Monaco Capital and major cities. Monaco (Capital)

The State of Monaco (Monaco Principality) is an independent sovereign city - a state located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea (part Mediterranean Sea) At the foot of the Alps, which occupies an area equal to 2 to 3 square kilometers, bordering France from three sides and with the Mediterranean Sea, 20 km from the Italian border.
Monaco belongs to small in the squares of "dwarf states", and such also include: Andorra, Liechtenstein, Malta, San Marino and Vatican.
Capital - Monaco
Administrative division - Principality.
Structure - four administrative district: Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine (port part) and Fonviel (business part).
The boundary of the principality passes with the French cities of the Department of La Turbie: RoqueBebrune-Cap-Martin, Cap D "Ail, Beausoleil, etc.
The state has two sea ports: In the foundation of Fonvya Port Hercules (Hercules) - small vessels and port Bay D Erkul (Erkul) are stopped here in which cruise ships are stopped, it is located in the center of Condamine.
In antiquity, Monaco rock was a shelter for primitive tribes. The story of Monaco originates in the 13th century, in June, namely from June 10, 1215.
On this day, the first stone of the castle of the Gibelins family was laid, which is currently a princely palace. To attract new inhabitants here, favorable conditions were created: territorial concessions, cancellation of duties, people were released from taxes, still inhabitants of Monaco do not pay taxes.
Monaco's centuries-old history is closely connected with the Grimaldi dynasty, the 700th anniversary of which was noted in 1997 - the anniversary of the Board by the principality of Monaco.
Official language is French, Conversational - Monegasi dialect, however, Italian and English are widely used. The traditional language "Le Monegù" is distributed among the older generation, taught in all local schools.
Euro currencyBut only with the sign of Monaco, government is part of the Schengen zone, but consists in the European Union.
Native people - Monegska.
"Deo Juvante" that translated means "with God's help" is the motto of Monaco and his princes. Catholicism is erected into the rank of state religion. Nevertheless, freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution and several religions are presented in the principality. Getting citizenship is not so simple here: you need to either be born in the family of the Monegaskov or get married (marry) for a citizen (in a citizen) of this little State.
National holiday is considered on November 19. Phone code of Monaco "377", telecommunications are very convenient and accessible. Monaco prints its own brands.
Based on the last official census, the Principality of Monaco has 35,646 inhabitants, of which 7634 live in Monaco, according to the composition of 10029 French and 6596 Italians. In total, more than 125 nationalities are represented. Monaco and neighboring french cities Approximately 95515 people.
Thanks to its geographical position, the Principality of Monaco has very soft winters and surprisingly sunny summer, which, as a rule, is not very scorching. In fact, the results of the last 60-year-old studies show that the average temperature is 16 ° C, the rain falls on average 87 days a year, and the sun shines 7 hours a day. Sea water temperature ranges from 11 ° C in winter, up to 26 ° C in summer. Thanks to the Mediterranean climate, Monaco is a pleasant location for life round year. In addition, it is worth noting that ski resorts Alps are just an hour away from the coast.
The entrance to the principality of Russians is carried out on a visa basis.
The main article of the income of the Principality of Monaco is to receive a tax from a casino located in Monte Carlo. Residents of the state are exempt from taxes, but they themselves are forbidden to visit the casino, including the princely family.
Remove or buy accommodation For accommodation in Monaco, the pleasure is quite expensive, which has its own characteristics. Prices begin from 1 million euros per apartment - Studio. The rental costs from several thousand euros and the payment takes not the monthly, and at least six months, it will still have to pay the agency remuneration and deposit. The average salary of 2.5 thousand euros, in France, the average salary approximately 1800 euros.
Prices In the same name of the network of stores in Monaco lower than in France, and this is due to the lack of taxes, which is a pleasant surprise for travelers. The price of food in restaurants overestimated "over-price", so to eat delicious - it's easier to roll in Italy and enjoy and enjoy taste and price.

How to get to Monaco

In the state there is no airport, it simply did not find a place, and therefore will have to get transit. Fly by plane to Nice (Côte d "Azur - the nearest airport), then transplant on suburban train (Nearest station Gare Nice-Saint-Augustin) and railway I am moving in 25 minutes by bus (red-orange color, the first shipment is about 8-45 and the latter at 21 o'clock, the fare of 22 euros, the ticket must be printed), the time on the way of 45 minutes, of course, if there are no traffic jams. Taxi travel you will cost 60-70 euros.
Travel time from Paris 5 hours on TGV, from Milan 4 hours 30 minutes,
Branch railway line Marseille Saint-Charles in Ventimiglia (Italy). Railway Station (Gare De Monaco-Monte-Carlo) of the Principality is located in the rock, the northern outskirts of the principality.
Sea through the port of Monaco.
You can travel around the country - the principality can be on the bus, for example, by route number 2, it passes through the whole state. You can go through Monaco in 45 minutes. The principality is elongated for two kilometers on the coast of the Ligurian Sea.

