The Avenue of the Dead divides the ancient city into two parts and got its name from the Aztecs, who took the small temples on both sides of the avenue for the tombs of kings. Now scientists have established that these were ceremonial platforms topped with temples.

The archaeological complex occupies a vast area, here you have to walk a lot, climb the pyramids. Take care of sandwiches, water, a hat, good running shoes and sunscreen.

Climb the pyramids first, and then walk around the entire complex. If you visit the complex in the early morning, take beautiful photos from the top and you will not be disturbed by the crowds of other visitors going up and down.

Unfortunately, Teotihuacan is very commercialized today. Try to come here early on weekdays to avoid the influx of tourists and enjoy the pyramids and the sea of ​​calm around. Groups of tourists, and with them local salesmen, appear later.

On the territory of the complex, local merchants are constantly approaching tourists, trying to sell all sorts of trinkets, which, in general, is annoying. If you have never been to Mexico before, this will be unusual. Sometimes they can be very aggressive and persistent. Just don't make eye contact with them, or say "No gracias" and they will leave you very quickly. Vendors offer silver items (they are cheap in Mexico), Aztec flutes.

Local vendors within the archaeological area offer drinks and snacks, but many visitors take sandwiches with them. Almost any hotel or restaurant in Mexico City will help prepare a dry breakfast for you.

The ruins of Teotihuacan are open to the public daily from 07:00 am to 05:00 pm.

The Hotel Villa Arqueológica of Teotihuacan is the only hotel located in the archaeological area of ​​Teotihuacan, a 5-minute walk from the main entrance. The hotel is open all year round.

Entrance to the territory of the complex is paid (for the right to use a video camera, an additional fee).

If you have a car, you can freely drive around the entire perimeter (provided that you are staying at a hotel here or heading to one of the restaurants). The park police may prohibit driving on the territory of the archaeological site if you are not staying at a hotel.

You can rent a bike and drive around the entire perimeter of the archaeological complex on a bumpy stone road.

The Teotihuacan Museum (Museo Teotihuacan) operates on the territory, in which the ancient city is reconstructed in detail.

How to get there

By car (or taxi). The trip takes about 45 minutes from Mexico City if you use the toll road. If you use the old free road, it will take much longer. Parking is paid. Taking a taxi is not cheap.

By bus. Buses to Teotihuacan depart from Mexico City every half hour from two places:

Bus station near the exit of the metro Autobasis del Norte (Autobuses del Norte), Line 5

Exit from Potrero metro station, Line 3.

When buying tickets at bus stations, make sure the bus goes to the ruins of Teotihuacan, and not to the nearby city of San Juan Teotihuacan. As you leave the Potrero metro station, look for the white buses heading towards the pyramids. The trip will take about an hour. Buses drop off passengers at Puerta 2 (near the Pyramid of the Sun), or in front of the main entrance.

Bus tour. Most travel agencies offer a half-day or full-day trip, often combined with a visit to the Plaza of the Three Cultures and the Basilica of Mary of Guadalupe. This is the most convenient way to combine visits to three interesting places, but be sure to remember that you need to arrive at Teotihuacan as early as possible. Like all excursions, this tour will spend a lot of time visiting souvenir shops, however, this option suits many.

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