Mount Akhun in Sochi is a chained Prometheus and the observation tower. Watch what is "Ahong" in other dictionaries

Mount Akhun - the most high mountain In Sochi, located in close proximity to the sea (but not the highest mountain in Sochi). At the very top of the mountain is the observation tower, built by order of Stalin. The length of Ahuna is 5 kilometers, and the height is 663 meters. The mountain is located between two gorges - Agursky And the gorge of the Host River. Northern Ahuna ishes a small river with a funny name of Agrikchik (a tributary of Aguury). On the slope of Ahuna there is a Tiso-brushing grove, which is part of the Sochi Reserve.

The mountain Akhun has two peaks: large, basic and small ahun, whose height is 501 meters. There are more than 30 caves in the mountain. The largest - 384 meters long, is called a big Akhun cave.

Origin of the name of the mountain

Why Mount Ahun is so called no one does not know. The name has passed from indigenous people who called the mountain before the arrival of the Russians. Nevertheless, there are two main versions. According to one of them, the mountain is named after the Ubya god of cattle breeding of Akhin, who lived on this grief and at a later tourist legend followed the Prometheus served a sentence.

According to the second version, the name of Mount Akhun is the Abkhaz word "Ahu" and means "Hill", "elevation".

There is a third one, the least probable version. Arabic "Ahong" means the "clergyman" or "Senior Mullah". This version is associated with the fact that Muslims and sacrificial stone, which is still on top of the mountain, has been adopted later.

The fourth version binds the word "Okhun" with the ancient andabhaz word "high housing".

Tower Ahun.

Under Stalin Sochi was declared the All-Union Construction and the rapid development of the resort began. Joseph Vissarionovich often visited Sochi and once visited the mountain. He was so struck the species opening from the mountain that he ordered to build an observation tower (which, however, never visited). In 1935, a 11-kilometer road was laid to the top of the mountain, and in 1936 the observation tower was built on the top.

The tower was built of white limestone, which was mined during the construction of the road to the top of the mountain. The Ahong tower is designed so that the crowns with the trees do not interfere with the review. Her creator was the architect S.I. Sparrow.

Entrance to the tower is paid, 100 rubles per person. For children, the entrance is free

The tower itself is made of rudely treated limestone, in the romance style. Outwardly, it looks like a small fortress of the times of crusades. The outer part of the Ahong tower is used magnificent glycinium. It looks great, especially when she blooms. The staircase to the top of the tower passes inside, and beautiful views can be opened on each floor. At the very top there is an observation deck.

Lookout on Mount Ahun

Lookout on Mount Akhun in winter

Closer to the end in the tower of the boysnitz no longer, the person rises to the top does not see beautiful species. When he goes to the viewing platform, his eyes appears a chic view of the center of Sochi, to Adler, towards the mountains and towards the sea.

The height of the Akhun Tower is 30 meters and rising to the observation platform you are at an altitude of almost 700 meters above sea level. Clear days visibility up to 70 kilometers.

On the observation site always crowds a large number of Tourists, so get to the places where you can work successfully turn a picture, usually, not immediately. The most successful photos here can be done with the help of a panoramic lens (general view) and long-focus.

Also on the observation site there is observation binoculars, which in exchange for your money will allow you to explore the surroundings. 3 minutes of inspection of the surroundings will cost 50 rubles.

At the foot of the Tower

Tower Akhun is not the only thing you can visit here. Her foot is located quite a beautiful area and it seems that you are not in Russia, but in the mountains of Switzerland. Everything is done very well and cozy. On the square itself there are huge carved wooden figures in the form of animals. Some of them are also benches.

On the first floors of the tower itself there are a tasting hall and an exhibition of the inhabitants of the local fauna. There are several souvenir shops, a cafe and a restaurant on the square. A variety of alcoholic settings are sold in the shops in the form of Stalin, Caucasian Djigitov, etc. All cereal institutions offer Sochi tea, grown nearby (which, by the way, is very good). Here, on the square in the corner of the modest is the former sacrificial stone.

Also recently on the top of the mountain, the ferris wheel was built. The price bites a little - 500 rubles per person for one circle, but the view from the wheel is great. It is difficult to imagine where you can find a more successful wheel.

So that the tourist loving adventure does not borrow here there are horses and donkey on which you can ride

Restaurant on top of a good, cozy, often plays live music. It seems, Konstantin Nikolsky in the song "Musician" described exactly such a place. But, nevertheless, when local residents About the restaurant, then we are talking about a friend with which several dark urban legends are connected.

Abandoned restaurant Ahun.

In 1937, a truly luxurious restaurant on the top of the mountain was built. He was erected according to the architect of 1937 and was a mixture of the Byzantine architecture and Stalinist Ampire. The restaurant was so luxurious that it would not refuse to arrange one of his parties and Gatsby himself. However, the Akhun restaurant worked only one year, and then there was a fire. The restaurant was abandoned for several years and began to fall apart. Since then, he has lived his centuries, gradually breaking out and attracting only industrial tourism lovers. In 2000, near the restaurant fell into the abyss of the car from the wedding cortery, in which the bride was driving.

People's Molver considered that a woman who became died on his wedding day would not be able to escape from this world, so the abandoned restaurant Akhun began to attribute the ghost of the bride there (in other versions of this legend, the ghost of the bride appears on the road, among the fog). After that, the restaurant has increased a multitude of rumors about the murders there perfect, that he became a shelter for drug addicts. The restaurant attended the restaurant claimed that he had heard a deaf music that was playing somewhere below, female laughter and still know what. All this spots Extreme Fans and Abandoned Restaurant Akhun is hardly no more popular than working now.

By the way, in 2010, the Akhun restaurant was put up for sale for 135 million rubles.

  • In Soviet times, 2 times planned a cable road, in 1936 and 1972. According to the project of 1972, she had to intermediate stop at. Unfortunately, the project was never embodied.
  • On Mount Ahong, the ruins of the medieval Christian temple remained.
  • By order of Stalin, the road was built in the shortest possible time, but turned out to be poor quality. Subsequently, it was redone.
  • Tower Akhun was built in 10 months
  • There is a project for the construction of a huge temple on the top of the mountain. However, no one in a hurry to implement this idea.
  • Tower Ahun - architectural monument federal significance.

Excursions to Ahun.

Excursions to Mount Ahong are very popular among tourists. Usually, wine tastings, food and, sometimes, visiting the Agur Gorge are often included in such excursions. Of course, the guide and transfer services are included in the excursions. The excursion itself is one of the cheapest and easy routes in Sochi.

Please note: the story of the guide, it is, of course, it is interesting, but you should not believe everything they say. First, they love to invent legends to captivate a tourist. Secondly, they often exaggerate: for example, when visiting Tower Akhun, they tell tourists that the Turkish shore is visible in clear weather. This, of course, can not be true. Nevertheless, good weather You can see Dagomys, Olympic Park and, even, the Abkhaz city of Pitsunda.

How to get yourself

If you want to save or you do not want to go as part of the excursion, then get to Tower Akhun is very easy with your car and completely not easy without it.

If you have a car, then you need to get to the Dol "Satellite" and the road begins to the mountain. The only turn should be skipped (it leads to agoic waterfalls) and just go straightforwards 11 kilometers. The road is not from the most pleasant - typical serpentine with endless turns. At the very end, parking, which is about a miracle for Sochi, is so big that there is always places.

Location on the map

If you independently get without a car, then you need to get to the stop of the Small Ahong (buses 125, 105, 125ะก, 110, 112, 2, route 100, 105k, 125, 102). From there upwards or by taxi (about 350-400 rubles in one direction), or lifting up the mountain within a few hours. And then the same descent. There is also a more complex route - to pass the Agur Gorge to the end and from there on an unequipped pedestrian pathway to climb the mountain.

If you compare a tour and option with a taxi and you are not more than two, then from the point of view of savings is definitely better with the excursion. If you are 3-4 people, then the option with a taxi will be cheaper for a couple of hundred per person, but less convenient, without tasting and guide (and without a temporary frame).

Ahun -mountain Top B. Krasnodar Territory, Located northeast to S sochi, height - 600m. At the top of the mountain built a 30-meter tower. The etymology of the name Orionim dates back to the ancient Adygin Divine - Ahyna, the patron of herd. Every year, Ahyna was sacrificed to the cow and black goats sacrificed. The cow, which Ahyn chose, gave the roar to know his masters about what she wondered to become a victim. After that, her washed with milk, and the cow herself went to the place of sacrifice - to the Shah River. Therefore, such a cow was called in Adygski Akhyne Ichem Lieryk1u - "Self-Personal Cow Ahina." The sacrifice was performed under the age trees. These places were sacred. Under their shadow, the persecuted was defense. It should be compared to the Arab Akhun - "clergyman" to the name of Akhyn (Akhun, Akhin). In the Kabardian folklore Akhyn - the Starokabardine name of the Black Sea - from the word Hy - "Sea". According to G.F.Turchannova, Ahyn arose from the Greek Pontos Ahainos - "Sea non-microgenic", i.e. "Black Sea"

Adighe Gachun (Adig Gahun). -- The cliff on the outskirts of the village of Upper tube.

Ahun (Ohun, Akhyn, Akhin) (663) -the vertex is located in the rivers rivers and host. Mountain is known for its observation tower, built in 1936 by a height of 30.5 m, which increases a circular review of up to 693.5 m. Ahong in the pagan mythology of Adygov - the god of cattle breeding, the patron saint of cattle. There is an assumption that the name from Adygei means. Others associate the name with Abkhaz - and ancient kojo-Abkhaz ethnonym. According to another version of Ahong (Okhun) from ancientAb-Hazsky means. Arabic Akhun -, Muslim Ahun means.

Ahun Small (504) -the peak is located 1.6 km south-east of Aahun. The etymology of the title of the vertex, the same as the previous one, with the exception of the console, due to the lower absolute height.

Akhyn (Akhin, Ahun) -mountain northeast of the city of Sochi Akhyn rises 600 m above sea level. Na Top Mountain stands a tower with a height of 30.5 meters. Rising to the top platform, you can see the snow tops of the Mount Achishho, Aibga. The tower opens the unlimited distance of the sea. Toponym Akhin underlies several geographical names Black Sea coast. Until now, Pop Chapsuga speaks about the trail of the Ahinovy \u200b\u200bCow (Ahyne Ichem Lieryk1u), coming from the Black Sea along the r. Shahe to the Chief Caucasus Range. There are many ahin groves scattered throughout the river. Shahe. Circassians considered Ahyn's cattle breeding deity, the patron saint of herd. Legend says that God Ahyn himself marked for himself a cow and always white, flavored and such a cow in famous time He grabbed the residents of the village of their special flow that it was time to sacrifice Ahyna. Then Aulchan gathered in a cow with prayers, washed the cow milk and released for the fence. Nobody dare to stop and touch the kow. She always went alone unusually easily and quickly, and all residents of Aul followed her. The sacred cow went straight, not bypassing neither cliffs or fast rivers. The cliffs and rivers she quickly jumped up and people barely managed for her. So, not resting, the cow went to the upper and river. Shahek T. E. To the place where the sacred grove of Tkhach1EG MAZ began. There she calmly lay down on the green grass under the shadow of sacred trees and patiently expected her end. The sacrificent ceremony was usually committed in the upper reaches. Shah in Ahinovaya Grove - Ahyne there. There is another legend about Ahyn. We give the text of the legend by record L. I. Lavrov. . In the Kabardian folklore Akhyn is the Starokabardine name of the Black Sea - from the word xy. This folk etymology supports G. F. Turchaninov. Akhyn, according to Turchaninova, arose from the Greek Pontas Ahin, that is, the Black Sea. Lavrov L. I. DOCIAL beliefs of Adygets and Kabardians. Tee, n. e., t. 51, p. 211. B. An. The word believes the name of the God of Hheishhho. 2 en. B. On the remnants of the generic religion of Shapsov. Sat , M., 1940, p. fifteen.

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Mount Akhun is among the most popular and visited attractions of Sochi. Every year many tourists strive to visit the observation platform located at this place, offering amazing views of the Illictional Black Sea, snow-covered Caucasian mountains and the city. According to travelers, armed with binoculars, you can see the outlines and Abkhazia.

Historical Facts and Geography

Located on a five-kilometer ridge, legendary Akhun Tower Attracts all guests of the Hosyn district. It was erected in 1936 from white limestone in the Romanesque style. According to historical data, the design of the project was engaged in the architect S. I. Vorobyov on the orders of Joseph Stalin, favorite to spend time in this area. For construction left less than a year.

Tower on Mount Ahun

Mountain Big Ahun. Majestically rises between two rivers - Matsesta and host. Its height is 663 m. Here are 20 karst caves. The largest of them is the name large Akhunskaya. Its length is 1200 m. In the wooded part of the Akhun Karst massif, more than 200 species of plants were recorded, many of which are on the verge of extinction. Everywhere in this area there are chestnuts , linden , Maples and other types of trees. A wide variety of local flora is amazing - not at one other point of the world does not see such a distribution of plants.

The entrance to the tower is paid, but the cost is symbolic. You can get to it only overcoming the road, which is curly on the slope of the mountain serpentine. The length is 12 kilometers. Road covering is quite high quality, so the path on the car does not take much time. Built the road for 100 days. Works ended by 1935. It is noteworthy that Stalin himself, who became the initiator of the arrangement of this territory, did not take advantage of the road laid before the tower.

Legends and mythical legends

There are several versions of the name of the name. mountain peak. One legend says that this is connected with the name of the pagan god Ahyn, in which local residents believed. He was a patron of shepherds and horned livestock. According to another, the name of the mountain was formed from the word "Ahu", which is literally translated as an elevation. The word "Ahong" on Adygei means "feed for livestock." This is quite explained - the array has always grew thick vegetation.

Interesting legends are connected with the mountain itself, and to be more accurate, then with one of its points - eagle rocks. According to the myth, which often love to share the guides during excursions, to these the most rocks was once tried Prometheus - the famous titanium from ancient Greek mythology. His assistant was the girl named Agura, which in the punishment was turned into an earbing river. If you believe this legend, then the promoter was the above god Akhyn. This story has the right to exist if considering the fact that in the sources of ancient Greek mythology it is indicated that Prometheus on the orders of Zeus himself was chained to a rock Caucasian Gor..

Monument to Prometheus. Author: Julia Drachenko - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,\u003d48839703

On this, old legends are not completed. Some argue that there was once a sanctuary on the mountain, which was the center of paganism. Here sacrifices were committed to the gods. Later, at this place there was an observation deck, built by Circassians, but today it has nothing left.

How to get to the mountain?

In Sochi famous mountain Ahun is a kind of business card and a symbol that is recognizable absolutely all. You can get to it in several stages: first on public transport To the so-called small ahun, and then on foot or hitchhiking. By the way, the last option is quite comfortable, as on the way to the tower constantly run cars with travelers. There is also the opportunity to sit on excursion bus. Tourist groups are formed as in Sochi and in the neighboring Adler .

Today, Mount Akhun is an important tourist object that attracts the attention of holidaymakers not only due to the mythical past, but also a successful geographical location and proximity to the coastline. Charter Ot beach holidays, you can go on a fascinating journey to the famous observation deck mountain Massiva. The path to this point is only 3 km away - just two steps from the center of Sochi. This place is perfectly suitable for those who love active tourism, and those who prefer privacy with nature.

Mount Akhun.
Posted by: Alexander2018 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,\u003d59310666

In addition to the observation tower, tourists can visit the Museum of Microminiature, tasting Hall And on the ferris wheel. Here all conditions have been created for comfortable pastime - visitors are invited to sit in cozy cafe, drink coffee or tea, cooked with a real samovar, as well as purchase original souvenirs.

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