Underground station in Monaco. Monte Carlo, Cote d'Azur. According to this street, the Formula 1 trace is held. Oceanographic museum. Monument to the yellow submarine Jacques-Yves Kusto. On the way, it's good to stop a stop, where to remember yourself a mandatory photo on the background of an implausible beautiful view of Monaco and the bay from a bird's eye view to the harbor on the Cote d'Azur, with magnificent white yachts.
What to visit in Monaco?
Monaco Villa The ancient capital of the Principality of Monaco, which was built on the top of the rock, at an altitude of 60 meters above sea level, is called "old town" or La Roche, from the French word "rock".
Once in Monaco, try to visit the Princely Palace, the Museum of Waxing Figures, the Oceanographic Museum, where in 7 aquariums are collected fish from all seas of the world, ahead of the building is the yellow Batiskof Jacques-Yves Kusto - he was the director of the museum from 1958 to 1988. . Cathedral Monaco. In the northeastern outskirts of the rocks of Monaco, Fort Antoine is located. Picturesque Gardens of St. Martin. Chapel of Shapel de la-Miserikord. Museum of Napoleon.

In photos of Monaco Street. Rock. Principality of Monaco. The oceanographic museum, the monument before the museum personifies the fragility of the Earth. Museum (Fr. Musée Océanographique de Monaco) - united the museum itself and the oceanographic institute, the year of the foundation of the museum is considered to be 1889, the oceanographic institute opened in 1906. For a long time, the director of the museum was Jacques Yves Kusto. The oceanographic museum sometimes holds shares for visitors: the opportunity to visit his walls in the late evening: from 19:00 and until midnight in half of the cost.
Monument to Alberta I Founder of the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco. Church of Holy Givot. In the photo Police in Monaco.
For Monaco and Monte Carlo, such "synonyms" of casinos, luxury, villas, wealth, presentability, sea, sun, pleasure have long been entrenched for a long time!

On the Alley of Fame Champions - Stars of Football, in Monaco we meet the prints of different celebrities.


In the principality of Monaco there is no airport. The nearest airport is Nice - France. The airport in Nice is the third largest airport in France. The airport has two terminals, between which free buses run.
Transport in Monaco is represented by public bus routes running from 6 am to 21 hours, they converge on Place d'Armes Square, city routes (their six) are laid before tourist attractions. The main six transport routes.
The mode of transport is free escalators raising at the highest streets, in Monaco of them 7.
There is a regular helicopter service between Monaco and Nice Airport, Nice / Monaco's flight time is about 6 to 7 minutes, the cost of 75 euros per person.
Tourist transport is represented by a steam room with red wagons.
Car rent.
Water transport: Water bus (Bateau Bus) and taxis, trip cost 2 euros.
The Fontvieille area is an industrial part of Monaco, hereby in addition to the factories, commercial firms are located, various institutions and tourist infrastructure.

The cost of a trip is 2 euros, including a transplant within 30 minutes. Ticket price for 1 day 5 euros. Children at the age of 7 years fare is free.

Communication in Monaco

Reference airport - 0836-695-555.
Taxi call phone, round-the-clock - 93-150-101.
Certificates of lost things - 93-153-015.
Police - 17 or 93-153-015.
For the convenience of residents on the streets there are round-the-clock telephones to call a taxi.
Security and law enforcement
The principality is practically no crime, it is the lowest in Europe. The police are found, but the camcorders installed in large quantities and the police carrying a service in civil uniforms of clothing make their positive things.
Tourist program Usually includes:
During the pedestrian part of the excursion, the program provides a free visit to the main attractions of the Principality: Oceanographic Museum, Palace of Prince Monaco Alberta I with its magnificent gardens, St. Nicholas Cathedral. Then the excursion continues in Monte Carlo, where you will get acquainted with the two main attractions:
Gorgeous "Casino millionaires", where entire states are easily acquired, and part of the unique highway of the formula 1 "Grand Prix of Monaco", which is laid right through the streets of the city.

Photo on the way to Monaco. At the entrance charge is charged, the cost of being tourist bus It is 145 euros for 12 hours, then we pass the post and move along the streets on the special parking lot of buses, located next to the oceanographic museum, then the journey along the principality begins. After arrival, tourists rise to the oceanography museum, but their path passes through souvenir shops and here the guide gives time to bring themselves in order before the excursion in Monaco.

Video Visit Monaco

Video Walk through Monaco.

View of Monaco on top, panorama, to zoom in image.

Monaco - Miniature European country, known for the whole world with a large variety of nightly entertainment and gambling, luxurious yachts moored on the shore and fashionable hotels in which you can easily meet the world celebrity.

Map of Monaco in Russian

Find a miniature state of Monaco on the world map is very difficult, because some little red dot, surrounded by all the land borders of France, barely stands out against the background of his giant neighbor.

Where is and with whom it borders?

Principality is located in the southern part on the shore Ligurian Seaand in size it is more like a city with a small suburbs.

The modest territory of Monaco does not prevent travelers to go to this sophisticated and luxurious country, which the army is protected from 82 people.

To have an accurate representation where the country of Monaco is located, it is enough to mark a small place on the map, on which the boundaries of the territory of France and along. That is most independent pointwhich is located on this junction next door with no less luxurious Nice, and will be the principality. For this, it is often called the continuation of the azure coast.

Detailed location of Monaco on the world map you can see in this video:

Natural resources

The territory of Monaco is a rocky shore with a hilly relief located on the southern periphery of the seaside Alps. The highest point of the country is cape Mont-azhelspeaking in the sea and falling into the open bay.

Inherent in the country is typical mediterranean Flora: Samshat, juniper, jasmine, cedar and dwarf palm trees. In the forest there is a laurel, a strawberry and a tree-like Eric. McWis, Kalina and Red Juniper are growing in the mountains. From fruit crops, figs, pomegranate, sweet and bitter almonds, pistachios and grapes are common here, and bananas, persimmon, oranges and lemons are grown.

Primorsky Beach does not have a large number of fish and other marine residents.

Fauna Monaco is extremely modest - there are no large animals, only small mammals: rodents, hedgehogs, earthroopers, bats and a rare variety of Mediterranean distinguishes. Excellently found reptiles, a variety of insects.

What climate?

Principality is distinguished typical seaside climat With sunny, as well as soft. The number of sunny days a year is 300, and the drinking rains do not deliver inconvenience, falling out, mostly, in the fall and continuing to a maximum of up to three days.

How to get from Russia?

Most easy way To be in Monaco - to go on the plane by direct flight from to Nice, and from there to take a bus (in 45 minutes) or train (half an hour).

From Perron. railway StationIt is located on the Monta Carlo hills, a picturesque look opens.

Alternative option - Go to the aircraft to, and from there by train directly to Monaco (about 950 km). Regular flights to Nice or Paris carries out Aeroflot and Air France. Time in the flight will take about 4 hours.

You can purchase a ticket for right now, using this form of searching for air tickets. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date and number of passengers.

State device

In Monaco - a constitutional monarchywhere the head of state is the prince, transmitting the management of the heir to the Heir.


The bright story of Monaco began when Francois Grimaldi, changing the monk, the deception fell into the Genoese fortress, and at night she opened the gate to the warriors so that those captured her. Since then, the Grimalidi dynasty rules this country for more than 700 years. It was for this reason that the family coat of arms of the Princely family is a knight in Ryas.

For all the time of its existence of Monaco lost independence and acquired it again. , Sardinian Kingdom and France - a country fell under the protectorate of these states.

In 1848, thanks to Karl III, the country received recognition of sovereignty from France.

Prince Immediately allowed to open Here is a casino and several hotels, which ensured the principality success and popularity, because at that time in many neighboring states, including in France, gambling were prohibited.

Since then, Monaco has become stable to attract the Augusts, bourgeois and aristocrats, which provided the country a decent income.

Politics and economics

The foreign and domestic policy of Monaco inextricably associated with. Since the principality is under the protectorate of this state, monaco performs its actions according to its interests.

Main profit Monaco - gambling business and tourism, construction of new residences, as well as through the media covered by the secular life of the ruling family.


For a visit to Monaco, it will be necessary, since this country is a member of the European Union. The princely representation in Moscow is not, therefore the documents are submitted to the visa centers of France in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

In the country you can hear the Monegas, English and Italian speech, but state language It is considered French.

Culture and religion

National features of Monaco are such that only about 20% of the country's inhabitants is indigenous populationmONEGANI.

They have special privileges do not pay taxes and live in the old townBut also they laid the foundations of culture. Thanks to them, in Monaco, the family values, implying the opportunity to celebrate the holidays in the family circle.

90% Monaco - catholics, about 6% - protestants.


Moving in Monaco will not cause problems at any time of the day. Here go shuttle Buses six directions, aquatic and ground transport, as well as a small tourist locomotive and free escalators.

Business and currency

In Monaco is freely used Euroequal to 100 cents.

It is perfectly developed tourist, banking, financial and electronic sphere, for this reason the country is considered great place for businessBut the taxes that local firms are subject to highly high.

Wi-Fi points are available everywhere, and the only Internet service provider and mobile communications Is Monaco Telecom.

The property

Small sizes of the country do not allow new buildings, but real estate Monaco - valuable acquisition With high cost, because real estate on the territory of the principality makes it possible to get a residence permit.

Holidays in Monaco

In the history of the country, the principality covered with important sights and places worthy of travelers.

Basic resort towns

In Monaco officially four citiesSolving in one big central city:

  1. Monaco Ville - the oldest part located on the hill, where the ruling family lives;
  2. Monte Carlo - the largest area in which the legendary casino is located;
  3. La Condamin - the main port of the country and the place where large transactions are held;
  4. Fonvay - This place arose, thanks to the construction of the dam.

Other Areas of Monaco are Lavrothto - place where are located luxury beaches, as well as La Cole, Monheretti., Saint-Roman, Saint-Michelwhich are considered attractive residential areas.


The brightest landmark of Monaco - luxurious Casino in Monte CarloThe entrance to which is available around the clock. It was his construction that served as the first reason why the country became so popular.

Here you can visit:

  • The Wax Museum with the figures of the princely persons;
  • Princely Palace, founded in 1215;
  • Cathedral of Monacochief Cathedral principality;
  • Chapel of Mercy - Old church on the square of the city hall;
  • Church of Holy G. - Patrone of the principality.

Many tourists will be interested in stroll along the exotic garden with several thousand types of tropical plants, as well as on the alley of sculptures with the works of world-famous masters.


Extreme interesting excursions in Oceanariumwhich was founded with the assistance of Prince Albert I and J. Kusto. There are about 200 species of marine inhabitants in aquariums.

Fascinating will be familiar with princely collection of vintage carsIn which the automotive history is collected, starting from the 20th century: Bugatti 1929, De Dion Bouton 1903, as well as many other first-class models of prestigious cars.

National Cuisine and Restaurants

In Monaco, it is not accepted to dine at home, instead, a popular visit to numerous restaurants, the most prestigious of which is considered Le Louis XV. and LE CAFE DE PARIS.

Local chefs are preparing exquisite dishes in which Italian or French cuisine prevails.

Where to stay?

Monaco hotels offer visitors first-class rooms with impeccable comfort and with high prices. Total in the principality there is about 15 hotels 3-5 star.

