First of charge. Interview with the pilot of the air group of the Russian Air Force about the problems and prospects of the young Air Force

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, a set of contract services is actively being actively conducted. They are able to replace conscripts with success. In order to attract as many new employees as possible, this and next year it is planned to increase the salary to the servicemen.

Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local defeat. Against this background there is a need for specialists who can carry out due service.

For service of military forces, approximately 1/3 of the state budget leaves. Part is confronted to the development of the latest weapons. The second part goes on the payment of the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Oklade.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What is influenced

The size of the salaries of Russian servicemen affects the following:

  • drill;
  • personal merits;
  • service time;
  • rank.

War pay fee depends on the experience of the work. Persons undergoing a serum of the polar pole receive surcharges.

12 months service go to experience as 24 months.

Under personal merits are perfect exploits. Masters and where the military passed service. They pay more persons serving in hot spots.

Pros and cons of contract ministry. Watch the video.

Other surcharges

There are other surcharges. They are associated with:

  • ownership in several languages;
  • presence in;
  • magnificent physical preparation.

As far as a person is able to make a decision in a critical situation.

In percentage ratio

The size of monthly allowances from the salary in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • silew - 11-39%;
  • high qualifications - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • performing special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Salary arrows

Under the shooter is understood by the ordinary with a two-year-old service. On how much he earns, you can learn from the plate.

Salary commander department

Under the commander of the department is understood as the junior sergeant 3 class, the length of which varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary size of the separation commander, which is sergeant 2 class and having a service from 5 to 10 years, looks like this:

Salary deputy platoon commander

Under the deputy commander of the platoon means a senior sergeant 1 class, which has a service from 10 to 15 years. How much he gets, shows the sign:

Salary commander of the platoon

Under the commander of the platoon is the foreman, the master, which is 15-20 years old. How much he earns, shows the sign.

How much does the foreman earn, the master with the length of 20-25 years, is shown in the table:

Salary officers

This position implies the presence of higher education. With the allowances of s / n officers look quite impressive. Without them, the wages of the military, having an officer title, looks like this:

  1. The platoon commander is 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy. Rota commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy Comandor Battalion - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Combat - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy. com. Shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Com. Polka - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy. com. Brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Combrigs - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy. com. Divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Com. Division - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy. com. Cases - 31.0 thousand rubles.

During the second world, ordinary collective farmers gave the heroes of registered tanks and aircraft

The victory in the Great Patriotic War was caught not only at the front, but also in the rear. "The days and nights of Martenovsky oven did not wash away our homeland," these words from the song reflect the true picture of those days. But there was another source of resource receipt for the front - personal deposits of citizens to the Defense Fund for Acquisition military equipment For the Red Army.

In the newspaper "Pravda" of December 18, 1942 published a message F. P. Golovatoy I. V. Stalin:

Moscow, Kremlin, Comrade Stalin
Dear Joseph Vissarionovich!
Conducting your two sons to the front, I gave them the father's feet - mercilessly beat the German invaders, and for my part I promised my children to help them with selfless work in the rear.
Having learned about your welcoming telegram Saratov collective farmers and collective farmers and wanting to help the heroic red army to destroy German-fascist gangs faster, I decided to give all my savings on the construction of combat aircraft.
Soviet power made me a prosperous collective farmer, and now, when the Motherland is in danger, I decided to help her all I can. All that I earned my honest work in the collective farm, I give it to the Red Army Foundation. On December 15, I made a state bank 100 thousand rubles and ordered a combat aircraft as a gift to the defenders of the Motherland. Let my combat vehicle grind the German invaders, let it carry the death to those who mock our brothers, innocent Soviet people. Hundreds of kartal aircraft squadrons, built on the personal savings of collective farmers, will help our Red Army to clean our sacred land from German invaders.
The collective farmer of the collective farm "Stakhanovets" of the Novo-Pokrovsky district Saratov region Ferrapont Hoody

The newspaper "Pravda", December 18, 1942:
Kolkhoz "Stakhanovets" of the Novo-Pokrovsky district of the Saratov region
Feraponte Petrovich Golovatoy
Thank you, Ferapont Petrovich, for your concern about the Red Army and her air Forces. The Red Army will not forget that you gave all your savings to build combat aircraft.
Accept my hello.
I. Stalin

"Gift Son" - a step towards immortality
Ilya Andreevich and Maria Philippovna Shirmanov from Chuvashovskaya ASSR All their savings were transferred to the construction of a tank for their only son Andrei, who served in the 162nd Tank Brigade.

The tank with the inscription "Gift Son", built in the Ural Plant, in early June 1943 was transferred to the crew. At the rally on the occasion of the transfer of the car, the parents of the fighter were present. They photographed together on the armor. On the photo are visible by the arms of Ilya Andreevich.
Unfortunately, parental love did not save Andrei. Senior Sergeant, a gunner, Andrei Shirmanov, bravely fought on a nominal tank for almost a year, and the heroic died with the crew in battle under Chernivtsi.

All - for victory
During the war years, over 16 billion rubles, 13 kg of platinum, 131 kg of gold, 9519 kg of silver, are 1.8 billion rubles of jewels, over 0.5 billion rubles of deposits in savings cassations, received more than 16 billion rubles from citizens of the USSR. Prices of 1941), in the amount of over 4.5 billion rubles of government loans bonds. These funds built 2.5 thousand combat aircraft, more than 30 thousand tanks and self-propelled installations, 8 submarines, 16 military boats and a lot of other military equipment.
For their homeland, Yak-7 fought "For the victory!" Wolf Messing, Tank "Russian Song" of the Voronezh Russian Folk Chora, a heavy tank of IS-2 "Vladimir Mayakovsky", acquired by the artist Yakhontov, KV "Merzheznoye", built on the Stalinist Prize of the famous Kukryniks, T-34 "Grozny", built on Alexey state Tolstoy ... The enemy has a tanks "Baikal fisherman" and "Yeisk farmer", "Verkhovsky Railway" and "Verkhoyansky Hunter", "Makeevsky schoolboy" and "Komsomolets Normvik", "Baby" and "Tanya". The enemy beat the crews of combat vehicles "Amur Avenger", "For Radyancy", "Mariupol - Mustit", "Kramarev Yerast Fedorovich", "Andreeva's personal tank", "Kolyma", "Kolkhoznika", "Mothers - His sons" ..

"From Lenochka for Dad"
In early 1943, a new IL-2 aircraft arrived at 237 assault airlock. From other attack aircraft, he was distinguished by an unusual inscription on board "From Lenochka for Pope." This car has already had a story that began with the letter to Stalin. "Dear Joseph Vissarionovich. My dad, Azarenkov Anatoly Vasilyevich, the commander of the squadron of assault aviation, died at the front, protecting our homeland, which I love very much. My mother died in Kiev, I live with my grandmother. She is a pensioner, an invalid of the 2nd group. Upon receipt of the pension, she gives me toys. I saved money on the Christmas tree and accumulated 110 rubles, which I ask you to take you to build a storming aircraft, and transfer it to the regiment 237, in which my dad served so that my dad's comrades would be avenged by the nasty Germans for the death of Pope, for her grandmother, she crys so much And for me. "

The author of the appeal was a student of the 1st class of Moscow School No. 612 Lena Azarenkova. The letter was published in the magazine "Ogonek" No. 4 for 1943, and the children of the whole country began to sacrifice their "Christmas" and "candy" money to build an aircraft. Together, their small contributions were in significant amounts. From schoolchildren of the Ivanovo region - a million rubles, from students Stavropol Territory - 100 thousand. The desire of Lena was carried out. Having been purchased for children's money plane, pilots 237 assault airlock wrote by the girl: "Dear Lenochka! We got in combat system built on your assembled money plane. We assure you that we, the combat friends of your dad avenge the German gangsters for his death. On a fighting attack aircraft, we wrote your name and handed it with a better friend of your dad. "

"I'm hell Zhangin. I'm 6. I am writing in printed. Hitler drove me from the city of Sychevka Smolensk region. I want to go home. I collected 122 kopecks on a doll. And now I give them to the tank. Dear uncle editor! Write to all children so that they also gave their money on the tank. And let's call him "Baby". When our tank breaks Hitler, we will go home. "

And the children responded.

Adic maltov, 6 years old: "I want to return to Kiev. Money collected on boots - 135 rubles 56 kopecks - for the construction of a tank "Baby".

Tamara Loskutova: "Mom wanted to buy me a new coat and accumulated 150 rubles. I pouch the old palishko. "

Tanya Chistyakova: "Dear unfamiliar girl hell! I am only five years old, and I have already lived without mom for a year. I really want home, and therefore I will gladly give money to build our tank. Mostly our tank broke the enemy. "

Shura Khomenko from Ishim: "I was told about the letter of hell Zangyna and I made all my savings - 100 rubles and passed on 400 rubles of bonds to the construction of the tank" Baby ". My comrade Vitya Tynanov brings 20 rubles. Let our dads run the fascists with tanks built on our savings. "

And the children whose savings were not - tried to earn, as they would say now, charitable shares. For example, the children of the children's garden of the state farm "Novo-Uralsky" prepared a concert and transferred 20 rubles to the Omsk branch of Gosbank.

So, the whole children's world, was not collected by the children's amount that the Omsk authorities were transferred to the Defense Fund.

I ask you to transfer to the preschoolers of the city of Omsk, who collected 160886 rubles for the construction of a tank, my hot greetings and gratitude to the Red Army.

Supreme Commander Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin.

"Baby" looked like that

He was one of the 19 Soviet women tankers Ekaterina Petlyuk. She herself was low, which served as a source of permanent jokes. However, heroic fought, which was marked by the orders of the Red Star and Patriotic War.

The tank "Baby" fought near Stalingrad, became a witness to Powllus Feldmarshal. In front of the Kursk Arc, his combat service is over, and, like the rest of the armored vehicles, he was sent to the smelter. Catherine left a tank clock for memory (they are now exposed to the Museum of Stalingrad's defense) and moved to a more perfect, albeit a small T-70 car.

Mechanic driver art. catherina Petlyuk

On the Kursk arc, as it turned out later, Catherine fought somewhere next to the father of Adda. But, alas, for the tanker Alexander Zhangin fights under Kurk were the last.

Hell Zhangin before the war

The history of the "Children's" tank in 1975 was excavated by the Omsk "Red Ways", and on May 9, 1975, in Omsk, an employee of one of the Odessa regulations Ekaterina Alekseevna Petryuk first met with Ada Zangagina - by that time by the Okulist's doctor from Elektrostal Alella Alexandrovna Voronets near Moscow.

By the way, the first time of the search engine Volgograd region They celebrated rare luck: they raised the T-60 tank - after restoration, it will become the sixth preserved in the world and third in Russia (this is from six thousand cars issued).
And one in the Warrior field, if he is trampled in Russian!

Due to the imperfection of the monetary content system, the Russian Air Force began to lose young personnel. As the source in the Air Force told Izvestia in the Air Force, out of 80 young pilots who entered the construction parties of the Air Force last year, almost 60 have already begun a dismissal procedure without caring for the army and year. If the situation does not change, by 2015 the army will lose almost 70% of the system pilots.

The pilots themselves explain that they were deceived with money and deprived the opportunity to fly.

Last year, when we were issued, we promised that from January 1, 2012 we will receive 100 thousand rubles. Really received about 60 thousand rubles. And now also changed the rate of the fly: now, if we do not fly 100 hours, we will get 37 thousand in the hands of "Aeroflot," the SU-25 pilot told Izvestia, which now undergoes the air commission before dismissal.

He explained that 70% of the salary of the system pilot is a surcharge "for special conditions Services "and the premium" for good and efficient performance of official duties. " They are charged only to those who have fulfilled the established rate of watches on the year. And from January 1, 2012, this rule amounted to 100 hours a year for front-line aircraft pilots. It is so much to spend in the air to everyone who flies on combat "dryers" and "MiGAs" - Su-27, MiG-29, MiG-31, etc.

At the same time, if the pilots of transport aircraft, conducted in one flight 2-3 hours, is not difficult to meet (for IL-76, Tu-154 and other transport aircraft, the norm is 140-150 hours, it is 50-60 flights), then pilots -Athers that spend in the air only 20-30 minutes for the flight to flush 100 hours you need to make 200 departures.

The commander of one of the squadrons of distant bomber explained to Izvestia, which did not let the young man in the Air Force behaved from the heavy 1990s, when there was not enough fuel and serviceable cars (often there were no more than 2-3 service airplanes in the air gun). Now at the expense of the unpleasant young earn actions.

Due to the released hours, senior pilots get an extra raid, take a "pilot-sniper", "pilot instructor", etc. And accordingly, their monetary content is growing significantly, "the interlocutor of Izvestia explained.

According to him, in February 2012, in the only Russian aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", flight hours, allocated for young ship pilots, were rewritten on commanders of the 279th separate airlock. Because of this, the young did not receive admission to independent flights and on return to the port were transferred from ship aviation.

And this happens everywhere, "the interlocutor of Izvestia stressed.

Not only was it canceled by free travel to the vele's site (with the exception of remote regions) and reduced medical care for family members, since the end of last year they stopped issuing a flight form - overalls, jackets, boots. I have to buy for your money. With all this you can put up, only if the monetary allowance is high, "the squadron commander explained.

At the same time, 240 thousand rubles per month in civil airlines are waiting in the civil airlines (for the assistant commander of the ship, which only started flights), free medical care, free flights to anywhere, including abroad, preferential mortgage lending and other bonuses.

The only way to resign from the army to young pilots is to become unsuitable for health. In this case, they must be translated into terrestrial jobAnd the pilot has the right to refuse. Now only in the branches of the Third Central Military Clinical Hospital named after the Vishnevsky Air-Flight Commissions (LC) did not pass 28 young lieutenants.

In total, since the beginning of the year, the LA in the country did not pass about 300 military pilots, navigations and other members of the aircraft crews. Of these, about 60 servicemen are pilots 2010-2011. For comparison: Last year, 75 people were not passed, of which young lieutenants were all seven.

In addition, due to age and health status, about 15 experienced pilots are written off every year. In 2015, about 350 pilots will have to leave the steering wheel due to the achievement of the deadline for service in 25 years.

At the same time, flight schools up to 2003 issued only 100 pilots, and since 2003, there are an average of about 270 specialists, of which only 80 sit at the steering wheel. The rest are appointed to the posts of navigations, onboard operators, etc. To teach them yourself to drive a plane, it will take about two years of additional training.

I am interested in data on the monetary cases of the USSR Air Force Military Affairs.
Additionally, I am interested in approximate data on the following solids (for cars):

Head and deputy, pilots, navigator, cadet, communications,
Building parts, medical service, beginning. PDS, Flight Manager,
in TEC, technology, etc. , allowances ...

Deputy Nach Staff, beginning intelligence in the esca and shelf,
assistant NCH headquarters, intelligence, navigator, Pom navigator in the regiment
Benefit in Esk and Regiment, NCH Chemical Service, Nach Food
Services, NCC Financial Service, NCH frames / Troy parts, and honey. service,
Secretary of the VLKSM 110 in ESK, in the 120 shelf?
Secretary of partorganization 115 in ESK, in the regiment 130?,
Propagandist, head of the Pub, NCH PDS, start the rear,
technician, mechanic, tack, jap
In Esk and Shelf:
Head of the Command Point, Communication Officer,
landing system route, an officer of the synoptic 115,
Head of the meteorological service 130.

Eternal gratitude

Is it a lot or is it not enough?
Well, the technician received a maximum of 750 rubles, and I am 1,300, then it is a lot. It was before the monetary reform. Then the senior pilot, then for the position ... if the ordinary pilot had a salary of 1,300 rubles, the senior pilot 1,400 rubles, the link commander of 1,700 rubles, deputy. Komek 1,900 rubles, squadron commander 2 100 rubles, deputy. Shelf commander 2 200 rubles, regiment commander 2,400 rubles. Such salaries were when I arrived in the regiment.
And in our reform in which year? At sixty first ... then they became there differently ...

Interview with A.I.Zuev

Home \u003e\u003e History \u003e\u003e Interview with A.I.Zuev Interview with Oleg Korytova and Konstantin Chirkina with Anatoly Ivanovich Zuev Lit Processing Igor Lyova Text Set Svetlana Spiridonov Lieutenant Colonel Reserve A.I.Zuev, Kavaler Orders Red Banner and Honor Sign I, Zuev, Anatoly Ivanovich, Colonel in retirement. In the past - the fighter pilot, was born on November 17, 1933, in my favorite city of Leningrad. Father from the peasants. Leave from the village and worked at the Red Triangle plant. Reach himself to the master. // Further -

Pilot civil aviation - Very responsible and courageous man. He is responsible for the life and health of all those on board, people. He must be able to accept instant decisions and lead the crew. Strong physical and emotional health - a prerequisite for its work.

Aviator revenues in Russia

The earnings of civil aviation pilots depend on the company in which they work. Professional in a major capital airline earns up to 500 thousand rubles. ($ 8824).

The average for the size of transportation, the company pays pilots to 150 thousand rubles. ($ 2647).

In a small regional airline, pilot payments are up to 100 thousand rubles. ($ 1765).

  • Tyumen region - 215 ($ 3794);
  • Primorsky Krai - 150 ($ 2647);
  • Magadan region - 130 ($ 2294);
  • Moscow region - 55 ($ 971);
  • Khabarovsk region – 51 ($900);
  • Leningrad region. - 40 ($ 706).

According to the cities of Russia, the revenue looks like this (in thousand rubles):

  • Moscow - 305 ($ 5383);
  • Voronezh - 274 ($ 4827);
  • Kazan - 195 ($ 3441).

In small or regional airlines, specialists earn (in thousand rubles):

  • S7 Airlines - 350 ($ 6177);
  • UTair - 150 ($ 2000);
  • "Russia" - 120 ($ 2118).

In order to get such a salary, the pilot must be pulled out a certain number of hours. Sanitary norm of flights - from 75 to 90 hours. After each eight hour flight, the pilot must relax at least 16 hours.

In small regional airlines there is no strong flight loading or it can be seasonal.

For the month, only 20 - 50 flight hours are recruited, which are paid cheaper than in the capital, so the salary can be 50 - 70 thousand ($ 897 - 1235).

Profit at the airport

The administration of this largest in Russia, airline, decided to interest young pilots by the prospects for working on the most modern airliners with income, thinking European standards.

Now invite to work those who collaborate with a company at least three years ago.

At the same time, a disposable premium is paid 650 thousand rubles. ($ 11472) KVSI 350 thousand. - Second pilot.

Mail payment commander - 470 thousand rubles. ($ 8295).

Given that during the month it should fly at least 85 hours, then the flight of the flight costs 3412 rubles. ($ 60).

The second pilot gets a salary of 350 thousand rubles. ($ 6000), and the instructor - 500 thousand ($ 8824).

Revenues abroad

Of all Russian airlinesIn one Aeroflote, salaries are approaching European.

Revenues of pilots from the largest air carriers of the world:

  • UNITED AIRLINES - $ 27,000;
  • American Airlines - $ 25,000;
  • Delta Air Lines - $ 24,500;
  • China Southern - $ 27500;
  • CHENGDU AIRLINES - $ 25,000;
  • Lufthansa - $ 24,000;
  • Air France - $ 22000;
  • Hawaiian Airlines - $ 19500;
  • Alaska Airlines - $ 19400;
  • Finnair - $ 4600;
  • Jet Blue - $ 7000.

In American airlines pay $ 250 / hour, flight rate is 65 hours.

In China, in one hour of flights, they pay up to $ 500, while, you need to roll in just 50 hours.

The average remuneration of pilots is $ 170 thousand per year, but Boeing pilots pay $ 250 thousand per year.

Revenue military aviators

War pilots earn more than more infantrymen.

The salary depends on the experience, military rank and position.

The constant income of major aviation is 50,000 rubles. ($ 897).

It is added to the flights for flights about equal to the amount. For service in foreign contingents, pilots receive additional payment of up to 80 thousand ($ 1412), in the end they earn 180 - 200 thousand rubles. ($ 3250-3530).

Military aircraft perform such tasks:

  • reconnaissance of enemy territory;
  • bombing of ground objects;
  • air battles with enemy aviation.

Money allowance depends on the classification of the pilot:

  • III - can fly in the world's light and in good weather;
  • Ii - has tolerance to daylights in difficult weather conditions;
  • I - flies in any weather and time of day.

In addition to the main income, military pilots are beneficial:

  • Providing improved nutrition.
  • The priority receipt of budget housing.
  • Retirement after 20 years of service.
  • Quick career growth.
  • Full satisfaction from the state.

In Syria

The Printing Edition "Fontanka" rejects the charge of publishing the personal data of Major Filippov who died in battle with militants in Syria. It reports that access to this information is poorly classified. Journalists found that knowing the personal number and date of birth of the military, you can find out the size of its income.

After taxes, Roman Philippov, received a monetary content of 100 thousand rubles. ($ 1700).

According to journalists, it deprives the pilots of the opportunity to disguise under the days, so as not to become a victim of torture.

Officers serving fighter pilots in Syria earn 400 thousand rubles. ($ 7059) per month. An ordinary one provides for an extra charge of 43 dollars, and officers - 62 cu. per day.

At the occurrence of the insured event, the pilots pay for disabilities:

  • I groups - 1750000 rubles. ($ 30885);
  • Group II - 1160000 rub. ($ 20472);
  • Group III - 584338 RUB. ($ 10313).

Close relatives of the deceased pilot pay one-time assistance in the amount of 2340000 rubles. ($ 41298). The organization of funerals - at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Revenues in the US Air Force

The pilots of the American army earn depending on the length of the years and the received rank.

For the year of service, the junior officer and ordinary composition receives:

  • E-1 - ordinary - $ 18803;
  • E-2 - a member of the aircraft crew - $ 21080;
  • E-3 - first-class pilot - $ 24985.

The monetary satisfaction of the lieutenant colonel reaches $ 106520, Colonel - $ 133140, and the Combridge - $ 151285 per year. The fighter pilot gets a salary 35 - 100 thousand dollars, depending on the classroom and time in flight.

Profit from testing new devices

Tester tests to aircraft for KB, aircraft manufacturing plants and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. He earns from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. ($ 1765 - 2647) per month.

Chief factor In the amount of the salary, this is the workload of the pilot work, and other criteria are taken into account:

  • number of hours in flight;
  • airmanship;
  • knowledge of the structure aircraft.

The test participates in the creation of new modifications of aircraft at all stages, starting with the design and ending with the transmission.

Its experience is very important for designers creating maneuverable and convenient managers, models.

Minimum test pilot salary - 40000 rubles. ($ 706). Maximum - 350000 rubles. ($ 6177).

They work in civil and military aviation, with appropriate technique.

Payment of their labor in the CIS countries and abroad:

  • Ukraine - up to 96 thousand UAH ($ 3586);
  • Belarus - up to 8130 Bel. rub. ($ 4086);
  • Kazakhstan - up to 751 thousand tg ($ 2328);
  • America - $ 201 thousand;
  • England - $ 122 thousand;
  • DPRK - $ 255 thousand.

The test pilot performs:

  1. Complex of flight testing of an aircraft.
  2. Operating emergency situations and ways to exit them.
  3. Test of all types of weapons installed on the plane.
  4. Test complex for state certification.
  5. Quality control of serial modifications.
  6. Flight training management with new technique.

Work requires big courage and self-control.

Sitting behind the steering wheel of the new aircraft, the pilot does not know whether he will return alive after these tests.


In the Soviet Union, the military pilot for the test of the new aircraft was paid 270 rubles, regardless of the number of flights.

If climbed into the sky 100 times, then payment for each flight corresponded to 2 rubles. 70 kopecks

For this money, the test could 2 - 3 times dine in the factory dining room.

In the 70s of the last century, military pilots received monetary content (in rubles):

  • Entropman crew on SU-2 - 170;
  • Navigator link - 180;
  • Squadril's navigator - 190;
  • SU-24 - 180 crew commander;
  • Mi-8 - 135.

The battalion fighter pilot in the rank of Lieutenant, in 1985, received 292 rubles. By the end of 1991, the commander of the Mi-8/24 link earned 680 rubles.


AONPK « Panh» in Krasnodar, she offers a test pilot not lower than the 2nd class with work experience from five years.

Salary - 23940 rubles. ($ 423).

Sports Club "Oberon"in Kurtamysh Kurgan region. Looking for an employee for replacing the vacant position of the FCM Helicopter Mi-2 for the implementation of ground processing of aviation equipment and surveys from the air from air.

Salary - 90000 rubles. ($ 1588).

How much does the Aeroflot pilot earn in Russia and other countries

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See also: