Kant organ. Old Kaliningrad: Kant Island and Cathedral

Cathedral In Kaliningrad (Russia) - description, history, location. Accurate address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Cathedral (he is - Konigsberg Cathedral) - one of the main attractions of Kaliningrad, it is from him that all starts tourist routes, this is the oldest church In the city and his business card. Today there are no services here, but regularly undergo organ concerts, the concert hall of the cathedral with magnificent acoustics is the largest in the region.

In Königsberg Cathedral, the Museum of Immanuel Kant and his grave are located.

A bit of history

For the first time, the Council is mentioned in the documents of 1333. By 1380, he was decorated with frescoes and officially discovered for parishioners, but the appearance was complemented by different details up to the 1640s. At the beginning of the 16th century, the temple was redone to Lutheran, and then Königsberg University was founded, and the Cathedral became the university church. Then, the Wallorodsky Library and the "Professor's Tomb" were settled here, where Immanuel Kant was buried - the most famous resident of the city in his entire history.

Cathedral today

During the Great Patriotic War The cathedral burned down, the new appearance in the style of German gothic - the result of the restoration. Only a few stone epitaph survived from the pre-war inner decor. Restored famous hours On the tower, bells, the indoor hall. Above the sarcophag of Kant from the dark granite was built a colonnade, and the main hall of the church was turned into a concert.

Several premises occupy Museum Immanuel Kant. In other halls, an exposition is posted that tells about the history of the Cathedral and Island Kneyprhof, as well as the famous citizens. Here you can see the collection of coins and banknotes, a wooden carved library and mini-organ.

Inside the tower clock is a modern mechanism establishing exact time by satellite.

Practical information

Address: Kaliningrad, ul. Kant, 1. Website.

Opening hours: daily, except January 1; From October to April - from 10:00 to 18:00, from May to September - from 10:00 to 19:00.

Log in: Kanta Museum - 250 RUB for adults and 100 RUB for schoolchildren and students, in organ Hall - 100 RUB for adults and 50 RUB for schoolchildren and students, a concert - from 350 RUB, a tour of the museum-concert complex of the Cathedral, accompanied by a guide - 500 RUB for adults and 300 RUB for schoolchildren and students. Prices on the page are shown in February 2019.

One of the main attractions of Kaliningrad is the Museum of Immanuel Kant, located in the historic building of the Königsberg Cathedral. In Three exhibition Hall On the fourth floor of the building are exposure: "Kant and Russia", "Kant and his environment" and "Memorial Hall of Kant". Island in the center of Kaliningrad, where the museum is located, is also named by the name of Kant.

The history of the famous philosopher Immanowil Kant, who lived in the capital of East Prussia - Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) is widely represented in the memorial hall. About first knowledge, hobbies, works, scientific activity And people surrounded by the German philosophy, described in detail in the Albertina exposition. Here you can learn a lot of new things, for example, that as a result of the victory of Russia in the seven-year war, I am immunuiluu Kant for several years was the Russian subject. In the same room, you can see the petition of Kant, sent to the name of Empress Elizabeth, with a request to appoint it to the place of the head of the department of logic and metaphysics. Also in the Museum of Immanuel Kant, it is described in detail about the habits of local masons and customs of the Masonic lies of the 18-19th centuries. Museum windows are decorated with artistic stained glass windows with Masonic symbolism.

In the northeast corner of the cathedral is the grave of Professor Königsberg University of Immanuel Kant, so never left his native city, but known throughout the world as a philosopher standing on the verge of epochs of education and romanticism. In the building of the Königsberg Cathedral, museum expositions, telling about the history of Kneyprhof Island (now the island of Kant), the famous Wallenrodt Library and Königsberg University, whose activities are inextricably linked with the works of Kant.

In memory of Immanuel Kanti in Kaliningrad, a monument (made on the author's model Raug) near the University's Corps and a nominal bench near the World Ocean Museum was established, and the Cabinet Museum was created in the University of Kaliningrad (previously - Albertin).

Cathedral of Kaliningrad or, as it is called, Königsberg Cathedral It is a business card, a peculiar symbol and the main attraction of the city, who wish to visit tourists and guests of the regional center to personally make sure of its majestity and masterpidence.

Königsberg Cathedral

History of the Cathedral

When the construction of the cathedral began, it is unknown, but for the first time he was talking about in 1333.. And if more accurately, the formally of the date of birth began to count on September 13, 1333. Construction work on the construction of the facilities were completed in 1380. However, in fact they continued much longer.

Cathedral became the main temple of Catholics Cenigsberg's cities that glorified all the saints, Mary Mary and Jesus Christ, and existed in this form before Reformation of the church in the 16th century. In addition, in the historical past, it existed both as the Lutheran Temple of Prussia.

In the territory of the temple there are crypts in which peacefully resting remaining from noble nobles and clergymen, the remains. Lutger von Brownschweig, The Grand Master of the Order of the Teutonic Knights, in 1335 was buried first. In 1809, the heir to the royal couple was buried, which was born dead. In addition, many legendary personalities are buried in the walls of the Königsberg Cathedral: master of Teutonic Order, Zemratsky bishops, university professors and other outstanding personnel.

The most famous person resting in the Cathedral Crites is I. Kant., outstanding German philosopher. Cant's grave is greatly allocated among others, as in 1924, in connection with the 200th anniversary of his anniversary, it was reconstructed in the form of a majestic monument.

Grave of Canta

The largest library of PrussiaInside the magnificent cathedral, the founder of which was Martin Von Valendorf, existed from the middle of the 17th century before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. But the main pride for many centuries is considered organ, I first appeared in 1695.

Organ in the concert hall

During the war years bombarding of the cityIn 1945, a huge damage was caused by the temple: all the halls and premises inside the building were almost burnedown, all architectural decoration were destroyed. Remained only ruin From the magnificent cathedral. In such a state, he remained until the end of the 20th century.

Since 1992, were organized since 1992 building restoration workSince 1994, from the restoration of the Cathedral, which were completed in 2005. During this time, it was possible to restore many architectural elements of the majestic structures, revive the historical interior solution libraries Valennaroda, lead to the proper appearance of the tombstone, restore roof, spire, clock and bells.

How to get

Majestic Building in Gothic style, like a ghost of historical past of Great PrussiaLocated in the very center of Kaliningrad, on the island of Kant, and is the main acting person architectural ensemblein which the echoes of Soviet times, modernity and classical German antiquity are harmoniously intertwined.

Tourists and guests of the city must certainly visit the Cathedral, which is worthy of the attention of everyone, and with their beauty and decoration it will have to do absolutely to everyone.

To the location of the cathedral can be reached by public transport:

- tram3 or 5.: from the Victory Square (Center for Kaliningrad) to the "Fish Village" stop, then 300 meters on foot;

Anyone route taxi : From Leninsky Avenue to Hotel Kaliningrad, go to the other side of the road and move along the bridge to the island of Kant.

Anyway, spire of the majestic cathedralwhich is visible from afar, will indicate you the desired direction.

Museum complex

For many decades, the temple stood in a destroyed state. Few people believed that it can be restored in the same form. But there were people who are not indifferent to such a situation, among them historians and researchers who stubbornly knocked out funds and sought permission from high-ranking ranks. Thanks to their efforts and perseverance in 1992 it was necessary the beginning of the recovery processand as a result we have the opportunity to admire gothic facade Cathedral, its decoration from the inside and expositions museum Kanta.

Museum of Canta

For visiting the museum, a purely symbolic fee is installed:

For adults - 150 rubles.,

For schoolchildren and students - 100 rubles.

The cost of a photo or video in the museum is 50 rubles.

The possibility of free visits to the museum and organ concerts during the daytime have: children under the age of 7 years, employees of the museum complex and the sphere of culture, veterans of the Second World War, disabled persons 1-2 groups (without the right to work), military utilities.

On the territory of the museum complex are held tours, the route of which runs through unique architectural and historical objects: Orthodox chapel, library Valennaya, Institute of Cant, etc.

Organ Hall

Concert room capable of posting 700 peopleIs the main achievement of restorers. It contains the best organ complex, consisting of two organs (big and small), amazingly sounding thanks to infinite acoustic capabilities.

Two organists are regular employees of the Cathedral and arrange small for visitors. concerts for 40 minutes In the daytime day daily. A couple of times in the week are special invited organistsboth Russian and overseas.

Organ Hall

In addition, festivals are regularly held and contests not only Russian, but also international levels. Among the most famous can be allocated competition organists. Mikael Tariverdievawhich is held on the stage not the first year.

A story with a photo about the "heart" of Old Kaliningrad is the island of Kant, formed by the sleeves of the Pragol River, and a newly restored Cathedral of the city.

The fact that we have the opportunity to admire Cathedral of KaliningradWe must first of all Kant - or rather, his grave, located right there on the island of Cant next to the cathedral. And if it is even more accurate - respecting the leader of the world proletariat to the famous Königsberg thinker. Do not mention in your speeches and works by Lenin Kant so complimarily, the heart of Old Kaliningrad is the island of Kant, he is Kneyprhof - Nowadays, they would look completely different, and in order to be the most good reasons.

On August 20, 1944, the British began the three-day bombing of Königsberg, the result of which was the complete destruction of Knaprhof: in the fire killed and the Royal Castle , and triple old town - Alstadt, Lebeniht and Kneyprhof - And from the famous Cathedral to May 1945, only a charred exa remained. And his winners would blow up - at home we and completely whole churches exploded - but someone would remember Lenin and Kant in time. So the fate of other buildings of Kaliningrad, who were disassembled by building materials, and then completely fairly barges were sent to a long-suffering Leningrad to be used in his recovery, did not comply: it was decided to leave as it is - they say, let the descendants understand all these cantha tanks , Soviet occupying authorities at that time his concerns were above the roof.

Then, immediately after the victory over Germany, there was no final decision on the further affiliation of Eastern Prussia and Kaliningrad-Königsberg, and the winners sought to take out everything that could come in handy in the USSR to restore the Soviet cities destroyed by the Germans. After the end of the war, until the start of the restructuring, the cathedral was huge and gradually the collapsing ruins, the authorities of Kaliningrad considered him the "symbol of Prussian militarism" and did not have absolutely no desire to restore it. Restoration of the Cathedral began only in the 90s of the last century, and aboutthe extended part of the work went to German money, which approved in Kaliningrad far from everyone: the opinion was widespread that this is only the first step towards the "crawling Germanization".

Old Kaliningrad: Kant Island

Once this place was called Kneyprhof and one half of him belonged to the bishop, and in the second it was allowed to shall with ordinary citizens. And with this division connected interesting story. Eastern Prussia In those days was the edge of the "civilized world" and all news from Europe were brought here by the messengers. So, in order to get into the castle or to the bishop, they were supposed to be the same half of the Knaiphof, where the townspeople lived. And they came up with them to intercept them on the road, feed (and most importantly, to strengthen - so that the messenger only the next day was in a state of passing to the destination) and thus learn important news before the authorities. For example, if the messenger rings in the castle of the message about a cripplence, the townspeople, having learned about it in advance, raised the prices of grain and flour - and so on. So already in those days the world's information.

In addition to the cathedral and a large park, there are nothing on the island, but it was not always possible: once an island was the Königsberg district named Kneyprhof and had a very dense residential building - as of 1939 there were 304 at home and 28 streets, and there were 20 thousand people there - completely destroyed by British bombers.

The most important attraction of Kant Island In addition to the recently restored cathedral - this is, of course, the graves of the famous philosopher:

Grave of Kanta

Officially, "Restless Old Man Immanuel" (by definition of Bulgakov) is considered the last one who buried in the "professorship tomb" of the Cathedral of Kaliningrad in 1804 - but the grave of the philosopher is not located inside the building, but near him. Apparently, this is a reflection of the difficult relationship between the great KönigsBerzha with the Church: on the one hand, independent views and judgments of Kant did not allow his burial inside the cathedral, and on the other hand, the same Kant claimed that the religion without the Church is unthinkable. Again, it was Kant from the standpoint of the mind and the logic "destroyed" five evidence of God's existence - but he also formulated his own "proof of Kant".

Kant, son of a simple culk and a housewife, born on April 22, 1724 and later who became the world famous philosopher, and after death, was not destined to find peace: his grave was destroyed (for example, Napoleon's soldiers), they were restored, they simply transferred from place to place . In the museum of the Cathedral there is an interesting picture illustrating "acquiring" Cant's skull during the next excavations.

In 1880, a Negotic chapel was established over the grave of Kant, which in 1924, to the 200-year anniversary of Kant, was replaced by a colonnade with thirteen pink porphy grades; Moreover, the new structure contrasts along its appearance with the Cathedral itself.

Inside the colonnade, a stone tombstone was installed, which is Kenotaph - that is, the remains of Kant under it are not, they rest deeper.

On the last refuge of the great philosopher looks like a bronze duke Albrecht, Founder of the University of Albertina (by the way, to establish the University of Duke advised Martin Luther), whose tomb was fortunate less than the cathedral - the fact that it was left after the battle for the city is now exposed inside the cathedral.

Statue of Duke Albrecht

Actually, the statue of the duke is not original: it was installed in 2005 in honor of the 750th anniversary of Kaliningrad. The initial version of the sculptor Johann Friedrich Roisha was not able to save, and sorry: she was notable for at least the hands of the Duke - as you know, a simulator for the statue of Albrecht Roisch found in the Königsberg port. As a result, the statue of the aristocrat, rarely raising something heavier than the porcelain cup in his life, had powerful hands of the port loader.

Between the Cathedral and Honey Bridge you can find monument to Julius RUPPU, theologian and university teacher:

And Kant, and Adalbert, and Ruppa united Königsberg University, the oldest University of Prussia - which, unfortunately, did not save him from the death under English bombs in the summer of 1944.

By the way, there is another statue established in honor of the aristocrat who has a considerable growth and non-chance of physical labor. Meant Peter I.Whose monument is shoved not far from the main entrance to the cathedral.

Statue of Peter First

\u003e Peter on the island of Canta established in memory of the visit to the Russian emperor home of the local governor of Negalin. The autocrat was visited by the last twice: first incognito, as part of the great embassy of 1697, and in 1709 Peter and his wife Catherine drove to the old friend already openly, returning from the city of Torgau, where there was a combination of Tsarevich Alexey and German Princess Charlotte Tolfenbutteli. In Tom Torgau, where, after 236 years, the "meeting on the Elbe" of the Allies on the Anti-Hitler Coalition was held.

By the way, about the allies and their contribution to the destruction of Old Kaliningrad-Konigsberg. Avenue British could not allow Germany to be defeated by the Soviet Union before they erase several German cities in dust in response to London's bombing by Luftwaffe. And at the very end of the war, about two hundred British "Lancaster" tried to grind into the brick crumb to the then capital of East Prussia, and at the same time to show the Soviet authorities (still allies, but it was already clear that we would soon become irreconcilable rivals) all the power of aviation " Her Majesty. " Both goals were achieved: old city The future of Kaliningrad was seriously destroyed, and the "tips" such a warning was perceived with all the appropriate seriousness and tried to maximize the development of Soviet atomic weapons and their means of delivery. And very soon, after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it became clear how right they were.

There is another version of the reasons for such a fierce bombardment of Konigsberg British Air Force - let's say, conspiracy. According to her, before the war on the island of Kant, in the heart of the current old Kaliningrad, the Nazis created the Königsberg-13 secret laboratory, where the German "Runic Warriors" conducted mystical experiments to create a new terrible super-builder, able to bring the victory of the "race of demigods" in War with "Undermines". Well, they were koving there - and let it be koving, the case of the host, but once Winston Churchill reported that at the above laboratory, Nazi mystics had created his doll-voodoo with the most obvious in relation to the British prime minister with bad intentions. Sir Churchil did not take this news as nonsense, but he gave an order to the Royal Air Force to stop such disgraces - which resulted in the devastating bombardment of the Prussian capital by the "Lancaster" mentioned. Li British bombs that laboratory has been left, it remains unknown, but it is clearly documented by the complete destruction of the governor's house (where the king of Peter's king), the city hall and many other unique buildings of Old Königsberg.

Cathedral of Kaliningrad

It is believed that the construction of the Cathedral dedicated to the highly binding body of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, all of the Holy and Saint Adalbert, began in 1333 - and it is this figure that turns on the Northern Tower. When it turned out that parishioners were no longer placed in the old Lutheran church, the Teutonic Order allowed the local bishop to build a new cathedral on Kneyprhof.

However, five years after the start of construction (it lasted eighty years) Master of the Order caused a bishop to himself and asked why he builds on the island "another fortress." The fact is that the initial project provided for the construction of the Cathedral of the Fortress, for the territory was just conquered by the Order and was located at the very border. However, the grandmaster Order of Luther Braunschweigon found that "there is no need to build another fortress at the flight of the arrows from the castle of the Order."

Thus, it was necessary to make changes to the project and in the future the cathedral was already erected exclusively as a cult factor. However, it was not cost without complications: the soil on the island of Cant is very unstable and about a thousand oak piles were scored under the foundation of the church (according to other data, piles were from the Norwegian larch - a single tree hardening from water and which does not eat a coroede). During the construction, soil shrinkage occurred, the wall was cracked on the main neopa of the cathedral, and now the axes of the two cathedral towers disagree on one and a half meters. To hide this defect, another "masking" turret was installed on the roof of the cathedral.

Cathedral of Kaliningrad

At the end of the XIX century, an inspector for architectural monuments East Prussia examined the Cathedral and with German scrupulousness reported to the authorities of his depressing condition. By that time, the builders in Europe were used by Concrete in Europe, and it was from this material a special "substrate", which in 1902 was placed under the foundation of the building so that it ceased to dive into the loose land of Kneyprhof (by the time of checking the Cathedral, the inspector was 1, 2 meters). If it were not for this substrate, it is unlikely that the Cathedral survived the English raid and its core stood until the end of the last century.

After his restoration, the Cathedral of Kaliningrad, built in the style of brick (Baltic) Gothic, is one of the most famous gothic buildings in Russia. Currently, the temple does not work and services are carried out only in the Orthodox and evangelical chapels located inside. The rest of the Cathedral Square is used as a museum and concert hall.

Entering the inside of the huge concert Hall On the first floor, you can see one of the largest organs in Europe, in which the composer and the storyteller of Hoffman once enjoyed. It makes sense to climb along the screw staircase above and inspect the unique exposition of the museum dedicated to the Kant. During its inspection, you can see the famous restored stained glass windows, the font, in which Kant baptized and his posthumous mask, as well as the tombstone and epitaph of the most respected citizens, buried in the walls of the cathedral.

A ticket to the museum costs 150 rubles, another 50 rubles will have to give for permission to take pictures. When visiting the museum I recommend taking a guide (it will cost an additional 150 rubles to the main cost of the ticket) - without his explanation, the appointment and history of many exhibits will be completely incomprehensible. But with a guide, everything falls into place and the 30-minute visit to the museum turns into a memorable event. The guide is in detail and interestingly tells from the life of Kant, the creation of the "state of Albertina" and about many other things.

After the war, Kaliningrad was the only place in the Union, where cinematographers could find "real Germany" - albeit thoroughly destroyed. Therefore, many films, first of all about the war, were filmed here. For example, the cathedral flashed in one of the episodes of the film "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha" - on his background, the soldiers overturn the canister with fuel.

Official site of the Cathedral of Kaliningrad Schedule of organ music concerts

Old Kaliningrad: Sculpture Park on Kant Island

As I wrote, until the beginning of the 90s of the last century, there was nothing on the island of Kant, except for the gradually destroyed Rouins of the Cathedral and trees, specially planted, so that this gloomy picture would fix a little - all the same city center. At some point, the authorities tried to change this situation and in the 1980s by decision of the Kaliningrad Executive Committee from the USSR Art Fund to Kaliningrad sent sculptures, which were then installed in the park. Now in Park sculpture Presented 23 work united by the general theme "Man and Peace", among which you can allocate two:

"Peace without war", 1981.

"Creating", 1982

Kant Island: Honey Bridge

Once there were several bridges on Knayprhof: blacksmith, beef, boiled, green. HoneyFor which today you can get from the Cathedral to the fishing village, was built later - in 1542.

Honey Most

View of the Cathedral and Honey Bridge from the Fish Village:

Fish village, view from honey bridge:

Kaliningrad, Kant Island - how to get

By car: In the navigator you need to dial the address Oktyabrskaya Street House 2.
By public transport:
1. Before the Stop Fish Village: By bus 45, Route T72, T80, T92
2. Before stopping the Sk Younost, located on the Moscow Prospect: Bus: 45, 49; Trolleybus: 2, 7; Minibus T65, T72, T75, T77, T80, T87, T93.
3. To stop the House of Culture of Sailors on Leninsky Prospect: Bus 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 23, 27, 19, 37, 23, 27, 30, 36, 21, 23, 27, 30, 36, 21, 23, NO 49, 159, 106, 108; Trolleybus 1, 5; Tram 3, 5; Miniber T62, T63, T64, T66, T67, T69, T70, T71, T77, T83, T84, T85, T87, T88, T89, T90, T93, T86.

Useful links in Kaliningrad:

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