The most popular places to relax:

  1. Hotel Hermitage 5 *;
  2. Hotel Metropole 5 *;
  3. Port Palace 4 *;
  4. Ambassador Monaco 3 *;
  5. Novotel Monte-Carlo 3 *.

The rooms in them are not always free, so the guests of this country are trying to stop outside.

To choose a hotel, use the search form. Enter city, check-in and Departure Dates and number of guests.


In the afternoon, travelers visit museums and theaters, resting on the beaches, ride on yachts or watch the race racing "Grand Prix of Formula 1"Since part of the route runs around the city.

The most favorite place of entertainment at night is, of course, casino. In the afternoon it is available for excursions, the gaze comes here in the evening.

One of the entertainment Monaco - shoppingwhich runs in the "Golden Square" area, where there will be only the original products of branded stores.

  • Do not drink water from under the crane - It is better to buy a bottled product;
  • On the days of national holidays in the country are arranged colorful ceremony (January 27, November 19, December 25);
  • Speed \u200b\u200bby car limited up to 50 km / h;
  • During racing, prices in the country grow twice;
  • Banks do not work on weekends.

Monaco is an incredibly bright and attractive direction, since it has a convenient geographical location, developed infrastructure and a lot of interesting attractions.

Monaco is the only state in the world where the military orchestra in composition exceeds the number of army.

And it's not a joke. The army in Monaco consists of 82 people, while the number of military orchestra is 85 people. Less Monaco is only the Vatican. But the Vatican is a special state, its sovereignty is not independent, but soverees from the sovereignty of the Holy See.
But, despite this, Monaco is one of the most populous countries and is widely known for the casino in Monte Carlo. However, there are enough other attractions here. Monaco is a significant cultural center. In 1879, on the draft architect Charles Garnier (the author of the Paris Opera), the building of Monte Carlo opera was built. Here, in for different years sang Enrico Caruso, Fedor Shalyapin, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti.

In 1911 Sergey Dyagilev founded here Russian ballet Under the patronage of Prince Monaco Pierre. On the Opera scene danced Anna Pavlova, Vaclav Nizhinsky, Tamara Karsavina, George Balacin, Serge Lifar, And later - Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov.
In Monte Carlo, the Academy of Classical Dance named after the princess Grace is working. Prince Pierre Foundation, founded Rainier III in honor of the Father, annually presents a large literary award, Music Prize Prince Rainier III and an international award in contemporary art.
The city is located the famous Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, whose director was a legendary researcher.

Every year in Monaco hosts an international circus festival and a television festival.
But first - about the history of Monaco, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea; On land, the country borders with France.


First settled in Monaco Phoenicians, it was in the X century BC. e. Later, the Greeks joined them.
In 1215, on the territory of the Principality, the Genoese Republic founded its colonies and built a fortress. The Genoese Republic was an independent state in Liguria, on the north-west coast of the Apennine Peninsula.
January 8, 1297 during civil War In Genoa Monaco was employed Francois Grimaldi And his supporters. This date is considered to be the beginning of the Board of the Grimaldi Dynasty and the existence of an independent state of Monaco. Since then, for more than 700 years, the principality is managed by representatives of this surname. In 1789, the country was annexed by France.
The Paris Treaty (first) on May 30, 1814 restored the principality within the boundaries that existed before January 1, 1792, under the French Protectorator.
After the final collapse of the Empire, according to the Paris Treaty (second) on November 20, 1815, Monaco was transferred to the Protectorate of the Sardinian Kingdom (the state that existed in Italy from 1720 to 1861)
On July 18, 1860, Sardinia brought his troops from Monaco, putting the end of the protectorate.
In 1865, a casino was opened in Monte Carlo and a customs union was created with France. These events accelerated the economic development of the country.

A very big contribution to the economy of Monaco made a famous billionaire Aristotle Oressis: Thanks to his investment, it was possible not only to expand the territory of the principality, to build a port, but also to create an entertaining industry that made Monaco with a rich country in which the entire world elite comes.
Prince also engaged in active construction in Monaco Rainier III. In 2005, being very sick, he handed his authority to his son and the heir to the prince Alberta II.which rules the country at the present time.

Brief information about the country

Form of government - Constitutional dualistic monarchy.
Largest cities - Monaco, Monaco Villa, Monte Carlo, Fonvay, La Kandaine. Essentially, they all merged into one city of Monaco.
Head of State - Prince.
Head of executive - State Minister.
Territory - 2, 02 square meters. km. Recently, the territory expands due to the drainage of marine areas.
Population - 35 986 people. 47% of the population are the French.
State Religion - Catholicism. The state guarantees freedom of religion.
Currency - Euro.
Administrative division - Three communes that are divided into 10 districts.
Economy - develops mainly at the expense of tourism, gambling business, the construction of new residences, as well as at the expense of media media covered by the life of the princely family.
Climate - subtropical, Mediterranean, with hot dry summer and soft rainy winter.

State symbolism of Monaco

Flag - It is a cloth with two isometric stripes placed horizontally. From above - strip red Colors, bottom - white.
The flag was adopted in 1881 during the reign of Prince Charles III. The colors of the flag are associated with the colors of the prince's genus Grimaldi, whose representatives rule the principality from the Middle Ages. At the end of the 18th century, Monaco was joined in France, but in 1814 after the fall of Napoleon, the board of the Grimaldi dynasty in Monaco was restored, at the same time the current Monk Flag appeared, although officially he was approved only in 1881
In 1945, the Indonesia government took exactly the same flag. This was the reason for the diplomatic conflict: Monaco expressed the official protest, which was rejected due to the fact that the Indonesian flag is more ancient than the flag of Monaco.

Coat of arms Monaco - coat of arms of Prince Monaco Albert II. The shield is separated by a diamond on silver and a cherry. The shield framed the chain of the Order of St. Carla, seized by green oak leaves. The shield holds the monks armed with swords. Cherry mantle, cut off with a golden ribbon and fell by the mountainous fur. The shield is crowned with the princely crown. On the bottom of the tape motto "Deo Juvante" (lat. "With God's help). Armed monks symbolize a real historical event - in 1297 Monaco was conquered by Francesco Grimaldi soldiers, dressed in monastic rows. The motto belongs to the Grimaldi dynasty.

Sights Monaco

In Monaco - the official residence of the Government of Monaco from the genus Grimaldi. Initially, the palace was founded as the Genoese Fortress in 1191, then expanded repeatedly and was rebuilt. Starting from the end of the XIII century. The palace belongs to the Genoese genus Grimaldi.
From the XVII century, when Grimalidi began to rule as a sovereign rulers of Monaco, they had to be constantly in very unstable diplomatic agreements with their stronger neighbors. Therefore, instead of luxury palaces in a baroque style, as in other European countries, they were built in the form of a fortress. However, this did not prevent in the late XVIII century. For 20 years, take the Palace French.
The uniqueness of the Palace is also in the fact that he was the only residence of Monaco's princes for more than seven centuries, and therefore the financial and political position of Grimaldi's house is directly reflected in architecture.
In 1997, Grimaldi celebrated in the palace 700 years His Board in Monaco. Currently, the palace is still a princely residence.

Built in 1875, the Cathedral in Monaco is absolutely not similar to the traditional church of the time, where the gilding prevails, brown-green stucco and pink shades. This cathedral was made of white stone, which destroyed the established stereotypes.
The cathedral is located in the old town, on the spot old church, destroyed during the French Revolution. It is located on one of the highest and most beautiful points of the Principality of Monaco. Interior decoration of the cathedral decorate the canvas of the famous artist Louis Brea.

In the national day and days of religious holidays Monaco in the Cathedral, services are held, during which you can hear the sounds of the authority. This "divine" musical instrument It was installed in the Cathedral in 1976 the Cathedral is also a tomb for the princes of Monaco, their wives and daughters. Here are representatives of the thirty-five generations of the genus Grimaldi. Nationally beloved Princess Grace, who died in a car accident, is also buried in the Cathedral. The altar and the department of the cathedral are made of white carrarsky marble.

Museum of Napoleon

In the Napoleon Museum, located in Monaco-Villa, are stored, which once belonged to Napoleon I or in any way related to his life. Napoleon's family was distantly connected with the Prince of Monaco Dynasty. This museum is also called Museum of Napoleonic memories and collections from the historical archives of the Palace.

Collect the collection began still Louis II, a fan of the imperial France and the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. The collection was significantly replenished during the rule of the grandson of Louis II and his successor to Prince Rainier III, in which the museum moved to the southern wing of the Princely Palace. The museum is open to visitors since 1970

The collection of the museum stores documents that belong to the times of the first empire: letters and documents relating to the time of the reign of Napoleon, the period of its conquest and expulsion. The personal belongings of Napoleon Bonaparte are stored here, as well as his religious articles brought from the Islands of St. Helena. Here the hat, which was on the emperor during the battle of the Marengo; red leather floor waters for table; Hours he used during the war with Russia; Letters with the signature of Napoleon, etc. The museum has a cannonic nuclei that remained after the battle under Austerlitz; Rich weapon collection.

Among the tobacker, hours and clothes - paintings and sculptures dedicated to the French Emperor, including the Busts of Napoleon Italian Sculptor Antonio Canova and Jean Antoine Hudon, as well as bust Josephine court sculptor Napoleon I Francois-Joseph Bosio.

The Museum also presents exhibits that tell about the history of Monaco: Monaco's independence patent from 1512, granted by the French king Louis XII, a letter of the French king Louis XIV to the bright prince Monaco Antoine, uniforms of the monaco soldiers of various times, a collection of rare coins, seals and several historical postage brands. The museum also has a room with roman emperors.

Fortress of the XVIII century Fort Antoine

She erected Prince Antoine I, a big music lover. Today, this fortress is an open theater.

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

The oceanographic museum with an underground aquarium is a masterpiece of modern architecture. The construction is located almost on a sheer cliff. Founded in 1910 by Prince Albert I. A unique aquarium was created here, in which water was splashing from a hundred seas. This is one of the few aquariums of the world, where corals grow (they do not take root in captivity).

Palace Square

This is the favorite place for walks of citizens and guests of the city. It is here that you can watch how every day at the same time at the central entrance to the Princely Palace there is a solemn shift of Karaula - a ritual, which is constant throughout the history of the city. With this ceremony plays a brass orchestra.

In a tiny monaco, there are amazing places where you can hide from urban and tourist bustle for a while. One of them is the Gardens of St. Martin. The air here is impregnated with the aroma of the Mediterranean plants, the crowns of vintage trees give a pleasant shadow in the summer. Complements the picture spectacular view of the Mediterranean Sea.
In these gardens with a fabulous view of the sea, except for a variety of trees and colors, statues, fountains, etc. are placed. Gardens are located on the steep slopes of the mountain immediately behind the building of the Institute of Oceanography. Monaco is probably the only city in Europe by which you can move with the help of an elevator. From the foot of the mountain on the elevator can be lifted to the Park of the Gardens of St. Martin.
This is the first public garden, which appeared in the principality during the reign of Prince of Honore V in the first half of the XIX century. Small winding tracks, a small pond and numerous bronze sculptures, including - a monument to Alberta I, the Creator of the Oceanographic Institute.

Museum of wax figures of the princes of Monaco

The museum reflects the episodes of the history of the Grimaldi dynasty from the end of the XIII century. until now. Wax figures are made in full size, many of them are dressed in genuine costumes of various eras. On 4 scenes are 40 characters, the costumes are presented with the family of the dynasty. Here are the figures of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace with children: Karolina princesse, heredge by Prince Albert and Princess Stefania.

It is known for its wide harbor and is the main port and business center of the country. Harbor Hercules, or Port Monaco - the largest marina of Monaco Principality.

Church of Holy G.

Holy girl - Virgo, Korsican martyr. She was born in the city of Marian on Corsica, about 283. Young Virgo decided to devote himself to God. By order of the prefect named Warbarian, she was thrown into prison and took the torment for her faith. Her mouth was crushed, her body was dragged on stones and barbed blackberries. Holy Delot was worn in Mariana - her quartered or scored her stones.

After the death of the Holy Governor ordered to burn her body so that it was not the object of reverence. However, it was saved by the flames of Christians. The saint body was placed on a ship sent to Africa. But the storm overtook the ship, and the dove, departing from the mouth of Saint, led him to the place where it is located Le Homat, part of the Principality of Monaco, where the chapel of St. George was already standing.
Her exterposed body was found by fishermen. In honor of St. Monaco, a chapel was built, existing to this day. To the day of the Holy Memory, January 27.Flowers bloom around it. The chapel of Holy Giving is first mentioned around 1070 as Saint-Pont Monastery.

Maritime Museum

The collection of the museum contains more than two hundred and fifty exhibits, which in one way or another are related to the sea. Here you can see the layouts of famous ships, among which you can find exhibits from the private collection of Prince Rainier III.
An active part in the creation of the Monk Maritime Museum received and surgeon dentist Pallanian. He was in love with the sea and during the service and walking around the seas with his own hands created more than one and a half hundredmost ships layouts. In 1990, there was a solemn transmission of layouts made by the Pallantea, the administration of Monaco. This event has become the beginning of the museum. Prince Rainier III began to create it, he highlighted the room where the collection of pallets layouts was located, and later the prince increased it and exhibits from his own assembly.
In the fate and history of the principality, the sea played an important role. The genus Grimaldi led a lot of centuries to fight with Saracen pirates. In the middle of the XIV century The shop of Grimaldi took part in the battle of the cross on the side of Philip VI against the British. During World War II, Navy Monaco defended the borders of France from the attacks of Nazi Germany. Locks of ships presented in the Marine Museum are a perfect copy of natural vessels in a reduced amount.

Museum of old cars Prince Rainier III

This is one of the most visited museums of Monaco after the oceanographic museum. Prince Rainier III was a passionate lover of cars. For 30 years, he collected a collection of vintage brands of cars. It is represented in his personal museum.
In the unusual collection of Prince Rainier III about 100 models that represent various epochs. There are six carriage with the stamp signs of the princely family here.
The first acquisition of Prince Rainier was the de-Dion-Buton car, which was collected in 1903. He then bought Renault Torpedo, released in 1911. There is a collection of exponts "Peugeot", "Citroen", "Lincoln" , "Pakcard", as well as the American brands "Cadillac" 1953, Creisler-Imperial 1956
Several cars represent prestigious models from Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes and Jaguar companies. Here and the old London taxi, which once traveled the princess Grace.
Cars are accommodated in a large, specially equipped hall, which overlooks the port of the Fonvay.

Park "Zhardin-Exotic"

The "Zhardin-exotic" park spread out on a mountainside, more than 7 thousand species of cacti and many other tropical plants grows in it. The base of the slope is the grotto with artificial illumination, stalactites and stalagmites can be observed inside.

Ruralstial "Monte Carlo"

The rally race is organized by Monaco's car club. The stage passes along the French Riviera in the Principality of Monaco and in the south-east of France. Since its inception in 1911, Prince Albert I, this complex stage is considered a landmark for checking improvements and innovations in the automotive industry. The victory in this rally brings fame to the automaker and honor. From 1973 to 2008. The Monte Carlo rally was the stage of the World Rally Championship, and since 2009 it is included in the Internacional Rally Chalenge Calendar (IRC). Road coating varies on the plots (dry asphalt, wet asphalt, snow and ice), so the right choice of tires is played an important role in the race. This rally is distinguished by beautiful and varied areas. The track is replete with steep and narrow mountain roads With a multitude of turns "Stud". On the Monte Carlo rally there are 2 night stages.

Grand Prix "Formula 1"

Monaco Grand Prix is \u200b\u200bthe Formula 1 race on the Montte Carlo City Highway in the Principality of Monaco. It is held from the first World Cup of 1950 to the present (not included in the 1951-1954 championship). From 1929 to 1948, before the emergence of Formula 1, the Monaco Grand Prix was carried out on auto racing as independent sports. Monaco Grand Prix is \u200b\u200bconsidered one of the most prestigious races in the Formula 1 championship.

Placed in the south of Europe, one of the smallest states on the mainland, almost from all sides, surrounded by France, the Principality of Monaco can safely be called a model of excellent taste and vitality. Still, interests here are the most greatness: dear yachtsRunning in azure casino with leading rates and the exciting Spirit of Formula 1. A royal family is general the most important attraction of the principality.

All this we will try to consider more in the current article dedicated to an amazing and attractive country - Monaco. Let's go there!

A little more geography

The principality of Monaco, a map, alas, does not flatter. It is noted on it just a point, drowning on the expanses of France. And it is quite difficult to find his inexperienced person.

But it is this small size that is one of the most attractive traits forcing tourists from around the world to find microstate on the map. How many wishes to get into this world of wealth and sophisticated taste, which, by the way, protects the army of the number of only 82 people! Imagine? And this is despite the fact that in the military orchestra of the same Monaco - 85 people. But they are not scary, because France has taken responsibility for the security of the principality if other states attack him. Like this!

And to those who are somewhat difficult in response to the question of where Monaco is located, we will explain: where the territories of France and Italy come closer, about ten kilometers from the place of their docking on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea there is a bright point that attracts prosperity Good luck and success.

Meet - the ruling Monaco family

This is one of the few modern monarchies, where the powers of the crowned personnel and the real chapter of the state belong to the same person.

The representative of the oldest European Dynasty of Prince Albert II is ruled in Monaco, he is the son of Prince Rainier II and the Hollywood Star, Beauty Grace Kelly. Albert's wife, Queen of Monaco (quite in modern trends) is an athlete from South Africa, Olympic champion in swimming Charlin Lienett Whitstock. The wedding of the monarch was held in 2011.

Since a worthy ruler of this small state has not yet official heirs, then the native sister of Prince Alberta, Princess Carolina Louise Margarita Grimaldi and her children are still considered those. But the principality is waiting for the appearance of a little prince, which will lead a flourishing country in the future.

Where is Monaco and how to get there?

About where the princess is located, we have already told a little in the opening part, but anyone who decides to go to this country of dreams, details will be interesting. For example, how to get there?

The easiest and most quick way to be in Monaco is considered to be flight to Nice, and then the bus (the trip on it is 45 minutes) or the train (no more than half an hour). If you have a car, then the passage from Nice to Monaco is just 30 minutes away.

In the absence of direct flights to Nice, the flight is carried out to the capital of France, Paris, from where the Principality is 950 km away, for several hours overcome by train.

By the way, the station in Monaco, whose photo we offer to your attention is right in the mountain. And when leaving the travelers, travelers make up the impression that they got into some unreal world. What, actually, not far from the truth!

A few words about where to place a visa in Monaco

Interesting the fact that the permanent residents of Monaco are just 20% of its population, the remaining 80% are cruising from the principality and back rich and businessmen. But nevertheless, to get into this miniature state is not so easy. It should be mentioned that, since Monaco is a member of the European Union, a Schengen visa needs for the visit.

Due to the fact that the representative offices of this country in Russia is not, the permission to enter the principality of travelers has to be issued to which are posted in Moscow (Bolshaya Yakimanka st., 45) and St. Petersburg (English Embankment, 42). There are the same centers in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

Climate Monaco

Since travelers are usually very important to know how the weather will be waiting for them at the place of stay, we inform that in places where Monaco is located, the Alps serve as a reliable protection from northern windsCarrying cold, and the cool sea breeze will make the summer heat not so exhaustive.

A similar geographical position creates characterized by a dry non-quiet summer and warm crude winter. So, in July here the average temperature is approximately +23 ° C, and in winter, in January, does not fall below +10 ° C.

In Monaco, the best time for visiting is those from May to September.

Who lives where Monaco is located, or the features of the principality

Autochthonne, that is, the initial, the population of the principality is the people, referred to as Monegska. He makes up the fifth of all the residents of Monaco and recognized as a title nation. Monegski is exempt from all taxes, and only they have the right to settle in the old part of this city-state. Foreigners are prohibited. It's a pity! It is from here from here from the hill at Cape St. Antoine, the most accurate view of the sea and surroundings opens.

And now about the sights

In addition to the casino, the Casino in Monte Carlo and Formula 1 (by the way, its crash is strong and not figuratively: visitors who are sitting on the stands, at the start are forced to stack her ears, so as not to lose hearing), the country can offer a large number of interesting places for tourists.

Monaco is on the amazing hills descending to the Ligurian Sea (it is part of the Mediterranean water area), and is the most densely populated state in Europe.

His heart can be considered an ancient capital, located on the top of the hill, is Monaco-Ville. Here are the oldest buildings and not fitted in the accepted stereotypes of the Cathedral, erected on the site of the ancient Catholic Church of St. Nicholas in 1875. Inside the cathedral, the canvas of the famous artist Louis Brea. It is here that since the founding of the principality bury all members of the ruling family.

The facade of this cathedral is coming out on a decent admiration where for the past seven centuries the residence of the princes of Monaco is located. It is here that official techniques and international negotiations are held. Every day at noon, invariably since the reasons of the principality, the solemn change of honor guard passes before the palace, which is going to see a large number of tourists.

Decent attention and fortress of the 18th century Fort Antoine, named after a large music lover of Prince Antoine I and representing an open theater now.

A little more about the wonderful places of the Principality of Monaco

Where is the oceanographic museum, you will be prompted by any resident of the city. Do not forget to visit him! He is considered a masterpiece of modern architecture. The museum is located on a practically sheer cliff and has an underground aquarium. By the way, one of the very few, where corals were accustomed!

And as beautiful Gardens of St. Martin! This place in a tiny monaco allows citizens to hide from shortness and noise modern City In the almost pristine world, impregnated with the aroma of herbs and colors. The garden was opened during the reign of the onor of the V (first half of the 19th century). Standing along the small winding alleys of sculptures, deciding the garden, is the topic for a separate essay. Be sure to visit here!

Do not go through the church of the Holy Giving Church, which they consider the proturate principal. By the way, on the day of the memory of this Great Martyr, January 27, flowers always bloom around the temple.

Separately about museums

The most visited after oceanographic in Monaco is the Museum of Old Car, founded by Prince Rainier III, which was their fan. He collected a collection of old cars for almost 30 years, which he presented in his museum. There are more than 100 models.

BUT Maritime Museum Owns more than two hundred and fifty exhibits that are related to the sea.

Museum of wax figures is a reflection of the history of the Grimaldi dynasty. All figures are made in a natural value, and many are also dressed in old-fashioned clothes, which remained since the base of the dynasty.

You can not say goodbye to Monaco!

As you can see, Monaco - a state where there is not only secure local residents And coming to entertain the strong world of this, but also a huge cultural layer. And all this is in the most amazing point of our planet. There is also the grace of blooming gardens, and the noise of the sea, and excitement of games, and the delight of tourists. And here you will definitely return!

Monaco refers to the dwarf states and takes 2nd place in the area among the small countries of the world. Since the XIV century, the grimalidi dynasty is controlled by the principality. The country has a bright past, but today is famous for both "abode for noble and rich," where wealthy people enjoy favorable tax conditions.

Map of Monaco. Geographic characteristic

The State of Monaco is on the shores of the Ligurian Sea in the southern part of Europe. Its area is only 2.02 square meters. km. The same number includes 40 hectares sea coastdried over the past 20 years. Detailed map Monaco shows the country in a single urban space with French Community Bosoles. The border between the two states are conditional.

The principality is famous for the fact that there is one of the best casino in the world. Also in Monaco on the city highway Monte Carlo, one of the stages of the Formula 1 race under the name "Monaco Grand Prix" are held.

Another feature dwarf state - privileges of the indigenous population, called Mega region. They make up the fifth of all residents, have their own conversational language (a mixture of French with Italian) and traditions. Mongeo is considered a title nation, they are exempt from all taxes and, unlike foreigners, have the right to accommodate in the historic part of the country.

Monaco on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Usually the state is marked by a small point somewhere in France, so finding Monaco on the world map is very difficult. There is the principality on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the land of France surrounds from the sushi side. The nearest major city to Monaco is Nice. The distance between the two resorts is 18 km away.

Monaco is located on the steep hills Seaside Alps, Therefore, the country relief rocky and cut. Mountain slopes protect the coast from the northern winds. Highest point The relief of the country is 163 meters. Peak is located on the southern slope of the vertex Mont-azhel And speaks straight into the sea. Southern Location And the mountainous terrain gives the subtropical climate in these parts. For Monaco, it is characteristic:

  • dry and non-fit summer with middle temperatures air + 22-25 degrees;
  • rainy and soft winter, over the course of the air, the air does not fall below +9 degrees;
  • in the offseason, unstable weather and the decrease in temperature bring strong winds, which are from both the sea and the commercially commercial regions of France.

The warm climate and the successful geographical location of the country are attractive factors forcing russian tourists Search Monaco on a map in Russian.

The princess prevails Mediterranean type flora: dwarf palm trees, samsite, olives, jasmine, oaks, coniferous trees, etc., mountainous terrain is covered with evergreen shrubs.

  • large animals;
  • small rodents dominate from mammals;
  • from birds - Slavs, Larks, Mockingbirds;
  • there are small reptiles;
  • marine inhabitants are small (fish, mollusks, mammals).

Map of Monaco with cities. Administrative division of the country

In the past, according to the Constitution adopted in 1911, the Principality of Monaco in administratively was divided into 3 communes:

  • La-candy;
  • Monte Carlo;
  • Monaco Will.

Those, in turn, were divided into separate areas. After 6 years, amendments were made to the Constitution, as a result, the principality became one single municipal, And the former communes received the status of districts. In the early 1970s, the state was expanded due to the drainage of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, new lands of Fonzia and Le-Porter appeared.

Today in the principality there are 4 cities, the boundaries of which because of the denotoms of the attacks merged. On the map of Monaco with cities in Russian this is:

  1. Monaco-Villeold City, preserved a medieval appearance, until 2007 was the capital of the Principality. It is located on a flat platform of a high rocky rock (60 m), leaving at sea.
  2. Monte Carlo - Cultural I. entertainment Center, resort area. In this rich and prestigious area among the Mediterranean rocks, one of the world's oldest casinos and the Grand Primary Route.
  3. La Condamin - Modern business, industrial, port center. Located on the shore of the comfortable bay of Hercules.
  4. Fonvay - The modern industrial and width district in the southwest of the country is located on artificial land. It was erected as a result of creating a submarine embankment from stone blocks and a concrete dam. Here is the Multivissal Stadium Louis II and the University's only in the principality.

A little more than 35 thousand people live in the dwarf prince. Such a population density takes Monaco to the first place in the ranking of the most populated states in the world.

See also: