Geography of Croatia: Nature, Relief, Climate, National Parks. Amazing Nature Croatia Forest Croatia

The nature of Croatia is very diverse. Here, within a radius of a hundred kilometers, you can see the sea, stony terrain, wooded mountains and fertile fields. This is the place where Mediterranean, Alps and Panonia are found.

Croatia combined the characteristic features of each of these areas into a harmonious integer, differing in unique beauty.

Tourist Croatia is divided into Istria, Kvarner, Dalmatia and the continental part. Among its attractions, a special place is departed by islands with characteristic features Areas to which they belong to their own specific features.

Closer to K. Western Europe Istria is the most developed Croatian tourist region. These are the cities of Umag, Poreč, Rabatz, Vrsar, Rovinj, Pula. In Istria, antique amphitherators and triumphal arches, medieval basilica and frescoes, old cities of stone and modern tourist complexes with a rich trading assortment and lives that meet all the requests of a demanding European inhabitant are combined with harmonious arches.

The road to the south leads to the Quarnere Riviera, whose symbol is opa. This city, attracting the spirit of antiquity, having fun winter holidays European Aristocracy last century, visited by tourists round year. Modern lifeTrue, he deprived the streets of the part of the part of the romance of the past epoch, but but it enriched them with shops with excellent service at the European level.

Traveling through the Croatian coast leads further south. Each of the cities, Zadar, Sibenik, Trogir, Primosten, Makarska, Brela, has something special, unique, and all together - general and gracious: sand beaches, surrounded pine forests, Cozy hotels and an unforgettable vacation.

Get rid of urban noise and bustle, touch with nature, enjoy good fish, wine and deserted beaches, you can on such islands like Krk, Losin, Brac, Hvar, Vis. After all, Croatia belongs to 1278 km of the coast of the Adriatic Sea, along which 1185 islands and islands are located.

The continental part of Croatia is interesting for those who prefer the sea thermal sources, for those who are more attracted by ancient castles in a new radiance, green spaces and freshness of the continental climate. Or just for those who want to create a complete impression of this long-life country.

Among the continental cities, each of which could tell something of their own, a special place belongs to Zagreb. Political, diplomatic, cultural, economic and shopping center States, Zagreb has a long history, numbering nine centuries. Square, monuments and streets of ancient and romantic Upper city, the life of the business world and modern residential neighborhoods of the new part of the city is the reason for the city is popular among business people, and among tourists.

Croatia is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in Europe, there are seven national parks on its territory, three of which are in the mountain region (Rysnyak, Paklenitsa and Plitvice Lakes), and four on the sea coast (Cornati, Mute, Briona, Krk) . The Adriatic Sea off the coast of Croatia is viewed to a depth of 56 meters. UNESCO regularly assigns Croatian blue flags for the ecological purity of the coast.

Croatia is one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world and you can understand those tourists who come here not to inspect its cultural and historical and architectural attractions, and to enjoy the beauty of her virgin nature. The azure water of the Adriatic coast, beaches, located surrounded by coniferous forests and air, soaked with aromas of mountain herbs and the sea, attract numerous tourists from all over the world.

About 4, 5 thousand diverse types of flora grow in the country, with most of them you will not see any other European country. On only rocks and stony cliffs are 700 species of wondrous plants. Oaks, maples, graphs, lindens grow in the forests, and the valleys of rivers - poplar, willow and many shrubs.

Unusually picturesque, richly covered with vegetation, numerous islands Croatia. Tourists, going on a journey through Croatia, be sure to visit them to plunge into the world of amazing nature. Slender cypressions, odorous lover bushes, olive groves, citrus plantations, well-groomed vineyards, lavender fields So beautiful that the desire arises to remain in this paradise forever. The richest in the form of vegetation is the Krk island, which grows 1430 species of plants.

Fauna Croatia is not as rich as Flora, but, nevertheless, is of great interest to study. The uniqueness is that the representatives of the animal world do not die here, as in other countries to which civilization has reached. On warm rocks, lizards and snakes live here, and there are many turtles around the burden. Walking on mountain forest trails You can easily see the cunits, sulfur, deer, badger, fox and hare. More terrible animals are inhabited here, such as wolves, brown bears and forest cats.

If you get a tour to Croatia in the winter, then on one of its islands you can see several types of Russian birds that fly here to wintering, fleeing our cold. Glukhary, partridges, several types of dyatlov, including very rare, live in the local forests. Favorite place The habitats of birds are swamping landscapes formed during the confluence of rivers or in the area of \u200b\u200btheir imposition in the sea. Eagles, falcons, storks, seagulls and several more types of waterfowl are inhabited here.

Unusually beautiful underwater world of the Adriatic. Amazing corals, many species of exotic and fishing fish, huge shells can be found, plunging with scuba to transparent sea water. Also inhabited by rare aqueous mammals - a monk seal.

Croatia is a state in southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. Area - 56,542 km2, water water area - 33,23 km2. Population - 4,495,904 people (2005). Capital I. the largest city - Zagreb (779 thousand inhabitants). Highest point Countries - Dinar, Central Peak of Dinar Highlands (1,830 meters).

The country consists of two parts of the continental, located, mainly in the basin of the Sava River; and the adriatic, elongated narrow strip along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Characteristic feature The Adriatic coast is a large number of islands, usually elongated in parallel shore from the North-West to the southeast. The Adriatic coast of Croatia was formed with structural-denudation dismemberment as a result of lowering the western part of the Balkan Peninsula and partial flooding by the sea of \u200b\u200bthe coast ranges of Dinar Highlands.

Numerous islands, winding bays and straits in combination with Mediterranean vegetation give the coast a picturesque view. 1145 Dalmatian islands occupy an area of \u200b\u200babout 2500 km2, they are inhabited by 47. The greatest - Cres and Krk are covered by an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 405 km2, the smallest - tiny rocks in the middle of the sea. On the islands are three of the eight National Parks of Croatia - Briwn, Kornati and Mute. Extension sea Shore - 5,835 kilometers; Of these, 1,777 kilometers - the length of the continental coast, 4,058 kilometers - the length of the coastline of the islands.

In the north of Croatia, it borders with Slovenia (670 km), in the northeast with Hungary (329 km), in the east with Serbia (241 km), in the south with Bosnia and the Herzogo (932 kilometers) and Montenegro (25 km). In the southern part of the Adriatic coast, the narrow 10-kilometer plot of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the city of Neum is located. Because of this, the southern part of Croatia, the center of which is the city of Dubrovnik, is cut off on land from the rest of the country.

Relief Croatia

Most of the territory of Croatia is located at an altitude of more than 500 meters above sea level. The Adriatic coast is separated from the inland areas by mountain ranges. Self high peaks - Cinzar (2085 m), Velika Top (1890 m), Dinara (1830 m), St. Yura (1762 m), Vaganski (1757 m), Pleeshevitsa (1648 m). The narrow strip of the mountainous coast of the Adriatic Sea (Dalmatia) is raised by numerous bays. Along the shore, like a mosaic, many islands and islands are scattered. All of them numbered 1185 with total length Coastline 4058 km. The eastern part of Croatia is a hilly plain, crossed by the valleys of the Sava and Drava rivers. In the center and in the West of the country there is a sharply dissected Dinar Highlands up to 1831 m, as a widely developed kars (funnels, caves, etc. Relief form, folded by limestone).

Water resources of Croatia

The largest rivers of Danube and his tributaries of Sava and Drava fall into the Black Sea. A few rivers flow to adriatic for narrow gorges, forming a huge amount of waterfalls. The water of the Adriatic Sea at the Croatian coast is chisty and transparent, as the mountain rivers do not carry in it and sand.

Most big Lake Croatia - Vrangesco (30, 7 km2). Tourists attract a picturesque chain of 16 Plitvice lakes, which merge with the river Koran, the Red and Blue Lake near Imotski, freshwater lake on the island of the Cres. Artificial lakes - Lakes and Bayer spread out in the Gorsky Cotar. Lake Kopachevo and wetlands around him inhabit a lot of birds. Here is the largest ornithological reserve of Europe Kopachka Rit.

Climate Croatia

The climatic conditions of various regions of the country are very diverse. In North-West and Eastern Croatia, the climate is moderately continental and continental. In winter, frost is weak, but sometimes it is snowing, spring and autumn long and rainy, summer roast, sometimes arid. IN mountainous areas The climate is characteristic of the middle man - cold and snow winters, warm summer. On the coast and islands, the Mediterranean climate is rainy and honest winter, long and hot summer, soft spring and autumn. The tourist season on the coast lasts from mid-May to mid-October.

Vegetable and animal world of Croatia

Croatia - a kind of northern exotic oasis Mediterranean Sea with numerous rare species of plants and animals. About 4,300 species of plants are growing on its territory.

The vegetation of the country is extremely diverse: in the south of Dalmatia and in many areas of the Adriatic coast and on the islands - subtropic (in the foothills and mountains, broadf forests from oak, grab, maple, mixed with thickets of the shiblyak). In the central mountainous areas - Dubovo-ram, beech, and in the upper mountain belt - beech-fir and fir forests. On the plains of Slavonia and Barani, the natural vegetation is steppe and forest-steppe with significant sections of deciduous forests from oak, linden, grab, maple. The valleys of large rivers grow poplar, Iva, oak, shrubs, the meadows are common. Large squares are busy here. Total Flora Croatia has 4,300 species. Especially rich in flora on the islands.

In the Adriatic Sea, 764 species of red, brown and green algae are common.

Fauna is characterized by a smaller species diversity. In mountain forests there are brown bear, forest cat, forest and stone cunits, hares, foxes, wolves, deer, sulna, roe, badge. For flavored, well-heated slopes of Dinar Highlands are characterized by lizards and snakes, turtles are common in coastal areas. A variety of ornithofauna. Many nesting species. The most remarks such as eagle, Korshun, Falcon, Cereal, Kurropka, Stork, Seagulls, and a series of waterfowl birds are most noteworthy. In the forests there are many types of dyatlov, including three-pailed, black (desiccated), gray, white, large, varietened, small, vertical. The Cres Island is one of the few places on the ground, where the Belogola Eagle lives lives.

Especially the large concentration of birds within the wetlands at the fusion site of the Dran and the Danube. In the Adriatic Sea, there are many fishing species of fish. From the aqueous mammals is characterized by a seal-monk. Wealth Flora and Fauna small country We demonstrate seven national parks, three of which are located in the mountainous region (Rysnyak, Paklenica and Plitvice Lakes), and four on the coast (Cornati, Mute, Briun and Krka).

National Parks of Croatia

Currently, 7.5 percent of Croatia's territory is part of national parks and reserves. The country intends to increase this figure twice, and thus in the near future it will be solely valuable from the point of view of ecology the territory located in the center of Europe.

From the seven national parks, three are in the mountain region (Rysnyak, Paklenica and Plitvice Lakes), and four on the coast (Cornati, Mute, Briun and Krka). Let's get closer to them.

Briuni is an archipelago, consisting of 2 large and 12 small islands, located near the pool. He is the National Park of Briuni, along with the water area, its area is 36 square meters. km. Rich rare species of plants and animals. Here are the monuments of the architecture of the ancient, Roman and earlynessization periods. The National Park includes a zoo with exotic animals.

In the period between the two world wars, Briuni were one of the most highly qualified tourist centers And, while maintaining this tradition, remain those to today. Being a corner of nature, exceptional by beauty, Briuni intend to build their future on tourism.

Krka - the territory of the Krka National Park is 142 square meters. km. The Krka River is known as the most unusual of all rivers flowing through the rocky region of Croatia, and two thirds pass along the canyon, forming numerous lakes, waterfalls and streams on their way to the sea. Between the rosh waterfall and the Scrade Buk on the island of Visovac, the Monastery of the Franciscan Brothers, which is located a very valuable library. The National Park is also a picturesque antique town of Scradin with a hotel and a sailing center.

Plitvice - Sixteen Lakes of the National Park Plitvice Lakes are connected by 92 waterfalls. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is about 2 km2, and the entire National Park extends in the territory of 200 square meters. km. Thanks to the unique beauty rich in the plant and animal world, this place was proclaimed by the National Park back in 1949, and in 1979, by decision of UNESCO, Plitvice lakes are listed in the list of world monuments of nature. This unique creation of nature, arising about four thousand years ago, attracts a huge number of tourists. Particularly interesting here are local traditions and customs, for example, wedding under the waterfall.

Cornati is the largest island archipelago of the Mediterranean Sea. At the borders of the National Park there is most of its islands (101) with an adjacent water area of \u200b\u200b224 square meters. km. Cool cliffs between the rocks, the height of which is sometimes reaches a hundred meters stretched along the shore for many kilometers stone rocks, sharing possessions local residents, Rich Flora and Fauna - here are the reasons for which this territory was proclaimed by the National Park. For yachtsmen, which are especially interesting to these islands, built 2 sailing center (horror and pishcher).

Mlet is located between the island of Korcula and Dubrovnik. A third of its territory in the West (31 square meters) is declared a national park by virtue of the unique features of this place. So, small and large lakes are connected to the sea and between themselves barely noticeable streams. The reasons for the protection of the state of this region also became a rich floral world, especially forests, and valuable cultural heritage. Here, on the island, on the Big Lake is located architectural ensemble Miniature Monastery of the French Brothers (XII century), in which the hotel is now located.

Packing - part (36 square meters) of the highest mountain range in Croatia Velebit, is located on the south side of the slope, descending to the sea. Gorge here reaches a depth of 400 meters and are the most impressive erosion gorges. Along with rich forests (various types of beech and black pine), attention also deserves the fauna of Packing: rare types of insects, reptiles and numerous species of birds, among them a particularly rare white-headed-sterper. Anich Cook - a wall with a height of 400 meters in the gorge, is one of the most attractive for Croatian climbers.

Honeycomb - mountain array (1528 m), located in the Gorsky Kotar - place, completely swords. The state undertook this region under protection, first of all, due to its rich vegetation, whose stormy growth was influenced by four factors: Primorye, continent, dynamides, Alps. In addition, the mountain gain its name on behalf of the animal lynx, which lives today in these places.

In addition to these protected national parks, Croatia can be proud of its pure environment and a rich plant and animal world on the rest of its part. There are not so many such countries in Europe. About 4,300 species of plants are growing on its territory. In the Adriatic Sea there are hundreds of fish varieties, lobsters, oysters and other seafood. The Cres Island is one of the few places on the ground, where the Belogola Eagle lives lives. Not far from Osijek is a Kopachka Rit, the largest ornithological reserve in Europe. There are two in Croatia botanical Gardens: Tropeno, which is not far from Dubrovnik, and the guardianship - next to Vinitiza. The country is proud of its numerous parks in which most animals are under state protection. Without exaggeration, we can say that one of the phenomena of nature is the freshwater Vansko Lake on the island of the Cres - the source of life of the whole island. We could still tell a lot about the uniqueness and uniqueness of the vegetable and animal world of Croatia. But we will only repeat: here the beauty of the surrounding world will be recognized and judged not by books.

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Croatia is the state of the Balkan region located in the south-east of Europe. The country area is approximately 56.5 thousand km2, its water water area takes almost 33.2 thousand km2.

Croatia is located in the southeastern part of Europe, in the West of the Balkan Peninsula. Its area is more than 56 thousand square kilometers, and the population is about 4.5 million inhabitants. The geography of Croatia is very diverse, since its territory consists of two main parts: continental and adriatic.

Weather conditions on the continent are distinguished by hot summer, long lasting autumn and spring, as well as not too frosty winters. And on the coast of the Adriatic Sea reigns Mediterranean.

A characteristic feature of this area is a large number of Islands stretched along the coastline. All of them are more than a thousand, but only 47 are inhabited. The most large islands - This is the cres and krk, and the smallests are peaks of rocks protruding from the water surface.

Croatian coast - Environmentally friendly region

The geographical position of the country causes its separation into two parts: continental and adriatic. The first is located in the pool large river Sava, the second - along the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

In the region there is a large number where tourist season lasts from May to October. More than a hundred Croatian resorts annually receive awards "Blue Flag", because the coast of the coast is so clean, which is viewed by 50 meters deep. In addition, it is very easy to swim in it, since the salinity of the Adriatic Sea is two times higher than that of black. Tourists are resting here on pebble, sand or concrete artificial beaches.

By land, the state is bordered by Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro, and in the sea - also with Italy. An interesting feature The geography of Croatia is a 20-kilometer seaside site, which belongs to Bosnia and Herzegovina and therefore cuts the Croatian coast into two parts.

It is known that the Dubrovnitsky Republic existed in the Middle Ages passed this small part of the sushi of the Ottoman Empire to protect himself from invasion from the Venice Republic. Now in this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the city of Neum.

Picturesque lakes and mountains of the country

In the geographical sense, Croatia consists of several regions and is divided into Slavonia, Posava Croatia, Istria, the Adriatic coast, facility, span of Kotar and Islands. Each of them has unique natural features.

There are many lakes in Croatia: they are in Slavonia, and in Dalmatia, and in the Dalmatian Islands. Some of them are nature monuments, such as Plitvice Lakes. Tourists are also well known to the tourists Bachi Lakes and the Van Lake, located on the island of the Cres.

Mountain geography of Croatia includes ruffit arrays, bear and papic. And the biggest mountain Ridge Countries, Dinar Highlands, got its name from mountain peak Dinars with a height of 1831 m. These are relatively ancient limestone mountains that differ in a variety of relief.

There are many caves, as well as broad forests, which are inhabited not only by sulfas and roe, but also wolves and bears. Not far from here, in the province of the Grief Kotar, Alpine Nature intersects with the Adriatic and Continental. Located here national Park Rusnyak, after visiting which tourists take a lot of memory with them.

Forests in Croatia in their long history served the people to survive and economic recovery after various conquests since ancient times, the location and beauty of Croatia is very attractive.

The total area of \u200b\u200bforest lands in Croatia is 2,688,687 hectares, which is 47% of the country's area. Of these, 2 106 917 HA Property of the Republic of Croatia, and 581,770 hectares is privately owned.

Forests of Croatia are divided into 3 environmental regions: Illyrian broad-sized forests, mixed forests on dinarsky highlands and mixed forests on the middleness of the lowland. In the territories not used by agriculture, in addition to forests, shrubs are developed thickets, meadows, swamps. In total, there are 8871 species of plants in Croatia, of which 523 species are endemics of Croatia.

Various agricultural land occupy 40.4%, of which 4389.1 hectares are used for growing permanent cultures. Shrubs and herbaceous areas occupy 4742.1 km² - 8.4%

The main protected natural sights of Croatia includes eight national parks and eleven natural parks. The total area of \u200b\u200bnational parks is 994 km², of which 235 km² come to the water surface.


1. Plitvice lakes - Dinar Highlands, south of the city

2. Package - southern part of Velebit, northeast of the task


4. Millet -Ostrov in South Dalmatia

5. Cornati - Archipelago in Central Dalmatia

7. Krka - the Valley of the Krka River between the cities of Knin and Scradin

8. North Velubit - Northern Velubita, south of Senya

Natural parks

1. Kopachka Rit - Nearby from the city of Osijek, on the border with Serbia, near the place of failure p. Drazy in r. Danube

2. Papuk - Mountain chain in Slavonia next to Slatina and Daruwar

3. Lovskaya field - next to the city of Sisak, along the Sava River

4. Medvednitsa - north of Zagreb

5. Jumberak - Croatian-Slovenian Park. Nearest cities - Novo-Place and Samobor

6. Studies - High mountain array of Istria Peninsula

7. Velbit - Mountain chain along the Adriatic coast

8. Van Lake - the largest lake of the country, not far from Biograd-on-Mor

9. Teleshchiritsa - Tarka is located on the island of Dougie Sotok

10. Bioko - Mountain ridge near the city of Makarska

11. Lastovo - the southernmost island of Croatia

Also, according to the register of particularly protected natural territories of the Ministry of Environment and Nature (as of January 7, 2013) in the Republic of Croatia, a total of 82 natural Reserve Protected by virtue of their importance for flora and fauna, as well as having geological and other special interest.

See also: