What will not be told about Israel. Ten unusual facts about Israel, who will surprise the Russian man in Israel

This year, Yom Ha-Azmaut, the Independence Day of Israel, is celebrated on April 23.

On the eve of the celebration of the 67th birthday of the Jewish state we collected 10 little-known facts from his difficult story.

1. On Avia Al Al Alias \u200b\u200bwere flights to Tehran

The relationship between Iran and Israel as a whole was enough to warm up to the Islamic Revolution, as a result of which in 1979 the Shah Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie was overthrown. In 1950, Iran became the second after Turkey muslim countryrecognizing Israel. Iran supplied oil to Israel during OPEC oil embargo, and Israel sold his weapon. At that time, the countries were active trading, from the capital in the capital regularly flew civil aircraft. A week after the removal of Shah from power, Iran broke off all connections with Israel, and at the site of the Israeli embassy in Tehran, the office of the organization of the liberation of Palestine was opened. Today, even after 35 years of hostility, Iranians experience less negative towards Jews than other Muslim peoples in the Middle East. In 2014, an international survey on anti-Semitism conducted by anti-Diffamation Liga showed that anti-Jewish views share 56% of Iranians - for comparison, 80% of Moroccans and 93% of Palestinians on the West Bank of the Jordan River and in the Gaza Strip are adhered to. About the relationship between Israel and Iran tells the documentary film 2014 "to the revolution".

2. The descendants of the Nazis moved to Israel

At least 400 descendants of the Nazis moved to the Jewish faith and moved to Israel - the creators of the documentary film released in 2013 are sure. A lot of former Nazis also became Jews or married the Israelis, but they do not live in Israel. For example, the grandchildren of Henry Himmler's niece, which married the Israeli Jew and now lives on another continent. In the first years of Israel's existence, there were stormy discussions - to take Germany reparations for the Holocaust or not (as a result, they were accepted). And Germany herself, as well as everything with it, has remained extremely acute contradictory theme for a long time - from 1956 to 1967, films made in Germany were prohibited in Israel.

3. Ben Gurion invented A la Couscus

Tiny flour balls of Israeli kuskus - Poultry - appeared in the 50s. Then the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion addressed the manufacturer of food OSEM with a request to develop a local product from wheat as an alternative to rice, which in the country does not grow on the purchase of which the country has simply not had money in a tough economy. Pattle, which was called "Rice Ben-Gurion," immediately won the love of the population.

This 1958 photograph, on which the family sits in front of the TV, could not do in Israel, because until 1966 no television was there (Wikimedia Commons)

4. There was no television in Israel until the end of the 60s

The first Israeli television appeared in 1966 - primarily as an additional educational instrument for schools. Regular public broadcasting began on Israel's independence day in 1968. The next two decades of Israel had only one channel, and the broadcast was limited to several hours per day. The second channel appeared in 1986, and cable television came to the country in 1990. Today, Israeli TV is a real source of inspiration for Hollywood. TV series "Motherland" (Showtime), "Patients" (HBO), "Your Family or My" (TBS), "Devotion" (NBC), "Tyrant" and "Boom" (Showtime) - all this is the Rimea of \u200b\u200bIsraeli projects.

5. The mother-in-law Elizabeth II was buried in Jerusalem

Mother Prince Philippe, Princess Alisa Battenberg, was born in 1885. The girl was born with a diagnosis of "deafness", nevertheless, she learned English and German in the deaf and dumb language and even married to the Greek and Danish Prince Andrei. During the Nazi occupation of Greece Alice hid with a Jewish woman with children, for which the poison of Va-Shem admitted it to one of the "righteous people", and the British government is "Hero Holocaust." In 1967, she moved to London and settled in the Buckingham Palace with his son and his wife, Queen Elizabeth II. Two years later, the princess died, and her body was placed in the tomb in Windsor Castle. In 1988, her remains transported to the monastery at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene on the Eleon (Omal) Mount - before his death, she expressed the desire to be buried exactly there. On this grief there is one of the oldest current cemeteries.

6. Alaska Airlines transported thousands of Jewish Yemen to Israel

After the victory of Israel in the war for independence in 1948, anti-Semitic riots broke out in Yemen, and local Jews decided to massively move to historical lands. James Vuent, President Alaska Airlines, imbued with their difficult situation and gave an order to organize flights for repatriates. From June 1949 to September 1950, within the framework of the secret operation "Carpet aircraft" Alaska Airlines, two-dimensional C-46 and four-dimensional DC-4 were made about 430 flights, transporting about 50 thousand Jews from Yemen to Israel. The pilots had to overcome many difficulties: the lack of fuel, sandy storms, enemy shelling, one of the aircraft even barely landed due to engine loss. Despite all the difficulties of flights, all passengers were safely transported to Israel.

7. Gold Meir was the third woman in the world as Prime Minister

Meir (nee Meerson) became Israel Prime Minister in 1969. Prior to this, two women were already in world history in such a high post - Sirimavo Bandarana in Sri Lanka (1960-65) and India of Gandhi (1966-77) in India. Meir was born in Kiev, grew up in Milwaukee and after marriage moved to the submanent Palestine. He and her husband settled in Kibbutz, and Golda almost immediately began to lead active activities in the Federation of Workers. Despite the enormous popularity of Meir among the American Jews, in Israel, her policy is still quite criticized - first of all because of the obvious mistakes that they allowed during the War of the Judgment Day in 1973, when Meir decided not to make a proactive attack on Arab Forces on the Israeli border with Syria.

And although the State Investigation Commission of Agranta has established that direct responsibility for what happened Meir does not bear, very soon she left his post. In 1974, Izhak Rabin came to her place, which he held it until 1977. He was again appointed by the Prime Minister in 1992.

8. According to the Israeli law of 1980, solar water heaters must be installed on all new homes

The law was adopted as a measure to combat the energy crisis of the late 70s - thanks to him, Israel became the world's first country in terms of the use of solar power per capita. According to official estimates, today 85% of houses use solar energy to heal water - it is 3% of electricity consumption throughout the country. But at the same time, Israel lags behind other countries in the application of solar energy for other purposes, and more and more often, developers and home owners use loopholes in the law to circumvent the need to set exactly such a system of boilers.

9. Jerusalem Mountain Skopus in fact is not part of the West Bank of the Jordan River

Despite the fact that Mount Skopus is located in East Jerusalem, where the campus of the Jewish University and the Medical Center "Hadassa", she was Israeli from the very foundation of the state. After the end of the war of independence in 1949, the hill was controlled by Israeli troops, although it was located on the territory of the Jordanian East Jerusalem. Every two weeks under the protection of UN, Israel sent military forces and supplies into this enclave. The convoy often fell under the shelling of the Arab Forces, and in 1958 it was attacked, as a result of which 4 Israeli soldiers were killed and one military UN. Mount Skopus became part of the Jewish territory of Jerusalem as a result of the six-day war in 1967.

10. Alberta Enenstein offered to become President of Israel

Enstein received this proposal from David Ben-Gurion in November 1952, a few days after the death of the first President of Israel, Hamim Weitman. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Abba Ebman wrote a brilliant scientist that the proposal of the Prime Minister is "the gesture of the greatest respect, which only the Jewish people may have to have any of their sons." Entheyen replied that he was deeply touched by the state of Israel, but with regret and regret it should reject it. " Enstein did not accept the post, but did not stop worried about the country. "My connection with the Jewish people became my most striking human connection since I began to fully conscious of our dangerous position among the peoples of the world," he admitted. It is noteworthy that Ben-Gurion officially refuted messages in the press that it was he who suggested Enstein such a post. After three years, the scientist died.

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My name is Anna. I am a student and already 7 months live in Israel. I discovered for myself the country on the other hand, when for the first time took part in bright masquerade and finally got used to greet all the question "How are you?". I often make something unexpected and unusual for people of another culture. It is about such things that I will tell you in this article.

Especially for websitei collected the strangest, fun and amazing observations about Israel. Part of the notes are more impressions than facts, since I am not attached to religious culture.

In Israel, women and men serve, and those who did not serve it is difficult to find a job

In Israel, every citizen is served by 18 years old young people are called up in the army. Men serve for 3 years, and women - 2. After that, the Israelite can look for himself and profession, to be determined with the future. I am 24 years old, but I am a child for local standards.

Those who did not serve here, then it's hard to find a job.Here they serve both men and women, including religious. Now in the government of the party from religious asks to free believers from the army, but so far such a law is not accepted.

Locals are very loved by promotions and discounts.

The Israelis do not like when something disappears in vain. Therefore, on Friday, all vegetables in the markets fall in price by 2-3 times, especially before closing.

Also every Friday, the inhabitants of Tel Aviv remove unnecessary things from the house. I live in a room with 5 students, where 50% of furniture and techniques are found on the street. Here, they do not work, on the contrary, it is considered absolutely normal.

The Israelites love shares and discounts very much.When you walk down the street, every shop is calling: "Take 5 chocolates for the price of one!" And the sellers are very surprised if you do not use such a favorable offer.

Traditions and holidays make up most of the life of every citizen

In Israel, religious holidays and Jewish traditions occupy a majority of the life of every citizen.This is a special charm. In addition, this is an additional weekend. I arrived almost 7 months ago, during this time they celebrated here:

  • Yom-kipipur(Judgment Day). It lasts a day. At this time, all the roads are overlapped and flights are canceled. Therefore, secular Israelis use bicycles.
  • Rosh Hashan(Head of the Year) - Jewish New Year. According to the Jewish calendar now 5578. I liked the tradition, according to which apples are taken in Honey - it is believed to be sweet.
  • Sukkot, or festival. Celebrated a few days, during which small chalas have for meals with straw roofs or roofs from palm leavesthat decorate various colored paper toys.
  • Hanukkah- The most fabulous holiday. Passes 8 days. At this time, everyone eats donuts, on the windows in the houses and on the streets they light the Hanukkah lamps. Every day add one new candle.
  • Purim. Three Day Spring Masquerade. It is a day off only for schoolchildren, but in Tel Aviv people come in costumes even to work. This is a city procession where everything is fitted: both children and adults, and religious, and secular.
  • Pesh.. The only tradition that I was familiar in childhood. One of the brightest holidays of the year. The usual bread on the counters of the city is replaced by Matsoy.

In Tel Aviv there is a strong reverse

In Tel Aviv, a very strong reverse of the seaBecause of this, almost all the beaches have breakwesters, and where they are not, it is forbidden to swim. However, rescuers work only until 16:00! At 16:00 also closes the locker rooms, so everyone goes to change into toilets, which is very uncomfortable.

Israel is a country of cats and dogs, while all animals are grafted

Tel Aviv is a city of dogs. There is even a special beach for them. It is located right between Gay Beach and Datiim (closed beach for religious) - such an unusual neighborhood. In Israel, there is a certain tax on the maintenance of the dog, depending on its initial cost. Thus, it is more profitable to take home to a mongrel. All animals in the country with chips. City cats are also marked and grafted.

In Israel, with greetings they say not "Hi!", And "How are you?"

At work I was very surprised that when welcome me asked: "How are you?"But this is a question that does not require a specific answer. It is answered by the same question. The form of decency, adopted here, which is difficult to understand foreigners. And the word" having "in Hebrew sounds like" axis haym ", which in the literal translation means" to do a life".

Being a fan of meat and fish is difficult and very expensive

Winter here lasts about 2 months a year. At this time, everyone is insulated in three layers of clothing, sleep in socks and bathrobes under electric blankets. The fact is that there are no central heating in the houses.

Summer water is heated due to sunny batteriesinstalled on houses. And in winter everything hot water It is heated by electricity. Here no one stands for a long time under the shower, does not wash dishes for a long time because water is a very expensive resource.But despite this, in the summer, when the insane heat, in every institution you can ask for a simple water absolutely free. Everywhere and, in particular, there are drinking fountains in the parks.

Living in Tel Aviv, being a vegetarian, is solid pleasure. When I first visited here in a cafe and ordered a fruit shake, the waiter surprised me: "On milk, on soy milk, on water or juice?" Here is an absolute norm for any institution. In each area you can find several "green" stores with special products.

Country created for cyclists and lovers of electrical sinks and electrosciles

Now I am in touching the Bureau in Tel Aviv, but I live in Ramat Ghana, which is about the same as for a person working in Manhattan, to live in Brooklyn. Therefore, for me the only opportunity to get to the beach and cities in Shabbat is a bike that is almost every inhabitant.

On the eve of the celebration of the 67th day of the birth of the Jewish state, we collected 10 little-known facts from his difficult story.

1. On Avia Al Al Alias \u200b\u200bwere flights to Tehran

The relationship between Iran and Israel as a whole was enough to warm up to the Islamic Revolution, as a result of which in 1979 the Shah Mohammed Reza Pekhlevie was overthrown. In 1950, Iran became the second after Turkey the Muslim country, who recognized Israel. Iran supplied oil to Israel during OPEC oil embargo, and Israel sold his weapon. At that time, active trading was held between the countries, civil aircraft flew from the capital to the capital. A week after the removal of Shah from power, Iran broke off all connections with Israel, and at the site of the Israeli embassy in Tehran, the office of the organization of the liberation of Palestine was opened. Today, even after 35 years of hostility, Iranians experience less negative towards Jews than other Muslim peoples in the Middle East. In 2014, an international survey on anti-Semitism conducted by anti-Diffamation Liga showed that anti-Jewish views share 56% of Iranians - for comparison, 80% of Moroccans and 93% of Palestinians on the West Bank of the Jordan River and in the Gaza Strip are adhered to. About the relationship between Israel and Iran tells the documentary film 2014 "to the revolution".

2. The descendants of the Nazis moved to Israel

At least 400 descendants of the Nazis moved to the Jewish faith and moved to Israel - the creators of the documentary film released in 2013 are sure. A lot of former Nazis also became Jews or married the Israelis, but they do not live in Israel. For example, the grandchildren of Henry Himmler's niece, which married the Israeli Jew and now lives on another continent. In the first years of Israel's existence, there were stormy discussions - to take Germany reparations for the Holocaust or not (as a result, they were accepted). And Germany herself, as well as everything with it, has remained extremely acute contradictory theme for a long time - from 1956 to 1967, films made in Germany were prohibited in Israel.

3. Ben Gurion invented A la Couscus

Tiny flour balls of Israeli kuskus - Poultry - appeared in the 50s. Then the Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion addressed the manufacturer of food OSEM with a request to develop a local product from wheat as an alternative to rice, which in the country does not grow on the purchase of which the country has simply not had money in a tough economy. Pattle, which was called "Rice Ben-Gurion," immediately won the love of the population.

4. There was no television in Israel until the end of the 60s

This photo of 1958, on which the family sits in front of the TV, could not do in Israel, because until 1966 there was no television there

The first Israeli television appeared in 1966 - primarily as an additional educational tool for schools. Regular public broadcasting began on Israel's independence day in 1968. The next two decades of Israel had only one channel, and the broadcast was limited to several hours per day. The second channel appeared in 1986, and cable television came to the country in 1990. Today, Israeli TV is a real source of inspiration for Hollywood. TV series "Motherland" (Showtime), "Patients" (HBO), "Your Family or My" (TBS), "Devotion" (NBC), "Tyrant" and "Boom" (Showtime) - all this is the Rimea of \u200b\u200bIsraeli projects.

5. The mother-in-law Elizabeth II was buried in Jerusalem

Mother Prince Philippe, Princess Alisa Battenberg, was born in 1885. The girl was born with a diagnosis of "deafness", nevertheless, she learned English and German in the deaf and dumb language and even married to the Greek and Danish Prince Andrei. During the Nazi occupation of Greece Alice hid with a Jewish woman with children, for which the poison of Va-Shem admitted it to one of the "righteous people", and the British government is "Hero Holocaust." In 1967, she moved to London and settled in the Buckingham Palace with his son and his wife, Queen Elizabeth II. Two years later, the princess died, and her body was placed in the tomb in Windsor Castle. In 1988, her remains transported to the monastery at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene on the Eleon (Omal) Mount - before his death, she expressed the desire to be buried exactly there. On this grief there is one of the oldest current cemeteries.

6. Alaska Airlines transported thousands of Jewish Yemen to Israel

After the victory of Israel in the war for independence in 1948, anti-Semitic riots broke out in Yemen, and local Jews decided to massively move to historical lands. James Vuent, President Alaska Airlines, imbued with their difficult situation and gave an order to organize flights for repatriates. From June 1949 to September 1950, within the framework of the secret operation "Carpet aircraft" Alaska Airlines, two-dimensional C-46 and four-dimensional DC-4 were made about 430 flights, transporting about 50 thousand Jews from Yemen to Israel. The pilots had to overcome many difficulties: the lack of fuel, sandy storms, enemy shelling, one of the aircraft even barely landed due to engine loss. Despite all the difficulties of flights, all passengers were safely transported to Israel.

7. Gold Meir was the third woman in the world as Prime Minister

Meir (nee Meerson) became Israel Prime Minister in 1969. Prior to this, two women were already in world history in such a high post - Sirimavo Bandarana in Sri Lanka (1960-65) and India of Gandhi (1966-77) in India. Meir was born in Kiev, grew up in Milwaukee and after marriage moved to the submanent Palestine. He and her husband settled in Kibbutz, and Golda almost immediately began to lead active activities in the Federation of Workers. Despite the enormous popularity of Meir among the American Jews, in Israel, her policy is still quite criticized - first of all because of the obvious mistakes that they allowed during the War of the Judgment Day in 1973, when Meir decided not to make a proactive attack on Arab Forces on the Israeli border with Syria.

And although the State Investigation Commission of Agranta has established that direct responsibility for what happened Meir does not bear, very soon she left his post. In 1974, Izhak Rabin came to her place, which he held it until 1977. He was again appointed by the Prime Minister in 1992.

8. According to the Israeli law of 1980, solar water heaters must be installed on all new homes

The law was adopted as a measure to combat the energy crisis of the late 70s - thanks to him, Israel became the world's first country in terms of the use of solar power per capita. According to official estimates, today 85% of houses use solar energy to heal water - it is 3% of electricity consumption throughout the country. But at the same time, Israel lags behind other countries in the application of solar energy for other purposes, and more and more often, developers and home owners use loopholes in the law to circumvent the need to set exactly such a system of boilers.

9. Jerusalem Mountain Skopus in fact is not part of the West Bank of the Jordan River

Despite the fact that Mount Skopus is located in East Jerusalem, where the campus of the Jewish University and the Medical Center "Hadassa", she was Israeli from the very foundation of the state. After the end of the war of independence in 1949, the hill was controlled by Israeli troops, although it was located on the territory of the Jordanian East Jerusalem. Every two weeks under the protection of UN, Israel sent military forces and supplies into this enclave. The convoy often fell under the shelling of the Arab Forces, and in 1958 it was attacked, as a result of which 4 Israeli soldiers were killed and one military UN. Mount Skopus became part of the Jewish territory of Jerusalem as a result of the six-day war in 1967.

10. Alberta Enenstein offered to become President of Israel

Enstein received this proposal from David Ben-Gurion in November 1952, a few days after the death of the first President of Israel, Hamim Weitman. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Abba Ebman wrote a brilliant scientist that the proposal of the Prime Minister is "the gesture of the greatest respect, which only the Jewish people may have to have any of their sons." Entheyen replied that he was deeply touched by the state of Israel, but with regret and regret it should reject it. " Enstein did not accept the post, but did not stop worried about the country. "My connection with the Jewish people became my most striking human connection since I began to fully conscious of our dangerous position among the peoples of the world," he admitted. It is noteworthy that Ben-Gurion officially refuted messages in the press that it was he who suggested Enstein such a post. After three years, the scientist died.

The creation of an independent Jewish state was announced on May 14, 1948. Since then, confrontation with Palestine and other Arab countries is part of the daily life of the Israelis.

2. Israel is the only Jewish state in the world, but this is a multinational country, and the Jews make up only three-quarters of the entire population.

3. In total, representatives of approximately seventy peoples live in Israel.

4. Despite the complex political situation, Israel was able to become one of the most economically developed countries of South-West Asia.

5. Israel's country is so small that it can be driving it from east to west in 2 hours, and from the south to the north in 9 o'clock.


6. The official capital of Israel is not Tel Aviv, as many are sure, but Jerusalem. Although the first certainly is a cultural, economic and tourist center countries.

7. In Israel there is no formal accepted version of the Constitution of Israel. The role of the Constitution of the state, Israel performs the so-called, a set of "basic laws".

8. 24% of the workforce of Israel have a higher education (third place after the United States and Holland) and 12% - a degree.

9. In Israel, three seas: Mediterranean - along the western coast of the country, Red - in the south in Eilat and the Dead - a famous health resort.

10. In Israel, the world's highest percentage of people with higher education.

First Astronaut Israel Ilan Ramon

11. Israel has its own cosmic program. This country has repeatedly launched its own satellites into orbit.

12. In Israel 2 official languages \u200b\u200b- Hebrew and Arabic. Modern Hebrew is reborn from the language, which was considered the books of several centuries.

13. Many Israelis know English well.

14. In Israel, there is enough Russian-speaking population. This is due to the fact that after the collapse of the USSR a large number of Soviet Jews immigrated to Israel.

15. Israel is included in the top 10 countries for life expectancy. In Israel, she is one of the highest - 82 years.

City of Haifa

16. Haifa - one of the most important cities in Israel on the shore Mediterranean Sea. The city is located on Mount Carmel and is famous for its seaport.

17. The world's smallest 2 kilometer long in the world is also in Haifa. His name is "Carmelit". These are 6 stations and train from 4 wagons that pass through the mountain tunnel by cableway. Thus, from the lower city you can get up literally in 10 minutes.

Bahá'í Garden in Haifa

18. A lot of Christians live in Haifa, before Merry Christmas and Happy New Year main Square Cities put both Christmas tree and meno (symbol of the Jewish holiday Hanukkah), decorate the street with garlands and decorations.

19. One of the oldest Israeli universities, Technion, is in Haifa. It occupies the highest ratings among technical universities in the world.

20. Israel is the only country in the world where women are called for military service.

Resort Eilat

21. Eilat is a famous Israeli resort in the south of the country located on the Red Sea on the border with Egypt.

22. We can do diving and watch the underwater world of multi-colored fish and corals.

23. Also from Eilat go excursions to the city of Peter (Jordan), which is one of the new wonders of the world.

24. Despite the fact that the polysthenes remains the desert, in Israel a huge number of parks, trees, colors. Everyone is planted by the hands of a person, and the water supply system was carried out to each bush.

25. Also in the center there is a gorgeous park of rare plants and orchids Utopia.

National Library of Israel

26. In Israel, more books are published, translated from other languages \u200b\u200bthan in any other country of the world.

27. In Israel, there is no familiar to most people, the change of seasons. It's warm here round yearthat, of course, pleases everyone.

28. Best time for beach holidays - May-June and September-October. In July and August, it is very hot here.

29.Zima for several days there are severe rains, and in the north sometimes even falls out. Then the Israelites crowd go to look at this miracle and play with children in snowballs.

30. The famous Valley Armageddon is located in Israel.

Dead Sea

31. The Dead Sea is the lowest point of the world. Due to the high concentration of salt on it, it is easy to stay afloat, but it will not be able to swim in a standard way. In addition, it is not worth being in it for more than 10 minutes.

32. On his shore there is a whole tourist town with hotels and spa.

33. Israel ranks first in the world in the number of museums per capita.

34. Every year thousands of letters addressed to God come to Jerusalem.

35. Israel was the first country that banned participation in the showing of models with insufficient weight.

Kinerelet - Galilee Sea in Israel

36. Kinetere (or Galilee Sea) - most big Lake In the country, the lowest on the planet, the place of natural "shafts", as well as the only source of fresh water in Israel until recently.

37. Every year thousands of letters addressed to God come to Jerusalem.

38. Every year more than a million notes are left in the cry wall. The wall is cleared of notes in front of Pesach and Rosh Ha Shan (Jewish New Year).

39. The most common street name in Israel is Hazait (Khazayat), which means olive street.

40. Taxes in Israel are extremely high, yielding only taxes in Sweden and Switzerland.

41. Small tomatoes "Cherry" were launched in Israel, in the 70s. These tomatoes were displayed as a stable to the lack of moisture of the variety.

42. More than 40 kosher McDonald's works in Israel. The only kosher McDonald's outside the Jewish state is located in Buenos Aires.

43. A considerable share of the Israeli land is the desert, but the Israelis are actively planting forests. According to the growth rate of green plantings, Israel occupies one of the first in the world.

44. In Israel, the third largest level of entrepreneurship in the world, and the highest among women and people over 55 years old.

45. Anyone with Jewish roots from 18 to 26 years has the right to a free 10-day trip to Israel for exploring the country, culture, traditions.

Holiday - Rosh A-Shana

46. \u200b\u200bIn Israel, the standard New Year is noted. There is a holiday here - Rosh A-Shan, who begins in different dates every year according to the Jewish calendar. This is usually September-October.

47. In Israel there is no central heating, and on the floor in the apartments is a tile. Almost all houses on the territory of Israel for water heating use solar energy, as in Cyprus.

48. The working week in Israel begins with Sunday. Many also work half a day on Friday.

49. Shops, shopping centers And other institutions are closed after lunch on Friday and before the end of the Sabbath (Saturday evening). Changes to walk and transport.

50. Now in the country has already developed its desalination system of sea water, but local residents All the same economically relate to its use.

Tel Aviv

photo from the Internet

* The cell phone was developed by the Israelis in the Israeli branch of Motorola - the largest research center of Israel.

* A large component of Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed in the Israeli branch of Microsoft.

* Computer technology Pentium MMX was developed in the Israeli branch of the company Intel.

* Pentium-4 and Centrino microprocessors were fully designed, designed and manufactured in Israel. Most likely that your computer's Pentium processor is made in Israel.

* ICQ instant messaging technology was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.

* Israel ranks fourth (after the USA, Russia and China) by power air force. With a large variety of the aircraft fleet, Israel has more than 250 F-16 aircraft, this is the largest F-16 flotilla outside the United States.

* Israel ranks first in the world in terms of the number of computers per capita.

* 24% of Israeli workers and employees have university degrees, in 12% there are scientific degrees, as a result of which Israel ranks third in the world (after the United States and Canada) in the level of education of the population.

* In Israel most scientific work Per capita - 109 pages for every 10,000 people, in addition, Israel occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of the number of patents per capita.

* In Israel, if we consider in proportion to the total population, the largest number of novice companies in the world. It is Israel, after the United States, occupies a leading position in the world by the number of opening companies (3500 companies, most of which are developing, improving and implementing high-tech).

* With more than 3,000 novice companies in the field of high technologies, Israel has the highest concentration of high-tech companies in the world, with the exception of only the US Silicon Valley.

* Israel ranks second in the world in investment in the enterprise, immediately after the United States.

* After the United States and Canada, Israel has the longest list of companies in NASDAQ.

* Palm trees grow in the Middle East of centuries. On average, the palm tree reaches 5-6 meters in height and gives about 14 kg per year. dates. Israeli trees give a harvest of about 150 kg. per year and they are low enough to collect harvest from the ground with a short staircase.

* Israel has independent production of turbogenerators for power plants and modern tanks and air defense missiles.

* In Israel, the highest average standard of living in the Middle East. Annual income per person in 2000 amounted to $ 17,500 - higher than in the UK.

* Israel has the highest percentage per capita in the number of biotechnological companies opened.

* Israel is the only country in the Middle East with a liberal-democratic device of power, while it is more liberal - democratic than any other country in the world.

* When in 1969, Golda Meir was elected by Israel Prime Minister, she became the second woman in world history, which was elected to the position of the country's leader.

* When the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was destroyed as a result of a terrorist attack, it was the Israeli rescue team who arrived at the scene during the day and saved the lives of three people, freeing them from under the ruins.

* Israel ranks third in the world in terms of entrepreneurship development and the first to participate in women and people over 55 years old.

* In Israel, the largest percentage of emigrants in the ratio to the total population. Emigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedoms and economic opportunities.

* Israel was the first country that signed the Kimberley Protocol - the International Standard Certification Diamonds regarding the fact that the revenue from them will not be used to support illegal military formations.

* Israel ranks second in the world in terms of the number of new legged books issued.

* Israel is the only country in the world that entered the XXI century with steadily expanding territories of green plantings. This fact It is especially remarkable in that this is happening in such a climatic zone, which is considered the desert.

* In Israel, the largest number of museums per capita, more than any other country.

* Medicine: Israeli scientists have developed the first fully computerized, redefusion method for diagnosing breast cancer.

* The Israeli company has developed a fully computerized system for an error-free distribution of drugs, thereby abolonging the human factor when issuing medicines. For example: annually in American hospitals from improper issuance of drugs dies 7,000 patients.

* Israeli company Given Imaging has developed the first video camera, which can be swallowed, so small that it can be placed in a tablet. It is used to view the intestines from the inside, the camera helps the doctors in the formulations of diagnoses of food tract diseases.

* Israeli scientists have developed a new device tracking cardiac abbreviations by means of a complex sensor system and helping the heart to pump blood. This discovery may save many lives of people with heart disease.

* Israel leads in terms of the number of scientists and technologists employed in the workplaces - 145 specialists for every 10,000 people. For comparison: USA - 85, Japan - 70 and less than 60 in Germany. With 25% of them, the specialty Israel also ranks first in this category.

* Israeli company first developed and built a fully functioning large power plant on solar energy in southern California in the Mohav desert.

* All of the above was achieved during a constantly current war with an intestible enemy, which tries to destroy this country, in the country where he is spent on defense needs than in any other country of the world.

* Israeli Tank "Mercave" (chariot) was the world's first tank in which the air conditioner was installed for the crew.

* Israeli aircraft industry has developed a special air conditioner to which airplanes standing in the hangars are connected to not overheat.

* In Israel, a study of computers was introduced for the first time in schools.

* In Israel, the drip irrigation system is invented today for the whole world.

See also: